Re: Former Vancouver Jesus People Army/COG members

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Posted by David on November 22, 2011 at 11:37:44

In Reply to: Re: Former Vancouver Jesus People Army/COG members posted by Tim Adam on July 28, 2008 at 19:16:26:

I don't know if you still monitor this board or not. I found it quite by accident doing a search for info on the Jesus movement in Vancouver in 1971. At that time, I, like you, was 15 years old. I had hitch hiked to Vancouver with a friend to buy drugs and ended up joining the Jesus people instead :)

As I recall, there was a coffee house on West Broadway named the "Shepard's Call." I was only with the group for a couple of weeks before my mother, thinking I'd become a Hare Krishna, had the authorities contact the Jesus people. I went back home, but that 2 short weeks with the Jesus people in Vancouver set the course for the rest of my life. I do recall the COG coming up to Vancouver at that time, but I also remember that many of the JP were a little suspicious of them.

In any event, I do not recall you or your father personally, but it would appear likely we crossed paths. by the way, this was in August of '71.

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