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Maria (Zerby) on education

Posted by WC on May 08, 2002 at 20:17:28:

The charter was among other things drafted to reflect The Family's new policies, its maturation as a movement. It is a contract of sorts, which supposedly ensures the rights of individuals, homes. It was a public declaration, a reassurance that the movement would no longer deprive its people of due human rights. What could or couldn't be expected out of individual members and what they would be guaranteed in return, was supposed to be clear-cut and spelled out.

Maria said, "... children have a right to an education as stated in the Charter."

Now it seems that once again, the Charter was one of many negotiable/discardable documents, subject to interpretation and change without notice - the whim of Family leaders. Was it once again a temporary remake on the image of the Family at a time when it was under close scrutiny of the court(s) - a cosmetic change? Did The Family's leadership ever intend to satisfy the requirements of Justice Ward? The judge found:

"So far as tertiary education is concerned, I do not recall evidence of any child who has gone on to further education."
To which Peter Amsterdam wrote the judge to reassure the Family would make proper allowance for education:
"It is likely that the pursuit of extended post-secondary educational qualifications will entail temporarily stepping out of D.O. status. It would be very difficult for a home to provide the necessary resources to facilitate such courses of education. The development of the TS programme should make this option far more readily available and acceptable to those who wish to pursue it". (my emphasis)
The judge also said of the mother, the defendant in the custody dispute and a Family member:
"She does not have the capacity even to acknowledge the constrictions to a full development which Family life impose nor to accept that the secondary and tertiary education of the children falls below an acceptable standard." (my emphasis)
He decreed that the defendant
"...must undertake to avail of all reasonable opportunities to educate S so that he may acquire sufficient grades at GSCE and at A level or such other qualifications as will equip him, if he so desires, to undertake University education. (my emphasis)
Now, a series of "shake ups", tightening of control and calls for abandoning all things "system" is happening again. Maria has spoken heavily against a proper university education. To ensure that her opinion is from the most High and not to be contested, Maria speaks about what Jesus told her. (The Family believes Jesus speaks directly through them, and its leaders often quote what "Jesus" said through them in the GNs.)

Taken from GN 963, Maria #584 CM/FM 3365 "more from mama -- ARE YOU A DISCIPLE?, Conviction versus Compromise, Part 5" and written by Maria on "System Education" :

"104. So from now on, Peter and I want it to be known that we are not in agreement with System schooling for our children. We do not feel it's fruitful!"
Her excuse as usual was to blame the parents:
"We believe it's causing more harm than good! The majority of you parents have proven that you're not willing or able to keep your end of the bargain and give your children the additional spiritual shepherding and training in the Word they need, and consequently that System schooling is hurting much more than it's helping! And of course she's got "Jesus" to back her up, so no one else can say anything against it: "106. As I was working on this Letter, I wanted to make sure what I was saying was right. I felt quite convinced and it was fairly obvious just from observing the fruit of the fad of System schooling. It seemed very clear and we've heard so many reports over the years, but I just wanted to be absolutely sure that I wasn't overreacting. I asked the Lord for yet another confirmation and He gave a hot one, more than I expected!

"(Jesus Speaking:) ........
108. Of course, the System won't call System schooling abusive, because it goes along with their goals, their standards, their program. They've lulled most of the parents into a state of spiritual stupor to where they're so dull that they don't even care that people they don't even know are teaching their kids--some good and even godly, but also atheists, homo¡sexuals, perverts, deadbeats, cowards, spiritless zombies, and many just plain tired, bored, over¡whelmed teachers!

.......(End of message from Jesus.) you have it in black and white: "120. There is also a dangerous new trend of older young people desiring higher education (college or university training). It's one thing to take a course or two, or to get your high school equivalency degree, but to enroll in full-time higher education is a waste of time and contrary to the goals of our movement and lives for the Lord! Promoting higher education for our young people has never been one of the goals of CM living. How can someone be a full-time missionary if they're a full-time student! They can't, of course!"