Responsiblity & decisions to stay in

Posted by Albatross (reposted) on February 17, 2004 at 19:30:51

Apologies to Albatross for reposting this, but this was worth reposting. Maybe we can discuss some of what he wrote, especially the part about the abuse SGs suffered not all being Berg's fault:

“What I'm hearing in all these posting about the FGAs and joining, is that like the frog in the heating pot, most did not recognized when the water was too hot and so remained in until they were boiled.

Charlie, you say "Well don't forget that the criminally insane megalomaniac did say that He was the Endtime Prophet and the very voice of God." I fail to see the logic. Someone comes along and spins a revolutionary and totalitarian world of self-sacrifice and rebellion and everyone jumps? So fine, they join the "Children's crusade", but at some point, perhaps when they are ordered to pimp out their wives, or give themselves as God's whores, or when the letters start encouraging abuse of children, one has to wonder...why stay in?

In most cases Berg was not there breathing down their neck. These boards exposed the abuse? I disagree...the leters are replete with stories that clearly point to abuse. Tf has been fighting "persecution" for their treatment of children for years. They had no idea they were following pervert? Maybe...until he started writing about perverted things, then it should have been quite clear. Furthermore.....who abused all these children? I can't believe that Berg alone was responsible for the abuse of thousands of children. We were molested, raped, beaten, and made to work by FGAs. Most of us never met Berg. FGAs were the instruments of most of our abuse. Berg gave the wink, the nod, and the example...and the FGAs followed.

If an FGA did not participate in the abuse, then bully for him/her, but I wonder at their energetic defense of the FGA experience and mindset which evidence suggests was abusive, criminal, and horribly damaging to their children. I've actually participated in some of the threads before, I should have not gotten involved in this one as I realise they can go on for a very long time. I don't think there will be much of a meeting of the minds on this one. Kudos to those who have left. Proof, if proof were needed, that arguments to the contrary, it IS possible to break free from the " indoctrination of the cult."