How could you forget my birthday?

Posted by Grandpa's Ghost on February 18, 2004 at 11:18:34

I'm shocked. I had expected at least some backslidden fool to use the date of my birthday as an excuse to blame me for all their problems blah blah blah, but not one of you even bothered to say, "Hey, it's the old bastard's birthday! What do you say we burn him in effigy today!"

If I can't be remembered for good, at least I want to be remembered. I can't stand the thought of being overlooked or forgotten. Call it ego if you will, but maybe it's the Spirit of God rising up within me in righteous indignation at having my birthday forgotten. You wouldn't have dared forget Feb.18 back when you were in the Family! What's the matter with you now? (Weeps:) "Yeah these are they which are like unto those who have fallen by the wayside, and yea, who remember not the days of yore. Even so these are they."

Well, I've had it. I'm through. I mean it this time! I'm dead, buried and through! I can't go on. Let me tell you, this is enough to make me literally turn over in the grave. I can't stand that people aren't thinking of me. I feel like going out and getting drunk. It's your fault! The kids don't love me and appreciate me! Even hell would be better than being forgotten.

Sad, Dad (and it's all your fault)