REALLY good question

Posted by Carol on June 09, 2004 at 05:21:59

In Reply to: Anyone know average life expectancy for FGs that remained in the fam? (NT) posted by just a thought on June 08, 2004 at 21:09:01:

I've wondered about this quite a lot when thinking about likely outcomes for TF's evolution as a group.

To get a ballpark estimate on avg. life expectancy, we'd have to know something about the health issues of FG who have stayed in. Considering the fact that they don't go to doctors, it's hard to know how many are developing high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, Alzhiemer's, prostate problems, osteoporosis, and any other of many conditions associated with the physical decline of aging.

Jesus der Zerby would "prophesy" that the FGs who remain obedient and "yielded" won't age like the rest of humanity, but that's simply not true. In fact, considering the stress and deprivation of the lifestyle, I would predict most FGs who remain in TF will age more quickly than their peers in western, developed countries. I've read descriptions by SGs of aging Family members that indicate a fair amount of tooth decay, sagging skin & wrinkling. These things develop as a consequence of not taking care of your teeth & skin over long periods of time.

My guess would be that diseases associated with obesity are less prevalent than those associated with lack of regular exercise, good hygiene, and preventive healthcare.

As a matter of pure epidemiology, a certain number of FG women are developing breast and uterine cancers, which would be preventable if they had regular mammograms and pap smears. I'd say this group is particularly prone to uterine/cervical cancers, which are (in many cases) linked to the viruses & bacterias associated with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

BTW, I did a little research a while back on causes of blindness, because I was trying to get a clue about Jesus der Zerby's known health issue. While there are several causes of sight impairment in later life, the one that caught my attention has to do with an STD viral infection that affects the outer layers of the eyeballs. Most causes of blindness are either age-related and/or hereditary. I'm guessing the onset of Zerby's eye problems was probably in her early to mid 40s--or even younger--which tends to support the STD-related cause. However, if it's an hereditary condition, it may have an onset as early as the 30s.

One theory I've been toying with re: TFs most recent reorganization is that the leadership are trying to shake loose FGs with obvious health issues who are in physical decline. Maybe it's time for these folks to go FM and file for disability benefits in one of those liberal western democracies with a generous social safety net? It's not like an organization that views itself as "a Gideon's band in the Lord's army" has the will or commitment to take care of its aging & ailing members.