Re: Oh Grandpa!

Posted by Charlie on July 24, 2004 at 21:19:12

In Reply to: What's next? you ask posted by Grandpa's Ghost on July 22, 2004 at 21:17:35:

As sure as you've ever heard the voice of the Lord, I know again that you've heard it now. I know you know that Michal Gorgachev and Arnold Swartsnegger are working behing the scenes to engineer a Russian take over of the US with Arnold as Pres. I know you aren't fooled. You'll get us to get out a Mo letter warning America of 40 days and I know America will hear you this time and blow them Russians all to hell.

I can't wait to see Space City pop out of the moon. I've thought about it daily ever since you had that revelation. I am so glad that I am a part of the "WE ARE IT" Family.