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Sex a need? How much of a need?

Posted by Oldtimer on August 09, 2004 at 18:03:43

I was thinking how Berg said that sex was as much a need as water and food to keep you alive and as natural an activity as taking a crap on the toilet. (His words, not mine.) On that premise he based religious doctrines (Jesus had sex too because after all, he used the toilet and drank water) and legal doctrines (a man was justified in slapping his wife if she didn't submit to his needs, and we should even sympathize with rapists who, after all, were driven to desperate measures to get their "needs" met. Even rapist-murderers would be forgiven before the women who selfishly withheld their bodies from a man in need.

I'll agree sex is a primal need, and the reason it feels so good and we're so driven to experience it is because if we don't, the human race wouldn't continue. But I think it's not on the same level of "need" as Berg said like eating or drinking water or crapping in the toilet to get rid of wastes.

You can go without air a couple minutes, water a few days, food several weeks. But how long do you have to go without sex before, in Berg's view, you're justified to rape and murder to get your "needs" met?

Oh well. I guess that's why Maria invented masturbation.