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Re: Don't lump all LaMatteries together

Posted by grey on April 27, 2005 at 15:38:41

In Reply to: Don't lump all LaMatteries together posted by Observer on April 27, 2005 at 15:27:57:

Well, it's not about people, it's about behavior -- as I see it. It is hard to go against kin -- that's for sure. It would take a lot for me to do it.

A lot of the LaMattery family have said nothing and I respect them for that. It is not for me to say how they feel. But if some, like John Jr. and Windy,voluntarily, publicly say how much they support Jim and his behavior unquestioningly, and then, especially in the case of John Jr., attack -- really viciously attack-- others on the board with threats and the like, then I say they are candidates for censure as well.

They have identified with the behavior, supported it, and said that they are not outraged by it. In John Jr.'s case, he has demonstrated that he is capable of it himself. He's like a mini-me. So in my mind they need to be called out on it.

I feel that way about anyone who unquestioningly endorses all Jim's behavior.