Re: was stuart/paul hartingdon involved in child abuse?

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Posted by on November 15, 2023 at 14:47:26

In Reply to: Re: was stuart/paul hartingdon involved in child abuse? posted by anon on July 27, 2023 at 08:05:01:

Here's what someone in a private Facebook of COG/TFI survivors wrote about him:

I'm feeling especially shitty today over leaders who lied to the authorities about the child abuse in the cult, and who worked on the kids to lie as well. And I personally want to know what Stuart and Beverly Hartingdon have got to say for themselves about this as they were the leaders in Sydney, Australia in the early 90's when the raids happened. They knew the fucking mess things were in with teenagers and JETTS, and how so many of them were really struggling. They knew and they hid it.

I knew that shit was going on in the lives of sgas, because it was happening to my kids too and that's why I had to fight my husband Joe [deleted] and Melbourne leaders Aaron Miller and Russell Kennedy - they were the ones trying to prevent me from getting all my kids out of the cult. The 3 of them put me and my kids through hell, trying to split us up and pressuring me to sign over half my kids to the cult. And I remain disgusted with all fgas who continued on after that year 1990, when abuse was really escalating in Australia, because they knew it and yet they did nothing. I've been trying to talk myself out of this fury at the Hartingdons for 2 years and I'm not doing it anymore. Those two need to give account of themselves for all the trauma they caused Aussie kids, including mine. Same with the Millers, they were Melbourne leaders. And the Kennedys, also Melbourne leaders. As far as I know, none of these people have written any kind of an apology to sgas. I'm not trying to get anyone locked up, but ffs, what's so hard about decent people writing a decent apology for all the harm they've done? Why on earth is there not a litany of apology letters from people who are now in their 60's and 70's for the stupidity of their misguided years as leaders in a cult?

I recently received a letter of apology from my ex-husband admitting to his abuse of me and how he prevented me leaving the cult, and how that harmed our children both in the cult, while we were trying to leave, and in the years afterwards. It meant a lot. My mind stopped wanting for him to see what he'd done to us, to really see the impact of what he'd done. I was able to put that chapter to rest. I admire him for doing that, and I told him so.

Where are the letters of apology from Stuart and Beverly Hartingdon to all the sgas of Australia? As leaders, they had power and they used that power in ways that seriously fucked up the lives and futures of innocent children and teenagers. At the very very very least, they should write an apology for all Australian sgas.

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