Re: Some more time for the thread

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Posted by on February 28, 2011 at 18:05:28

In Reply to: Re: Some more time for the thread posted by Farmer on February 28, 2011 at 00:25:34:

Dear Farmer:

Yeah—having things in common is great; very heart-warming.

I am so very glad that you got out, and that you are so faithful on this webpage to really reach out in sincere kindness to so many. Way to go!

Back when I was just “young idiot”, I bought totally into the counterculture premises; with very little reasoning involved. I had the choice of becoming a summer “biker” fights, drugs and booze, very loose women, and of course the motorcycles themselves. That was on the invite of a cousin of mine—he was a “legacy”—which meant I got in without getting beat up/”initiated”.

But, the “hippie chicks” were hotter, both the University weekend version (like I became), as well as the “real ones” hanging out in Denton, Texas, where I was demonized into Yoga/Hinduism.

The real attraction was that I got laid a lot, which, ironically, is what TF became. Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll suited me just fine—my studies suffered; of course.

Not a really “righteous” life; by any measure. I tried to take a look at everything spiritual; though—even the churches, although I definitely had a “hipper-than-though” brand of my own rapidly-developing self-righteousness.

But I saw power, at first, in the Yoga occult that I never saw in the churches. Later, a Christian guy across the hall from me in the dormitory rebuked the Yoga demon out of me, and it really spooked me, so I got save about a month later.

But I already had bought into the whole counterculture point of view, so although God did send people to warn me about “not joining a cult”, I ignored them, when the TFers learned my schedule they actively recruited me with their well-planned little Berg speeches.

Over this past the weekend, I listened to some sermons centered around the verse in Psalms 16:11, and the “pleasures” part had to do with God imparting knowledge of the many aspects of His name (Jehovah Jireh, etc---many, many names), and the resultant experience of His goodness. I was terrifically blessed.

The stuff you found is really cool, too!

Too bad about Berg’s great errors; yes—a real shame.

I also like the “times of joy” you spoke of—sweet!

This may seem odd for an ex-cult-member, but I would honestly rather see a little “wildfire”, than no fire at all, and I have observed that all revivals are “messy”; a bit—sure, corrections are necessary, but it takes a lot of tact and tenderness, because most of the time, people are really reaching out to God.

The Western culture plainly does NOT like the supernatural, or any belief paradigm endorsing it.

I just saw a wonderful documentary called “Furious Love”, which I highly recommend—check it out!

I have experienced a lot of pain in my life—to the point of three suicide attempts following two horrible divorces. But I have also experienced both physical and inner healing in a profound and lasting way.

And it’s all been through Jesus alone; through the faithful prayers of others. So cessationism is moot to me—God has answered my prayers for others, too (including healing, deliverance, etc.).

And, I have made it by mercy and grace alone, as well; as you said you have.

My first experience of “holy laughter" was back in ’94—haven’t experienced it since—don’t know why—it really left me feeling completely cleansed; though, and the fruit of it was that it brought me closer to the Lord.

But with tongues, I usually do that (quite a lot), but under my breath—I “speak to [my]self and to God”—sometimes He gives me interpretations, sometimes He doesn’t. Once, right after leaving TF, I was at a little church some relatives went to, and someone gave a tongue, and I heard the interpretation in my mind very clearly, but chickened out. Then someone else gave the exact same interpretation I had just heard!

And, I am very resistant to people just pushing you over (from my martial arts: sufficient pressure at the front of the head will always do this—duh!), but I have gone down like a sack of rocks, in the presence of God—I have had LOTS of experiences in God’s presence, both with laughter and joy (sometimes hard to tell the difference—but, yes, very refreshing, and leaving me with a sense of deep rest!)—the only terrifying one was when God told me to leave the cult, and I did the next day!

Salvation, all of it, is a HUGE gift!

Interesting prophetic stuff—I have read that, too—many levels—I recently heard the one I mentioned—sounded accurate; outside of dispensationalism, which I have already rejected, although I still read all points of view.

Interesting (and typically simplistic/goofy TF thinking) story about the TF guy!

Hey—I also believe that God very mercifully answered our misdirected faith in His great love for us “while we were yet sinners”.

Yep—vast subjects—must go now! ;-)

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