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SECRETS OF A TEENAGER!        DO 1365        12/82

DAD'S 1935 DIARY--WHEN HE WAS 16 YEARS OLD! In 9th-10th Grade at Allapattah High, Miami. (Copied verbatim from his own handwriting!)

JAN 1 TUES: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!? Started on trip to Key West with Vera, Virginia, Mother & Mary Lou. Spent the night at the Driftwood Hotel, Tavanier, Fla. THE TRIP TO KEY WEST!!

JAN 2 WEDS: Took a lot of pictures on the ferry. The first ferry trip lasted for 2 hours. (2 PM to 4 PM), then 13 miles on land, then 1-&-1/2 hours on the ferry. Went to the Salvation Army about 8:30-9:15. Then we saw a movie at the "Munro".
       We stayed at a tourist home--the people turned out to be friends of Mother's.
       Oh, yes--on the road into Key West we found 2 young fellows (we had met on the ferry) out of gas--12 miles from town, Soooooo--I pushed 'em all the way into Key West!

JAN 3 THURS: Saw the sights of Key West this morning. Then a rush to catch the ferry at 2 o'clock. Arrived home about 9:30 PM. Tired & worn but had a swell time.

JAN 4 FRI: Vera left this evening at 10:55 PM. Boy oh boy! Wish I could take a trip on the train like that! (To Canada)
       I think a new idea has been born in my head.--I'm suddenly interested in railroads & railway engineering.

JAN 5 SAT: Went to the library today & got 3 books on railroading.

JAN 6 SUN: Gabbour & Mother's meetings.

JAN 7 MON: Vacation ends & school begins!

JAN 9 WED: Lots of practices these nights for the operetta which is to be Jan 18.

JAN 17 THURS: Everything's rushed! Preparing for Operetta! Boy! I've only been in classes about 5 hours this week:--practicing during school hours for the operetta. "News" came & took a picture of the principal characters at 9 AM.
       Rushed around all morning securing make-up, props, wigs, etc. for operetta. (2:00) At this time we gave a sort of a rehearsal performance for the school today. 7:00 Went to church to sell tickets to friends tonight.

JAN 18 FRI: THE OPERETTA!! In classes all day today--for the first time this week. Well, the operetta went off OK from what they say. "Brom" "made me up" & with my wig & beard as the "Burgomaster" I knocked 'em cold! Practically the whole church was there to see it tonight.
       After taking everyone else home (it was 12:30 by then) Lamont, Naomi, Gladys, & I took a ride over to the beach. We returned home by 2:00 AM.

JAN 19 SAT: IN TROUBLE! Slept till 12:00 Noon. Mother came over all in a lather, said Mrs. Moore had gotten all excited last night when her daughter hadn't gotten home by 12:00. She had called the police, hospitals, 'n everything--my gosh! What fool things she didn't do! She was all ready to start a scandal. Such foolishness! 7:00 Read. 7:30 Dinner at Wilson's.

JAN 20 SUN: The splendid, young Mr. Shade preached this morning--a protege of Bosworth's.
       Settled everything with Mrs. Moore. Everything's forgiven & is hunkey-dory. Dinner at "The Veranda Inn". Read newspapers all afternoon. Young People's. Mr. Shade again tonight. The folks went to Haas's after church but they took me home first.

JAN 21 MON: STARTED SAVINGS ACCOUNT--INCIDENT IN THE PARK. 8: Preparing for school. 8:30 First bell. 9: In Civics. 9:30 Change classes. 10: In Science. 10:30: Change classes. 11: In Study hall. 11:30 change. 12:00 English. 12:30 Lunch. 1:30 Study hall. 2: Study hall. 3:00 Dismissed.
       Dad took me to town. Went to the Morris Plan Bank & started a savings account with a dear $2. Going to try to add a dollar per week. Dinner at Plumber's. Came straight back to town with Dad. Walked down to the park with Hansford. Were accosted by detectives for urinating behind shrubbery. Had us scared for awhile. When they let us go, of course, & it was all over with, we both had a hearty laugh. Took the bus home. Ha ha! It sure was a funny incident! Hansford & I shook tonight on the compact that whichever succeeds first should help the other one.

JAN 22 TUES: FELL ASLEEP IN SCHOOL--POETRY. 8: Preparing for school. 8:30 On time! No exams this semester. 9: Review in Civics. 9:30 Change. 10 Reviewed study of "matter" in Science. 10:30 Change. 11: Study--Tried to refresh my memory in Algebra. 11:30 Change. 12:00 English (Miss Cummings) read us "Treatise on Pie". Principal talked on high school preparation for college. 12:30 Lunch. 1:30 Read in "Modern Railroad"-Hungerford. 2 Almost went to sleep reading in study hall till were dismissed. Dad took me home. Read. 5 Slept (Napped). 6:30 Dinner at "Mac's Place". 7:30 Read newspapers. Boy! What a beautiful morning! Stayed up rather late trying to write poetry for an autograph book.

JAN 23 WEDS: SCHOOL (REVIEW)--POETRY--EVENING AT CHURCH (UPSTAIRS) 8: Preparing for school/School time. 9: Boy! What a lot of Civics Review Ques! 9:30 Change. 10: Just discussion in Science today. 11 Studied Civics questions--pretty tough. 12 Review of grammar in English today. 1 Lunch. 1:30 Studied Civics right on through until 3 o'clock. 3 Had to walk home. Marian Jones gave me her "Character book" & "Autograph book" to write in.--More poetry.
       Ate chicken dinner at Kirkland's tonight. Had to go with Dad to the church 'cause he didn't have time to take me home. Played around & got in Dutch with Mel, Mary Lou, & Roger till it was time to go home. A whole evening wasted! It's getting colder.

JAN 24 THURS: BRRR! COLD DAY!--PICTURES OF CHURCH. 8 Whew! Boy! Is it cold this morning! 9 Went to school but it was dismissed because of cold. Walked over to Smith's where Mother is staying while she's sick. 12: Went to town with Hazel, Marian, & Mary Lou. Took pictures of the church. If I get a good one I'm to get $3.00 for it. 3 Came home. 3:30 Worked on wiring a coil for Dad's crystal set. (Mother took the big radio down to her room at the church). Dad came back & we both went to dinner at Smith's. After dinner, Mary Lou & I went to town when Dad went to church & we saw Frederick March in "The Affairs of Cellini".--An excellent comedy! Came home with Dad.

JAN 25 FRI: GRADUATION--(Merely passing from 9th to 10th grade). 1:00 Graduation class "Breakfast". 2:00 Graduation. 7:30 Class party.
       Had to wait for Dad, this morning, to come after me--he stayed with Mother all night at Smith's.
       We, the Graduation Class of '35, had our pictures taken for the "News" at 12:00 noon.--Was all dressed up in my new gray suit. Next came the class "breakfast" (1-2), & last, but not least, came the graduation exercises! Everything went off splendidly!--A fine "baccalaureate" was given by a young nice minister, & diplomas (in folder form) were presented by none other than Carl G. Fischer, Supt. Public Instruction in Dade County. Went to the church with Hansford. He, Mother, Mary Lou & Doc Koger were at the graduation. Went from Church at 7:30 to Class Party at Naomi Moore's. Had a rather nice, but fast time--too fast for an old slow-poke like me.

JAN 26 SAT: A DAY OF LOAFING. 10:30 Awoke & arose. Went to town with Dad. Went to the beach with the folks. Read all afternoon at the beach. Boy, oh boy! The beaches are certainly crowded! 5:00 Came back. 6: Dinner at Wilson's. 7:30 Read. Went to see a fire (just brush). Read Papers. P.S. Also received a nice letter from Marie Denisse!--And some snapshots. A very nice-looking girl! Seems very sweet, etc. (Gorgeous French girl I met at Wheaton College Academy last year!--A dreamgirl!)

JAN 27 SUN: SUNDAY SCHOOL--CHURCH:--This young evangelist Mr. Shade certainly can preach! Ate dinner at the "Dinner Bell" with Hans & William. Considering it my last opportunity, I saw the "House of Rothschild" this afternoon at the "State"--excellent! Returned home by bus & well, have been doing a lot of thinking about choosing a vocation--a mark at which to aim my ambitions. Spent the afternoon making out a little outline of vocations. Have half decided on teaching--a professorship of rhetoric, History, math, physics, or chemistry (?). Went with Dad to YP's. Ate a bite--then Church. Another swell message by Mr. Shade! Returned home with Utley's in their comical Model-T. Indecision is my greatest enemy.

JAN 28 MON: REGISTRATION AT MIAMI HIGH An afternoon of letter writing & study. Dinner at Plumber's.
       Caught the bus to Miami High at 8:00 AM. After registering etc. & after an hour's wait I caught the bus back home. (10:30).
       Spent the rest of the morning & a good part of the afternoon writing a letter to Marie--also a postcard to Hjal & one to Father Brandt in acknowledgement of his fine letter. (Father B's.)
       Spent the rest of the afternoon studying 9A Grammar (which I have never had) in preparation for taking up the 100 (or 108?) work I must take in Miami High. This first year there I am taking English, Latin, World History, & Plane Geometry.
       Went with Dad to the Church to pick up Mother & Mary Lou to go to Plumber's for dinner. There had been some excitement the last night when Mother's heat lamp set fire to her bedclothing while she was asleep at about 4 in the morning. Everything was handled OK tho', the fire was put out. After returning to the church from Plumber's, I took bus home. Marked news items all evening. Retired about 10 PM.

JAN 29 TUES: FIRST DAY AT MIAMI HIGH! School-school-Classes Classes! Read the papers--mostly about Hauptmann (kidnapper of Lindbergh's baby)--Dinner at Moore's.
       Took all my books & caught the bus at 8:00, boy, are those school busses crowded!
       Well, the first day at Miami High today, went off OK. Did some spelling in English. Learned a lot about angles in Geometry. Drilled on pronunciation in Latin, & discussed the "Saar basin" in History.
       Caught the bus home. Read & marked newspaper till about 5 o'clock,--read some about Hauptmann trial & his testimony while on stand.
       Then Dad had me go after Mother & Mary Lou at the church in his car, but they weren't going to dinner with us, so drove back home. Dad & I went straight over to Moore's then for dinner. Swell roast beef! After dinner Dad left for church but I stayed awhile & attempted playing Mrs. Moore's saxophone. Finally gave it up & walked home. Read part of the latest installment in the American Boy of "Steve Merrill, Engineer"--went to bed about 10.

JAN 30 WED: HAUPTMANN HAS THE HEADLINES! Settling down to schoolwork. Kirkland's for dinner.
       Caught the bus at the usual corner this morning--&, as usual, there were quite a few others ahead of me--which meant: I stood up. Getting a little deeper in studies now--a little more work--sort of settling down.
       Caught the bus home. Read the papers--a lot about Hauptmann, too. I wouldn't be surprised if he's innocent--in fact, I'm inclined to think he wasn't entirely guilty. Read a lot in the "Reader's Digest" too.--Boy! An excellent little pamphlet!--All the good of all the magazines rolled into one! Dad & I drove clear to town for Mother & Mary Lou--then out to "Kirk's" for dinner. They have some relations visiting them--Had to hang around church until time to go home because Dad couldn't take me home on way to church from Kirkland's.

JAN 31 THURS: BUS PASS.--THE FOLKS SHOULD WRITE HJAL OFTENER. SCHOOL. "Times" came out today. Dinner at "Virginia Grill", pretty, little young waitress there!
       Went a little earlier this morning & went a block further up the road from where most of the students catch the bus, & got a seat!
       Mostly reviewing in English. Constructions, axioms, & postulates in geom. A little progress in Latin. Discussed "early man" in history. Whew! What a lot of hokum they have in the book about early man--pure atheism & evolution!
       After school got a "requisition" for bus pass, & went down on the street car to Fla.Nat'l.Bank Bldg. & got pass.
       Spent the afternoon & evening reading school paper--"Miami High Times"--expecting Dad to come after me. Finally went to the bus station. While waiting for bus he came by & picked me up. Dinner at the Virginia Grill. Talked to Mother about that she should write Hjal oftener.--Took the bus home. Read papers. Retired at 10:30.

       Up early (6:30) as usual & caught the bus ahead of the crowd--but gave my seat to a girl.
       Sentence work & a literature assignment in English. Applied axioms & postulates in geometry. Usual thing in Latin. In History: I was transferred from Mrs. Tate to Mr. Crabtree--he's a very intelligent-looking young man.--Think I'll like him.
       Took the bus home this aft. Read the papers about Hauptmann's 2 new surprise witnesses who are aiding him in his alibi for the night of Mar,'32.
       Dinner at Liebmann's. Then went with folks to hear this group of musicians from New England, at the church. Returned home about 12:00. Retired about 12:45.

       With the exception of from 10 to 10:30 I slept almost without disturbance until 2:20 PM! That's a record. Over 13 hours! Arose & took a bath & ate. Read the papers. Carlstrom, Hiss, & Henkle--chief establishers of Bruno alibi. 6: Dinner at Wilson's. Dad had to go straight on to church but I came back on the bus. Read the papers for a while, made out a list of "things to remember", & books to remember to read, & retired about 11. (Missed collecting my debt of $3 tonight from Edgar Hobart to whom & for which amount I sold my Tarzan books.)

FEB 3 SUN: PRAISE GOD! Tonight, while watching the face of one of the Spirit-filled young ladies in the "N.E.F.C.Ensemble" as she sang, God spoke to my heart--after dismissal I went to the altar, got down on my knees before God, begged forgiveness for sins, & consecrated my life anew!--This time--God helping me--forever! Mr. Shade, the young evangelist's, prayers & Mother's prayers & consolation while at the altar were a big help. But praise God! It was the love of Jesus Christ that brought me to the fold!

       Was a little later than usual this morning in catching the bus.
       Everything OK in school today. More sentence work & Literature in English; more constructions in geometry; & more words in Latin. No history today because of Assembly. Dr.Koo, Ph.D., Chinese, & very intelligent & intellectual, & a real Christian missionary to his own people--spoke on misunderstandings which arise between peoples because of their ignorance of each other.
       Took bus home--then to town. Deposited $1 in Morris Plan. Bought Eng.Workbook, & went with folks to Plumber's for dinner. On the way, while Mother called on Joe Jeffer's sister, I phoned Miss Partee (who was my music instr.in And.Jacks.) that I accepted her kind invitation to the Miami Biltmore Country Club tomorrow night to hear the world-famed Emory Glee Club sing. This invite, she said, was in remembrance of my services in the Operetta, etc. Boy! That's some chance to hear those fellas sing! Heard Bud Robinson tell of his experiences in Palestine, tonight at Nazarene Church. He's good! Folks knew him years ago.--Caught bus home. Retired about 10:45.

FEB 5 TUES: EMORY COLLEGE GLEE CLUB!--SCHOOL. SIGNED UP FOR PHYSICAL ED TODAY. Dinner at Moore's. The Emory Glee Club! Boy! They were great! (Still, I don't say they're better than Wheaton Glee Club which Hjalmer is in.)
       Well, Laddie followed me to catch the bus this morning, as usual. He's made friends with all the students at the bus-stop.
       Excelled in English; learned proofs in geometry; did some translating in Latin; & had a good recitation in history under Mr. Clyde Crabtree today.
       Worked on an index for my press-clippings book until we went to Moore's for dinner. We were late because renters applying & asking about the apartment on the other side (The Sanders & McGarvas have left) detained mother.
       Dad took me over to Fred McFarland's immediately after supper. There we met--all the principal characters of the old operetta,--& from there we made our way (Dad didn't go along) to the great reception hall of the Miami Biltmore Country Club--& there they sang! The Emory Glee Club & Quartette! They were great! Had the short, little spry-baritone soloist, Chester Kitchings; the robust tenor soloist, Millard Rewic. & the very handsome baritone soloist Francis Nunn Calso, President of the Glee Club--had them all autograph my program! Acted as Darlene Ghetty's escort all evening.

       School. Dinner at Kirk's.
       More grammar in English; very difficult problem in proving theorems in geom; more words in Latin; & a very nice class in history.--S' funny how they avoid controversial questions in history that might conflict with the Bible--or how they throw veiled hints that the Bible said such & such but maybe didn't mean it just that way--or that that story was a myth, etc. Phooey! Poor dumb fools! Too bad they haven't the intelligence to believe in God & the Bible!
       Soon as I got home Dad & I went to Haas's for Mother. Then on a sick call (Jeffer's sister) & then to dinner at Kirkland's.
       Read "American Boy" upstairs at the church until service was over & Dad took me home. Warmer tonight. Retired about 11.

       Plenty sleepy this morning.--Haven't been getting to bed early enough. My cold seems worse--oh, what a nuisance!
       Substitute teacher in English today.--(His name's English, of all things!) But he doesn't seem to know his English very well.--He made several mistakes. Three problems in geometry--1st real problems we've had.--On theorems. Mostly review in Latin, & discussion of the "Fertile Crescent" in history. Was assigned physical ed.for the 1st time today.--Went to the gym & had some basketball practice.--Guess I'm not so hot, tho'.--Never placed a shot.--First time I've ever really played. Haven't been having enough exercise lately & therefore had heart attack.--Of course I don't let anyone notice it, but it worries me plenty.--Heart beat 180 times per minute! Came home on bus. Lay down to rest awhile & slept 2 hours.--Went to the church for Mother & Mary Lou. I'm not feeling so hot! Supper At Sater's. Rushed over to get Mary F. & Wayne in Dad's car. Mother & the bunch are going to Homestead for a service. Feelin' plenty punk! Retired 9:00. After reading basketball story in "Amer.Boy".

FEB 8 FRI: FEELIN' PLENTY BAD YET. Stuck thru the day at school even tho' I didn't feel well.--Hate to miss because it is so difficult to make up work. Dinner at "Veranda Grill". Walk to the park with Hans.--Felt punk all day in school today. Boy, oh boy! Don't know whether it's a bad cold, or what, that I have.--Have slight fever, ache, & feel utterly exhausted.
       More grammar in English--old teacher back; more problems in geometry; test in Latin; finished Epoch I in history. Mr. Crabtree, the history teacher, is very good.--He is said to be also the best backfield coach in Fla.
       Was hazed coming home on the bus--this being what they call "Rat Day".--Wasn't a very nice occurrence.
       Slept until time to go to dinner. Went to town with Dad where we got Mother & Mary Lou, & then went to the "Veranda Grill".
       Walked to the park & out on the boat docks with Hans. Walked back & waited until Dad took me home. Quite warm & balmy today. Retired about 11:30.

FEB 9 SAT: KITES!--(Received a book from Hjal.today, too. "Their Call To Service" by Howard.)
       Arose about 9, dressed, fed "Laddie", & ate "Grapenuts". Went over to Mr. Moore's to see if he'd cut my hair but he wasn't home. Sat in car & read "Literary Digest" while Dad ate his breakfast.
       Fooled around all morning helping the neighbour kids fly their kites--got'em down out of trees, etc., 2 or 3 times.
       Drove Mr. Cove (the painter) down to the church to his dinner, & went to the library while he ate.--Got a good book! "Stockmarket in Theory & Practice". Drove Mr. Cove back home (he's doing some painting for us for his room & board.)
       Cleaned up the yard & premises & watered the lawn. Read newspapers for the rest of the afternoon.
       Drove to church to take Mother to dinner at Wilsons, but don't know where she is. She didn't sleep in her room at the church last night. Dad & I came straight home from Wilson's. Read papers. Doc Koger dropped in & told us Mother had been residing & resting at the "Beverly Terrace" (Hotel) for a day & a night. (1982: I'm convinced Mom & Doc were having an affair at this time!--Mother seemed to be living away from home & Dad & me most of the time. Ha!) Retired about 11:00. Feel better, cold about as bad.

       Arose at 7:30 this morning. Good Sunday School Class. Mother preached a swell message this morning on "Whole-hearted Christianity"!
       Ate dinner at "Dinner Bell" (25 cents) with Hansford. Took bus home & read up on my papers. Dad & Mother came after me & we went to YP's (Young Peoples' Meeting) at 6:30.
       Special number before message tonight was a drawing by Miss Roby while Wayne sang "The 90 & 9". Very good. Mr. Shade's message tonight was also great! Feel great tonight! Bob--(aw shucks! Can't think of his last name--the guy with the homely sister.) Anyway, he brought me home tonight. Retired about 11:00.

       School. 2:30 Up town getting Valentines. 5:00 Dinner at Plumber's. 6:30 Addressed Valentines.
       Back to the good ol' grind. Classes in English; more problems in geom; progress in Latin; & discussion of early Greece in history.--Then physical ed! Had a big time in basketball practicing.--Am improving. Had to go home all hot & sweaty because I had forgotten to bring a towel so's I could take a shower.--Got my shirt dirty, too. After a refreshing, cooling bath at home, Dad took us to town. While we waited for Mother to get ready to go to Plumber's for dinner, I went up town & got a few things--some valentines included. Mother finally decided not to go, so Dad & I went on. After dinner we returned to the church. I caught a bus home later. Signed & addressed the valentines to Elinor (just for fun), Marie, Ruth, & Mother. Retired about 10:30.

FEB 12 TUES: DAY OF LETTER-WRITING. School! 3:00 Wrote letter & card. 4:30 Mailed the card. 5:00 Ate at "Virginia Grill". Mailed valentines. Wrote 3 cards.
       Studied history lesson on way to school this morn. Poem to memorise in Eng.; more probs & theorem in geom; last case in Latin; & all about Athens in history. Health education today, 7th period. Coach Yarbrough (or whatever his name is) talked on posture.
       Came home on bus--had a seat! Wrote letter to Elinor all aft. Sent some snapshots illustrating photography.
       Ate at "Virg.Grill". Took bus home from church. Wrote card to Homer Brugge, Marie (in answer to the letter I received this aft.) & Darlene Ghetty (in ans.to party invitation. Had already mailed a card to Hjal.this evening--also the valentines.)
       Retired about 10:00. Nice & warm.

       8:00 Late in rising! Laddie found! School 1:00 Home room--chosen Class President. 5:00 Dinner at Kirk's. 6:30 Dr.E.A. Marshall.
       Whew! Never heard the alarm this morning & awoke 20 minutes later than usual--which means a lot when you're planning on making every minute count! Everything came out OK tho'.
       Laddie has been missing the last day or so, but found him making himself at home at some lady's house near where I catch the bus. She had "thought that it was some stray dog" & so took him in.
       Sentence work in Engl; review in geom. test tomorrow; more Latin in Latin & Review in history. Home-room period today. Was elected Class President.
       Waited at Moore's all afternoon for Mr. Moore to come home & cut my hair but finally gave it up.
       Dinner at Kirkland's. Then to church. Dr.E.A.Marshall began his sermons of illustrated "rag" lectures tonight on Palestine. Very good. Customs & all. Came home & retired at 11:00.

FEB 14 THURS: CARDS--TESTS--HAIRCUT at last--Liebmann's--Failed to go to party. 8:00 Wrote cards.--School Tests!--Haircut by Mr. Moore.--Dinner at Liebmann's.--Failed to go to Darlene's party.--
       Awoke OK & on time this morning. Wrote a card to Hjal & a note of acceptance to an invitation to a party to be given by our Sunday (YP's) class at Liebmann's. Mailed them where I catch the bus.
       Told story "Purloined Letter" in English; test in geometry; review in Latin for test tomorrow; & review in history for test tomorrow. Took my gym clothes to physical ed.this time (& wore them). The nice cool shower afterwards felt good!
       Got off the school bus at Moore's. He was home & cut my hair--at last! Plenty short, too. Won't have to bother with it any more. Walked home.
       Went up town for Mother & Mary Lou but they weren't there or at Smith's. Went on to dinner at Liebmann's. Drove to Smith's later & got Mother. After dinner Dad had to drive me all the way home for my coat which I had forgotten. He then only drove me as far as 28th & 17th. Was sore 'cause he wouldn't take me to the party, so I walked straight home.

FEB 15 FRI: TESTS--PARTY. School tests! "David's got a hair cut." Dinner at Sater's. Party at Liebmann's.
       Wrote a card of regret to Darlene (since I was unable to attend her party last night) & mailed it where I catch the school bus.
       Review in English; more probs in geom; test in Latin; & test in history (monthly)--made 100% in history.
       As I got on the bus for home, they chanted "David's got a hair-cut" 'cause my hair is cut so short (in comparison with the usual length). It's really funny.
       Tried to fly the neighbour boys' kite, teased Mary Lou, & dressed for dinner at Sater's (Dad & I only). After dinner Dad took me to the party at Liebmann's--it was supposed to be a Sunday School class party but most of the guests there were utter strangers to us--Richard's friends. Came home with Bob Thomas. Retired about 11:30. Had a pretty good time, but that sort of stuff's a little too rowdy to suit me.

FEB 16 SAT: PAPERS, PAPERS, PAPERS!--Dr. E.A.Marshall again. Arose about 10:00 AM Dressed & breakfasted profusely upon Grapenuts. Read papers. Mother & Dad dropped by about 11:30. Planned to go to library on bus & meet them at church. Read Papers. Dad came back, so I took his car & went to the library & cleaners. Dropped into a 10-cent store on the way to the cleaners & bought a ball & some kites for the kids next-door & to amuse myself when I have time.
       Read papers. Went to Wilson's for dinner (just Dad & I). Mrs. Wilson's sister is visiting her.
       Went to church with Dad. Dr.E.A. Marshall lectured on the city of Jerusalem tonight, very good. Mrs.Marshall gave me one of his books. Stopped in to see Mother on way home from church. (At Smith's) Retired about 10:30 PM.

       Mr.Haas is back with his adult class--for which I am glad--but it disturbs our class. 4-5 min. speakers this morning--Shade, Dad, Marshall, & Burris. Dinner at "Veranda Grill"--Haases, Burrises, & Dad & Mother & I.
       Took the bus home. Learned later I missed (he gave it at the aft.service) one of Mr.Marshall's best lectures on 23rd Psalm. Flew kites & wasted time otherwise (shame of shames!) Was installed into office in Y.P.'s tonight as "Official Bible Quizzer". Must have been the Lord, 'cause I've been intending to take up studying the Bible by myself for the past 2 or 3 weeks. Took Mary Lou to her appointment before lunch. She missed it. Came back, & heard Mr.Marshall give a wonderful sermon on different religions, but the only satisfying one is CHRIST. He's certainly greater.

FEB 18 MON: 16TH BIRTHDAY!--PHIL OF WHEATON--COLD! SCHOOL--Eng.test.--94 on Geom. test.--100 on Latin test.--100 on history test.--
       Missed Mother's Birthday Party for me. Dinner at Plumber's. Phil, on account of ill health, wants to come down here, if he can find work. I wired him for Mother to come on & we would do the best we could to help him. (Phillip Irabon of the Philippines, a college chum of Hjal's at Wheaton.)
       Brrr! Plentyeee chilly this morning. Test (monthly) in English; learned I made 94% in geom. test & had more probs in geom;learned I made 100% on Latin test in Latin; about great educators, orators, philosophers, & scientists of Greece in history. Got out on the cold, wintry field & played diamond ball in gym shorts.
       Spent all aft. working on index & tabulation for my "press-clippings-scrapbook". Had forgotten it was my (16th) birthday until Dad reminded me when I came home.
       Went to church & waited for Mother. Finally gave it up & went to Plumber's for dinner. When came back to church Mother told me how disappointed she had been that we had not eaten a little birthday dinner (which she had arranged for) together. She had cried & did cry. Poor Mother, she had meant it to be a sort of family re-union. We went across to the cafe where she ate a bite & told me about Phil--the Filipino of Wheaton--whose health is failing, & who wishes to come down here & get a job. We then wired him to come on & we would try to help. Came home with Dad.

FEB 19 TUES: LATE TO CLASS--MOTHER'S ILL--presents--Mr.Clark, missionary to S.America. Cold!--School--late to last class. Mother had heart attack. Suffering terribly from abscessed tooth. Dinner at Cafe 'round corner from Church.--Mr. Clark showed some very good slides of his South American work tonight.
       Colder yet, this morning. Gender in English; more probs in geom; more words & study in Latin; & study of early Romans in history. Got my last period mixed up & was late for study hall--entirely an accident & not just carelessness. I have to stay in tomorrow morning for it, though.--Rank injustice!
       Tried to fly a kite when I got home but gave it up & went in to work on my index for my press clippings book.
       Dad & I went to Smith's about 5:15. (Mother is staying there), she was having a heart attack. Has been suffering from an abscessed tooth. She gave me some birthday presents while we were there. Were going to go to dinner at Cottage Inn but it was too crowded. Mother found a $1 bill as we stopped by there. Mr. Clark showed his pictures of S.America tonight, very good.

       English class was omitted (& book reports--Whew!) this morning because of auditorium 6th period. All classes were moved up a period. Geometry certainly makes ya think! Latin teacher said I didn't behave as well as usual in her class today. I guess I did cut up a bit. It must've been that missing of book reports. Discussed the wars between Rome & Carthage in History today. In Assembly a Dr.Cole (I believe) showed slides of scenes in the proposed Everglades Nat'l. Park. Very beautiful & interesting. He had them mixed up though & was also short on time, so--a grand time was had by all! The fellow next to me cut up all the time the auditorium was darkened for the showing of the slides. When the thing was over & teacher (Miss Merser) in front of me turned around & bawled me out for cutting up! She wouldn't believe that it was not me. I think I got it straightened out with the homeroom teacher though--I hope so. I don't care to have my reputation marred by any means.--By the way--I stayed for that 25 min.before school this morning.
       When I got home I had a little recreation by flying a kite. Had about 4 balls of string out on it & it was so far out it was almost out of sight when the string broke! Finally traced it down (in the car) & found it just 6/10 mi (by the speedometer) from where we were flying it...It was in good shape & we recovered most of the string.
       Went with Dad to Kirk's for supper. Played a little croquette with their neighbours before supper. Then we drove to Church & I took the bus straight home. Fed Laddie & wrote this. Must start my Bible course. Believe I'll go to bed right away. Pretty good day today. Feel fine! Still plenty chilly.
       P.S. Got a telegram from Dean Emerson of Wheaton saying Phil is on his way here!

       Made up last of my time in study hall this morning. They're certainly lenient! (Ha!) Just for being late to class by mistake & accident!
       Book reports in English--reported on "The Modern Railroad" by Edward Hungerford.--Very good; More'n'more probs in Geom. Miss Kimler, the geom teacher, certainly has no patience. More vocabulary in Latin; & study of early, tumultuous Roman Republic times. Physical Ed.--Played basketball & took nice, cool shower. Somebody tried to swipe my towel but I recovered it. Tried to fly kite when I came home, wind was too shifty.
       Worked on press-clippings book index. Have marked each news item with colour designating what topic each falls under. Have collected new items since Nov.2,1934. I intend keeping it up. Very interesting work. Dad came & we drove to the church for supper there. Peter Dyneka, the Russian preacher was there, &--Hazel Mason & her adopted daughter. She just arrived in town from California.
       Took bus home. Worked on index summing up all war news items. Wrote this & shall retire right now. It's 10 PM. Must remember to meet Phil tomorrow evening at the train. Hope he can find work.
       Am getting to the place now--in life, I guess you'd call it--where I have practically no "spare" time. Being always busy with News-clippings etc., I have very little time for recreation & reading. Very sorry to have to say this is so, but it is.

       Accidentally fell asleep after the alarm rang this morning! Boy! I did wake up at 7:00 & did in 30 mins what usually takes an hour!
       Numbers in English; Theorem in Geom; Test in Latin, & reports on "The American Observer", a paper of current events, (weekly) in History. I reported on the "Development of Veteran's Compensation".
       No homework to take home, hurrah! Did it all in study hall! Flew my kite when I got home. It broke loose accidentally & I had to climb a small oak tree to get the string from where it had caught. The kite was still flying. The second time I let it go on purpose just for fun of chasing it. Ran like the dickens but the string kept trailing along the ground & over wires just ahead of me & out of my reach until the kite was down. As I was crossing through a field in the direction of the place where the kite had fallen, I heard a rattler! Saw him lying in the grass not 3 feet from me! Looking closer I saw he had his fangs sunk into the neck of a poor little, green, grass snake. I guess that's what saved me. Threw a piece of log at the rattler but failed to injure him. He slithered rapidly away.
       After recovering my kite I passed by the same spot, & saw the little (about a yard long) grass-snake still tightly coiled about a clump of weeds. Thought he was dead, but, upon disentangling him from the weeds I found he still had some life in him. Took him home & played around with him for some time. Finally I let him go. He didn't make such a speedy departure 'cause I guess that rattlesnake wounded him mortally. Poor ol' fella!
       Went with Dad to church. Phil was there! Sure was glad to see him again. We ate around the corner at the same place we ate Wed. night. Took bus home. Worked on index summing up all "arms" news items. Ho! Hum! Guess I'll retire. It's 10 PM.

       Dad forgot that I don't get up at 6:30 on Sat mornings & he set the alarm. It woke me but I went back to sleep in spite of it. Finally arose, though, at about 8:30, dressed & ate my Grape-Nuts.
       Dad left for town. Helped the boys next door fly their kites. Both kites got torn up, so I borrowed their bicycle, rode to 36th & 17th Ave. & got two 5-cent kites & a 10-cent ball of string. Brought'em back & gave them to the boys. (D.A.& Buddy Wilkins)
       Came in finally. Worked on index awhile, read papers awhile & took a bath & dressed. Dad came & we went to Wilson's for dinner. After Wilson's to church. Peter Deyneka & Martha B. Loud (1st from Russia, 2d from India) both spoke & showed their pictures tonight. Phil (good ol' boy!) showed some of the pictures he had taken of Wheaton, tonight after church also. Two were of Hjal. The pictures certainly brought back memories! Retired 11:30.

FEB 24 SUN: SUNDAY SCHOOL, CHURCH, MISS MARTHA B.LOUD OF INDIA SPOKE. Took her to bus soon as she was finished & drove Phil around a bit so he could see the town. Ate dinner with him at Civic Cafe. Took bus home. Studied Bible for Bible talk tonight at YP. Used maps for talk. Hallelujah! At evening service--Peter Dyneka--his life story! Praise God! What a meeting! The power of the Lord just flowed down! Went up with volunteers. Marvellous offerings & Pledges! Wonderful service! Enjoyed it more than any I've ever been in! Lamont took me home. Maurice Robbins tonight put into words the idea that has been in back of my mind--for some time--church have quartette--great idea! God bless him.

       Boy oh boy! What a day! What a morning! It's beautiful! Just like a spring morning up north. hardly feel like attending school on a day like this! Wrote Hjal & Hans a card while waiting for the bus.
       Case uses in English; 6 problems in Geom.--beginning to understand it better & it seems easier; more Latin, & review of chap. on Rome in History.
       Then physical ed. Had a great time until toward the end of the period when my heart started to go flipity-flop & beat terribly fast. Finished up the game, though, took a shower, dressed, & lay down on a bench for moment. My heart then stopped its antics. Caught the bus home.
       Read papers all aft. Sometimes I get a week or more behind in reading my papers & it makes it pretty hard to catch up.
       Dad & I drove out to Plumber's to dinner. Then he drove back to the Baptist Church where Bob Jones spoke tonight. From there I walked over to the church to see Mother about getting my $2 & see Harry about buying one of his 3 Bibles. On the way I took a short cut through the alley back of the Cinderella Ballroom. Saw one of the doors wide open & light streaming through so I walked in. It was the big annual automobile show. Looked around for a while then walked out front door. Happened to glance at box office & saw sign saying "Admis. 25 cents"--Huh! I had thought it was free! Couldn't find Mother or Harry, so took bus home.
       Had to go after Laddie this evening again at the Lady's house. Brought him home & tied him up to teach him to stop running away. Retired 10:00.

       'Nother beautiful morning! Praise the Lord! On the school bus this morning, had to wait for that old man to open the bridge on 27th Ave. to let a tug pass. Workbooks in English; 4 more probs in geom.--& a corollary; more Latin--masculine case; Julius Caesar in history.
       Health education last period today. Coach Billie talked on colds & proper diet.
       Took a more serious, confident attitude in the day's living today. Have been terribly affected (I must admit) by inferiority complex & the resulting self-consciousness.
       Oh, by the way.--Boy! Did Laddie begin to set up a howl about 3 AM this morning. Finally had to get up & unloose him. He certainly hates to be deprived of his freedom, poor fellow! But he learned his lesson. He only went as far as the corner with me to catch the school bus this morning, & he stayed home all day.
       When I got home this aft. I papered a kite for the neighbour boys (Dad made me shake out all our rugs first). Tried to fly it but Dad & I had to leave for dinner (at Moore's) before I got it up.
       Came back right after dinner, & after having it break loose twice (it's so big--a 3-sticker--but it has a very strong pull) I finally got it up when it was almost dark. We had to take it down right away then because the wind was dying.
       Came in. Told Dad goodbye as he went to church. Wrote this & yesterday's & looked over my 1933 & 34 diaries & retired at 9:30.

       Brisk, cool breeze this morning. It poured down at about 5 AM this morning.--Caught us by surprise!
       Read papers a bit before going to catch bus. Dad & I also always have a word of prayer before I leave in the morning.
       Case use in English--got report card--99; 'Nother theorem & more probs in geom--report card grade 91; more Latin--report card 96; studied fall of Roman Empire in history--report card grade 97. Home room grade--100. All citizenship (conduct) grades 100.
       Am reading the book Hjal sent me, "Their Call to Service". Very interesting.
       Discussed D.A. & Buddy Wilkin's report cards with them when I got home from school (the neighbour boys). I, of course advised them about studying harder & making better grades. Decided on a plan to help them with their studies. They're going to bring home those which they need to work on the most & I'm going to try to help them out. I hope it's successful. I intend taking up teaching, you know--at least I've half decided on it.
       Flew the kite. It broke loose, but after hunting for some time when I was about to give up, Bud & I found it clear over past 20th St. & near 17th Ave. (We used the car of course.)
       Dad & I went to dinner at Kirkland's. Swell chicken!
       Then to church. Saw Mother there--got 50 cents from her. First time I've seen her this week. (1982: Staying with Dr. Koger?)
       Took bus home! Brrrr! It's cold & windy tonight. Wrote this. Went after Laddie again. Tied him up & am going to leave him tied until he learns to stay home. Retired 10 PM. (Lady probably fed him better than we could!)

FEB 28 THURS: COLD--38 DEGREES! OVERCOAT!--LADDIE--ATHEISM IN HISTORY--Quiet evening at home. Well--ho, hum--oh me. It's getting rather late (10:55 PM) so I guess I'd better write this now & go to bed. Let's seeeee--what did I do today?--
       Brrr! 38 degrees this morning. Wore my overcoat & vests & coat! Refused Laddie the privilege of following me to the bus this morning, because, if he does, he has a habit lately of staying with that lady all day near where I catch the bus. I have had to go after him 3 times altogether, now--2 nights in successsion. Chained him up last night though. He stayed at home all day today.
       Moved to new English room--more case uses; skipped geom. this morning because of assembly or homeroom today--all classes were moved up one period. More Latin; studied Christianity in History--boy, what atheism is slowly permeating the teachings of high school teachers! If it is not blatantly out in the open, it is subtly suggested in a sophisticated manner that Christianity's "just another religion & should not be credited any more than any pagan belief". God help us!
       Home room was held 6th period today--jointly with our co-home room: 203B. Had a "Know Your School" test.
       Assembly & subsequently home room--was held overtime today so that we had only about 25 min.of gym 7th period. Didn't change. Did some shooting. Sank 2 shots in succession, twice (4 shots).
       Dad & I ate at "Mac's Place".
       Read papers all evening. Am retiring now--10:30 pm. Received a short letter from Marie Drissell today.

       I again refused to allow Laddie to follow me to the bus this morning--as a result, he stayed home all day. It being warmer this morning, I did not wear an overcoat but wore a small woollen underwear suit & 2 shirts.
       More case uses in English--also read the "Man Who Was" by Rudyard Kipling--excellent! He & Scott are my favourite authors, (See press-book, Nov 13, '35 for Kipling Poem.) Made a mess out of proving a theorem on the board before the geom. class because I had not remembered to study it. Could get much more out of my Latin class if it were not for the two extremely & disgustingly profane boys who sit right near me. We had Mr. English as a substitute in History today. We discussed rather heatedly the gold clause decision, the Italio-Abyssinian disturbance, etc. The extremely pretty girl, Sarah Griffin, who sits near me in History class, tore up some pictures of herself which she disliked & threw the pieces on the floor. I gathered them up when she wasn't looking. Shall attempt to piece them together. (Just for fun.--She really is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen tho'.--Trouble is, she knows it! They all do!)
       Took bus home. Well, this aft. my first experience in tutoring began! Had great fun! We wandered over a variety of subjects: history, geography, health, & grammar. I enjoy the thing greatly. I think the boy (D.A.Wilkins) did too.
       Mother is moving to a room at Sater's. They brought her stuff from the church today. We all (including Mary Lou) went to Liebmann's for dinner. Returned home & dropped me off.--I read "Brave Tom" by Ellis to the neighbour boys all evening from 8:10 to 9:45. They certainly enjoyed it! Enjoyed it myself.--Dressed & went over to Sater's for Y.P.'s party. Took Mel home in Pottinger's no-gear-shift Reo,came back, took them home & caught the last bus home!--12:30.

       Did not arise until aft 10.Talked with the boy next door about "shoes & ships & sealing wax, & cabbages & kings". Using Dad's desk-globe, I illustrated what causes the seasons, night & day etc.
       Took Dad's car & went on a lot of errands for him & myself. Got some toy gliders & an indoor baseball in town for the kids next door. Visited the library & tried to find something there for Dad about Richard Wagner Dad wants to compete in a Listerine "name contest"--naming some little ditty Wagner wrote. Returned home, took Mary Lou to her work, & we all went to Wilson's for dinner. Then to church from whence I took the bus home. Prepared for bed & wrote this. Worked awhile piecing together Sarah's picture. Retired at ten.

MAR 3 SUN: AROSE EARLY (FOR SUN) 7:20. Read papers. Sun School-Church: Mother preached-good sermon. Dined at "Dinner Bell" with Phil. Great fellow! Took bus home, got Dad's quartette books of sacred songs, & returned to church. Could not practice because church was going on, but practiced afterwards. Maurice, Lamont & I am trying to organise a quartette, y'know.
       Phil gave his wonderful testimony in Young People's. I gave my little quiz (before Phil's talk) this time from questions in Harry's Bible. (By the way--I bought a good Bible from him this morning for $1.50--haven't paid yet.) Jackie Burris preached a wonderful message tonight: "Curfew shall not ring tonight!"--Bob Thomas took me home.

MAR 4 MON: MY FIRST WITHDRAWAL--MARY LOU--! Evening's reading hour.
       Caught the second bus this morning. Pronouns in Eng; theorem & problems in geom; Latin in Latin; & a substitute (Miss Williamson) in History--studied barbarians & invasions.
       Physical Ed--changed but had to help tear down the bleachers & carry to a place of storage--no more games (basketball) this year so will not need them. Only had about 10 min.left to play. Only got to shoot once & missed that.
       Caught the bus home. Soon as I got home (found a letter in mail box for me from Hjal.) Dad & I went to town in the car. At the Morris Plan Bank I had to withdraw $2 of my precious small savings account (leaving $1), for I must pay Harry for the Bible. It's worth it, though. The Bible he sold me, despite his having marked it up a bit, has a swell concordance & references.
       Came back to the church, talked to Virginia (had to phone Mel for her, too) & teased Mary Lou for awhile.--Thus wasting wholly the entire afternoon.
       Dad & I then drove out to Plumber's about 5 PM. Being a bit early, I had a chance to read their very interesting "Popular Mechanics Mags". We had a delicious dinner.
       Then back to church. Mr. Shade's last sermon with us, but I felt I couldn't spare the sleep. Sorry. Paid Harry for Bible. Saw Mother & also got my $1 (she'd already given me one Sunday) from her.
       Took a bus home. Spent a lovely evening hour next door reading to the neighbour boys more of the experiences of "Brave Tom"--a really good character book. Wrote this & retired--9:50 PM.

MAR 5 TUES: THE INCIDENT OF THE STOLEN PENCIL!--Gliders (toy) 2 for 5 cents, 1 for 5 cents, 1 for 10 cents,--Moore's--Reading to boys, papers.
       Wonderful morning! Bright sunshine, balmy breezes! Pronouns in English; probs & review in geom. It was today that the rather unpleasant incident happened in Latin. Harry Long, the boy who sits near me who is such a nuisance & so vile, at a moment when I was not looking took my new pencil & replaced it with a ragged stub. Of course I did not know who it was who had taken it until later but I suspected that it was he. I finally discovered it (my pencil) in his possession & recovered it before he had time to prevent me. In other words he would have practically stolen the pencil if I had not discovered it. I had asked all those around me who had taken it but none would tell me, although they could not possibly have escaped seeing the boy take it.--The reason being it seems, that I have made myself rather unpopular among those around me because I have very obviously advocated peace, quiet & obedience to the teacher. (Guess I take those things too seriously anyway.)
       Completed our study of the barbarians in history today.
       Am trying to get my papers read & keep up with them & my other reading, & study my Bible, but it seems I never get things done or have time to do anything. I have misplaced a library book & cannot find it. I suppose I'll have to pay for it as I did for one before, $2!
       Tried to fly gliders all aft. until Dad & I went to Moore's for dinner. Came home. Read papers awhile & then went over to neighbour boys & read some more of "Brave Tom". After playing with their marble game for an half an hour, came home at 8:30. Read papers till 9:40, wrote this & retired at 10 PM. Dad came home early this evening. He only went on a call this evening instead of church, & came straight home.

MAR 6 WED: REV.BLAKE--QUARTETTE MUSIC--THE LOST (BOOK) IS FOUND! But!--I've just discovered I've lost my fountain pen now! (using Dad's).
       Laddie awakened me this morning at 6:15 with his barking.Since I usually arise at 6:30 any way, I got up then (6:15) & washed, dressed & ate by 7:15. Studied geom.until time to go. Pronouns in English--also reading the "Three Strangers". Review in geom. Latin is becoming more difficult & complicated for me as we go deeper into "declensions", cases, conjugations, etc. Mr. Crabtree was back in history today. We had a substitute yesterday--Mr. English.
       Assembly today, 6th period. Mr.Blake, I believe (pastor of the White Temple Church) spoke on peace. An excellent oration! About how when doughboys were "over there" giving their lives for 30 cents a day, manufacturers were at home making millions by the week! (WWI)
       When I arrived home I found a dime & a note on my desk telling me to take the bus & meet the Folks at the church at 5:30.
       Sailed a glider for a while but soon left. Caught the bus to town & got off at Chalmer's music store. They didn't have the quartette music which I wanted, so I went to the place next door, to the Red Cross Drug Store. Here I got 6 sheets of quartette arrangements--& it practically sank me!--81 cents! Had to borrow lunch money & bus fare from Mother this evening.
       After dinner with the Folks at Adelle's Cafe (again) bawled Mary Lou out afterward for her immodest dress. She doesn't seem to care, though. Came home on bus--almost forgot to get off 'cause I was practising a song. Happened to think about that library book I'd lost when I got home. Knelt down & prayed that the Lord would recall it to my mind where it was. It came to me a flash! That corner drug store where I catch the bus! I'd left it with him to take care of for me one morning. I don't believe I've ever had such a definite immediate answer to prayer as that! I walked over there this evening to get it but he could not find it.--He knows he had it but can't find it.--But I'm trusting the Lord! Came back, wrote this. Retired about 10:05 PM. Praise God for his faithfulness in answering prayer!

       Arose about 6:20, before the alarm rang this morning. Finished washing, dress & eating about 7:15. Read paper until time to go. Had the usual prayer with Dad.
       Pronouns in English & finished "The Three Strangers"--Very good. Test in geom. We had a fire drill during the period--thus knocking a lot of time off of our time to do the test--& barely, with a lot of rushing, finished the test as the bell rang. More & more Latin in Latin. I like the quiet Mrs. Thomas Abernathy, our Latin teacher, very well. More study of Barbarians & invasions in history. Mr. English was there as a substitute again.--Then physical ed. We played "softball" today, but I didn't get a single hit (I was only up once). Boy!--These warm days & after hot exercise, those cold showers in the gym feel mighty good!
       Practised nearly all afternoon in Sater's at the piano on "Face to Face". Am trying to learn baritone part. Had to "force" my way into the house as Mrs. Sater is always so particular about locking a house up.
       Played with the glider I gave D.A. until Dad took me to "Mac's Place" to eat. He went on to town but I stayed there & ate & walked home.
       Read to the boys next door from 7:30 to 8:15. They certainly like the story "Brave Tom". Returned home, wrote this, studied Bible (Gen.1-4) until 10 PM & retired.
       Tried to pay Mr. Wilkins back for his fishing pole I lost, but he refused my quarter.

       Arose at about 6:20 AM this morning. Washed, dressed, & ate by 7:15. Read papers.
       Weekly test in English; got back our monthly test papers in geom.--& here I stand ashamed! I made the lowest grade I've ever made in my school career--77! I would have made a decent grade if I hadn't been rushed so fast. I've just got to have time to think those geom. problems out. Sure feel bad about that grade--20 off because I made the wrong construction for one problem & 3 off because I left out the last step of one. Weekly test in Latin. Another substitute in History--a young lady this time. We reported on articles in our "American Observers"--a sort of weekly current events paper to which students of social sciences have to subscribe. An excellent little paper. Roosevelt's administration (since this is its 2nd anniversary)--its success in having absolutely no opposition at first but the growing opposition to his proposed legislation of late, like the work Relief Bill. Also discussed the impending crisis in France.
       Took bus home. Read papers most of the afternoon. Mother, Wayne, & Mary Lou came. Played a little baseball & tried gliding the small glider a bit just before we left.
       Went as far as "Pig & Whistle" with folks where they met some visiting evangelists, then I drove the car to the church.
       Ate dinner (bowl of clam chowder, a piece of apple pie & a glass of milk) at the Civic. Ran to catch the bus. Returned home, read papers a while then went over & read to the boys from 8:20 to 9:00. I sure don't like that man Sater's are renting a room in our house to. He hates Laddie.--And he plays cards in our house! Shall retire now at 9:45.

MAR 9 SAT: LIBRARY DEBTS & LOST BOOK--Gliders & at play--Jackie Burris--Mother's moving in.
       Arose at 7:30. Laddie certainly raised a rumpus this morning when some man came through the yard with a flashlight (about 3 AM) He sure chased him out in a hurry. Read papers. Mother's moving in with us now & the place is certainly torn up. I'm going to practically have to move out into the garage room now. It's so crowded.
       Went to the library. Returned one book. The drugstore man still can't find the one I left with him. I owe'em (the Library) 28 cents for overdue books & will owe'em about $2 more if I can't recover that book.
       Played around flyin' gliders with the kids next door. Took a bath about 4:00. Went over & read to the boys for over an hour. Took Mary Lou to work & drove by Ed Bartlett's garage for our windshield wiper.
       Wilson's for dinner. Then to church after taking Mother home. Excellent message by Jack Burris on the "Spirit World".
       Practised for illustrated message he is going to give Sunday night. He brought me home. A day practically wasted! Never really accomplished a thing today! Makes me feel punk. Oh well. The Lord will help me get straightened out.

MAR 10 SUN: DAD'S DESK BEING LOCKED, I'LL HAVE TO USE PENCIL THIS TIME. Arose early (7:00). Slept in the garage room last night. Don't mind it. Very comfortable. Washed, dressed & ate Grape-Nuts. Arranged my new (old little) desk since Mother is to use the large one I've been using. Read papers.
       Sunday school--Jack Moore wins the prize in my class again. Good message on "Gospel-Hardened Hearts" by Mother this morning. I took Phil out to dinner at "Dinner Bell" again. Took bus home.
       Finished reading papers up to date (except today's) & cut out all marked items in the 40(!) papers that have been piling up. Studied Bible (Genesis) for a short while before going to Young People's at 6:15. Conducted "Bible Quiz". Used Harry's Bible which contains 4000 Bible questions, just suits the purpose. The illustrated message went off OK tonight: Dance hall scene, gambling scene, prison scene, cross scene & all. Hope someone was brought to Christ through it. Bob brought me home. The folks went out by Haases tonight & I never would have gotten to bed if I hadn't gotten Bob to take me. Was up too late last night anyway. Wrote this, retired 10:45.

MAR 11 MON: JUST A SORT OF A DULL MONDAY.--Ho, hum! Boy! Plenty tired this morning. Didn't arise till 6:30.
       Daily test in English; beginning work on parallel lines in geom; made 95 on weekly Latin test--did some (all those who made above 90) extra work in the room adjoining the Latin room; more study of barbarians in history. Completed my outline of this chapter on barbarians to use for study, since I think it is the most difficult chapter in ancient history. All about different barbarian migrations & invasions. Then Phys. Ed. Had great time playing basketball--like it very much. Took a nice shower.
       Took bus home. Went on some errands.--to school (Jackson) to get those quartette books I'd left with my old music teacher there; to post office for some postcards & stamped envelopes; out to Mr. Chapman's to give him his cap which he had lost down at the church. Ate supper here at home.--Swell! Mother fixed it!
       Fooled around all evening. Retired about 11 PM. Nothing much accomplished (for myself) today.

MAR 12 TUES: "ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER"--"Jacki" Burris. Arose at 6:15 but still did not finish washing, dressing & eating until 7:25 because I felt completely worn out--have been up too late lately. Usually make it a point to leave the house by 7:45 & catch the bus at 7:50. There are two buses--one at 7:50 & one at 8.--I like to catch the early one.
       The teacher handed me a copy of "Robert's Rules of Order" this morning. I have been trying to procure (borrow ) a copy for some time to study to aid me in conducting the class meetings (since I am President).
       Studying verbs in English. Corollaries on parallel lines in geom; review in Latin; & studied more thoroughly the barbarians & made a map of their migrations & invasions in history. Health education class this aft-7th per. Coach Yarborough talked on table manners & general manners & courtesy. Very good.
       Took bus home. The folks weren't home, having gone on an all-day picnic for the day at the beach.
       Practiced baritone & base parts of "Face to Face" all afternoon. Then studied "Robert's Rules of Order" till 6:30. Caught bus to town. Ate supper at "Civic".
       Went to church. "Jackie" Burris preached one of his best messages tonight--on not being ashamed of Jesus or that you're a Christian.
       Didn't get home till 10:45. Dad was talking with some drunk man. Would go to church oftener if I could get home earlier. Wrote this. Retired at 11:30. Very warm today & tonight.

       Still need sleep. Verbs in English; another theorem & more corollaries in geom.; no Latin today since the 4th period is being omitted because of Assembly 7th period.--We have homerooms this week, though (our class--there are about 2300 pupils in school & the auditorium only holds about half that many). More study of barbarians in history. Then home room. I presided as chairman (or President). The program was on "Parliamentary Law"--made several breaks but, all in all, the program went through OK.
       Came home on bus. Had to bring several books home with me today (the first time since school started that I've brought anything home but my history 2 or 3 times & my geom. once to study for test). I just cannot seem to finish all my homework any more in school.
       Did homework. Then went over to Sater's & practiced on the piano. (I mean picking it out note by note) the song we're to practice tonight at the church ("Face to Face").
       To Kirkland's for dinner. Then to church, where Dad got off, & then I drove Mother & Mary Lou clear out to Opaloka, where Mother went to the 1st Baptist Church to see about getting Mel Morris booked there. Mel Morris is now in Cuba.
       Drove back. Practiced song after church. Lamont picked up his part sooner than I expected him to. Came home. Retired about 11:30.


       Plenty tired again. It's getting rather too cold (or cool) for comfort these mornings. Studied history before going to, & on the way to, school.
       Verbs--review tomorrow for test (monthly) Monday. Must also have book report by Tues & I haven't even half started the book. Said my poem "When Earth's Last Picture Is Painted" a coupla weeks ago. More theorems & corollaries on parallel lines & transversals in geometry; review in Latin for test (monthly) Friday; in history we're now studying the rise & growth of the Roman Papacy. Phys.Ed.today. Played a game of basketball. Made several blunders--particularly in "walking the ball" instead of dribbling. I've never played basketball before & that's why I am so ignorant of the rules. Couldn't take a shower today as I forgot to bring the clean towel down from my locker that I had brought to school today.
       Took bus home. Started to read to the boys this aft., since I haven't had a chance to read to them at night all week; but then "had to wash the dishes". Started to write a letter to Marie (I haven't answered the letter I received from her over two weeks ago & do I feel terrible!--haven't had the materials) but went out & pole-vaulted for awhile. Came in & wrote letter all of the rest of the aft. Was interrupted several times by errands I had to run in the car. Dinner at home. Finished letter & retired about 11:45.

       Arose rather a bit earlier--6:15--this morning. Washed, dressed, & ate by 7:05. Then wrote the past two days (Wed & Thurs) in my diary.
       In Eng.we had review for the test Monday; in geom. a problem, a theorem, & a corollary; test in Latin--very easy; "Observer" in history. Had short test on what we learned from articles on the Netherlands & the Greek revolution. Had to be excused from homeroom President's meeting so's I could catch bus home.
       Pole vaulted all afternoon. Made a 6ft.3in.jump but was baffled by a 6ft.6in. jump. Made some "shorts" to play in since it has become quite warm. Came in about 6 PM. Took a bath.
       Went with Dad to the church. Ate at "Adele's" around the corner. Mother's not anywhere around.
       Read in Virginia & Mel's room (read my "American Observer") till church was over. Had intended to go to sleep 'cause I needed sleep but thought I'd finish my paper. Mel & Roger came in just as church was dismissed & I went downstairs.
       Tried to get Maurice & Lamont to practice on quartette song, but it seems that when folks think up how nice it would be to be in some good organisation, such as a good quartette, they're ready & willing enough to join.--But! When it comes to the work! Oh, well! That's a "colour of another horse". I'm just about disgusted! I drove big car home. Doc. had brought it to church from Ft.Lauderdale where it seems Mother, Virginia, Mary Lou & Miss Roby went for a little vacation. Dad just tells me he's going to have me drive up after'em tomorrow. And I thought I was going to have a good uninterrupted day of work.

MAR 16 SAT: TRIP TO FT.LAUDERDALE--The day there.--Sunday. Arose at 7:15, washed, dressed, & ate by 8:15. Cleaned out the car. Told Dad goodbye & we had prayer. Stopped at "Knights" & had tires checked. Was really on my way by 8:50.
       After an uneventful but pleasant trip, I arrived at the Broward Hotel in Ft.Lauderdale. Waited an hour & 40 minutes till the folks (it turned out to be just Mother, Virginia & Mary Lou) came down. Read "Amer. Boy" while waiting. Ate breakfast (lunch?) again with them at 12:00.
       Drove Virg. & Mary Lou to the beach. Then sat in the car & read until I finished bathing in the "Las Olas" Pool (to the tune of 50 cents). Then we drove back, located Mother at a beauty parlor, drove after her, bought some groceries for Virginia to eat in the car since she was so hungry, & left town.
       Arrived in Miami at 6 PM--just in time to deliver Mary Lou to work. Dinner at Wilson's. Mother & I came straight home, &, after going after food for Laddie & writing this, I retired at 9 PM.
       P.S.--I tried to retire at 9 PM as mentioned, but the Paine's baby was crying, & other disturbances were abundant. Finally after even trying the couch in the study, I retired for good in my bed. The baby had ceased crying.

MAR 17 SUN: I AROSE ABOUT 7:15 AM. After the morning's ablutions, & the breaking of my fast, I went on an errand to the store for Mother. I spent much time in meditating over the papers of the past week until the time to depart for Sunday School.--A good, excellent lesson this morning was on Peter's release from prison by the aid of the angel. The boys take real interest in the proceedings & try to out-do one another in answering questions. (I am Teacher.)
       After Mother's message on "Doubt", we & the Burrises went to "Tune Inn" for dinner. Very good. We tried the place on the recommendation of the Burrisses.
       We then returned to the church. Mother & the Burrises went off I knew not where--later I learned they took Mother home.--And here I had to go & take the bus home!
       I spent the entire aft.on trying to catch up with my paper reading! In the latter part of the aforementioned well-read afternoon, Dad gave me some helpful hints on conducting the "Bible questionnaire" at Young People's tonight. He also gave me a book of splendid questions.
       After a bite to eat, Dad & I left for Young People's at 6:30.--a bit later than usual. I believe I conducted the best questionnaire yet tonight. Phil Irabon also gave a very good little talk on prayer.--Afterwards I took the bus home, feeling badly in need of sleep. I think I have gained new confidence in Him.

       Arose at 6:15 AM. When the morning's duties were done, I used the few extra moments in reading the "Observer". On bus this morning is when they did all the rubberband shooting. English test this morning. Plenty tough! Lots of misleading & even unfair in-correct questions. Geometry getting tougher; difficult theorems & great quantities of corollaries. Just more Latin in Latin. Studying Charlemagne & his Empire in history. Phys.Ed.--got a lot of good practice in basketball today. Only 3 of us using a basket. Had heart attack just toward end of period but relaxed on a bench for a moment & everything was OK again. Came home on bus. Did homework in Latin & history. Went on errand to the store for bread & ice. I then read until dinner, my book report book--the book Hjal sent me: "Their Call to Service". Ate very nice dinner which Mother & Mary Lou had prepared here at home. Read awhile after dinner, dried dishes, changed to my nightgown & listened to the radio for awhile. Then I wrote in my diary. While being thus occupied, Mary Lou rushed out the door with usual carelessness, letting the door slam after her. To teach her a lesson I locked her out until I finished writing this. Retired at 9:45. Very warm tonight.

MAR 19 TUES: THEY LEAVE FOR KEY WEST--LETTER TO HJAL--THE "CAR MYSTERY": JACKIE HAS BROKEN AXLE! Mother woke me at 6:05 this morning. They (Mother, Dad, the Burrises, & the Saters) were just departing for Key West. Mother gave me my money, with instructions to go to the church this evening, get the key from Miss Roby & drive the big car home. They intend arriving home tomorrow night.
       Received our Eng.test grades this morning--95%--more than I expected! More geom. sticklers. Must take my Latin test over, since I left out one whole question. Review in history for test Friday.
       Spent all afternoon writing a letter to Hjalmer. Mary Lou fixed a lovely dinner tonight. After dinner we both took the bus to town, intending to get the car, drive to the Tower & see Arliss in the "Iron Duke".--But our "plans were cruelly frustrated". Miss Roby had given the car key to Clayton, Clayton gave it to the parking lot man, & then--Dr.Koger received a wire from "Jackie" Burris in Matacumbe: He had broken his axle! Doc.took the big car down, let them take it on (Jackie leaving his car in Matacumbe), & came back by train or bus or something. He then took his own car home. This was all a mystery for some time until Doc.came to church.
       Mary Lou & I gave up all ideas of the theatre, & returned home on the bus. Succeeded in opening Dad's car so's Mary Lou & I can go to dinner at Kirkland's tomorrow night. The "Palmolive Beauty Box Theater Lover" on the radio presents "One Nite of Love" It was excellent! It has just finished. Retired at 11:00.

MAR 20 WED: DAD'S CAR--AFTER SCHOOL--"DAVID COPPERFIELD"--MOTHER RETURNS WITH THE FLU & DAD. (1982: Looks like they'd gotten back together!)
       Since I have to stay after school this afternoon, & would thus have no way of going home (the busses always leave at 3:15), I took Dad's car to school this morning. Had to have the neighbour boys & an Exotic Gardens man to help me push it to get it started. Stopped on the way to get a gallon of gas & some air at a filling station on 27th Ave. Had to be pushed again to get started.
       More moods in English; review in geom; & translation in Latin.--Then assembly. A joint sophomore-Hi-Y program was given. I disliked their main speaker (pres.of the YMCA of Miami) because of his coldly impersonal references to religion.
       Stayed after school, made up the Latin test, & finished up some homework so I wouldn't have so many books to carry home.
       A boy helped me get the car started, & in payment I took him part way home (to his home). On the way home (to my home) I gave Walter Schaft a lift. Old "Comstock" schoolmate of the 3rd grade.
       Wrote a card to Hans when I arrived home. Then Mary Lou & I took Dad's car out to Kirkland's to dinner. They were expecting Dad & Mother, & though disappointed at their absence, we had a very enjoyable dinner.
       Leaving there about 7:15, Mary Lou & I drove to town,parked & went to the Rex to see "David Copperfield". It was excellent, only saw last half though. Returned home about 9:40. (Lotsa kiss'n!)
       Doc. dropped in for awhile. Then Mother & Dad arrived. They had returned from Matacumbe by train, since Mother has suffered a sudden attack of the flu. Wrote this. Retired at 11:00.

       Arose slightly before 6:15 & shut off the alarm. Finished my washing, dressing, & eating by 7:15. Studied for geom.test until it was time to go. There was a rubber band war in the bus this morning. More study of conjugations & moods in English. Geom.test! In Latin we push ahead into the 3rd conjugation. Have just decided to keep up that Latin notebook which I started when I was studying Latin by myself in Andrew Jackson.--Might get extra credit for it. History test! It was quite easy though.
       After history I put my books away in my locker & started out to catch the schoolbus home. I thought it looked very quiet & deserted, which is not usually the case when school is out. Then it just recurred to me! School was not out! I had one more period yet! In my hurry I thought it was study hall which I was supposed to be in. I dashed for study hall but was unable to get there before the tardy bell rang. Went down to Mr. Hoover's office & got a yellow pass (yellow pass=unexcused tardiness). Went back to study hall & handed it to Miss Mercer. She said she'd expect me in the morning--she keeps a tardy hall from 8:00 to 8:25. A few moments later she called me to her desk. She asked me if I took Phys.Ed. & when? I told her. And then it dawned on me! I was supposed to be in phys.ed.that period! I guess I'll get it all straightened out somehow. Caught bus home. Read my "American Observer" all afternoon.--An excellent little current events weekly! Dinner at home here. Read a paper. Listened to the radio (which I took into Mother's room where she lies sick.) There was a play about Noah & the Ark. Went after some ice cream. Retired about 10 PM.

MAR 22 FRI: TESTS & TEST GRADES--MEL MORRIS & ROBOT--COD LIVER OIL. Arose at 6:15. After the usual morning chores, I wrote "yesterday" in my diary. Mother very weak this morning. More work with verbs in English. Were told our geom.test grades this morning & our papers were returned. I made 99! I expect it to at least pull my grade up from that last test grade of 77 to an 88 average. Worked all study hall on geom. Test in Latin! Pretty easy though. We're now taking up the 3rd conjugation. "Observer" day in History. Also our papers were returned. Made 95! Finished up all homework except reading history in last study hall. Caught bus home. Mother much better this aft. Read papers all aft. Went to Liebmann's for dinner.
       Returned home. Mel Morris is holding a series of meetings at the church--with his "talking robot". All prophetic messages contrary to the views of Dad's & mine.
       Read papers all evening. By the way, tried or started taking cod liver oil this aft. Drank a few drops from the bottle. A very disagreeable taste. Do not feel very well tonight. Listened to radio with mother awhile. Retired about 10:30.

       Arose late--8:30. After the other morning chores, I went out & raked the leaves in the yard into piles. Took Dad's car & went to the library. Had that book I lost renewed again. That will give me 2 more weeks to find it (or rather for that drugstore man to find it.) The librarian looked the book up in the catalogue & said the book would cost me $2.50 if I can't find it. Came home. Went over to Smith's (by the way, Mrs. Smith is down with the flu) to try to borrow their croquet set. Failed. Raked up all the leaves & carried them to the trash pile. Ate lunch. Made some orange juice. Wayne came over & introduced to us Mrs. Blount his wife, the former Faith McGarvey. They were secretly married some time ago & Mother had already found it out before Wayne came today but she had not told him. He's very foolish to have married at his age, out of a job & particularly the girl he picked.
       Took a bath. Mary Lou decided not to go to work this eve.so I had to drive to Allapattah & tell her employer. Took Delores along for the ride. Got some groceries. Ate dinner (Mary Lou, Mother & I) here at home. Read to the boys from 8-9:40. Delores listens, too. She's a very nice little girl.--Bright--attractive. Retired about 11:20.

       Sunday School, Church--Dad preached an excellent message on "The most important business of the church"--Soul-saving & prayer. An excellent piece of advice to those who shoot off on prophecy--particularly the false-prophecy preaching so prevalent today.
       Dinner at home. Very good. Read papers all aftern. I still failed to succeed in finishing them all--6 or 7 left. Ate a bite. Haases came over. Took big car to church with Maurice & Lamont. Young People's Bible questionnaire.
       Before I went into church (Mel Morris gave his marvelous message & slides on the chaos existing in Cuba at present--very gruesome, horrible (I heard from Mel Booth later)--but very arousing to a comprehension of the conditions existing in the world today) I dropped in to see Virginia. It finally turned out to be a long stay--we talked on & discussed many things--human character & our family particularly. Enjoyed it immensely! Real understanding. Saw last of Morris' pictures (10:15-10:30) & Lamont took me home. They all came over for a midnite lunch. Couldn't find a book on sex hygiene that I wanted to loan Lamont. Retired about 12:30.

MAR 25 MON: A USUAL, ORDERLY DAY. Arose at 6:15. After the usual "orders of the morning", I studied history--we are beginning a study of "Feudalism". Caught 2nd bus. More & more study of verbs in English.--More theorems & corollaries--about parallelograms in geom. Just Latin in Latin. Study of Feudalism (as aforementioned) in history. History seems to interest me more & more!--Phys.Ed.--played diamond ball--hit a 3-bagger! Nice shower--refreshing! Caught bus home. Knocked a few "flies & grounders" with the boys. Read newspapers all aft. Miss Hazel Mason in here this aft. taking dictation from Mother. Miss Roby dropped in. (Another secretary.) Dinner at home. Good dinner but no dessert. Read papers. Wrote this from 9:15-9:40. Retired after helping Mother choose some radio programs to listen to. She's still in bed. The flu brought on her old trouble. It is 10:08 PM. (Actually she had cancer!)

       Arose very tired this morning--I've got to get plenty of sleep soon or I'll be a wreck! Studied history. Very foggy this morning. More verbals as usual in English. More & further work with parallelograms in geom. Worked whole study period on geom. Spent last 15 min. of study on one problem--plenty tough--couldn't figure it out. Got our grades (on another monthly test in Latin--98%--misspelled 2 words.) Study of King Alfred, Britain & its early history, & William the Conqueror. Health education today last period. Coach Bleier demonstrated a lot of optical tests on us which they give in entrance examinations for entering the navy air force.
       Caught bus home. Had to carry a lot of books home this aft.--more than ever before. Read "Reader's Digest " on way home. The girl next to me read with me.
       Laddie has been sick for about a week--won't eat anything & seems very weak. This aft. I took him to the veterinary. His case was diagnosed with all the most modern methods. He has heart worms with also a bit of indigestion. There is yet time to cure the heart worms, $5 for the treatment & the indigestion may be cured easily. Left Laddie with them while I came back & asked Mother if she wanted him treated for not less than $20 altogether, or "put to sleep" for $2. She, of course, chose the cure. She intends getting $20 for one of Laddie's puppies since some bus driver wants to borrow him for breeding.
       Worked geom. till Dad & I went to Plumber's, to Western Union & then home. (8:15) Worked on that geom. problem until exasperated! Gave it up. Finished other homework. Wrote this. Retired at 10:15.

       Arose not quite tired this morning at 6:15. After finishing the morning's duties, I studied history--the clash of Church & State. Caught bus. Very, very foggy this morning--can't see more than 10 to 20 feet. Received report cards today--100 in Home Room. Use of "shall" & "will" in English--the English language is certainly very--uh, fickle! 97 on report. More parallelogramming in geom. That problem I couldn't get last night was very difficult--could have solved it but thought that the teacher had told us to do it some other certain way. 93 on card. Didn't even finish geom. in study hall--assignment today is easy, though. Studying 3rd & 4th conjugation "io" verbs in Latin. Rather difficult. 96 on card. Then homeroom. Program ran through very smoothly this time. Last period--history. Study of, as aforementioned, the clash 'tween Church & state--questions.
       Came home on bus. Brought home a lot of books again. Not so much or as difficult homework as yesterday, though.
       Did homework--geom. & reading of Literature: Hawthorne's "Drowne's Wooden Image". Went store for groceries for Mother.
       Dad & I went to Kirland's for dinner. I drove home alone, for Dad went with Kirks to make a sick call. Picked up Mary Lou & went to Young People's. Practiced Latin songs before time. Small "crowd"--11. Stayed till 8:45. Came home. Finished "Drowne's Wooden Image". Very good. Wrote this. Mother pretty sick again tonight. Retired at 10:10.

       My alarm awoke me at 6:05. Feel pretty good this morning. Studied geom. Had Dad sign my reports & rushed off to catch the bus. "Drowne's Wooden Image" in English.--More work with parallel lines & parallelograms in geometry. Did Geometry all studyhall period but did not finish it. I find it much easier to study a problem out in advance in my mind & have it all figured out that way before I ever put it down on paper. Was out of paper, by the way, had to borrow 10 sheets in study hall. More Latin. Latin is becoming more difficult. Answered questions at end of chapter on "Clash of Church & State" in history.
       Phys.Ed.--played this game of "speed ball"--a sort of cross between soccer & basketball. Lots of fun! Got plenty heated up but cooled off in a nice shower.
       Came home on bus. A boy--Henry, an old schoolmate of mine--just moved in where Corky used to live. He goes to Miami High, too, & takes the bus, too. Did some geometry homework.
       Drove Mother, Virginia, Mary Lou. First through town, where I got those snapshots which have been at the photographers for so many months. They're all great! One very good one of me on the ferry.
       Then drove to the beach. Hung around waiting for Dad until 6:15. Then we despaired of his coming & ate at a coffee shop there at the beach. Arrived home about 8:00. Finished geometry & did Latin. The more I study Latin the more I like it. Retired about 10:15.

MAR 29 FRI: USUAL SCHOOL DAY--LADDIE IS DEAD! OUR 10TH ANNIVERSARY IN MIAMI! The years have flown. Lots has happened.
       Arose at 6:05. After the duties of the morning were accomplished, I wrote yesterday in my diary & read the "American Observer" for history. Went a little early to the drugstore (Cor.28th St. & 22nd Ave.) where I catch the bus so's I could get some paper & pencils.
       Discussed "Drowne's Wooden Image" in English. More theorems & corollaries on parallel lines & parallelograms in geometry. Finished 2 geom.problems in study hall. Weekly test in Latin. The tense forms of the different verb conjugations are rather difficult for me to understand but I'm beginning to "get it".
       Discussed "Observers" in history--cooperative movement & Germany's recent denouncement of the Versailles Treaty. Plenty of things going on (mostly to Hell!) in this Old World right now. Lotsa things to think (& talk) about. Finished all my homework in last period study hall.
       Caught bus home. Read Sunday's (last) papers. Went out & played baseball (flies & grounders) with the kids. Came in & took a bath. Read papers. Ate dinner here at home.--Lovely! Read paper.
       After folks had left in big car, I took Dad's & went to church. Our "10th Anniversary in Miami" celebration tonight. Good service. Mr. Haas is an excellent master of ceremonies.
       Had a long talk with Maurice in the car after church. About how he's been letting Lamont lead him "off the track". Hope the Lord will work in the matter. Returned home. Wrote this. Retired 12:00.
       Laddie died last night. The doctor (vet) told Mother today. Too bad.

       Arose at 8:30. Rushed to work & dress, so's I could catch Mr. Moore so's he could cut my hair. Caught him. He cut it. Nice job. Came back & ate my breakfast. On an errand after ice, I also went to "Cheely's Lumber Yard" & spent a much-cherished $1.60 for an 8 by 4-foot piece of beaver board for a ping-pong table. Came back & worked on fixing up the table. Finished it & ate some fruit salad for lunch.
       Went out again & played ping-pong till 4 PM. Came in, took a bath & lay down for a nap till 5:30.
       Arose, dressed, & read papers. Miss Roby came to see Mother about the death of her (Miss Roby's) uncle. Folks came back from beach & we went to Wilson's for dinner. Stopped on way back at Edgar's (boy friend's) house. He paid me $1 of the $3 he owed me for the Edgar R. Burroughs books he bought from me some time ago. Read "Newsweek". Wrote this. Retired at 9:50.

MAR 31 SUN: AROSE AT 7 AM. After finishing my morning's duties, I made out Sunday School work & read papers. Sunday School--Review--gave Jack the promised Bible as prize.
       Church--Mother, on "If I Could Re-live the Past 10 Years".
       Dinner with Phil at Dinner Bell. Caught 2 PM bus home. Read papers all aft.
       Read questions (Bible test) to Dad for his approval on way to Young People's Program of several speakers--"Christian Fellowship". Anniversary Cake service.--Candle sermon by Mother. Slept in car right after church. Doc. Koger with Dad took me home sometime later & retired straightway.

       Alarm didn't ring! Didn't awaken until 6:30! Washed, dressed & ate hurriedly. Told folks goodbye & rushed up 24th St. to catch bus. Just in time!
       "Dr. Hiedegger's Experiment" in English--Nathaniel Hawthorne--Very good.
       More difficult problems in geom.today--still on parallel lines, polygons & trapezoids. Finished 2 geom.problems in study hall. Lunch--corn, cauliflower & apple pie.
       Am mastering my difficulties in the tenses of the 3rd & 4th conjugations in Latin. Discussion of "Rivalry of Church & State" in history. Phys.Ed--played touch football.--Lots of fun! Caught bus home. Took loads of books--Notebook, Latin, Geom.,& History.
       Finished geom. homework at home at my desk, but it took from 3:30 to 5 'cause most of the time was spent in squabbling with Mary Lou. She sure wastes my time! (Lotsa lovin' & kissin'!) Read papers.
       Dinner at home--steak, cabbage, boiled potatoes & gravy (too peppery), fruit (apple) salad, & one bite of pink "boughten" cherry pie. Read papers.
       At 8 PM I went over to Bud & D.A.'s but they had just begun on "the dishes". Told them to call me when ready for me to come & read. Came back. Read papers, Literary Digest & Newsweek. They never called me over--didn't finish dishes until 9 PM--then it was too late to go over. Wrote in Diary. Retired at 10 PM.

APR 2 TUES: DAD'S BIBLE CLASS. Very good review.

       Dad's & my study are still as usual, but a bedroom (Mother & Dad's old one--NW corner) has been fixed up for Phil & I, with a very wide, comfortable bed. (He jacks off!)
       Young People's reorganising, meeting tonight. Very good! We are really going to revive the Young People's work & make it interesting & worthwhile!

       Arose early as usual by means of Phil's big alarm clock--6:00. After the duties of the morning, I studied for the geom.test today.
       Caught 1st bus. More study of verbs in English. We also began "Silas Mariner" in our Literature.
       Test in geometry! Whew! What a test! Really not so difficult but we have to rush so, that one is liable to make any number of mistakes--no time to think or anything. I know I forgot & left out a couple steps in the last test problem. If I had time, I bet I could get 100 nearly always. Too much rush! Was perspiring freely (sweat-ing like a horse!) when I finished that test!
       Did English gram.homework & studied Latin in study hall. Lunch--chicken pie, potatoes & gravy & apple pie. Latin--have mastered verbs fairly well--idioms, "Aeneas" story. History--short test on Chapter on "Crusades". Phys.Ed--Accidentally spied one of the coaches in the coach's office--smoking! And it was my history teacher, Mr. Crabtree! Was greatly disillusioned, sad to say! Thought he was above such.--A better fellow. We played diamond-ball.
       Caught bus home. Played ping-pong with Lawrence--the new neighbour boy. Folks got back from their all-day boatride & fishing trip about 5:30.
       Had long fuss with Mary Lou all evening. (Love spat!) She & Phil & I ate here at house by ourselves. Wrote this about 8:10-8:35. Made an effort at studying. Retired 9:15.

       Arose at 6:00 AM. After duties of the morning, I read the "Observer".
       Caught 1st bus. Little test on verbs & some Literature in English. Returned our geom.test papers in geom.--96%! Wow! Wot a surprise! Made several mistakes that I knew of, & only expected about 85%.
       Almost finished geometry (studying polygons now) in study hall. Lunch--salmon salad, cole slaw, & apple pie. Latin--review & test on vocabulary. History--Discussed "Observers"--Health insurance, taking profits out of wars, etc. Study hall--finished geometry, did Latin, finished reading "Observer", & read March's "Read-er's Digest".
       Caught bus home. Cut out news items till about 4:30. Played ping-pong with the boys next door & Lawrence. Ate dinner at Liebmann's. Mother & Dad talked & talked with Liebmann's until 9:00.
       Returned home. Had programme committee of Y.P. Arranged program & finished all business by 11:30.
       Drove the "church inmates" home after I had been writing in my diary, when Hazel Smith came over for a visit, before which I spilled a bottle of ink which Mary Lou was using. Returned home with Mary Lou. Retired at 1:00 AM.

       Arose at 9 AM. Played ping-pong all morning (10:30-1:00) Then Phil & I went to the library in Dad's car. Phil tried to take out a card but they only issue cards to those who have resided here at least one year. Paid $2.50 for that book I lost! Boy! Sure hate to see that money go! Phil got out "The Witness" for himself & "The Rosary" for Mary Lou on my card.
       After finishing at the library, I spent about an hour (3:00-4:00) teaching Phil to drive the car. He isn't so good but shows improvement.
       Took a bath & read papers. Took Mary Lou to work. Folks came back about 6:00 & we (Dad, Mother, Phil & I) went to Wilson's for dinner. Returned about 8:00.
       Took Phil all around hunting for a barber shop that was not extremely crowded. At last went to one on 28th St. right near here. Had to wait a long time. Read "Reader's Digest" book condensation on Japan while waiting. Came home. Went after Mary Lou. Retired about 10:30.

       Arose at 10 till 7. Dressed, ate, fixed Sunday-school things & read papers.
       Sunday school--new quarter. Church--Mother preached a good sermon on "God's Ways Are Not Our Ways".
       Went to Lamont's for dinner--roast, potatoes, sweets, beans, lettuce, gravy & strawberries. Listen to "Jezebel" before dinner. The last of a series of excellent radio Bible dramas. Lamont & I played a few games of Rook & then we read. I read the March "Amer.Boy". Then to Y.P.'s at 6 PM. Mr. Haas gave a "coin" message. The topic was supposedly "Rejuvenation". Then from 7:00-7:45 a lovely Street-meeting just outside.
       Church--Mother spoke on "The Christ of the Human Road". Went to sleep in the car right after church. Doc.Koger brought me home. Retired at 11 PM.

       Awoke from the sound of a crowing bantam rooster--some neighbour's new pet! Dagnabbeddit! I'll wring its neck if it wakes me up at 5:30 again! Finally arose at 6:15. After cereal (Post-Bran) I read my history lesson--life in towns & villages in medieval days--craft guilds, etc.        Caught first bus at 22nd Ave & 24th St. Tenses in English. Unequal sides & angles in geom. Did half of geom. in Study hall. Lunch--veal & rice (mostly rice), corn & apple pie. Latin--review & drills on declination & conjugation. History--discussion of life & guilds of middle ages. Brought my Fisher Body Craftsmen Guild book on "Craft Guilds" to class, & the teacher--Mr.Crabtree--read & had it read aloud. Phys.Ed--played a little "paddle ball" (tennis, using wooden paddles) & then stood out in field in diamond ball till 2:45 bell rang. Went in for a nice, cold shower.
       Caught bus home. He (the "busser") had trouble getting started. Read papers all aft.& evening--read 5.
       At 8 PM we had dinner--ground steak, corn, potatoes, bread & butter, ovaltine & angel-food cake. Read a story in "Amer.Boy" till 10 PM. Retired.

       The bantam rooster wakened me this morning, as usual, a little before 6:00. After dressing I had to go to the store for "Post-Bran". Quite chilly yesterday morning & this morning. Worked with tenses & read some more of "Silas Mariner" in English. Very excellent story.
       No geom.this morning. We skip that period today because of Assembly. Study Hall instead. Finished Geom.homework & read Latin in study hall. Latin--made 100 on weekly test we had Friday. More review. History--1st half period we answered questions on chapter on paper. Then Lunch--coleslaw, potato salad, & strawberry shortcake. Then 2nd half history period we discussed "Hanseatic League", life in Medieval town, etc. Safety program in Assembly. Then Health Education. Coach Jess Yarborough talked to us on introductions & correct manners, etc.
       Caught bus home. The bus almost didn't start--motor trouble. Read papers till 5:30.
       We (Mother, Dad, Mary Lou & I) went to Plumber's for dinner.--Roast beef, mashed potatoes, string beans, bread & butter, & fruit jellow with cake. Read "Popular Mechanics" till we left for Dad's Bible class. Dropped Mother at Haases. Dad & I (mostly me) argued about Mary Lou's impudence to Mother. I later asked Dad's forgiveness for arguing & being so small.
       Dad gave a splendid talk tonight--lots of Scripture references--getting down to "brasstacks" more definitely now.
       Y.P. Program Committee. Meeting right afterwards. Chose "Back to Calvary" as theme for next Sunday & Mr. Haas for speaker. Returned home. Squabbled with Mary Lou about taking her rouge & lipstick. Retired at 10:45.

APR 10 WEDS: "WIND IN THE RIGGING"--ROOSTER AWAKENED ME AGAIN! Well--I guess it's OK so long's he doesn't "holler" much earlier than he's been "hollering" now.--5:45. Arose & dressed. Went after "Post-Bran". Wrote yesterday in my diary.
       Rushed off to school after prayer with folks. Just caught 1st bus.
       English--more verb study. Short literature test from board. Read a little more of the wonderful character story "Silas Mariner". Geometry--unequals. Study--Finished 3 geom.problems. Lunch--potato salad, banana salad, cherry pie. History--review of chapter on "Life in country & town in days of Feudalism". Made outline of 4 Epochs. Almost finished geometry in study hall. Decided to leave the last few steps of the problem until tomorrow.
       Caught bus home. Read papers all aft.
       Dinner here at home at 6:30. After dinner I dressed for bed, wrote this. Read "Wind in the Rigging"--excellent sea story in "Amer.Boy" until 9:45. Retired.

APR 11 THURS: THE PRESSING OF THE PANTS--"Paddle" ball--"Silas Mariner".
       Arose at 6:10 (awoke at 5:45). Dressed & ate. Decided to press my pants. Made a mess out of it: the iron was dirty at first & I also scorched them. Then decided I'd wear my good pants (only thing I had left).Tried to press them first also but--alas & alack!--I scorched them!--wool! Mother was all cut up about it & it made me feel bad too. I don't seem to know how to press pants. Finally wore my brown, too-short pants.
       Rushed off to catch bus. Missed 1st but caught 2nd. While waiting I watched a woodpecker working on his hole in a telephone pole--he was clear inside!
       Short "diagnosis" test in English--then more of "Silas Mariner". Geometry--began work on circles today. Finished 3 of 5 homework geom.problems in study hall. Lunch--potato salad, pear, apple pie. Latin--more review for monthly test tomorrow. History--discussed Epochs (1st Four). The next few days will be spent in review for monthly test this coming Wednesday. Phys.Ed--played "Paddle Ball". Courts were terribly dusty. We haven't had any rain (much) for months. Slipped & sat down in it once. Got terribly dirty. Borrowed soap in shower to wash off well.
       Caught bus home. Read papers till 6:30. Supper here at home. Got changed for bed. Wrote this, finished reading papers. Read "Silas Mariner" till 10:15. Sure is wholly absorbing & interesting. Retired.

APR 12 FRI: PEACE CONFERENCE AT STRESA--SCHOOL STRIKE A FLOP! Arose as usual, about 6 AM. Dressed, ate & read "Observer".
       Caught 1st bus. Short test in English. Read more of "Silas Mariner". Geometry--working more on circles. Study hall--Almost finished my geom.homework. Lunch--???, & pecan pie--not as good this time as usual. Latin--Monthly test. Beginning work on passive voice. History--Bill had charge of dealing out items in "Observer":--all about big conferences over in Europe concerning peace & Hitler & arms.
       Big Conference at Stresa, Italy, is just convening. Finished all but Latin homework in last period study hall. Took bus home. Read papers all afternoon.        Dad & Phil & I drove over to the beach where we met the folks (Virginia, Mary Lou & Mother). We ate at a restaurant there. Arrived home by 8 PM. Had to drive Mary Lou to a dressmaker. Retired about 10:30. P.S. They tried to have a student strike (protest against war, supposedly, but really plain Communistic agitation) in school today. It failed--very few struck.

APR 13 SAT: TOOK PICTURES OF DOC. KOGER'S HOUSE--That awful mess about trying to find folks at beach. Finished "Brave Tom".
       Arose about 8 AM. The folks were going to Ft. Lauderdale, but I had to take Dad's car & go over to Doc.Koger's to take some pictures of his house. He wants them for real estate purposes. Took 3 of front (spoiled 2) 1 of back, 1 of parlour, & 1 of his office. Rushed them down to the photographers just in time (30 sec.to 12) to get them in with the "finished at 5:30" batch. Drove over to Treadwell's to see if they wanted me today to teach them to drive, but said they got somebody else.
       Went to church. Hans is back! Sure am glad! Met folks there & said they were going to the beach instead of Ft.Lauderdale. Hans & I took Dad's car, went out to the house & changed to our bathing suits. Then rode back by church, picked up towels & sandwiches for Hans. Then to beach. Couldn't find folks at first but finally did. Those 3 boys from Wheaton are here & had come over to the beach with'em. Swam for about 30 minutes. Rather chilly. Then dressed in car (Hans & I.) Went back after Virginia (Hans & I). Got films out at same time.--They're swell!
       Went back to beach with Virginia but couldn't find the folks. Came home & waited awhile. Took Virginia back to church (Poor girl! She was sure hungry & disappointed) & Hans & I rode back to beach to try to find them again. Couldn't. Drove Hans back to Church. Came home. Folks were home! Somehow we missed them when we had come back with Virginia. Retired about 10:30.

APR 14 SUN: AROSE AT 7 AM. DRESSED, ATE, & MADE SUNDAY-SCHOOL PREPARATIONS. Read papers. Departed for Sunday-school.
       Sunday-school, Church--Mother preached an excellent message on "Temptation". Waited till 2 PM after church to go with folks to Wilson's for dinner. Helped Charlie put out a brush fire that was burning a telephone pole. They showed us (gave to Mother) a picture taken of the church in a town which had been deserted after the Revolutionary War, taken by Mr. Seymour.
       Got home by 3:45, but even then had to run down to the Church with Mary Lou on an errand for Mother.
       Read "Brave Tom" to neighbour boys for the remaining part of the afternoon. Finished it. An excellently moral, character-building book--& nevertheless interesting. They enjoyed it immensely!
       Dad & I arrived late at Y.P.'s. I lead the remaining portion of the service. Mr. Haas spoke on "Back to Calvary", accompanying his talk with much Scripture reading. We were favoured with a number by a girls' quartette from the Nazarene Church. Mother preached tonight--Pilate & Procla. Left before she finished. Went out to the car to sleep, but didn't very well. Virginia & Mel took me home after going in the car with Hazel & Dorothy to see about getting a dog for Virginia. Retired about 11 PM.

APR 15 MON: COLD!--IN APRIL!--Dinner at Kirk's.--Took battery today.
       Arose at nearly 6:30 this morning--little later than usual. Dressed, ate & had to go to store for quart of milk before I ate because the milk man was late, & talked with Dad & Mother, warmed myself before the kerosene stove--very chilly this morning--unusual for April--& rushed off to catch 1st bus at 26th St.& 22nd Ave.
       Test--monthly!--in English. More work with circles & beginning work on "loci" in Geom. Study hall--finished 1st geometry problem & started on second. Went down for early lunch. Lunch--cauliflower, baked corn--(yum, yum--my favourite), & apple pie. Latin--got our monthly test papers back--made 96%. Not so bad.--But I did want to make 100. Beginning work on passive verbs. History--review for test Wed. Marked places in book to study. (I did my Latin homework & almost completed my geometry homework in this period.) Phys.Ed--Coach gave us some pointers on throwing & catching. Caught bus (not my usual bus this time--101 instead) home.
       Started reading papers, but was soon interrupted by having to take the battery to be recharged.
       A short time after I returned, we left for dinner at Kirkland's. Climbed atop the water tower--countryside rolling with smoke from brush fires. Big dust storms out West now, too. Swell dinner. Mrs. Kirkland exhibited her "occasional chairs" which she had made. Dad wants to buy one for $5. (Made from ordinary wooden barrel!)
       Returned home via town (where we dropped Mother off at a church & Phil at Fel.Club) (Mary Lou was not with us this evening). Read Sat.night's paper. Wrote this. Retired by 10:45.

APR 16 TUES: BOOK REPORTS--Finally cut out those news items from accumulated stack of papers.
       Arose at 6:20. Dressed & ate. A little less cool this morning. Finished geometry homework in kitchen warmed by kerosene stove. Went down to corner early to purchase paper & pencils. Caught 1st bus.
       Book reports in English--I reported on a book-length novel (continued story) which ran in the "Amer.Boy" for some time: "Steve Merril, Engineer". Finished just as bell rang. Geometry--more work on loci. Study hall--Almost finished geometry homework. Lunch--potato salad, apple salad & good pecan pie. Latin--going deeper into work on passive verbs. History--review. I reviewed part of the period, but finished all but part of homework during the remaining portion of the period. Study hall--finished Latin homework (translation of story) & then read George Elliot's excellent story "Silas Mariner" for the remaining time. Took bus home.
       Read papers & ran errands to the store all afternoon. Took the men (Clayton, Mr. Way & the painter) home (to the church in Dad's car) who had been working out here today. Ate a "vegetarian" dinner here at home. Cut out news clippings all evening till 9:30 from an accumulated pile of over 60! Wrote this & retired about 10 PM. Mother began her 5-nights' campaign tonight.

       Arose at 6:15. Dressed & ate--not so cool this morning. Read paper till time to go. Had prayer. Woke Mary Lou. Caught 1st bus at 28th St. Found out my grade on that monthly English test we had last Friday--96%. Began work on adjectives--kinds & comparatives. Continued work with circles & loci. Little review. Test (monthly
       tomorrow). Latin (we skip 3rd period this morning because of Assembly)--more work on passive verbs. History--1st half of the period we had 7 questions of the monthly test to be answered. Lunch--2 orders of good, baked chicken pie, & a piece of pecan pie again. Then the last half of the history period & 8 more questions. The test was not difficult. Study hall--Last period. Almost finished my geometry homework. Did finish my English. Caught bus home. Finished geometry homework (3 points in a circle, etc.) & did my Latin. Read paper. Took the men (Mr.Way & the painter) home to the church in Dad's car. Before that, though, I ran over to the 10-cent store on 36th St. & got 3 60-watt bulbs. We need'em.
       Smashed some ugly pointed stones in the driveway with the ax. Cut the weeds out of the new driveway Dad's makin'. Ate supper here at home--good--suckatash, potatoes & gravy, meat balls, cabbage, carrot & pea salad & bread pudding.
       Finished hacking weeds from driveway with machete. (Got wrong driveway at first).
       Inspected a swell, large, 7-page Atlas I bought from a fellow at school for 15 cents, worth it! Pasted clippings in clipping scrapbook till 9:45. Wrote this. (Am putting & arranging my clippings in my book much nicer & neater than before. First time I've worked on it since the last of Feb.)

       Arose at 6:05. Dressed & ate. Studied geom. Prayed with folks & left. Caught 1st bus. More study of adjectives in English. Read a bit of "Silas Mariner". By the way--found out this morning that we're to have a holiday tomorrow! Good Friday. That's a good sign.--Someone must see the value in promoting religious piety & reverance. We never were let out before on Good Friday that I can remember, but only those were excused that brought notes from their parents that they intended to participate in some religious services that day. Geometry test!--Boy oh boy!--I almost didn't finish! Got muddled up on the last problem, & when I'm rushed I can't think! When I go through an ordeal like that it makes me weak all over! Study hall--studied Latin. Lunch--2 orders of that good chicken pie again-& some cherry pie. Latin--more work on passive verbs & beginning of the study of the present perfect tense. History--Mr.English a substitute again. He had us read the next chapter on "The Rise of Nationalism". Phys. Ed--softball today (diamond ball). Caught 1 fly & 1 bounce! Caught bus home. Did history homework questions. Learned that song "Which Way Shall I Take" all aft.        Dinner at home. Mary Lou is gone. Phil cooked (with Mother's aid). Went to church after Mother & Dad in big car. Took Mrs. Smith. Slept in car, eaten up by mosquitos during church. After church Dad & I practiced that song. Retired about 1:30.

APR 19 FRI: HOLIDAY--GOOD FRIDAY--WITH DUE REVERENCE--MINIATURE GOLF! My First Public Appearance tonight as a singer--slipped!
       Ho, hum. Slept till 8 AM. Arose & dressed. Helped the kids next door set up that miniature golf set I gave them & played a couple games. I begged Dad into getting me that set several years ago as a pre-Christmas present. I never used it nor got much fun out of it. Mr.Way dug it out of some things packed away on the 3rd floor of the church & suggested I give it to some kids. I did so & now I'm getting more fun out of it than ever!
       Came in & ate breakfast. Went after Mary Lou to bring her over here so that she could get some clothes. I believe she left because of a little squabble about her (Mary Lou's) extreme & unbearable vanity! She's coming back Sunday, though, I believe. She's dyed her hair at last--against numerable protests--with that henna, making it look like a beautiful red--mop!
       Played some more golf with the kids. Came in. Phil & I fixed some "grapefruit-orange-grape-juice" with that squeezer Haases gave Mother. That, with some ginger snaps, composed my lunch.
       Read papers. Rushed Mother to Radio station for a 2:30-45 broadcast. Rushed over & got Mary Francis from Nunnally's. Met this singer (man) at the radio station who lost his voice because he broke a blood vessel or something while singing a high note. It was mostly a phobia that made him lose his voice, though. Dr. Koger is curing him.
       Drove Mother to church & drove home. Lamont was here & had to entertain him till he left, by a few games of golf. Practiced song. Waited for Dad to come home, but finally (Phil & I) left with the men (Way & the painter) to the church. Got Mother there, Dad came, & we went to the Southern Cafeteria. Made one break in that song tonight--forgot some words in the 2d verse. Took Dad's car home. Wrote this & yesterday's. Retired about 11:15.

APR 20 SAT: GOLF--SWIMMING, GREAT!!--Dinner at Pig'n'Whistle.
       Arose after 9. Dressed & ate. Read papers all morning. Only Phil & I were here all day. The folks all had gone out on their business, not even stopping to eat breakfast. After finishing the papers, I went out to get a little exercise by playing some golf with newly arranged holes. Came in finally about 1:15. Went to the store (Phil lent 25 cents & I found four 5-cent milk bottles & had 10 cents) for a quart of milk, large jar of apple butter & 4 grapefruit & oranges. Made some punch. Ate lunch.
       Phil & I then went to the church where Phil changed & picked up Hansford, & then drove on to the beach. Had a swell swim from about 3-5 down near the jetties. Played around with a corked bottle & an old barrel. Returned home. (Dropped Hans off at the church). Cleaned up & drove to the "Pig'n'Whistle" where we were to meet the folks. After waiting awhile we received a phone call from Dad who said for us to go ahead & eat & leave the check with the cashier--they were delayed. Did so.)
       Drove Phil to the church. Returned home. Wrote this, read story "Wolves" in "Amer.Boy". Retired 10 PM.

APR 21 SUN: EASTER!--AROSE AT 4 AM! Dressed hurriedly & left with Phil & Dad for the sunrise service at the beach. We expected to be early but there were already hundreds of cars ahead of us. Thousands of people were there. Beautiful sunrise. A truthful message was given but there was no heart appeal. Returned home at 6:30. Ate my breakfast. Fixed Sunday School book. Read papers (not funnies--I never waste time on Sunday funnies). Sunday School--Easter lesson, of course. Praise God, Christ has arisen!! Mother gave the message--especially to highschool students.
       Ate dinner in town, (Dinner Bell) with Hans. Excused myself from an invitation to Haases because I was so sleepy & intended napping all aft.
       Caught bus home. Slept from 3-5:30. Left for Y.P.'s. Mr. Haas spoke. Miss Roby also gave a little Easter Story with picture. Street service was splendid. I closed it in prayer. Mother gave illustrated message tonight.--Very good! About not sorrowing for the dead if you know they'll be bet-ter "over there". Took Phil & Mary Lou (she's back with us again) home in Dad's car. Took my exercise & retired about 11 PM.

APR 22 MON: USUAL MONDAY--Windows being installed in study--Tried to get to bed early--failed.
       Arose at 6:20. Exercised. I'm not used to it & right now my muscles are rather sore. Dressed & ate. Wrote Sunday in my Diary. Had prayer with the folks & rushed off to catch the bus for school. English--more study of adjectives & a little more of "Silas Mariner". Geometry--she read us our test (monthly--taken last Thursday) grades--I made 91.--Fair.--On with circles. Study hall--finished all but last problem of my geom.homework. Studied on that for the last 20 minutes of the period but still was unable to get it. Lunch--stew, cauliflower, & molasses (pecan--not many) pie. Latin--this stuff's getting sorta hard--'specially these perfect tenses. History--beginning Epoch 5 on "An Era of Enlightenment" with the 1st Chapter on the "Growth of Nationalism". Study chapter all period. Physical Ed.--Exercised on the "bars" etc. Then played a few games of tennis with Manuel (or to be exact--paddle ball). Caught bus home.
       Read papers. Dad is having Mr. Way put windows in all 'round our study. It sure will be a relief in the summer. Already have 2 on the West side in & today he was working on 1 in the South side where my book-case has stood. It's meaning a bit of change in the furniture arrangement, but we'll work it out.
       Went to church for Mother in Packard & then to Kirkland's for dinner. Very good. Mrs. Kirk's 2 younger sisters are visiting her--the youngest (about 22) is quite pretty, plump & jovial. Hazel Stoudt came after Mother & Dad in her new 1935 Chevy, so I went home early & alone in the big car. Hunted around at the drugstores till 9 PM for "Amer.Boy" & "Reader's Digest" Mags, but was able to procure only former. Read papers. Wrote this. Retired at 9:45.

APR 23 TUES: HEALTH ED--RAIN! RAIN! Stahmy Wethaw!--Bible class. 4 Shows in last 2 years. "House of Rothschild" "David Copperfield".
       Arose at 6:15. Dressed, ate, & read papers. Prayed with folks, & caught bus to school.
       English--adjectives & a bit of "Silas Mariner". Geometry--got our test papers back.--More work on circle. That prob.I couldn't get was easy. Study-hall--finished 2 geometry problems & studied Latin. Lunch--salmon salad, pear salad, apple pie. Latin--more past perfect tense study--('tense study is right!) History--recited a bit on "Growth of Nationalism" & answered on paper & handed in some questions he gave us. Health education--Coach Blier told us some things about feet--& "athlete's foot" (which I have). He finally bawled that smart-dirty guy out--Otis "Gabby" Forhan, & said he would not be permitted to come out for phys. ed. for the rest of the year. Caught bus home--& boy was it raining! First good rain we've had in months! Had to put some of my books in my shirts, wrap some in "Amer. Observer" & had to run the full block from bus-stop to the house in a veritable "cloud-burst"! Got soaked myself but my books didn't even get damp! Finish geom.homework--constructions. Read papers (am keeping up with'em day by day, now--for a wonder!)
       Took Mr. Way to church, waited 30 mins. for Mother but she finally decided not to come home. Came home, ate supper & went with Dad, Phil & Mrs. Smith to Dad's Bible class.--Got some reading in Revelation done by myself this time before Bible class. Got through outline of chapters up through 7th tonight. Returned home. Had argument with Mary Lou about how many shows I've attended in last 2 years.--Finally figured it out as 4. Retired at 10:30.

APR 24 WEDS: CROWDED BUS--REPORT CARDS--No Assembly--More rain--News item book work.
       Arose at six--angrily, because I couldn't figure out how to set the alarm about 15 minutes later in my drowsiness. Exercised. Dressed, ate (took cod liver oil too--blooey!) & read papers. Prayed with Mother & rushed off to catch bus.
       Caught 2nd bus--very crowded!--most ever! English--adverbs--beginning the study of a little of "Silas Mariner", too. Got report--97. Geometry--working with angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors, etc. Circumscribing & inscribing circles, etc.--Got report card--92. Study hall--completed all but one problem of geom. homework. Lunch (don't go for early lunch much more--usually go put my books in Latin room when usual bell-time comes, & then to lunch)--egg-salad, frozen carrot jello salad, & apple pie. Latin--more study of present perfect tense. Had to learn 7 "perfect" verb stems for homework. Got report--96. History--discussed "Growth of Nationalism" but didn't finish it. Got report card--97. Study hall (no assembly today--nor homeroom--usual schedule)--Finished geom. Boy oh boy! The last problem surely was long!
       Caught bus home. Study Latin (perf.stems) on way home. Read papers. Boy, was it raining again!--Started just after I got home. Dinner (Mary Lou, Phil & I) here at home. (By the way--Delores showed us some pictures of herself she'd had taken--they were lovely). Fooled around with Mary Lou 'fore supper. (Kissin' & lovin'!) After supper I fixed news items in my book until 8:30. Wrote yesterday & this in my diary. Exercised. Retired at 9:30.

APR 25 THURS: SCHOOL RUSHING TOWARD CLOSE--More rain, rain--very good--Doc. Sexton.
       Arose at 6:15. Exercised. Dressed, ate & read last night's paper. Prayed with folks & rushed off to catch 1st bus. English--more work with adverbs & a little of "Silas Mariner". Geometry--beginning work with tangents. Study--Got all but last 2 geom. problems. Lunch--Carrots, pea salad, & apple pie. Latin--getting down to brass tacks in perfect tenses. History--Mr. Clyde Crabtree gave the class a little talk on working for better grades. Phys.ed.--It was drizzling & raining alternately this aft. At first I didn't even want to go through the rain to the gym, but finally went, changed clothes, & had quite a bit of exercise. Ran the 220--slowly--for the 1st time. Exercised on the bars. Jumped the 4 ft.5 in.--All in the rain--lots of fun--cool--refreshing--took shower--re-dressed.
       Caught bus home. Luckily, it wasn't raining (only sprinkling) when I got off the bus. Read this morning's paper.--Helped Dad adjust the furniture in this, our study. Went to dinner with the folks (Dad, Mary Lou--Picked mother up at beauty parlor) at the "Southern". They have a 4-piece orchestra there now--I certainly hate that jazz!
       Took Dad to church, then took Mother by Doc.(Dentist) Sexton's. They talked about Mother's terribly abscessed tooth. Met his young-man son--Ray.
       Took ourselves home. Wrote this. Mother is feeling ill because of her tooth. Retired about 9:30. Too tired for exercise tonight--maybe.

       Arose at 6:15--Exercised. Dressed & ate. Read paper. Prayed with folks & rushed off to catch bus.
       English--beginning work on prepositions. Read a bit of "Silas Mariner". Geometry--still working with circles. Gave us extra long homework. Study--Finished all but last geom.problem or so. Did English. Lunch--carrots, ?, apple pie. Latin--a test in 20 minutes that should have been given us in an hour. History--"Observer" today.--All about "Stresa Conference" & trade pacts. Study hall--just finished geom. & Latin homework. Caught bus home. Sprinkling slightly. Saw Hazel Smith's boyfriend in his swell big roadster. Worked on aerials all afternoon. Obtained permission from Kennedy's (downstairs tenant of the apartment house behind us) to place a pole atop the apartment house to which I attached 3 aerials.
       Hurriedly dressed for dinner.--At "Pig'n' Whistle". Took us (Mother, Dad, Mary Lou, Phil, Virginia, Melvin, & myself) 1-&-1/2 hour to dine. Laughed most of the time at the funny stories we told.
       Then drove to church, let Dad, Mother, & Mel off, then drove to YP's beach party at 79th St. about 9:45. Very dull. Y.P. always insist on making a party a church service. Returned home about 11:00. Just before we left I accidentally spilled a jar of mustard all over Hansford. He certainly took it sweetly--swell fella! Retired about 12:15.

APR 27 SAT: HAIRCUT--MR. STOREY--Driveway--Lunch with Way--Aerials--Dinner in town at "Atlantic" Cafe by myself.
       Arose at 7:30. Exercised & dressed hurriedly so as to rush off to Mr. Moore for a haircut. He was breakfasting when I arrived (in Dad's car). While waiting, I met Mr. Storey, who was playing the piano. We talked politics, Mr. Moore joining it later. While he cut Mr. Storey's hair first we discussed religion. Then he cut my hair &, thanking him, I left.
       Came home, read last night's & part of this morning's paper. Ate my breakfast alone, after the folks had finished. Went out & worked on filling in holes in the driveway with broken plaster till 12:30.
       Took myself & Mr. Way to lunch. We were the only ones here nearly all day. Cashed in some 5-cent milk bottles so's I could get a piece of pecan-custard pie at Mac's while Mr. Way ate a regular dinner. Returned home. Worked on aerials all afternoon till I took Mr. Way home (to the church) at 5:30.
       Returned, took a bath, & was dressing when the folks returned. They'd already eaten! Drove Mother, Mrs. Smith, Miss Smith & myself to town. Mother went to Duval's Jewelery store for a birthday present for Dad. The folks waited while it took me an hour to find a place to eat & eat dinner. Returned home. Wrote yesterday's & this. Retired at 11 PM.

APR 28 SUN: AROSE AT 7. DRESSED & ATE. Fixed Sunday School book & studied the lesson. Read papers. Left for Sunday School--lesson on "The Holy Scriptures". Morning message by Mother on "Obedience". Went to Wilson's for a delicious dinner again--lamb roast. I never liked lamb until I ate some of Mrs. Wilson's lamb roast. Returned home about 3 PM. Read "Literary Digests" & last night's paper. Then to P's. Mr. Haas got well into the Alderman Story but was forced to discontinue it until Wed.night because of the shortness of time. A young lady from the Presbyterian church offered a solo: "Face to Face".
       Street meeting--It didn't seem to be as successful tonight until a man came up & asked for prayer--said he'd come into church & bring his wife, & give his heart to the Lord--a very touching incident.
       Night message--by Mother--an excellent message on the "Tongue". Went home with Sater's--also Phil. It is now 10:15. I shall retire immediately. Drank some orange juice & talked with Phil till 11:30.

       Arose at 6:20. Dressed & ate Post's Bran Flakes, as usual.--An excellent, regular morning breakfast food. Read Sunday's News till time to go. Prayed with folks. Caught 1st bus.
       English--prepositions. Geometry--circles, circles, circles! Hooray! Just think! Only 4 more weeks of it!--(If I'm exempt from exams). Study--got most of my geom.--lots of easy problems instead of a few tough ones, as it usually is. Lunch--corn, cauliflower, cherry pie--the last was very good. Latin--got our weekly test papers back today--made 96. History--beginning study of the progress of the era of enlightenment in Asia.--Kublah Khan, etc. Physical ed.--played diamond ball--was up once--made first base on a fumbled ball & was circumstantially forced out on an attempt to get to second. Nize, gool, szhower!
       Caught bus home. Went to the store a couple of times on errands for groceries (kerosene, Bran, ginger-snaps, sugar cookies, & quart of milk). Drank a glass of milk & ate some ginger snaps.
       Helped Dad fix roof eave-trough over east front door (back cottage--of course). Worked on map for history homework. Took the working men home to the church. On the way back I picked up a fellow just before it started pouring down rain & carried him to 30th St. just after 7th Ave. Drove on home. Dinner here at home: Meat loaf, potatoes, peas, carrots & tapioca. Finished history & geom. homework. Read papers. Kissed Mary Lou. Wrote this. It is now 10:40. I shall retire.

APR 30 TUES: MY TITHING--GEOMETRY EASIER--Assembly, music, imitations--Mary Lou--Bible class.
       Arose late again--6:20. Dressed, ate--no fruit this morning. Those grapefruits Dad brought up from Homestead are mostly bad. Doc. Koger brought me some more cod-liver oil yesterday but I didn't take it this morning, for I had no fruit to eat afterward to "drown" the taste.
       Finished Sunday's News & Herald. Prayed with folks (got 10 cents from Mother--I had a 5 c/ so's I could have lunch money. She gave me a dollar Sunday but I always try to put 25 c/ in the offering in Y.P.'s, 25 c/ in Sunday night church, use some for Sun. eve. supper, & then 10 c/ for Tuesday night--Bible class--offering. Rushed off & caught 1st bus at 26th St. & 22nd Ave. English--more prepositions & "Silas Mariner". Geometry--the stuff is beginning to be more fun now that we have just plain, good old easy problems--lots of 'em. Have another assignment of 'em for homework. Study hall--got all but last geom. problem. History--(skip Latin today cause of Assembly)--1st half period we studied--I hit upon the solution of that last & most difficult geom. prob.& worked it. Lunch--potato salad, fruit jello, strawberry shortcake. 2nd half History period--discussed last half of chapter upon the developments in Asia & Eastern Europe which led up to the "Era of Enlightenment". Assembly--very good musical program by Junior class. One variation--a series of excellent imitations by a talented boy. Study--Read history--all about Renaissance. Answered one question on chapter. Caught bus home. Took home History & Latin.
       Read papers. Kissed Mary Lou. Ran Clayton down to church. Sped a bit on the way home & thought I was being chased by cops--whoever it was I ditched 'em. Dinner here at home. Meat loaf, carrots & peas, potatos, beans. Read papers. Then with Dad to Bible class. Got through 1st four trumpets in Rev. tonight. Phil went along. Returned home--Dad then went after Mother at Haases. Read tonight's paper. Wrote this. It is 10:13.

MAY 1 WEDS: "SILAS MARINER"--STUDENT CAMPAIGNING--Geometry-tough homework--History-Reformation
       Arose at 6:15--very difficult for me to awaken this morning--so sleepy! Dressed & ate. Studied Latin. Prayed with folks & caught bus to school. English--conjunctions--read quite a bit of "Silas Mariner". We were also assigned to pick out words in "Silas Mariner" to define. There are plenty of them in that story which I do not know, which, I must say, is rather unusual. Geometry--recited on those easy probs.--were assigned some difficult theorems & corollaries. Test tomorrow. Study hall--campaign speeches took up half period--students are campaigning for office of student council president. Did my Latin. Latin--studying pronouns--"is", "ea", etc. History--discussed Renaissance. Study hall--compaigners (cam-painers) took up some more of my precious study-hall time. Finished part of Latin homework. Caught bus home. Took home Geom. & History. Worked till 5:15 on Geom--particularly last problem.
       Read papers (this morning's). Took Virginia & Clayton home to church. Stopped on way so's Virg. could get some groceries. She borrowed a nickel (5 c/) from me. Returned--read part of tonight's paper. Dinner here at home. Beef on toast, potatos, corn, Spanish rice, tomato salad, & chocolate cream puffs--but I chose to eat ginger snaps (Edgemont) with a glass of milk.
       Read--or finished reading tonight's paper. Read history.--Very interesting chapter on the Reformation. Read till 10:35. Wrote this. 'Tis now 5 min.to 11 PM.

       Arose immediately at 6 when the alarm rang, because I must study for a geom.test 2nd period this morning. Dressed, took cod-liver oil (this new stuff Doc.brought makes my throat tingle & sting), ate grapefruit & Bran flakes. Studied geom. from 7-7:45. Told folks goodbye & caught 1st bus.
       English--a little more of prepositions--then quite a bit of time we spent reading "Silas Mariner". Geometry--test! I was a little more calm, cool & collected this test than ever before, & I believe it helped me through the test & made the test seem easy. Had a rather difficult time figuring out the last problem though, on proving a line tangent to a circle. As it was, I finished just after the bell rang. Study hall--finished studying that chapter in history on the Reformation. Studied a little Latin. Lunch--potato salad, pear salad, pecan pie. I ate at the far (south) end of the cafeteria for the first time today. I usually eat on the west side near the north end. Latin--some board work--more & more work with perfect tenses & pronouns. History--he (Mr. Crabtree) gave us the first half of the period for study, so I finished my Latin homework. Then he gave us a little 8-question test on the 1st half of the chapter on Reformation. Made 100%! Phys.Ed--tried to get someone to play me a game of tennis but couldn't. Played diamond ball--I was up once & struck a fly--put out. Came home on bus. Read paper "Observer"--last week's. Played sexy with Mary Lou & Clayton. Took Mary Lou home. Took men (Mr. Thompson, Clayton, & Phil) to the church. Came straight back to "Mac's Lunch". On the way a cop stopped me & warned me about going through the yellow light at 20th St. 17 Ave. Took Mrs. Smith, Mary Lou, & Hazel to church. Returned home to read papers--tonight's paper. Wrote this. Am retiring early--at least earlier than usual tonight--It is 9 PM.

       Arose rather sleepily at 6:15. Dressed, ate. Read "Observer" for history today. Prayed with folks & caught bus.
       English--read "Silas Mariner"--were assigned to write a letter of application--& oh!--How I dislike letterwriting & composition!--Which reminds me--I haven't written Hjal or Marie for about a month & a half. Geometry--our test papers (monthly test yesterday) were returned to us--96%. Working on measuring inscribed angles now. Study--worked (mostly thought) on geometry for the solid hour & only finished 2 problems.--Couldn't finish the first. Lunch--Coleslaw, pineapple salad, & pecan pie (a little gooey piece). Latin--a lot of classwork--conjugations. We're beginning the study of past perfect passive verbs & I just can't seem to catch on. Guess it's 'cause I missed all 9A Grammar & don't know much about participles. History--had a substitute--a woman--very severe--didn't like her--she was tough on us about our "Observers". Sure am glad to have Clyde Crabtree for History. Study--studied geom. but couldn't get 4th prob. Gave it up to work on Latin. Couldn't figure that out very well, either. Got pretty discouraged. Lots of homework & none of it done when the bell rang.
       Took bus home. Worked on geom. till 5:30 & finally got it done. Finished (& figured out) my Latin. Dinner here at home. Wrote letter of application for Eng.homework.
       Went with Mother to church to practice for illustration Sun. night. Met Arturo Pique! (Young friend from Cuba.)--Boy! It was like old times again! We all (Mother, Mary Lou, Arturo, Clayton, Hans & I) went for some orange juice! Returned home. Retired about 11 PM.

MAY 4 SAT: LIBRARY--TRIP OUT INTO EVERGLADES WITH PHIL--Worked on news clippings--Couldn't collect debt.
       Slept late this morning. Arose about 10 AM. Dressed & ate--oatmeal with folks.--My first variance of breakfast diet for months.
       Read yesterday's morning's paper (had already read last night's.) Read my "Observer" until Phil & I finally left for the library about 12:15. The folks are going to Ft.Lauderdale today to spend the day. They intend taking along all the "boys" at the church & Virginia, & Arturo Pique.
       Phil & I returned from the library about 1:40. Then we decided to take a little adventure trip in Dad's car. We went clear out (west) through Hialeah & then south & out west on "Bird Road" to "Lost Lake", where they have those trained ducks & the "Coral Caverns". Talked with the fellow who owns the place. Nice old fellow from Canada.--Toronto. He's only been here & had Lost Lake here 4 years. Phil & I then returned by a different route & arrived home safely--even though I did let Phil drive a lot of the way.
       I worked on cutting out news items from 4 till 5:30. Then, as Phil & I were eating or about to eat supper, the folks returned. They had only been to Sunny Isles & had taken no one with them. Mother had found $1.21 while there. Went over & tried to collect debt, he (Edgar) didn't have the money. Returned, wrote this & yesterday's in my diary. It is now 7:30. Read this morning's paper & retired at 9:30 after bath.

       Arose at 6:55. Dressed, ate & fixed Sunday-school book & read lesson. Prepared some things to take along to Lamont's this aft. to dinner. Sax, photo book, microscope & cameras.
       Sunday School--Lesson on the Prodigal son. Very interesting for the boys. Church--Mother preached on having a "burden for souls".
       Went to Lamont's with Lamont. Just 'fore I left the church I ran over to the drugstore & bought a roll of film for my "620". Before dinner I showed Lamont my photobook. Then a delicious dinner: roast beef, potatoes, sweets, cabbage, celery, peas & chocolate cake. Then Lamont finished looking at my photos. I helped Junior fix up his little railroad track while Lamont practiced on his trumpet. Then Lamont & I both got together--me with the sax--& with some transposing because his coronet is B-flat & my sax C-melody--we played "America the Beautiful" & "The Old Rugged Cross". He played alto, also. We didn't do so bad. We're going to try to get together more, like that.
       Y.P.'s at 6. Phil spoke (we arrived late) on the life of Charles E. Cowman, telegraphist & missionary to Japan. His wife wrote "Streams in the Desert".
       Church--Mother preached on "Compromise". I took part in one of the illustrations as "Compromise". After waiting around for awhile after church, Doc. Koger took Mary Lou, Phil & I home. Had a little fuss with Mary Lou. (Usually over her refusal of sex!) Retired 11:30.

       Arose at 6:15. I was quite sleepy. Dressed & ate. Made a resolution to live a better Christian life. Wrote "Sunday" in my diary. Prayed with Dad & said good bye--Mother was asleep.
       Caught the 1 st bus--5 minutes to 8. English--Mrs. Hecksher was absent today for some unknown reason. We had a substitute instead--a nice little old lady. Spent the period taking a diagnosis spelling test--all the catch words & whatnot! I made the shameful grade of 81! Geometry--had all those problems worked out on the board. We were then assigned a supposedly easy batch of 6 problems for homework. Study hall--worked on geom. Finished 2 problems! Lunch--tomatoe & asparagus salad, pineapple & cheese salad, & pear salad--3 salads! That's the kind of lunch for me on a hot day! Latin--We are now well into perfect passive verbs, etc. Rather difficult. History--Discussed whole chapter on "Reformation". Then Mr. Crabtree gave us a talk on things in general leading up to the "Commercial Revolution". Physical Ed--Someone had taken my tennis shoes & towel, spent most of the period looking through the baskets for them.--'Sa dirty shame & a dirty trick! Too bad! Spent last part of period doing 3rd geom. prob. Caught bus home.
       Did geom.homework till 6 PM. Then I ran Clayton down to the church. Visited around with the folks (Virginia, Arturo, Hazel, Hans,etc.) up there till Mother was ready to go. Miss Roby came along. Finished geom. & started on Latin when dinner was called. Only ate a little salad & soup. Don't feel quite "right". Made outline for book report.
       Finished Latin. Read magazine reaction of Sunday's News. Wrote this. I feel almost exhausted & very tired & worn. I must get to bed immediately. It is 9:35.

MAY 7 TUES: BOOK REPORT--CHAIN LETTERS--Phys.ed instead of health ed.-blisters--Overloaded with homework again--Foot pads--The lost (book) is found!
       I arose at 6:15 again this morning.--Very tired. After dressing & eating, I sat down at my desk & began my book report. I am reporting on "Beyond Sunset Seas", the first volume of "Real America" or America in Romance. We usually write our book reports in class, but I know that I'd never finish it in class unless I got well started outside of class. I then prayed with Mother & told them both goodbye. I caught the first bus. Discuss these "send-a-dime" chain letters in homeroom.
       English--we didn't have book reports after all--they were put off until tomorrow. Instead we discussed business letters & read some more of "Silas Mariner". I worked over my book report some more in class, however, while they were doing all this. Geometry-Fire-drill the 1st 10 minutes of the period. Then we worked out the problems on the board as usual. Study--worked on geom. Finished 2 probs. Lunch--potato salad, pineapple salad, apple pie. Discussed these "send-a-dime" chain letters some more. It's not such a bad idea if it wasn't against the law. Latin--beginning a monthly review. History--the first time I ever came to history class practically unprepared! He gave us some questions to answer from the book, however, & I had a chance to study. We're studying the "Commercial Revolution". Then I walked up to study hall & remembered just in time I had Health Education today instead of Study. Instead of regular Health Educ. class we went out to the gym. I changed clothes & went out to play tennis. I didn't even finish my 1st game (after waiting for 2 games). My feet are tender since I'm not used to going barefooted, which I had to do because my shoes were stolen--so I burned 2 nice blisters on my feet from the hot clay--one split wide open. Limped in, took a shower, dressed, & caught the bus home.
       Did Latin homework. The folks all went to the beach for supper, but Mary Lou fixed me a plate & put it in the oven. This I ate. Then did all but last problem of geometry which I couldn't solve. Then I wrote a "friendly letter" for English. It was to Hjal. I wrote him a regular letter & thus killed 2 birds with one stone. Walked down to drugstore at 9 to see if Doc. could do anything for my blisters. He gave me a free sample of Dr. Scholl's foot (Zinc) pads. Nice of him. And then, praise the Lord, he handed over to me my long lost book! He had overheard some remark of some school boy who was in the store & made him 'fess up & return the book. Thank God!--That means $2.50 for me! Thanked him much! Returned home very happy indeed. Wrote this. It is nearly 10 PM. I shall retire.

MAY 8 WEDS: ZINC PAD--BOOK REPORT--Home-room--finished all homework in school for once--"Send-a-dime" chain letters.
       Arose at 6 when the alarm rang. Fixed my blister on the ball of my foot with one of "Dr. Schol Zinc-pads". My shoe felt fairly comfortable but hurts a bit still when I step on it. Dressed. There was no Bran so I had to go to the store for some. When I returned I discovered the milkman had brought no milk. Went to the store again & got a quart. Was about to eat & found there was no grapefruit. Did without & went ahead & ate Bran. Read history. Had told folks goodbye already. Caught first bus.
       English--finished book report in class. Geometry--did probs. on board as usual. I hadn't gotten that last prob. because I read it wrong. I read "angles" instead of "sides". Study hall--finished all but last step or so of last geom. problem. Lunch--liver & gravy, potatoes & gravy, peach pie. Latin--more review. Had a sort of review test. Homeroom--we omit History today. Homeroom was used as a period to fix schedules for next year & study. Finished geom.& almost finished Latin. Study hall--Finished Latin. Studied History; last half of "Commercial Revol." chap.
       Caught bus home. Drank Ovaltine left me by Mary Lou. (GBH!) Read papers. Read papers. Went to church, then to "Pig'n' Whistle" with folks for dinner. Discussed the chain letter "send-a-dime" idea. I think it's excellent for the circulation of money & the redistribution of money. Took Mother out to Haases & returned home. Dis-cussed dime chain with Hartley. Wrote this. It is 10 PM. Retired.

MAY 9 THURS: EXCUSED FROM PHYS.ED participation for today--Dinner at Chapman's--"Amer. Observer". A darn good little paper for the enlightenment of the American public on what's going on!
       Arose at 6:10. Applied another Zinc-pad. Dressed. The milk had not come again & I was forced to go after some. Grapefruit this morning. Ate. Read Monday's "Herald". I've been getting a little behind with my newspaper reading because of so much homework of late. Had already told folks goodbye, so I started up to the corner about 7:45 as usual, caught 1st bus with rest of students at 28th Street.
       English--Spent most of the period reading "Silas Mariner"! I have not read any of it lately, & so the class has "caught up with me", so to speak. Geometry--Had all the probs. & 1 theorem for today OK. We were assigned more problems, a theorem & a corollary. Study hall--finished all geom.but theorem & corollary. Lunch--scalloped tomatoes, fruit jello salad, apple pie. Latin--more review. We are starting a semester's review in those Latin workbooks. Test tomorrow--monthly. History--studied & discussed whole chapter on "Commercial Revolution". Physical Ed.--I was excused from changing my clothes & participation in recreation because of those blisters on the bottoms of my feet & because I have not yet obtained other tennis shoes. Did that theorem & half the corollary this period. Had to wait nearly 10 minutes for the buses this afternoon. They must have been delayed by that bridge. Worked on that corollary while waiting. Caught bus home.
       Took Dad's car & went over to "Andrew Jackson" to get the music stand I'd left there. It couldn't be found. Then I made the trip all the way down to the library to get a refund on that last book I am returning, & just because they were taking inventory they couldn't refund it just now! Returned home. Dinner out at Chapman's. Re-turned. Read "Amer. Observer" till 9:20. Wrote this. Retired.

MAY 10 FRI: "OBSERVER"--NO HOMEWORK (Not much, I mean)!--"Two Homes".
       Arose at 6:15. Dressed & ate. Read papers. Told folks goodbye & caught 1st bus. English--Beginning work on gerunds--rather confusing with participles. That's what gets me mixed up in my Latin too. Geometry--some problems, pretty easy--& a theorem & corollary. Study hall--finished all geom. but part of theorem & corollary. Lunch--apple salad, pineapple salad, apple pie. Latin--monthly test!--quite simple--think I made a good grade. History--gave "Observer" reports--all about Austria's financial troubles, & checking the "holding Co's" in our country. I reported on the "Chinese rebels". Study hall--finished geom. Did English. Read Latin. Then--believe it or not--I had enough spare time left over to read an article in my "Reader's Digest"! This is the first time this has been so for weeks! Caught bus home.
       Read papers most of afternoon. Supper here at home. Read papers till 8:30. Then had to go to church with Mother to practice "The Two Homes"--a Mother's Day illustration we're to give Sunday. Had to wait until after the Bible class (Mr.Haas's class) was over, which meant I practiced my part, visited Virginia, & associated with Hans, Lamont, Hazel, & Dorothy till 10 PM. We finished about 12:30 & returned home. Got to bed immediately.--about 1 AM. I was a little angry about being kept up so late.

MAY 11 SAT: GOT BACK MY $2.50!--Lots of errands & shopping--Chain Letters--Practice.
       Arose at 8:45. The kids right outside our bedroom door awoke me pole-vaulting & jumping & spear throwing. Ate breakfast with folks till I burned my hand on the hot plate & went into our kitchen to eat.
       Read papers all morning waiting for Dad to let me go with his car to the library & to town on some errands. We all had worship together & then Mother gave me the money to get myself & Phil some tennis shoes.
       We (Phil & I) then left in Dad's car for the library. They had finished "inventorying", so I was paid back that $2.50 for that book I had lost & then recovered.--Boy! That sure did look good & it was a life saver!
       We then went to town. We got our shoes together. I got some low-top white shoes for 69 cents. Then we parted & I went on my many errands. Got some shorts, a toothbrush, a Mother's Day card for Mother, a bottle of ink for Dad & some chain letter forms for Dad & me, also some tennis balls, films & lots of other stuff that I needed. Mother had given me a dollar as a gift also this morning, but I only had about 50 cents when I finished up this afternoon. But I got a lot done & things I needed. Came home about 4 PM.
       Read this evening's News. Took Mary Lou to work & took Mr. Way home to church. Returned. Ate supper. Started preparing chain letters till I had to go with Mother to church to practice. Finished letters at church before practice. Practiced. Returned home about 11:30. Retired about 12:30.

MAY 12 SUN: AROSE RATHER LATE FOR ME on a Sunday morning--8 AM. Dressed & ate with Dad & Phil & Mary Lou. Prepared Sunday School Book & studied lesson. Sunday School--Lesson on "Christian Church". Morning message by Mother on--a lot of things--things like she was making the affairs of our family public, but afterwards she said that she'd meant nothing of the kind--that she'd been preaching at some other people & about some other cases. All in all, though, it was a very good message.
       Practiced right after church until 1:30. To Wilson's again for dinner--ham this time--very good. Read my story "Silas Mariner" in the car while waiting for the others to go. Finally returned home. I looked over a few funny papers--all about Orphan Annie & that old tramp's invention. Then I read "Silas Mariner" for a short time--supposed to have it finished by tomorrow. I stopped to practice my part awhile. Afterward I looked over some more funnies, arranged the papers & sorted out the paper Delores always wants--she's a sweet little kid, y'know! (12 years old!)
       Y.P.'s. Downstairs--good 'ol Earnest Money was there in charge & his wife. Haven't seen him for a year or so. Then illustrated message. Don't think I acted so well, although there were no blunders. Came home with Saters. Retired at 11 PM.

       Being exceedingly tired this morning, I did not arise until nearly 6:25. I then dressed & ate breakfast. After reading the first section of Sunday's "Herald" I left to catch the 1st bus.--I had already prayed with & told the folks good bye.
       English--Mrs. Hecksher did not arrive this morning. We kept as quiet as possible so that no one would know that we were without a teacher. Hymen Merlin called the roll. Then a girl read off the spelling, we corrected our papers & they were gathered up--also the homework. I then continued "Silas Mariner" by reading aloud to the class, as is usually the custom. A teacher happened to peek into the room about 10 minutes before the end of the period, & came in.--But we had had the pleasure of conducting our own class for 40 minutes! Geometry--Usual procedure: board recitations & then an assignment of several easy problems for tomorrow--easy for once! Study--I was able to finish all but the last problems of my geometry before the bell rang. Lunch--asparagus & tomato salad, pineapple salad, & apple pie. Latin--We are carrying on a review by means of work from Latin workbooks. History--Mr. Crabtree set forth some review questions on the board, practically covering the first epoch. Physical Ed.--I donned my new tennis shoes & played Manuel 6 games of paddle tennis. He won 3 to 2. We hadn't time to finish the sixth game. Went into the gym, showered--had brought some soap along this time, & dressed. Caught bus home.
       Lay down to rest for a moment when I decided to finish my geom. homework. That last prob. took 42 steps & covered 3 pages! Read papers. Took milk around & the men--Hartley & (Clayton) Seats. Returned home & ate a delicious supper--apple pie! Finished reading papers through tonight's. "News". Dad entreated me to discontinue my extensive paper-reading, saying that I need only read the "Amer.Observer". But I've started that scrapbook & I intend carrying it through! Wrote this about 8:30-8:45. Read "Silas"-10 PM.

MAY 14 TUES: MRS. HECKSHER HAS BANDAGED EYE--Review in most subjects--"Reader's Digest"--Dad's Bible Class
       I arose promptly at 6:15 AM this morning. I finished dressing & eating by 7:05 AM & read the morning "Herald". Read "Silas Mariner" until time to go. I've just come to the place where he has decided to adopt or is taking care of Gregory's baby. The story is certainly interesting. Prayed with the folks & kissed them goodbye. Caught 1st bus at 28th st.-22nd Ave.
       English--Mrs. Hecksher was back again this morning. She had a bandaged eye--had gotten something in it. Studied gerunds & began our review. Read a bit more of "Silas Mariner". Geometry--We are now taking up the last of our work for this semester: constructions. She (Miss Kimler) gave us some rather simple problems for homework. Study hall--Finished all of my geometry but the last construction proof. Lunch--steak & gravy, string beans, cherry pie. Latin--Our papers (monthly test of last Friday) were returned to us--I made 95. We continue re-viewing--in book & in workbooks. History--Mr. Crabtree put 25 review questions more on the board--about Epoch 2. He also told us what to study for the monthly test tomorrow. Study hall--finished geom., English & Latin.
       Caught bus home. Kissed Mary Lou (till her knees buckled & we landed on the floor!) Bought cards & envelopes. Read articles in April "Reader's Digest" about the founding of the "Salvation Army". Went with Dad & Phil to Dad's Bible class. He covered the 5th & 6th trumpets. His explanations are certainly more sound than that foolish futuristic theory. (Ha!) Returned about 10. Retired 10:30 PM.

MAY 15 WED: GEOMETRY--HOMEROOM--NO HISTORY TEST--PRACTICED ON SAX--Plumbers for dinner--Y.P.'s prayer meeting.
       I rose promptly at 6:03--sleepy. Dressed & ate as usual. I then wrote yesterday in my diary. Read 1st half of this morning's (t quit because of the shortness of time. Prayed with Dad & kissed Mother goodbye, & caught 1st bus.
       English--Began working on pronouns after we'd had a short review & a review (mimeographed) test. Read a bit of "Silas Mariner". Geometry--Board recital, so I was given the problem about the right triangle to construct when the hypotenuse & one side are given. Then we reviewed a bit for the test tomorrow--monthly--hope I make a good grade, 'cause if I do, my chances of being exempt will be assured. Bessy Snow--a star pupil--has given up all hopes of being exempt because of a low grade last month. Study hall--finished studying geom. for test. Studied English. Then studied history for monthly history test last period today. Lunch--stew & cheesed potatoes, pineapple salad. Latin--more review. Homeroom--used it as a study period. I finished reading that book condensation in the "Reader's Digest"--"Heaven High-Hell Deep". Very good plane story. History--Didn't have that test I studied for--postponed until tomorrow. Review of Epoch 3--more Q's.
       Took bus home. Drank chocolate milk & ate ginger snaps. Took Mary Lou over to her house. Returned & practiced "Rosary" & "Holy City" on my sax till 6:30. Folks came home. Rushed off to Plumber's, & Phil & I followed in Dad's car. Beat'em there! Good dinner. Phil & I went to Y.P.'s prayer-meeting at Smith's.
       That new boy, Robert, was there. Nice fellow--goes to Edison. Had to leave before they even got started praying. Got home at 9:30. Made bed. Wrote this. Folks came. Read last half this morning's paper. Retired 10.
       MAY 16 THURS: GEOMETRY TEST & RE:EXEMPTION--HISTORY TEST 92--"Observer"--read papers--retired early.
       Arose at 6:20. I awoke rather startledly upon looking at the time! I did not remember having shut off the alarm when it rang at 6. I finished dressing & eating at 7:15. Have forgotten what I did until I read most of the last night's "News". Prayed with & told folks goodbye. Caught 1st bus.
       English--discussed pronouns & were assigned another lesson on them. Read "Silas Mariner". Geometry--monthly test! I was delayed in thinking out the construction & proof of the last problem & did not have time to finish it. Think I made at least an 80, though. Study hall--spent first part of period figuring out what it will take for me to be exempt in my geom. To be exempt, I must make a grade of at least 84 this month. To make such a grade, I must now make a daily grade average of at least 82 or more since my test average will be approximately 88. Lunch--apple salad, pineapple salad, pecan pie. Latin--more review. We reviewed especially today for the monthly test tomorrow. History--monthly test! It was composed of mostly simple true & false questions. I missed 4 of the 50. I really missed about 2 or 3 but he got mixed up on a couple there himself. My grade was 92. Physical Ed--Finished up that series of paddle tennis games with Manuel--he beat me 4 to 3, then I beat him 3 to 2. We had a good time. Came in, showered & dressed.--Ol' Lefkoff--guess that's how you spell it--went & used my nice clean towel on his face--damn his hide! He's always doing that! Caught bus home.
       Read this morning's (or rather finished reading it) "Herald". Read "Amer.Observer" till I had to take the men (Hartley, Way, & Seats) to the church. Bought steak on way home. Finished reading "Observer" & was reading tonight's "News" when Mary Lou called Phil & I to a late supper at 7:15. Good though. Talked to Mary Lou about being so slow. (Poor girl! She was really trying to please!) Finished the "News". Looked up some items in back papers that I'd missed about the Philippine Plebiscite. Wrote this. That ditchdigger is nearing our neighbourhood now. Retired 9. Had intended to retire at 7. Kissed her (Mary Lou--usually very sexily!--Terrific gal!)

MAY 17 FRI: DITCH DIGGER--GEOM. GRADES 88--Latin Test--Crabtree Talk.
       Arose at 6:20. Had dozed from around 6 to that time. That big ditch-digger, digging the ditch for the new water main, certainly has been making a lot of racket--it started up at 5 this morning! Dressed & ate breakfast as usual. Cut out some news items. Prayed with & told folks goodbye & caught first bus. Before catching it, however--since I'd gone down a little early--I watched that ditch-digger--enormous thing!--Cumbersome! It's digging west on 26th St. (from clear out at Hialeah), then south on 21st Ave., & then West again on 23rd St.--just sorta circlin' around us here. Boy oh boy! That racket's gonna continue to be present here for several days!
       English--study of "Silas Mariner". I made out the book report cards for the teacher. Geometry--I made 88. More than I had expected, since I had not finished that last problem. The teacher (Miss Kimler) says she thinks I should have a very good chance of being exempt. Study--studied history (2nd & 3rd Epochs) for review today. Lunch--had forgotten I was out of lunch money--only had 10 c/, got a piece of apple pie & a choc.milk, studied Latin for test next period. Latin--Monthly test! Think it was pretty easy. History--Review. Mr. Crabtree talked to us for some time about being more responsible. He told us that story about the fellow who learned so easily & knew all by heart at his college. Study--studied history (Epochs & chapters), then studied review in geom.--like it! Read a bit of "Silas Mariner"! Caught bus home.
       Read papers. Cut out items. Took men (Hartley & Way) to church in big car, went over to see "Sonny" about playing on his tennis court, but he said it is strictly private now.
       Exercised in trees & took a bath while rest of folks ate supper. Then I ate--only a little though, 'cause I intended to go to bed right away. But we talked about Wheaton. I wrote this, & it was (or is now) 9 before I retired.
       MAY 18 SAT: TENNIS--PHIL'S GLASSES--News clippings book--Mother fixed supper! Time Exposures.
       Awoke first, when it rained at 3 AM, then when the ditch-digger started at 5 AM. Dozed until 8:30, when I arose. Dressed, ate breakfast with the folks. Then I read last night's "News". The family--or all the folks (Dad, Doc. Koger, Hartley, Mary Lou, Phil, & I) had worship. Mother preferred her room because she's hurt at Dad. She gave me 30 cents & Phil & I borrowed a racket for Phil from D.A. Wilkins, neighbour boy. Went to Henderson Park across from the Victoria Hospital at about 3rd St. & 9th Ave. to play tennis.--Had to pay 20 cents for 1 hour. We played 2 sets & 1 game, however. Beat him 6 to 1 first set. He beat me 6 to 1 second set. I used the borrowed racket & let him use my good one. Then he beat me the extra game. Almost got thrown off the court because I'd taken my shirt off 'cause it was so hot! Then Phil & I drove to the library, stopping "en-route" for an ice-cold drink of water at the filling station at 5th St. & 1st Ave. N.W. Phil got some more books on my card (had to make me out a new card this time because the old one all used up). Phil & I stopped at the tennis courts at Moore Park intending to play there, thinking it was 10 cent per hour. Found out it was 20 cents too, though, & so we returned home.
       Ate some lunch--lemonade (too sweet) ginger snaps & grape jam sandwich. Had returned to reading my papers when I had to rush Phil back to the tennis courts--he'd forgotten his glasses! Found them, OK though! Returned.
       Worked on my news item book until supper. Took Mary Lou to work. Delicious supper--Mother had prepared it--no wonder!
       Finished some work on the news item book. Read this morning's "Herald" & tonight's "News". Wrote this. It is now 9:05 PM. y Took some time exposures of Dad & I at our desks with my Brownie-620. Went for Mary Lou. Phil's sick, so I am going to sleep in the front room at the other house tonight. It is 10:20.

MAY 19 SUN: AROSE AT A LITTLE AFTER 7 (Over at the other house.) & came on over to the cottage. Dressed & ate breakfast--alone. I then fixed my Sunday School book & read the lesson (about Philip & the Ethiopian). It then occurred to me that that was the first lesson I'd taught when I took over the class. Looked it up in my diary. Yes, there it was!--Oct. 14, 1934. Then Dad & I left early for Sunday School. I got a shoeshine before Sunday School.--Then Church--Mother preached on "Tithing". This was the message in which it seemed she bawled Mrs. Owen out about praising etc.
       Dinner at Wilson's--very good. Roast lamb, potatoes, corn, strawberry shortcake. Then the folks drove around through Coral Gables etc. to see the beautiful flowers while I read "Silas Mariner" in the back seat. Returned home. I read "Silas Mariner" all aft. & just finished it at 5 min. to 6! Awoke Dad from his nap & we went to Y.P.'s. They held it upstairs again this Sunday. I had one of the parts in the program.--"The Value of True Friendship"; spoke confidently, for once. Then the street meeting. Church--Mother preached on "No man liveth nor dieth to himself"--good sermon. Afterwards I spoke with Mr. Van de Linder about my sax music, the orchestra, etc. He wants me to take the cello part. I must really learn to play my sax by music or written score, first though. Doc. Koger took me home. He cautioned me about arguing so much. Phil's been at home, sick (?) all day. Retired about 11 PM.

MAY 20 MON: BUS BY HOUSE--Reviewing Latin test 97--high fly Sun--"Lazy River".
       (Slept here as usual, last night) Arose rather late, 6:25. I had shut the alarm off at 6 & accidentally gone back to sleep. Dressed & ate breakfast. Wrote yesterday in my diary. Told the folks goodbye & went down to 28th St. & 22nd Ave. to catch the first bus. (They were only allowing the traffic to come up that far because of the digging, so I have had to catch the bus there). So, what was my surprise when the school bus took a detour down (east) on 28th, south on 21st Ave. & west on 24th St.--right past the house! I could have caught the bus right there!
       English--we reviewed "Silas Mariner". I had to give a review of the first half orall before the class. I like it, though, 'cause it's an interesting story to talk about. Geometry--reviewed constructions & proofs & right triangles--& started reviewing parallel lines. Study hall--studied review lesson in geom. for tomorrow & studied review lesson in history for today. Lunch--Spanish rice, cauliflower, apple pie. Latin--our monthly test papers were returned--I made 97. Best grade I've made, I believe, on a Latin monthly--except the 1st month. I made 100. Lot of board work. History--Mr. Crabtree put some review questions on the board on Epoch 4. Did my Latin homework. Phys. Ed.--played diamond ball. Caught a high fly, right in the sun!--best catch I've ever made almost. Showered & dressed & caught the bus home. Got off almost right in front of the house.
       Dilly-dallied around--drank grape juice & ate grape-jam sandwich. Took out my saxophone to start practising, but something (Mary Lou!) interrupted me--I finally put it away. Went over to see ditch-digger with Dad & Sater. Folks left--went to the beach. Mother left me money for dinner at Mac's. Went to the cleaners for my pants, but they couldn't find them.
       Returned home. Went to Mac's for a good 25-cent supper. Came home. Dressed in my good suit & went to the "Regent" to see Robert Young in "Lazy River"--Pretty good, but not as good as I expected. Returned home. Folks hadn't returned. Wrote this. Retired at 9:15.

       Arose at 6:15 (by the alarm clock--I usually set it 5 mins. fast). Dressed & ate breakfast. Have an idea I'm going to tire of Post's Bran Flakes one of these days, but I still like'em. I'll (if I do) probably change to Grape-Nuts again. Read Sunday's Herald. Prayed & told the folks goodbye. I then caught the 1st bus (which is again running its regular route, by the way).
       English--Mrs. Hecksher gave us (dictated) some long questions on "Silas Mariner"--this took up the entire period. Geometry--more review. I was called upon to prove the corollary that a parallelogram is a rectangle if the diagonals are equal. Study hall--studied geometry review for tomorrow. Felt very tired & lazy--guess it's this terribly hot weather today! Lunch--egg sandwich, apple pie & I broke my usual lunch routine by getting a bottle of chocolate milk. Latin--review--assigned pages in workbooks. History--we had to answer (with or without book) 20 questions on paper, in class which he put on the board on Epoch V. I did it, & had enough time to spare to finish my Latin homework. Health education--We went out to the gym where coach Bleier measured some chest expansions, etc. Then we watched the girls play softball in the gym till time for the bell. (Some chests!) Caught the bus home. Read all the way home about the "Japanese War Machine"--its infantrymen in the "Reader's Digest". (6 years before WW 2!)
       Arrived home. Drank some milk drink & ate gingersnaps. Took Dad's car to Jackson to find out Edgar Hobart's (the guy who still owes me $2) new address. Couldn't find it. Before asking, I talked with Fred McClelland & his friend. Had to get his friend to help me push the car--the starter was stuck. Finally found his address from a man who was talking to Edgar's landlady--they owe her $35. Went to his house & gave him that picture of him in my study & made a date with him to "collect" Sat. evening.
       Returned home. Read Sunday's News, Monday's papers & this morning's Herald. Ate supper here. Was accused of complaining about the food--felt out of sorts. Read tonight's News. Dad & Rupert had gone ahead in big car to Church.--Phil & I followed in Dad's car. Bible class. Dad & Mrs. Smith decided to wait for Mother, & Phil & I went home in Dad's car. Visited with Mary Lou.--Couldn't get Phil out, or I'd'a' kissed her! Wrote this. Retiring now,10:55.

       Arose at 6. Dressed & ate by 7 AM. Read this morning's "Herald" & translated "Jan 1" of my 1933 diary. I kept some of it in code when I wrote it in '33. I am translating it now, though--no reason for code--just a childish whim. Told folks goodbye & caught 1st bus, 26th St., 22nd Ave.
       English--Literature test on "Silas Mariner". I missed one & made a grade of 98. Geometry--review. Study hall--studied review in geom. for tomorrow. Studied review of 4th Epoch in history for today. Lunch--apple salad, pineapple salad, & apple pie. Latin--more review. Finished all my homework in class. History--Mr.Crabtree gave us the complete set of review questions on Epoch 5. We had to answer every odd question on paper in class. There were 30 questions. I got to the 21st & the bell rang. As soon as we'd left the room I saw'm chuck 'em all (all the papers) into the wastebasket! Study hall--Read "Reader's Digest" the whole period. Caught bus home.
       Got out my sax to practice 'fore orchestra practice tonight at the church, but had to help Dad strengthen some partitions (with boards & nails) for about an hour. Then I practiced about 30 mins.(half of which time I studied my instruction book) until I had to take the men to the church--in the big car. Returned--Mabel Money was here--tried to practice some more, but had to put it away to go to supper (here at home). Good dinner. Mabel ate with us. Then I took Mary Lou home & went on down to the church, taking Mabel & Phil along.
       Practiced with the orchestra till 10 PM. I was surprised that I actually got in a note now & then. Half the time I followed Mrs. Rush by ear, & part of the time--if it was simple enough--I could follow the music, & I enjoyed it immensely. Returned--picked up Mary Lou "en route". Retired at about 11. Very tired.

       Arose at 6:20. Boy oh boy!--I guess that practice last night & getting to bed so late just about exhausted me--feel worn out! Dressed & ate by 7:10. Wrote yesterday's. Told folks goodbye & hurried off to catch first bus--walked with R.M.Snell from 26th St. to 28th St.
       English--review literature tests--also Mrs. Hecksher had me copy some names & information on some record sheets. Got my exemption assurance! Geometry--review in general--exemption also affirmed!--Hooray! This was the last Geom. class I'll be in for many a day! Study hall--studied questions & review of Epoch 5 for history.--Very hot & "lazy-tired". Lunch--my last lunch in school till next semester--an egg sandwich, apple pie, choc.milk. Latin--Exemption affirmed--review. History--review--exemption affirmed. Hooray! Exempt in everything! Phys.Ed.--the last class for me this year. Played doubles--paddle tennis with Manuel Hedron, Blaine Hague, & Billy (skinny guy from Jackson). Hooray! School's out--3 PM. Caught bus home--last bus ride this (school) year. Took all books & athletic equipment home.
       Read Wed night's (last night's) News. Drank choc.milk & ate ginger snaps. News. Cut out items till supper. Good supper--Mary Lou prepared it--Phil, Mary L., Hartley, Clayton & I ate. Mother & Dad had gone on a call.
       Read this morning's Herald. Went over to Louis Koehler's to give him a commemorative stamp from Norway (Mother had received a letter from Knute Ackervald, & to show him a piano lesson book written by a man with his same name. Wrote this. Took the men (Hartley, Clayton & Thompson) to the church. Exercised in trees for a moment after Lawrence had come over to see a little wild rabbit that was sitting in the yard. Undressed. Listened to programs (Radio)--it was the Maxwell House program--then retired--9:05.

MAY 24 FRI: WHAT I INTENDED DOING--WHAT I DID DO--DROVE THE BUNCH AROUND--TO THE BEACH etc. Ho hum! Sorta sleepy--so I didn't arise until 9:20! Dressed & ate breakfast.
       I intended putting some of the day in at some odd reading I needed to get done (Papers, "R.Digest", & "Amer.Observer"), & practice on my sax. But I'd just finished the first when Mother entered with the bright idea of my driving her around today--with Mrs. Edna Haas, Mrs. Marie Smith, Mary Lou & Virginia. I finally consented. I first went over in Dad's car to tell Mrs. Smith. Had some trouble with the starter, so when I returned I worked on it:--took it (part of it) apart, but finally decided it was in the starter box itself, & I didn't care to go into that. Came in, washed up & waited to drive Mother. She was talking to some woman, but we finally got started, hour-&-a-half late! Went & got Mrs. Smith. Then to the church for Virginia. Couldn't find her at first but finally did. She was sore 'cause we were so late. Then to Haases' for Mrs. Haas.
       We then drove to Pirates Cove. We looked over the big, beautiful estate near there that Doc. Koger's negotiating for.--For a clinic. Then to the "Picket Fence", a little eating place near the Pan Am Air Base. Then to the beach. We drove around looking at & inspecting homes (Just for the fun of it, I guess) all afternoon. Mother was displeased with my driving just because I acted up a bit--feeling like I was on a spree--first day of vacation!
       Returned. Took Mrs. Haas home--saw Lamont. Took Virginia to the church after passing by the house & leaving a note for Dad to meet us at the church. I took some people to the Seamen's Mission while waiting for Dad. Visited with Hansford when I returned.
       Then we (Mother, Mary Lou & I) went to the Holsum (Cafeteria) for a fair supper--Dad hadn't come. Then went home, Doc. & Dad were there. Wrote this. It is 10:10. I am retiring. Must get something done tomorrow--for practice.

MAY 25 SAT: NO HAIRCUT--ERRAND IN TOWN; MOTHER & PICTURE--MY FILMS: ROGER--Bath--Hairwave--Pictures--Sax practice.
       Arose at 7:30 (Rather early for a Sat. morning)--but I wanted to go to Mr. Moore for a haircut. Dressed. Ate grapefruit. Went (in big car) to the store (K & Doris) for some groceries--including "Bran". Went over to Moore's. Mr. Moore was sick--has been for about two weeks, but I never knew about it--same old trouble--he was gassed in the War. (WW I) So--no haircut.
       Returned home. Ate Bran. Read yesterday's Herald & News & this morning's Herald. Read "Amer.Observer". Listen to the folks discuss Lehman's revival proposal--they don't like it because he did 'em so dirty when there last time.
       Went with Doc. Koger to town. Took picture of Mother to Wilson's to be framed--it is to be a gift (birthday--Mon.) from Doc. Koger. Walked with Phil to photographer's to get my reprints--$1.16. Had gotten the money from Mrs. Owen. Then to a linen shop with Phil so's he could get Mary Lou a present for Mother--by the way--he got his money today--$100! He's spending it rather carelessly. Went up to see Roger--got those films he'd developed for me--ones of Dad & I in office. I went over (parted with Phil) to the stock store, got Azo print-paper, & brought it back to Roger so's he could print the pictures. (Roger Lightbourne, foto friend.)
       Caught bus home (After buying a sax reed--35 cents). I had to go to church & borrow 10 cents busfare from Virginia.
       Took bath. Kiss & love Mary Lou. I finally allowed her to wave my hair.--She didn't do so good. Ate supper of Bran with Phil. Dressed. Was making a music stand when Doc. called, reminding me to go for picture.--Got it--after a lot of chasing around. Returned home. Practiced on sax till folks came at 8:30 PM. Wanted me to go to Helen Deutch's farewell party but I wouldn't--tired, dirty shirt. Put sax away--undressed for bed. Wrote this. Am retiring--it's 9:30. Went after Mary Lou at 10 PM. Sorted out laundry. Ate ginger snaps & milk. Retired 11 PM.

MAY 26 SUN: AROSE AT 7:40. DRESSED, ATE. Read last night's News & prepared Sunday School book & Sunday School lesson. Left for Sunday School. Sun.School--Communion lesson--100% Bibles, attendance, & banner offering. Church--Mother preached on "If I could Relive the Years--Five Things I'd Do or Be". Dinner at Wilson's.
       Returned home. Read the Sunday papers--we get that new slander paper--the "Tribune"--but I never read it. It's only 1 cent though, & is really awakening the people of Miami to the fact of its rotten municipal government (of Jews!).
       Folks wouldn't let me practice on sax because Mother was preparing sermon--(noise?). Read Reader's Digest till time to go to Y.P.'s.
       Y.P.'s--Helen Deutch spoke--she's leaving for China--missionary. Street service--Helen led--fairly good--you can't tell what effects are. Church--sat with Hans--3rd bench from front left--Splendid patriotic illustration (Lamont soldier--taps--grave--mourning mother)--'cause of a Memorial week. Mother preached splendid patriotic message also. (He was later killed in WW 2!)
       Went to Haases with Lamont & Haases.--Drove their car part way just for fun. We ate some watermelon before my folks came. After they came, Lamont & I discussed "Amer. Boy" stories--past, present & future. Returned home. Retired about 1:30.

MAY 27 MON: VACATION'S HERE AT LAST!--Pathe--Errands in town--Venetian Pools swim--Mother's Birthday Dinner at Holsum's.
       Good morning! Hurray! The first real, actual day of vacation! Arose at 8:30. Dressed & ate breakfast with folks. Mary Lou & I got into a playful fight--we're playfully mad at each other now. (Lover's quarrel.) Wrote yesterday in my diary & wrote this.
       Was going to practice on my sax but I suddenly got the idea to try to gather together those victrola parts (the "in'ards" of our "Pathe" that Wiley tried to fix when he was here & that finally got scattered all over the place) & fix the "Pathe". Went & bought a gallon of gas & cleaned all the parts well after finding & gathering them together. Then I found the trouble.--One of the springs was broken--right near the end. Decided to take it to Mr. Kinzer's (he's a watch repairer but repairs almost anything like that). Got his address from Dad. Washed up, got the grocery list from Mother, & left with Phil in Dad's car. On the way to Kinzer's we pushed a boy I knew & his car for a long distance. When we arrived at the address Dad gave me, we found he'd given me Pinder's instead of Kinzer's! From there to the library to return some books Phil'd borrowed on my card--he didn't take out any more, as he expects to be leaving for Wheaton with Paul Paine tomorrow aft.
       Then to the church. While Phil tried to secure Bill Walters' address to visit his (Phil's) father, I went & got a birthday card for Mother. Phil hadn't found the address so we returned home, stopping to get the groceries enroute.
       The folks were plenty sore when I returned so late with the groceries, but they calmed down when I made them understand that they hadn't told me to bring it back quickly for the men's lunch.--Ate a bite of lunch--choc.milk & ginger snaps.
       Then Phil & I went in Dad's car out to the sea for an hour-&-a-half swim--it was great! Returned at 5. Read this morning's Herald. Wrote this. Dressed for dinner out. I took Mary Lou & Phil (his treat to her) to the "Holsum" & then joined the folks (Dad & Mother) later at some sort of a Birthday dinner.--Most enjoyable meal I've eaten for some time.--Nice music. Returned here by myself in Dad's car. Made ready for bed. Wrote this.--Am retiring. It's 8:50 PM.

MAY 28 TUES: SAX PRACTICE: 2 HOURS!--"I Speak For the Silent"--Phil Departs--Bible Class.
       After tossing about restlessly for some time I arose at 6:30. I dressed. In clearing off or tidying my desk before breakfast, I became interested in some of the "funnies" which I then threw into the wastebasket (taking over to Sater's those wanted by Delores). Ate bread & milk--pint of milk, 2 slices bread.
       By that time (8:30) nearly everyone was up, so I practiced on my sax--till 10:30. Then I ran errands to the store, made (squeezed) grapefruit juice, etc.--Ate lunch--2 glasses of milk & ginger snaps.
       Then I finally was enabled to settle down to a little reading--at a little after 1 PM. Read "Reader's Digest" till 4:15.--A most amazing & arresting (book condensation) article re: the little-known horrors of the Russian Communistic regime--prisons, concentration camps, tortures, etc.--All this interested me for nearly 2 hours--by a Russian scientist arrested & imprisoned for a crime he hadn't committed--one Vladimir V. Tchernavin. The condensation was from his book "I Speak For The Silent".
       Wrote this. Went in Doc's Chevy to the drugstore for a roll of film--to take pictures of Phil on his departure. Took the men home. They were making mud pies today (stepping stones). Dressed for dinner out with Dad (Doc., Mother, Mary Lou & Virginia had gone to Hollywood to visit a dying woman).
       Dad & I went to "Mac's Place"--good dinner. Read some swell jokes (particularly "Ships That Pass in the Night") in the "Lit. Digest" as we ate. Took Dad home, & went after Utleys--they weren't home so I returned home, stayed a few moments & we then both left for the church--& Bible class. Dad spoke much & well tonight--not so much the close, tedious, verse-by-verse following.
       Then took Mrs. Smith home on way & returned home. Finished reading one of "Lit Digest".--Mother returned.--Said the woman had died 'fore she got there. Wrote this. Am retiring. It is now 10:10 PM. Good night!

MAY 29 WEDS: READ PAPERS--HAVEN'T DONE MUCH--WASTED DAY--Dry Ice--Practice on Sax--Orchestra Practice!
       Arose at 8:30. Dressed & ate breakfast--with the usual reprimand for not waiting to eat with the family. Read yesterday morning's Herald, & yesterday night's News & this morning's Herald--all interspersed with errands to the store etc.
       Ate lunch--milk, choc.buns, ginger snaps.
       Finally got to work on my news-item book--but only for a short time. Started to drive Mother somewhere when she discovered she couldn't find the car key--& Dad had left in his little car. I had put away all my material so I gave it up & read "Amer. Boy"--"Fresh Water Irish".--I'd just started this story when I was interrupted for a short time.
       Returned to my desk & wrote this. I don't seem to have accomplished anything I'd intended to (yet) during this vacation--I've got to get busy! Ate my second lunch--milk & ginger snaps. Mother made me discontinue teasing Mary Lou & go out to fertilise the palms in the front yard. (Instead of Mary Lou!) Dad had just gotten back, so I went in his car to the "Lucas" bakery for a (lard) can to mix fertiliser in.
       Returned & started to fertilise the palms when it occurred to me that Mother might need me to drive her now. Went in. She didn't.
       Practiced on my sax all the numbers we used at orchestra practice last Wednesday--till I put it away to take the men home (to church).--But they went to the church with Doc. Koger. So I came in & we ate supper. Mother had ordered the ice cream for dessert & had some fun playing with the dry ice it was packed in. Wrote this. Took Dad's car & went to the church to orchestra practice. I seem to get along OK--almost--considering. Followed the music this time--not Mrs. Rich.
       After practice Mrs. Vann de Linder served cookies & lemonade. We have lots of fun. Then made sure with Hazel Pottinger about the time we leave on that beach party tomorrow from the church. Lamont was there. I took one of the cornetists home--D.A. Loans--nice fellow. Returned home. Wrote this. Retired. It's 10 PM.

MAY 30 THURS: Arose at 8 (the alarm was just about to ring but I caught it 'fore it had a chance). Dressed. Ate (or, rather, snacked) a bite of breakfast between loading trips this morning--packing the car for Mother's departure to an apartment at the beach.--The "Ocean Beach".
       Being afraid that I would miss the "kids" (they're leaving on that beach party at 9:30 this morning) I went with Doc. Koger to the church--Dad consenting to drive Mother. When I arrived at the church they'd just left, so Doc. very kindly took me on over to the beach to them--at the Pier.
       I persuaded them (there were Lamont, Hansford, Hazel P. & Hazel G.) to drive (Hazel Pottinger's car) to the tennis courts to play some tennis.--I had left (really forgotten, though I never admitted it to them) my bathing suit at home, but had dressed for some tennis anyway & had brought along my racket & borrowed $2 from the boys next door.
       So--we waited about 30 minutes till the courts were clear & then--played & beat Lamont in a "2 out of 3", then we played "round-robin". I kept the court by winning. After everyone else had had a chance to play, Lamont & I played & I won again, a "2 out of 3". Then we returned to the south beach at the Pier.
       I went into Smith's Casino (& pool) & rented a bathing suit (they didn't have a 28 so I tried a 30 & a 26--used the 26 as shorts), locker & towel. Changed.
       Then we persuaded Hans to let Lamont pay his way into the pool. We swam for some time till lunch. Lunched on cheese sandwiches (by Hazel P.) & lemonade (by Lamont). Then Hans & I took sunbaths on the Pier, discussing various & sundry things. Then a ride down the beach & back in Hazel's car with Lamont driving--he was rather reckless. Then Lamont, Hans, & I played tag in the pool--Lamont dropped out but we played on for some time with some other boys. Then we took a dip in the ocean--piling "3 high" etc.
       Then we all went our ways to change & dress. After which we left--I only rode 1 block with them, getting off & walking to Mother's apartment. There I waited to eat dinner at 5:30. Very nice. Dad was late--came in in the midst of it. Waited for Dad--went with him to the church at 6:45. Took the big car from the church to the house for the radio & then delivered both at Mother's apartment. Hauled 2 fellas (hitchhikers) over on the way. The one fella told us about some car he'd read about in the paper's that'd taken a leap & a nose-dive through a roof.
       --Kissed Mother goodnight & went to catch a streetcar to town. Watched that "Lucky Game" while waiting--the boy of whom I spoke some time ago who did those impressions at the highschool was directing the plays! Caught car. Read "Fresh Water Irish" in "Amer.Boy" all the way.--As well as "Great Lakes" story by Capt. Barney Buntline. Caught bus--it was waiting. Read some story till I finished it part of the way home. Wrote this. Am retiring. It's 10 PM.
       Awoke first at 3:30. it was quite cool. Got up & put a blanket on my bed. Returned to sleep. Awoke again at 6:30. Dozed off & on until 9. Arose, washed. Straightened up my room. Arranged things for my breakfast. Before eating, however I emptied the garbage & trash, tidied the whole house. Then I ate. After eating (10) I went straightway to my desk & read day-before-yesterday evening's News, yesterday morning's Herald & last night's News.--Dad had taken this morning's Herald with him when he left about 8:30.
       Everything was peace & quiet this morning--no one at home but me--I found a sort of pleasure in tidying things up. I suddenly realized vividly that, after all, there is nothing more satisfying & joyful than just the simple life of home--away from anything connected with the outside world, except books etc. Having read the papers, I started to work on my press-clippings book. (11 Am). I worked steadily until 4 PM. Dad came home about noon & left soon afterward, having given me 20 cents & instructions to catch the bus & then the streetcar (tram) to the beach (by 5) & then drive Mother to Liebmann's for dinner by 6.
       At 4 I laid off work, having completed my first book of clippings (except for indexing): November through March. I am well satisfied with it. Got halfway through April. Then I ate a bite of lunch, having had nothing since breakfast--ate grapes & drank sour milk.
       Donned a tie, got my bathing suit from off the line, gathered up some mail & a light bill I was to take to Mother. Took my "Amer. Boy", (the March issue which I had not completed) & hurried down to catch the bus--it being 4:15, about time for it to pass. I caught it only a few moments after I'd reached the corner.
       Read "Outbound for Jupiter"--a futuristic, space-travel story in the "American Boy" by a new author--as I rode. I had no sooner alighted from the bus at Flagler & Miami Ave. & walked over to the corner of Flagler & 1st Ave., than the Beach Car was already there. Hopped on hurriedly & settled down in a back seat to continue my story.
       I alighted from the car at "Smith's Casino" where it stops for some time. Walked on over to the apartment reading as I walked. I finished the story soon. I then read the jokes & was just finishing them as I stepped up the apartment steps.
       Greeted the folks & told them to hurry up & get ready to go. Read a "short, short story" in the Collier's while waiting--"Hang Up The Violin & Bow". Not so hot. Hurried the folks (Mary Lou & Mother) along until we left at 5:45.
       We had just turned the corner into Liebmann's St. (58th Terrace) when we saw Dad up ahead in his car just making his way to Liebmann's also. Mother had me hurry up so she could alight from the car first & say that she'd beaten him. She did!
        Before dinner (while waiting) I started a very interesting story in Collier's about Soviet Russia called "The Magic Egg"--Very good. Then a very good dinner, after which I finished the story. Waited a short time & then persuaded Mother to allow me to go home in Dad's car. I finally succeeded so--here I am now writing a very long entry in my diary. The folks are coming after me soon. I'm going to spend the night at the beach, both at Mother's apartment.
       JUNE 1 SAT: DIARIES, DIARIES!--Chat with Mother re: trip--Booth's "Villa D'Este" Dining Room (my Brother-in-law's swank eatery.) Haircut. Shoeshine--blind boy. I arose at 9. I had quite a time washing etc., since I had not brought along any toileting materials. I brought along my 3 diaries (33, 34, 35)--thinking I would get a chance to work on them.--My correspondence materials, my photo book, 3 "Amer. Boys", my bathrobe, nightgown, (the bottom of a pair of pajamas), clean sox, & a clean shirt--I don't know why I forgot my toilet kit. I washed with a towel, washed my teeth with a rag & Mother's tooth powder.
       Prepared my usual breakfast of Bran & milk--Dad had brought my pint of milk over early--it was he that awoke me at 9 when he came. Then I settled down in a large rocking chair on the sun porch to translate parts of my 1933 diary from code.--I used to have some foolish romantic ideas--guess that's why I kept it in code--&, furthermore I couldn't lock it. I worked on it while the folks were eating breakfast, & we recalled all sorts of old times when I remarked about them from my diary.
       I translated the first 5 days of Jan., 1933.--That was all I had in the diary--skipped to Oct. I particularly noticed that in those first days of Jan. I had attended 6 shows! (Movies)--Shows how much I used to go to shows. Then I translated the last 6 days of Oct. & first 8 of Nov.--all of which had been completely in code. From there on I had kept it all in plain English, except such remarks about shows I had attended etc. I went straight on through & translated all of those too.
       I discontinued when Mother called me into the rear room to have a conference with her--the prime reason that I had come over here for: She has two openings for this summer: one from L.Lacy & one from L.P. Lehman--the latter is the most sure or probable. He offers to take her for 8 weeks (July & Aug.) at $75 per week--$600 altogether.--But! All mail containing financial aid goes to him--personal mail, gifts & all! She is just to receive the straight salary, shutting her eyes to all else. They wanted her to come alone, but at least not to bring more than one person with her. She will probably take Miss Roby who can drive (yeah--but how!) & who can take care of Mother's stenography work & her personally--But, boy! What a disposition! I don't know how she & Mother will get along--she (Miss Roby) is a regular old cat!--Sensitive, & she worships Mother.--And you know how that always works out.--But, if she takes L.Lacy's offer (which I know nothing about), I will probably drive her.
       Otherwise, I shall stay home most of the summer, study my music (piano, voice, sax) until the latter part of August. Then Dad & I will go up to meet Mother & go with her to California. There I will enter school & live with Father Brandt--enjoying the benefit of his education--the stories he can tell & his library, etc. I shall probably (I hope) attend the Junior College there in Los Angeles (or really, Hollywood). So--there 'tis!
       After this discussion with Mother I worked awhile longer on my diary until we left for dinner at Mr. Booth's latest project--The Villa D'Este Dining Room. Mother had me let her & Virginia out at "Rears & Soebuck's" to change a $5 Canadian bill while I took Mary Lou to her work & went home myself to change my clothes. Did so. Returned for Mother about 6:30. She was just stepping into the car when she remembered that she'd forgotten her gloves or left them some place. Mother & I drove around the circle, the block, & the building while Virginia looked for & tried to find the gloves--she couldn't--we left for the Villa D'Este.
       We entered the very nice dining room to hear the orchestra (4-piece) playing.--Mr. Booth's really going into it headfirst! We had a very nice dinner. The service was very slow though--I think it was the kitchen. There was a beautiful girl who waited on us--the intelligent Norse-blonde type--a flaxen-haired maiden. I think I could almost fall for a girl like that! The orchestra was very good--played a lot of the old favourites. We left about 8:20. Took Virginia home.
       Drove out to the house to get Wayne Bloun's new address from Dad, but Dad wasn't home yet. Picked up Mary Lou from her work at 10 PM. Drove to get Wayne's address at Stephen's--got it. Drove there (65 N.W. 33rd St.) Mother at bedside with Wayne (sick) for 20 minutes & then we started home. We stopped enroute so's I could get a haircut at a little Italian Barber shop on 13th St.--got a shine while waiting.--The coloured boy was still shining my shoes when I was called to the chair--I didn't discover till later that the boy was blind!--That's why he took so long--he wanted to be sure & do a good job! The conversation was between the barber & his Italian friends who'd dropped in--about some friend of theirs who was in bad shape with appendicitis.
       Returned home (to the beach) about 11:30. Retired immediately (after washing my feet) at 12:10.

JUNE 2 SUN: Arose at 6:30. Got up & got alarm clock--set it for 7:30 & returned to sleep. Awoke suddenly at nearly 8.--Never heard the alarm at all! Arose quickly, dressed & ate Bran with sour milk! Then Mother--wish she'd told me before--told me I wouldn't have to take street car--could take big car--Koger would bring them. Did so after writing a bit more about yesterday in my diary. Parked car in front of post at radio building (WQAM) & left key with fountain clerk. Walked to Sunday School.
       Dad brought my Sunday School stuff--I fixed my book hurriedly & looked to see what the lesson was--had a good lesson--Jack got 100 points for reading 10 chapters. Dad preached this morning--an excellent sermon on being willing to "carry our crosses" & follow Him. Communion this morning. P.S. Our class took all honors again this morning.
       Afterwards Dad & I waited for Mother to come--she soon did. Wayne was driving but wanted to go home so I had to go along with her & drove to Wilson's after leaving him at his home. Good dinner--read funnies while waiting for folks. Finally left about 2:30. Went by church--stopped at station & got 5 gallons of gas while I went up & got Virginia. We then returned home to the beach. Mary Lou & I had another fight. Played Virginia a game of checkers. Wrote part of yesterday's & this.
       Took folks to the Villa D'Este, from which they later walked to the White Temple, while I drove the car to church. Ate a bit at the Civic. Made my 1st public appearance as a musician tonight in orchestra. Did fairly well. Listened to Dad's excellent sermon, (corrupt politics, etc.) till 9 when I went for Mother & then we drove to Haases. Midnight lunch--I ate limburgher cheese here. Returned to beach.

JUNE 3 MON: STRAINED RELATIONS--PHOTO BOOK--DAD'S TALK--"Amer. Boy"--Town--"Les Miserables".
       I slept quite soundly until 9. Then I dozed & tossed till 9:45, when I finally arose (Dad had just come). Washed, dressed, ate my breakfast by myself--with the usual tirade of objections.
       Afterwards I gathered together my things in preparation for returning home--but the folks soon changed my mind. Dad was adamant that I stay here & drive Mother--which I don't mind so much if I could do it & get anything else done--but I can't. I get no other work, hardly any reading, no studying, & no music & practicing done when I have to live over here at the beach & run errands for & drive for Mother.--She could keep an army busy! I don't know what will happen next!
       Mary Lou, Mother & I had some very heated words last night on the way to Haases--& also Mother became angry because I ate that limburgher cheese, the smell of which she said made her sick.--So we're on rather strained relations right now.
       After breakfast I have just written this. Then I busied myself arranging my photo book while Dad discoursed at length upon my conduct & duties etc. This continued until about 12:20 when we had worship--Dad prayed a very lengthy prayer. He then left & I read "Amer. Boy" until about 2:20 PM while waiting for Mother to drive her to town etc. It was the April issue. I had read a couple of good stories in it last night at Lamont's--about Binkey brother's homemade stock exchange & stock market game & also read at Lamont's "Fuzz Water"--also a humorous story about a big bank robbery in a little one-horse town.
       This afternoon I read an excellent farewell article to Babe Ruth as he passes off the baseball stage: "Goodbye, Babe Ruth" by H.G. Salsinger. Next, the Editorial page, "Friendly Talks with the Editor". Fifth, a railroad story, "The Silver Streak" by Gilbert A. Lathrop, about the streamlined train, the "Zephyr". Sixth, a fencing story by Bruce Henry, "With Sword In Hand". Then I cut out the "Ballot", set down the stories I liked best in successive order, pasted (with stamp hinges) it on a postcard & addressed it. Then I read the correspondence page "In the Morning Mail". Next & last the jokes!
       At 2:30 we left for town. I drove Mother first to the Church & then dropped her & Mary Lou off at the Western Union. From there I drove to Duval's Jewelry to pay $1 on Mother's bill & then around & down 1st St. to the Seybold building. Parked right in front while I ran up to get those pictures from Roger that he's printed for me (pictures of Dad & me in our study)--they're fair.
       Then to the "Hefty Press" to price a job--cutting some filler for my photo book--75 cents for 50--50 cents for 25.
       Parked the car at the Church while I went the rounds of the 10-cent stores to see if I could do better--but I couldn't. Then to the photo shop to leave another film--I have some in there ready but I haven't got the $1.18. Then back to the "Hefty Press"--ordered 50 for 75 cents.
       Picked up Mrs. Owen at the Church, then Mother at the "Red Cross" drugstore. Then out to Mrs. Smith's--paying $1 on a furniture bill & dropping Mother at the grocery store on route. ($1 was like $10!)
       Had to wait for Mrs. Smith to get ready. Saw Hazel Smith. She's a beauty now--has a boyfriend--an aviator--big money--Charles Warner. Then home. Read "Amer. Boy" till supper. Read an excellent story "Super Science" by Carl H. Claud, "The Swift Beast".
       After a good supper Mary Lou & I got permission from Mother to go to the Rosetta Theater over in town to see Victor Hugo's marvellous book in picture form--"Les Miserables". It was marvellous! Stupendous! Emotional! Best picture I've ever seen. Frederick March took the leading role. Returned home. Drove the 10 miles home without a word. Retired at 12:15.

       Arose at 9:15. Washed, dressed. Ate breakfast in kitchen by myself--wonder of wonders! Nothing was said about it all the rest of the morning! Walked to the grocery store for grapefruit & quart of milk.
       Wrote in my diary all morning--wrote yesterday's, while folks ate breakfast--Doc. Koger was here. Finished yesterday's after breakfast & then wrote this. Hope I accomplish something today. I want to write some letters, read or finishing reading my "Amer. Boys" & read some great classics (Les Miserables first, then finish reading all of Scott's works, etc.) & get somewhere with my piano, sax & voice.
       After helping clear off the table, I got out my writing materials & started a letter to Marie (Drissell, the girl in Payson, Utah). Stopped a moment for worship & then continued till I had to leave with Doc. Koger. I wrote her saying I hoped the dust storms had not caused her or her family any serious trouble or inconvenience. Also told her all about the proposed trip to California at the end of August--outlined to her the probable route using a map I had gotten out of the car. We are going to pass through Salt Lake City, & Payson is only a few miles from there. Told her I might be able to run down & see her--Boy! That'd be great!
       Then I left with Doc. Koger. He took me to the Church. I went upstairs to Mother's office, opened it up & got out my saxophone (I'd brought it along from the beach with the orchestra music). I first practiced for 1 hour on the "Walsenburg Gallop"--got it down pretty well. Then I cleaned the sax, went out, locked the door & walked to the photo shop & bought 2 packages of silver photo corners. From there to the "Hefty Press", shelled out 75 cents for the black photo book filler. Then back to the Church to 45 minutes more of less successful practice.
       After cleaning once more & putting away my instrument, I went out, locked the door, & walked to the bus station. Saw Bernice (that rather pretty girl which I often saw while attending Andrew Jackson) there. Got a 5-cent chocolate milk. Had gotten on the 22nd Ave. bus when I suddenly remembered that I was living over at the beach now! In slight embarrassment I hurriedly descended from the bus & hurried to catch the Miami Beach car. Did so. Transferred to the Oceanside bus this time which took me to within 2 blocks of the apartment.--Didn't have to carry that heavy sax so far. Arrived at the apartment at about 5 PM.
       Continued that letter to Marie (after filling my photo book with that filler) until supper. Ate a very nice dinner. Mrs. Owen & Virginia were here. After dinner I finished the letter to Marie & worked on an enclosure.--A picture of Miami I'd clipped from a newspaper & had decided to send to her with an explanation. Was working on this when I had to leave with Dad for Bible study. I drove. The night was beautiful, the bay very calm--& thus the light of the city made very beautiful reflections--wish I could take a picture of that some time.
       Good Bible class--though I'd forgotten my Bible. Dad talked mostly for the first part, but got down to details during the last part. It lasted from 8 to 9:30.
       Started to go home with Dad--forgot again I was living at the beach--so Dad gave me 10 cents & I went to catch the streetcar. Passed through the arcade & weighed myself--109 pounds--underweight--wish I could gain.
       Caught car. Transferred to the wrong bus--"Bayshore" instead of "Oceanside". Got off quickly however & walked up 5th St. & home (to apartment). Arrived at 11. Wanted to finish work on that letter but retired at 11:30.

JUNE 5 WEDS: LETTER TO MARIE--DIARY--MOTHER'S SUMMER PLANS--Read papers--Orchestra practice.
       Arose at 9. Put on my bathing suit & ran over to the ocean for a dip--it was quite calm--the water was great! The girls came in soon, too--Virginia & Mary Lou. We played around but couldn't have much fun with them--Vanity! They wouldn't get their hair wet!
       Came back--took a shower--& dressed. Worked on that explanation to that picture of Miami I'm sending to Marie. Finished it & wrote explanations to the 8 snapshots I'm sending her also. One of And. Jackson Jr. High, one of Hjalmer & his girl, & several of those taken on the trip to Key West.-Including that good one of myself on the ferry. I was interrupted by having to go to the store (walked, one block) for bacon, coffee & milk. Returned, finished up, sealed it & & walked to the Post Office (window, in a novelty store) & registered the letter for 18 cents (return registered) & mailed it. Bought a box of Bran on the way back to the apartment. (Had to borrow 25 cents from Mary Lou to register that letter). Paid Mary Lou back 5 cents of it when I got back. Ate breakfast with the folks, for once. After breakfast I wrote yesterday's & this, while Dad & Mother discussed the "Lehman" call problem. Dad, Koger, & Haas are against her going--so she's practically giving it up.--And that'll be tough! It'll probably mean the end to the California trip.
       Wrote a letter to Vera (Wright) in Toronto--she wrote me in March & I haven't answered till now--sent 'er a lotta pictures of our trip to Key West etc. Got ready to leave with Dad, but I had to drive Mother to the Post Office & Melvin's A&P Store, first. Mailed my letter at the P.O. when Ma stopped there. Then to the store. Saw Mel. Got some pastry at a bakery.--The bakery woman knew Mother & she stopped to gab. Spilt that lemonade! We finally left for the apartment. When we got back, the folks made some chocolate milk & I drank some & ate some cupcakes. Then I wrote this while waiting for Dad. It's 2:15 PM. Dad & I finally left. I drove.
       Arrived at the house about 3:30. Read the newspapers from then on, beginning with last & Friday morning's Herald--They've been piling up on my desk since I've been over at the beach. I had read through Sunday's papers when we had to leave at 6 PM. I gathered up some clothes--clean sox, shorts, pants, shirt, etc. Also my paper, ink, glue, etc. It had been raining very fiercely! We took the men to the church first & then I drove Dad & myself to the beach. Ate very nice supper. Mother was going out before supper, but I guess she changed her mind--she stayed & ate with us.
       After finishing supper (at 7 PM) I wrote this. Mel & I left about 7:20. He has a dandy little second-hand Ford! He took me to the Church. Upon entering I found everyone there--We had a good practice--lots of fun--except that the mosquitoes were fierce! They're everywhere today: the beach, the house, & at church. After practice Mrs. Van de Linder served refreshments again: punch & cupcakes.
       Dad came just as I'd finished putting away my sax & was stowing away the refreshments. He had Mary Lou along--doggonit! I felt in a very good humour (as I usually do after practice) but she certainly spoils things with her obnoxious personality! Dad took us home to the beach. I undressed, wrote this, drank lemonade, & retired about 11:05.

JUNE 6 THURS: LAMONT--TENNIS--SWIMMING: Far Out Deep, to Pier--Tennis--Dinner--Haases.
       Awoke about 8:30. Lay in bed for awhile 'cause I was plenty tired, but I finally got up at 9 AM.--Thought I'd better, 'cause I thought Haases might be here any time--washed & dressed. I was just finishing dressing when Lamont came--with a borrowed tennis racket--then I remembered I'd forgotten to bring my racket over yesterday!
       Ate my breakfast (Lamont had had his) but he ate a few pancakes & then worried around about getting that racket. Finally found out the telephone number of that telephone line--man that lives in that apartment behind the back cottage. Tried to phone them to get ahold of Dad or Doc. Koger to bring the racket--but the people weren't at home.
       Lamont & I played around awhile trying to throw the 10 cents I'd phoned with through a ring in the chandelier in the hall (of the apartment house). Then we walked over to the store for a quart of milk. When we got back, Lamont got the bright "Idea"--buy a gallon of gas for the car & drive home after the racket! We did--borrowed the "mon-man" from Ma & took Dad's car. Bought the 1 gallon--21 cents, got the racket & left--at 4 mins. till 11. Arrived back at the apartment at 11:15!
       We walked immediately down to the courts. Two young fellas were playing the last few points of their last game--so we got the court right away. Played one set. Then we waited on the south court for the fellas to finish playing there. They soon did, but someone else had the court, yet, before us.--But they invited one of us to play doubles with 'em. Lamont told me to go ahead. Had a good set--even if I was punch & our side lost--the other fellas were much better than I. It started to rain just as we finished, so Lamont & I had to run back to the apartment.
       We immediately donned our bathing suits, drank some Coco-Malt, & went down on the beach. We went in, swam out to where it was about 10-feet deep at first. Then we swam along in the direction of the pier (which is 8 blocks from in front of the apartment) swimming out deeper all the time till we got to the "sea weed" line. It was about 15 feet deep there. Then we continued in the direction of the Pier--another fellow, a sort of dumb, big guy, soon joined us & swam along with us. We often measured the depth of the water--it varied only slightly--as we swam along the seaweed border. That fellow left us just before we got to the Pier.--We took our time--&, as we were nearing the Pier, we saw some things on the bottom which caused us to scurry to the shore--great big "Men-of-War" (a stinging jelly fish) just littered the bottom. We swam a ways further (swam around nude a bit--it sprinkled) & then came out on the beach & walked back to the apartment. Showered, dressed. Walked to the tennis courts. They were wet & some girls were just leaving the one, partially dry court, but some (two) other fellows were just going on--we suggested doubles & they jumped at the chance, not knowing the game very well. Played 3 sets.
       Came back to apartment, ate supper (all Haases were here) & wrote this.

JUNE 7 FRI: READ "AMER. BOY"--MY KINGDOM FOR A CALENDAR!--Trip To California--Ride in Grove Villa D'Este--Mother's Anger.
       Awoke several times from 5:30 on till I arose at 9:15. Washed & dressed. Went to the store for bacon & grapefruit.
       Waited for Dad to come with my milk so's I could eat breakfast--felt sorta weak & hungry. Don't feel very well today anyway, rather weak & tired--overdid yesterday. I guess I have not been used to such strenuous exercise in such a short time.
       Dad came as I was about to go to the store for milk. Sat down & ate Bran breakfast with the folks--for once. Then I read "Amer. Boy"--read "Mountain Railroader" by Gilbert A. Lathrop, author of the "Chuck" railroading stories which appear often in the "Amer. Boy". Then a good article on the thrilling experience of Capt. Carl Von Hoffman with the jungle leopard as told to Mr. Franklin Hecht, "Beware the Chooi!"
       I had just started in on the editorial page, "Friendly Talks With The Editor" when Mother sent me out after a calendar & a map of the U.S. Went in the big car--& then began the queerest chase I was ever sent on! The "Hunt for a Calendar"! I visited at least 10 drugstores & real estate offices, several realty insurance offices, an insurance office, the First National Bank of Miami Beach (a guard gave me the President's desk calendar, but it didn't quite do)--I got all sorts, & types & kinds of calendars--day-by-day calendars, leaf-by-leaf, page-by-page, desk calendar--until at last! At a drugstore I got 2 of the kind she wanted--plain, old-fashioned month-by-month, wall calendars!
       Then I looked for U.S. map. Visited 5 or 6 filling stations, obtaining a collection of all sorts of maps but none of quite the right kind, but I quit before the search grew to the proportions & length of the "Calendar Search". The complete 2 hours which I spent thus occupied--I think that they seemed sillier & crazier than any other 2 hours of my life!
       Returned to the apartment & related the whole story to Mother & Lamont. They laughed! They didn't realise how serious the search had become to me. (Lamont had just dropped in on his way to a beach party.) He then left.
       Then Mother & I took the map of the U.S. (a Gulf map which she already had) & she showed me the route she has planned for the California trip. She seems pretty sure of it now.--She received a telegram from Lehmans the other day accepting her terms--$100 per week for 8 week (& Sundays). Plans are about the same--meet her in Wheeling (or Pitts.) then to Detroit, Chicago, Wheaton, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha----from here on, the route is uncertain--she says if I don't mind being late for school, we'll take a northern route through Yellowstone Park, the Rockies, Seattle, Portland, etc. If not, we'll take the short route to Oakland through Salt Lake City & Reno. Wrote this. Doc. Koger came. Then after I had read "Friendly Talks"--& started "Tierney for the Defense" by John A. Novoso, we left (I drove) Mother & Mary Lou to meet Doc. Koger & I drove the three of them all over South Miami--Coconut Grove just to see the beautiful sights.--Two hours fully wasted. Then to the House--stopping enroute to get Mother's dress & 2 pairs of my pants at the Sunshine Cleaners with Doc. Koger. Changed clothes at the house. Took men to church in big car. Then to the cleaners with some repair (alteration) jobs for me--2 pairs pants & 1 coat.
       Then to "Villa D'Este" to meet the folks (Dad, Mother, & Mary Lou). Dinner. They have a new violinist in their orchestra. Read "Tierney--"during dinner & afterwards. Waited for the folks to leave--read on the divan. Mel told me about that business of paper locomotive wheel flanges.--Can't believe it. Returned to beach. Mother stopped to buy paper thinking we might attend show (she wants to see "Les Miserables") but it wasn't on--9:30--too late anyway. Apartment--Mother's anger--Read "Amer. Boy"--"Wind In the Rigging" by Howard Pease--a seafaring story--read the May end & part of one June installment before retiring. Also before retiring at 11 PM, Mother told me an offer from Jack Munyon.

JUNE 8 SAT: CONTROVERSY OVER LEHMAN OFFER--Car cleaning & reading--"Villa D'Este"--Key in car--Edna!
       Arose a little after 10 AM. I haven't seemed to sleep very well these nights over at the beach, but last night I slept quite soundly. Washed, dressed, walked to the store for quart of milk--took extra bottles along to get a little spare change. Dad was here before I finished dressing.
       Ate breakfast--with folks. Mother & Dad (discussed or, rather argued) over the Lehman offer again.--Mother has practically accepted it; she sent them her proposition ($100 per week), & they accepted it. So--well, Dad's very much opposed but he says she must go now, for she can't break her word.--Nothing definite nor settled yet.
       Wrote this. Started a letter to Hjalmer. Worship. Finished letter & enclosed my picture on ferry, picture of interior of Church, & picture of "Laddie" with a note about his death. Gave the letter to Dad to mail. Dad left.
       I went out to work on cleaning up the car. Had cleaned out the front cubby-holes & brushed off the front seat when it started to rain.--Had gotten out polish bottles & rags but couldn't polish car 'cause of rain...Came in. Read in "Amer. Boy"--continued that sea story: "Wind in the Rigging" by H. Pease.
       Stopped off for lunch--read a bit more but it stopped raining soon, went out & started cleaning car again. Cleaned front floor (taking rugs out & everything & using a whisk broom cleaned front seats), taking out tools, etc. rearranging etc. Did same with back floor & seat--it took me about 2-&-a-half hours altogether.
       Then I had to go in, take a bath & drive Mother & Mary Lou to town--hadn't half finished my work on the car. Drove to place where Mary Lou works, Mother went in to excuse her 'cause Mary Lou's sick, another "sick-headache".
       Then by Smith's about the cat. Finally to the "Villa D'Este", ate 6:45--we were supposed to meet Dad there at 6--he'd already eaten when we arrived. He left. We ate--good steak--watermelon. My blonde "Nordie" (name's "Betty") was there again.
       After dinner found I'd locked key in car. Phoned Doc. Koger to go by the house, get Dad's keys & bring them. He came at 8:50. Hans & I just made it to the library with Virginia's books (in the car)--paid 39 cents on 'em.
       Returned, picked up Virginia, Mary Lou, Mother & took Hans & Virginia home to church. We (Mother, Mary Lou, Virginia & I) were going to see "Les Miserables" at Rex but 'twas too late. Returned to Beach. Stopped at "Liggett's" Drugstore on Lincoln Road. Met Edna Turnball with some other girls. Stopped further on to chat. Returned to Apt.
       Got ready for bed. Wrote this. I am retiring. It's 10:50.

JUNE 9 SUN: MOTHER WAS SUPPOSED TO CALL ME AT 7:30 BUT SHE FELL ASLEEP & I didn't awaken until a quarter of 9. Hurriedly washed, dressed & ate. Drove to town, left car at radio station, walked to church--5 minutes late. My Sunday School materials weren't there. Used lesson leaflet & notebook. Church--Dad preached on "God's Will".
       Drove Mother & Mary Lou to Wilson's. Dad came in his own car. Good dinner. Then I drove Mary Lou to beach--picked up a young man enroute. Yale man down here for a rest--helped him find a room--at "Sunnyside Hotel". Came to apt. Doc. Koger met us as we were about to drive in. He & Mother conferred all afternoon while I read "Swordsmen of Sabak" by Eric Borell--Egyptian war story--in "Amer. Boy" (read in car).
       Then I rushed off with Doc. Koger to Y.P.'s--gave a talk on "Always On Duty" for God--took up all their time. Then Van de Linder boy asked me for the sax music--I'd forgotten it & my sax!
       Dad preached on "America is tumbling to ruin"--murder statistics. Dad drove me home to beach--No one home. Retired 11:05.

JUNE 10 MON: MEL--TENNIS RACKET--CAR SIMONIZING--Lamont & Hans--Night Swim--Lamont Spends the Night
       Arose about 9:30. Washed, dressed & ate breakfast. Drove to the A&P store (Alton Road & Lincoln Road, Miami Beach) where Melvin works, for groceries--Mother gave me a note to them telling 'em what she wanted--so all I had to do was stand around & play with the little kitten they have there, while they got the groceries. Mr. Mahan, the meat counter attendant knows Mother--he didn't charge us for the meat--said he'd take care of it. Then I drove around trying to find a sporting-goods shop where I could get my tennis racket repaired--there isn't any over here at the beach.--I soon found this out.
       Brought groceries home. Drove to the hardware store to price "Simonizing" materials--came back & told Mother--told her I'd "Simoniz" it for $2 plus costs. She said OK.--So--I drove to hardware store again & got can of "Simoniz Kleener" & "Simoniz"--50 cents each--& a box of (5) polishing clothes for 35 cents. Returned.
       And then it began--at 11 AM. Hard work! Rub, rub, rub! Whew! Hot! Took off my shirt as soon as I got started--but found out a few hours later, I shoulda left it on--boy, oh boy!--Did my shoulders get sunburned!
       I came in for a bite to eat, & a rest at 1PM. Mother made some "eggnog"--yum yum!--bread & jelly sandwiches.--Then back to work.
       At about 2:15 I'd covered a large part of the car (just cleaning, mind you). Cleaned windows first, then dusted off car, & then began cleaning process, when Lamont & Hansford arrived. They went in swimming while I continued cleaning car. Now I really began to hurry because it looked like rain. I just finished (cleaning) as the first few drops fell.
       Came in, donned bathing suit & went down to the beach in search of Lamont & Hans. I walked clear to the jetties without finding them--& walked back. Had just gotten back to apt. when they came walking up the sidewalk--they'd been down at "Cook's Casino" playing one of those marble games--a slot machine!
       Went in for a swim with 'em. First we played around on the beach--dug some holes--half buried me!--I'm surprised at the way those guys seem to be so interested in girls--they exclaimed about every one that they saw on the beach. Swam for some time.
       Then we all came in & dressed (showered first, of course). Big fine delicious dinner. After dinner we boys went down on the beach & talked--they gabbed about girls! Then we returned to the apt. The boys sneaked around for awhile, acting mischievous. Walked down to "Strath Haven Hotel" with the boys--Lamont wanted to play the marble game there. He borrowed 5 cents finally & left us to play one down at "Cook's Casino".
       Hans & I walked back to apt. Lamont returned soon--he'd lost. After the dishes were done etc., they all (Mother, Doc. Koger, Mary Lou, Harry Jules--he got back tonight & Mother had invited him over--Lamont & Hans) went in for a night swim. I "snuk" down later.--Lots of phosphorous in water.
       Came in. Hans left with Harry. The rest of us went to bed at 12. Lamont's staying all night.

JUNE 11 TUES: SORE, ANGRY--TOWELS--TRIP TO ROYAL PALM PARK--Grasshoppers!--Library--Bible Class--Barbecue Snack!
       Slept poorly this morning.--So much noise around here--begins about 5. Boy! Do the Jews make a racket!--And then the manager complains about the racket we make at night! Bah! Finally--disgusted, I arose. Lamont went for a swim. Walked to store.
       Ate breakfast with the rest.--And then the big fight--Mother got spiteful & insisted I wash all the towels in the place.--I did! Boy oh boy! What a job!--When I finished I was soaked!--with perspiration! Had to take all my clothes off & hang them to rest, & boy was I tired! I felt bad enough when I got up this morning, but that washing towels nearly killed me! Sure was sore at Mother--I was more angry with her this morning than ever before in all my life--She certainly had acted mean. She does that way sometimes--then she can turn around & act so sweet the very next minute!
       --And that's just what she did. By & by she came in to me & said that she'd pay for the gas (5 gal.) if we kids wanted to take a trip down to Royal Palm Park (south of Homestead--about 50 miles from Miami)! I got dressed & we all (Mother, Mary Lou, Lamont & I) left in the big car car for Miami.
       Let Mother off at the Red Cross Drug Store--she told us to go on to the church & pick up Hans, Harry, & Virginia--also Miss Roby was to be gotten so she could visit with Mother today. We stopped in the filling station next to the church to get all set for the trip while Lamont went upstairs in the church to get the aforementioned. He couldn't find Miss Roby (& we never did)--she'd gone out for lunch or something. Virginia couldn't come--she said she had to work at the "Villa D'Este" today. Hans & Harry were coming. I went up soon, myself, to try to get them down. Virginia still insisted she had to work--Hans & Harry were eating lunch. They finally came--but Hans had to stop to sweep the church--while he was so occupied I went over to the drugstore for a roll of film.
       Then we all piled in & went back after Mother. Couldn't find her at first until I happened to think of going into the "Federal" clothing store--she was there!
       We took her home, told her goodbye, & left--at last!--at 2 PM.
       So--we road & we rode. I stopped once on a bridge to snap a picture of an antique old engine putt-putting along near the road. After passing Homestead we stopped often to pick up (catch, rather)--of all things--grasshoppers!--Enormous ones! Put'em in a bag when we got to the Park. I parked & we got out. And whew!--The mosquitoes! Took a picture of the grasshoppers, using portrait attachment. Took picture of group, then myself. Ran through park path.
       Waited for Lamont & Hans to come down from observation tower. Mosquitoes nearly ATE us up! Returned home--unventful trip back. Took Harry back to church. Mother was there & we got her. Took Hans to Library. On way back to Villa D'Este we saw Lamont's Dad--caught him--Lamont got out & went with him. Got Dad's car at Villa D'Este & Mary Lou & I went back to beach & apartment. I ate Bran for supper. Then we left. Stopped at Library where I met Hans & got some books: "Bug-Jargal" by Victor Hugo--wanted to get "Les Miserables", but it was out. Also "Kidnapped" by Stevenson & "The Witness" by Mrs. Lutz for Mary Lou.
       Arrived at Bible class 10 min. late. Good class tonight. Waited for Mother afterwards. Hans came, told me where she was--went after her. Drove to Beach. Ate a bite at Barbecue Stand--milkshake & peanut butter & jelly sandwich. Retired at 12:00.

JUNE 12 WEDS: PRES. (FDR) SPEECH TO MILITARY ACADEMY--Car "Simonizing"--Adult Class Social (Orchestra Played)--Hazel Smith.
       Awoke first at exactly 9 AM. Had slept very well till Mother awoke me at 8:45--said Doc. Koger would be here soon with the working men & Miss Roby--& just then they arrived! Covered my bed quickly & dashed for cover in the kitchen.--And they poured in: Doc. Koger, Miss Roby, Mr. Way, Hartley Raynor, Clayton Seats.
       Doc. Koger handed me my shorts, sox, & shoes--& bathrobe.--I donned them. Got my washing materials (toilet case) & went to bathroom--washed, & dressed.
       Started work on my diary--had not kept it since Saturday--while they all went for a dip in the Ocean. Finished Sunday & started to go to the store--but Doc. Koger went. Worked some more on diary. Then had to walk to store for eggs & bread.
       Returned just in time to hear Pres. Roosevelt's speech to the U.S. Military Academy (West Point) graduates.--Told about his meeting with General Fosch in France during the War. Pretty good speech.
       Finished Monday & Tuesday while they all ate breakfast. Then I wrote this--interrupted by worship.--Made up with Mother. Finished writing this. Now that all the "hurry-blurry" of "company" etc. is over--I must get something done!
       The men, Doc. Koger & Dad soon left. I went out to look the car over to see about finishing up that job. I had finished cleaning it when it rained, you remember. The rain spotted it up somewhat. I borrowed 50 cents from Mother with the idea of getting another can of "Simoniz Kleener" & doing the whole job over again. I drove to that hardware store again & asked the man what I should do. He said that I should go ahead & apply the Simoniz (wax) & most of the spots would disappear.
       Returned to apartment. Told Mother I'd have to take the car home today to some shade to finish the job. She agreed. Ate a bite of lunch (Mary Lou made some eggnog). Took Mary Lou to 10-cent store. Returned. Mother had said she wanted to have a talk with me. Did so. She let me read the telegram--correspondence between her & Lehmans--Lehmans certainly seem to want her to come--insist on it. I think Mother's about decided to go. She told me that if I went on the California trip I would have to bear the responsibility of missing school myself.
       Left. Went to Packard place to try to get a book on our engine--they didn't have any--I'll have to send away for it--75 cents.
       Went by church. Doc. Koger was there & he & Hans helped me load ferns on & in the car.
       Continued home. Unloaded ferns. Worked from 4-5:45 on "Simonizing" the car.
       Took men to church. Went to cleaner's for my good (suit) pants which I had altered & cleaned. Returned to beach. Dressed for Social tonight, ate (good stew).
       Left alone in Dad's car, with sax & music. Stopped at church for chairs & Mr. Way. Had pretty good time at class (Bible, adult) social.--First part tiring, playing in orchestra. Refreshments were balled up. Waited for Mother afterwards. Talked with Hazel Smith, nice girl. Got home--retired 11:30.

JUNE 13 THURS: AROSE AT 5:45. "SIMONIZED CAR--Swim--Big Lunch (breakfast?)
       I had set the alarm last night for 5:30 AM so's I could get up & finish "Simonizing" the car before the sun got on the car. I arose after the alarm had rung (5:45). Washed & dressed quietly & slipped out. Parked the car behind & in the shade of the apartment. After 4 solid hours of hard labour I finished "Simonizing" at 10 AM.
       Came in, washed up a bit & went out again. Cleaned the windows of the car, cleaned out the car & polished the woodwork. Came back in & then went out, drove the car around in front where the folks (Dad was here) could see it. I must admit it looked pretty neat--"slick"! Swell job!
       Changed to my bathing suit & went down to the beach. I lay on the beach basking in the sun, enjoying the rest & warmth for about half an hour. John, the crippled boy who stays in the same apt. house we do, was down on the beach too.--Cheerful fellow--his Dad's a red, cheerful, stout old fella, too. Went in for a dip. Guess I swam around for about an hour or more before I returned to apt...Dressed & went to the store for some Bran. Miss Roby had come & gone for a dip & returned to the apt. at the same time I did.
       Ate lunch (Bran & ice-cold milk) at about 12:30. Went for a quart of milk & ate some more Bran & milk--altogether consumed about one quart milk & one-half box Bran. Wrote this.
       Finished reading "Stampede!" in Amer. Boy by Glenn Balch--cowboy story.--I started this story Sunday night & had continued it while waiting for Mother Tuesday night. Mother invited me to eat a piece of watermelon which she had saved for me--said it was in the icebox. I ate it--nearly burst--overeating enormous piece (later I found I'd gotten wrong piece--Doctor Koger's piece)!
       Read Amer. Boy--"Consider the Typewriter" by Franklin M. Reck--an article recommending the typewriter--I must learn to type & take shorthand. Then a very amusing story by Robb White, III, "Trouble in Trousers"--a story of the Navy. Next, an excellent story by Lawrence M. Guyer, "High Flying"--about an army flier (modern) with a curiosity. Next, "Friendly Talks with the Editor"--he spoke of book "How You Can Get A Job", & told us to "Consider Yourself". They're running those articles about the Alaska Cruise--last one in this issue. (June)
       All this reading was once interrupted for some time by having to drive Mother to the Post Office, grocery store & telegraph office. Dad came by 'n'by. Read jokes.
       Dinner--Miss Roby was here. Not such a good dinner. Afterwards Mary Lou suggested a show but I didn't think it best--looked in paper--nothing good. Western Union boy was here with telegram to Mother. She has already accepted Lehman's offer & the telegram asked for a "contract" telegram from Mother. She made out one while the boy waited.
       Read "Claude Gueux" by V. Hugo--short protest against prison methods in France (in his day)--in the back of that V. Hugo volume I got at the library. Wrote this. Retired at 9:30.

JUNE 14 FRI: MUST LEARN STENOGRAPHY!--helped--read "Bug-Jargal"--Dinner at "Villa D'Este"--"Doubting Thomas" at Mayfair.
       Instead of retiring last night at 9:30 as I said, I stayed up awhile longer reading 2 tracts Mother had handed me--"Five Card Sharpers & The Fortune Teller" & a tract by W.J. Bran, "The Watermelon". I also started that book I got from the library--the main novel in it, rather--I read the little story in back last night.
       Arose at 7:30 thinking of stenography biz. I must learn to type & take shorthand as soon as possible--wanted to start today but Mother said that today was the one day she needed me.
       Washed & dressed. Decided I'd help hurry things along a bit this morning, so I made & put up Mother's "Murphy Bed", set the apt. in order & set the table. Ate. Hurried things (& Mary Lou) along in the kitchen--went to the store for cheese & ham. Did some more hurrying up in the kitchen--peeled the boiled potatoes.
       Wrote this, Mother & Mary Lou are just now sitting down to start eating--Dad hasn't arrived yet.
       Just as I settled down to reading "Bug-Jargal" (R.L.Stevenson) & as Mother & Mary Lou were eating, Dad came at 10:05--he brought Virginia--we'd had breakfast ready since 9:30.
       Read, read, read & read some more--till 3:30. Ate a bite of lunch--chocolate milk & cupcakes. Read till 4 PM--When Mother suddenly remembered she had to be at a practice for the children's play & had to rush off right away. I grabbed some good clothes to wear (to change to down at the church 'cause we wouldn't be back before we went to dinner at Villa D'Este).
       We all left promptly (Mother, Virginia & Mary Lou & I). Stopped at telegraph office so's Mother could wire (to Lehman's, I guess)--oh no! Now I remember! It was to cash that telegraphed money order she'd received this morning from Lehman for expenses--quite a sum of money--all 20's!
       Then to the church. I went upstairs & changed my clothes in Virginia's room--to good pants (suit) & that green silk shirt. Then I went back to the car & settled down to read--"Bug-Jargal" again. Read till 6 PM. Then the folks all came from "here & there", hopped in the car & left for Booth's "Villa D'Este".
       As I got out I locked & slammed the door just as I realised the key was still inside!--I'd done it again! This was the 2nd time! Asked Mel for a screwdriver, but decided to eat first--there was Dad inside! Got his key & opened car, got my key & came back. Ate only a little bit--pineapple juice & soup--wasn't very hungry.
       Afterwards I had to drive Mary Lou in Dad's car to her house to give her sister a slip.--She (Hazel) was beautiful!--All dressed up for a party--Charles came after her. Then Mr. Lou & I drove to our house to meet the Folks. Mother gabbed to the men (who were still there) for some time. It was 8:45 & I had an idea she was going to let us go to the show--but it was late--& we couldn't get her away till 8:50 (10 min. to show time)!
       Took men to church--just as we arrived there Mother mentioned something about we young folks (Virginia, Mary Lou & I) were going on a party (she meant on a show party) but didn't say so, of course, before all the men, that we were going to the show.--And then the very dumb Mary Lou yelled out--"Party! What party! I didn't know anything about any party!" I nudged her but she didn't take the hint--kept on blabbing about she didn't know anything about any party. I nudged her the next coupla times--not so easy--she yelled out "Oh! You hurt me!"--And kept on blabbing!--Boy! What a Dumb Dora! Well, after letting out the men we bought a paper & decided to see "Doubting Thomas"--With Will Rogers at Mayfair. After leaving us there, Mother drove back to the church to talk to Leonora (Roby) about staying here & taking care of the workers & me driving Mother instead. Mother gave us $1 toward our admissions--50 cents apiece it cost! Excellent show--very funny! Good short about animals. We waited for Mother till 12:05--1 hour--afterwards. She finally came. Drove (Virginia too) to beach & apt. Retired at 12:45.

JUNE 15 SAT: HELPED AGAIN--Broke eggs--"Rebellion in Leonora"--Grace Powers--Errands in Town--Pictures--Mother's thinking of taking Mary Lou & I!--Went home.
       Awoke & arose at 9. Straightened up apt. Washed & dressed. Set table. Went to store for eggs--dropped 'em in hall--broke half of 'em! Ate my breakfast alone in kitchen--kidded Mary Lou about beating up about seven eggs for pancake batter--she got sore.
       Wrote this & last of yesterday's. Mother was just giving the family (& Doc. Koger, he's here) a report of her "confab" with Leonora last night; said Leonora acted very petulantly about any possibility of her (Leonora) not being able to go with Mother--even went so far as to say, "If I don't go with you I'll not stay here!"--sweet, Christian, God's-will-seeking spirit indeed!
       Made out a list of (4) topics for the speakers on Sunday's Y.P. meeting--I'm in charge. The theme is "The Christian High School Student" & there are to be talks by high school students on the trials, temptations & victories. Dad will give an advisory talk.
       Had worship. Hurried the folks out front to take some pictures before Dad & Doc. left. Then they left. Mel dropped in a little later & I took a picture of him in his little Ford car.
       Read "Bug-Jargal" till 3 PM. Then Mother called Mary Lou & I into the back room & asked us that, if she took us on the trip to Lehman's instead of Leonora Roby, could we two get along without fussing.--I said I could if I had to.
       Started dressing to drive Mother to town.--While so engaged, that snoopy Grace Powers, Mother's former secretary came. I saw her before she knocked, however, & the folks had time to hide in the back room (& me in the closet). Miss Powers knocked & rang & called & whistled--whew!! What an insistent person--& we came out of hiding.
       Packed my stuff (for I'm staying at the House tonight). Drove Mother & the girls to town--dropped them at Flagler St. entrance of Red Cross Drug Store.
       Then home--via the cleaners where I picked up 2 pairs pants I'd had altered ($1.05). Unloaded my stuff at home, saw Dad. Took Mother's dress to Brown's...then back to town via cleaner again--Took them a pair of pants to be cleaned & altered. Then in town--got my pictures from photographer at last--pictures we took the day I drove the ladies around the beach etc. on their birthdays. Gave in 2 rolls & a bunch of films (for reprints).
       Then to church--met Mary Lou--showed her pictures--they are pretty good. Mother & Virginia came.--Villa D'Este for dinner. Dad was there--showed him pictures. Drove Mother to town, got chairs & men at Mrs. Smith's. Waited for Mother at Red Cross but she never came. Met her at church at 9:45. She took me to the Bus Station. Caught bus home. Retired at 11 PM.

JUNE 16 SUN: AROSE AS DAD'S LITTLE ALARM RANG AT 7 AM. Washed & dressed. The "Old Home" seems sorta solemn & still--as there was something lacking!--Can't explain it!
       Signed Father's Day card to Dad & secretly laid it on his bureau. Fixed our breakfasts (grapefruit & Bran & milk) & ate. Wrote this. Studied lesson & fixed Sunday School book. Some of the lesson just fits L.P.Lehman (see Deut.8:11-14 & 17-18.)
       Sunday School-carried away all honours again. Church--Mother preached on "Perplexity".
       To Wilson's for dinner--almost didn't go 'cause Mr. Wilson's got the flu & we didn't 'cause Mr. Wilson's got the flu & we didn't want to catch it.--Had good dinner anyway.
       Then to the house (all in Dad's little car) to drop Dad off. Then after a little visit, I drove Mother & Mary Lou to the apartment at beach. Then I drove back to house (it was 4:30 when I got back). Worked on inventory of my clothes.
       Haases weren't at church most of day today--Mr. Haas preached at Silver Bluff Church--I played in orchestra tonight--did better. The Children's Church, under the direction of Miss Mason & Miss Roby, put on a Father's Day play tonight. Pretty good. Miss Roby gave illustrated heart talk (object lesson).
       Was going to take bus home, but decided to go with folks to Haases--went in Doc's car.--Then changed my mind again & had him drop me near bus line. Caught kitten. Bus. Retired 12.

JUNE 17 MON: AT HOME (by myself, except the men)--Typing: handicapped--Dinner at Beach--Mary Lou & I in the Park.
       Dozed from 7 to 9. Arose at 9. Washed & dressed. Dad had already left for his breakfast with the folks in the apt. at the beach before I got up. The men came (to work on the house, as usual, as they've been doing everyday) just as I arose. Ate breakfast--grapefruit & Bran (stale) & milk.
       Completed that inventory of my clothing--I certainly need clothes! Wrote this & Sunday's. Intend getting in some "typing-learning" today--Dad left out his typewriter for me. I'm still in suspense about going with Mother--she hasn't decided definitely yet, just who she's going to take--And the date of her departure draws nigh--a week from today!--The old place is sort of lonesome, even with all the men here--I don't know why! Makes me feel sorta blue.
       Borrowed the bike of the kids next door & went to the drug store for typewriting paper--bought a 10-cent tablet of it. Returned.
       Practiced typing all afternoon. Worked on index finger exercises. Learning to write "juy" with right hand & "frt" with left. I have quite a bit of difficulty with my left hand. It was my left wrist that was broken several years ago, &, the left hand, being naturally weaker & less trained than the right, then because of even littler or less use, I also have not much flexibility in my left wrist & cannot turn my hand quite far enough so as to be in the correct position for typing. The strained position which it takes causes it to ache & pain. Also a few years ago I cut my hand horizontally just beneath the bases of my first & second fingers. The cut healed irregularly & some nerve was never joined together again--the upper inside side of my 1st finger has practically no feeling--is numb. This makes it very difficult to learn to strike keys by touch, as it is this side at the end of my finger which must strike the keys, my hand being turned in such a peculiar position.
       About 3:30 I discontinued my efforts at typing. Although difficult in learning because of my handicap, I am determined that I will learn--& that soon!
       I started reading that booklet I found when cleaning the car the other day. "Motor Saving Hints" published by the Seaboard Oil Company, makers of "Pure Oil". The booklet contains excellent advice on saving gas & oil & wear & tear on the engine & tires.
       But I soon grew so drowsy that I lay down the pamphlet & went in & lay down on the bed for a few moments of rest--& slept till 5:30!
       Dad awakened me. I arose, changed my shirt, donned a tie & drove Dad & I in his little "Pontiac" to the beach. Mrs. Haas & Jr., & Mrs. Utley were there with Mother & Mary Lou. Good dinner.
       Afterwards Dad drove the ladies home & Mother to "board meeting" at the church while I waited for Mary Lou to finish dishes.--And I waited! Got sore about it 'cause I'd had hopes of being able to go see "Cardinal Richelieu"--but it was too late by the time she was ready to go.
       Beautiful moon tonight on a sea of glass Beautiful light reflections. Mary Lou & I drove to church & then to park while waiting for Mother. Got in on the tail end of a program at the park. Saw Harold & Irene Freeburg dance "The Continental". Then we strolled through the park. Kissed Mary Lou. Returned to the church. I had to drive Mother & big car to the beach & must spend night at apt. tonight.--Stopped enroute for glass of good, cold orange juice. Harry came for night too. Retired at 12:15.

JUNE 18 TUES: "KIDNAPPED"--Errands--Bought new pen--Errands--Dinner At Kirkland's--Bible Study
       Arose at 9:15. Washed & dressed. Set the table again, as I had done before during the last few mornings of my stay here at the beach. Walked to the store for quart of milk. Walked again for a pint for myself.
       Ate my breakfast at the main table but before the rest had begun. Harry had gone for a morning dip & he returned just as I finished my breakfast.
       Read some more of "Kidnapped" by Stevenson. I had started the book last night waiting for Mary Lou. Good book.
       Went back to dust off the car.--It was filthy! Got that way during the past coupla days I've been at home & haven't been able to be around to take care of it. Had gotten most of the dust dusted off when it began to rain--hurriedly wiped off the rest but it streaked--too bad! Parked car in back of apartment. Read some more.
       Then helped load up the car. We left for the house at about 11:45. When we arrived I had to run to the store for milk, bread & lye. Then back again for Apple-butter. Ate lunch.
       Then back again to take Mary Lou to get some groceries for the men's dinners--everything is "a-bustle" about the house--Mother staying over here today to get things cleaned & fixed up & getting things ready for her departure.
       Enroute to the store I scolded Mary Lou about her appearance--she's so vain & thinks she's beautiful & yet she uses horrible make-up combinations & her hair looks like a red-orange mop! She got sore of course, 'cause I bawled her out. Before returning home I drove over to downtown Allapattah (17th Ave. & 36th St.) & bought a fountain pen--a pretty good one for 25 cents, & some "Carter's Blue Ink". I had already bought a "Reader's Digest" (June) at the drugstore on 28th St. while waiting for Mary Lou.
       Drove home. Cleaned & filled the pen I am now writing with & wrote this. I'd lost my pen somewhere on Sunday.--I've lost it before--it had a habit of always slipping out of my pocket--but I'd always found it again. This time I guess it's lost for good! It was a good ol' pen!--too bad! New one's a mottled-gray. (Before ballpoints!)
       Just as I finished this, Mother called me to drive her--Told me to drive Miss Roby, rather, to the church. Did so. There she got her easel & I drove her to Missionary Meeting at Mrs. Smith's. Brought Mrs. Singer along too.
       Then back to church, where Hans told me Mother said to meet her at Red Cross. Did so. Ate a bite with her & Mary Lou--choc. milk & jelly & cream cheese sandwiches.
       Then I went on some errands for Mother. 1st to Miami Laundry to leave some rugs. Then to Silver Paint Co. for some paint--turquoise blue & ivory enamel--only had the enamel.
       Returned to Red Cross & met Mother. Walked over a few doors & got one quart of turquoise blue for $1. Then drove home. Met Dad when almost there. We changed cars (I drove Dad's & he drove big car) & I went after the ladies at Missionary Meeting & took 'em to the church. The folks followed me soon.
       Then Mother, Dad & Mary Lou went in by car, & I & Leonora in Dad's car--all to Kirkland's. Good chicken dinner.--Good coloured girl for help. Saw that young lady--Mrs. Kirk's sister--who just had a baby. Then Dad & I drove back to the church.--Good Bible class about angel proclaiming glad tidings followed by judgements. (Rev.10.)
       Then Dad & I returned home. Retired 11.

JUNE 19 WEDS: AT THE APT. AT THE BEACH--Drove Mother & Mary Lou to town: Errands--Short Orchestra practice--Night at beach.
       Dad called me about 8:30. Arose. Washed & dressed. Then we hurried off in his car to eat breakfast at the beach. Breakfast wasn't even ready. Miss Roby was there.--I was then informed we weren't to eat there this morning.--I went ahead & ate my Bran & milk anyway.
       Then I read "Kidnapped" while waiting for the rest of the folks (or rather, waiting for Mother to come back--she & Dad had "snuk" away to eat breakfast, I guess--so's I could drive her & Mary Lou to town).
       They returned in about 45 minutes & we all left, I drove Mother & Mary Lou to town while Dad took Leonora to the church. Dropped Mother & Mary Lou at the Red Cross while I went to Sears & Roebuck to see some linen suits. A very odd little old man waited on me--it was all I could do to keep from laughing at him outright. He was very obliging, however, & showed me a very nice suit which, with a few alterations, would be just what I want--all for only $4.95! ($5!)
       Drove back to the Red Cross to meet the folks again--was lucky enough to get a parking place right in front--I've done that several times, now.
       Sat reading a few minutes before Mary Lou came & said they were going to have a bite inside. I went in with her & had a jelly sandwich & glass of choc. milk. Told Mary Lou again about her awful make-up. Mother told me she'd taken her to a cosmetic expert & gotten his advice, but Mary Lou'd forgotten the cosmetics--which they had bought on this advice--with her purse at her home.
       Oh yes! I've forgotten! When I drove Mother to town this morning I first let her out at Mary Lou's home for her purse & to tell Mrs. Smith some things for Mother. Hazel was there. Wiped off the car--boy! That rain & dust yesterday certainly spotted it up!
       Drove back to the church, picked up Mother & Mary Lou, took'em to the Red Cross, & it was then that I drove to Sears.--Anyway--after this bite of lunch we drove home, got all the men (except Clayton--in other words, George Way, Thompson, & Hartley), & took them to the "Pig'n'Whistle" for their dinner (it was 2).
       Sat in the car & read "Kidnapped" while waiting--it rained cats & dogs!
       Returned home. Wrote this. It's 3:30.
       Got Dad's typewriter out of his desk & practiced typing until 6:05 PM. Mary Lou was here & I got her to show me that she could type--at least she can do something! I'm training my left forefinger & hand particularly--I learned to write "first", a difficult word.
       Read a few minutes & then gathered together my things (book, sax & music) & drove Mary Lou & Miss Roby to the church while the folks drove the men to the church in the big car. I dropped Miss Roby there & drove to the Villa D'Este. Mailed a bunch of postcards (invitations to the financial meeting at the parsonage Friday night) while waiting for the folks.
       Good dinner, but I couldn't quite finish 'cause I had to rush off in Dad's car to orchestra practice. I arrived at 8:15, 15 mins. late--& I didn't do so well. We had only a short practice tonight--till 9:30. Dad came then with big car, got his car & told me to drive big car to beach & stay there with Mother for the night--she's sick--flu!--Did so. Retired 10:30.

JUNE 20 THURS: UP EARLY--OUT EARLY--Back Home--Letter to Marie--Errands--Sax        Practice--Errands--Mary Lou.
       Arose just before the alarm rang (or was going to ring before I shut it off) at 7:15. I'd set it that early 'cause we (Mother, Mary Lou & I) were supposed to meet Dad at the church at 9. Washed & dressed. Had to use a rag for a toothbrush again 'cause I didn't have my toilet materials here.
       Got the "women folks" up. Walked to store for pint of milk so's I could eat my breakfast--Bran Flakes--& Mary Lou squeezed me some orange juice. They are going to eat breakfast with Dad downtown.
       Finally got'em off at about 5 min. to 9. Met Doc. Koger as we were leaving & Mother had to stop & talk to him till 9.
       Arrived at church & met Dad at 9:15. He got in big car & they went to eat while I got in Dad's car & took Mr. Way & Hartley to the house (Mr. Thompson had already gone to the house on the bus early--about 8, & Clayton went with Doc. Koger to the house at the same time I left). Arrived at home. Wrote this & part of yesterday's.
       Wrote a letter to Marie in answer to the one which I received yesterday afternoon. Told her there was a possibility of me going with Mother next week to Wheeling instead of waiting till the latter part of August to go up & meet her. I also hinted that she make arrangements to be in Salt Lake City about Sept 18 & 19th (in her letter she mentioned that she was intending spending a few weeks there this summer, anyway). I enclosed 6 of the pictures we took at the estate & at that home at the beach on the ladies' birthday.--Enclosed all in a stamped envelope & applied an additional 3-cent stamp so's it could go airmail.
       Then I changed clothes & went over to the other house & "offered myself for the Master's (Mother's) use"! She first sent me to the store for flour & a gallon of gas. I also went to the post office at 28th & 17th Ave. to mail my letter to Marie--but got it all wet accidentally (it rained off & on all day today) & had to buy another envelope--bought a regular "Airmail" envelope for 7 cents (1 cent for envelope, 6 cents for stamps), transferred the letter & snapshots to it & put it through the slot. The lady postmaster said it would reach Payson, Utah, (or rather, Salt Lake City) by Saturday.
       Returned home. Had to go to the store again (just as it was closing) for Bon Ami & Ammonia.
       Brushed off the floor of the back room (in the big house) preparatory to cleaning it with gasoline, but, when I was just about to start, Mother called me to drive her--for which I wasn't so sorry.
       Drove her & Mrs. Utley to town & around--to a coloured employment agency & a novelty shop. Took Mrs. Utley home (her house) & returned home ourselves.
       Practiced on my sax for some time till I had to put it away when Mother called me to drive her.--To the drug store so's she could phone--she's still quite sick--hemorrhaging. Wrote this. In my spare time on errands, while waiting, etc. I always have been having my book (the library's) with me to read--"Kidnapped", a very interesting story of the adventures of a Scottish lad in Scotland. Read some for awhile now. Then I went to try to collect the last dollar of that $3 debt, couldn't get it. Returned, ate dinner with the men--stew. The rest of the folks (Mother, Dad, Miss Roby) had already left for town & dinner. After dinner I took Mary Lou to her home for something she wanted. We sat in the car awhile after returning--she begged me to kiss her--I refused 'cause she wouldn't grant my request. Read "Kidnapped" at 10. I took the men & Mary Lou to the church. Met Mother, Mary Lou & I got in with her & went to the apt. at the beach, stopping enroute for some of that ice-cold orange juice. Retired 11 PM.

JUNE 21 FRI: GRACE POWERS--PAINTED DAD'S TYPEWRITER--Groceries--Errands in Town--Grace to Hospital--Social.
       Only dozed from 6:45 on--that was the time we'd intended to arise. I finally arose at 9 & awakened the "women folks". Arranged Apt. Washed & dressed. Walked to the store for a quart of milk. Ate my breakfast.
       Carried several loads out to the car.--Then we all left.--By the way--Grace Powers was there this morning.--She rode over with us. Stopped at the church & Bill Walker (he's back home from Wheaton--he graduated this June) happened by.--He spoke with Mother about Hjalmer's Wheaton quartet appointments--told Mother that Mr. Blake of the White Temple offered to take them Sunday Night, July 21st--but that's the night we want them at our church.
       Drove home. I started to do some typing on Dad's typewriter--but stopped to paint that corroded spot on it with some green paint Mr. Thompson had, that just matched. After that I typed until Mother called me to go to the store with her. She bought a whole flock o' stuff--I sneaked in some ginger snaps & Ovaltine. $6.05 altogether! Returned.
       Fixed myself some cold Ovaltine (in the kitchen of the front house) we, not the working men, have moved our groceries over there & have again turned on the Frigidaire. Ate some "Grapelade" sandwiches. Yum, yum! As soon as I'd finished I returned to the rear cottage & typed a bit more--I'm making a "leetle" headway. I was soon called to drive to town--Mother, Mary Lou, & Grace Powers. I dropped them at the Red Cross while I went shopping for some things for Mother--parked the car at the Flagler Street entrance of the Red Cross. Bought curtain rods, twine, 10 electric light bulbs, & chased all over to find a picture & frame to match in size a motto & frame.
       I was just looking over the pictures in "Kress" when Grace Powers found me--she told me I was to drive her to see her friend at the hospital. Did so--Parked outside (Edgewater Hospital) & read "Kidnapped" while she went in to see her friend & came out soon.--Her friend had had an acute attack of appendicitis & ruptured her appendix.
       Drove back to the Red Cross & met Mother at 5 min. to 5. Grace got out & told me to drive around the block while they did some last-minute shopping--came back, picked 'em all up, & drove to the church. I ran up & got some lampshades out of Mother's office, Miss Roby came down & got in with us, & I bawled Mary Lou out for not running over to Cater's furniture Store instead of Mother.
       Returned home. Waited awhile, collected the men, including the 2 coloured men--then I carried over to the beach with me, when I went after that, $5 to pay 'em with.
       Returned via church--picked up chairs & came home--unloading. Then drove for Chapman's & Mrs. Utley (social tonight, you know). Returned. Then drove to church for Mrs. Owen & Hansford. Returned. Took bath, dressed & entertained the boys--Lamont & Richard & Hans.--Mary Lou entertained 'em too! Took all home. Returned & went to the beach with Mother.

JUNE 22 SAT: AROSE LATE & TIRED--SUN BATH & SWIM--Drove Home with Mary Lou in Dad's Car--Errands: Chairs, Maps, etc.--Home: Supper--Maps. Whew! I'll bet I drove that car a hundred miles yesterday! And then--I didn't even remember till bedtime that I hadn't eaten dinner!--Only a bit of refreshments at the social.
       --Soooooo--I was plenty tired this morning.--Doc. Koger couldn't rout me outta bed till 9:45. Felt weak too.--Lack of meal last night. I donned my bathing suit & ate an ice-cold half grapefruit & my usual Bran. Then I walked down to & lay down on the beach. Tried to bask in what sun there was for about 45 min. (too cloudy) & watched the people around me--that's fun!--And funny!
       Then I went in for a dip. Tried to see how long I could "tread" water out in deep water. Finally came in & dressed. Then I waited for orders from Mother for about 45 mins. She finally figured out a few things for me to do (Dad was there too) & then, at the last, called me into the back room to tell me to get some wraps & find out how much out of the way it was to go on the trip--through New York.--We're thinking of taking a woman & her granddaughter as passengers which Grace Powers told us of--& also planning to "see New York".
       Left in Dad's car with Mary Lou. Drove home, stopping a moment at her house. Kissed her & more! Changed my clothes & then loaded the chairs & drove 'em to the church, where George Way helped me unload 'em. Left word for Virginia that we're all eating a "Farewell Family Dinner" together at Booth's tomorrow afternoon.
       Then I drove to all those filling stations on the Boulevard & collected maps of the U.S., then out to Wilson's home to tell 'em we wouldn't be there for dinner tomorrow. And then to the "Paris" Cleaners (Brown's) for Mother's dress & Dad's pants (& left a pair of his pants) & home!--Oh, yes! I stopped by in a final effort to collect the last $1 of that debt from Edgar Hobart--he couldn't pay it. I told him (or his Mother) that I was leaving next week & to forget it--she insisted that she'll send it over by Thurs.
       Returned home. Wrote part of yesterday's diary, ate supper with Mary Lou, Thompson & Hartley. Finished yesterday's & wrote this--selected some good maps out of the bunch & threw most away. Then on a large excellent detailed map of the U.S. I marked routes & figured mileages.
       Folks came home about 10:10. I drove the men to the church & then drove Mary Lou, Mother & I to the beach. Mother talked to us enroute & while parked & upon arriving, about our conduct & what she expected of us on the trip.

       Arose at the ringing of alarm at 6:30. Washed, dressed & ate. Awoke Mother to get the key, to her office at church. Drove straight to church (by 7:30) & gave Clayton the key, telling him to get the apartment ready for a guest--Arthur Paine! (Missionary from Cuba)
       Then I drove to the Munson Line docks where the "Munargo" had already docked. After considerable waiting (till 8:30) I spied the red-haired Arthur. We met. Took him to car & drove him to church & saw him installed into Mother's apartment (or office).
       Drove to radio station & parked--fixed Sunday School book, read lessons & wrote this.
       Sunday School--two absent but Paul Gibson brought new student. 100% Bibles & banner offering. Church--Mother "talked" on grieving Holy Spirit.
       Villa D'Este for "Family" farewell dinner--Ma, Pa, Sis, Mel, Mary Lou & I. Good dinner--Lamb.
       Drove Dad to church & I worked on map again while Mother had a "confab" with the workers.
       Then drove to Beach--Virginia came along. Worked on map all afternoon--till Mary Lou suddenly astounded me by saying it was 6:30!--Y.P.'s began at 6!--Oh well--though I was in charge, I had no part--I hope the others will go right ahead with their parts.--Boy oh boy! Woe is me!
       Figured it'll take $35 in gas'n'oil direct to Wheeling--$45 via New York. Wrote this. Drove to church.
       Mother gave her life story--love offering.--I drove home Doc. Koger's car while he drove Mother to Beach & drove big car home. Retired at 11:30.

JUNE 24 MON: THE DAY WITH ED & THE CAR AT THE GARAGE--Greater Repair Needed than afore-thought: All bearings burned out!
       Dad awakened me at 9:15--I'd slept very soundly all night except for a little squealing noise which had annoyed me--I had thought it to be rats.
       Arose, washed, dressed, & ate (ate in big house) hurriedly.--Dad was hurrying to breakfast at the Beach.
       I drove behind him in the big car to Ed Bartlett's Garage on 29th St. & 13th Ave. I stayed there with the car while Dad went on.
       Ed first took off the engine pan (from underneath while I watched). Then he took off the bearing cap of the bearing of the connections rod of No. 8 cylinder. He found it had been too loose.--Then I went with him to an auto parts shop where he got, besides some other parts for some other job, some "shims"--a strip of brass .003 of an inch thick to exactly fit those bearings by measurement. Returned.
       As I was cutting out the shims for him he took off the next bearing cap & found the bearing burned out!
       I finished the shims as he discovered the third bearing was burned out too! He then asked me whether he should go ahead with the job--take off the engine head & take out all the bearings.--I said yes, for the car couldn't be driven any further in that condition, no matter what the cost.
       So he took off the engine head & removed the bearings one-by-one--& every one was burned out! While he was thus employed, I & Turner (a young lad working as Ed's helper) cleaned off the carbon off the engine head--it was caked! Dad dropped in about 4:15 & Ed told him all about it--also explained how the bearing caps were in no way locked on & he must drill each bolt through & wire the bolts to keep the bolts from working loose--& have another connecting rod breaking thru' the engine wall like it did on that other Packard--Dad said I was right in telling Ed to go ahead with the work. Dad said he'd be back by for me to go to supper at the Beach at about 5:30.
       Finished cleaning my 4 cylinders & cleaned up (as much as possible, considering my dirty clothes). Dad came about 5:30. He drove me home to change clothes, which I did, & then we drove to the beach.
       Told Mother the sad news--about the greater repair needed on the car & the consequent greater (& great) expense--she was dumbfounded! Said she didn't have the money etc.--Good supper anyway.
       Then Dad & I drove back to town & to the church. Arthur Paine spoke tonight, telling of the founding of the work there (Cuba) & of some of their experiences--it was thrilling!--And very interesting & touching. After service Dad & I drove home. He's sleeping over in the front house now while I'm still sticking to my room in the N.W. corner of the rear cottage. (2119 N.W. 24 St.) Retired at 11 PM.

JUNE 25 TUES: OVER TO BEACH--Errands in town--Hazel Smith--snapshots gotten--Packing--Bible class.
       I had set the alarm for 7 AM, but I awoke & arose about 3 minutes before that time. Washed & dressed. Went over to the other house & ate breakfast--gave "Pussy Willow" some of my milk, she pleaded so.
       Then I got the key to Dad's car from Dad (who had not yet arisen) & drove to the store for Bran--oh, I mean I did that before I ate. Then after eating I went in Dad's car to the cleaner's--took them that pair of brown slacks I'd worn yesterday around the garage & gotten so dirty--& got (for 50 cents) that pair of light brown striped pants from there which I'd had cleaned, pressed, & lengthened.--I'm pretty well stocked with pants with all this altering I'm having done. Returned.
       Then Dad & I left for the Beach--I'd have gone to Ed's, but I needed some money from Mother to get some pictures ($1.60 worth) from the photo shop.
       Wrote this while they ate breakfast. Mother's hopes or spirits seem to be up again this morning--she's planning on the trip as per usual. Afterwards I just "hung around" waiting to go. Helped out with several loads to take home.
       We finally left--drove straight home. Took Mother to the grocery store--this time I waited in the car while she did the buying--except I made sure that she got a quart of milk for my lunch.
       Returned home & ate lunch--bread & "Grapelade" sandwiches & cold Ovaltine--Ummmm! Good! Immediately afterward I went to the drugstore & phoned Dr. Koger that Mother needed him to drive her on sick calls this afternoon (--as I had to use little car for errand for her & big car is, of course, laid up).
       Then I returned, told Mother, & left for town. I went by Ed's to get my book & coat & things & picked up Hazel (Smith) as she was waiting for a bus. Dropped by the P.O. & got a 3-cent stamp for that 3-cent envelope that got wet last week. Then I drove straight to town.        Dropped Hazel off at Kresses & told her to come by the church by 2:45 (it was 2), if she was finishing shopping (for a bathing suit) by that time, & I'd drive her home. Then I stopped at photo shop, got $1.66 worth of pictures & reprints.--Pictures taken at Royal Palm Park, at the apt. etc.        Then I parked on Flagler St. & did some 10-cent store shopping for Mother. Next & last--I sought for an "Auto Travel Bureau" but they're all closed up now--against law. Mother wanted to estimate how much she should charge the passengers (if she takes any)--I priced bus fares--$20.00 to NY.
       Bought "Amer. Boy" mag--July. Ran up to see Roger. He'd finished tinting that photo of me--pretty nice.--Said it would only cost $2--mounted! He had not, as yet, finished those prints of Dad & I in our office but said he'd do 'em tonight. Waited in car for Hazel till 3 but she did not come. Drove home. Found Mother had decided to "go ahead" with big car repairs. So I drove over & told Ed. He said he'd need some money & would start early tomorrow morning. Told Mother (she saw him tonight & made arrangements).--Then I dug around for a suitcase to start packing.

JUNE 26 WEDS: RAIN--FINISHED "KIDNAPPED"--DAY WITH CAR AT ED'S--Walked home--Dinner at home--Baggage decision.
       Arose at 7. Washed & dressed. It was raining hard, so I couldn't go over to the other house--I'd have dashed for it if I'd known the back door was unlocked--Dad usually locks all the doors.
       --So!--I read & finished reading "Kidnapped"--an excellent book! I'd like to read the further adventures of David Balfour--they're in the library. I finished the book by 8 (my books were due yesterday, by the way). It had slackened up a bit, so I walked across--the door was unlocked. Picked up my milk & went in & fixed my breakfast. Dad was awake. He got up about the time I finished eating.
       Then Dad & I drove off in his car--Dad dropped me off at Ed's on his way to the Beach. Boy oh boy! Does it rain! The whole street in front of Ed's was a lake!
       Ed had gotten a friend--Fred Rogers--"Lucky" Piston Ring agent & 15 years a mechanic--over for the day to help him work on the car.--In fact Rogers was the one that worked on the car most of the day--Ed was busy with another job.
       First, I rode down with Rogers to the auto parts shop on 3rd St., above 1st Ave. N.W.--where he ordered the new connecting rods (had decided it was better to buy new ones than "re-babbit" the old ones), some gaskets etc.
       On the way back he turned on his car radio.--Boy, one of these things would certainly be handy on a long monotonous trip! Upon returning, Rogers got to work on the car in earnest: took off the engine wall, exposing the valve s