What I appreciate about Obama

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Posted by long time exer on May 01, 2012 at 19:50:38

In Reply to: Re: I find it significant... posted by Casual Spectator on April 30, 2012 at 11:46:33:

He's working diplomatically with interests for both sides and the rights of people on both sides rather than according to religious convictions that have been at the base of so many brutal wars. I don't believe Israel should dismantle and turn their country over to Palestinians, but I do believe certain territories should not be colonized by Israel and Palestinians need their own legal territory. It would be nice if thousands of years of history could be erased, but this is a long standing feud. I know that religious people would view a united world as something of the anti-christ. But I'd really like to see a world without borders and yet cultures could be preserved. I like the colorful differences between people- but I hate the "God gave me" stake to land where others have similar views and war goes on and on..

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