Read the excerpt again. It's in black and white.

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Posted by MG on September 21, 2012 at 18:33:37

In Reply to: Re: Berg on Reagan in 1980: a malevolent spider/in 1988: America’s best pr posted by Pastor Don on September 21, 2012 at 07:20:53:

Berg espouses conservative ideals by saying Republicans are conservatives and they are "Christians". He demonizes the liberal Democrats by saying they are "the party of Hell". What could be more clear?

I agree with you 100% that he perverted the Bible to create his own moral standard. The tragedy is the harm he did in practicing his perverted morals to justify the crimes he was guilty of.

You posted the link to the Reagan pub and inferred that Berg was politically Reagan's opposite. Berg's right-wing conservative views are about his politics, not his imorality and his perverting Bible teaching.

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