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The Children Of David
(Compilation, by John [of Sara], Chile)

Part 1- Our Heritage

       How the Lord sees us
       Blessed are our eyes and ears
       We are the elite troups of endtime officers
       The many gifts the Lord has given us
       The everlasting reward of the children of David

Part 2- Promises of power

       Prophets of the end
       The power of love
       Promises for the second generation
       Promises of finances
       Be prepared

Part 3- Living the doctrine

       Study and live the Word
       Our comission
       The message
       Go ye into all the world
       Loving Jesus
       Grow in unity
       Stay dropped out
       Beware of bitterness
       Just step out by faith
       Live the law of love
       Live Communally and share all things
       Be a fighter
       Stand up for the truth
       Give your life
       Hold on to your crown

Part 1 - Our Heritage

How the Lord Sees Us

       Ye are special children unto Me! I have said it and I say it again: Ye are special unto Me, for ye are chosen, ye are the children of David.
       You, the children of David, are virgins unto the Lord your God. Virgins in that you are unspotted by the world. Virgins, because you have not taken on the ways of the world. Virgins, because you are free to love your God. So be not entangled with the yoke of bondage, but remain free--free to serve the Lord your God.
       You, My children of David, drink from a tap of clear running water--water that comes from the artesian wells and from the Heavenly springs. Water that is stored in My Word of old, and fresh water that comes pouring upon you daily. You are washed and refreshed with clean waters that can only revitalize.
       You have a great heritage of faith behind you, a great force of My Spirit, because you have lived in the Family for years. You have absorbed My Word for years and have received and believed. You don't realize the working of My Spirit in your life to keep you close to Me and My Words, but it's there. You have been taught so much at the hand of My Spirit, more than you even realize. It is all inside of you, whether young or old. If you are young, you have been born into it and raised with My Spirit and the spirit of your Father David. And if you are old, you have learned it and absorbed it from the Word and firsthand from your experience with My Spirit. You have so much which I can use. I have trained you by My Own hand. I have given you My Own Endtime prophet, your Father David, to teach you, to train you, and to guide you in My way, and to prepare you for the days ahead. Oh, how much you have learned from your Father David, from his simplicity and humility and childlike faith. You have a heritage of wealth in the Spirit which has been given to you through your Father David.
       You seek to please Me and not yourselves. You seek to do that which I want and not what you want. You seek to supply My needs--now even in a greater way than before--rather than supplying your own needs. You strive and sacrifice and give and live to fulfill My will rather than your own will, and in so doing you reap the greater riches of My spiritual blessings, as well as My physical supply of your needs.
       You are amongst the very few who choose to forsake all, to make yourselves servants of all, that you might be examples of My love. It is a precious and high calling to be a beggar for Jesus, a love slave, My intimate Bride, a testimony of My miracle-working power in the End. You have given years of your life in faithful service to Me. You have sacrificed and proven yourself worthy to be called the children of David. You have borne many children and have raised them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. You have been fruitful, faithful missionaries on many foreign fields. You have studied and memorized and grown strong in the Word.
       You, the children of David, have been called out and chosen because I have found in you a yearning and a burning for the spiritual riches! You have been blessed and anointed with the fire of My Spirit--an inner fire that seeks and seeks and hungers and thirsts and pants after the greater spiritual riches and realities. You are not yet My spirit beings or My spirit helpers who live in the fifth dimension, but you long for a peek! You long to understand more and more so that you can tap into My spirit world and receive all the power from My Spirit. My baby children, My tiny children who desire to understand the realm of the spirit world and coax Me with questions and ply Me with your thirst for more! Such wonderful, insatiable children of David, so full of faith and trust that I will answer and reveal My mysteries. You thirst and long for the spiritual realm--not for the riches and the physical blessings of this world. You seek for an even better blessing and a greater richness that is found only within the Spirit. Therefore, the true, eternal, lasting blessings and riches of the Spirit, which shall never fade away, will be given unto you, the children of David.
       You, the children of David, are a special people, a breed like none other. For though you be mortal and encased in earthly form, your spirits do fly to the very courts of My Kingdom and dwell there with Me in spirit. I have formed you from the dust and I have given you a form like those on Earth that you might win others to Me, but your spirits are free. Your spirits are not bound by the body of flesh; they are free, unlike others on Earth who are not Heavenly minded and do not seek the things of the Spirit. You have freedom in spirit and liberty, because of your closeness to Me.
       I have few other Christian children whose spirits seek Me intimately and who hear My voice in prophecy as regularly and with such faith as the children of David. You are unique! You have the fresh Words of Heaven. I give you the truth, for you are My Endtime prophets. You are privileged beyond all people to see things as I see them. I love you! I love your love for Me! You excite My desire to tell you more and give you My secret treasures!
       You, My dear children of David, are members of My elite troop of Endtime officers! The avant-garde, the few chosen soldiers who lead the way, the officers, the commanders, who do the impossible missions, who snatch victory from the jaws of defeat through your sheer determination, courage, and faith! You shall lead My people in times of trouble, and you shall bring them through to great victory, because of your great faith and your deep knowledge of Me and your intimate relationship with Me. The weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the tearing down of strongholds. Your power is greater than that of earthly armies and soldiers because you wield My power, and offer men the chance to live forever. And as with the mighty men of David who were so strong and valiant, brave and courageous, so gifted, such valiant warriors, worth many times the average soldier, so are ye. It is a high calling like none other in the world today, to be one of the army of King David and of Queen Maria and King Peter.
       To you, My faithful ones, My children of David, I give the utmost care and attention, for I know that your hearts are with Me. I have chosen you, handpicked you to join My all-star team. I know that you are able, because I am able--and together we will win the race as you look to Me.
       I am stirring in the Spirit and you are feeling the gentle breeze, and you will feel the breeze intensify until it reaches hurricane force! For My Spirit is moving! It is moving upon the hearts and the lives of those who have been faithful, who have held on, who have accepted Me as their Lover--these, My children, the children of David, the faithful ones who have served Me night and day.
       You, My Family, My Kingdom of Love, My Children of David, are truly the richest children in the world! To no others on Earth have I given life so full as to My children of David--you who know Me and love Me in the most intimate of ways; you, My beloved Bride, My holy spouse, who enter into My most sacred chambers to love Me and woo Me as we commune together in the sweet lovemaking of My Spirit. For we are wed! We are one!--One in body, one in heart, one in soul, and one in mind.
       P.S. Each one of you, My precious Family, is My precious pet, and I bestow upon you many gifts and many riches--the riches of the Spirit, the riches of My Words, the riches of My blessings.
       I've also poured upon you the riches of tests and of trials, so that you might be ready to receive the riches of My Spirit. I cannot pour forth these riches that I give you to others of My children, for they are not open and broken and receptive to receive them. They are not ready. But you, My children, are ready and you are open, for you are humble in My sight.
       You look around and see the difficulties that you face, the tests and the trials, your lacks, the struggles that you face day to day, and you think of them as a burden. You don't see them as the blessing that I tell you they are. You are not rich and increased with goods. You do not live in the lap of luxury. You have to struggle day by day. You have to fight! You cannot hold up any great buildings or any great worldly riches to show others how prosperous you are, how great you are, how blessed you are, and this humbles you in their sight. But I say to you, it lifts you up in My sight. For before honor is humility, and I have kept you humble.
       You have had to stand for the truth of My Word in the face of scorn and of mocking, even as I was scorned and mocked. They derided Me and mockingly said that I was the king. They looked at Me, and I did not look like a king--I looked more like a beggar. They whipped and scourged Me. And so it is with you. They do not see that you are children of the King. They do not see that you are My mighty children, because they do not see with the eyes of the Spirit, even as they did not see that I was the Son of God, the King of kings. But just because they didn't see it, that didn't make it any less so, and so it is with you.
       You have stood up for My Word, for the meat of My Word, even in the face of mocking and scorning, and it has humbled you. Before honor is humility, and I will honor you, My children. For you have been lowly--lowly in My sight, lowly in the sight of man, and lowly in your own sight--and I will bless this lowliness, this humility, with honor.

Blessed Are Our Eyes And Ears

       As I have said in My Word, and as My prophets have said, blessed are your eyes--those who live in the last generation--and blessed are your ears for the things that you hear, and will yet hear!
       Whose eyes and whose ears were they talking about? These are not the eyes and the ears of those of the world, and neither are they the eyes and the ears of those who give Me part of their time or part of their heart. But they are the eyes and the ears of the children of David with the truths that I have poured out upon you--the Words, visions, dreams, instruction, guidance, commission, power, and anointing that I have given you, and the secrets that I will yet reveal to you that have not even been made known Here to those in the Heavenly realm! These are designated for you, My obedient and loyal children, for the sacrifices that you have made to serve Me and to yield yourselves as living sacrifices of love.
       It has also been said that all the prophets have longed for this day. This is a very special time, for in this time more power shall be poured out upon My children than I have ever poured out upon the Earth since the beginning! More truths have been poured out on you than on any other. You have more access to these truths than any generation that has ever lived. For this reason you are known as the blessed ones, for no one else has been so privileged to have so much truth. Never has so much been opened up or revealed! Never has so much been said in such volume and in such detail!
       In times past these things were sealed and not available, for it was not time. And all who have come before you, though I have given them My Words and My truth, they were paupers in comparison to the wealth of truth and the words of wisdom that I have poured out upon you. For this reason, all the prophets who have ever lived longed to live in this age, so that they could be fed of the wealth that I have poured out upon you.

We Are the Elite Troops of Endtime Officers

       Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus, going on before! This is an army, just as My true followers throughout all ages have been an army. For this is a war, a war of good against evil, of right against wrong, a war of the angels of God against the demons of Hell. It's a spiritual battle, a spiritual warfare, and there is no greater struggle in Heaven or on Earth. It's the true holy war, the true battle of the saints of God against the forces of darkness, and I've called forth a great and mighty army, a terrible army to fight for the right and to defeat the lies and deceptions of Satan! This army has been marching throughout the centuries, and though it has been called by many names, it has still been My Christian soldiers marching forth to battle.
       The army of God is on the move and on the attack, and now in these Last Days I have a tremendous army! I have an army of Christian soldiers, combat-ready troops that cover the Earth from shore to shore and sea to sea, and they will fight and be a testimony of My power to overcome evil! This is a vast army, a great army with many divisions, many officers, and many battle plans. And just as in all the great armies of this Earth there are different ranks and different divisions, so it is in My great Endtime army.
       The vast majority of My army are foot soldiers--multitudes and multitudes of foot soldiers--each with his rifle in his hand, going forth to fight the Enemy face to face. Then I have My officers, all the way up the line to My commanding officers and generals.
       Within this great army I have special units. And you, My dear children of David, are members of My elite troop of Endtime officers! I have trained you by My Own hand. I have given you My Own Endtime prophet, your Father David, to teach you, to train you, and to guide you in My way, and to prepare you for the days ahead. You are an elite unit in this Endtime army of Mine. Because of your faith, dedication, yieldedness, and humility, I've lifted you up to be My elite troops. You're called and chosen, and you have a special mission in these Last Days.
       You have been the spearhead! You've paved the way in the spirit for the rest of My army to follow. I've used you to pioneer a mighty revolution of love for Me and My Word, and I have used you to turn My mighty army to march in the right direction. For they were languishing in the fields. They were growing weary in well doing. They were losing the vision. They were cooling off and solidifying. They were losing their conviction. They were becoming a demoralized army, visionless and powerless.
       I have used you, My elite Endtime troops, My wonderful children of David, to be a beacon and a standard-bearer for My army! I've used you to rouse them out of their sleep, to call them to battle, and to point the way to renewed service and dedication. Without you, My great and grand army would just be floating along, untrained and unprepared for what is to come.
       So not only will I use you in the Endtime to do mighty exploits, and not only will you find yourself endowed with Heavenly powers that will shock and defeat the Enemy and be a witness and a testimony to all, but I have also used you to awaken and to lead and to signal the call to arms to My great and mighty worldwide army of Christians. They will all do battle in the Last Days. They will all be called upon to fight. Many will fall by the wayside, for their convictions are shallow, but they're still part of My army today. Others will rise to the occasion and will shine brighter than ever before, for they will see the challenge, they will see the fight and the battle.
       You, My children of David, have had your eyes opened, and the scales have fallen off of them, that you may see into the world of the spirit, for you are not ignorant of the System's devices. You have seen past and beyond that. My vast Christian army lies in the lowlands. They are stationed there, and their eyes of the spirit are dim; they don't see things as clearly as you do. But the day will come when their eyes will be opened and they will choose. Many of them will choose to fight and to stand firm on their convictions, and this mighty army of Mine will win the battle and do exploits in these Last Days!
       So you, My children of David, My elite Endtime troops, have a two-fold mission. You've been called to rally My church, to rally My vast Christian army, to awake them from their lethargy, to challenge them, to provoke them to Godly jealously, to wake up and to do the job that they've been called to do. And I've also called you to be My special troops in this Endtime battle, where you will have more power, more anointing, and more gifts of My Spirit, because of your training and your dedication. Your skill in the spirit, your knowledge of prayer, your understanding of the Heavenly realm, and your yieldedness to My whispers will qualify you to be entrusted with powerful gifts of the Spirit. You're a highly trained unit and capable of operating My high-tech weapons of the Spirit, which shall be placed in your hands at the time appointed.
       Be not weary in well-doing, for this is a time of training for you. You're learning to submit, to follow, to obey, to fight, and this is all part of your training as My elite troops. The qualifications for this unit are much stricter and more rigid than those of My other divisions. The standard is higher and the level of commitment and dedication is deeper, but the anointing and reward shall be far greater, and I will bestow upon you great honor!

The Many Gifts the Lord Has Given Us

       Behold the gifts that I have given unto the children of David, these precious gifts!--The gifts of My Words, the Words for these days, the Words of David that I have poured forth upon you, the Words of your queen that she poureth forth to feed your soul.
       Behold, the gift of My Words that I have given unto you, that feed you the truth, that give you the strength, that direct and guide you to Me and to My plan and to My will.
       Oh, these precious Words! Let them not fall to the ground, but take them in and absorb them. Read them and do them. Be thankful for them. Desire them, for they are Words of life, they are Words of strength, and they are My precious gifts unto you.
       And behold the other gifts I bestow upon you: The gift of Love, Love that you can bestow one upon another; Love that can be shared with your children; Love that can be shared one with another; Love that can be shared with the lost.
       What a precious gift this is for you--Love, My Love! For the world is so cold and dark and so lacks love, but I have poured forth Love unto you abundantly.--The love of a family, the love of a friend, the love of brothers and sisters, the love of husbands and wives, the love of mothers and fathers and children, the love of those that you help and that you serve and that you save. Your lives are full of love, My Love-Love that I have poured forth upon you, the Love of My Spirit. And so are you greatly blessed.
       And I have bestowed upon you the gift of hearing My voice, of coming before Me and seeking Me and saying unto Me, “What is it that we shall do? Where is it that we shall go? When is it that we shall do it?” And My voice speaketh unto you--I that know all things, I that do all things, I that am the God of all things! I speak unto you, My children, because I love you. And oh, what a gift this is, and oh, what a blessing it is to have the voice of your Father with you at all times saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it!” For those that are in the world are lost and are in darkness and have no light to light their way, but I have given unto you My Word and My voice to say, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” Oh, how blessed you are to be My children!
       And behold the gift of living one with another, together in unity, in harmony.--Not alone, not in fear, not in trembling as those in the world about you, but together, united as one. I have made you a Home with loving brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers and aunts and uncles all together. I have poured this gift upon you, and this gift is great, for there be many that are lonely, many that are lost, many that go home at night to empty homes, empty rooms, empty beds and empty lives. But it is not so with you. For within your Homes are loved ones who care for you and who are interested in you, who will pray with you, who will talk with you, who will listen unto you. But it is not so for those that are in the darkness of this world. And oh, what a gift I have given unto you!
       Oh, the gifts of the Spirit that I have poured forth unto you: the wisdom, the knowledge, the understanding, the practical gifts, helps and administration, government, these gifts that help you on a day-to-day basis. These who stand behind these gifts in the World Beyond help you, show you, and guide you. Great gifts! And the gifts of healing, of tongues, of discernment. The gift of prayer and intercession. The gift of faith. The gift of hope, the gift of witnessing, the gift of pouring forth My Words. Oh, what wonderful gifts these be! Oh, what helpful gifts! And all of these are a gift unto you from My hand, from My love for you.
       And behold the greatest gift of all that I have bestowed upon you, the gift of Salvation, freedom forever! Freedom from your sins. Freedom from worry. Freedom from fear. Freedom from death. Freedom from Hell!
       Ye are My children, and I have poured forth unto you many, many, many gifts. Many blessings! I have answered many prayers. I have poured forth much supply and much care and much love, much protection, much safekeeping, much anointing. I have wrapped you in My arms of love. I have carried you. I have cared for you and I have protected you. I have supplied for you. I have loved you and I have kissed you and I have caressed you, because ye are Mine. So great is My Love for you and so great are the gifts that I bestow upon you. So great is the protection that I put round about you. So great are the helpers that I have given to help you, and so great is the power of My Spirit that I have put within you!
       “These are the blessings that I have bestowed upon you for your love for Me, for your dedication, for your willingness to give your life for Me. But this is only a token of the great reward that I have stored up for you Here in My Heavenly Kingdom, a reward that surpasses your greatest imaginations, and it is yours for eternity!

The Everlasting Reward of the Children of David

       For those children of David who serve Me faithfully with all their hearts, who are My warriors of the Endtime, it is noted in the annals of Heaven. There is an everlasting record of your service for Me and the sacrifices you have made, and this record will bring you much glory and much praise in the Heavenly Kingdom.
       You, My children of David, are already strong in the Spirit and strong in your knowledge of My Word. You are already My warriors of the Endtime. The great sacrifices that you make, your lives of service to Me, and your willingness to lay down your lives and resist the temptations of the world and the sirens of the System who beckon you to come and partake of her riches and her pollution and her corruption and wickedness, shall be recorded!
       You who resist these temptations because of your great love for Me and your desire to serve Me shall be raised to receive a great crown of reward, and your faithful service on Earth shall be remembered. It shall be an everlasting glory to you. It shall be an everlasting honor that you gave your life and you believed and you served Me, having not seen. This shall be counted unto you as great faith, and for this, you shall receive a great reward, and with it, tremendous happiness and contentment. Everywhere you travel in My Heavenly Kingdom, you shall be known as My faithful children, those who gave their lives for Me in the Endtime, those who were My final witnesses of the End!
       This is a crown of reward that shall never be taken from you! It shall be remembered and revered and heralded for all time. This is the everlasting reward of the children of David.

Part 2 - Promises of Power


       I have chosen you, the children of David, to be My messengers of the Endtime! I am preparing you to do great exploits, and I will use you to do things that none other has done, because of your faith and willingness to accept the new moves of My Spirit. I need dedicated, loyal, do-or-die soldiers who are willing to follow Me and their king and queen into the Endtime, and so I use My little children of David, My motley crew of believers to do the impossible.
       The days of greater things are only beginning, and you will see even more power and more anointing! Greater works, amazing miracles and wonders of My Spirit will I unravel before your eyes as you continue to believe. I will give to your queen that which none other will receive, and will tell her the truths and revelations and visions of My Spirit which will herald the beginning of great things. For she sits and waits for the whispers of the future, and much will be given to her. I will use her to prepare the hearts of My children for that which is ahead.
       The future will come, and all that I have spoken will come to pass. Just as I have spoken to the ears of your Father David, you will be as a mighty army of the Endtime to whom the world will gather and beg for your great truth! You are being prepared, My children, for greater works and greater days ahead. So learn well and be diligent, so that you can lead many to righteousness.
       For we enter into the dark days, the days coming when there shall be gross darkness upon the people and upon the Earth. But you shall be a gleaming light, a light of love!--A light of strength and power and of My Words. As the darkness grows, the light shall shine brighter, yea, brighter I say!
       Work while you still have the light, and absorb all you can of My Words and seeds, that you may shine as the night falls. Many will see your glow and be drawn to it. Blazing torches will My children of David be, to enlighten many with My light and love and Words of truth.

Prophets of the End

       You will be the prophets of the End--not only in that you will give a message of warning and doom and impending judgment, but also prophets in that you will see the future, you will give supernatural messages, you will hear from the departed, you will see and feel things that cannot be seen or felt by mortal man. This will be part of your testimony, as news will travel far and wide of the children of David--the prophets, the ones who can hear from beyond, from the other side, from the spirit world, the Heavenly realm.
       Few people will understand this gift. Many will mock, and many will not believe--but all will be intrigued! For even the scoffers, even the shallow, carnal city dwellers, even those who seek only after success, power, money and the things of this world, even those who claim to be atheists, even those who say they hate God and despise His children, will be amazed at this gift, and this unseen, inexplicable power!
       There will be other miracles as well--miracles of healing, miracles of protection, and even miracles of destruction. But the greatest miracle, and that which will catch the attention of the most people, that which will draw followers like no other miracle, will be your power to hear My voice and to see the future!
       You will be prophets of doom to the Antichrist and his people, but you will be prophets of love and revelation to those who are worthy. My prophets of the End, the children of David--what a great people I have made you! And you will be greater still as you grow in unity and love, as you read and study My Word, and as you learn to hear My voice and speak My truth.
       You will be a people such as none has ever seen, and in the End, those who know Me not will marvel! Great multitudes will follow after you, giving up all they have just for the opportunity to hear the Words that you speak, the Words that I will put in your mouth, which will be miracle-working Words, awesome Words of wonder and revelation, powerful Words of destruction and warning. Your greatest weapon, one which cannot be destroyed or counterfeited, will be the weapon of prophecy, the weapon of the gift of My Words in your mouth.
       You will become Me to the people as you yield yourselves to be My tongue, My heart and My love. Those who are unworthy will reject you. But those who are worthy will receive you, and in receiving you, they will receive Me, and great will be their reward in Heaven. And you will be raised up as heroes! War heroes! You will be decorated with many medals--medals of honor and glory for your faithful, courageous service.
       All this is possible because of your faith, and because I am able to work mightily through vessels that are open to the power of the Spirit! I have touched and anointed and ordained it to be so, and no one can steal your crown of service or fruitfulness as long as you hold fast to that which is rightfully yours and allow My power to work through you.

The Power of Love

       I have promised that I will raise up an Endtime army of the children of David, who will not only be My warning voice to the world, My Endtime witnesses, who will not only do miracles and wonders in My Name, who will not only heal the sick and raise the dead, be able to prophesy the future, discern the intents of the heart, and be led supernaturally by My Spirit, but who will also be a sample to the world of My Spirit of love. This will be a big part of the Family's testimony to the world of the truth of My Word and the coming of the promise of a better world and a better Kingdom to come, My Kingdom of love.
       In this day and age there is an even greater need for love, because the hearts of men have grown terribly cold and hard. They are no longer sensitive to the gentle reflection of My Spirit--they need strong blasts of the red-hot, fiery, blazing power of My love in action! Only then, when it's as a huge, brilliant bonfire in their midst, will they notice, see and believe.
       You shall learn to know and love Me in a new and greater way, and this love shall bring forth a new spirit within your hearts. You shall have a new strength, a greater strength and empowerment of My Spirit that shall shake the foundations of the world! For never before has the world seen the power of God that is able to be manifested in the love of the children of David! And, lo, it shall reverberate throughout the halls of Heaven, throughout the fountains of the deep, throughout the high places and the low places. And people shall hear and shall marvel. And this new anointing will be manifested in deeds of love and in deeds of kindness one to another and to the lost and to Me.
       For ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people. But I have chosen you, ye have not chosen Me. I have chosen each and every one of you and ordained you from the foundation of the world to perform My bidding, to do what I want done. Ye shall be like a city set on a hill, the City of Love, the City Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love. Others will know that ye are My disciples because ye have love one for another. I will set My mark upon you, My special seal of love, that others may know that ye are the children of David. Therefore hold not back, but pour forth the anointing, the love that I give. Pour forth in double measure and I shall give you more. For My capacity to give is only limited by your capacity to receive. Therefore do not set boundaries for this love, but love freely and abundantly and ye shall win the world!” For this love, though seemingly small, is of great power and of great strength, and it will greatly change the world. And the children of David shall be known as the children of love.”

Promises for the Second Generation

       I see a great and terrible mighty army marching forth to battle!--Strong, tall, mighty warriors of the youth of David marching forth to war. These are My jewels of the Kingdom, My mighty youth army who will march on to war and conquer the Earth with the power of love! These are they who stand tall and mighty and strong, wielding accurately the sword of My truth, who cut to the heart the thoughts and evil imaginations of man!
       These are they who call down fire from Heaven to smite the foe! These are they who march on fearless and bold and brave in the face of famine, scourges, flame, bullets, guns, knives, devastation and destruction. These are My storm troopers of the End, who storm the very gates of Hell--bold and brave and unafraid, for they know Me. These are they who will stand strong and do exploits.
       These are they whom the whole world will wonder about as they stand back in awe and say, “Behold the youth of David! They know the one and only true God. Therefore let us cling to them, that we may hold on to them for dear life! Surely these are the true prophets of the End of time, for they speak the truth, and they speak to God, the Almighty, and He listens, and He protects them, and He answers their prayers. Run to them! Cling to them! Beg of them, “Save us, save us through your prayers! Call on God for us, that we, too, might be saved!”

Promises of Finances

       The armies of David will march forth with greater power, strength and anointing, and their witness shall be heard around the world! As you have grown in the power of the Spirit through your intimacy with Me, your yieldedness, your willingness to believe by faith and take Me as your Husband, so will your witness grow in power. You shall reach the ends of the Earth, and all shall know of the children of David and the message they bear.
       As your witness grows in power, so shall your finances grow. Because you have been My faithful beggars and you have been willing to be humble and to be in need year after year, you have proven yourselves worthy of My abundance. As I promised unto your Father David, I will make you a financial power, strong not only in the eyes of God but in the eyes of man, because I know you are trustworthy and responsible and accountable. You have passed the test of poverty and difficulty and desperation. You have proven yourself faithful with that which is least, and now I will pour forth in great abundance so that you will have the wherewithal to do the job that I have asked you to do in the short time that is left.
       All of these many blessings and benefits are yours as individuals and as Homes and as a body, because you have been willing to give yourselves wholly to Me. You have humbled yourselves by faith. You have said to Me the love words I desire by faith. You have come to My bed of love and reveled in the ecstasies of lovemaking by faith. You have received My Word, the strange truths, the deep truths of My Spirit, by faith.
       Continue to walk by faith, and My promises will become a reality to you. I love you, My brides, My precious ones, and I will never fail you. You are Mine forever, and I am yours forever. We are forever one. I love you, My loves. Thank you for loving Me.

Be Prepared!

       You are My avant-garde, the elite troops of the End! So prepare yourselves! Arm yourselves now for the war of the worlds! You shall be the victors, for I am the great Overcomer! I am the Victor, and I will never leave you nor forsake you. And when you open your mouth wide, I will never fail to fill it with My Words, My truth, and My message.
       The day is almost at hand, and the final battle is almost upon us. I will be with you, and those who have yielded their all to Me will feel My power in that day and will rejoice that they walked by faith and not sight; that they set their affections on things above and not on the things of this world; that though they did not see, yet they believed and prepared. They were not as those that slept, but they watched and waited, not knowing what hour their Lord would come. They, as the wise virgins, kept their lamps filled with oil. Nor were they as the slothful who ate and drank, and knew not until the flood of evil came and carried them all away.
       These will be the ones who will overcome the Beast by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. These are they who will do great exploits. These are they who will instruct many. These are they who will shine as the brightness of the firmament, and the stars for ever and ever. These are they who will overcome, and be pillars of beauty in the house of their Lord. These are the children of David.

Part 3 - Living The Doctrine


       When I walked on Earth as a man, as I lived the doctrine that had been given to Me from My Father, I was able to build a solid rock foundation and I was filled with wisdom from above. It was in living the doctrine that I became a wise man. My source of strength was in living the doctrine--the Word that had been given Me from above. Had I not lived the doctrine to the full, I might have been able to do some good to help a few of those who sought My help--perhaps a little here and a little there--but I would never have been able to finish the task set before Me. As I followed and obeyed, I discovered that only in living the doctrine to the full was I able to receive the strength, wisdom, and power from My Father above in full measure.
       The servant is not above his Lord, and as it was for Me, it is the same for you. If you want to receive My full power, then live My Words to the full. If you live My doctrine only in part, you will likewise only be able to avail yourselves of My strength and power in part. With what measure you follow My Words, by this measure is wisdom, happiness, joy, peace, and fulfillment measured back to you again.

Study and Live the Word

       I have also given these days of peace, that you might sit at My feet and study the Words which I have poured forth in such abundance. This is the time to sit in the classroom and hear the teachers and lecturers, and to take your books to a quiet place and study and ponder and review. These are the days that I have allowed and supplied so you might read, study, and memorize My Word, so you may come to understand My marvelous spirit world, and come to know Me better--My nature, the way I work, the way I think, what I desire, how I move!--So that My thoughts can become your thoughts, and it will become your second nature, your automatic reaction to do what I would do, or say what I would say, or feel as I would feel.
       As you study the abundance of Word, the lessons that I have put before you, as you partake of the feast that I have laid before you in the presence of your enemies, you will be strengthened. All that I'm pouring forth, all that I'm giving, the abundance of Word, is for a reason. It's not just for your entertainment, or for your reading pleasure, and it's not just for information. The purpose of the Word that I have placed in your hands is to prepare you, to teach you, and to open your eyes to the spirit world. You have so much at your fingertips, but it will come to naught or be wasted unless you avail yourselves of it through diligent study.
       You have so much at your fingertips--such wealth, such blessing, such immense, immeasurable treasures of truth and inspiration! But I ask you, what will you do with it? Will you let the truth that I place in your hands change you, motivate you, cause you to revolute? Will you let the truth that I pour forth so freely to your bosoms cause a metanoia in your life? If you will, then you will continue on in the precious, privileged high calling which I have given unto the children of David. You will progress and grow and overcome.
       It's the danger of every religious movement to cool down, to compromise, and to die a slow death. But I have given you a way out, a way of deliverance from that fate that has met so many new religious movements. I have provided for you a way of deliverance from the lethargy, the half-heartedness, the coolness, apathy, and deadness in spirit that has brought an end to so many reformations or revolutions or mighty waves of My Spirit. And that way of escape is the radical, changing, earthshaking, heartbreaking, mind-bending, soul-searching Word that I give to the children of David--fresh, rich and abundant from Heaven!
       Through My Word you will become new creatures again and again and again. You will see the light of a new day. You will see old things pass away and all things become new, including the way you look at circumstances, situations, and each other. You will see attitudes which have been contaminated and polluted by the System washed clean. You will find a renewed desire to witness and to pour out My Word. You will have greater love for your brothers and your sisters and your co-workers. You will be delivered from the chains of jealousy, possessiveness and selfishness. You will find greater, more abundant supply of all your needs, and I will keep you safely in the hollow of My hand and give you supernatural protection. New doors will open before you, and you will find excitement, fulfillment and challenge--with new ministries and new opportunities to witness and follow up and bear fruit. Many who have settled down in fields of gleaning will hear the call of the needy, desperate mission fields and respond.
       There are so many victories to be had, so much on the horizon for those who take the Word that I give and receive it, believe it, and live it. That is the secret to overcoming--to be motivated, to change, yield, accept, and win the victory.
       Work while you still have the light, and absorb all you can of My Words and seeds, that you may shine as the night falls. Many will see your glow and be drawn to it. Blazing torches will My children of David be, to enlighten many with My light and love and Words of truth.
       What is your life? It is even a vapor, that appears for a little while and then is gone. Shine brightly now, that all may see your glow and feel the heat of your love. Oh My children, absorb the warmth and fire of My Words, feed on My Spirit and My presence, come to Me to love Me intimately, that you may have the strength and the power you need for the days ahead.

Our Commission

       Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, for this is the commission that I have given unto you, the children of David. Go and make disciples of all nations, for the children of all nations cry out for the Words of David. I open the door of all nations of the world unto you, that ye may plant the seeds of the Words of David there, that ye may raise the banner of David, and that ye may feed them with the Words of David.
       For the world lieth in confusion, and the darkness is great, and getting greater. Therefore send the light of My Word to the nations of the world, that those in gross darkness can see the light of My Word and can feel the warmth of that light.
       Why do you suppose the Lord goes to such great lengths to pour out such an abundance of Word upon us, to shower us with His Words of life and hope and light and understanding? Why have we, the children of David, been given such a wealth of wisdom, waters to swim in, New Wine to be intoxicated with, all that we need to answer every question and help solve every problem? God's Word, like His love, isn't put in your heart to stay. God's wonderful Word, like His love, isn't going to accomplish much until you give it away! How can we stand to be stuffed and fat and secluded in our blessings, when the whole world is starving and reaching out even for little crumbs! We are not our own, we are bought with a price. All this Word and Love that the Lord is showering upon us is not only to make us happy and challenged, but it is for the purpose of pouring out on others!
       Manifold are the treasures of the children of David! Their Word mines overflow with gold! Their bags are stuffed with good grain! Their storehouse is bulging with goods! So many seeds! The children of David have so many seeds to sow. Fling them far and wide and let them take root and grow! Each little seed has such tremendous power and contains life-giving strength!

The Message

       The message I want My Family to give is that of the End! I want the Enemy to be exposed and set back on his heels. I want him to be the one running for cover because of the fire and fervor of My children! I want My children to get out the Words like never before! I want them to pour out the Words in greater abundance than this world has ever seen. I want the children of David to be wise and full of faith and conviction so that the Enemy will be forced out in the open. I want the children of David to give out the message of the Endtime and Tribulation, of My return and reign, and of Heaven which will follow, the full message that I committed unto My prophet David!
       I want people to know that though things get bad on Earth, if they have Me they can look forward to a better place, to a better world tomorrow! I want them to know and be fully convinced that there is an afterlife, there is Heaven, and it's real. I want them to be saved. I want you to bring as many as you can into the Heavenly folds of salvation. I want the message of salvation preached to every creature, great and small, rich and poor, old and young! I want the Word to go out like never before, and I want the heart of David to be stirred within each of you so that you are propelled out that door every day to witness and give out the message.
       The most important message I want you to give out in these Last Days is that which exposes the plan of the AC. Preach the gospel of the Endtime so that people can be aware of it and know and run to Me when they see it happening. They may not see it now, they may even mock you now as they did Noah in the days of old; but when they saw the clouds gathering, when they saw the rain come thundering down upon them and the Earth bursting forth with great fountains of water, when they saw their loved ones drowning, then they remembered the Word of the Lord and of His prophet. They remembered all that they had been told, and many repented.
       I want you to give the message so that many will repent and come to Me in the rough days which will befall this world soon. I want them to have a reason to live, a hope of tomorrow. I want them to come running to you when they realize that you are My prophets, and you were right, because you obeyed and followed My voice of warning, even when it seemed crazy to the world, even when they couldn't see it.
       Though they persecute you and mock you for it, they will be running to your feet one day when they see that you were right! They will be running to you for help, and you will be able to give them the Words of the Lord. Then you'll see just how mightily I will use you! Then you'll see just how powerful you are because you have Me, and because you obeyed My warnings to be prepared!
       Though they may have earthly possessions, they lack the Spirit, and they will give whatever they can to you so that you may give to them of that spirit of peace and rest and wisdom. They will come falling at your feet asking you, begging you to please forgive them and help them. Then I will be able to use you mightily, because you have been prepared. You have been trained for that moment and you will be right in the center of My will.
       That's the message I want to go out! I want My Family to prepare, and I want the world to hear the message of Heaven and of the End. I want them to be without excuse when the day comes. I want them to remember My children and My little ones. I want them to remember that child who gave them a poster, who handed them a tract. I want them to remember and come running to you in that day, beseeching you for answers. I want My children to be so full of Me and so close to My side that they are ready to give the answers that the multitudes will seek. I want you all to be ready and trained and able to give My Words to those who hunger for them.
       Have you been preparing? Have you been sharpening your sword? Well, now is the time to pull it out and attack. Thrust yourselves deeply into these desperate lands that will drink up your every seed and will suck for more! Give to the thirsty of the waters of David, that they too may be filled and fed. Give to the hungry of the meat of David, that they may be strengthened and in turn strengthen you. Give, that the Gospel of Christ may be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations!
       Let My seeds work for you! Let My seeds reach into their hearts and wash them with My love. Let My seeds be your tongue. Let My seeds love them. Let My seeds touch them with new hope. My Word will speak to them and tell them of My love, and give them the comfort and hope that they need. I promise My love to the lost and I will fulfill My promise to My sheep. They are Mine and I will reach them in whatever way I can. You can have a great part in My plan by spreading the seeds.
       I send you forth to make disciples of all nations. But to accomplish this, you must first sow My seeds. I call the children of David out to be missionaries, to go and live amongst the people and to love them and to teach them and to give them the Words of David. For there are many, many, many that are starving for the Words of David, and who would accept them hungrily and greedily, and who would become the children of David if they but had shepherds, if they had those who would faithfully feed them. And from these I would raise up others, and I would raise up leaders.
       So go forth. Be not bunched up, but go forth, a few here and a few there. Go unto the people, become one with them and love them and live with them and care for them. And as you teach them and feed them, they too will go forth and spread the Word and the gospel and My message. So you must invest in the people of these lands. Go forth unto them, live with them and care for them and train them, that they may go forth with the Words, that they may stand strong in the days to come.
       You are My children, the children of My dear David, who wept upon his bed for the children of many lands and made love to their goddesses. He was but one, but he was not afraid to fall in love--to fall in love with Me and to fall in love with My lost ones. He gave and gave and gave and gave and gave!

Go Ye Into All The World

       How bright just one candle can shine in a room so dark! But you must be willing to be lit. You must be willing for Me to light you. True, if you go, you may never come back. But what is that to thee? Follow thou Me! You are saved, and you are glutted with the Words of Life, but what will you do with these precious gifts? As you pour out and give, you will blossom and flourish and find fulfillment and love like you have never known.
       How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel, that bring good tidings unto the poor! The world, brother, let's take the world! You and I together, let's take this world! Don't you realize that you could have any part of the world that you desire? For this world is Mine, and you are My children, therefore I give it to you! Have I not said that any place that you put your feet shall be yours? Don't be so nearsighted and only see what's around you. Open your eyes in the spirit! Look out into the world and realize that you could go to any place that you desire, any place of your choosing, and be My missionary to that place and reach those particular people in that place.
       Do you realize that you could spin a globe and put your finger down anywhere and go to that particular place in the world and be My missionary there? Do you realize that you are the only people in the whole world who can do this? There are other Christians who do go forth to be My missionaries, but they don't have as many of their own choices. They go where their church sends them, or they go where they have a church that can help to house them. They confine themselves to certain areas of the world. But you, My children of David, My special, called-out ones, My peculiar people, you can do anything that you want to! Because you have faith in Me and live by the principles of My laws, I can bless you and provide for you.
       I look down upon this needy world, and it again breaks My heart, and again I weep. I weep most bitterly for My lost and lonely children, because they're lost and scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd.
       All the peoples of all nations need you. They need the truth, they need Jesus, they need the Family in every nation, in every place. There are spirits and goddesses and helpers who cry out for help because the need is so great. They know that their people are so hungry and needy and that there are so few who feed them the truth and who don't deceive them.
       So you can certainly understand why any of them would want you to stay and be there with them and their lands, because you represent such a light to them, a light to their people. That's why it's important that our children go into all the world to preach the Gospel to every creature, that there's a presence everywhere, because it encourages those spirits, those who are responsible for the spiritual welfare of their people. It encourages them when the children of David are there, because it gives them hope that their nation will receive the Word and will receive the truth.
       These spirits who intercede for their people cry out night and day to the Lord that their people will be reached with the truth, with the Gospel. I bring this before you and before the Family, and I say, listen to their cries! Listen to the calls of these nations. There are still many that need the children of David, so many that still need to hear the truth. Even a few children of David in these nations bring a new light there and the spirits rejoice, because they know that the light can grow.
       The call is still the same--the call to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. This has not changed. This is still the focus, still the need, still the message to the Family--to preach the Gospel, to become missionaries, to go into all the nations of the world. And you know who you are. You know if the Lord is calling you. You know in your heart. So don't be afraid, just yield. Just accept the calling, and as you do He will anoint you and supply for you and make the way possible.
       If you fight for it, you'll get it! If you pray desperately, He'll supply. He'll get you there. He'll open doors, because He wants you in all the nations of the world. He wants you everywhere because He wants to answer the prayers of those who cry out to Him night and day that the light and the truth of the Word will come into their country. You are that light, that truth, and that Word. You are the bearers of it. You are the embodiment of it. You are it!
       This is a time for you to prepare your hearts and to seek to know by saying, “Lord, where do You want me to be? What is my calling? Where is my mission field?”
       There is great warfare being fought over each one of you to keep you from knowing where you are supposed to be in God's great play. When He speaks to you now, open your heart and follow Him. Go where He leads you to go, to the country that He leads you to be in.
       So don't fail in this. Don't fail in the job that the Lord has given you. Don't get so encumbered about with your own Home and your own self that you forget, or that you close off and cannot hear the cry from the foreign nations that call you and say, “Come! Come feed our people! Come feed us the truth! Come be the answer to our prayers.”
       So hear the cry! Hear the cries of the nations of the world that need the Gospel. Hear the cries of the hungry people and go to them, fill their needs, preach the Gospel, win them, and great will be your reward here in Heaven! Great will be your reward, and great will be the thankfulness that these will have for you. For you gave your life for them, and no greater love has any man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are laying down your lives, giving your lives to reach these lost and hungry ones, and to answer the prayers of those who are responsible for the spiritual welfare of their people.
       For that is your calling, and that is the calling of the children of David no matter where they live--whether in America or England or India or Pakistan or China or Romania or anywhere--it does not matter. You are to be missionaries and witnesses and soul winners, examples of God's true love, liberty and light.
       Let your candle burn brightly, for the days are few. The darkness approaches and the thick, oppressive fog of the Devil draws near. Trim those wicks, sharpen those swords, and charge into the hearts of those that are needy, and I will never fail to bless, protect, and prosper your going out and your coming in.
       The Children of David are an unstoppable wave of My Spirit who sweep from shore to shore setting the captives free, liberating the bound and the dying, and setting aflame the hearts of countless millions! Let the Words roll! Let them sweep as a firestorm through the hearts of the lost, that these too may be set aflame and set to burn with the love of Jesus! Let it burn, let it burn, let it burn, that no man quench your fire! Burn free, wild and free, by the anointing of My Spirit, that many more may come to know the truth of David and the love of Jesus. Burn now, My children, and you shall reign with Me for eternity!


       I seek the love of My children, and yea, for this thou shalt be greatly blessed. For I seek those that will love Me above all things, that will have praise upon their lips, praise of Me and honor of Me and glory of Me, and that will have praise in their hearts and praise on their tongues and praise in their spirit and praise in their mind and praise in their actions. For I seek those that love Me and that hold Me in high esteem, that choose to love Me above all things.
       Let all the children of David praise the Lord, for He hath done for them great things! Marvelous are His works, and holy is His Name, and great is His Love for those who serve Him in humility and simplicity!


       Each prayer of My children--great or small, young or old, big or little, shepherd or sheep--is powerful! Indeed, mighty are the prayers of the children of David, the children of light, My brides the world over! Each and every prayer is mighty in its effectiveness.
       The forces of Heaven are ready and waiting at your command, My loved ones! All of you children of David have been given the privilege of special forces to help you fight and overcome the attacks of the Evil One. For he knows that his time is short, and he knows the great threat that you are, so he's pulled out his big guns against you. But the powers of Heaven dwarf his in comparison, and they wait to do battle.
       In Heaven you will see the result of your prayers in full. On Earth you see some manifestations of the miracles which your prayers have wrought, but many things are hidden from your sight. For this is the treasure of your prayers unto Me--that you pray in faith, and believe in faith that I will answer your prayers and perform that which you request, though you may not always see the results before your eyes.
       Yet you trust and hold to My promises which say that I do answer prayer, and this pleases Me. For this belief on your part, I have given you signs and tokens, that you might see those things which your prayers affect. Yet there is so much more which you do not see, and which will be opened unto you in Heaven. When you see these things, you will marvel and rejoice.
       I say this to you now, that you may hold on and persevere in your prayers and in your ministry of prayer. Be not weary in well doing, knowing that in due season you will see all the fruit of your labors in prayer. Therefore, pray, knowing that your prayers are availing much, and that one day you will see the hidden workings and the wonders which have been wrought because of your prayers.
       Pray for the needs of your queen and king and their household. Pray for the needs of the Family as a whole. Pray for the needs of your Home. Pray for what is on your heart personally. From these prayers will spring forth great fruit, and the answers to these prayers will be evidence of My great love for you, My Bride. So forget not to pray, forget not to seek My face, both unitedly and privately, for it shall be well worth your time and effort. For as the children of David come before Me unitedly, their requests shall reverberate throughout the halls of Heaven, and I shall answer right speedily! I shall attend unto your requests, both great and small.
       So pray, My precious ones, and great will be your reward for your labors.


       Now is the day of choices, for now are the children of David set free to make their own decisions in a much fuller and greater way, and they are more fully responsible for these choices. This is the way we have set it up, and this is the way we want it to run. Because as the times grow darker and more difficult, the children are going to have to make their own decisions and choices. They are going to have to learn to listen to us and to seek us for our guidance, and for our strength, and for our wisdom, for the gifts that we are unto them. The days of commanding and insisting and pushing and saying, “You must do this and you must do that” are over. For now is the day of the whispers. Now is the day when those who will listen will hear, and those who refuse will not.
       I wish for My children to learn to hear from Me, to follow Me closely, to obey what I say to do, to yield to the ways that I lead them, to hear the whispers, the messages, and to follow in faith. As they learn these things, they shall become more connected, they shall become stronger, they shall become more the children of David. They will become more as David, as receivers, as prophets, as men and women of conviction and of power and of anointing, as My David was.
       They shall become more confident in Me and stronger in faith, as they see Me perform what I said I would do. They shall become pillars, I say, in the Last Days; pillars of light that will shine in the darkness; pillars of strength that will uphold many; pillars of faith that will do miracles, move mountains, call down wonders; pillars to stand strong against the wiles of the Evil One as he goes forth to deceive and to destroy even the very elect.
       These are the days of the creating of the pillars, of the strengthening, of the growing, of the broadening and the heightening of these pillars. And how do they become pillars?--Through faith, through belief, through drinking in the New Wine, My Word, and through receiving My directions, My Word, My instruction, My guidance themselves; through prayer, through the Word, through prophecy, through obedience, through yieldedness.
       They can no longer operate without Me. No longer will I allow them to operate in the arm of the flesh. In days past I winked at these things, for there were many other lessons to learn, there was much other growth needed. But these days are now the days of the voice of the Lord, the voice of My whispers, the strength of quietness and the power of weakness. No more will I allow the strength of the strong or the wisdom of the wise or the power of the mighty to rule, for those are the ways of defeat. But now the strength and power of My Word and the strength and the power of your weakness rules, and the strength and the power of My voice instructs, and the strength and the power of My Love empowers. These are the things that must rule in these days.
       Would ye have this power? Would ye have this wisdom, and would ye have this understanding, and would ye have this empowerment, and would ye have this strength? Then come unto Me! Enter into My rest, for in quietness and confidence shall be your strength. Ye must stand back and see Me fight! Stand back and see My strength! Stand back in prayer, stand back in praise, stand back in quietness, stand back in communion with Me. Stand back as receivers, listening, tuning in to My voice. Then ye shall see the power and might of God in a way that ye have not seen it in any of the days past.
       As I have brought weakness unto your shepherds, so do I bring weakness upon you, for I will not let you operate any longer in the arm of your own might. Instead ye must operate in the power of My might, in the power of prayer, in the power of quietness and in the power of communion with Me.
       And what must ye do to accomplish this? Ye must take time in quietness, listening unto Me. Ye must take time in feeding, feeding of My Words. Ye must take time in asking, asking for My help. Ye must take time in seeking, seeking My direction. And ye must take time in listening unto My voice.
       Ye must continue to do the works that I have sent for you and the work that I will show you that ye must do. But ye can no longer do this work without the power of My Spirit, and the power of My Spirit can only be received in communion with Me.
       Do not fight it, do not resist it, just yield. Just yield to Me. Yield by stopping, yield by looking, yield by listening, yield by putting up your antennas and carefully tuning in to My Spirit in faith, in quietness and in confidence, knowing that as ye tune in to Me, ye shall receive that which I have for you. And that which I have for you will work and will strengthen you and empower you, and it will push you and move you and guide you. And by this, ye shall surely know that it is the power and might of God that leads you and that brings forth victory.
       It will cause you to praise Me even more, it will cause you to seek Me even more, and it will be a continual cycle of you seeking, Me answering, and you praising. The more ye see these victories and the answers to your prayers and the empowerment of My Spirit, the more ye will praise Me and the more ye will ask of Me and the more I will do for you; and the more ye will seek Me and the more ye will praise Me and the more I will do for you! And it will continue rolling and rolling and rolling, ever gaining momentum and gaining praise and gaining victories and gaining miracles.
       So shall your strength grow, and your faith grow, and your in-tuneness grow, and so shall My power and might within you grow, and so shall ye be the children of David, empowered by the Spirit and the might of God! So shall ye have faith to do the exploits and the mighty things that I will call upon you to do in the Last Days.
       In the days to come ye must hear from us on this Side to know what ye must do on that side. For it now becomes too complex, too difficult and too deep for you to understand all that goes on about you. But we understand and we can lead you and guide you and direct you if ye will but listen, and if ye will but believe, and if ye will but trust and have faith that the Words that we speak unto you are Words from Heaven and are Words of God, and are instruction from us Here unto you there.
       Ye simply cannot know what to do unless ye seek Me, unless ye listen, any more than My disciples in the early days could have known what to do without seeking Me step by step, day by day. Why were they so successful, and why did they reach so many, and why did they spread through all the Earth in such a short amount of time? Because they heard My voice and they followed and obeyed. And so shall the children of David grow and expand and reach many with the Words of David and the Words of God. For they will listen to Me and they will fight the battles according to My instruction, and they shall fight in the power of My might because they hear the voice of the Spirit of God.”
       Seek My seeds. Follow My whispers. Commit your thoughts and words and works unto Me, and I will direct your paths and lead you in the way, saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it,” when you turn to the right hand or to the left.
       This is the secret weapon that I have placed in the hands of every man, woman and child--those of My elite troops, the ability to hear My voice--My specific, direct instruction, guidance and encouragement. You have the power to receive answers to any question. This is your keenest weapon, for it allows you to see in the dark and to anticipate your enemy's moves. It will be your source of supply and provision. It is your camouflage. It is your refuge.
       This secret weapon is more powerful than the atom bomb, more accurate and dependable than smart bombs and computer-guided missiles! And this is a weapon that can be in the hands of every soldier! It is constantly fully operational; no one can ever take it from you, and it can't be lost. It's as light as a feather to carry around, and it's invisible to your enemies. They can't steal your technology and copy the making of this weapon. It's the most powerful, effective, reliable weapon ever used and ever known to man!
       Very few have ever beheld this weapon in use, much less been entrusted with its care. It is unique, precious, invaluable. It is a weapon of war. It is a lifesaver. It is a comforter in time of need. This is the weapon of all weapons that I am entrusting into the hands of the children of David for the Endtime.
       This is My gift to My Endtime prophets, that all may prophesy, that all may be channels. It's a special dispensation of grace that I have given unto the children of David because they have proven themselves so faithful with the words that I have given.

Loving Jesus

       Oh, the great joy that they shall have for loving Me! Oh, the great blessings and rewards that they shall have for loving Me! I wish all My children to love this way, but they will not. But the children of David shall love this way, for they are willing to humble themselves. They are already lowly, they are meek and humble in heart; they are not rich and increased with goods. They already show Me great, great love in their obedience, in their hunger for Me, in their hunger for My Word, and in their yieldedness to do that which I have said in My Word. So I greatly honor them and greatly love them, and I know they greatly love Me, so I pour forth My new love upon them.
       As they yield to My request for their love, so will I yield to their requests, and so will I answer their prayers, their needs and their desires in an even greater way. For now I test and I purge, and there be many that struggle; but in that day, they shall know that it has been worth the fight, and I will bless them in great abundance for their love for Me, the King Who has everything, but Who seeks to be loved!
       When the children of Israel began their march into the Promised Land, the Jordan was rushing and high, and I sent the Ark of God, with the priests carrying it, into the waters first. I did not part the waters first, I sent them walking first, and then I parted the waters so they were able to enter into the Promised Land, the land of My promise that I had guaranteed unto them.
       You are at the edge of the Jordan, and I say, enter in, enter in! It seems so odd that you would walk forth, stepping, not knowing the result. But from these little steps I brought forth a great new land, and I fulfilled My promise unto My children. So take this step (loving Jesus) and be not afraid. For have not your priest and priestess said unto you, “Come, step into the water, for we are there too. We are marching across. Come, come with us!”
       So be not faithless, but believing. Just play the role that I am asking you to play by faith, in trust. And I say unto you, you shall march across the river dry-shod, and you shall enter into the Land of Promise where great blessings and great anointing await you, great open doors, that you may be used in a new and greater capacity!
       Do you want to know the road to the Promised Land? It's the road of humility, the humble road. March on the humble road. This thing will humble you. There will be those who mock and scorn, but they know not the love that I will bestow upon you and the love that I have for you, and the power that I will give you through the seeds that I will pour forth unto you as you love Me. So let them mock! Let them scoff and let them scorn!
       For I say unto you, you shall be strengthened with a new strength and anointed with a new power! So come, take My hand, for we will walk in the Spirit together, My Bride and I, My wife and I, My love and I. And when we are done, I will lead you back to the earthly things, and you shall be even stronger and more valiant soldiers unto Me!
       This is a step of faith for all, but I understand that it takes an extra depth of dedication for you men to make this step. But trust Me. I will honor you, and I will pour forth great blessing unto you, more than your wildest dreams!

       So in the Spirit, with My Spirit,
              You will love Me all day long!
       In the Spirit, with My Spirit,
              We will sing this happy song!
       In the Spirit, in the Spirit,
              I will hold you, oh so long.
       In the Spirit, in the Spirit,
              Together we'll kick the gong!

       And the noise of that gong will reverberate throughout all the Earth! Many shall see that the children of David are the Brides of Christ who are willing to love no matter what the cost. And because of this, they shall receive My Spirit in a new and greater way, and they shall accomplish more with effortless ease. For the Spirit of God shall do their bidding, because they do the bidding of the Spirit of God.

Grow In Unity

       Unity is the power of God! Unity is not just a manifestation of God or a reward of God or a blessing of God, but unity is the power of God! The greater the unity, the greater the power. If you would be powerful, My people--a powerful witness, a powerful testimony, a financial power--then you must have unity. For these other blessings of God--provision, protection, supply, fruitfulness--will be given from My hand in direct proportion to your unity.
       Heaven is unity. Unity is Heaven. Here in My Heavenly Kingdom there is perfect unity. The more united you are, My children, the more you will experience Heaven on Earth! The more united you are, the more people will see a living example of My Heavenly Kingdom.
       Unity pulls down Heavenly light, Heavenly love, Heavenly strength! Unity pulls down the riches of God! Unity opens the windows of Heaven so that you can ask what you will, and it shall be given unto you. Unity is the power of God to create, to love, to answer prayer. Unity is like a force field of protection. Unity is like an endless pot of gold that never runs dry! Unity is like a river of love--rich and full and free!
       Unity is one of the secrets to the blessings of God. To be unified in love and obedience to Me and My Word is one of the greatest drawing powers on the Spirit of God.
       For this reason, the Enemy fights unity! He has a band of fallen angels specifically trained and designated to fight, attack, and destroy the unity of the children of David. He is not ignorant of or blind to the power of unity, so he has taken some of his strongest demons and charged them to destroy the unity of the children of David. His attacks are subtle. They are not usually blatant, because this would alert you to the fact that it is the Enemy attacking. Instead, he works through ways that seem to you to be reasonable, understandable, logical, so you can easily explain away or justify your lack of unity.
       There are so many ways the Enemy attacks unity, yet so subtly, giving many excuses, justifications and reasons why the situation is what it is. All the while he is carefully concealing the fact that these conflicts, misunderstandings and loveless acts are inspired by him. They are attacks from him to destroy the unity and the oneness that I, the Lord, would want to give.
       He wants to hinder, weaken and destroy unity. It's not just to make your life miserable and to steal away your joy--although that's one reason, yes--and not just to weaken your testimony so that the light of My love does not shine so brightly through you--and yes, that's another reason--but the greater reason is to stop the outpouring of My blessings of supply, protection, and fruitfulness.
       The greater the darkness of this world that surrounds you, the greater must be My blessing, and therefore the greater must be your unity. The unity you have had in the past and in recent years and the unity you have now are not enough for the days that are to come. For gross darkness shall cover the Earth, and though you are called and chosen to be a light in the midst of this darkness, you will not have the power of My Spirit that you need unless you grow in unity.
       Unity creates a vacuum and pulls down the blessings of God! Unity has drawing power! And as you wish for your anointing, power and strength to grow in the Endtime, so must your unity grow.
       It is not an option or just good advice--it is a requirement! It is the condition that I place upon My people. I can only pour out My blessing, My anointing, My protection and My provision, which brings My fruitfulness, in proportion to the unity that you demonstrate.
       You must grow in unity. You must grow in oneness. You must become truly one wife if you are to succeed in the mission that I have set before you.
       As you learn more of the unity that I desire, you may feel that the cost is great. But I say to you, beware, and be not foolish in your judgment. The price you pay for the unity that I seek is nothing compared to what you will lose if you refuse to seek and find such unity.
       You are My chosen people of the End--My voice, My mouthpiece, My face to the world! I shall raise you up and make of you a great people! My power shall be manifested as never before! There shall be a mighty widening of the eyes of those who look upon the children of David in the End! But you must desire this place, this calling, and this honor above anything! You must be willing to pay any price to secure My blessing and anointing. You must be willing to make any sacrifice to be a united body, one wife.
       But I promise you, I swear to you that any sacrifice you make for the sake of unity will be rewarded so greatly that in time there will be no comparison between what you gave and what you received in return. You will look back on the day when you took a stand for unity, when you made a commitment for unity, and you will rejoice with great rejoicing! You will be so thankful that you did not fail, but that you said yes. For you will have seen with your own eyes that the battles at hand could not have been won without My full anointing of power, strength, and love. You will know and understand without a shadow of doubt that this full anointing would not have been possible had you not come before Me in the power of total unity.
       Therefore, let unity reign! Let My chosen brides become one bride, one wife. Let there be a marriage of the two generations. Let there be a marriage of those of the same generation. Let there be a marriage of those who are single and those who are married. Let there be a marriage of the national new disciples and the Family-born young people. Let there be a great melting together until you are of one heart, one mind, one spirit, and one body. So will the windows of Heaven open to you, and I will pour out such a blessing that you will not have room enough to receive it! My promises will be fulfilled.

Stay Dropped Out

       In order to walk in unity you must be of one mind, your standards and obedience to the Word must be in sync, and you must be on the same wavelength when it comes to resisting the worldliness of the System and keeping yourselves pure and dropped out and separate from the Great Whore.
       There cannot be great unity between those who are compromised and those who are true to the message. Those who have moved toward the System and partaken of her evils, and who have allowed their thoughts and actions to become polluted and compromised until there's hardly any difference between them and the children of the world, cannot be in unity with those who seek to stay dropped out, who want to be different, and who are willing to stand up for the truth and be counted.
       I warn those who've moved closer and closer and closer to the ways of the world, those who have lost their pureness and innocence as they've become deceived, thinking that it won't hurt them because they can “take it”--that they are in danger of slipping away altogether. The flame of their faith burns dangerously low, and they must be pulled back to the pillar. They must make a stand to strengthen their convictions against the ways of the world and the sirens of the System. Those who partake of the evils of the Whore and drink in her delicacies with great enthusiasm, losing sight of the vision, the Word, the goal, cannot be in unity with those who continue to give their all to Me and who seek not to be encumbered with the ways of the world, the flesh, the System.
       You cannot be equally yoked with unbelievers and those of the world and yet hope to stay in unity with the red-hot, dropped-out children of David.

Beware of Bitterness

       Unity is born in love. Love is the foundation of unity, and where there has been a breakdown of love, there has been a breakdown of unity. Those of My Family who feel bitter, who hold grudges, who've been hurt and who hold on to those hurts, who talk negatively about others behind their backs, have not the love that they should have. For all these feelings of bitterness, resentment, criticalness, and self-righteousness stand in the way of love, and thereby destroy unity.
       If there is to be the unity that I desire, then My children must rid themselves of these sins of the spirit--bitterness being one of the greatest and most dangerous, which is born out of resentment, criticalness, self-righteousness, and an unwillingness to forgive.
       How can people be in unity when they're bitter? How can people be in unity when they lack love for each other? So My children must desperately call out to Me to be freed, to be delivered from the chains of the Enemy that would seek to bind them through bitterness; for such bitterness chokes the flow of My love toward one another.
       Bitterness is one of the biggest problems in the Family today. Bitterness is a serious problem, because when a person becomes bitter, it cuts that one off from the freedom of the Spirit and from being able to receive the deep things of My Word. It causes their heart to become hard, and the ground that I would want to plant My seeds in becomes dry, hard, and impenetrable. The longer a person is allowed to continue on in their bitterness, the more chance there is of that person becoming hardened and cold and alienated from the life of God.
       Many of those who are bitter can't even see the bitterness in their life. They can't see the danger of it or the damage that it's doing to their relationship with Me and others. It's a serious problem that needs to be exposed. It's one of the strongest and most widespread roadblocks to unity, because it's so diverse; people can be affected or afflicted with bitterness through so many avenues and because of so many different circumstances or reasons.
       Bitterness is akin to hatred, division and jealousy, and if left to run its course, it can bring about the destruction of My children, their ministries, and their work for Me. Bitterness is a powerful tool of the Enemy, for it is often subtle. Those who suffer the sin of bitterness feel justified, and therefore often do not go on the attack to rid themselves of it. They expect the other person to make the first move. They feel they have been wronged and therefore they deserve an apology; they deserve for the other person to humble themselves first and even to come groveling to seek forgiveness. As long as a bitter person holds on to these ideas and desires, unity is impossible.
       The bitterness of the Enemy must be exposed, and the dangers of this sin must again be clearly highlighted, so that when My children are under the fire of the conviction of My Spirit, they will move to rid themselves of this tool of the Enemy, this negative emotion, this sin that is weakening the children of David so.

Just Step Out By Faith

       I say unto you, My elite troops, that unity is a prime requirement. I am even now working in your hearts and lives to bring you together as one, to foster greater understanding, patience and acceptance. I am opening your eyes to your need for one another.
       But all this is a work of My Spirit, a gift that I freely give to you, My loved ones, as a reward for your yieldedness, humility and desire to please Me.
       Each one has to make a choice--many choices--to become the new creature that I would that he or she be. This remaking of a man requires leaving the old behind and wholeheartedly receiving the new. It requires great honesty and a willingness to communicate heart to heart. It requires stick-to-itiveness and not getting discouraged when things don't always go well. It requires great faith that what I have promised, I am able to perform. It requires great yieldedness and taking the step to say, “Not my will, O Lord, but Thine be done!” It requires surrender, as you trust others with your heart. It requires a daily forsaking of your besetting sins of selfishness, pride, jealousy, or comparing. It requires drinking in the New Wine and being filled to overflowing with My Spirit.
       You may think, “Oh, such great requirements! This is far above me. I could never attain to such perfection!” And in this you speak the truth, for you are mere weak human beings, full of faults and frailties, easily led astray by your own thoughts, lust, and selfishness. But I can give you, and I desire to give you, My perfect love which passes understanding and supersedes all your natural inclinations and limitations. This is a union that cannot be wrought in the arm of the flesh, for it requires the supernatural working of My Spirit. The foundation of such a union is My love, and the instructions, guidelines and safeguards for such a union are found in My Word.
       So you do not need to worry or fear that you can't make it, that it's too much for you, that you just don't have what it takes. Because don't you see?--It's not in you! The power, grace, strength and love you need is not in you, but I can give it to you, and I will give it to you, if you'll only look to Me in desperate prayer and step out by faith in obedience and yieldedness to do what I have asked you to do, to the best of your ability.
       Don't you feel the fire that I have lit in your heart? At this moment it may be just a spark or a tiny, flickering flame. But if you will only fan it with gestures of love and kindness, if you will only blow on it through outgoing concern for others, and reach out as you see your brother or sister in need, then this little tiny ember will grow until it becomes more and more brilliant, and finally bursts into a beautiful, dazzling flame--the heat of My love in all its majesty and power! I want to put in your hearts the drawing power of My love, the bond of My unity. This is the foundation of your preparation.
       I place in your hands now the key to the windows of Heaven, the key of unity that will open the door and create a vacuum to pull down the blessings of God and make of you My great people for the End!

Live the Law of Love

       Behold the beautiful treasure that I have given unto the children of David: treasure and riches that have never been known, this treasure of the Law of Love! Such freedom and such love the world has never known! Such beauty in My eyes--this Law of Love!
       I would that you would glory in this Law of Love, that you would be proud of this Law of Love, that you would not only speak of it, but that you would practice it and live it and enjoy it to the full! For this Law of Love is the very essence of the freedom of My Spirit, and the abundance of My Love that I have given to the children of David--such beauty and such love and such freedom, such as the world has never seen!
       The truth of the Law of Love could be available to others if they had the faith, but except for a very few exceptions, they don't. And the reason they don't have the faith is because they don't have or believe the Words of David. Don't you see, My precious ones?--The key to this total freedom is in the Word! You have faith because you have the Word--the hot, radical Word from Heaven!
       This total freedom and total abandonment in love is a special gift that is reserved for you who have given your all to Me. You've surrendered your pride, your reputation, your mate or lover, the traditional values of this world and even the church system, because you wanted all that I have to give you. Such yieldedness, such faith in the Words of David, has brought Me great joy. And in return I give you something of inestimable value--the full truth of My Law of Love.
       Revel in this truth, in this love, for it is My gift of love to you, My faithful children of David. Pity those who could have such love, such freedom, such expression of My Spirit in all aspects of their lives, but who don't, for their lack of faith and dedication to Me. Let not those who seek to keep the old Law intimidate you, for they are the ones in darkness and in bondage. They are the ones who hold on to their own righteousness, who have not given themselves to Me as you have. They have blocked the flow of My Spirit. They have cut themselves off because they say, “Thus far and no further.”
       But you, My precious hot brides, say, “Give me more, give me more!” And therefore I do! I give you more of the breathtaking, life-giving freedom of My love than anyone has had before! Just as you fight to let no man steal your crown, fight to let no man steal this freedom which is your due, your reward, My special gift to you!
       I do want the children of David to revel in the freedom of My Spirit. I do want each one to embrace this new move of My Spirit with enthusiasm, even if they must smile through some tears. I do want to see change--more giving, more sacrifice, more living of the Law of Love and the “One Wife” vision.
       It is through living the Law of Love fully that the living of the “One Wife” vision is possible. Without strong belief in the Law of Love and understanding of it, how can you believe and understand the “One Wife” vision, the truth of your greater marriage? Therefore much reassurance, instruction, encouragement, and a strong challenge needs to go out to both generations to once again kindle in their hearts and minds faith in the Law of Love and a desire to live the “One Wife” vision.
       So much of what hinders the unity of the Family today is because of a lack of living the Law of Love and the “One Wife” vision fully. If there were greater love, concern, and faith in these areas, then there would also be greater care for the single mothers and their children, greater sexual freedom, less ostracizing of some, and fewer cliques. There would be a much greater willingness to love without partiality, to help each person to feel a part of the Family, the Home, the love, the unity, the oneness.
       The new weapons that I give you for this new day are the weapons of loving Me intimately, of hearing My voice, and of unity with your Family. These weapons will enable My children to fully live My Law of Love and to bring down My full blessings. I know that you love Me, and I know that you believe My Words and My voice, but you must learn to fully use these weapons to gain the victories that you need.
       As you love Me, as you spend time loving Me and becoming filled with Me, thus will I be able to fill you with My love, My seeds, My truths, My thoughts, My views, and thus will you be able to see things as I see them. When you can see things the way that I see them, then although your natural man may struggle and buck against it, you'll be able to fight, knowing that you're doing the right thing, and knowing that I will give you the strength for it.
       I lead My Family to live the Law of Love fully, to live all aspects of My Law of Love. My ultimate goal, the final end result that I am seeking, is the total unity of My Bride, the complete oneness of the children of David, both among and between the generations, and regardless of their ministry, their gender, their nationality, their personal situation or their marital status. I am seeking total unity, the ultimate fulfillment of the “One Wife” vision given by your Father David.
       Living the Law of Love is what needs to be done. It is a great and magnificent solution, a mighty move of My Spirit! It is put forth through powerful Words of truth and revelation. It is the fruit of the conviction, desperation and yieldedness of the king and queen, and it will bring forth great fruit. But this in itself is not the only message. It is not the only goal, or the ultimate goal. As I said before, the ultimate fulfillment of My plan is the perfection and completion of the “One Wife” vision.
       Living the Law of Love is not something on its own, separate from the fulfillment of the “One Wife” vision; it is part of it. It goes hand in hand, for you cannot have one without the other. As My Family lives the Law of Love fully, in every aspect, the totality of My Bride will come at last. They will become My total Bride, My One Wife, prepared and adorned to meet her Bridegroom.
       In the Lord's eyes, “equality” is everyone having their needs met. It's no one being left out, overlooked or forgotten. The marriage of the children of David should reach out and draw a circle to bring all your mates in.
       As each of you strives for this, to be the right person for each of your mates, everything is going to work out just fine. Hallelujah! What a marriage--the greater marriage of the children of David! This is supernatural! It's divine! It's going to cause a mighty roar, a mighty wave, and the repercussions are going to sweep the nations and rock the Earth! This is a marriage with a purpose, a marriage made in Heaven! Hallelujah!
       Upon you, the children of David, I bestow the last great honor--the priceless privilege of giving all, of living all, of paving the way into total liberty and the realities of My Spirit. Unto you it is given to know the truths of My Kingdom. Unto you it is given to grow into full stature. Unto you it is given to grow in love, to live in love, that you may teach the world how to love.
       Unto you, My precious children who know Me and love Me, who come when I call, and who beg to receive My seeds, it is given to live My Law of Love fully. Unto you it is given, as you learn to love, to usher in the Kingdom, to teach the world how to walk in love and live in love and live for love. Unto you it is given to prove that My Law of Love is holy and true, and it does not fail. It cannot fail, for on this Law of Love hangs all the law and all the prophets!


       Oh how My children can love one another with My Love, if they would but receive My Love for one another. If they would but understand that it is My Love that they are pouring forth to one another, then they would not hold back but they would give. They would give and they would give some more, for they would understand that they can be vessels of My Love. They can be Me loving one another!
       It gives a whole new outlook on that special gift that I have given unto you, that gift of love, My precious Law of Love. For I have delivered this unto you and I have given your David the understanding of this precious love and this precious law. And he, through the Words that I have given him, has freed you from the bondage of the flesh into the freedom of the Spirit!
       This is the freedom that I give unto you, and this is the knowledge that I give unto you, that you can be My Love to each other. When you hold each other you can think, “This is Jesus holding me.” When you kiss each other, you can think, “This is Jesus kissing me. I am kissing Jesus.” When you caress one another, you can say, “Jesus is caressing me. Thank You! Thank You!” And will you not show great gratitude unto him or her that is the vessel and vehicle of My Love unto you?

Living Communally and Sharing all things

       Lack of living communally and sharing all things may look to some to be just a small deviance from My plan, part of their “personal choice” in this new day--something that doesn't make much difference and isn't really that important. But they don't understand the great blessings that they're sacrificing and the powerful testimony that they're losing in not being willing to make the sacrifices necessary to live together in love and have all things in common, as My early disciples did, and as the children of David have from the beginning and through the years.

Be a Fighter

       (Dad speaking:) The bugles are sounding, Beloved! This is it! This is the day that all the prophets have dreamed of! This is the day that I have dreamed of. (Tongues) Thank You Jesus! Blessed are my eyes to behold this day!--The day of march of the army of David! This is the day for which the army of David was created! This is the day of the children of David! Hallelujah!
       Are you going to answer the call of the high commission of the army of David? I have received the order! I have received the high commission to lead the troops in this final hour. This commission has been reserved for the army of David! We are the leaders! We have been commissioned. Are you with me?
       (Tongues) Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! Jesus, help them to see! Rally the troops, Lord! Help those who You are calling to take up their shields! Help them to lift their swords and fight! Help them to stand strong and fight the battle, wielding accurately the Word of God, and cut the Devil to the heart! (Tongues) Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Help them to fight! Forward march! Help them to attack! Help them not to take no for an answer.
       Give me fighters, Jesus, who like to fight and win! Help these, Your children, Lord, to keep fighting; not to be discouraged, but to keep on believing and not quit! Help them to get stirred up, Lord! Help them to be militant! Help them to stand guard day and night. Help them to be positive and rise up and fight the Devil! Give them courage, Jesus! Thank You Lord!
       If you could only see, Beloved! If you could only see! The Lord and His angels are far more powerful than the Devil and his demons! Even Satan has to obey your commands in the Name of Jesus. But you have to command him! You have to fight! We who have Jesus have more power than Satan. Oh, the power I hold in my hands! It's the power of Jesus! It's the same power you hold in your hands, if you will just fight and tap in! There is no power that is greater than Jesus and me.
       We've been called, Beloved. We've been commissioned. The army of David has been commissioned to lead in this final hour. We've been commissioned to lead them into the promised land. Are you with me? If so, take a stand! Stand strong and loyal, willing and ready with whole hearts to live and fight and die for Family and loved ones. Give me fighters!
       This is the day of fighters! Rid me of the half-hearts, the namby-pamby, string-for-a-backbone lukewarmers! Give me hot or give me cold. The Lord has purged the ranks, and now the bugles are sounding in the Heavenlies. The bugles are sounding for those who have taken the stand, and they are beckoning--forward march! Many were called, but few have been chosen, because few made the choice to follow all the way. But you, my Gideon's band, I challenge you today! Are you with me? I challenge you to gird yourselves, to baptize yourselves constantly in prayer. Soak yourselves in the Word, quote it to the Devil and to yourself, and wage a militant warfare against the Enemy!
       This is war, and you've got to go on the attack! Wage an offensive! Fight! Hit him hard! When the Devil hits you hard and heavy, that is the time to hit him back hard and heavy. Don't lie down and let him walk right over you--hit him back! There is a time to be calm and a time to be angry. And when the Devil is fighting hard to steal away your little lambs, when he is fighting hard to start fires of disunity and dissension and discord, when he is hitting hard with confusion and doubts, that is the time to hit him back! Get angry! Shout, curse and scream at him! Sock it to him with the Word! This is war! Sock it to him!
       The army of David marches on! Are you with me? If so, all Heaven is at your command! This is the day all the prophets have dreamed of, Beloved. This is the day of the army of David! There are many circles, many degrees of discipleship, and all have their place. But the army of David has been chosen! We are commissioned to lead in this final hour! I need those who are willing to give up anything, do anything, share anything, for Jesus and the Family and your brethren and the Truth!
       Are you with me? If so, raise the banner high! Lift up your swords! Look to Heaven's reward! This is it! This is where the excitement begins if you keep on fighting and don't quit! The bugles are sounding, as the armies of David march on! They are cheering for us, Beloved! All Heaven is cheering! Praise the Lord! We cannot lose because we are on the winning side! Are you willing? There is no limit to what God can do!
       The day of march has come! Are you willing to live and die for what you know is the truth? Are you willing to face the foe and free those caught in his snare? Are you willing to make the sacrifice to win hearts and minds and souls for the Lord? Lift up your swords, it's marchin' time! If it's not worth dying for, it's not worth living for!
       Are you with me? Give me fighters! Beaten men will compromise and walk the beaten path, but let all my mighty men of David stand up and be counted!--Men of faith who will challenge both men and Satan's wrath! Stand up and fight! The strife will not be long! This day the noise of battle; tomorrow the victory song! Hallelujah! Forward march! Love, Dad.
       Come one, come all, to the rally, where the clear note of the trumpet sounds, the banners wave, and the white-hot fire of My love burns brightly! Let it burn away the dross and the chaff and the things that hold you down, and let it light a torch that you might have light to see your way! Come join the call to arms--the call to greater victories, to greater days ahead, greater commitment, greater dedication and greater love!
       Shed the weights! Cast them in the fire and let the white-hot heat of My love burn them away! Cast in the burdens, the weights, the things that have held you back. Throw them in, each one, and let the refining fires of My Spirit wipe them all away!
       My children, fear not the refining fires, for the same radiant flames that burn away the dross will cleanse and make you whole. These same fires of My Spirit will warm your hearts and cause you to burn with the brilliance of the sun! Therefore let the fires of My love warm you, enlighten you, brighten you, purify you, and free you to burn as firebrands of My love in a dark, dying and desperate world!
       Fear not the shedding of the weights and the burdens that would hold you down, for as you shed them, as you toss them into the fire, you will be renewed! You will mount up as the eagle! You will run and not be weary; you will walk and not faint. As you yield to Me, My miracle-working power will touch you and lift you higher and make you shine as a beacon of light in the black night, as you live in the light and power and glory of My love.
       Therefore, come, My children. Hear the bugles blow! Hear the call to arms--the call to shed the weights and be renewed! It is My call for you to be renewed in commitment, in dedication, in vision, in desire for My Word, in connection with My Spirit, in convictions, in sharing and caring for one another, in harmony, in unity, and in love! As you take the stand today, as you pledge your greater commitment and dedication, I will be your strength, your strong tower, your help in time of need, your mighty fortress, and I will work the work in you that no man can do.
       Sound the battle cry! Let this be a call to arms! Let it be known that the children of David march on! Gird on your armor and take a stand of greater commitment, greater dedication, greater understanding and compassion for those in need, greater hunger for My Word, greater attentiveness to wise counsel, greater vigilance in prayer, and a greater and bolder stand against the wiles of Satan.
       Stand strong, O children of David, wielding accurately the sword of My truth! Rally round My banner of love and boldly fight for the right! Stand strong in My power and see Me fight for you, for it is I Who go with you both to fight and to win the victories! Therefore, fear not, for I do not leave you comfortless. I will perform all that I promise. I will fight for you and I will be your strength. Only put your trust in Me and yield your all to Me. I am the Lord your God, and I will not forsake you. What I have begun in you, I will perform until the end!
       I call you to shed the weights of disunity, of jealousy and selfish living, of discord and bitterness, of criticalness and self-righteousness, of unwillingness to forgive, of compromise, of indifference and lack of communication.
       Rebuke the Destroyer! Cast down the Enemy of love! Declare war on the imps of Satan! Woe to the Hinderer! Be gone! Toss them in the fire and cast them down! Call the bluff of Satan! Cast down his evil imaginations and every vain thought and intent of his vile heart! Refuse him, defy him and fight back! Fire away! Rebuke him, resist him, raise the standard against him, and don't quit! Take each weight and toss it into the fire, that the dross and chaff may burn away!
       Will you answer the call? Will you let Me fill you and renew you and empower you so that you may find strength to faint not, but fight on? Fight on in faith, dear children! It matters not how long or how hard the battle goes, for I am with you and I will fight on your behalf--if you will but yield to Me.
       You cannot do it, this I know--but I am able! I am able to do exceeding abundantly above all you ask or think! I am able to make all grace abound toward you, if you will call out to Me. I am able to keep you when you are tempted. I am able to hold up your arms in the face of battle. I am able to do the work in you, for I live to make intercession on your behalf. I am able to keep you and all things that you commit into My hand. I am able to do all things well toward you, My children of David. I am able to subdue all things under your feet, for I am your Strong Tower, your Fortress, your Defender, your King!

Stand Up For The Truth

       (Prophecy, departed spirit speaking to Mama:) “Be faithful to the Truth that God has placed in your heart, be faithful to follow. Don't be afraid. For I know, I can see from this side that encamped 'round about all your dear followers are armies of angels, and they have been commissioned to protect and prosper the children of David, the voice of Truth on the Earth. Therefore compromise not this voice, hinder not the heralding of the Truth, and so shall these angels encamp 'round about you, and you shall find safety and security and prosperity in all your ways.”
       (Dad:) All Heaven is rejoicing at the sight of such fighters! All Heaven is commending such faith and willingness to stand up for the Truth! What a great thing it is in this day and age to be able to stand up for the Truth! You don't know how important it is to the Lord and to the Kingdom, and even to the whole world, that the Children of David were willing to stand up for the Truth.

Give Your Life

       Dost thou hear the trumpet sound and the rallying cry of the battle? Then go forth as a soldier who is willing to give his life to the cause! If thou dost hear this cry of the trumpet and the call of the Commander in Chief, then stand tall and salute and be ready to obey and give thy life for the Kingdom! For that is My commission to each one of you, and to all of My children of David, that ye fight the good fight as brave soldiers, and that ye be willing to give your lives that others may live.

Hold On To Your Crown

       You are My beloved brides, and great will be My rejoicing when we can at last be together in My Kingdom! Until that day, hold tightly to your crown and let no man take it from you. Run the race which I have set before you with patience, looking unto Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith.

(End of File)