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FSM 320                CM/FM  Introducing the "Family Care Foundation"!

Prophecies, Progress and Plans from the GPU.

-- By the GPU team, 8/97.

Copyright © 1997 by The Family.


                As you know, the Lord has for some time been encouraging the Family to produce books and other new GP tools, as well as to develop more effective means of distributing them. For the past year, the GPU team has been helping in this capacity, as well as pioneering new methods of fund-raising. This FSM is dedicated to sharing some of what has been accomplished so far, and what the plans are for the future. Along with this, we'll explain how the activities of the GPU may affect you and your Home, your outreach, etc. So without further ado, let's jump right in!

                The GPU has three broad goals or objectives:

                * Creating and publishing new GP Gospel publications.

                * Trying out new means of fund raising to help missionary and CTP projects.

                * Exploring new ways to effectively mass distribute existing, and new, GP audio and video productions.

                We rejoice at what the Lord has accomplished so far, especially considering that when this project got underway, we had very little idea of how all of this would be accomplished, let alone who would be involved in it and where it would be based. The only thing that was clear at this point was that, if this venture was to be a success, everyone involved would have to seek the Lord's counsel at every turn, and be willing to try new things.

                Since it is the Lord Who has led and is leading, and it is He Who deserves all the credit for getting the GPU up and running, what better way to explain the progress of the past year and plans for the future than through excerpts of prophecies received when we faced major decisions. These should not only give you a better understanding of the GPU, but also strengthen and encourage each of you personally because, as He so often does, the Lord included advice and counsel that is beneficial to every Family member. Recaps of some of the major developments and research findings, and explanations of present and upcoming projects provide the outline and round out the picture.

History: Seeking the Lord with Family Representatives

                In late 1995, the Lord spoke to Mama and Peter about publishing books (see GN #654.) This was a new direction the Lord was leading in, and in order to begin the implementation of this, the Lord showed them to gather together a group of Family members from field Homes to discuss this project and other ways in which we could help the Family's outreach and fund-raising efforts with new tools, new methods, etc.

                In March 1996, Peter and Gary hosted a two-week brainstorming meeting in Houston, Texas. This was attended by nearly two-dozen delegates from around the world, representing a cross section of the Family from witnessers to Home shepherds and SC overseers. The question at hand: How could the Family best fulfill the Lord's commission to publish books for the GP and do a better job of distributing GP tools?

                The primary focus was our GP tool outreach, but other areas of Family life kept making their way into the discussions. How could this GP publishing push give our outreachers a fresh challenge and help our Homes financially? Witnessing is our life and livelihood, so it's difficult to separate the distribution of the message from the lives and well being of the messengers.

                As the meeting progressed, a plethora of ideas were generated. Although all of these ideas couldn't be pursued, they brought issues to the table that those who would be involved in the GPU could eventually work on. In general, the meeting covered not only the publications of books and how to implement it, but also the need for new and different tools, the need to modify and update existing tools, the need to find ways to generate more income at the Home level, ways to make our outreach and distribution more efficient and effective, the need to mass market all of our tools and not just books, and ways to have a centralized follow up program by which the Homes could send in names and addresses of those who received tapes and videos, so that other tools could be offered to them via mail.

                All of the topics discussed at the meeting were very exciting and helpful in giving us an idea of the magnitude of the need. In fact, it was rather overwhelming! The original GPU team consisted of only four people, and the thought of trying to accomplish all that had been proposed was daunting, to say the least. Of course the Lord wasn't expecting us to do this all at once, but He used the meeting to help indicate where He was going to be leading in the months ahead.

                We decided that a small team could only do so much, and that the first priority was to find out all we could about publishing books, since this was the original commission the Lord had given. Then later we could pursue these other directions if the Lord showed us to.

                Throughout the meeting, subcommittees took the main ideas and proposals to the Lord for His counsel. The prophecies they received were then read to the other delegates, and their applications discussed. This was a great benefit as it gave us much needed direction from the Lord and answered many of our questions. Beginning this project was completely new to us. Though we have published numerous books, they've all been for Family use. We had virtually no experience in publishing for the system, and especially trying to market these books through system channels.

                We were having to start from scratch, so having the Lord to look to--to be able to ask Him our questions, to have Him lead us and calm our apprehensions, and give us the vision and the Word on the matter--was a major blessing. We were babes in the woods in the beginning stages, but the Lord repeatedly promised that if we'd come to Him He'd show us what to do, and how and when to do it. He continually reminded us that our only hope in making all of this work and fulfilling His will was to look to Him at each step. He told us to not lean to our own understanding, to not neglect our time with Him, to keep close to Him in faith. If we did this, He promised to lead and guide. Looking back, we can now see that's exactly what He has done! PTL!

                In the meetings, the Lord said:

                (Jesus speaking:) As you encounter each situation, acknowledge Me in all your ways. Look to Me, forget not the faith that is ingrained in your hearts. Forget not to look to Me, forget not to ask Me, forget not to partake of that time with Me. For I am your Counselor, I am your wisdom, I am your understanding. For the people of this generation are much wiser than you, the children of light, but they are not wiser than Me. I know their intents, their thoughts, their desires, and I know yours; and I will give you discernment. But you must stick close. For I have said, the just shall live by faith. And that faith is faith in My Word, faith in My leadings, faith in My prophet and prophetess, faith in My queen and My king, faith in the Words that I am pouring forth to you, My children, for this time and this generation.

                I will give you whatever you need to do the job. As you seek Me and as you ask, I shall give. I promise it. Rest assured in that. But beware of all that goes on around you. Lean not to your own understanding at any time. For in My Word and in the multitude of counselors--in the Words of My prophets--there shall be the Light that shall lead you through the dark path. (End of message from Jesus.)

                At the end of the meeting, when we were all assembled together praying for the newly instituted GPU team and for the overall project, Dad gave the following:

                (Dad speaking:) I'm really proud of you! You've done a great job! I've always known we've had wonderful, wonderful people in the Family--greatly talented people. But seeing you all come in from all over, seeing you work together, pray together, discuss together and reason together has just been beautiful. Boy, we've really got talent! You've really got talent! And I know you're just a few of the many, many like you all over the world.

                Now it's going to happen. It's going to be hard. It's going to take work. It's going to take faith. It's going to take prayer. It's going to take pioneering. It'll be slow starting, but be faithful, go step by step, cry out to the Lord. He'll show you exactly what to do. You've prayed for the anointing, and let me tell you, you've got it! You've got the helpers, they've been assigned to you, and they'll help; but you've gotta listen.

                It is going to be a great success, I guarantee it! I know it's going to happen! It's gonna happen greatly! We've been working on it Here for quite some time, and it's gonna happen like it's never happened before. And you're gonna reap, you're gonna win, you're gonna go into all the world, the message is going to be preached, the souls are gonna be won, and there's gonna be great victory for each one of you.

                So do the job, folks, and do it well! Be faithful, be loyal, be diligent. And above all, be prayerful, seeking our help, seeking the Lord, seeking the Spirit. And as you do, you'll have all that you need. --All the guidance, all the direction, all the wisdom. (End of message from Dad.)

                It was so encouraging to know that success was being guaranteed, but there was a promise that it was also going to be hard work, a pioneering effort that was going to be slow starting. We had our work cut out for us.

Square One: Where to Begin?

                At the end of the Houston meeting, there were many new concepts for us to grasp and areas to investigate. We knew we needed to establish a legal entity to do business with the System, but what type of business?--And where to begin? Should we have a System publisher do the final edit, format and print our books, and have a System company produce and package our other products?--Or should we open our own publishing house and production company? Then there were taxes, copyrights, trademarks and other legal matters to research and consider.

                We were thrust into a new world of business, publishing and marketing--matters we knew next to nothing about! Before setting out to accomplish the task of publishing books, we needed to do some research as to how the printing and publishing world worked, and at the same time, make the decision as to where the GPU would base from. In order to do the research, a team would need to travel throughout the States visiting printing establishments and publishers to get some advice and a quick education.

                It was obvious in the discussions at the Houston meeting that the GPU members were going to need to look to System experts in various fields for counsel and advice, similar to how Family members needed to get advice from lawyers and academics during the various court cases. When we prayed about this during the meetings the Lord said,

                (Jesus speaking:) Draw from many sources. Be not afraid to seek the counsel of those who are gifted, who know more than you. Go to them humbly and seek to learn, even as you have done with those of the academics. Did you not go to them in humility, did you not learn from them? Did you not absorb some of their counsel and has it not benefited you? Even as you have done in the technical aspects of video production and of music, you have taken the things that they have shown you and you have used them for My glory. You have still done it My way, not their way. You have sought their counsel and rejected that which was not suitable, and you have produced that which I wanted you to produce.

                So seek the counsel of these who know more than you. Listen to them, but then listen to Me. For all that they say is not so, but you can take in what they say and I will show you that which is so and that which is not so, and then you can use that which is good and eschew that which is evil. With wise counsel make your war; but the wisest counsel is to hear from Me, for I am He that knows all things. You must battle according to My plans if you wish to win the battle. So seek the counsel of man, but bring it before Me that you may receive the full counsel of God. (End of message from Jesus.)

                Once again the Lord had given instruction that has been our touchstone in this project. Because of the many facets of the work at the GPU, it had been necessary to become involved with many experts in many fields who have given valuable advice. But we've found, true to what the Lord has said, that it's imperative to bring these issues before Him for His mind on the matter.

                After two months of initial research, the GPU team of Ike and family, Scotty (Mordecai Inky) and his wife Meek, joined by Josiah (now Paul), moved to Dallas, Texas, to set up the GPU Home.

                In May 1996, an international book fair and publications seminar was held in Chicago. The team asked the Lord if they should go and present some of our publications, and if so, how many people should go, etc. Most of the counsel He gave us for that specific event also applied to their contact with publishers and consultants whom they met at other seminars and conferences, or contacted directly over the next several months:

                (Jesus speaking:) Be not afraid to go out and represent My Kingdom at this fair. And be not ashamed of your tools. For as you know, these are mighty tools that shall win men's souls worldwide. This is a golden opportunity to find those who will not only counsel you, but will support you in this venture. … I am leading you to go, present your wares, and have a personal touch with many individuals at this fair.

                Through this fair you will receive a great education, one that will carry you forth. But do not look upon this education and this wisdom of man as your final goal. But take each point that you gain and gather from this fair and bring it to Me, and let Me clarify your goals and your methods. (End of message from Jesus.)

                The Chicago Book Fair was a major education for the team that attended, and all of us. It greatly expanded our horizons as to the possibilities, but also gave us a very strong reality check as to how difficult it is to successfully enter the System's publishing world. We became much more aware of how to go about getting books published, the multitude of legalities involved, the myriad of details and all the rest. The challenges were daunting, but at least we'd made a start and knew what steps to take in order to get the ball rolling.

                In another message the Lord gave the team before going to the Chicago Book Fair, He included the following word of caution:

                (Jesus speaking:) Beware of being discouraged through seeing the mighty industry of man--his mighty productions, his fanciful inventions, his ways of doing things. For if you compare, you shall be discouraged and say, "There are many giants in the land, how can we ever accomplish what this company or that company has done? For we are as nothing!" (End of message from Jesus.)

                While the team learned a great deal from the book fair, they couldn't help but compare how the System did things with the way the Family had done them for years. They saw success stories in the publishing field and, in later meetings with experts, came to the conclusion that we should have done things much differently. They basically did what the above prophecy cautioned them not to.--They compared with the System. Throughout the next month they spent considerable time discussing many things they felt were wrong with the Family and the way we have operated for years. The discussions turned to criticism of how Mama and Peter were leading the Family, and eventually problems and bitternesses from the past came to the fore.

                It was at this time that Peter and Gary visited the team, holding two meetings per day for about a week, during which they listened to their suggestions, comments and criticisms. At the end of this week Peter and Gary explained that we would prayerfully consider all of these matters, that some would probably be implemented and others wouldn't. In any case, if they were going to work in the GPU, we were all going to have to work in unity together. Although there might naturally be some differences of opinion, which was fine, we had to have the same general vision and desire to work as one, following the Lord's leadings.

                Scotty and Meek decided at that time that they no longer wished to be Charter Members and chose to be Fellow Members, and eventually left the Family completely. Although Ike and Julia committed themselves to remain with the GPU, a few months later they too left the GPU and eventually left the Family. Paul's decision was to remain and help fulfil the GPU vision. (See Grapevine #9 for his lessons.)

                At this time Mama and Peter asked Gary if he would be willing to remain at the GPU for at least six months to help get it off the ground, as this spiritually turbulent time had basically put a halt to any forward progress. Shortly thereafter Mama and Peter held a meeting with Gary and other WS leadership in order to reorganize the Family's publications departments and to free some WS personnel for the GPU in the process. Soon Heather, Apollos and others joined the new GPU team.

What the Consultants Had to Say

                Just prior to the above-mentioned WS meeting, Gary, Paul and Ike made a trip to California, to team up with Tim LA for a week, in order to follow up on people met at the Chicago Book Fair. We also met with a number of other experts, from whom we hoped to get advice and counsel. We were very much still in the learning stage, and hoped to gain some more insight into how the field of publishing, marketing and business worked.

                We explained to a number of consultants about the Family's background, and our desire to reach today's markets with our books, tapes and videos. We then told them we were new at this commercial approach, and asked their advice.

                At first the idea of meeting many highly successful and high-powered professionals was a bit intimidating. However, with each new encounter we became more excited. It was thrilling to watch these seasoned consultants rave about how we were just what the world needed today, how the time was perfect for us, and how we had it all! Nearly everyone we approached was very impressed with the content of our products: our 'family values' emphasis, our loving and comprehensive programs for teaching children and training young adults, our social welfare projects (CTP ministries), our 'self-help' publications, our outstanding music and videos, and even some of our more far-out doctrines such as hearing from beyond, etc. They repeatedly told us that all of these are currently 'hot items' in today's market! It's these people's jobs to study trends, and according to them we have it--even for the worldly markets!

                They also said we have a running start with an already established, well-trained distribution base (you, our worldwide Family) that insures a basic success for any publication. PTL! Of course they also offered constructive criticism, which was, after all, why we had gone to them.

                For starters, they all said that our image and the way we portrayed ourselves needed some help, so that those we would market our products to would be able to better understand who we are and what we are about. If we were to publish and mass-market, our products would need to be packaged in such a way so as to sell themselves, and fine-tuned to "target" whichever group of people we hope to reach, with an "image" that people would easily understand.

                A number of consultants also advised that we should be bolder in proclaiming our message and beliefs and avoid the 'excuse me for living' presentation, and commented that some of our media and PR materials made us appear somewhat defensive. After we explained to one consultant our radical background and the wild, hip image of our early days, she replied, 'It looks like in trying to appear more respectable today you squared yourselves!'--Ha!

                In summary, according to the experts, the Family has got it! We just need a little help with some of our packaging and approaches, and to promote our products and services more vigorously. This was all quite encouraging for us.

Becoming a Legal Entity

                It was apparent that if the GPU was to fulfill the vision of helping reach the world in many new ways with GP tools, they would have to form a legal entity for the purpose of conducting business, publishing, etc. The question was, what type? None of us involved had any previous experience in this sort of venture. There were also potential pitfalls, risks, complications and unknowns to consider. It was going to be a completely new step for us, one which potentially would affect the whole Family. Before making such a major decision it was brought before the Lord. Here's the counsel Dad gave:

                (Dad speaking:) As you know, folks, I was never afraid to try new things, new ways. My goal was to preach the Gospel, and I was willing to try any way to do it. As Jesus said to His disciples, I say now to you, "Greater things than these shall you do."

                I know your worries, your concerns. But the Lord works in many different ways, and we have to be open and willing to explore. Just like I said, you've got to try the doors. You've got to knock on the various ones, open them up and look inside. See what's there, see what the fruit's going to be and judge each step of the way.

                So knock on this door and pursue it. Check it out, and it will become clearer as time goes on which route you need to take. You're on the right track as far as researching, finding out the information and seeing if you have the wherewithal to build a house. That's just what you should do. You can't make the decisions without having the information, and you can't have the information unless someone takes the time to research it and find out how they need to do it. So do the research. Search it out, find it out and seek it out so that the answers to your questions are found.

                Remember that in the past, there were new things that you suggested. They were expensive, it was quite radical, it was a real departure from the way we'd done things. But you had the vision and the Lord gave it to you, and it was the right decision, and it changed things for the better, didn't it? But we would have never known if we hadn't tried them, and if I hadn't let you do the research.

                So move ahead. Test the waters. Learn the ropes. Knock on the doors and it will become clearer to you what must be done and what you're supposed to do. You don't have to worry, you are on the right path as far as the researching and searching the matter out. And then you will know and it will become clearer to you what path you must take.

                See, it's one of these step-by-step scenes where they just have to go step-by-step, and as they go and as they learn, other doors will open, other paths will appear and you will then know what you are supposed to do. You can't always know the end from the beginning, but as you go patiently forward step-by-step, then the path becomes clearer and the way more evident. (End of message from Dad.)

                Again, the counsel from Heaven was to follow the Lord step-by-step. It's a good thing we did, because the Lord was working behind the scenes, unbeknownst to us.

A Meeting Engineered in Heaven

                About this same time, some Family members in California were on a witnessing road trip with their children. While staying at a campground, they met a professional fund-raiser named Pat, who was on holiday. Pat had been in Australia when the persecution hit there, and was well-acquainted with the sensational charges made against the Family. Seeing this chance encounter (or so he thought!) as an opportunity to determine if the Family was as evil as the media had portrayed us, Pat casually but systematically "interviewed" each of the Family children while he horsed around with them in the pool. To his amazement, he found them to be not just 'normal', but chock full of personality, fun, love, and a delight to be with!--This convinced him that the accusations against the Family were without merit. He also realized that Family members had a lot to offer society, and felt that he could help us do a better job of reaching the world by helping to raise funds which could be used to help missionaries.

                Those who had first met Pat soon introduced him to some of us from the GPU. At each of our meetings, Pat raved about the kids he met at the campground. They were what convinced him to offer his help. 'A little child shall lead them!' (Isa.11:6). PTL!

The Threshold of a New Direction

                After understanding our needs better, Pat's counsel was that we should set up a non-profit organization (charity or foundation), as opposed to a regular profit-making business, which was what we had been considering up to this point. It's important to understand that when the term 'non-profit organization' is used, it does not mean that such a legal entity cannot generate a financial profit from any business it may conduct or donations it receives. It definitely can! The main difference between a 'non-profit' and a regular business organization is that the profits produced by a non-profit organization cannot go into any individuals' pockets, but must be strictly accounted for and used to further the organization's publicly stated mission, which must be in the public interest. In brief, its income must be spent entirely on charitable purposes. This is why governments are willing to give such organizations a tax break--because non-profit organizations offer a service to the community and are a benefit to the community.

                The more that Pat explained about nonprofit organizations, the clearer it became that our type of work made us eligible to qualify for tax exempt status, and such an approach would allow us to accomplish most of our major goals. By forming a registered non-profit organization, we could also engage in fund-raising on a larger scale than before, and thus be able to assist individual projects and organizations which minister the Lord's love and answers to this needy world. Plus, we could fulfill our objectives of publishing and mass marketing, while at the same time helping the needy in many spheres.

                While those of us involved in setting up the non-profit organization would never have considered such a high-profile venture in the past, the Lord indicated clearly through prophecy that this was part of the 'new day,' and the time was right to take this bold step!

Confirmation and Encouragement from the Lord!

                Later, we prayed and asked the Lord for His further guidance and confirmation on whether to proceed in the direction of a nonprofit organization:

                (Jesus speaking:) I have raised this one [Pat] up, and I have engineered all that has passed before in meeting with him, in his contacts, in his life. I have engineered everything to this point.

                I will bring all these things to pass that I have promised. This foundation, this work, will be the vehicle to begin. This point in time is the time to begin this trip down the road of My will. Be not fearful, but believing--believing in Me, believing that I will do all the things that I have said. Move forward boldly and with faith. You have yielded unto Me and you have done those things that I have shown you and now I say to you, do this thing. Do it wisely, do it prayerfully, but do it, for the time is at hand.

                Be not afraid of the intricacies involved. Be not afraid of the details that shall follow. Be not afraid of the web that you will begin to weave, for all these things are in My hand. I have purposed them, and the intents of such are for your good and for the good of the work and for the good of the kingdom. I will weave this thing and I will use this one whom I have raised up to help you in the design and the weaving. I shall inspire him just as I will inspire you. (End of message from Jesus.)

                (Dad speaking:) I'm really proud of you for your faith--your faith to tackle new things, your faith to follow God and your faith to move beyond many things that I didn't have faith for. It's not so much that I didn't have faith for it, it just wasn't God's time. But now it is, and I'm really happy that you do have faith to move forward, to take bold new steps.

                I'm glad you're not bound by the past. You have the past there as an anchor, and you have all that I have taught you as a guidepost, but I'm glad to see that you're willing to let go in some ways and not let the guideposts be hitching posts. You go forward using my words and using the cautions and the wisdom that are contained therein, but you're willing to apply them to today and do what you have to do to follow the Lord.

                So don't be afraid to take the steps you're taking. They are bold steps but they're within the Lord's will, and He's leading and we're leading. Keep listening, because as you listen we'll speak, and when we speak we'll tell you what's right and what's wrong, what to do and what you shouldn't do. And if you follow you'll be successful.

                Don't worry about this man because I've checked him out. His motives are OK, and we Here have worked on him. We've worked in his life, and he is the one for now. You'll learn a lot of things from this man and it'll be a benefit, so don't worry. Just move forward and watch what happens, and then you'll know that you were doing the right thing. (End of message from Dad.)

                Having received this encouragement from the Lord and Dad, several of us, working together with Pat, began the tedious, time consuming effort of working on the paperwork needed to set up a non-profit, tax-exempt Foundation. Every aspect of this new operation involved a myriad of legal and business details and considerations, most of which we were quite unfamiliar with! We spent months working on all of the details, including writing a "Mission Statement", which outlines the purpose and goals of the Foundation. This paperwork took almost three months to complete, at which time it was sent in to the IRS for approval. After incorporating in January 1997, in March the Foundation was approved by the IRS as a separate and independent tax-exempt, non-profit legal entity named "Family Care Foundation" (FCF). The decision-making body of the Family Care Foundation is its Board of Directors, of which Gary is president.

Family Care Foundation--How It Operates, Its Mission, Goals, and Operations

                (From Larry, FCF executive director:) To explain what we're all about, in technical terms: Family Care Foundation is an independent, non-profit, 501(c)(3), human service agency and missionary support organization, whose activities consist of funding and conducting programs and projects across a broad spectrum of countries, needs, program areas, and organizations. FCF is legally incorporated in the State of California as a California Public Benefit Corporation, and has received tax exempt status from the IRS. This means that contributions to Family Care Foundation are tax deductible for the (American) donor, and that Family Care Foundation and all of the charitable projects conducted under the umbrella of FCF are exempt from a variety of U.S. Federal and State taxes.

                Following is the Mission Statement of the Family Care Foundation. (See page 10.)


Family Care Foundation

                The Family Care Foundation is a private, non-profit, Christian-based, human service agency dedicated to serving the poor and needy, and strengthening communities, families and children.

Mission Statement

                The mission of the Family Care Foundation is to implement a two-fold plan for the betterment of the community. This requires enhancing the quality of life for all members of the community, especially those who are poor, suffering, or are otherwise disadvantaged. It also calls for investing in today's children--the leaders of tomorrow--through knowledge and character-building education and guidance for them, their parents and their communities.

                We provide counseling, guidance and humanitarian support to meet the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of people, as well as to empower individuals, parents and communities to create a stable, peaceful, secure environment in which children and families can flourish.

                Our mission gives witness to our Christian beliefs and message of love and hope. We believe in:

                * The love of God that calls us to serve

                * Service to all in need regardless of race, religion or national origin

                * The work of Christian missions worldwide, in their effort to provide Christian opportunities and education

                * Excellence in service

Strategic Goals and Objectives

Serving the Poor, the Needy and the Otherwise Disadvantaged

                The Family Care Foundation strives to respond to all people in need regardless of race, religion, national origin or social position. We endeavor to cooperate with people and organizations from all cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds in our efforts to bring relief and hope to those in need. We welcome the cooperation and assistance from like-minded individuals, businesses and organizations in helping the poor and disadvantaged.

                The Family Care Foundation's goals in helping the needy include, but are not limited to:

                * Assisting in disaster relief efforts and providing counseling and comfort to victims and others in need.

                * Collecting and distributing humanitarian aid to needy and war-torn communities, as well as to orphanages, hospitals, refugee camps and other institutions.

                * Helping the homeless by operating or assisting shelters and food kitchens.

                * Providing guidance to street children, drug addicts, gang members and others at risk.

                * Visiting and giving rehabilitative counseling to juvenile delinquents and prison inmates.

                * Visiting, comforting and caring for the sick and elderly.

                * Educating the underprivileged, and helping teachers and students with particular educational needs in Third World countries.

                * Conveying a message of hope to people who are suffering.

Strengthening Communities, Families and Children

                The world's most precious, yet vulnerable, resource is its children. Children are our future. What children become, and the future society they create, largely depends on what children learn in the present. Children flourish when nurtured in a peaceful, stable environment, with loving, caring parents and communities who teach them positive values. Thus we strive to provide the conditions, training and resources needed to help children grow mentally, physically and spiritually in those values that assure a fruitful and happy life.

                The Family Care Foundation's goals in helping children and families flourish include, but are not limited to:

                * Enhancing parental education through the development and dissemination of support materials and services that assist in strengthening family values and create loving family relationships.

                * Producing character-building materials for children and families.

                * Publishing educational, personal development and other materials in all forms of media and communication, and in a variety of languages.

                * Providing assistance to single-parent families.

                * Providing educational and learning opportunities for children, and sponsoring seminars, events and performances that promote family and Christian values.

                The directors, staff, volunteers, and supporters of Family Care Foundation include individuals who are full time Family members, as well as some who are not members of the Family. As a separate, legal corporate entity, the organization, operations, finances, and oversight of Family Care Foundation are controlled by its Board of Directors.

                The projects and ministries conducted by missionaries around the world are highly regarded by people from all walks of life. People from many levels of society are searching for just such worthy projects to support. Not only do they want to see the lives of others touched by their charitable giving, they also want to satisfy their own personal need for fulfillment, appreciation and meaning in life. In their giving to projects funded by FCF, these people can bring their own dreams to pass, make a difference in the lives of others, and experience the special joy that comes through sacrificial giving to help another. The potential spiritual ministry which FCF can open up is another wonderful opportunity to minister, not only to those who benefit from the ministries and projects funded by FCF, but equally, to those who donate to make those ministries possible.

                As soon as we have sufficient resources coming in from our fund-raising efforts, applications for support for an FCF charitable project will be available through contacting FCF directly at our office in California. Upon written request, we will send you information regarding the requirements for obtaining support for a charitable project from FCF, or for managing an FCF-sponsored project. We are committed to providing funding for a wide range of ministries, operations, and organizations, regardless of the religion, denomination, or nationality of those seeking funding, or of the makeup of the volunteer force conducting the programs. True to our Mission Statement, Family Care Foundation seeks to cooperate with many organizations, institutions, youth workers, volunteers and activists, as we work together with them and seek funding for their projects as well as our own.

                The procedures for reviewing requests for program support will be such that each request will be reviewed on its own merits. Allocations will be made according to the availability of funds, and as per FCF's written guidelines and policies, which meets in every respect, (and in some cases exceeds), IRS requirements.--Obviously, we can only assist financially as much as we have the finances to do so, so please pray for our fund-raising efforts! We want to help as many projects and organizations as we can, but as of this writing, we are just getting started in this regard and do not yet have substantial means to help financially.

                We also wish to emphasize that because FCF is a tax-exempt non-profit organization, all our business and financial affairs must be conducted according to strict laws and guidelines, and generally accepted management and accounting policies and practices. The Directors and officers of FCF are committed to complete compliance with these laws, guidelines, policies, and practices.

                Some of these laws strictly govern methods and procedures concerning fundraising. Specifically, all funds raised in the name of Family Care Foundation must be contributed entirely to FCF. These funds will then be dispersed by FCF for qualified and verifiable exempt-purpose activities, in accordance with its Mission Statement and established guidelines and policies. This is very important. To best ensure that the proper procedures are observed, only authorized agents or volunteers of Family Care Foundation may raise funds or solicit material goods on its behalf.

                Donations can be made to FCF from any country, although only funds contributed by U.S. citizens will be tax-deductible, unless that country has a special tax agreement with the U.S. Requests for support from FCF for qualified charitable projects can also be made from any country, and FCF is committed to provide funding for missions and projects around the world. If you have any questions or would like any further information about how your local project or ministry can work with FCF, please contact us directly at:

                Family Care Foundation

                P.O. Box 6070

                Orange, CA 92863-6070


(End of comments from Larry.)

                As you can see all of this is quite technical and perhaps somewhat complicated. To become a Foundation, you must submit several applications, official documents, and a mission statement, which clearly defines the Foundation's aspirations, goals, methods of operations, financing, character, etc. Once approved by the IRS and the state government, the Foundation can begin to raise funds. Donors who give to the Foundation can write their gift off of their taxes, so it's a benefit to the donor, and the Foundation doesn't pay taxes on the funds either.

                The Foundation, however, can only spend those funds on things that help to accomplish their exempt purposes, as defined by their mission statement and application for tax exemption. For example, if a Foundation was set up to build a hospital, then the donations given to the Foundation could only be used for that purpose and no other. The Family Care Foundation exempt purposes are fairly broad, and its mission statement allows the Foundation to conduct and support a wide variety of charitable activities.

                Our hope is that the Foundation will be able to successfully raise large sums of money from individual and corporate donors, and use those funds to support activities which are in line with FCF's exempt purposes. For example, missionaries who minister at a refugee camp or who help in disaster relief efforts would be eligible for support for that activity from FCF. Likewise, volunteers who work with street children, counsel drug addicts, help to feed the homeless, participate in performances which promote Christian values, evangelize, etc., can all receive funding for their particular projects from FCF. FCF can also sponsor the distribution of printed publications or audio/video productions which are educational in nature or promote family and Christian values. The FCF can also market those products, as their distribution fulfills our exempt purposes.

                Of course before any support can be given to qualified projects, funds must first be raised! Pat, the professional fund-raiser, has been working with the Foundation in the fund-raising arena, visiting various potential donors with the hope that these contacts will not only donate to the Foundation but also introduce them to others who will do likewise.

                Our goal is to build a donor network of people who will give repeat gifts year after year, so the Foundation will have a regular income which can then be used to support those projects which fall within the boundaries of our exempt purposes. Building such a network is a slow and meticulous process. The Foundation's fund-raising team of two, along with Pat, have spent the last few months criss-crossing the U.S. from coast to coast meeting with potential donors. Already some have signed pledges to give and some have given gifts. PTL!

                As a professional, Pat has taught us a lot about this kind of fund-raising. But before heading out on the first fund-raising effort, we brought the whole matter of fund-raising before the Lord for His guidance. He gave some beautiful counsel which we wanted to share with you here, as it applies not only to the FCF's efforts, but to any Family members who are raising funds for their own Home or other projects.

                (Jesus speaking:) The spiritual must be supreme, and the new nation must be spiritual first of all. This has always been David's cry to you of the Family, because he's known that this is the way I operate. Without this vision in mind and in the heart and soul of each disciple, David knew that the Family would never amount to or be what I wanted it to be--a spiritual force and voice to this world: to the rich, to the poor, to the despairing, to the needy, to the lost, to the lonely, to the hungry, to the thirsty, to the broken, to the self-assured, to the businessman, to the pauper, to the farmer, to the grocer, to every being on the Earth.

                My spiritual voice must be heard most of all, for that is the greatest need. As I have said, the heart of man is the same the world over, and their longings, their desires and their spiritual needs are all the same. They all have that aching void in their heart that only I can fill, that only I can satisfy. Only I can give them fulfillment and meaning in their lives.

                Though those who advise you may know some techniques of fund-raising, they will also have to learn from you, the experts. They will have to understand that you have what the people really need, the spiritual strength, the spiritual depth, the spiritual understanding, the wisdom, the love, the discernment to see the need of these people that are materially rich. They will have to understand that you are concerned for their souls, for their hearts, for their minds, for their lives, for their well-being.

                You must also teach them the real reason for going out to these people. It is two-fold: It is to get them to help you to reach the lost and the needy and the desperate of this world, but it is also for you to help them, the desperate and needy rich, that they may understand that you come not only to receive from them, but to give. They must see that your motives are pure in both respects--that you love them and are there to help them and answer their questions and meet their needs, and that your motives for receiving their money to help the poor is genuine.

                Then and only then will they truly understand the blessings that they will receive for helping you. Then and only then will they continue to be supporters time after time after time, as they see the love, as they see your genuine concern for the world, for the lost and needy souls, as well as your genuine love and concern for them, your benefactors, those that are giving of what they can to Me, to My Kingdom. Then they will be able to understand the rich rewards that they are receiving, and they will know that they are coming from My hand, and they will acknowledge Me and thank Me. Their lives will be enriched, and their hearts will overflow with My joy, knowing that they are giving unto their Lord, their King, their God. Then shall they know that they are helping My children, their brethren, their fellow man. They will be encouraged to give more, to help more and to reach out more, and this will help many souls.

                But this starts with each person who must go into this fund-raising with pure and loving motives, concerned for the souls both of these who they are approaching to help and those who they will help with these finances and these material blessings. Your potential donors and prospective supporters will have to see this love, My love, shining through you. They will have to know and see your pure and unadulterated motives in reaching out to the lost.

                For My true fund-raisers are those with a love for the lost, not the charismatic, not the well bred, not the gifted speakers and presenters, but those whose hearts are soft and broken and loving. This is what will move the hearts of men. This is what will bring success. For as I have said, seek out those to be your fund-raisers that have a love for My children, that have no selfish motives, that are not in it for fame or glory or power or money, but for Me! It must be My love that constrains them and moves them, and keeps them from being sucked into the vortex of greed and lust and power that the world strives for.

                If these benefactors and potential donors and prospective supporters see this in you, they will give freely, I say freely and abundantly, of their finances and their support and their backing and their protection. For this is what they long to see in their fellow man--true hearts, true motives, true love--the love of God shining through the hearts and eyes of My children. Your voice will be My voice, speaking to their hearts, encouraging, strengthening, loving and encouraging them to help their fellow man.

                So having begun in the Spirit, be sure not to fall into the Devil's temptation to try to be made perfect in the flesh or to try to do this in your own strength, in the arm of the flesh, following solely the procedures and the methods of worldly fund-raisers. For I have given you the greatest gift, the greatest strength, the greatest training for raising finances, support and protection for My children. But if you can mix these two prayerfully and with the right motives, then I will use this method and I will bless this foundation and I will bless the fund-raisers. But they, and you, must know that I must be at the apex of this new fund-raising ministry. I, the Lord, am the Head of this Foundation, and My motives for this Foundation are to feed and care for and help My needy children throughout the world.

                So look to Me continually as you go into this, that you prayerfully seek Me and diligently counsel and discuss and study My Words as to the approach to use. You will have to mix the techniques and methods of these System fund-raisers with those that I have been teaching you for these many years. And if you will do this properly, diligently and faithfully--and it will be a lot of hard work--then I will bless and I will be with you, and I will open the windows of Heaven and pour out such a blessing you shall not be able to contain it. For I do not want it to be contained, but I want it to be poured out to My children abundantly throughout the world.

                Have I not promised that I would do this? I will. If you will keep My spiritual principles first and foremost in your endeavors, then I will easily and effortlessly bring in the needed finances and support from the many that I have waiting. These are patiently waiting for you and have asked Me, "What can I do? What can I give? How can I help? Who can I trust? Who is genuine? Who is sincere?" This is what the world waits for. This is what many benefactors, people that I have blessed financially, are looking to give to.

                So prayer and hearing from Me will be the most important ingredients of this new venture. Look for people who are spiritual, who are sincere, who have pure motives in their fund-raising attempts; those that are not in it for themselves, but for My children throughout the world. (End of message from Jesus.)

                Our fund-raising team is doing their best to follow this counsel, and have already found some who are willing to give. PTL! It is important to point out, however, that no one fund-raising effort, no matter how successful, is going to supply every project's financial needs! For example, say FCF wanted to help fund one thousand worthwhile projects with $1,000 per month. This means that FCF would have to raise at least 1 million dollars per month, or $12 million dollars a year! So although we hope to help as many projects as possible, we'll obviously never replace God's supply on a local level or otherwise, through many other means! Only He can "supply all our needs" according to His riches in glory! Nevertheless, we do hope and pray that FCF will be a means God can use to help further the Gospel.

                As you can see, what started out as a journey to publish books has led down an unexpected, yet fruitful path. It has taken a great deal of faith on the part of those of us involved in this to go through with the idea of setting up the Family Care Foundation. We would not have had that faith had it not been for the Lord's many answers to our prayers and His guidance through prophecy. There were times when progress was very slow and we had some setbacks, but the Lord constantly encouraged us to move forward, that we were in His will and that He would open the doors and do the miracles. And He certainly has! Following is some precious encouragement He gave us.

                (Jesus speaking:) My precious ones, I have kept you in the center of My will concerning the establishment of this new venture. I have led you step by step. You have not strayed either to the left or the right, but I have been able to keep you in My perfect will because you have prayed each step of the way. You have looked to Me constantly, you have heard My Words, and you have studied them and taken them to heart and put them into practice, and you have looked to Me again and again and again, constantly turning your ear to My whispers and seeking My face with each decision; and so I have been able to keep you in My perfect will, with nudges here and nudges there.

                You are walking on unfamiliar ground, you are exploring new territory, and so you feel unsettled; but this too is My plan. For in your feelings of uncertainty and insecurity, you cling all the more tightly to My plan and you listen all the more intently to My whispers. So even these feelings of uncertainty are from Me. Fear not for the decisions that you have made up until this point, wondering whether you have been led of Me, whether you have gone in the right direction, or whether you have missed something along the way and have somehow gotten off track. Fear not that the tapestry will be flawed through wrong decisions or wrong timing, for I know your hearts and I know that your desire is to please Me and to do My will. And because you are praying and are desperate before Me, I have kept you in My perfect will and I will continue to do so, if you will but continue to look to Me with each step, with each decision, with each appointment, with each move, with each purchase, with each addition of new personnel.

                You have experienced setbacks and disappointments, and things are not progressing as quickly or as easily as you had hoped, but take this not as an indication that you have missed the mark or that you have stepped outside the circle of My will. For all things progress in My time and in My way, and I am setting up one and bringing down another, and I am moving you gently and slowly with the breath of My Spirit. Though you may be eager to push forward, to see concrete progress, you must have faith to know that I am working behind the scenes and I am doing My will in ways that you see not, but progress is being made. Doors are being opened, I am preparing hearts, and I am leading the way.

                So yes, I have kept you in the center of My will and I will continue to do so, as long as you continue to seek Me step by step, and come often before My face to hear My Words and My instruction; as long as you lean not to your own understanding, but you continue to be fluid and flexible and attentive to My slightest bidding. All things will unfold in My time, and you will see that the tapestry is not flawed, but it is beautiful and perfect, for it has been wrought by My hands. When you behold this glorious work of My Spirit, you will give Me glory and honor, for you will know that it has not been of yourselves, of your own greatness or your own perfection of planning, but it will be because you simply heard My voice and took heed to My instruction and followed in My footsteps.

                I will not suffer you to be led astray, nor to flounder, but I will keep your plans and progress and productivity in My hands. I am the One Who is leading the way, and you are My faithful followers. So I say, fear not, for I have established your thoughts. You have committed your works and your plans unto My hands, and I will perform that which I have promised unto you, and great will be the company of those that publish the Words of David. These are the days of struggle, these are the days of small beginnings. So cast not away your confidence in My promises, for of these small beginnings and of these days of struggle shall come forth great miracles and days of prosperity and plenty. (End of message from Jesus.)

+ + +

                We have written this FSM in order to share with you some of the progress of the GPU and to announce the beginning of the Family Care Foundation. We focused mainly on the FCF in order to explain the path we followed to get here and the reasons for setting up such a Foundation. Please pray with us for the success of Family Care Foundation and its fund-raising activities, as prayer moves the Hand that moves the world.

                The GPU has also continued to work on the publications side of things and has recently finished work on three new GP booklets, "Glimpses of Heaven", "Future Foretold" and "Parenteening", for distribution. A number of other new tools are in the works as well. We are also working towards the mass marketing of some of our video tools, with the hope that we can get these wonderful tools into the hands of millions. Sharing all the details of the mass marketing, the things the Lord has shown us, the progress, the victories and all the rest is more than we can write here, so God willing we will be putting together another FSM in the not too distant future telling you of the exciting miracles the Lord is doing on this front, and the challenges we still face.

                Please pray for all of these efforts as they are major undertakings with far-reaching repercussions. "Mass-marketing" may sound pretty simple, but it's very much a case of "that banana there," with a myriad of unseen and important details to resolve before even getting to the starting line. However, if we are able to successfully mass market our video or audio tools, if we are able to get our books and other publications out through bookstores and other outlets, if we are able to enter the TV broadcast world by selling the Treasure Attic shows to major networks, then the message will reach millions upon millions more than we are capable of reaching now.

                The Family's goal is to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Every Family member is working towards that goal, and we at the GPU are doing our best to fulfill it as well. Our desire is to see the message spread far and wide through every means possible. The Devil knows that if we are successful in our efforts, many will be lost to him, thus he fights us strongly, so we need your prayers. As the Lord told us recently:

                (Jesus speaking:) This is a major step in your progress and the Enemy is fighting this with all of his forces, so you must expect that it will be a hard struggle and that there will be setbacks and disappointments. But these setbacks must not stop you, for My overall plan is set. You must seek Me at each setback, at each disappointment, and I will show you how to proceed.

                I will complete this task, I will lead you to greener pastures, and I will use this unit to spread My Words to many sheep. But you must expect a battle and you must seek Me for strong troops who can take to the mountain, who have the strength and the prayerfulness and the desperation and know that they need to cling to Me as they go up this mountain. At the top of this mountain you will indeed enter into a new stage in your development, a new stage of Family growth. And you will look back at the rugged path that you have just trod, seeing the difficulty, but thankful that you have made this difficult journey, because as you look to the future, you see green pastures, many sheep to be fed, and much to accomplish. (End of message from Jesus.)

                Please keep us in your prayers as we climb this mountain that will, by God's grace, take us to even greener pastures where many more sheep will be fed. We love you!


                The GPU team

                (From Mama and Peter:) Although Family Care Foundation is autonomous from WS and the Family, we want to confirm that the Board of Directors have our full confidence and backing, and it is certainly our desire to see Family Care Foundation flourish in its mission. We encourage any Family members who wish to help FCF, or who would like more information about their activities, to contact them directly. We understand that FCF is presently engaged in a major fund-raising campaign and is seeking information on individuals who have both the capacity as well as the desire to give large gifts to support FCF in its mission. If you know of any such individuals in your area whom you feel would be interested in the opportunities for charitable giving offered to them by FCF, we encourage you to contact FCF.


Copyright (c) 1997 by The Family