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Family Specials News Magazine!
FSM 169 (FN 278) DO
Copyright: June 1990
By Family Services, Zurich, Switzerland

Part 1 of a 2-Part Series!


By Juan, Latin America

       Speaking for Latin America, I would say we're all very thankful for the many witnessing tools that the Folks & WS have made available for us, which are making our jobs much easier & helping us to win many more souls into His wonderful Kingdom of Love. TYJ! And although the Tapes & Posters have proven to be real "winners", I feel that our newest tool, the VIDEOS, will soon turn out to be the top selling product we have!
       As in other fields, the Video distribution in Latin America got off to sort of a slow start as we were having to make the transition from Postering & Tapenessing to Videoing. But the Homes are now sold on Videoing as it is proving to be our most efficient tool to help us win souls, friends, supporters & protectors of the Lord's Work. Also, the Videos bring greater financial rewards to the Homes!--"They which preach the Gospel shall live of the Gospel." (1Cor.9:14)
       I feel one reason why we had a slow start with the Video Ministry was because the Lord had given us a good source of support through the Tapes, which helped our Homes gain higher standards of living than we ever had before. Beginning to push a NEW product meant that Home income would probably DROP, as we were not yet experienced "Videoers" & could not necessarily switch over without losing some momentum. In order to help our Homes overcome this period, we felt it was necessary for our NO offices to create "Video Pilot Homes"--Homes that would dedicate themselves to Videoing as their main means of outreach, so as to test the market & learn lessons which could then be shared with the rest of our Homes.
       Even for these experimental Homes it was difficult at first to learn how to offer a whole new product & use new tactics. For example, the main market for our Tapes & Posters has always been the MIDDLE CLASS of Latin America--teachers, bank tellers, secretaries etc., who could afford to pay the price of the Tapes and/or Posters. However, since we were asking a much HIGHER price for our Videos, we soon learned that we needed to reach a whole NEW market. Instead of reaching the teachers, we had to reach the school owner, instead of reaching the bank teller we had to reach the management & board of directors, instead of reaching the secretaries we had to reach the executives, & so on.
       Not only did we have to contend with a NEW MARKET, but we also had to increase & strengthen our own FAITH. I guess the general feeling in the area was, "How can we ask $25 (U.S. Dollars) for a Video in such a poor continent where social & economic conditions seem to worsen day after day?" As our Latin Family all claimed His promises & hit the streets by faith & in obedience, we saw the hand of the Lord at work. To our surprise, people seemed very happy to pay the price as our faithful salesmen presented the best product in the World.
       After a slow start of under 400 Videos in our first month, six months later we were averaging over 6,000 Videos distributed per month. And judging from all the different testimonies that are coming in, our Homes now feel that the sky is the limit. (Editor's note: During the month of December, Latin America distributed 9,373 Videos! PTL!) Those who have bought our Videos are now satisfied customers who have asked us to return when we have new Videos to offer. Not only have the Videos become our best tool for WINNING SOULS, but the proceeds from their distribution are rapidly becoming our TOP SOURCE OF INCOME! TYJ!
       There are many lessons & tips which we have been able to collect from our different shiners throughout the continent which we would like to share in hopes that they will be a blessing to others:

       * First & most important, our Homes all had to learn that in such impossible economic conditions as the ones we are faced with here in Latin America, only the LORD can do it & with faith nothing shall be impossible! We began by getting in the Word & claiming His promises in desperate prayer & even called for a continental prayer & fast day in which our entire Latin American Family united in desperate prayer for the success of this new ministry.
       * As mentioned before, Video Pilot Homes were created in different areas & their testimonies & the lessons they learned were shared with the other Homes in the area.
       * Several incentives like shiner prizes were offered by our Duping Centers for those Homes who would distribute a certain amount of Videos. Soon after, we began to see the fruits as the Videos started selling like hotcakes!
       * We have found that it is helpful in keeping our "customers" satisfied with the quality of our product to always offer them the Kiddie Viddies in order of production--that is, first KV#1, then KV#2, then KV#3, etc. The reason for this is that the quality of each new KV seems to be getting better & better. So each time we return to visit our customers we have something BETTER to offer them. This seems to be a good marketing technique as it inspires people that no matter how much they & their children enjoyed the last Video, that the NEXT one is even better!
       * Regardless of where the Videos are sold--in the streets, offices, shopping malls, etc.--once we have a satisfied customer, we try to be sure to TAKE THEIR ADDRESS so as to be able to visit them again when a new Kiddie Viddie hits the market.

       * We are finding that not only are we benefiting from the souls won & financial rewards of preaching the Gospel through the Videos, but through it all, the Lord is also training our Homes to be faithful with our follow-up & keeping an accurate address list. Not only are we trying our best to faithfully keep a good record of those we witness to, but if we see they are happy with our product we ask them if they know of somebody else that they feel would like the Video & could benefit from having such a wonderful educational tool. This method of gathering referrals has proven quite fruitful because it helps greatly when you arrive at someone's office, store, or house with the name of the person who recommended that you visit them.
       * In our area, we have tried to use the EDUCATIONAL APPROACH in our sales pitch, saying something like: "This Video is not only entertainment for your child, but it is a tremendous educational tool from which he will learn good habits & manners & how to be more loving & kind toward his peers!" With World conditions worsening, parents are hungry for tools which will be an aid in the education of their children. Since the System has made such a god out of education, we use this appeal with the public & it seems to be bearing good fruit.
       * Since we sell our product as an educational tool, people are willing to pay the high price which we ask for. Of course, we know that no amount of money would be too much for our unique & Spirit-filled products, as they are better than "thousands of gold & silver", so our Videoers have the faith to ask for the price that we feel is fair.
       * Since we are using the educational approach, it's very helpful, if possible, to try to get some type of OFFICIAL PAPER from the country's Educational Department, which helps give backing to our product. For example, in one South American country, through some friends of the Family, we were able to get an official backing from the Ministry of Education which stated that our Videos are a good complementary product of the official courses required in the education of children. This letter has given us the freedom to visit all the different schools & offer our products to the teachers. In some cases we have also been able to offer the Videos to the parents of the students. If getting such an official document is not possible, perhaps you could try getting endorsements from different schools that you visit or do shows at.
       * Another way to reach the students & their parents is to set up a small stand a few meters away from the door of the school. In most Third World countries street vendors are allowed, so we set up a nice display of our Videos. In some instances this method has proven to be quite effective.
       * We are also using displays in shopping centers and/or stores that allow us to sell our products. Sometimes in order to inspire the management to allow us to sell our products inside the mall or shop, we offer to put on a children's show or something similar to that. Then we set up a stand with a TV & VCR & play our Videos continually. We have heard testimony after testimony of children of shoppers getting completely "glued" to the TV screen & pleading with their parents to please get them the Videos. Try it, you might find it very fruitful too! TYJ!
       * We have NOT encouraged Homes to sell Videos to or by System shops (on a consignment basis.) For one, this takes away from the "exclusiveness" that our Family Videos have. Teams have found that a very effective sales pitch is: "You CAN'T get these Videos in any video shop. These are special educational Videos, & a lot of research & training has gone into producing these!" If the general public does find our Videos selling in System shops, & probably priced much LESS than what they would have given US for that Video, it could certainly lessen the distribution of the Videos by Homes in that area, if not the whole country.
       * Since Videos are quite bulky, teams that go on faith trips are usually not able to carry more than several hundred Videos, or even less. So road teams have found it very useful to take plenty of Video Brochures to leave with people if they run out of the Videos.
       In other words, if while they are on the road they run out of Videos, they can still go DTD or OTO & offer the Videos by using the Video Brochure. They get the addresses of any interested people & then when they return home they write them a letter offering to send them Videos. The team then sends the Videos in the mail COD (Cash on Delivery). This means that when the person that's receiving the Video on the other end picks it up at the post office, or when it's delivered to their door, they pay the cost which is specified on the packaged Video. Three days later the brethren can go to their local post office & collect the funds. (If the Video is NOT accepted & paid for, then the postal service returns the Video to the sender & charges a small fee. However, we are finding that we have so few returns that it sure makes it worth it.)
       So, by using this system, the faith trip teams are thus not forced to return from far away cities just because they have run out of Videos.--They can continue to witness, meet people, offer the Videos & make sales & then do the follow-up by mail when they return home.
       * When sending Teens on faith trips, as well as when they witness in their home town, we have found that going out in "school uniforms", which we have been able to provision, gives them a much better presentation in the eyes of the System. Especially since in many cases our teens go DTD in rich neighbourhoods, many times it has been difficult to get past the "electronic maid"--the intercom. Having the teens well dressed & in uniform gives them an advantage, as usually the team will then be beckoned to come into the house to talk to the Mrs. or Mr.--And once in, like the camel's nose, it's an almost sure sale & souls won to the Lord.
       Well, these are just some of the lessons which we have learned as we continue to pioneer this new ministry. It would be good to note here that at first we felt that by pushing Videos our TAPE distribution would suffer a drastic drop; but, thank the Lord, this has NOT been the case! Our Tape distribution has only dropped a small percentage while the Video distribution continues to increase with each passing day!--So we are being DOUBLY blessed by the Lord! TYJ! Thank the Lord & the Folks for making these tools available to us! We sure have the best of everything! PTL!

Director of School Sold on Our Materials!

From Iris, Europe
       Sister Pilar, director of a school of 1,500 children, is a faithful friend & a great admirer of our Tapes & Videos. She has the entire collection. While visiting us she told us that she listens to our Word tapes every night & that THE KIDDIE VIDDIES ARE A REAL SUPPLEMENT TO HER WORK AS AN EDUCATOR & ALL OUR MATERIAL IS A REAL SOURCE OF INSPIRATION FOR HER CLASSES & STUDENTS. GBH! When we showed her some of our English Tapes & we suggested that they might be good for her English classes, she didn't hesitate to take them. She also trusts greatly in our prayers & frequently asks us to pray for her! TYJ!

Three-Year-Old Delivered from "Thriller's" Evil Hold!

From Heidi Follower, Europe
       While out witnessing we decided to follow up on a couple who had taken a Kiddie Viddie months before. We found the wife home alone & she really poured out her heart to us. She shared how her three-year-old daughter had watched nothing but our Kiddie Viddie for two weeks straight, & it had been a real answer to prayer! The mother went on to confess how she had mistakenly let her daughter watch Michael Jackson's music video called "Thriller" & after the first time her daughter saw it, she had become totally hooked on that video! She became completely obsessed with Michael Jackson, & although she was only three years old, "Thriller" was all she'd talk or think about--to the extent that she'd "spot" every picture of Michael Jackson, however small, in magazines or shop windows.
       At first the mother continued to let her little girl watch this demonic music video, but after weeks she felt that her daughter was getting too involved with it & she felt she needed to wean her away from it. But her daughter began throwing temper tantrums, screaming & refusing to eat! Imagine, the Devil is even trying to get at three-year-olds! This mother had also been shocked by the lack of fear her daughter had for the most horrible scenes in the video. She said she'd sit & just laugh at it!
       Our first visit to her with the Kiddie Viddie was a real turn-about for them as she'd really needed something for her daughter, & the Kiddie Viddie was the answer! She happily took Kiddie Viddie #2 on our second visit & wants #3 & 4 as soon as they are available! She is desperate for help with her children! She broke down & cried, asking for us to please give her things to read herself or with her daughter, so she can give her what she needs.
       It was convicting & sobering for us to see how the Devil is spreading his propaganda to even the littlest children! God bless this dear mother who discerned the harmful effect it was having on her little daughter, & thank the Lord for the beautiful, Godly Kiddie Viddies to give them the Truth! PTL!

Booth at Children's Film Fair Opens Doors!

From Marie Claire & Willing, India Area
       We had a booth at the International Children's Film Fair here. We shared with our "main competitor" of children's educational films about our Work & he stayed to watch a large portion of all three Kiddie Viddies. He said the schools in our city had been asking him to produce something like this, but he had shelved the idea because he couldn't get children to work together like ours do.
       After seeing the Videos he said, "Now I know why I shelved my idea. You have exactly what the schools want & need. I will introduce you to all these people & principals etc., so that YOU can supply that need!" By the time we saw him the next day, he had already told his friends with children all about the Kiddie Viddies & gave us their addresses so we could visit them. And at the end of our second meeting he prayed to receive Jesus.
       Also we had many international film producers & directors watch our demonstration of Kiddie Viddies & we gave them flyers & advertisements of Kiddie Viddies--Russians, Norwegians, Americans, Indians, Chinese, Germans, Bulgarians, Danish etc., & everyone loved them!
       One Russian director came back several times with different friends to see the Videos & said, "They are so professional!" They just loved them & were laughing heartily throughout the song, "Have a Good Laugh at Yourself". The head of the marketing section told us several times that our Videos are "the best!"

Principal Learns the "Principle of Sharing"!

From Mary & Daniel, India
       School principals often carefully study the words on the Kiddie Viddies, & some of them are using the songs for their annual programmes. Also, those who already have the Tapes don't hesitate to take the Videos as they know what good quality they will be & what a positive effect they have on the children.
       One principal took Kiddie Viddies 1 & 2 for his little school, & he also invited us to stay as guests in his home. When we arrived at his home we realised that he was giving us the bedroom that belonged to his three sons to stay in. He happily declared, "Well, that is what your Videos teach, isn't it?--The principle of sharing!"

Videos Help Child's Concentration!

From Ben & Rebecca, Latin America
       A child who had serious problems concentrating or sitting still in school was recommended by a doctor to watch TV, but he still wouldn't sit long because he greatly disliked TV! His father got him a Kiddie Viddie & the next day when we called him, the father said he was very surprised because his son sat down & watched the Video twice. We visited again & he bought another Video & got saved! He is really thankful for the Videos & is eagerly waiting for #3 & 4! They also got Tapes & the boy really liked them too!

They're Irresistible!

From Erastus & Esperanza, Lat. America
       The head of a Boarding Home for foster parents & displaced children said he didn't have money to buy the Videos, but Esperanza told him, "Well, since we are here, why don't you just take the time to watch them!" After seeing the Kiddie Viddies # 1 & 2, he said, "I'm going to have to get money from anywhere I possibly can!" and he gave US$ 60 for the two!

Tapes Best Promotion for Videos!

From Pancho & Susy, Latin America
       The Tapes we have distributed during the past few months have been the best Video promoters, as often people's reaction to the Videos is very positive as they feel that now they can see with their own eyes what they & their children have been listening to all this time! Some people have BOUGHT THE VIDEOS EVEN THOUGH THEY THEMSELVES DIDN'T HAVE A VIDEO PLAYER. They either said that they were planning on buying a player or they would watch it somewhere else.
KV Is for All Ages!

From Luke, SEA
       We met a very sweet Swiss lady who is an executive secretary in a well known international firm. She took a Video for her granddaughter who is 1-1/2 years old. When we saw her again she shared how the child started to memorise the songs in English (even though she doesn't speak English), & started to act out some of the songs, which was a real testimony during their holidays in Switzerland.
       The lady herself memorised most of the songs, as her granddaughter wants to watch the Video every day, & she got very convicted by "Do It Now". She said that now, when she wants to postpone something in her work, the words of the song come ringing in her ears & she does it "right now"! How encouraging to see how the Videos can affect everyone's lives, young & old. TYJ!

KV a Favourite of Autistic Child!

From Mary, Isaiah & Bright, SEA
       One of the couples in our Home has a son who is two & a half years old who has been diagnosed as autistic. He is handi-capped, but TTL he has made a lot of progress this past year! If he is having a trial or is unhappy for some reason, he is unable to tell us what he needs because he cannot talk. He is not easily distracted, & he can whine & cry for a long time without letting up while we are trying to figure out what is wrong & what to do.
       He does have a few favourite places & things which help him get the victory, & the main things that win "hands down" are the Kiddie Viddies! He loves them!--When he is sad or having a battle, the minute we turn on the Kiddie Viddie he is in the victory & happy & excited. TYJ! It's amazing to see the effect these beautiful Videos have on him. He really tunes in & will watch them over & over. God bless all those who are working on these Videos--they are beautiful! Seeing the effect on OUR children gives us real conviction to get them out to the public.

Judge Features KV for Children!

From Ezequiel & Rebecca Mensageiro, Lat. America
       On a faith trip we were getting leads on people who might like the Videos, & everyone told us not to go to the judge of the city as he was an unbeliever & didn't go to church. But the Lord led us to see him anyway, & he turned out to be a real sheep who was just disillusioned with the churches. He bought the Videos & Tapes & got saved. He said since they don't have movies there he was going to play the Video on his big TV for the children of the city during Christmas.

60 Videos Distributed at Fair!

From Ezekiel & Salom Jasper, Lat. America
       We got a booth at the "Feira da Providencia" at the big convention center here & were able to get out 60 Videos in four days. The Lord supplied a big screen TV to show the Videos there, & we were able to meet & witness to lots of people.

A Hit at Children's Photo Studio!

From Jeriah Servant, North America
       While downtown, we met a lady who owned a children's photo studio. When she heard about our beautiful Videos, she immediately took the Christmas Kiddie Viddie to use in her studio. She said she has a hard time getting younger children to look inspired & SHE PLANS ON HAVING THE VIDEO PLAYING BEHIND HER WHILE SHE TAKES THEIR PICTURE! She asked us to come back so she can get more!

Videos Distributed at Mass!

From Simon, North America
       At one elementary school the principal, a nun, tried the Videos out on a couple of classes & the children flipped over them. They even decided to use quite a few of the songs in their Christmas pageant. She said the children's favourite was "Christmas Praises" & they were singing the chorus in the hallway!
       We even followed through on a suggestion from a priest to come to Mass with the Videos & Tapes. It was a poor Spanish neighbourhood. The priest announced that our material would be available after Mass. It resulted in three Videos & 17 Tapes out! All in all, 20 Videos & 25 Tapes were distributed to these Catholic schools. PTL!


From Dan & Abigail, Pacific
       We had a real breakthrough in our Kiddie Viddie distribution today going FACTORY-TO-FACTORY, & we were so excited to see the Lord working so marvellously! PTL! We totalled 13 Videos & 15 souls which was a new record for us in just one day as we are just in the pioneering stages! One man received a Video & the Lord, & he gave sweet Jessica (8 years old) a big kiss & hug & said he felt ashamed seeing all that we are doing for the Lord!
       To break the ice we had the children sing ACAPELLA as a sample. Then we READ THE REACTIONS TO THEM STRAIGHT FROM THE KIDDIE VIDDIE FLYER & shared some power-packed CURRENT TESTIMONIES & they seldom refused! It was magical! PTL! The Videos are going like hotcakes & many people want to see us again!

Director of Cults Favours "Christmas Love"!

From Adan & Libertad, Lat. America
       Since the recent persecution here, we've been visited by several judges, officials & even the Director of Cults of this country. They had been told that our Videos were really bad & pornographic! But we were able to give a Video to many of them, & they took them home & now they are sharing our Videos with their relatives & friends, saying "Christmas Love" is the best Christmas Video they have ever seen!

Videos in the East Bloc!

From Jan, EB
       We had a team out knocking on doors to see the possibilities of getting out Videos here, which would be the first time for anything like this in our country. We found out that if people really want the Videos, "where there is a will there's a way". The best example of this was a lady at the airlines who really loved the Videos & found a way to get two. SHE'S PLANNING TO PLAY THESE, DV, IN THE CHILDREN'S AREA OF THE TRANSIT LOUNGE OF THE AIRPORT.--It will be a witness to many! She wants to buy the whole set! TYJ!

Banks Can Be Good Customers!

From Andres & Victory, North America
       We're having a Video explosion! ONE BANK BOUGHT 50 VIDEOS & 70 TAPES! The people love the Videos here in North America! They're also going good at day care centers & schools! PTL!

Referrals Fulfil "Inside, Out of Sight!"

From Happy, India Area
       We found a very fruitful method of getting out the Videos has been going DTD on a personal recommendation basis. A couple of months ago we met Mrs. L., who has a small child. She was super turned on by our Videos! In fact, our Videos were the only ones she ever let her child watch. She also enthusiastically encouraged us to visit her circle of friends so they could get Videos for their children too. She gave us a list of about 12 personal friends who we began visiting one by one, & almost every one of them turned out to be very receptive & got lots of Videos for their families.
       After we had witnessed to each person on the list, we asked them if THEY had anyone they would recommend, & most of them were happy to recommend us to other people. So for weeks now we have hardly had to knock on a door without a recommendation!
       This is not only very good for security & being "inside, out of sight" but also the percentage of people who take Videos by this method is very high & it is also very fruitful. For instance, we met one upper class family who makes printing presses. They not only took a set of 3 Videos, but they also offered to do any printing jobs we had free of charge. They then recommended two other families within their apartment block, & the second family took three Videos & the woman invited us to come & demonstrate the Videos at a parents' meeting at her nursery school. In the 3rd flat we met a woman who had been a friend of the Family in another city. She took three Videos & invited us to sing at the school where she teaches & also demonstrate the Videos at a Parent/Teacher Meeting. PTL!

From John & Rose & Martin, SEA
       One restaurant owner gave us a whole list of referrals to follow up on to offer Videos, including company directors in top office buildings who would otherwise be difficult to meet, & the results have been really fruitful! Two of them have shown the Kiddie Viddie on a movie screen in their large conference room for groups of associates.

From Marcos & Claire, Latin America
       We have been asking people who are interested in our Work if they could please give us a list of phone numbers & addresses of friends that they think would be interested in purchasing our Videos & Tapes, & we have been surprised to see how much fruit this has been bearing. Out of the first EIGHT people that we visited through this type of referral, FIVE bought Videos & SIX bought Tapes! TYJ! People that would normally be quite cold & reserved would spend an hour chatting with us, listening to the Tapes & watching the Video on their own VCRs. Most of the people we've met under such circumstances (by referral) are also interested in continuing to purchase more Videos & Tapes in the future.
       Also, most of these same people took the initiative to offer us the names & phone numbers of some of THEIR friends with their recommendation that we offer them our materials. It's been so encouraging to see the warm reception we've received through this more underground way of witnessing, & we've seen a real fulfillment of Dad's vision of "Inside, Out of Sight!" as more & more we've found ourselves arranging APPOINTMENTS the night before going out, & going to specific places & people, RATHER THAN WANDERING AROUND ON THE STREETS. PTL!

KVs Are Terrific English-Teaching Tools!

From Peter, SEA
       When phone provisioning, one lady said, "I would like to have a couple more Videos for my children. They are 1-1/2 & 3 years old, & after just a short time watching the Videos together they are able to sing the songs all by themselves in English! Your Videos are fantastic!" We visited her & she gave double the regular price for two more Videos. PTL!
       One lady shared about how her neighbour had problems getting her children interested in learning English. She had tried many ways, including System English-teaching videos. So this lady loaned her friend a couple of the Kiddie Viddies, which they kept for quite some time. Now her friend has her OWN full set of Kiddie Viddies & her children are EXCITED about learning English. Kiddie Viddies brought real life & meaning to learning English in a natural way & caused the children to want to learn. TYJ!

From Claire, Daniel & Joy, Pacific
       Mr. H, a close friend, asked Stevie to please bring him another Kiddie Viddie #1 because his daughter has watched her copy so often it is LITERALLY GETTING WORN OUT! His daughter, who previously spoke no English, is now speaking to her father in English from what she has learned on the Video.

From Chely, Pacific
       We followed up on a couple who had purchased a Kiddie Viddie, & they testified to the good influence that it had on their children, saying that the kids were watching it daily before & after school. They also said it had motivated their 15-year-old to want to learn English & he was even asking his mother to speak to him in English now. They were so grateful!

"Christmas Joy"--A Tremendous Witness!

From Peter, Christina & Celeste, SEA
       Kiddie Viddie #3 was on the TV circuit of most of the five star hotels in one of the most famous resorts of our country. In the largest hotel they played it every day throughout the Christmas Season. Also the largest department store in our town set up a large TV & played the Video in the local language right at the entrance of their store. Many were stopping to watch it. All throughout the store you could hear our Christmas Tapes in English being played.

From Mexico Teen Bus Team
       On Christmas Eve a five-star hotel at the border played the Christmas Video throughout the 800 rooms of the hotel & in the lobby! PTL!

Video Distribution Stats Soaring!

From Pancho & Susy, Latin America
       We have distributed 400 Videos this month, which is an absolute miracle! We are very inspired & thankful to the Lord & our dear Family!

From Jeremiah & Rachel Meekness, Lat. America
       The Lord did a big miracle & helped us pass out 260 Videos this month! This was an average of 15 Videos out a day, since we usually witness for less than 20 days a month because of travels, mail ministry, etc.

From Jimmy, Dulce & Andy, Pacific
       The Christmas push was very exciting where we almost tripled our Video output to 251 Videos!

From Jesse, Pacific
       We had an 800% increase in our Video output with a total of 348 Videos out this month!


Home Showings Better than Quick Sales!

From Joshua & Faithy New Life, Lat. America
       Visiting people at work & making an appointment to show them the Videos at home has worked better than "quick sales". Also, we offer a discount for people who want two Videos, or make it easy to pay (payments). The COLLECTION OF VIDEOS goes out better than the individual Videos.

Follow-Up, Prayer & Unity!

From Tabita F, Lat. America
       What has borne the most fruit for us with the Videos has been doing FOLLOW-UP, visiting people we have written or people who previously bought Tapes. (It's a blessing to have a card on them with the date you met them or last visited them & what material they received!) We had friends who wanted to help us, so they bought two or three Videos even though they don't have video players. They then gave them to grandchildren, nephews & nieces, friends, etc. One good idea is to offer a COLLECTION of Videos for a DISCOUNT!
       Two things in our Home that helped greatly with our Video push were: 1) A lot of prayer to come up with a plan that works! 2) Lots of unity, everyone praying & giving suggestions or encouragement. This gives you the feeling that the whole Home is supporting the Video Attack!

Leave the Videos Overnight

From Claire & Marcos, Lat. America
       It's been a victory to see the good fruits borne by leaving people the Videos overnight or one or two days so they can see them & get an idea if they like them. Of all the Videos we left with prospective buyers this month, only four were returned, because almost everybody who has the opportunity to sit down & watch them ends up really liking them. Originally we had our doubts about doing this, worrying that the Videos would get mistreated or that people would just watch them a few times, & then return them, without buying them. But actually we discovered that if we use discernment about WHO we leave them with, usually the people who take the time to SEE them, always want to KEEP them! TTL!

Using Credit Cards

From Aaron & Maria, Latin America
       It's been a real help for our Video Ministry to be able to receive credit card payments. A friend of ours helped us to be able to use this method of payment as she is affiliated with this system. She addresses the credits to her account & delivers the cash to us! GBH!

Present the Videos on Payday!
From Rain, Rejoice & Andrew, India Area

       We went to a school to present Kiddie Viddie, & we were referred to a lady who is in charge of 10 schools & who has a lending library to service the schools. She wanted five copies of the first tape. Perhaps similar libraries are to be found in other big cities.
       While going OTO, one man offered to gather his staff on payday so we could present the Video to them right there in the office.

Packs of Four or Five!

From Jeremiah & Rachel, Latin America
       We are selling the Videos in packages of four or five. We try to give people the impression that we try not to sell only one Video so as not to break the set. (We DO break the sets, of course, if they really insist on it.) People are used to buying things like this in sets, & we have found IT WORKS! This month we passed out 250 Videos, thanks to the VIDEO PACKS!--And the LORD, of course!

Prayer & Setting a Goal Doubled Stats!

From Maggie & Johnny, SEA
       We doubled our Video distribution this month by first setting a goal & then having desperate prayer with our outreach teams. Every day we just had to have "expectant faith" & we went out the door with 10-15 Videos in our bag. Then we consistently presented the whole collection of Videos to everyone we met. This inspired people to at least take one, & to ask us to come back so they could get more. The Lord really blessed the fact that we had a GOAL for the day & that we were carrying all these Videos around by faith, & even if we didn't quite reach the goal, we always still had a good day. We were still short of the goal at the end of the month, so we went out with 18 Videos in our bag & got out 17! That day we had to come back early, but the Lord still did it & a sweet Buddhist man took a whole collection of five!--And we went over the top! PTL!

Make Appointments!

From David, Sarah & Mary, Pacific
       We have found some people do not want a KV at the time, but they ask us to come back! So we ask, "When is the best time?" If we try to establish a specific time & treat it like an APPOINTMENT, often they would get a KV at our next meeting.

Suggested Presentations Really Work!

From Iris Phoenix, Latin America
       If you're in a situation where you can't show the Video to the person you're witnessing to, it helps to put on the Tape & give them the words from the Video to follow along. We've been using some of the suggested presentations of Kiddie Viddie from FSM #146, & they've helped so much & REALLY WORK!

Selling by Phone, Mail & Money Order!

From Juan & Teamwork, Europe
       We are in the early stages of pioneering the distribution of Videos by phone. We have found out that most video libraries (not video shops) are very interested in children's productions, as they realise the lack of good material in the market. The way we have done it so far is that we call the places, explain about the Videos, & we offer to send them one with a letter of explanation. We also send a money order form with it, which is very widely used in this country for any type of payments. We tell them that they can TRY the Video, & if they don't like it they are free to return it to us. If they do like it, they just pay through the bank, using the money order form.
       We thought of doing it this way, because it does not put the initial pressure of having to pay for something unknown, & we are positive that they will not be able to refuse these precious tools once they see them. Also it is a tremendous time saver, saving on transport & personnel.
       Thus far we have found people very open & receptive to this method, & we have the faith that it will be a tremendous explosion, as these are people who are very potential to FOLLOW-UP with more materials as they come out.

Time Payments & Taking Orders!

From Andrew, Michael & Crystal, N. America
       A method I've used to get out Videos when people say they can't afford them has been to offer the Videos for $10 DOWN & $10 THE NEXT WEEK. I just have THEM write down their name & address in my notebook & that they owe me $10. Then I go back the next week & collect.
       I also TAKE ORDERS if they say that they'll take it at a future date. I fix a definite date & try to go back on that day, & they usually take the Videos.

Send Letters Ahead of Road Teams

From Ben & Mary Heart, India Area
       We're learning some good tips from going on road trips. We recently made our fifth road trip to a neighbouring province where we have many people to follow up on from the previous trips. Before leaving, we typed up a short letter which included some quotes about the Videos. In the letter we also thanked them for their help during our last trip & we let them know we would contact them to see if they would be interested in the Kiddie Viddies. We sent out about 60 letters. We spent 12 days in this province & DISTRIBUTED 50 VIDEOS, ALL OF WHICH WERE THE RESULT OF THE LETTERS WHICH WE HAD SENT! PTL! Sending the letter made it easy, because when we called we referred to the letter, & they gave an immediate answer which saved us lots of time!
       Another way we found very successful was the suggestion of referrals. From one referral alone we were able to distribute 16 Videos! During the whole road trip we were kept busy visiting people we had written to & following up on referrals.

General Manager Holds KV Party

From James (Bani), India Area
       We went to the office of a sugar refinery & by a miracle we met the General Manager, & he was very excited about the Kiddie Viddies. He suggested to us that he could hold a KIDDIE VIDDIE PARTY AT HIS HOUSE so that we could present the Videos to some of his family members. He & his family immediately ordered two sets & then they ordered another five sets of Kiddie Viddies 1-4, a total of 24 Videos! He wants to give these sets to orphanages, hospitals & other institutions that he supports. He's given us a lot of referrals to his friends, & after we meet all of these people he will give us a list of referrals to financial institutions.
       (Editor's note: Salesmen for Avon or Tupperware products usually give the person who hosts the Avon or Tupperware party a free gift. In our case, we might want to offer a free Video to the person who has the Kiddie Viddie Party as a "reward" for the time & trouble he goes to in preparing & hosting the party.)

Going AOD--Any Open Door!

From Gioia, Titus & Mary, Pacific
       One afternoon one team, Japanese Zipporah & her partner, went out & wound up getting LOST on their way to the spot they had planned to go witnessing. Like it says in "Shiners?--Or Shamers!", one really big asset is to WITNESS AS YOU GO & not just wait until you reach your destination. (I think Micah Baker has termed this witnessing method AOD--Any Open Door.)
       Anyway, before reaching their planned witnessing spot, our team met a couple of sweet folks in two different offices & got out seven Videos in only 15 minutes! This all happened while they were waiting for a ride. When this team reached their location they got out another 14 Videos in the next few hours & then went home. In the evening they went out night singing (this time with Japanese Angel) & got out 10 Videos in an hour & a half, so they came home with a day's total of 31 VIDEOS! TYL!

36 KVs in One Day--By Phone!

From Luke, Michael & Teamwork, Europe
       It was a victory to get on the phone & get the Videos out, first to my supporters, then to provisioning contacts, & then to hotels, restaurants, old folks' homes, children's wards of hospitals etc. There is such a vacuum for the Kiddie Viddies! I told them that the donations are for a missionary work, so they want to send good donations! I hardly had any refusals from the old folks' homes, as the managers were starving for new material. One day I got out 36 Kiddie Viddies by phone! TYJ!
       By God's grace, we mailed out every day's orders the next morning & even sent some express, if people wanted it the next day. We also sent along a brochure & a newsletter & a Christmas card with them.

Hospitals Are Receptive to KVs

From Tim & Patience, SEA
       Hospitals have proven fruitful as there is a big need here amongst hospitalised kids, some of whom are terminally ill. One of our friends told us that when her friend's six-year-old son got hit by a car, she took one of the Kiddie Viddies to him to watch while he was recovering, & when he came home he was CHANGED! So one of our goals is to get the Videos into as many hospitals as possible.

Kings Sponsor KVs for Orphanages

From Gioia, Titus & Mary, Pacific
       Another thing that has been a tremendous blessing has been following up contacts, friends, kings & supporters & asking them to sponsor Videos for the local orphanages. Angel worked on this & it resulted in 70 OR 80 VIDEOS GETTING OUT THROUGH JUST A FEW PHONE CALLS & FOLLOW-UP VISITS! TYJ!

Two-Wheeled Carts Carry the Load!

From Mary, Gideon & Joan, Pacific
       We started to use small, two-wheeled luggage carriers or shopping carts for Video teams to carry their Videos. Even girl teams can take a lot of Videos that way.

KV Party at Our Home!

From Pedro & Maria, Lat. America
       At the beginning of December, we held a Kiddie Viddie Party at our Home in order to encourage our friends to help us promote the Videos. We invited all our friends who had bought Videos. We decorated our performing stage (the garage) with a beautiful rainbow made of colourful electric tubes. The School organised children's groups who sang & performed some of the songs that appear on the Videos. We also showed the "Change the World" slide show. We gave each person a bag with flyers so they could help promote the Videos.
       We received 23 visitors who gave us their personal opinion on how wonderful they thought our Videos are & about the positive effect they are having on their children! One of our friends, Sergio, told us, "My 3-year-old daughter loves the Kiddie Viddies! They are the ONLY Videos she watches now! This meeting has encouraged me a lot because I've seen your sample, & you've given me the vision to change my part of the        World & to feel useful by helping to promote this material!"
       Adriana, another friend, said, "I felt so happy that I was moved to tears! The children's performance really touched my heart! They made me see the most beautiful things! I have no words to express the deep happiness I feel. After this meeting, I feel I have a great responsibility. I think it's important that those who were unable to attend the meeting read the Video flyers!" PTL!

Videos at Women's Clubs!

       (Editor's note: We recently received a very good suggestion from Maria about another possible avenue for Video distribution. She said, "We could suggest that people get Videos out at women's clubs, because there are literally thousands of women's clubs that are normally made up of upper-middle class & wealthy women who don't have much else to do.--There are all kinds of clubs: Service clubs, philanthropic clubs, work-related clubs, church clubs, many many kinds of women's clubs. And women who have money & don't have much to do probably would appreciate some variety in their club meetings. They are also the ones who have the children or the grandchildren & who are concerned about their kids. It seems these clubs would be a wonderful place to be able to show your Video & thereafter take orders or sell them right there on the spot." PTL!)


From Zichri & Ana, Lat. America
       We are so thankful for the Video flyers! We have found them to be a real tool in selling the Videos. Many times when we found the way blocked by a secretary or other employees, we would pull out this fabulous flier & that WOULD OPEN THE DOOR TO SEE THE BOSS! When the witnessers couldn't speak much Spanish, these flyers really broke the ice & won many hearts!

From Joseph & Iris Phoenix, Lat. America
       We have an open door to put up a stand of Videos in a shopping center that is part of a huge apartment complex in an area of town where very rich people live, 50% of whom are foreigners. We can even SEND A MAILING FIRST WITH OUR FLYERS TO THE 800 APARTMENTS there.

From Mary & Sara, SEA
       We've found the Kiddie Viddie flyers to be very helpful! We PHOTOCOPIED THEM ONTO COLOURFUL SHEETS, & as we meet our potential takers we make it a point to READ THE FLYER TO THEM, highlighting the statistics of crime rates etc., to emphasise the vital need of such Videos to combat the detrimental effects of TV. It's so true, when you paint the System as black as it really is, many people are almost compelled to GRAB whatever alternative you have to offer--& they DO! PTL!

From Meekness, Latin America
       The Kiddie Viddie flyer has a quote which says children today watch about 28 hours of TV per week. We have been using this line as an introduction for our Videos & found it to be a fruitful & powerful attention-getter. However, we were very interested to find out that children here may watch even MORE TV than the stat in the flyer quoted. One child told us she watched about FIVE HOURS OF TV & VIDEOS A DAY, which is 35 hours a week! No wonder there is such a need for our priceless educational Kiddie Viddies!

From Esther Smiles, North America
       We met the PR man at the Boy Scouts office who really enjoyed the Kiddie Viddies! He took 200 of our flyers to give to the local troop masters!

From Tracy & Joan, Lat. America
       On this Christmas push, we found the Video flyers to be a real good tool to catch the public's interest & "whet their appetite". Lots of PEOPLE WHO TOOK A FLYER READ IT, THEN CAME BACK & ACTUALLY BOUGHT A VIDEO! Perhaps for street witnessing it could also be very useful to add the address or even better, a GP telephone number.
       (Editor's note: Please be sure to include an address &/or phone number on all flyers or other lit you distribute so the hungry sheep can contact you!)


From Marcos & Blanca, Lat. America
       We visited THE MAYOR OF A NEIGHBOURING CITY, & he bought a collection of eight Tapes & one Video. His secretary also bought a collection. On our second visit he was already waiting for us & told us that this was the best children's material he had ever seen. His children of two & seven years old had watched the Video 100 times. He said that the two-year-old is always asking, "Tape, tape!"

From David Loving, India Area
       One couple had super wild & unruly twins about six years old. While we were trying to talk to their mother, they kept running circles around her, playing football right in the living room, jumping on the furniture etc. So we put on the Video & these kids, who had been running wild, stopped & became glued to the TV & barely even moved! She said, "This is just what my kids need! If you have any more of these Videos coming out, I'll take them!"

From Joy Heavenly, Latin America
       A PSYCHOLOGIST said, "This material is great for my patients! I want more of these Videos to sell & give to them! What I'm doing isn't enough & I need something else. These Videos will help my patients a lot."

From Steve & Sarah, India Area
       We met one SCHOOL PRINCIPAL who took Kiddie Viddie #1. We met him later while hitchhiking & he said that now when his kids don't obey he just starts singing "Do It Now!" & they obey instantly! He told us that his wife runs a Montessori school & she thinks the Videos are wonderful tools for teaching kids!--She wants the entire set!

From Stephen & Ben, India Area
       A LAWYER said, "I wanted to find out why my daughter liked your Video so much, so I watched it with her. What an experience! You just feel the happiness coming out of the TV & filling you up!"
       A HOTEL OWNER commented, "My son just keeps watching your Video! To say that he `likes' it is to put it TOO MILDLY!"
       From THE PRINCIPAL OF A MONTESSORI SCHOOL: "I never wanted to buy a video for my school because I thought there were no good videos available on the market. But yours are SO IRRESISTIBLE that I've taken BOTH of them!"

From Joshua & Faithy New Life, Lat. America
       Reaction from a friend about the Videos: "I would like to give my appreciation for how the Kiddie Viddies have helped my children to acquire good habits & learn lessons of life. The messages of the Videos are so rich & catch the children's attention. They are also of high quality. I also have a child who is one year old, & when he is crying, I just put on the Video & he calms down & really concentrates on the television.
       "I want to congratulate you for your wonderful Work & hope you continue such a dignified Work. I'm sure God will recompense you for giving such messages of love & peace to Mankind, & for teaching in such an attractive way the teachings of the Bible which we need so much these days."

From David & Alma Fiel, Lat. America
       One hospital is showing the KV to the nurses because the DIRECTOR OF THE HOSPITAL said, "I saw so much tenderness, sweetness & real enthusiasm in the Videos, that I thought the nurses could learn from it concerning their handling of children & people." The three managers of the hospital each have the series of three Kiddie Viddies & they keep asking if we have new ones.

From Joseph & Iris Phoenix, Lat. America
       One man bought a Video & said he was just doing so to help our Work. He was sure that his son would only watch it ONE time & then put it aside. When we went back to visit him, he said that his ten-year-old son just loved it & in one day watched it 10 times!

From Kelita & Simon, Pacific
       In a clothing factory a man grabbed ahold of us & asked excitedly, "Are you Kiddie Viddie?" He immediately asked for a full set of Videos, & when we explained that our price is now a little higher he exclaimed, "It doesn't matter! My three-year-old daughter copies EVERYTHING she sees in the Video, & she wants to be a Kiddie Viddie star!"

From Maggie, SEA
       Coming home on the bus one day we overheard two men behind us who were talking about the Videos. One was telling the other, "These two foreigners came into my shop & had these beautiful Videos! They're about God, but they're SO GOOD! It's Christian, but it's REALLY good!" It was so inspiring to hear this!

From Pedro & Madalena, Lat. America
       A DIRECTOR OF A SCHOOL, when seeing a Kiddie Viddie, asked the opinion of the COORDINATOR, who replied with enthusiasm that she already knew of the Video as it was shown in a university course for teachers of pre-school children in the capital of the State! It was so inspiring to see the far-reaching effect of our Videos!

From Johnny & Maggie, SEA
       We went to follow-up on a lady who is the BANQUET MANAGER in one of the nicer hotels. She had received a Kiddie Viddie before. As we were coming into her office she excitedly exclaimed, "Oh, my husband & I have been trying to get ahold of you for several days, but we couldn't find you! Do you have any more of those Videos?" She went on to explain how much her children had enjoyed them, & even though they're too young to talk much, they come & tap her on the leg & point to the Video for her to put it on. The daddy had even gone out & bought a System video for the kids as they couldn't find us to get more Kiddie Viddies, but the children didn't want to watch the System video, they only wanted the Kiddie Viddie! She immediately bought the whole set! PTL!

From Simon, North America
       This month we went to one Catholic school to see if they would like the Videos. The Sister in charge liked the Videos so much that she suggested we meet the DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION FOR THE CATHOLIC DIOCESE of the city. He also was very impressed & took a set of Videos for the library, which many of the schools use, & was happy to suggest some other schools to go to.

From Jeremias & Joy Boanerges, Lat. America
       We met a lady in a hotel where we were staying who already knew about our Work with the Videos. She told us she was the DIRECTOR OF A SCHOOL which had gotten the Videos & had put them in the curriculum of the school. She said, "The Kiddie Viddies have enriched the environment of the whole school!"

From Megiddo & Peace, North America
       We met a woman who had previously been the principal of an elementary school & who has recently been promoted to the DEPT. OF EDUCATION. We talked with her about our missionary work & showed her a Kiddie Viddie & she got one for her grandchildren. We followed up two weeks later with a phone call asking her how she liked the Kiddie Viddie, & she went on & on about how wonderful it is & asked us to return so she could get another one. She ended up getting two more Videos & said she would recommend them to others.
       We took the opportunity to ask her for a recommendation, & she wrote: "I have never felt that any program could surpass `Sesame Street', but I was wrong. These Videos are the most wholesome & positive Videos for young children that I have ever watched. Seeing the response from my grandchildren is overwhelming. They are a MUST for all children!"--Dr. J.J., Educator.


From Ezequiel & Rebecca Mensageiro, Latin America
       A lady who had gotten Kiddie Viddie #1 told us her five-year-old daughter was SO changed by the Video. One day she woke up & saw that the whole house was clean, & her daughter said, "I did it like the girl in the Kiddie Viddie, didn't I, Mama?" She said that before her daughter didn't like to help with anything!

From Juan & Samara, Latin America
       During a faith trip, we met a family who had gotten a Kiddie Viddie & commented that THEIR MOST UNRULY CHILD after watching it was so impressed with the sample it showed that he COMPLETELY CHANGED, & now he is the best sample of all the children, even reminding the others to behave right!

From Paul & Jenny, Latin America
       We were really impressed to see the change in the sons of a friend of ours. They used to be naughty & restless. But now, thanks to the Videos & the Tapes, they are much more relaxed & helpful! We were amazed to hear them call us "Aunty" & "Uncle", & the older one came up to me one evening & told me, "When I grow up, I want to tell people about the Bible & Jesus as you do!" TYJ!

From Samuel & Crystal Apocalypse, Latin America
       One of our teams met a lady who had purchased one of our Videos for her 12-year-old son. The boy was really violent & a karate addict, & when she gave him the Video he said he didn't want to watch it. But time passed & one day as the family was getting together for lunch, the boy ran ahead of his mother & pulled her chair out for her to sit down. She was shocked at such a sweet & kind attitude from him. At the same time he smiled & said, "Good manners, Mom!", & proceeded to tell her that he had learned it from the Video she had bought for him.

From Mathias & Marisa, Latin America
       A mother told us that before Kiddie Viddie, her son didn't keep his room neat & didn't have good hygiene habits, & everything was a real mess. Now after he has repeatedly watched the Kiddie Viddies, she had this comment: "Look at his teeth, how white & clean they are! My child has changed, he now leaves his room neat & doesn't forget to tell everyone he is a `happy helper'!"

From Tim & Patience, SEA
       One of our DF contacts said that although his son was not so interested in the Kiddie Viddies at first, having a perverted appetite for violent videos, they continued to put them on for him, & now he really likes them & has calmed down considerably & is really changing. PTL!

From Matthew & Joelita, Latin America
       A contact of ours bought the collection of Kiddie Viddies for his children & told us how impressive the change was which had taken place in his daughter.--Before, whenever they asked her to help them with something, she always said she was tired. Now she is always ready to help & obey! He told how he is learning to better educate his children through the Videos.

From Pedro & Madalena, Lat. America
       We went to visit a school where the director had gotten the Videos & decorated the school with our Posters. She said she was surprised at the good effect the Videos had on the children. She went on to tell us that they had a child in their school who was very nervous & had problems with constant vomiting. But one day, this child arrived home so calm & was asking her mother how she could help her. The mother came to the school to find out WHAT had caused the change in her daughter & she learned it was because of the Kiddie Viddies! PTL!
       We met a woman whose sister had gotten a Kiddie Viddie. She said that the children of her sister were SO TERRIBLE that in a meeting of the tenants of the apartment building where she lived, it was suggested that she move elsewhere because her kids were absolutely uncontrollable. But after watching the Video, they really changed for the better & are now very well behaved. The mother wanted the whole collection!

From Jared & Hannah, Latin America
       A bank employee is very thankful for the Kiddie Viddies as they are really changing his little boy's life! He told us that his son (his only child) was extremely wild & naughty. Both he & his wife work, so they're out of the house all day. The boy is under the care of a maid who would report to them that he would constantly bother her, pull her hair, throw water at her, & even throw knives at her back in an attempt to imitate what he'd see on TV! Upon seeing our Videos, he calmed down & actually watched them, a very unusual reaction for him! Finally, he said, "Daddy, I shouldn't throw water at the maid anymore, or be nasty to her, should I? That's not right, is it?" Of course this grateful father recommended our Videos to his friends as the very best material for their children! PTL!

--800 Videos Distributed & 25 Performances for 10,000 People!
By Freya & Mercy, Pacific

       The Lord did some wonderful miracles to get out the Videos during the exciting Christmas season! Well over 800 Videos were distributed by our Home during the season, the bulk of which were distributed by our night singers, (Phillip [EDITED: "Brother Sun"], Johnny, Abe, Tommy, Tabitha & Pete Taiwan) "The Smiles Band", PTL!
       He bountifully blessed the desperate prayers & teamwork of these frontline night singers! Night after night, they plugged on with a "do or die" conviction about getting the Videos to the hungry sheep. What the Lord did through them during the Christmas season is really a testimony to the power of desperate prayer & real stick-to-it-iveness! They would start their evening of singing with desperate prayer, quoting Scriptures & claiming the land, & then off they would go. One key to their successful night singing was having the willingness to KEEP ON GOING UNTIL THE DOORS OPEN.--Because when they do finally open, it makes all the hard work worthwhile!
       As Phillip reports: "The section of town where we are going club-to-club has 8,000 clubs! We start about 9:30 p.m. & finish up around 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. It's hard work, mainly because there are many rejections, as sometimes 85% of the clubs we approach say, `No!' But it's THRILLING when a club finally lets us in to sing & the people usually really like our live songs. We sell the Videos after singing in the club. Recently the Lord helped us to get out 14 Videos in one night & we received almost $800 in donations! TYJ!"
       One of the people who was touched by their sample was a precious "Godfather" type Mafia man. He helped with an extremely generous donation that evening & requested that "The Smiles Band" come & sing at his Christmas party. We were able to sing for him, his family & his entourage, & it was a real special time as these "sinners" were touched by the true meaning of Christmas. They all got Videos, & the host helped with another very generous donation for our Work.
       One night while out singing, "The Smiles Band" went to a club called "Frankie's". It was a beautiful experience & one man in particular, Mr. K, was really turned on & received a Video. A few days later he called the singers & asked them to sing at his company party. They all welcomed the singers with open arms & really cheered them on & encouraged them! The president of the company whose party it was, was so impressed that he invited the singers to his private Christmas party at his home. There they were able to meet some very top, influential people whom they had good contact with. They also received the Videos warmly & the company president gave another very generous gift! It was a wonderful evening & a real encouragement to the singers to have an "inside" job after all their hoofing around in the cold while going club-to-club night after night!
Not only our adult singers, "The Smiles Band", but also our children's show groups, "Heavenly Singers" & "Happy Angels" & the "Happy Children Singers", really shone for Jesus during the Christmas Season. So many doors opened that we had to have THREE children's singing groups. Our dear children's show producer, Johnny, discovered all kinds of talent & almost all the children in the School were involved in the three children's singing groups that we had for Christmas. PTL!
       In total we performed 25 shows to over 10,000 people. Both "The Smiles Band" & "The Heavenly Singers" were able to perform at the most exclusive department stores & hotels in the area. One of the shows was in a very high-class department store which had a dinner show for their wealthiest customers, who are some of the richest people in the area. They warmly received the band & their music & 58 Videos were distributed at this show. TYJ!
       When it was not possible to distribute the Videos, on top of the very high payment we were already receiving for the shows, the hotel or department store gave a generous gift to cover the cost of Videos which we later gave to orphanages that couldn't afford to buy them.Another thing that was very encouraging about these shows was that the MC of the show would often give a tremendous testimony about our Work, the Videos & the real meaning of Christmas.
       The Video Ministry has been a tremendous source of financial income & many, many lives have been touched by the warmth & love of our singers' samples as they obeyed the Video Vision. It has made us all very grateful to Dad & Mama & to the brethren involved in the Video Ministry for giving us these tremendous, heart-changing tools to work with! TYJ! (AMEN!--D.)

Copyright 1996 The Family