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Family Specials Magazine
Summit '93:
FSM  232 (FN 341) DO
Copyright  Feb., 1993, by Family Services, Zurich, Switzerland
Glories of the Future!
The Glittering Sword of the Lord! (Deu.32:41)
       Glories of the Future!

       The Lord's Encouragement about Persecution!

       In one of the first meetings of the recent Summit '93, the worldwide leadership prayed for victory in our various court battles, media attacks & over the onslaughts of the Enemy; for the strength & anointing of those in the midst of these battles; as well as for the friends, lawyers & journalists who are standing up on our behalf.
       After prayer, they asked the Lord to speak, to see if He had anything to say to us about persecution. Following are the prophecies, visions & messages received:
       As the Apostles of old, I have called you aside that ye might find rest in Me, that ye might come unto Me & be nourished & strengthened at this time. For, yea, has it not been promised that through much tribulation ye shall enter into the Kingdom of God? But ye shall be strengthened & the peace that I give unto you shall be great, far beyond your comprehension.
       For is peace not greater that is given in the midst of storm than peace at time of rest? Yea, ye shall go through the eye of the hurricane. Ye  shall see many stormy times, but the peace that I have promised shall be with you at all times.
       I have drawn you aside to speak unto you, to comfort your hearts, that ye might be strengthened at this time, that ye might go forth & strengthen others. For is not the Enemy's greatest tool in fear, in sorrow, in despair about the future? But yea, My promises that I have given unto you are as bright as the future that I have laid before you!
       Therefore set your affection on things above, not on the things that be about you! Look beyond & above & find comfort & likewise comfort others. They too shall be strengthened & shall have strength for the battles that lie ahead.
       For I have promised that ye shall have battles, but ye shall also have peace & the strength to withstand these, for greater is He that is in you than he that is in the World. And the strength & the power that I shall give you shall far surpass anything that ye could conceive.
       For yea, ye shall not fight a defensive warfare, for ye shall be offensive, & ye shall be an offense to the World! For this World is not of Me. Ye shall speak against it, ye shall bear testimony, not only before magistrates, but before kings, & before nations.
       For have I not called you like the Prophets of old for this destiny, for this future? Think back to your early days when ye did stand in sackcloth & ashes before the nations. Yea, I shall likewise do it again. It shall be known worldwide, that the prophets of this age have come & your message shall ring abroad.
       For these are the Last Days & ye are the prophets that I have spoken of, that I have chosen for this last generation. For who shall stand in the gap before Me? Who shall speak the Words of this life? Yea, when I return there shall be many that shall say unto Me, "Lord, Lord, have we not done things in Thy Name? Have we not spoken Thy Name?" And I will say unto them, "Have ye warned the nations? Have ye warned them of their iniquity? Or will their blood be upon your hands?"
       Ye are sons of men that I have chosen to be watchmen unto this generation, therefore, give them warning from Me! For ye have been called, & thus ye have been chosen. Ye must go forth & say that I have sent you, & I shall anoint you!
       When I shall come with My holy Angels, there shall be great rejoicing! For ye have stood bravely & proudly & have defended My Words & My Prophet & this Family, & ye shall have great reward! Yea, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into any of your hearts the things that I have prepared for them that love Me.
       For ye shall have tribulation in this World, but forget not the great reward ye shall have also. For ye cannot conceive what I have in store for you--the blessings, the love for all Eternity that I wish to bestow upon you.
       Worry not! Fret not about this time that is before you! For it is a short time, a teaspoon from the ocean of My Love & of My Future. Take heart & encourage one another, strengthen one another & exhort one another while it is yet day, that ye might strengthen your hearts & strengthen your flocks, that they may be able to withstand the wolves.
       Beware of them that are wolves in sheep's clothing who would enter into the flock. I have warned you of these things, that after My departing should grievous wolves enter in, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, which they have done, which ye have seen with your eyes.
       I say, be ye strong! Look to Me! For your faith may seem small in your eyes, but it is great in Mine! For without faith it is impossible to please Me, but ye have pleased Me. Therefore let your faith abide. Look to Me, trust in Me & ye shall never be ashamed!
       For I am sending you forth as an ensign to the World, to raise the standard of David, the torch & the lamp of the Word that I have given unto him.
       For many shall rise up against thee, but know that I am with thee. I will lead thee & guide thee in the way which thou shalt go. I shall keep thee in all thy ways, because thou hast acknowledged Me. For as thou standest by Me in prayer, I will stand by thee. And as thy good Shepherd, I will go before thee & I will open the paths before thee. I will part the Red Sea before thee & thine enemies shall not be able to gainsay nor resist all the wisdom that I shall give unto thee.
       For I am raising thee up. Say not, `I am but a child', but know that My Spirit within thee shall be a power unto the World that none have ever seen before, nor shall they be able to fight against it.
       But know the peace that I have given unto you; My peace have I given unto you. Rest in Me! Let your faith be strengthened day by day with the Word that I give unto you, the Words of David, which shall be that continuing light unto your path & the ensign for the World to see.
       Know that I have chosen you! I have brought you unto this day & for this purpose. Keep your hearts with all diligence; let not the lies of the Enemy affect you, but stay close to My Word & it shall be your strong tower. It shall be for your protection; the hedge that I shall encamp about you will keep you.
       Fear not, little flock, for it is My good pleasure to give you the Kingdom, & the Kingdom is at hand! The End is not yet, but in a short space I can do many miracles. My Word shall be your lamp unto the World, that they will see & know that a Prophet hath been among them. Stand strong!
       Kings of armies did flee apace! The Lord hath sent forth His servants to set ambushments against His enemies. He hath gone forth as a strong Man. He shall do valiantly! He shall be a Man of war! As David of old was a man of war, so shall ye be men of war, for ye are My mighty men, David's mighty men of this Last Time!
       Therefore I have called you for this hour, that ye might take your swords & your shields & go forth to do battle! For I shall be with you & I shall go before you & I shall empower you & ye shall wound the scalp of his hairy head & ye shall defeat the Evil One!
       I shall reveal unto you the machinations of the Evil One, for yea, though he is powerful he is not omnipresent. Yea, though he is wise & crafty in his own deceit, he hath the wisdom of this World & not the wisdom of your God.
       Therefore lean not to your own wisdom. Lean not to the arm of your flesh. Ye must seek unto Me & My wisdom, for My thoughts are higher than your thoughts & My plans are more all encompassing than the plans of the Enemy.
       Yea, have I not the circle of the Earth beneath My feet? Can I not with but one glance of Mine eye see in every location each & every one of My precious Homes, My Family Members? Yea, have I not provided for Mine Own? Have I not Mine Own source of communication? Have I not Mine Own way of informing each & every one of you of the things that are to come?
       Stand not in awe at the devices of the Enemy! Be not taken aback by his organisation or his devious deeds! Fear not the depth of his wisdom! Be not afraid of the lies of those that have departed from you! I am greater than these! I have given unto you yet more knowledge & more wisdom!
       Have I not gone before you to prepare the way? Have I not revealed unto you the things that these have plotted against you? Am I not greater than these? These are but specks in Mine eyes! These are but spots upon your clean bodies! Yea, I shall wash them! I shall purge you of them & I shall take them out of your midst & I shall make you a purified nation, a clean nation!
       Thou shalt be My holy Bride, cleansed & purified, free of all disease, that thou mightest come unto Me, to lie in the bed of love with Me in that day when I call thee up to be with Me in Heavenly Places.
       Therefore, forsake not your crown, for this tribulation, these afflictions that come upon you are nothing in My sight! They are but a small thing, they are but a moment in time. Ye shall endure, your faith shall not fail! Ye shall be greatly rewarded!
       For these things have come upon you to purge you & to strengthen you. Have I not said in My Word that I shall purge My Church in the Last Days? Have ye not read that these shall come through Great Tribulation & shall have white robes? But ye must pass through this process that the whitening may take effect, that the purging may take effect, that the strengthening of your faith may come forth. It is the wisdom of your Father, that ye must pass through this valley.
       But the Enemy shall not exact his evil devices upon you, for I shall set an hedge about you. Yea, I shall protect you, for I am greater than the Evil One.        Therefore fear not, neither be ye dismayed. For I am your God & I am strong in the midst of you to do valiantly.
       Neglect not your time with Me, for this is where your strength lieth. For your strength is not in your armour, it is not in the strength of your own flesh, or in your own mind or your own wisdom or your own devices. Yea, but your strength lieth in Me.
       For this cause I have entrusted this wisdom & this knowledge unto you--for ye have not sought within your own selves for these things, but ye have sought of Me! Ye have not thought of yourselves more highly than ye should, but ye have esteemed yourselves the least of your brethren. Ye have humbled yourselves, ye have confessed your sins & your weaknesses. Ye have confessed unto Me your inability & your incapability to face this warfare.
       For this reason I shall be strong in you! For this purpose & for this cause I shall cause you to be mighty, for your strength lieth in the Spirit & not in your own flesh!
       Yea, these evil ones who plot against you are deceived! They have received the deception of the Evil One & they shall be consumed of their own selves! For I am a jealous God & I shall guard My sheep jealously! Ye are My precious ones & I shall not allow them to cause evil to come upon you! I have been most proud of you & your faith!
       Ye have not forsaken My Name in time of trouble. Have I not said, that he that shall be ashamed of Me & of My Words in this adulterous & evil generation, of him also shall I be ashamed when I come? But you, My little ones, My precious ones, My weak & My feeble, My sickly, ye are My cherished ones that I will raise up to everlasting glory!
       For ye think nothing of your own selves! For this cause I will also give you the heart of your father, who thinketh nothing of himself, but only seeketh to love & to seek & to save that which is lost. And he hath turned his heart toward Me, therefore, I will pass onto you the heart of your father. And ye shall be broken, & ye shall be humbled. Ye shall be desperate & ye shall have great need of Me.--But this is all planned to draw you unto Me.
       Forsake not the mercies of the Lord! Forsake not My forgiveness! Forsake not My tenderness toward you! For yea, all about you may be war & trouble, confusion & strife, hatred, but forsake not the love, the tenderness, the warmth that I have given unto you!
       My prayer is that you shall be one, as My Father & I are One. And that ye shall love one another & that ye shall draw close to one another, & in time of war & in time of trouble, ye shall count upon one another. And yea, ye shall give your own lives for your brethren. Ye shall count it a privilege to die for your Family and your loved ones!
       For these things have I spoken unto you, that when they come to pass, ye shall know that My Love was present among you. For I have called you unto these Last Days. I have purged your ranks. Therefore forsake not your crown which shall be given unto you.
       Fear not, for I am with you! Fear not the threats of the oppressor. For look at all those that threaten you & those that were amongst you, those that have called you "brethren".--Those who have detached themselves because of their pride, as Lucifer detached himself from Me. Yea, they act mighty & they speak mighty words, which cause My children to fear. But fear not! For they are nothing! They have nothing.
       Did the Family consist of them alone when they were with you? Was the Family hindered by their departure? Can ye not see that their gifts & talents & their very presence were only used for a time? As My Kingdom changed not because of the distance & departure of Lucifer, neither has this Family changed because of their departure. It has been lightened. It has caused a greater dependence on Me, & ye have come closer to Me,  through seeing the great & mighty gifts & talents of some falter & fail. It has caused My children to come closer to Me, & in this I am delighted!
       Therefore, fear not their threats & their big words, but be confident of this, that this is My plan! I have called you unto Me now, & I will now reveal to you the plan & the design that I have in this persecution. I would that ye could see the picture of My Bride coming over a hill, bright, filled with light & youth, as multitudes see her! There is a hope quickening in their heart!
       Canst thou hear the voice of the multitude of children who are in despair & disheartened & discouraged because they have no hope?--Because there is no faith & because there is no reason to live? For when they see thee come forth--My Bride whom I have chosen, revealing hope & life--they will see that there is a plan & that there is a Creator & that everything will be okay.
       Many have feared a plot by those that I have cursed, & they have believed their threats. For through the elders of Zion they have been caught in the grip of their machinations, & they could do nothing but obey & be enslaved by the plan of the Evil One. But when they see My Bride in all her beauty & brightness, they will know there is a greater plan. They will know that I have purposed to save & to love & to have mercy!
       Therefore, fear not to be squeezed out in the open that all may see the beauty that I have given you! Therefore, take pleasure in distresses, in necessities, in persecutions, & in reproaches, that My power may rest upon you!--And fear not! For they cannot touch you except I allow it! Therefore look unto Me & come close to Me, for the closer ye are to Me, the better ye can be protected!
       For ye do well, little children, in obeying My commandment to come boldly unto My throne of grace, that ye might find mercy & grace to help in your time of need. For it is not by your power, nor by your might, but by My Spirit that this battle will be won! I have gathered you together, brought you from many far battles, so that you might all gather together in My Name & plead with Me & cry unto Me, that I will show forth My power!--And I will show forth My might & I will destroy the Enemy! I will laugh at their calamities!
       Have I not said & will I not do it? Call unto Me & I will show you great & mighty things which ye know not! For how can ye do the Master's work without hearing from the Master?
       I have called you together, not only for the future plans, but also to uphold the King & Queen in your prayers, for they have great need of your prayers. They have great need of your support. For it is written that ye need to uphold Moses' arms in this battle which he is helping to lead against the Enemy.
       So during this time together, acknowledge Me & I will direct thy paths. Fear not, for I am with thee, yea, I will strengthen thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness. For as the smell of flowers, so is the smell of thy prayers unto the nostrils of thy Father.
       So pray! For it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
       As all these things begin to come to pass, lift up your eyes & rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh! For He that cometh shall come & shall not tarry. But ye shall be hated of all nations for My Name's sake, & then shall the End come. Ye shall be a torment unto all the nations! My prophets shall torment them that dwell upon the Earth, with the Words that I have given.
       Fear not the machinations of these, the robbers of your people, that exalt themselves to fulfil their vision, for they shall fall! For I see that their day is coming!
       Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is before you, as though some strange thing is happened unto you!--But rejoice, in that ye are partakers of My sufferings!--And when My glory shall be revealed, ye shall be glad with exceeding joy! When ye shall suffer persecution, then rejoice & be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in Heaven! In the World ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the World!
       Remember the Words that I gave through your early Prophetess [EDITED: "Grandmother, Dad's mother"]: "Turn your eyes toward Memphis, for out of it shall come the Great Confusion. It shall cause a mighty widening of the eyes of those who have not discerned the signs of the times."  But I have warned you, so be ye not deceived, be prepared! Remember this Message! Remember that it was in your foundations, My children, that ye should carry this Message with you!
       Have I not prepared you these many years? Is it not within you to stand up during these times & hold this Message forth bravely & boldly?  Fear not, for I have prepared you! Be not dismayed, for this Message is part of you & it shall spring forth & it shall be an ensign unto the nations & ye shall be not ashamed of it! Ye shall find that power within you. For it is what ye are called unto!
       Rejoice evermore with everlasting rejoicing! Rejoice evermore! For ye are Mine, & I will hold you to My bosom, & I even now hold you to My bosom!--Each one of you clustered together, jewelled together, how close you are held to Me! For this is truth--ye are Mine!
       Ye are not of the World! I have called you out of the World, & I have called you as babes out of the World. I have filled you, I have polished you, I have nurtured you, trained you, broken you, moulded you, reshaped you until now your eyes are upon Me & you are loving Me!--And I love you & you are Mine! Rejoice evermore! This no man can take from you!
       Ye are one with Me & My Father, as I prayed. I asked My Father for you, to give you to Me out of this World & to keep you from the evil. He answered My prayer & gave you unto Me & ye are Mine. I prayed for you! I prayed not for the World, but for you which My Father gave Me out of the World--that ye would keep My Word, & ye have kept it.
       It has grown in you & ye are now mighty. I gave you My Father's Words & ye have kept them. I gave them through My Servant David, in the beginning through My David & My Maria. And David & Maria live in every one of you! My Words live!
       He was as one crying in the wilderness for many years, crying in the wilderness. Ye are the ones who heard his voice & ye have kept My Words & kept his voice. It is burning in you! It has not died! It is strong!
       I have brought you to the Kingdom for this day! This is the beginning of the day for which I have nurtured you & have grown you. I will take these pearls & I will take these precious stones & I will take these beautiful colours & these precious lives that I hold dear to Myself & I will hurl them upon the World! I will throw them out where I want to throw them!
       And ye shall cause some to fall, & some of you shall fall yourselves.--And ye shall cause some to come to Me!--And ye shall also destroy & ye shall call down powers & fire from Heaven! These Words of David are real! They are living in your lives, as I have prayed.
       Rejoice! Rejoice forevermore! Rejoice in everlasting life! Rejoice, for My Words have accomplished My purpose! My purpose is accomplished! All that I prayed has been accomplished!
       Ye are set & ready, placed for the battle! Ye are Mine! I will not lose you, & ye will not lose Me! Ye will not lose the calling for which I have called you! I have placed you in My bow & I have placed you in My hands & ye will accomplish the purpose for all that has been poured into you, & for all that David has given his life for!
       For his life has become as a frail flame before Me & I hold My hands about it to protect it from the forces that would destroy it, for I know that ye have need of it. I know that ye have need of his life & his voice & his heart to be kept alive, & I keep the flame, for it is small & weak.--But not in you!--Because the Word is living in you!
       So set yourselves! Set yourselves in place, in yieldedness & in faith & in confidence, for all that I have brought you to & all that I have brought you through, & all that I have brought you to do. Ye shall do a mighty thing, a mighty thing! I shall rejoice beyond rejoicing when I bring you into My bosom & look upon your face.
       My Father has answered My prayer. I have kept you from the World. I would thank you for hanging on to Me & for how ye did not let go, for I love you & I will use you mightily, doing all that ye have been trained to do.
       For I know your hearts; I know how ye long to teach & train & nurture & care for those about you. But there is only time now to fight & to destroy the Enemy. For soon I will give into your hands all that ye cared for & all that ye care to nurture & train & bring into My Heavenly Kingdom!
       But now set yourselves for the battle, for I will hurl you forth! But yet ye are attached to Me. I will not let go of you!
       Behold, the day of your coronation draweth nigh!--The day of your honour, the day when I shall raise you up & lift you up & honour you before many! For as I have prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies, it is but a foreshadowing of the table that I have prepared for you in My Heavenly Kingdom, when we shall sit together & we shall rule together.
       We shall rejoice & sing the victory together! Ye shall kneel before Me & I will place upon your heads a crown of glory!--And all shall know that ye are My faithful ones, My brave warriors who followed Me through the fires of Tribulation, through great battles & risked your lives to set the captives free! I shall honour you before all the World & they shall know that ye are My faithful ones, My rulers of David, My kings & queens of honour, My faithful ones!
       And all the children of David shall follow with you & I shall honour them! I shall bless them & I shall take them into My bosom & hold them & cherish them & kiss away their hurts! They shall be raised up!--Even these weak ones, these little ones, they too shall be raised up & they shall be honoured & blessed in My Kingdom! They shall have a place of honour.--All of My children of David, those who follow closely, those who followed to the End!
       There are many battles yet to fight! There are many enemies yet to defeat! Therefore gird yourselves, prepare yourselves for the battle! Seek My face, that ye might find the strength that ye need. Take My Word into your breast & hold it ever so closely & do not let it go. Let it wash you & strengthen you & feed you. In My Word ye shall find all that you need!
       As a good Shepherd goes before his sheep, I have gone before you, to prepare the battle. I have gone before you to sicken the hearts of those your enemies, to weaken them, to fill them with fear when they hear the words of your testimonies. Your victories  will do this again! Therefore, stand back & see Me fight, for the battle is Mine, saith the Lord!
       The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Ye have done well to pray, because prayer is the most powerful weapon ye have! This warfare could not be won through carnal means. It is a spiritual war, so take on the whole armour of God & claim the Word in prayer! For ye are nothing, but My Spirit in you will make you strong! Ye have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power might be of God, & not of you.
       Stay close to Me & I will strengthen you! I will give you the answers that ye need & I will give you the direction ye need when ye need it! Think not that ye are anything; it is only Me & My Spirit in you that will help you to win the battle.
       Forget not to pray, for prayer is the most powerful weapon you have, to defeat all the forces of the Enemy. I came to destroy the works of the Devil, & through My Words & through prayer, ye can destroy the works of the Devil too! Stand strong in the power of My Word & in prayer!
       "Neither do men light a candle, & put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, & it giveth light unto all that are in the house. So let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, & glorify your Father which is in Heaven" (Mat.5:15,16).  The Lord has taken us out from under the bushel & put us on a special candlestick, & we should rejoice, because the World can see our good works!
       When the message was given about the candlestick, I had the inspiration to look in the Minor Prophets, & sure enough, there is something about a candlestick there: "And the Lord said unto me, What seest thou? & I said, I looked & beheld a candlestick all of gold & a bowl upon the top of it, & seven lamps ... & seven pipes to the seven lamps..." (Zech.4). Basically, this is talking about a menorah. When I read that, I thought, "It's the Folks who are the centrepiece & we're all attached to it. Maybe the other six candlesticks represent the various parts of the World, indicating we'll be letting our light shine worldwide, in the midst of persecution.
       "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another" (Jn.13:35). I saw a picture of the Lord giving us a greater measure of love for each other, a greater portion of His Love for each other, making us stronger in His Love. What a testimony! When nothing else will seem to make sense to the World, or they can't understand anything, our love for one another will really speak a lot.
       I saw a spider's web, & I remembered that the web will not break, even in the storm. All the little spiders were working & I saw how that would be a testimony. "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples." It will even be a testimony to the World.
       I saw a vision of a bunch of hands reaching out & asking for help. Then some of us went around & planted seeds, & from these grew beautiful flowers in patches everywhere. Shortly thereafter a lawnmower came & tried to cut the flowers down. But all the flowers just ducked down right below the blade, & then came up again! The interpretation I got was that the flowers are the people we are reaching & that they would learn how to avoid the System's persecution.
       During the prophecy about us being hurled forth, I was seeing us getting together as knights. During last year's Summit meetings we also got a lot of visions of us as knights, but at that time I saw clearly that we weren't wearing our face masks. We were more in our casual knightly attire. But this time, as I saw us in the vision, we were in full armour & we had our face masks on & we could only see each other's eyes. It was now war time as opposed to a time of  maybe training & instructing the Family, as it was last year.
       I saw us with a dual mission: Some of us will go back to the Family, even fully dressed as knights, to assure our Family of peace & to comfort their hearts & encourage them that the Lord is going to take care of us. I received the verses, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you. Great peace have they which love Thy law & nothing shall offend them" (Jn.14:27; Psa.119:165).
       Then others of us were on horses, ready to go out to war, & we are going out to war. So maybe we have a two-fold purpose this year: comforting our Family & telling them not to fear, but at the same time, going out to battle.
       I also received: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works & glorify your Father which is in Heaven" (Mat.5:16). I had a vision of lights around the globe, but they were getting dimmer & dimmer. Then in the middle of the globe there was a big light & the lights came in to get their torches lit again at this big light. The torches then began getting much brighter, getting ready to go back out around the globe.
       "Not one of the hairs of your head shall perish. In your patience possess ye your souls. The robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to fulfil the vision, but they shall fall."
       "A kingdom divided against itself will not stand." Our enemies are even fighting against each other & the Lord will cause their devices to fall against them.
       I received the verse, "The wrath of Man becomes the praise of God." A flood of water came, like the enemies' attacks, but the water was holding us up, just like a fountain, & then the World was able to see us shining above the water. Then of course they will know that it's not of us, but it's the Lord in His miraculous power Who is upholding us & making us into witnesses.
       "Can a man take fire into his bosom & not be burned?" The first application I got of this verse was to ourselves, as a Family--that the fire was the fire of the Word & we were like David, taking it into our bosom & burning, like flaming prophets.
       On the other hand, with the same verse, I got another picture of people like Hart (Ed Priebe) & Samson Warner (Pat Welsh), who tried to take that fire into their bosom to wrest it, but they became ashes. Like the verse, "Our God is a consuming fire", it burned them up & there was nothing left. It was the same verse in both pictures, but for us, people were attracted to the flame, because it was a beautiful burning fire, the flaming Word!
       The Lord gave the word "rejoice" a number of times & I got the Scripture about the disciples being real excited that the Lord had given them the power over unclean spirits & over demons. The Lord has given us so much cause for rejoicing & celebrating victories. He's going to give us even more cause to rejoice in the future, as the battles aren't over yet, but have just begun. The Lord really wants us to also rejoice because our names are written in Heaven, & to rejoice that the names of others are going to be written in Heaven. He's going to use future persecution & the battles that we're going to win to win a lot of others!
       During the prayer against our enemies, Psalm 2 came to me, but specifically these two verses, 4 & 5: "He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh." The Lord is laughing at our enemies & the Lord was encouraging us not to fear them, not to worry about them. He Himself will deal with them. "The Lord will have them in derision"--which Dad has explained means that the Lord will make fun of them. The Lord will publicly expose them & make them look like fools!
       Then after He really makes fools out of them & laughs at them, "Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath." The Lord Himself will speak to those guys in His wrath, "and vex them in His sore displeasure." Not only is the Lord playing around with them & mocking them & laughing at them, but He Himself will personally deal with them & speak with them. It's very encouraging!
       As the Lord was saying, the attitude that we should have is "Rejoice!" The verses came to me in Matthew Chapter five (verses 11 &12) that say: "Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, & persecute you, & say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, & be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in Heaven."
       When I gave the prophecy about our rewards, I had a kind of glimmering vision. I couldn't quite see what it was like, but it was gold. It was so gold, that I could hardly open my eyes to see it! I couldn't focus on it, it was so bright. It was a different colour of brightness, I don't know how to describe it. The only way I can relate to it is that there's a difference between a black & white movie & a colour movie. There's black & white versus colour, & then there is another difference beyond that!
       The feeling I had was that it was like looking at our rewards! I couldn't quite focus, & it seemed that it was too beyond us! Once we get through all this, look what's waiting for us on the other side!
       "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Rom.8:18).
       "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not" (Gal.6:9). You can get quite weary with all this persecution, especially if you're not soaking in the Word. It can really get you down! But, "be not weary in well doing, for in due season, we shall reap!" It seems like the Lord wants us to look beyond the fight. We have to go through the fight with the vision of the victory & what's ahead, & that will sustain us through it.
       I had a vision of one of our Family meeting the Lord in the banquet hall of Heaven, & their embrace was so ardent & warm! It wasn't at all casual, but was with kissing & very intense & very warm! It was beautiful! Then the person knelt down before the Lord & the Lord placed a huge crown on their head. I've had the idea that our crowns would be very pretty, but delicate & fine with small jewels. But this crown was very large, & the gold was very thick. It was so impressive & really beautiful!
       Then I had a vision of us walking with the Lord, & I think it was a picture of us progressing toward these battles. At first we were hand in hand, & then we were arm in arm with the Lord, then we were walking with His arm around us, & then at the very end He was carrying us. We were becoming more & more dependent on the Lord.
* * *
The Glittering Sword of the Lord! (Deu.32:41)
Prophecies Against Our Enemies!
       One meeting at the Summit was dedicated to praying specifically against our evil enemies around the World by name. Each delegate quoted a verse against them from Psalms--the strong & sometimes violent prayers of King David against the enemies of God & His Word!  (See Psalms 11:5-6; Psalms 55:9; Psalms 75:8; Psalms 27:12; Psalms 140:9-10; Psalms 129:4-6; Psalms 35:5; Psalms 92:7; Psalms 64:7-9; Psalms 35:1-2; Psalms 35:8; Psalms 73:18-20; Psalms 140:3-4; Psalms 18:40-41; Psalms 78:66; Psalms 40:14-15; Psalms 94:21-23; Psalms 21:11-12; Psalms 69:27-28; Psalms 59:12-13; & Psalms 83:13-17. If you're having prayer against our enemies, you might want to look up these verses and claim them as prayer primers!)
       After strong specific prayer against each of these people & situations, the Lord responded by giving the following powerful prophecies:
       Even as thou hast stirred up thyself to call unto Me with a whole heart, so will I the Lord thy God & thy Redeemer stir up Myself to shake terribly from the Heavens! Have not I the Lord said that I abhor the soul of him that turneth back? And these have turned their backs on Me! And as if it were not enough, they also kick against the pricks & fight against the very ones that would help them.
       So shall I answer your prayers & I shall unleash My forces which I have reserved for judgment on those that have turned their back on Me! For they have tasted of the Heavenly Nature & have partaken of things which holy men of all ages would have partaken of, therefore it would have been better for them if they had not seen & received these things that were given to them by My Prophet. But now they have no cloak for their sin!
       Beware, for the latter end of that man shall be worse than the first! For as a dog hath returned to his vomit, & the pig to his wallowing, so shall these be seen & abhorred by those that they are in league with. Others shall stand & hiss at them & say, "Is this he that caused thee to tremble? Behold, where are his proud boastings now?"--So that all may know that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!
       For I have called you the redeemers of this generation & I will not forsake you! These foolish flies that would rise against you shall be driven away with My wind! But I have allowed them to annoy you, that ye might stir up yourselves, that ye would make your armour bright & shining for the battles which are ahead!
       For ye have not yet exercised fully the powers that I have given you, but which ye must have & exercise & use in faith to defend My sheep in these Last Days. For I the Lord have created all things, even the wicked for the day of evil. I have allowed these things to come upon you so that through you I might give a strong witness of My Love & My power in these Last Days.
       A fate worse than death awaits these. For ye have prayed against them & I have heard your prayers, & yea, I shall arise, not with healing in My wings, but with destruction in My voice! They shall hear My voice & they shall tremble at the voice that they have turned away from!--And that their children have turned from, & they shall mourn & they shall cry & they shall be destroyed! The Earth shall open before them & swallow them up!        Yea, their children shall be a curse & shall spit upon their faces, & they shall be brought to the depths of hell!
       For yea, they have spoken against Me! They have spoken against My Prophets & they have done you harm! They have touched the children of your womb!--These who are My children! They have touched Me, they have poked My eyes, & I shall gouge theirs, & wipe them from the face of this Earth!
       For I the Lord your God am an angry God & I shall rain upon them from Heaven the fires of Hell & judgement! For it is not a little thing they have done. For they have come before Me, before My halls of justice. They have spoken evil of you. But I have turned their prayers aside & I have looked unto yours. They call Me by My Name & say, "Lord, Lord, do this for Me!"  But I shall look at them as the workers of iniquity!
       They shall be brought low & cast before you, & they shall kneel at your feet begging for justice, begging for mercy, & I shall leave it to you to judge these nations. For ye shall judge Angels; how much more these, the scum of the Earth which have defied Me! For they are as scum of the Earth, as dung before Me, & they shall be cast into Hell!
       The lines have been drawn! God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap! I have bent the bow, I have whet the sword, My terrible swift sword, & My Truth will march on to the utter destruction of these that have defiled My holy Name!--These that have defiled My holy children!--These who have withstood My Words, who have withstood My Prophet! Their destruction draweth nigh!
       They have defiled the very presence of My Holy Spirit in My Family! Verily, I say unto you, if ye have faith the size of a grain of mustard seed, you can move a whole mountain! It is but a small thing for Me to destroy these wicked enemies before your face!
       I will bring them low, I will bring them very low! Ye shall see the destruction of these enemies, these who have turned aside from the Truth, these who have forsaken the right way & have gone a-whoring after other gods. I have not changed!--And in My wrath I will destroy these wicked sinners from the face of the Earth!
       For your prayers have gone before you as a mighty man! Your prayers have preceded you, as one armed with his mighty sword! Your prayers have gone before you, as a host that shall smite their heads! Yea, for your prayers shall do mighty things! For your prayers have gone on before you to do the work ahead of you! Your prayers shall prepare the land before you!
       For I have yet many things for you to do & to accomplish, & your prayers have gone before to prepare the way. Therefore sin not in ceasing to pray that My hand may smite your enemies, that My Word may go forth & smite your enemies!
       Release My soldiers! Release My Angels! Release those that can go before you & prepare the way ahead of you! Cease not to pray, that your prayers shall go before you to smite & to destroy those which would seek to destroy your soul & your life.
       For your prayers are mighty weapons in your hand! As David of old sent forth his soldiers with spears & with staves & with swords, so have I called you unto My Spiritual Kingdom, that ye may go forth with your spiritual staves & swords & arrows--your prayers, your prayers of faith! Your prayers that go before you!
       Therefore neglect not the prayers of David! Therefore neglect not to pray against your enemies! Therefore forsake not your confidence in Me, & cease not to pray against your enemies!
       Yea, for I am pleased with the action which ye have taken. I am pleased with the fight with which ye have risen up against your enemies! But ye must continue the battle of the Spirit! Ye must continue to pray, to pray, & to pray, & to pray again! For the prayers of My Saints shall do wonders! For have I not legions in Heaven that shall go before you? Yea, is not the battle Mine & not yours? But that which I have given unto you is to pray for Mine & to pray against thine enemies.
       For the prayers of David are powerful! The prayers of David are sharp! The prayers of David shall go forth & accomplish that which they are sent forth to do! Therefore tremble not at your enemies! Worry not for their devices, for your prayers are mighty! Look forward & see the destruction of your enemies!
       For they shall be cut down like the grass, & wither as the green herb; the fires of My judgments shall turn them to ashes! They shall wither as the grass in the Autumn & be as fruitless as the fields that are left fallow. They shall be blown like the ashes & the chaff in the winds of My judgment!
       For every word that ye have prayed has been heard, & every word shall be fulfilled! My ear is not heavy that it cannot hear, but lo, I have heard & I will fulfil the words that ye have prayed!
       For ye are My children, the children of David, whom I love & I protect. I will do anything for you, for ye are pleasing in My sight. I will protect you & I will keep you in the way which ye shall go!--And none of your enemies shall inflict any harm upon you, for ye shall be victorious!
       But their end shall be destruction! All of their ways shall come to naught! Because ye are standing strong in Spirit & standing true to the Words that I have given My Servant David, I am standing before you as your shield & your buckler. Every word that ye have prayed shall be fulfilled!
       For the Lord is a Man of war, the Lord of hosts is His Name! For He hath triumphed gloriously! The horse & the rider hath He cast down, & driven their chariots into the bottom of the sea!
       Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord! I will repay! For I am a God of vengeance & a God of judgement, & these your enemies whom ye have prayed against shall know My wrath & shall know My fear & shall know My judgements! For I will repay!
       As they have cursed you, so shall I measure out cursing upon them & mete out judgements upon them!--And yea, I will even multiply cursing upon them!
       As ye have laid charges against these, so have I laid Mine Own charges against them, for they have taken My Words & they have wrested them! They have taken My Words & they have twisted them! They have taken My Words & they have trampled on them!
       They have taken My Words & they have tried to make them of none effect! They have tried to take them as their own words, they have tried to steal My Words from Me! Yea, I shall wreak My Own vengeance upon them! Yea, for they shall fall into the hands of an angry God, & I shall wreak My vengeance upon them for their destruction & their theft & their evil deeds, for the way that they have treated My Words!
       For have I not said that My Word shall be exalted above My Name? Is not My Word the very essence of your faith? Is not the Word that I have given unto your Father David as gold & as a precious thing? And yet have they stolen that which is most precious, the Words of David! And they sought to destroy the Words of David & they sought to take them unto their own selves to use them for their own glory!
       I shall repay them for their evil deeds! For ye have laid your charges against them, but I have laid Mine Own charges against them & they shall suffer for that which they have done! They have reached out & touched a precious thing.--Yea, that which was once healing unto them shall be destruction! That which was once life unto them shall rot them from within. Yea, that which was sweet to the taste shall be bitter in their bellies.--For they have sought to destroy that which is most precious, the Word that I have given!
       Therefore, fear not! For I shall fulfil My promises! Therefore doubt not that I am able to do this thing, for I shall cause this to come upon them, & all that they have brought against you shall be turned upon their own heads!
       For yea, I am an angry God & I am angry with the wicked every day! I have not forgotten that which they have laid against you--the evilness of their hearts, the deceitfulness of their hearts, & yea, I shall cast them down as I did cast down that Evil One!
       But yea, these are more accountable than those that have not heard My Word. Yea, there are some that shall be beaten with few stripes, but yea, these shall be beaten with many stripes! For the pride of their heart hath deceived them; they sought a name for themselves & they have sought to destroy the Words of David. They have sought to destroy that which the Words of David have created.
       Therefore shall their evil deeds not go unpunished! When their cup of iniquity is full, they shall drown in their own iniquity! And I shall bring their evil deeds upon their own heads! For they have sought to destroy My Word!
       For they are as swine! They are as pigs who have trampled upon the precious pearls that I have given unto them. They have trampled down My Word, & now they have turned again to rend you! It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after they have known it, to turn from the Holy Commandment that was delivered unto them! But it has happened unto them according to the true proverb: The dog is returned to his vomit, & the sow that was washed clean to her wallowing in the mire!
       For I have marked the names of these that ye have set before Me this night. Yea, I will mark upon them the mark of Cain, as one who sought to kill his brethren. But the blood of the brethren cries out unto Me, & I hear their voice, & I will destroy these that have risen up against you! For even as Cain sought to slay Abel because of his love for Me & because I rejected the works of Cain, so have these sought to destroy you & kill you because I have rejected their works.
       For they do not love Me! They sought acceptance in their labours & in their works, but their heart was far from Me. And is not this now proven by their actions?--Even as your love for Me is proven by your actions? As you witness the Truth, it proves your love; so they witness lies & witness against Me & it proves their hatred. Yet they say they love Me, but they lie.
       For I have rejected these! They are as dung upon the face of the Earth & shall be destroyed!
       Let it come before the King & the Queen this day, that ye have kept your eyes straight ahead & ye have not turned to the right hand nor to the left. Ye have not dwelt upon these words & lies of the Enemy. Ye shall have a mantle placed upon your shoulders, for the King & Queen require that ye shall follow beside them & carry My Words into the battle.
       For they seek such loyalty & they seek such faithfulness unto My calling & unto the Words that I have given, & it shall be reported unto them this day that ye shall not let venom run through the veins of My children, but ye shall stop it with every weapon of war that I have placed in your hands! And a guard & a whole camp of Angels & Heavenly forces shall be around My children to guard them from the lies of the Enemy & the poisonous venom that would seek to come in & destroy My children!
       The Enemy seeks to destroy, he seeks to stop & hinder all that is Godly & all that is good & all that is beautiful that I have created & that I have given unto you. But with this mantle that I place upon you, ye shall carry the banner of David! Ye shall carry the Words with mightier power than you have ever carried them before!
       For truly you are the soldiers of David! Ye shall seek out among you those who would follow & those who would not listen to the lies of the Enemy, who have no desire to look upon them or think upon them & who are not moved.--Though they come at them with a torment, & though they come at them in a wave or wind or blast of fire, they are not moved!--For their faith is steadfast in their Lord, & their faith is steadfast in David & Maria, & will not be swayed by every wind of doctrine, nor by the venomous attacks that come upon them.
       As a sample & a witness, ye shall stand up for Me & say unto many, "If God be God, then serve Him. But if Baal be your god, then serve him! As for me, & my house, we shall serve the Lord!" And these others shall have no part in the Kingdom of God, these that speak iniquity and these that speak lies!
       Now stand straight & look straight forward! Set your eyes straight ahead! Carry the banner of David & carry His Words amongst the people! For I will call many of you & many amongst your brethren to speak in the gates with the enemies & to stand up & hold up the Words!--For it is My Word that will destroy, & it is My Word that will reveal!
       It is My Word that will bring down the temple! It is My Word that shall shock; it is My Word that shall blind & defeat & devour! It is My Word that shall save & heal & mend & bring into My Kingdom those that I seek to win through this persecution! For this is the way I have chosen to speak to this generation in the End, that they shall see the light & see the darkness clearly set before them, so they can clearly choose which to follow!
       So hold a banner & hold it high, for ye have stood this day against these insidious little lies that have come upon My Kingdom! Continue to stand! Uphold thy David & thy Maria! They have need of you!--They have need of your prayers & your loyalty & your faithfulness to take up the sword & fight as ye have done! For many swords are pointed & many swords are clashing & there is a great war being fought in the spirit, as I have said unto you in My Word!
       For thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, Whose sword is in His hand, Who treadeth the winepress of the wrath of God: Behold, I say unto you this day, that these iniquitous men, these iniquitous evil men shall fall! For I say unto you this day, though hand join in hand they shall not go unpunished! For I say unto you, their day is coming, saith the Lord!
       I had a short vision relating to the dream that Hart (Priebe) wrote about in his log, about this demon that appeared to him in Manila. And it seemed that this demon had been assigned to torment him, not only while he was at the Manila Home, but for a longer period of time.
       When you mentioned that demon, the Scripture came to me from Psalms that says: "Set thou a wicked man over him: & let Satan stand at his right hand" (Psa. 109:6).
       "Think it not strange concerning these fiery trials." I remembered how we've prayed so many times for the Lord to make us fighters. Now we can see that He's given us trials & battles in other areas all these years to prepare us for such a time as this, so that we could learn to really fight the spiritual warfare unitedly & wholeheartedly & with the Word, as  practice for the Endtime! All our personal battles, forsake-alls, or breakings were all His plan to prepare us for this time, so that we could unite together & fight against the real Enemy.
       When the prophecy came about this matter coming before the King & the Queen, I felt that the Lord was dubbing us knights of a higher order, with a mantle on our shoulders of a higher dedication, a greater commitment. When someone else was saying, "This day...", it seemed to indicate that from this time forth He's putting His sword on our shoulders to commission us.
       Right before the prophecy saying, "I have marked the names of these", I saw a picture of the Lord in Heaven with a great big marker, & He was marking in Heaven every lie or sin that our enemies have done. It almost scared me because I was seeing this big picture of the Lord marking, & right then someone else gave the prophecy about it! It seemed the Lord was trying to encourage us that not one thing was going to go unnoticed in His sight.
       I looked up the story about the mark of Cain & read that Cain said he was going to be a vagabond in the Earth, have no dwelling place, but he would just be travelling around. He was afraid that everyone would kill him because everyone knew what he had done. So the Lord put a mark on him which had a two-fold purpose: One, that everyone would know that he was Cain, so he was a marked man. Second, so that no one else would kill him, as though the Lord would take care of him & punish him. It was to be the Lord's punishment & not man's punishment.
       Dad has always taught us about Cain being self-righteous. He was the one depending on his works, while Abel was the one depending on God's grace. All of these guys, if you go down the line--Watchman, Hart, Deborah, Samson--they were all into their works. Like Watchman with the Video Ministry--he wanted all the credit for it, but the Lord just doesn't work like that. Lots of other people worked on those Videos too, plus the Lord blessed and anointed that project Himself. The same with Hart--he wanted all the credit for writing projects that he participated in, & wanted everyone to know he had done this or that. His motive was all "works".
       But the Lord rejected that motive, & because He did, they rejected the Lord. They're so self-righteous, they think they deserve all the credit. They're so sickeningly self-righteous.
       Over & over again, I kept getting "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" & someone gave parts of it in one of the prophecies. It says, "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Coming of the Lord. He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. He has loosed the fearful lightning of His terrible swift sword. His Truth is marching on!"
       When somebody referred to Goliath in their prayer, I saw a picture of Goliath, standing there opposing the armies of Israel. There was no way around him, & it was like he was blocking our path. Similarly, I saw our enemies like a wall blocking our progress. We couldn't go around it; the only way was to go right through it.
       It looked quite fierce & terrible at first, but when I saw the wall from the side, it was only paper-thin. On the other side of the wall was a bigger harvest field, like the promised land, but we had to go straight through our enemies to get to it. But we couldn't be bluffed out by what looked like a very awesome landscape, because in reality it was paper-thin!
       I was receiving the impression that this is just the beginning of what is to come. This persecution is just in preparation, & is really a small thing compared to coming events, & we really need to strengthen ourselves & fight our enemies through the Word & prayer.
       "As for God, His way is perfect: the Word of the Lord is tried: He is a buckler to all those that trust in Him. For who is God save the Lord? Or who is a rock save our God? It is God that girdeth me with strength, & maketh my way perfect. He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, & setteth me upon my high places. He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms. Thou hast also given me the shield of Thy Salvation: & Thy right hand hath holden me up, & Thy gentleness hath made me great.
       "Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip. I have pursued mine enemies, & overtaken them: neither did I turn again till they were consumed. I have wounded them that they were not able to rise: they are fallen under my feet.
       "For Thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle: Thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me. Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies; that I might destroy them that hate me. They cried, but there was none to save them: even unto the Lord, but He answered them not. Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind: I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets. Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people; & thou hast made me the head of the heathen: a people whom I have not known shall serve me.
       "Great deliverance giveth He to His king; & sheweth mercy to His anointed, to David, & to his seed for evermore" (Psa.18:30-43,50). (Someone else received this same passage.)
       I had a vision of a big field to the left, with beautiful soil, & little shoots that were so green & healthy. The field was very very well kept. I noticed that there were absolutely no weeds in the garden, just the beautiful rich soil, & the strong little green shoots. We were all different ones working throughout the field, dressed as farmers, but we were so few.
       Suddenly towards the edge of the field, which was in the middle of the picture, there came from the right an army of ugly creatures of every kind, big & small, like a dark invading force. Our hearts sank because we were so few & they were on the way to invade our beautiful field & the tender little shoots. We didn't know what to do because we just couldn't get to the edge of the field in time to protect it. But then I got the verse, "When the Enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him" (Isa.59:19b).
       Suddenly there was activity on the edge of the field, in the centre of the picture. I saw lots of different size circles spinning really fast. They were forming a see-through wall, like a giant sheet of glass. The wall was not very obvious, so you had to look carefully to see it. It had a slight tint of different colours, like soap bubbles.
       At one point I got to see the circles close up, & they seemed to have some sort of a grey, one-inch handle fastened through the centre, with a blade going around it. I realised that the circles were little round circular saws of different sizes, & they made a wall around us protecting us. Both the saw & the handle were spinning so fast that from a distance they looked almost transparent.
       Then when the army of ugly creatures came charging towards the wall in full force, they were cut by these sharp & precise saws, & no one escaped! Their limbs were scattered all over! If they put their little finger  there, it was gone! If they charged ahead, they were cut in pieces.
       The right side of the picture started looking like a horrible battlefield; the sky & atmosphere there was dark & ugly & things were flying through the air & dashing to the ground, but nothing landed on our field. Our field to the left was still peaceful & beautiful & bright. We had all been standing there in more or less the same position as before the invasion started, but now we were all raising our hands with tears streaming down our faces! We were thanking the Lord & praising Him, because we knew that the battle was His & He was the One fighting for us!
       I had the feeling that our enemies thought we would be such easy prey & it would be so easy to take over our field, & they wanted it because it was so beautiful & well-kept & healthy & strong. We felt kind of weak too because we couldn't defeat our enemies because there were so many. But I got these verses: "I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My Word, and hast not denied My Name.
       "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of My patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the World, to try them that dwell upon the Earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown" (Rev.3:8-11).
       I saw a vision where our enemies had all gathered together in a big camp, like the Midianites against the children of Israel. I had the impression that they had just gotten organised, whereas before they were just here & there, but now they were coming together for a big battle against us.
       Then as they were waiting for the big battle which was going to be the next day, all of a sudden out of nowhere on every side came thousands of spears into the camp & wiped them all out! I felt the spears were like our prayers, & every one of them hit their mark, every one! A whole army got wiped out! They were ready to go to battle, so they were out in the open, & then we got them!
       The Lord gave me a picture of our enemies, & one had the sword of Damocles hanging over his head. Our enemies were freaking out, because they saw that sword just hanging by a thread & they knew that God's judgements were about to fall upon them. Throughout the prophecies I was getting a phrase: "The sword of David has been raised in vengeance above the head of your enemies!"
       I saw our prayers as the Lord's rod, just like the rod that Moses lifted up in Egypt as he pronounced the Word of the Lord & smote the Egyptians with plagues of darkness, with the hail upon their crops & all  those things. Our prayers are like that. The Endtime events are like the plagues of those times, & we have the rod of our prayers!
       As we were praying & people were giving prophecies, I kept thinking of that Letter, "Prophecy Against Our Enemies", where Dad had a vision years ago of America with people dead & lying all over the ground. That could be a nuclear blast in the End, but it could also be this "nuclear blast" of our enemies in America really getting wiped out by the judgements of the Lord.
       The impression was fairly pre- dominant in a lot of the prophecies that our prayers are what will judge our enemies, & it seems to be a case of  "according to our faith be it done unto them." Maybe the Lord's really leaving it in our hands, in a sense, to have the faith for their judgement.
       While I was listening to the prayer against Hart (Priebe), all of a sudden I saw a crack in the Earth, like an earthquake had split the Earth open so that there was a big fissure that appeared out of nowhere all of a sudden. Then about one second after that, the person prayed that the Earth would swallow him!
       When the prophecy came about "your prayers have gone before you", I had a vision of us as Shepherds in a beautiful field tending the sheep. As much as we would've liked to go to battle, we couldn't. The vision was like a movie in which you couldn't see one side, but as the prayers went on ahead, all of a sudden the backdrop or barrier was taken away & you could see what your prayers were doing!
       What was happening to our enemies was really horrible. It looked like a field that was totally destroyed. There were our enemies hanging on crosses, some were just bones out there, people crawling with plagues, it was horrible! You  couldn't go & do it yourself, but your prayers could do it if you prayed. So maybe the Lord wants us to keep praying against them so that these things will keep on happening to them!
       Another vision I got a little later was a bit like a black & white movie. It was a rainy night with creepy-crawlers in the street, obviously a representation of the System & our enemies trying to frighten us. There was the element of fright in the air & all of a sudden out of nowhere a big sword appeared! It wasn't so bright, but it was in colour & everything else was in black-&-white. Our enemies got scared & they couldn't do anything against it!
       Then I saw a smaller sword; the first one was real tall, the other one was real small. I thought that represented an encouragement to us, that as long as you have the Word, the sword, regardless of how much you have memorised or how much you know, as long as you hold it, the Enemy can't do anything to you.
       Later I was walking down a street & noticing that there were houses that had that small type of sword in front of their houses, planted right in front of them. It was a little bit like the original Passover, where the Angel of the Lord didn't touch the homes that had the mark of blood of the Lamb on them. In my vision, the Enemy could not reach those that had the sword of the Word, those that were upholding the Word. As long as you upheld the Word you were safe!
       While we were praying in our semi-circle, I saw an Angel come up to each person, right by their heads as though they were to speak.  
       There was a whole battlefield out in front of us, with lots of swords, & every time there was a prayer, there was the sound of swords defeating the Enemy.
       At the same time, behind me there was a field full of children, quite a lot of children. I kept looking back & thinking that they looked so vulnerable, like they could very easily be attacked. In the vision I thought, "What should I do? Should I be fighting back there? Shall I send somebody to protect them or should I be sending off prayers against these enemies in the battle in front of us?"
       Then as I looked back, I noticed that around our children a wall of swords was being built. Every time a prayer was prayed against our enemies, the swords went out to smite the Enemy, & at the same time another sword became part of the big wall around the children to protect them.
       I remembered how we often liken this time to the Great Tribulation, because sometimes it feels as though we have already entered into that period, with the purging & training that we are going to get. But if this is the Great Tribulation for us, then how much more should it be the Great Tribulation for our enemies!--All those curses & plagues will fall on them during the Great Tribulation. As this is all happening, we can release those plagues & curses with our prayers!
       What I received was similar to that: I got the verse, "Thy Word, O Lord, is settled in Heaven." Almost all of us were claiming pretty heavy verses in our prayers, with curses, like when David prayed in the Old Testament against his enemies. Those were pretty violent verses! But the Lord's Words & His promises about what He would do against those enemies back then are the same for today!
       During the prophecy about how the Lord is going to protect us, I felt very strongly that as long as we stand true to what Dad has specifically  taught us, then we'll have the protection that the Lord has promised. I saw a picture like the cover of "The Crystal Pyramid", which showed how it all depends on us, & if we stay facing toward the Lord, everything will be alright. I felt strongly that our protection relates to Dad & His Words specifically.
       The Lord was really seeing whether we are going to stand true to them & not doubt or turn away. As long as we do, then we don't have anything to worry about. In my vision, because we were standing true to the Words, then the Lord was going to keep us.
       I also received something about the plagues on our enemies. It was like the "Demonography" pictures, but it was regarding the lit trunks that they took from the Home in Manila. I saw Hart opening a Volume & a snake was squirming out & these demons & soldiers & swords were encompassing them, all coming out of the pubs. I thought how Hart (Priebe) & Samson Warner (Welsh), actually touched the Ark by attacking the Word, & the Lord really was going to send them plagues!
       I also got the impression that when they took the storage trunks there in Manila, it was a parallel to the Ark being stolen in the Old Testament. The Philistines took the Ark to their city & they had serious problems piled on top of each other because of that. The Israelites probably thought at the time, "Oh no! Our Ark is gone!" But the Ark was doing the work for them! (See 1Sam.5:1-11.)
       When we were praying against the Zees, I saw a picture of a bay tree which blew over in the wind. You could see its roots & they were diseased & full of worms! From the top it looked like a green tree, but there was nothing left of it in the roots.
       "Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me. But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare My statutes, or that thou shouldest take My Covenant in thy mouth? Seeing thou hatest instruction, and castest My words behind thee.
       "When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers. Thou givest thy mouth to evil, and thy tongue frameth deceit.
       "Thou sittest and speakest against thy brother; thou slanderest thine own mother's son. These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes.
       "Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.  Whoso offereth praise glorifieth Me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the Salvation of God" (Psa.50:15-23).
       I had a vision where at first the words came, "Fret not thyself because of evil doers." Then, "The Lord shall laugh at them. He shall have them in derision." I saw the Earth & then up above was the Lord in the Heavens, as the Creator of Heaven & Earth. He was so magnificent & so huge & so all-powerful, & by comparison the Earth looked really small. Then on the Earth were these little teeny-weeny specks, & those specks were our enemies.  It very much gave the idea that here are these little teeny-weeny specks on the Earth who would dare to fight against God Who created all the Heavens & the Earth.
       Then the Lord up in the Heavens was laughing! He was looking down & laughing like, "You've got to be kidding!  These little specks would try to fight Me?!" Then He took His hand & in a sweeping motion just wiped them away. In the motion of Him sweeping His hand like that, it created a pathway, & there appeared a real bright Army (us) & we were marching through the pathway! So the impression was that as the Lord was sweeping away the enemies, it was clearing the path for us.
       It's amazing how many pictures there were of battlefields! I also saw a whole army of demons unleashed & it was really ugly, but it wasn't scary at all! There were ghouls & hags & ugly demons & hairy things eager to charge off to battle, but I felt, "This thing is demonic, but it doesn't look like it's coming at us!" Then I realised they were charging off to battle against our enemies! As we prayed, the Lord was unleashing all these demons & bad spirits to torment them. So it was a very victorious feeling!
       End of FSM.

Copyright 1996 The Family