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FSM 284 DO
1996 Family Birthday Celebration!--Part One

{\b © Copyrighted January 1996, The Family, Zurich, Switzerland}

Notice to be read by all Home members 14 and up
February 15th (optional reading for JETTs).

Dear Family,
       God bless you! We love you and have you in our daily prayers. We’re thrilled with the wonderful fruitful year we’ve had and with all the tremendous progress you made in reaching the world for Jesus! Praise the Lord!
       In this FSM, we’d like to explain the suggested plan and schedule for this year’s Family Birthday Celebration, February 15th through 18th. To begin with, as was mentioned in FUN 33, this year’s Family Birthday Celebration will not be a fast, but a feast, as it was last year. Therefore you can plan your menu as you feel led, but we suggest you keep most of your meals fairly simple, to cut down the work load of meal prep and dishwashing.

List of Pubs for Family Birthday Celebration
       With this notice or shortly thereafter you should be receiving several publications to read during this special time of Word, prayer and fellowship. We are including below a list of the pubs, and when they are to be read and by whom:

       -- {\b FSM 284, “1996 Family Birthday Celebration!”—Part One (This FSM.)}

When to be read: Before February 15th

To be read by: All Home members age 14 and up (optional for JETTs)

       -- “{\b Family Birthday Celebration 1996!—A Personal Letter to the JETTs, Our Prayer Warriors, from Mama Maria”}

When to be read: By all JETTs before February 15th, and by all adults, YAs and teens when convenient

To be read by: All Home members age 12 and up

       -- LNF 243, ”{\b Come, Everyone, to Feast at the Lord’s Table”—A note from Mama}

When to be read: Before February 15th

To be read by: Home teamworks; all new disciples, returning TSers, those who are on Probationary Status, and those who are partially excommunicated. (Optional reading for all other Home members age 14 and above.)

       -- FSM 286, 1996 Family Birthday Celebration!”{\b —Part Two}

When to be read: Before February 15th

To be read by: All who will be involved in the care of the children

       -- {\b GNs 662-665, Parts 3 through 7 of “Loving Jesus!”}

When to be read: February 15th through 17th, except for Part 7, which can be read any time during the week after the Birthday Celebration

To be read by: Adults, YAs, senior teens who are voting members, as well as new disciples age 16 or over who have been living in a Family Home three months or longer, and those age 16 or over who are returning to the DO Family from TS status who have been living in a DO Home for three months or longer, and those age 16 or over who are on Probationary Status.

       -- {\b GNs 662JNR-664JNR, Parts 3 through 6 of “Loving Jesus” for junior teens}

When to be read: February 15th through 17th

To be read by: Junior teens, as well as new disciples age 14 and 15 who have been living in a Family Home three months or longer, and those age 14 and 15 who are returning to the DO Family from TS status who have been living in a DO Home for three months or longer, and those age 14 and 15 who are on Probationary Status.

       -- {\b “Learning to Love Jesus More!—A Letter of Explanation to the JETTs About the }‘Loving Jesus’{\b  Series,” from Mama}

When to be read: Afternoon or evening of February 15th, providing the adults, YAs and teens have finished reading “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 and 4

To be read by: All JETTs

       -- {\b LNF 242, “Explanation of the Edited Versions of the ‘Loving Jesus’ Series”—A note from Mama to adults, YAs and teens}

When to be read: Afternoon or evening of February 15th providing the adults, YAs, and teens have finished reading “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 and 4

To be read by: All adults, YAs and senior teens who are reading “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 through 7, and all junior teens who are reading “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 through 6

       -- {\b LNF 241, “Shepherding Tips for the 1996 Birthday Celebration!”—A note from Mama to adults and YAs }only

When to be read: The night of February 15th (providing the adults and YAs have finished reading “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 and 4 by then)

To be read by: The adults and YAs who are reading “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 through 7

       -- {\b Various other pubs for the JETTs and children, which are listed in FSM 286, “1996 Family Birthday Celebration!}”{\b —Part Two}

       -- {\b “Loving Jesus” Parts 1 and 2 (GN 659)}
       A clarification: Your Home has already received “Loving Jesus” Parts 1 and 2. That GN can now be read during the time of the Birthday Celebration by people who are returning to the DO Family from TS status who have been living in a DO Home for less than three months, as well as new disciples who have been in the Family less than three months, and Home members who are on partial excommunication within a DO Home.
       You can also have your most trusted catacombers and live-out members read “Loving Jesus” Parts 1 and 2, if you wish. Catacombers and live-out members are allowed to read DO pubs (while in the DO Home) at the prayerful discretion of the Home teamwork. (See the Charter, page 161, point E, and page 162, point F.) However, Mama wants to clarify that “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 through 7 should not be given to any catacombers or live-outs to read.

       -- {\b GN 662JET, “Loving Jesus for JETTs”—Selected excerpts from “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 through 6}

When to be read: Some time after February 18th. (You may or may not have received this GN by the time you read this FSM. If you have not yet received it, it will be arriving soon, God willing.)

To be read by: All JETTs

       {\b \ul Important revision concerning the designated audience for GNs 662-665, Parts 3 through 7 of the “Loving Jesus” series}{\b : These four GNs have a line printed at the top reading “For Voting Members Only.” However, in light of LNF 243, these GNs may be read by not }only voting members, but also by new disciples age 16 or over who have been living in a Family Home three months or longer, and those age 16 or over who are returning to the DO Family from TS status who have been living in a DO Home for three months or longer, and those age 16 or over who are on Probationary Status. (See LNF 243 for details.)

General Meeting Tips
       The schedule for this year’s Birthday Celebration may need to be different than in years past because many of you are living in smaller Homes. There is a fair amount to read, and it is preferable, if possible, that you read it unitedly. It seems the best general schedule for February 15th, 16th and 17th would be to have two meetings daily for united reading, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, if that is convenient for your situation. But if you live in a Home with many children and few adults, you may not be able to keep that schedule, in which case you’ll need to revise it according to what you feel would work best for you.
       This year’s reading will be different than previous years in that we ask that there be one group reading for voting members and the other members noted above, and a separate reading for junior teens (as per the instructions above). The reason for this is because the junior teens have their own version of the Letters, which have been slightly edited to make them more appropriate for their age and situation. (Junior teens, Mama explains more about why it was necessary to edit these GNs slightly for you in her special personal message to you at the beginning of GN 662JNR, “Loving Jesus!—Part 3 for Junior Teens,” which you will read on February 15th.)
       Again, if you live in a small Home, with many children and few adults and junior teens, then please feel free to work out whatever daily schedule would be best for the junior teen reading. However, it is very important that you work it out for the junior teens to read their version of the Letters, and on the days specified. If they read at different times of the day than the adults, YAs and senior teens, that’s fine. Please do not, for the sake of simplicity and convenience, decide to have the junior teens attend the adult/YA/senior teen reading. That is not an option.
       Apart from the reading of these new Letters, there are also many important prayer requests related to the needs of our worldwide Family. As she did last year, Mama has asked our dear JETTs and children to be our Family Birthday Prayer Warriors.
       Also, as mentioned above, you may have members of your Home who will not be reading the full “Loving Jesus” series—new babes who have been in the Family less than three months, people returning to the DO Family from TRF Supporter Status who have been living in a DO Home for less than three months, and someone who is partially excommunicated. These members should read “Loving Jesus” Parts 1 and 2 sometime during the Birthday Feast. Besides this reading material, please try to help these dear ones stay busy and challenged during the Family Feast days, and to feel as included as possible. They could help with the prayer ministry, and help the JETTs with the supervision of the children, and possibly watch some of Dad’s videos.
       So in some Homes, providing you have the personnel, you will, in effect, have four programs running at the same time:
       (1) the reading of the “Loving Jesus” series by the adults, YAs and senior teens,
       (2) the reading of their version of the “Loving Jesus” series by the junior teens,
       (3) the activities of the prayer warriors—the JETTs, children and their overseer(s), and
       (4) the reading of “Loving Jesus” Parts 1 and 2 by new babes under three months in the Family, people returning to the DO Family from TRF Supporter Status who have been living in a DO Home for less than three months, and anyone who is partially excommunicated.
       Organizing these four programs will require planning, and how to go about this will depend on your particular situation. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind when planning your Birthday Feast schedules:
       If you live in a large Home, you Home teamworkers should try to read the GNs beforehand, if you have time. Since you Home teamworkers will have read the material in advance, we suggest that one of you or all of you, rotating, be the ones to read with the junior teens. Whoever reads with the junior teens should also try to at least skim the junior teen version of the Letters ahead of time. If you live in a small Home, where perhaps three of the four or five adults and YAs are on the teamwork, the whole teamwork would not need to read the material in advance. But in that case, at least one person from the teamwork should read the Letters in advance, if possible, so that person can read with the junior teens.
       Please try to work out your schedule so that as many people as possible can attend the readings of the “Loving Jesus” series. You may need to combine some of your childcare groups at times, to free more adults, YAs and teens. However, you will need to continue to give the children the same loving and diligent care and oversight during the Birthday Feast time that they are accustomed to receiving.
       Those who work with the children during the Birthday Feast can and should call upon the JETTs to be their helpers and assistants. Many JETTs probably already help with their younger brothers and sisters, but if not, this will be an excellent opportunity for them to take up this challenge, and be the overseers’ right-hand men and women and bellwethers for the younger ones during these prayer days. For proposed activities for the children and JETTs, please see “1996 Family Birthday Celebration!”—Part Two, FSM 286.
       We understand that in years past, at least in large Homes, the normal arrangement has been for the adults, teens and YAs helping to care for the children to rotate so that all can attend some of the meetings. This would be fine to do, providing those who miss a meeting or meetings are given time to catch up on reading the portion(s) of the series that they missed. However, it is important that they catch up on what they missed before attending the next meeting, because the message in this “Loving Jesus” series is developed in a specific order, and if you miss one whole meeting, it would be very difficult and confusing for you to continue reading in the next meeting, without first reading the part you missed. If you choose to rotate in the care of the children, perhaps those with the children during the meetings could be given time off in-between meetings or at night, at which time others could help with the children. Again, if you live in a very small Home, you’ll just have to use whatever schedule and plan would be best for you, and the plan you come up with might be very different from what we’re suggesting here. That’s fine. Do whatever works and is convenient for you.
       You can look at the reading schedule below and determine how long your meetings will need to be. It is possible that your meetings may need to go as long as three hours, with a 15-minute break at the halfway point. For example, you could have a morning meeting from 9:30 to 12:30 and another in the afternoon from 4:00 to 7:00 (or whatever variation you choose). But you may find when you see the number of pages to read each day that you don’t need to have such long meetings, in which case, you can of course reduce the length of the meetings. Or you could keep the morning meeting at three hours, when you’re fresher and more rested, and have the afternoon meeting be just two or two-and-a-half hours. For example, you could have a meeting from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. and another from 4:30 p.m. or 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. You should still have a 15-minute break halfway through both meetings. (The rest of the details are up to you, and we’re just suggesting various options for your consideration. How you work out your schedule would depend on your situation.)
       We suggest you cancel any other Home meetings you would normally have during these days, except for those that are necessary for the organization and smooth running of the Birthday Feast.
       To facilitate the reading and studying of the GNs, each person 12 years and older will be receiving their own personal copy of the age-appropriate version of these GNs. Since the JETTs will be occupied with their prayer ministry and caring for the children during this time, each of them will be receiving their copy at a later date.
       Important note: Please do not pass out all the GNs ahead of time. At the beginning of each meeting you can pass out the particular GN that will be read during that meeting. The subsequent GNs should be kept by the Home teamwork and not passed out until the meeting at which they’re to be read. It is best, if possible, that the first time you read the GNs, you read them unitedly. It will probably take more than one meeting to read each GN, so if you stop before finishing a GN, please collect the copies of that GN at the end of the meeting and then re-distribute it when you reconvene to continue reading it. (An exception to this would be that people who missed the united reading of a portion of one of the GNs, because they were caring for the children, could, of course, get a copy of the GN to read privately the part they missed. Please encourage those people to not read past what has been read unitedly.) After you’ve finished reading a GN unitedly, each person can keep their personal copy to study privately. We would like to remind you to keep your copies out of reach of those who are not qualified to read them. Thank you!
       When reading these Letters unitedly during your Birthday Feast, people who wish not to read aloud, should not feel obligated to do so. We understand that when many Homes read GNs unitedly, you often just go around the circle with each person reading a page or a certain number of paragraphs. Under normal circumstances that’s fine, if it works well in your situation, but in this case, we’d suggest you stick with volunteers only for reading. And people should feel free to decline to read aloud at any point in the united reading.
       For tips on reading aloud and other related topics, please see “Tips for Spirit-Filled Meetings,” page 9, GN 496.
       We do not foresee that you would need to schedule evening meetings for reading, unless you choose to unite to read the material that is slotted for the evening or night of the 15th. Apart from this, hopefully you should be able to finish reading the material slotted for each day in your daytime meetings, so evenings can be free for rest, prayer time, Family Time, Personal Time with the young people, studying the material read that day, catching up on reading if you missed a meeting, etc. But again, if you’re a small Home and you need to have one of your united meetings at night when the children are sleeping, then that’s fine too. You’re not obligated to stick to any certain schedule. You may also want to consider watching one of Dad’s videos in the evening, if you wish. Those can be viewed by all ages.
       Please begin each meeting with a rousing time of praise, singing and prayer. These Letters address many feeding, challenging subjects that have to do with your spiritual life and walk with the Lord, and it will be well worth the time and effort to stir yourselves up spiritually and get inspired through prayer, praise and song before you begin reading.
       We suggest that you have a dictionary handy when reading with the junior teens.

Possible Daily Reading Schedule for 1996 Birthday Feast
       ({\ul \i Note}: This is only a {\ul \i suggested}{\i  schedule. Please feel free to adapt as needed. It is possible that depending on your situation, you may not be able to fit in the reading of all the pubs listed below on that day. If you have to rearrange it so that some items are pushed on to the next day, that’s okay. However, what is very important is that the different age groups read the pubs in the }{\ul \i order}{\i  in which they are listed below. In other words, if it won’t work out to finish reading a certain GN or notice on the 15th, you can move everything forward and schedule it for the 16th. But in that case you should not read the pubs scheduled below for the 16th until you have first }{\ul \i finished} the pubs for the 15th, {\ul \i in the order in which they are listed below}.
{\i        (We are not specifying a particular time when those who will be reading “Loving Jesus!” Parts 1 and 2 should read them. That will depend on your situation. But please be faithful to allow sufficient time for this!)}

Before February 15th:
       -- All members age 12 and up read FSM 284, “1996 Family Birthday Celebration!”—Part One (this FSM).
       -- All who will be involved in the care of the children read FSM 286, “1996 Family Birthday Celebration!”—Part Two.
       -- All JETTs read “Family Birthday Celebration 1996!—A Personal Letter to the JETTs, Our Prayer Warriors, from Mama Maria.” (This Letter can also be read by all adults, YAs and teens when convenient.)
       -- All new disciples, returning TSers, those who are on Probationary Status, and those who are partially excommunicated read LNF 243, “Come, Everyone, to Feast at the Lord’s Table”—A note from Mama. (Optional reading for all other Home members age 14 and above.)

Thursday, February 15th:
       -- Morning meeting: Open the Birthday Feast with a united time of praise, song and prayer—a real rip snortin’ inspiration and praise time, that can be attended by all Home members. Since there won’t be many united meetings during this year’s Birthday Feast, please take advantage of this time to unitedly thank the Lord for His wonderful blessings and have a sweet time of fellowship together. Then the JETTs and children can go about their activities as prayer warriors.
       -- Next, all the Home members age 14 and above unite for a time of desperate prayer. Please pray for receptivity and a spirit of faith. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to the wondrous truth of His Words! Pray against any interference of the Enemy, who will try to hinder your being able to receive the truth of the Word. After this prayer meeting, you can split up into your separate reading groups.
       -- Voting members and the other members noted above, read Part 3 of the “Loving Jesus” series, ML#3029 in GN 662.
       -- In a separate meeting, junior teens (as per the instructions above) read Part 3 of the “Loving Jesus for Junior Teens” series, ML#3029JNR in GN 662JNR.

       Afternoon meeting: Please begin your meeting with desperate prayer for receptivity and a spirit of faith.
       -- Voting members and the other members noted above, read Part 4 of the “Loving Jesus” series, ML#3030 in GN 662.
       -- In a separate meeting, junior teens (as per the instructions above) read Part 4 of the “Loving Jesus for Junior Teens” series, ML#3030JNR in GN 662JNR.
       -- After the adults, YAs and teens (senior and junior) finish reading Parts 3 and 4 of the “Loving Jesus” series for their respective age groups, then read LNF 242, “Explanation of the Edited Versions of the ‘Loving Jesus’ Series”—A note from Mama.
       ({\ul \i Note}{\i : You can read this notice unitedly, with the adults, YAs, senior teens and junior teens getting together after both groups have all finished reading Parts 3 and 4 of the “Loving Jesus” series, including those who had to read it on their own since they were caring for the children. }{\ul \i Or} you can read it in two separate groups, with the adults, YAs and senior teens in one group, and the junior teens in another group. Do whatever is most convenient for you.)

The afternoon or evening of February 15:
       -- All JETTs read “Learning to Love Jesus More!—A Letter of Explanation to the JETTs About the ‘Loving Jesus’ Series.” (One of the Home’s teamwork members should read this with them.)
       -- All adults and YAs (only) who are reading “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 through 7 read LNF 241, ”Shepherding Tips for the 1996 Birthday Celebration!”—A note from Mama. ({\ul \i Note}: This notice can either be read by the adults and YAs {\ul \i privately} or {\ul \i unitedly}, whichever is more convenient for you.)

Friday, February 16th:
Morning meeting: Please begin your meeting with desperate prayer for receptivity and a spirit of faith.
       -- Voting members and the other members noted above, read approximately the first half of Part 5 of the “Loving Jesus” series, ML#3031 in GN 663.
       -- Junior teens (as per the instructions above) read approximately the first half of Part 5 of the “Loving Jesus for Junior Teens” series, ML#3031JNR in GN 663JNR.

Afternoon meeting: Please begin your meeting with desperate prayer for receptivity and a spirit of faith.
       -- Voting members and the other members noted above, finish reading Part 5 of the “Loving Jesus” series.
       -- Junior teens (as per the instructions above), finish reading Part 5 of the “Loving Jesus for Junior Teens” series.

Saturday, February 17th:
Morning meeting: Please begin your meeting with desperate prayer for receptivity and a spirit of faith.
       -- Voting members and the other members noted above, read the first half or two-thirds of Part 6 of the “Loving Jesus” series, ML#3032 in GN 664.
       -- Junior teens (as per the instructions above), read the first half or two-thirds of Part 6 of the “Loving Jesus for Junior Teens” series, ML#3032JNR in GN 664JNR.

Afternoon meeting: Please begin your meeting with desperate prayer for receptivity and a spirit of faith.
       -- Voting members and the other members noted above, finish reading Part 6 of the “Loving Jesus” series. At the end of this meeting, please pass out “Loving Jesus!—Part 7, Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Loving Jesus” (GN 665) to all adults, YAs, and senior teens who have read “Loving Jesus” Parts 3-6. This can be read sometime during the next week.
       -- Junior teens (as per the instructions above), finish reading Part 6 of the “Loving Jesus for Junior Teens” series.
       -- When the voting members and the other members noted above, have finished reading Part 6 of the “Loving Jesus” series, please have a time of prayer and hearing from the Lord in prophecy.
       When the Lord was speaking to Mama and Peter about what plan and schedule to propose for this year’s Birthday Feast, He said: “In unity there is great strength, and I will speak to their hearts if they will but stop and listen as they are assembled together. I will speak unto them and I will confirm these Words unto them. They will know that these Words are of Me, and they will have peace to receive and understand, that they may receive My Love. So be together as one—one body, one Bride, learning together—that you all may draw nigh unto Me together in Spirit, and that we may be one.” Praise the Lord!
       -- When the junior teens finish reading their version of Part 6 of “Loving Jesus” it would be good if they too have a time of prayer together with the adult that reads the series with them. They can stop to hear from the Lord in prophecy also, if they wish. The junior teens, however, should not attend the prayer and prophecy meeting that the voting members and the other members noted above will have.

Sunday, February 18th:
       -- This is a free day! If you’ve managed to finish all the above reading during February 15th-17th, you need not schedule united meetings for reading on this day.
       Family Birthday Celebration, with inspiration, refreshments, etc. Praise the Lord! Have a wonderful time!

Other Comments, Tips and Suggestions
       We suggest you do not spend a lot of time discussing the “Loving Jesus” revelation as you are reading it unitedly. There are several reasons for this: 1) There won’t be time, if you are to get through all the reading material; 2) it is a personal matter; 3) your overall understanding will grow as you read, and the whole picture will begin to come more into focus after you’ve read the whole series; 4) you may find that your questions are answered further down the line in a later section or in the Questions and Answers, which are found in Part 7 of the adult version, and Part 6 of the junior teen version.
       Part 7 of the “Loving Jesus” series for voting members and the other members noted above, is not included in the three-day Birthday Feast reading schedule, because Mama and Peter didn’t want to make the reading schedule too tight. Part 7 is a Questions and Answers GN, which can be read privately or unitedly, whichever you choose, sometime the following week. On the evening of February 17th, please distribute the personal copies of “Loving Jesus!”—Part 7 to all adults, YAs and senior teens who are reading “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 through 7. This Questions and Answers GN includes some new information that is not included in the adult version of Parts 3 through 6 of the “Loving Jesus” series, so please read it thoroughly sometime within the following week. Thanks!
       Because a portion of the adult version of “Loving Jesus!—Part 6” was not included in the junior teen version, there was some extra room, so rather than print a separate GN for the questions and answers for this group, Part 6 of the junior teen version includes the questions and answers that are appropriate for their age and situation.
       Those who get to read Parts 3 through 7 of the “Loving Jesus” series should not look down on others, who, for whatever reason, are not yet able to read the full unedited version. As Mama brought out in LNF 243, entitled “Come, Everyone, to Feast at the Lord’s Table,” even if someone is not allowed to read all the GNs, if he drinks in this New Wine and applies it with all his heart, he can be just as blessed and just as close to Jesus as everyone else, because it’s not necessarily how much you read, but what you do with what you read that counts.
       Please do not leave copies of the “Loving Jesus” GNs where the children or those who are not designated to read certain versions could have access to them. Thanks! If your junior teens or JETTs generally have access to your Home library, then the adult/YA/senior teen version of these GNs and notices should not be included in your Home library. Since these GNs are being printed OPD, each person will be able to keep their own copy of the version for their age group for further personal study. You might also consider having a separate “adult only” lit library somewhere that is not accessible by those who are not allowed to read such lit.
       No doubt the JETTs will wonder what the subject of the new Letters for the Birthday Feast is. By the time the Birthday Feast comes around, they will probably have already read parts or all of “Loving Jesus” Parts 1 and 2 (GN 659), but those Letters do not include the further details of the revelation that are explained in Parts 3 through 7. The JETTs will undoubtedly be curious, so Mama has written a personal Letter to the JETTs called “Learning to Love Jesus More.” The JETTs will read that Letter from Mama on the evening of February 15th, after all the adults, YAs and teens who are reading the full version of the “Loving Jesus” series have finished reading Parts 3 and 4.
       There is also a notice from Mama for adults, YAs and teens who are reading the full “Loving Jesus” series, explaining what she will be telling the JETTs about the “Loving Jesus” series, which will be read after the afternoon meeting on February 15th. That notice is entitled “Explanation of the Edited Versions of the ‘Loving Jesus’ Series.”
       The TS Family will not be receiving “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 through 7 at this time. They will receive “Loving Jesus” Parts 1 and 2 to read during their Birthday Celebration. Therefore, if you have contact with TRF Supporters over the next months, please do not discuss the contents of “Loving Jesus” Parts 3 through 7 with them. (For more on this, see GN 665, page 8.)
       New disciples and partially excommunicated members not eligible to read the adult version of these GNs now, would be able to do so once they become eligible for DO lit under the rules of the Charter. At that time, they should read the “Loving Jesus” series in the same order it was read during the Feast days.
       If you have time before the Feast days, you might want to read some Letters that will be good preparation for the New Wine that you will receive at that time. Some suggested Letters are: “Come On, Ma, Burn Your Bra!” (ML #286), “Did God Make a Mistake?” (ML #35), “Strange Truths!” (ML #360), “Old Church, New Church” (ML #A), “More Prophecies on Old Church and New Church” (ML #117), “Love Making in the Spirit” (ML #P), and “God’s Bride!” (ML #1389).
       After reading the “Loving Jesus” series, you might want to reread the “Affection Time with Jesus” GN (GN 650).
       Please show lots of enthusiasm and support for the JETTs and children who will be the Family’s Prayer Warriors during the three days of the Birthday Feast. This is a very important ministry, one which will bring forth a lot of fruit, so please encourage the JETTs and children in it. Thanks! To see just how important it is, it would be good if you could read Mama’s Letter to the JETTs called ”Family Birthday Celebration 1996!—A Personal Letter to the JETTs, Our Prayer Warriors, from Mama Maria.”
       God bless you, dear Family, with a wonderful 1996 Family Birthday Feast, which we pray will begin your most fruitful year ever! We love you very much and have you in our fervent prayers.
       Happy Family Birthday!

Summary of Birthday Celebration Events and Reading

       -- All Home members age 12 & up: Read “1996 Family Birthday Celebration!”—Part One, FSM 284.
       -- All new disciples/returning TSers/those on Probationary Status/those who are partially excomm’d (optional reading for all other Home members 14 & up): Read “Come, Everyone, to Feast at the Lord’s Table.”—A note from Mama (LNF 243).
       -- All involved in care of the children: Read “1996 Family Birthday Celebration!”—Part Two, FSM 286.
       -- JETTs (& all adults/YAs/teens when convenient): Read Mama’s Letter, “Family Birthday Celebration 1996!—A Personal Letter to the JETTs, Our Prayer Warriors, from Mama Maria.”

       -- All Home members: United prayer, song & praise meeting.
       -- Adults/YAs/Sr. Tns (& others as noted on pg.2 of this FSM): Read Part 3 of LJ series (ML #3029, GN 662).
       -- Jr. Tns/non-voting members age 16 & up (& others as noted on pg.2): Read Part 3 of LJ series for Junior Teens (ML #3029JNR, GN 662JNR)

       -- Adults/YAs/Sr. Tns (& others as noted on pg.2): Read Part 4 of LJ series (ML #3030, GN 662).
       -- Jr. Tns/non-voting members age 16 & up (& others as noted on pg.2): Read part 4 of LJ series for Junior Teens (ML #3030JNR, GN 662JNR).

       -- Adults/YAs/Sr. Tns/Jr.Tns & others who are reading LJ series Parts 3-6: Read “Explanation of the Edited Versions of the ‘Loving Jesus’ Series”—A note from Mama (LNF 242).
       -- Adults & YAs (only) who are reading LJ series Parts 3-7: Read “Shepherding Tips for the 1996 Birthday Celebration!”—A note from Mama (LNF 241).
       -- JETTs: Read “Learning to Love Jesus More!—A Letter of Explanation to the JETTs About the ‘Loving Jesus’ Series,” from Mama.

       -- Adults/YAs/Sr. Tns (& others as noted on pg.2): Read approximately first half of Part 5 of LJ series (ML #3031, GN 663).
       -- Jr. Tns/non-voting members 16 & up (& others as noted on pg.2): Read approximately first half of Part 5 of LJ series for Junior Teens (ML #3031JNR, GN 663JNR).

       -- Adults/YAs/Sr. Tns (& others as noted on pg.2): Finish reading Part 5 of LJ series.
       -- Jr. Tns/non-voting members 16 & up (& others as noted on pg.2): Finish reading Part 5 of LJ series for Junior Teens.

       -- Adults/YAs/Sr. Tns (& others as noted on pg.2): Read first half or two-thirds of Part 6 of LJ series (ML #3032, GN 664).
       -- Jr. Tns/non-voting members age 16 & up (& others as noted on pg.2): Read first half or two-thirds of Part 6 of LJ series for Junior Teens (ML #3032JNR, GN 664JNR).

       -- Adults/YAs/Sr. Tns (& others as noted on pg.2): Finish reading Part 6 of LJ series. (At the end of this meeting pass out LJ Part 7 [EDITED: "GN 665"] to all adults, YAs and Sr. Tns who have read LJ Parts 3-6, to be read sometime during the next week either unitedly or individually.)
       -- Jr. Tns/non-voting members age 16 & up (& others as noted on pg.2): Finish reading Part 6 of LJ series for Junior Teens.
       -- Adults/YAs/Sr. Tns (& others as noted on pg.2): When finished reading Part 6 of LJ series, have time of prayer & prophecy.
       -- Jr. Tns/non-voting members age 16 & up (& others as noted on pg.2): When finished reading Part 6 of LJ series for Junior Teens, have time of prayer (& optional prophecy) together with adult who read series with them.

       -- Free day & Family Birthday Celebration!

       -- Adults/YAs/Sr. Tns (& others as noted on pg.2): Read unitedly or individually LJ Part 7 (GN 665) within a week after the Birthday Celebration.
       -- JETTs: Read Part 3 of LJ series for JETTs (GN 662JET).
       -- JETTs & all: Read GN 666, a reprint of Mama’s two Letters to the JETTs: “Family Birthday Celebration 1996!—A Personal Letter to the JETTs, Our Prayer Warriors, from Mama Maria” & “Learning to Love Jesus More!—A Letter of Explanation to the JETTs About the ‘Loving Jesus’ Series.”

[EDITED: "end"]

Copyright 1996 The Family