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"DANIEL II"--MO       GP 343       April 1975

Compiled by Samson Warner and the MO Ed. Dept.)

Copyrighted April, 1975 by The Children of God
P.O. Box 31, London WC2E 7LX, England or BP 752, 75123 Paris, Cedex 03, France

(Taken from MO's tapes: "7 World Empires" and "100 Questions & Answers on Bible Prophecy")

       1. NEBUCHADNEZZAR, KING OF BABYLON, WAS GIVEN A DREAM BUT HAD FORGOTTEN IT. He was troubled by it and said that he was going to kill all his wise men if they couldn't tell him not only the dream's interpretation, but also the dream itself so he would know they weren't deceiving him.

       2. GOD'S PROPHET DANIEL WAS A SLAVE IN BABYLON AT THE TIME (about 600 B.C.) and was serving with some fellow Jews as one of the King's wise men. So, of course, they started praying about the matter and GOD REVEALED THE WHOLE THING TO DANIEL, BOTH DREAM AND INTERPRETATION.

       3. THE RESULT WAS THE PROPHECY OF DANIEL CHAPTER TWO, WHICH IS PROBABLY THE BRIEFEST AND MOST CONCISE OVERALL PICTURE OF THE HISTORY AND FUTURE OF THE WORLD IN THE ENTIRE BIBLE. This prophetic dream describes five of the great empires of man from ancient Babylon to the final world empire of the Antichrist, which is destroyed by the Kingdom of God.

       4. THE DREAM DOES NOT INCLUDE THE FIRST TWO WORLD GOVERNMENTS OF EGYPT AND ASSYRIA because they had already passed on at the time of this dream. However, later in God's Word He makes it very clear that there is a total of seven great world empires. These are depicted as the seven-headed beast of Revelations 13 and 17.

       5. THE DREAM WAS BOTH GIVEN TO NEBUCHADNEZZAR AND INTERPRETED FOR HIM BY DANIEL DURING HIS REIGN; therefore the prophecy starts with the King of Babylon and with the great world government of Babylon itself.

       6. THE ACTUAL DREAM AS DANIEL TOLD IT TO NEBUCHADNEZZAR is covered in verses 31-35, and the interpretation in verses 37-44. (See the Daniel Two Chart, page 6.)

       7. THE DREAM'S INTERPRETATION IS RIGHT IN THE SAME CHAPTER, and to make it as clear as possible, each time a section of the dream is described it will be immediately followed with its interpretation.

       8. DREAM: "Thou, O King, sawest, and behold a great image...whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold..." (Dan.2:31,32a)

       9. INTERPRETATION: "Thou, O king (Nebuchadnezzar)...the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom...Thou art this head of gold." (Dan.2:37,38) So according to God's Word, the great kingdom of Babylon, the "golden city" of ancient times (Is.14:4), with its great King Nebuchadnezzar, was undeniably the head of gold, or the beginning of this great image.

       10. DREAM: "His breast and his arms of silver." (Dan.2:32b)

       11. INTERPRETATION: "After thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee..." (Dan.2:39a) SINCE THE HEAD IS DEFINITELY PINPOINTED AS BABYLON, ALL WE HAVE TO DO IN ORDER TO FIND OUT WHAT THIS NEXT KINGDOM WAS IS TO LOOK AT HISTORY for the kingdom that arose after Babylon.

       12. ACCORDING TO WORLD HISTORY, THE DUAL KINGDOM OF MEDO-PERSIA FOLLOWED BABYLON; therefore we know what the kingdom of silver was without its even being named in the interpretation here.

       13. IT IS NAMED, HOWEVER, IN A LATER CHAPTER, THE "MENE MENE" HANDWRITING ON THE WALL VISION OF DANIEL 5:18-31, as being the kingdom that did conquer Babylon.

       14. NOTICE ALSO THE REMARKABLE SYMBOLISM IN THE IMAGE. The dual kingdom of Medo-Persia is depicted here by two arms. Persia was the stronger of the two, just as in the body one arm is stronger than the other!

       15. DREAM: "His belly and thighs of brass." (Dan.2:32b)

       16. INTERPRETATION: "Another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth." (Dan. 2:39b) We know from history that this third kingdom, the one to follow Persia, was the Grecian Empire. In a later chapter Daniel specifically prophesies that Greece will be the conqueror of Medo-Persia. (Dan.8:21,22) This was fulfilled over three hundred years after the prophecy was given!

       17. THE EMPIRE OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT WAS NOT NECESSARILY THE MOST POWERFUL, BUT IT WAS THE MOST EXTENSIVE. It extended almost to Italy, all the way to India, and all the way from southern Russia down into Africa, bearing rule over or dominating the world of his day.

       18. THE ULTIMATE FULFILLMENT OF BEARING RULE OVER ALL THE EARTH WILL BE IN THE ANTICHRIST, who will arise from a certain section (Egypt) of Alexander's Empire "in the latter days" (Dan.8:8,9,21-25) and will rule the entire earth! (Rev.13:7,8)

       19. HOW DOES THE SYMBOLISM BEAR OUT HERE? Well, the Greeks, besides being extremely interested in SEX, if you remember, were also interested in PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION OR SPIRITUAL THINGS. And it is held by the Greeks and by almost all religions that the seat of the spirit is in the BELLY. As Jesus said, "Out of his BELLY shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake He of the Spirit.)" (Jn.7:38,39)

       20. DREAM: "His legs of iron..."

       21. INTERPRETATION: "The fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: for as-much as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things...shall it break in pieces and bruise." (Dan.2:40)

       22. SINCE WE ALREADY HAVE THE FULFILMENT OF ACTUAL HISTORY, WE KNOW THAT THIS FOURTH KINGDOM WAS ROME. Rome, the tough, iron-fisted kingdom which clamped down with IRON MILITARY RULE over the entire known world in the days before Christ, was one of the longest-reigning empires the world has ever known. It so "subdued all things" that for nearly one hundred years there were no major wars, no one even being able to muster a force against the Roman rule.

       23. Here again, it is very interesting to note how similar this particular part of the image is to the actual fulfilment of the Roman Empire. Two legs of iron: Was Rome ever divided into two parts? Yes! In its decline it was divided into an Eastern and Western Empire. The Western Empire was ruled by Rome, and the Eastern Empire, ruled by Constantinople, was called the Byzantine Empire. So EVEN THE PARTS OF THE IMAGE ITSELF SYMBOLISE THE KINGDOMS OF MAN, AND THIS BECOMES EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT AS WE GO ON TO THE FEET.

       24. DREAM: "His FEET part of iron and part of clay." (Dan.2:33) This last part of the image is interpreted in three entire verses, showing that the vision is mainly for the kingdoms of the "latter days", as Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar in verse 2:28!

       25. INTERPRETATION: (Part I) "Whereas thou sawest the FEET and toes, part of potters CLAY, and part of IRON, the KINGDOM SHALL BE DIVIDED; but there shall be in it of the STRENGTH OF THE IRON, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron MIXED with miry clay."

       26. The IRON and CLAY of the feet represent the TWO TYPES OF GOVERNMENTS the world has known since the fall of Rome: DEMOCRACIES AND DICTATORSHIPS.

       27. How are these governments like iron and clay? Well, CLAY in God's Word ALWAYS SYMBOLISED THE PEOPLE, OR DEMOCRACY, IS CLAY GOVERNMENT. It is also a WEAKER FORM of government and does not have the "STRENGTH OF THE IRON", which represents the STRONG-man totalitarian military DICTATORSHIPS and their IRON RULE.

       28. It says "the kingdom shall be divided". SINCE THE FALL OF ROME this is the way it's been: a division of the kingdom of men with NO ONE POWER COMPLETELY DOMINANT. Equally great empires have existed simultaneously, such as the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Moorish, U.S.A., Russia, etc., so you might say nobody had a majority, no one power was dominant as Rome and the other powers in the image had been. So again, the various parts of the image symbolise exactly the course of history.

       29. Also, there is an extraordinary interrelationship between the course of world governments and God's people. Each of these six empires, from Egypt to Rome, RULED OVER GOD'S PEOPLE, who were then the Jews, and each of them completely dominated and ruled the world of their day.

       30. However, SINCE ROME'S RULE NO ONE POWER HAS DOMINATED GOD'S PEOPLE because they are scattered in every nation on earth, (both His former people, the Jews, and His spiritual children of today, the true Christians), and neither has any one power dominated the earth. However, that is soon to change with the coming government of the Antichrist which will rule over (at least physically) all God's children, because it will rule the entire world. This is the last and final government of the toes!

       31. INTERPRETATION: (Part II) "The TOES of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, and so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken." (Dan.2:42)

       32. Now, as you know, everybody has ten toes. The TOES HERE SYMBOLISE THE SAME THING THAT THE TEN HORNS SYMBOLISE in both Daniel 7 and Revelation 17. "The ten horns...are ten kings (or kingdoms) that shall arise." (Dan.7:24)

       33. What we have here in the toes, the last part of the image, is a symbolic picture showing the great governments of man ENDING WITH A COMBINED GOVERNMENT, a kind of "United Nations" government, a combination of various governments, kingdoms or kings REPRESENTED BY THESE TEN TOES.

       34. You can take it literally as ten, or you can say it's a general number of nations ruling the world in a forum like the United Nations, I don't know. As you know, the Security Council of the U.N. has ten members: five permanent and five rotating. Then there's also the Common Market of nine nations, which Russia could soon join. We shall see, but however it will be, THE SYMBOLISM WILL BE BORNE OUT HERE also, as in the other parts of the image.

       35. I BELIEVE THAT TODAY WE ARE LIVING NEAR THE DIVISION BETWEEN THE FEET AND TOES, but not yet in the toes because the Antichrist kingdom has not yet actually risen. As John said, the ten kings receive their "power as kings one hour (a short time) with the beast (Antichrist). These have one mind (united), and shall give their power and strength unto the beast." (Rev.17:12,13)

       36. INTERPRETATION: (Part III) "Whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." (Dan. 2:43)

       37. This is still talking about the ten toes, or ten last kingdoms, that give their Antichrist for "one hour", or a very brief time, according to Revelation 17. We know from other scriptures that the Antichrist government will rule the world for only three-and-a-half years. "And power was given unto him to continue forty and two months (three-and-a-half years)...and power was given him over all kindreds (races), and tongues (languages), and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him..."--except God's children. (Rev.13:5,7,8) But we must honour him! (Rom.13:7)

       38. From the symbolism of the feet we know that THIS FINAL ANTICHRIST EMPIRE WILL BE A VERY STRANGE TYPE OF GOVERNMENT. It will be a MIXTURE OF ALL THESE IRON AND CLAY NATIONS, these dictatorships and so-called democracies, ruling the world in some kind of UNITED NATIONS.

       39. It also says they "shall not cleave one to another." Perhaps this is seen in the EAST-WEST DIVISION OF THE WORLD TODAY. As you remember, one foot comes out of the Western Roman Empire and one foot out of the Eastern. This is almost exactly how the world is divided today, the East being mainly communist (iron) and the West capitalistic democracies (clay).

       40. DREAM: "Thou sawest till that a STONE was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces." (Dan. 2:34) "Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth." (Dan.2:35)

       41. INTERPRETATION: "And in the days of these kings (the days of this final ten-toed kingdom of this earth) shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever." (Dan.2:44)

       42. "Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces (the image); the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure." (Dan.2:45)

       43. WE KNOW EXACTLY WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! We may not like it and it may look pretty bad, but praise God, we know the happy ending, and all is well that ends well.

       44. THIS IMAGE REPRESENTS ALL THE GOVERNMENTS OF MAN. THE STONE WAS CUT OUT OF ANOTHER MOUNTAIN completely separated from the image. It has nothing to do with the image except to crush and destroy it completely! This STONE IS, OF COURSE, JESUS, "the corner-stone" (Mt.21:42-44; 1Pt.2:6), and His Second Coming to rescue His own Children from the Antichrist's cruel clutches, by the supernatural miracle of the Rapture and Resurrection! Notice, His return was not in the legs (Rome), but on the feet, and particularly the toes, "the days of these kings" at the very end of man's governments.

       45. IT DOESN'T SAY HE MELTS THEM IN LOVE, BUT HE BREAKS AND DESTROYS THEM! This world is not going to voluntarily give itself up to the Prince of Peace. It has to be done with force!

       46. JESUS IS THEN GOING TO SET UP HIS OWN KINGDOM ON THE EARTH AND WILL REIGN WITH HIS RESURRECTED SAINTS, His true followers, over the wicked who remain, creating a world of peace and plenty for all. There will be NO MORE KINGDOMS RISING AND FAILING; no longer shall one nation inherit the remains of another, but His Kingdom "shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall STAND FOREVER."

       47. ARE YOU READY FOR IT? Are you a member of Christ's kingdom that shall never pass away? Are you one of God's Children through Jesus His Son, the Great Revolutionary that shall overthrow all these earthly powers and set up our Kingdom over all on earth to establish a reign of righteousness that will bring lasting world peace and plenty to all?

       48. If not, to get the real thing, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS RECEIVE JESUS, God's Son, as your Saviour by asking Him into your heart! You can do it right now by simply asking Him to come in and to forgive you.

       49. YOU CAN ALSO WRITE for more information on how to become a member of the Kingdom of God that shall never fail nor fall, but shall rule all the earth in joy forever! God bless you with this His only Salvation in Jesus! We love you! Join the Jesus Revolution now, before it's too late!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family