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"PAWN"--MO       August 25, 1975       GP--NO.370

Copyrighted Jan. 1976 by The Children of God

(One afternoon when MO is quite ill he picks up the latest copy of the NNN, Vol.6, No.3, to read it for encouragement, and reads about Pawn, a little prostitute in Thailand who has just joined us. He gets the verse Ps.103:3.)

       1. "WHO DELIVERETH THEE FROM ALL THINE INIQUITIES AND CLEANSETH THEE FROM ALL THY DISEASES!" Thank You Lord for the real meaning! That must be the way the Lord means it. That used to really worry me about taking some of those people in. They have to be delivered, not just forgiven. It just came clear as anything when I was thanking the Lord for Pawn and praying for her.

       2. WHAT A PROMISE FOR ALL THESE PROSTITUTES and new disciples we're getting! They have to be really delivered and cleansed physically. (Prophecy:) Give them all my love and kisses, Jesus, from their father and from You, in Jesus' name! (He sees something:)

       3. THEY WERE BEING SWEPT AWAY, really swept away, but she just threw her arms around the Rock and that saved her. Isn't that beautiful, isn't it pretty! Such an awful black flood sweeping away so many people, screams and groans and cries, but as she was passing the Rock she threw her arms around it and she was delivered!

       4. SHE JUST BECAME RADIANT AND BEAUTIFUL! She grabbed the Rock and looked up, and her face just shone in wreathes of smiles, just hugging the Rock, loving Jesus! She was saved from all that filth, that dirty dirty filth, just like sewage! It was horrible, it stunk so much, like a cesspool!

       5. SHE JUST THREW HER ARMS AROUND THE ROCK, CHRIST JESUS, and instantly she was pulled up from the flood by the kids standing on the Rock, from the stink and the sewage of the System! Now she looks like one of them, she's clean and happy, clapping her hands and singing and dancing up and down for joy, just like one of them!

       6. THANK YOU JESUS FOR ANSWERING THE PRAYERS OF THEIR FATHER with kisses--Your kisses, Jesus--to kiss away their hurts and their tears and their sins and their diseases! Kiss it all away, Jesus! Oh, thank You Jesus! Help us to find them, Lord! So many need You, they need You, Jesus! Cleanse and purify! Deliver them, Jesus, lift them onto the Rock Christ Jesus, cleanse and purify by the sweet pure water of Thy Word, delivered by the Rock, cleansed by the Word!

       7. ISN'T THAT PRETTY?--SHE'S SO PRETTY! She has such pretty long straight hair. She's so happy! I want to kiss her. (Throws some kisses to her.) Oh, she's throwing them back to me! She loves me! She smiled and threw me some kisses! She's just too far away to give them in person. I hope they send me her picture.

       8. PAWN--I GUESS SHE CHOSE THAT NAME 'CAUSE SHE WAS A PAWN OF THE SYSTEM. Now she's delivered and the Lord's going to cleanse her. What a wonderful promise for all these poor little kids, dirtied and contaminated and infected and shamed and controlled by the System, such slaves of the System, pawns!

       9. O GOD, THEY NEED YOU TO DELIVER THEM or they can never make it, Lord! They can't make it unless You help them, Jesus. They can hardly do anything for themselves, they have to ask You to do it all for them, Jesus. Deliver them from all their sins and iniquities and cleanse from all their diseases. There's another verse that keeps coming to me about cleansing.--What is it?--That's right!

       10. "THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST HIS SON CLEANSETH US from all our sins!" (I John 1:7).--Purges us! It's a purging, purges us from all our iniquities. Really has to clean us out, really a purging, a purgative of the blood. Isn't that wonderful? It's a real purging! The Lord says the blood of Jesus Christ His Son purges us from all our iniquities.

       11. DOES IT SAY INIQUITIES OR DOES IT SAY SINS in the Bible? But it means iniquities, 'cause Jesus gave it to me that way. Iniquities are somehow worse--it seems like they're more evil, have a more devilish grip on people. That word "sin" doesn't hit them so hard, they seem to think it's just a little disobedience, they think sins are even funny.

       12. BUT THESE ARE INIQUITIES! There's something in that other verse about idolatry too: "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry!" (1Sam.15:23) Like when they're iniquitous it's not just a little disobedience or breaking of some minor law, but it's an absolute spiritual control by iniquitous spirits!

       13. THE LORD HAS TO BREAK THE CHAINS. They can't deliver themselves. He has to purge and purify and cleanse. They're all clean now, not dirty any more, no longer under the power of the Enemy. He can't harm them or touch or control them any more. They're no longer under his grip. Praise the Lord!

       14. THE ROCK SMASHED THE DEVIL'S GRIP! It saves the girl, but it crushes the Enemy!--Isn't that wonderful? She can climb out of it onto the Rock. The Rock has to be there right in the middle of all that muck to find them and save them. But our kids are up there in the middle of the Rock nice and clean, plenty of room for everybody!

       15. OH, SAVE ME, O LORD, FROM MINE INIQUITIES! Create within me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me and cleanse me from all my iniquities. Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean. Purge me with Thy blood and I shall be whiter than snow. (Ps 51:2, 7, 10.) Thank You Jesus, thank You Lord!

       16. LET THE WICKED FORSAKE HIS WAY and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him turn unto the Lord and He will abundantly pardon! (Is.55:7) Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow! Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool! (Is.1:18) (Rhyming tongues in poetry and with weeping:)

       Now they can join hands and dance with the King!
       Now they can join hands and dance with Jesus!
       Now they can join hands and dance with the King!
       Now they can join hands and dance with David!
       Now they can share the kisses of the King!
       Now they can join hands and dance with Jesus!
       Now they can join hands and work for the King!

Isn't that beautiful!--A little song Jesus gave in the Spirit! (David kisses the item about Pawn in the NNN:)

       18. OH, THANK YOU, JESUS, FOR THIS PRECIOUS LITTLE GIRL! I love her, Lord. Give her seven kisses from David. Hallelujah!
       Now you join hands and dance with David!
       Now you join hands and dance with the King!
       I'll give you all my love and kisses,
       And make you dance and laugh and sing!

       19. SHE'S SO PRECIOUS AND SO SWEET AND HAPPY! I danced with her and kissed her in the Spirit and she's going to feel it. She really turned me on in the Spirit! She's in ecstasy! She's so happy!
       Now she's joined hands and danced with my Children!
       Now she's joined hands with the Children of the King!
       Now she's dancing and laughing and smiling,
       'Cause Jesus has cleansed her from everything!

       20. ISN'T THAT BEAUTIFUL! ISN'T THAT WONDERFUL! Can you see her, Honey Baby? Isn't she so sweet! She's trying to see you, too, but she can't cause you don't project you--you just project me. If you'd stop and reach out your hand to her she could feel it. Oh, somebody just put a MO letter in her hand! (Tongues and weeping.) Now she's touched your hand! Isn't that sweet!

       21. KISS HER FOR ME, JESUS. Give her so many kisses from her father! Let me hold her close in my bosom. Protect her from everything that would try to bother her.

       --Help all the wonderful kids of Your King!
       O Jesus, help with the love of their father!
       Help them, O God, to kiss till they sing!

       24. IT DOESN'T ALWAYS HAPPEN RIGHT AWAY: YOU HAVE TO KEEP LIFTING AND LOVING and laughing and dancing and singing and studying and witnessing and talking to them. You've got to keep helping them. It was quite a struggle, and it took two or three of them to pull her up on the Rock.

       25. SHE WAS HOLDING ONTO THE ROCK as best she could, but the current was so bad it was trying to tear her away, so they had to help her climb firmly up on the Rock. It might take two or three of them to pull her up, partly holding onto the Rock and partly holding onto her. Hallelujah!

       Happy little children dance and sing!
       Happy little children, all the little ones of David!
       They dance and smile and shout for their King!

       27. ALL THE LITTLE KIDS ARE SO CUTE TOO! They're all going to laugh and dance and shout, the little ones. "Suffer the little children to come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven!" (Luke 18:16) They're members of Your Kingdom, Lord.
       All happy children are children of David!
       All happy children are children of the King!
       All happy children are the children of Jesus!
       And they dance and play and shout and sing!

       28. CAN YOU SEE THEM, BABY?--THEY'RE SO HAPPY and so cute how they dance and jump up and down! They don't know how very good, but they jump around like little sheep gamboling and playing just like they feel, like little lambs. They whirl and whirl and whirl around till they get dizzy. Little kids love to do that.

       All Jesus' children like to jump and play!
       All David's children are so happy in Jesus!
       'Cause they sing and shout no matter what they say!

Our kids are so cute and so wild and free! Praise You Jesus! Isn't that wonderful!

       Come along with us with the children of the King!
       Come along with us and be children of Jesus,

And you'll dance and shout and play and sing!--They're singing it real loud. Little kids like to sing loud.

       31. DANCE AND PLAY AND SHOUT AND SING! Yes, that's what our kids do--they shout real loud when they're happy. That little song has a real happy tune, something like Shua and Lydia Nun's song they sang for me:

       He's our Mountain King!
       We kiss all the words of his honey mouth
       As we laugh and shout and play and sing!"

--Hallelujah! I'm so glad they're all happy now! Praise the Lord! Thank You Jesus! Amen!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family