DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.
THIS PUBLICATION MAY HAVE BEEN "SANITIZED." This digital format of this publication was extracted from TFI's HomeARC 99, which was subjected to encryption and editing by TFI, who, in order to hide its controversial writings and thus escape moral and/or legal accountability for past/present core beliefs and directives, sanitized (edited) and purged (deleted, destroyed, burned) its texts—both printed and electronic. Where possible, exFamily.org has compared this digital material with the cult's original paper-printed versions to ensure that this publication accurately reflects the original, uncensored version. Locations where the text has obviously or potentially been sanitized is hilighted with bright-red [DELETED] or [EDITED] markers.
COMING IN MAY!--D.V.: THE NEW ALL KOMIX BOOK VOLUME 1 OF NEARLY 800 PAGES, 143 Komix by nearly 40 artists covering most of the Letters from No.A thru' No.69--the original first Basic Mo Letters in vivid vision graphically illustrated & condensed to their most important points for power-packed brevity & easy reading, as well as GPs designed for easy republication by your local Home for distribution, as well as many DFOs for your inspiration, most of which you have never seen before or we have never published before!
WE EXPECT TO BE READY TO SEND IT TO YOU SOMETIME IN THE MONTH OF MAY. This is a very expensive book with a leatherette cover & gold lettering, very thick & heavy & costly to mail it to you via certified airmail, D.V. So therefore it will definitely have to take the place of one of your monthly Magazines, your Magazine for the month of May. It may take a little longer to get to you than one of our regular Magazines, so please be patient if it does not come as quickly as usual. But if we were not sending it to you airmail certified, it would take from two to four & in some places 6 months to get to you via surface mail!
HOWEVER, WE THINK THIS BOOK'S SO IMPORTANT FOR YOUR USE AS A WITNESSING TOOL & PERSONAL INSPIRATION & EDUCATION OF YOUR CHILDREN, babes, new disciples & catacombers, as well as duplication for street use with the general public of many of the Komix included, that we feel it is urgent to mail it to you airmail certified to make sure you get it & as quickly as possible for your use. The book itself is quite costly & the postage in some cases to certain places is going to be as costly as the book or more, so please value it, treasure it, use it & pray for it that it will get to you safely, & may God make it a blessing to you & others in Jesus' name! Amen!
YOUR COPY OF TRUE KOMIX VOLUME 1 WILL BE SENT TO YOU BY CERTIFIED AIRMAIL ("Certified" is also called "Registered" in some places) around May 1st, D.V. You can expect to receive your copies from early May thru' the end of the month. In this instance, as an exception to previous policy regarding Certified Mail,
PLEASE ACCEPT & SIGN FOR THIS CERTIFIED MAILING! If you refuse the Books, we cannot send you more. The Books are being packaged in brown boxes similar to those your Mo Volumes arrive in from Hong Kong, & may be listed as "Printed Matter" from Spain, on the P.O. form you need to sign.
ALSO, AS THESE BOOKS ARE BEING SENT TO THE LEGAL NAME & MAILING ADDRESS YOU LIST ON YOUR TRF FROM, this person is the one the P.O. will require to sign before they hand over your Books! If this person is not available you may need to obtain notarised permission from them for you to receive Certified Mail in their name. Check with your P.O. for the specifics of what they require.--Or just sign their name yourself!
WE ARE SORRY, BUT SENDING THESE VERY EXPENSIVE BOOKS CERTIFIED IS THE BEST WAY OF AVOIDING "LOST MAIL", & ensuring that they reach you quickly & safely. Thanks! GBAKY litnessing Komix for Jesus!--IJN. Amen!
THE ALL-KOMIX BOOK VOLUME 2 DEADLINE for your submission of new Komix for this volume has already passed. However, we may still be able to squeeze yours in if you will get it in immediately! Please hurry! This is urgent! Remember to send your originals airmail (express if it's already late) to Maria Campos, Apdo. 46131, Madrid, Spain (with an inner envelop marked "TK" lightly in pencil). If your Komic is accepted for publication, you will receive your artist's gift within the following month, D.V., regardless of the date of final publication .
WE BELIEVE YOU ARTISTS ARE WORTHY OF THESE GIFTS & they should not be delayed even tho' your Komix are not published right away. Our faithful Art Supervisor, Hart Inkletter, will see to it that you do, & if you have any further question, please direct your correspondence to him personally at Maria Campos, Apdo. 46131, Madrid, Spain (with an inner envelope marked "TK" lightly in pencil).
THE ALL-KOMIX BOOK VOLUME 2 will be about the same size & quality of Volume 1 & include even more Komix with constantly improving quality, art & content, including many new ones which have never have been published before & ideal for republication for local distribution. One of the greatest effects of these All-Komix Volumes is going to be on your own children! They're going to flip out over these new Komix Books, so be sure you don't miss yours!
(P.S. The artists' deadline for Volume 3 will be May 15th. Why not get yours in now?-Send today! Don't delay! Why wait until too late?)
GET YOUR REPORT & TITHE IN FAITHFULLY & ON TIME so that your Mags & Books are not delayed! Remember that if you do not get your Report & tithe in on time then your name is placed on hold & your Magazines & publications are withheld until we do hear from you, & if you miss any we cannot replace them. Sorry!--Except perhaps in the most severe hardship cases where it was really not your fault, such as if your Report was lost in the mail.
BUT THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE FOR A LATE REPORT & INCOMPLETE TITHE! God does not hear your excuses for your own failures which are your fault! So you are without excuse! Romans 1:20. Sorry! No Report & full tithe, no Magazine, book, nor tapes!
FROM NOW ON AS LONG AS POSSIBLE WE WILL BE SENDING EACH FAITHFULLY REPORTING TITHING FAMILY OR HOME FOUR FREE MWM COMPLETE SHOW TAPES, music tapes, skit tapes, drama tapes, Daily Might Readings, children's tapes, etc. Four complete free one-hour tapes in one single package will be mailed each month to each faithfully Reporting tithing Home!
EACH OF THESE BEAUTIFUL PROFESSIONALLY PRE-RECORDED TAPES ARE WORTH AT LEAST $10 EACH! THAT'S $40 worth of tapes in a package monthly for each of you Homes who Report & tithe your full tithe faithfully & on time each month. You're going to get some of the biggest thrills you've gotten yet from these new MWM tapes & they are going to be one of our major publications! You can use them for your personal pleasure & inspiration & instruction of your children as well as a witnessing tool for your friends & contacts & neighbours & also for sample tapes to take to radio stations for broadcasting & booking the MWM Radio Show regularly. So you're going to have plenty of them now in a wide variety, & you're welcome to copy them to give or even sell to your friends, fish, relatives & so on.
BUT WE DO NOT THINK IT WOULD BE FAIR FOR YOU TO COPY THEM FOR UNFAITHFUL, NON-REPORTING, NON-TITHING FAMILIES OR HOMES! That would be cheating! You would be cheating not only us but yourself & them & God! For you would be helping them to disobey God & miss the blessing of tithing as well as cheating God's work of their tithe!
TERRIFIC BRAND NEW TAPES OF OUR SENSATIONAL NEW BIBLE PROPHECY SERIES ON THE ENDTIME, brand new inspiring Grandpa Story tapes for your children, beautiful new encouraging Scripture Promise readings by your sweet loving Queen Maria herself for your rest time meditations & Scripture memorizing, as well as many other brand new tapes are coming out soon!--Including talks given personally to MWM, now to be shared with the entire Family!
YOU'LL BE NOTIFIED OF THEIR TITLES & COSTS AS SOON AS AVAILABLE. They are not yet even listed in WW's new 1981 Catalogue, but there will be a new list for you coming soon. Obtain direct recordings of us teaching the Endtime prophecies of Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation, Matthew & other Scriptures, as well as those of the Letters, with loads that is new & never before published & not to be found in the old Sam Warner lessons.
WE'RE SORRY THAT THESE CANNOT BE SENT TO YOU FREE because we're already giving you all that we can, but you will have to send an extra gift to cover their extra cost to WW as they're an entirely separate project from our normal publications & a completely extra cost not covered by your usual tithe. So when you have a little extra to give, send some to WW for some of these brand new thrilling tapes! You'll be glad you did! These are exclusives for WW & can only be obtained thru' WW! Send your extra gifts to WW today!
TO SPEED THE ILLUSTRATION & DELIVERY TO YOU OF THE VERY LATEST MO LETTERS, their covers from now on will be strictly pencil sketches in order not to delay them with the slow laborious process of inking & letratone which takes hours & days of extra time & hard eye-straining labourious work for our already over-worked chief Mo Letter illustrator & King's Artist, Jacob Sailor!
THE PENCIL SKETCHES ARE SUFFICIENT, CLEAR, GRAPHIC & BRILLIANT with his phenomenal talent, without inking! We love'm ourselves & thrill to every new one as he envisions with God-given inspiration each new illustration & theme! God knows we need you Artists, as no photographer could ever take pictures of what I dream!
THIS WILL GREATLY HASTEN THE PUBLICATION OF NEW MLs & save our Chief ML Artist Jacob Sailor much valuable time for new Komix! The Komix themselves of course must still continue to be inked, Artists, so please do not send us any un-inked pencil sketches! All Komix must be inked for republication, particularly for the general public. (Incidentally, does anyone happen to know Barkos Doodler's present address? Also, where is the artist Phil Assurance? If you know, please write Hart Inkletter at Maria Campos, Apdo. 46131, Madrid, Spain--with an inner envelope marked "TK" lightly in pencil.--Thanks!)
SPANISH MWM STUDIOS ARE ALREADY BEING SET UP & they are beginning to produce the first Spanish MWM tapes of which you will be sent copies as soon as they are available. These Spanish language MWM tapes of course will be sent only to Spanish-speaking countries, the Homes in Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America, Iberia, etc.
WE'RE EXPECTING THE SPANISH MWM MINISTRY TO BOOM as soon as we have enough of these tapes available for radio bookings, so please pray that these preparations will go ahead full-speed. We'll send you the first ones as fast as they come, D.V.
WE'RE HOPING TO KEEP SPANISH MWM A CONCENTRATED SMALL HIGH-QUALITY OPERATION, hoping that it does not become an expensive unwieldy blob with housing, feeding & support problems. Let's make Spanish MWM an improvement on the stock, small, efficient & economical! Amen? And please do not go there without permission or an invitation!
IF YOU HAVE MUSIC WHICH YOU FEEL WORTHY OF CONTRIBUTING TO THE SPANISH MWM PROGRAM, please make as good a recording as possible & mail it to Spanish MWM for possible broadcasting. Please send it airmail registered or insured to: Musica Con Vida, Apdo. 312, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902. If any of the numbers are usable for broadcasting, you as its musician, composer &/or performer will be sent a small WS gift of thanks & appreciation for your contribution to the Lord's Work, the same as we do for contributions to the English MWM program.
PLEASE DO NOT BE AN UNEXPECTED VISITOR TO EITHER THE ENGLISH OR SPANISH MWM HEADQUARTERS! Do not come to either without permission or an invitation. Both Athens & Puerto Rico are already sufficiently staffed & saturated with all seven supporters & scores of full-time workers, so please do not come to either without an invitation!
WE'VE ALREADY RECEIVED SAMPLE MWM LOCAL LANGUAGE TAPES IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, JAPANESE & BRAZILIAN & there are probably more on the way! Remember, at least 50 percent of the songs on these local language MWM tapes should be in the local language & all of the announcements, jingles & talking! Please do not send us local language MWM tapes which have merely translated the speech portions into the local language & are still using all-English-language songs! 50 percent of your music & songs in English is permissible, but certainly not all of it or most of it! Otherwise it is not really a local language MWM Show.
ALSO, YOU LOCAL LANGUAGE SHOWS DO NOT HAVE TO EVEN HAVE THE SAME TITLE AS MWM or attempt to translate that title into your local language. You may use whatever title you feel is good for your local show. For example, the Spanish show has been called "Musica Con Vida" (Music With Life), the French show will probably be called "Musique Magique," etc. So please get together & choose your own best name in your particular language for your particular show. It does not have to be called MWM, altho' it should have a similar title with similar meaning or significance, beauty, rhythm & mystique! Pray & ask God for a good one!-A real bellringer! GBY! Keep'm rollin'! WLY!
WILL YOU LOCAL LANGUAGE PUBS, LIMs & LIT-PICs PLEASE SHARE WITH US, YOUR INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE MAGAZINE, those excellent local articles of not only local interest but which would be of interest to all of us worldwide! We have noticed a number of outstanding articles with good pictures in local pubs which have never been sent to us to publish in the International English language Magazine to share with the whole World! These inspiring articles on your local successes are very thrilling to us all & we would all like to hear them, so please send us English-language translations along with pictures for the International Magazine to: Maria Campos, Apdo. 46131, Madrid, Spain (with an inner envelope marked "Family News" lightly in pencil!).
FROM NOW ON YOUR FAMILY NEWS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MAGAZINE WILL BE CALLED "FAMILY NEWS INTERNATIONAL" as it is our International Magazine read in over 80 countries of the World in English, the most international language of the World today! English is the second language of the World's leading nations & the most important international language of the entire World!
SO PLEASE DO NOT FORGET THAT THIS INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE UNITES US ALL TOGETHER IN ONE FAMILY regardless of nation, language, race, colour or location! So if you feel you are a part of the whole worldwide body of our Family, please share your local news with all of us by sending us English-language translations & good clear black-&-white contrasty photo prints with captions for use in the International Magazine!
LIMs & LIT-PICs PLEASE SEND US COPIES OF YOUR LOCAL PRAYER LETTERS including original or black-&-white copies of your photos for international publication in the International Magazine! We may not be able to use them all right away, but we will certainly use them, D.V., if we can.
INCIDENTALLY, THE INDONESIAN PUBLISHING TEAM ARE NOW PRODUCING SUFFICIENT LITERATURE of good quality in Indonesian to be classified as a full-fledged LIT-PIC worthy of the support of their local Homes plus donations of all those interested in them throughout the World! So please give to them if you can!--Thanks!
WE'RE PERSONALLY WORKING ON A NEW POETRY BOOK FOR CHILDREN based on Mo Letters, Bible stories, etc., including the already existing poetry of the Mo Letters themselves. FC & MWM are also both working on children's skits in pamphlet form & recordings. So please, anyone who has good poems &/or skits which you think should be included, send them in immediately. Thank you! Mail to: Maria Campos, Apdo. 46131, Madrid, Spain (in an inner envelope marked "Family News" lightly in pencil).
INCIDENTALLY, FC IS IN DESPERATE NEED OF A COMPOSER TYPEWRITER, a special space-saving typewriter for its multitudinous vital publications for our children & the children of the whole World! Anybody have one you could spare or donate?--Or even know of a good used one?--Or if you'd like to contribute for the purchase of this much-needed typewriter for FC publications, please send your donation to: W.S., Pf. 241, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland & designating your gift inside to "FC Composer" Tks! GBY!
ONE TINY HAND CAN CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY! One little bullet. You know what they say: "If you want to be famous & can't be a great man, then kill one!" It's a terrible thing to say, but it has too often proven true! Little nobody assassins have changed the course of history by killing some great world leader.
REAGAN WAS REALLY GETTING A LITTLE BIT TOO COCKY, too self-confident in his tremendous victory & too belligerent with Russia, too rough-shod on the Latin American countries & sort of throwing his weight around a little too much in too bellicose a manner.--And he was definitely threatening to get us into another world war!
IT'S USUALLY THE FANATICS THAT ARE STRONG, the extreme rightists or the extreme leftists. The liberals, the moderates, who are usually the peacemakers, the in-between people, are also usually weaker characters & not as strong & have a hard time bucking the fanatics. I think Haig is a fanatic & Bush is a moderate. That's why Bush was put on the ticket, to counter-balance Reagan. I'm not sure that Bush has the guts to buck Haig, altho' he now has the superior authority of the Vice-President.
BUSH WAS NOT ORIGINALLY FOR REAGAN--he was running on his own ticket against Reagan for the Republican nomination for the liberal or moderate Republican candidate, & it was only when he saw he didn't have a chance to win that he decided to concede the victory to Reagan & start campaigning for him, which was a disappointment for a lot of liberals & moderates. Lord help him & give him wisdom, in Jesus' Name, to try to postpone the War & keep the peace as long as possible! Please pray for them all that God will have His way! IJN, M&M.
ALL WE CAN SAY ABOUT THE RECENT WOUNDING OF THE SPIDER is that perhaps he has been temporarily dismandibled, as in our dream of "The Spider", No.879, Mag 20, & may even soon be swept off the wall & into the dustbin of history! At least, thank God, we hope that it has slowed down his hell-bent-for-destruction charge into war with Russia!
WE HAD BEEN PRAYING FOR GOD TO GIVE US MORE TIME for more of us to move out of the war areas before it comes, & so we believe this was part of the answer.--TTL! Certainly God is dealing with this enemy & friend of our enemies & no doubt trying to get him to repent of some of his evil deeds & intentions & slow down his progress toward the holocaust! TYJ! PTL!
WE REALLY BELIEVE IT WAS AN ANSWER TO PRAYER! Also don't forget to please pray for mercy for the pitiful instrument responsible, though it was no doubt the hand of God & an act of God!--And pray that the militant warmonger Haig won't get us into it in the President's absence! GHU! Pray!
ALL IS NOT YET KNOWN AS TO WHAT WILL BE THE EFFECT of the new military regime in Thailand, but already it has meant a tightening of security controls there including publications, & therefore may affect our ministry there. Please pray for all of our missionaries there who have been reaping a tremendous harvest & saturating that tiny precious receptive country with Jesus' Gospel of Love!
WE TOLD YOU THAT IT WAS THAILAND'S HARVEST TIME, but all harvests sooner or later come to an end, & then come the judgements of God upon those who resisted the harvest! So we still believe that Thailand's time is short & this is another confirmation of that prediction. Therefore, work for the night is coming when no man can work there any longer!--Jn.9:4.--Amen? GBY who are & have & all those of you who've helped support'm! Give now before it's too late!
I CERTAINLY WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE WRITINGS & BOOKS OF MRS. CHARLES E. COWMAN. We knew her personally, a real saint of God! She & her husband, as I recall, were both missionaries in China for many years, where he died. In her sorrow & loss of him & her having then to return from the field, she wrote & accumulated many of these writings & poems, etc., for the comfort of others, the comfort wherewith she herself was comforted. (2Cor.1:4)
THEY'RE VERY BEAUTIFUL, INSPIRATIONAL & COMFORTING WRITINGS & POEMS, etc., for the encouragement & comfort of those who need the same. So I'd certainly recommend her books, the most famous of which were {\ul \i Streams in the Desert}, {\ul \i Springs in the Valley}, {\ul \i Words of Comfort & Cheer}, {\ul \i Travelling Towards Sunrise}, {\ul \i Mountain Trailways for Youth}, etc. I don't know how many others, but those that I know, particularly {\ul \i Streams in the Desert}, became very famous & very widely used by Christians of all faiths throughout the World, & my Mother used to frequently quote them on her radio programs & in her devotional talks & writings.
I HAVE NOT READ ALL OF HER WRITINGS, so I cannot say that I necessarily agree with everything she ever said. I might have some difference of opinion since she was a Holiness woman & came from the Holiness School of theological thought & churches, & therefore we might have some difference in doctrine here or there. But she was a very sweet saint of God herself.
WE MET HER PERSONALLY AT A BANQUET HELD IN OUR HONOUR in Los Angeles for my mother, & they were very good friends. So I know that my mother thought highly of her & used her writings a great deal. So I would certainly recommend them as being very encouraging & comforting devotional books for people who need encouragement & comfort & faith, particularly for the aged or invalids or the sick or shut-ins & those who have been bereaved by a death in the family, etc.--beautiful comforting verses & thoughts & Scriptures for those who need comfort. Her Words of Comfort & Cheer is very beautiful, particularly for those who have suffered a bereavement or death or tragedy in the family.
THESE CAN BE OBTAINED THRU' MOST LARGE CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONAL BOOKSTORES or publishing houses, such as: Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A., or Christian Publications, Harrisburg, Pa., U.S.A., or possibly in other English-speaking countries.--Send for their free catalogues of many useful pubs & children's materials.
THERE IS NO COUNTRY THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO BRING IN GUNS OR 2-WAY RADIOS or any type of questionable equipment that could be used by guerrillas or terrorists, etc. It's absolutely ridiculous for any of you folks to think that you can get away with taking guns & radio transmitters into a foreign country! It's a miracle they didn't lock up the Family members that tried this! You rightly had all that equipment taken away from you!--You can thank God they didn't put you in jail!
WE DON'T BELIEVE IN VIOLENCE!--What a poor & dangerous testimony that could reflect very ill on our peace-loving pacifistic Family! We are not fighting with carnal weapons (2Cor.10:4) but wooing & winning with love!--"They that live by the sword shall die by the sword"--Jesus! (Mt.26.52)
15. WNs Parents: Please don't overlook the many interesting items on health & children which you will find in the WNs in this edition of the Magazine. TKs.
IN A HARD RAIN TRAILERS ARE VULNERABLE TO LEAKS!--Because every time you move them they twist & turn & bounce & open up cracks. You should never store anything directly on the floor of a trailer that is subject to dampness, like under the seats, etc., unless they're wrapped in plastic or something waterproof, because trailers are so subject to leaks. In their moving around they do a lot of twisting & the frame & body twists with vibrations & bumps, etc., & it opens up cracks, particularly around the windows.
IN A HARD RAIN ALWAYS CHECK YOUR TRAILER AROUND THE EDGES OF THE VENTS & THE WINDOWS, particularly along the bottoms of windows especially at the corners, & see if there is any dampness or water on the walls or ceiling, because that's where they usually leak. You may have to do some caulking from the outside around the window frames.
BE SURE OF COURSE THAT YOUR WINDOWS SHUT TIGHT & the rain isn't leaking in between the window & the frame. But the usual leaks are between the window frames & the walls which need to be very carefully caulked, usually under pressure with some type of plastic flexible caulking that stays flexible & will not harden, so that it will flex with the movement of the joints of the trailer.
ANOTHER BAD PLACE WHERE THEY LEAK IS AROUND THE SEAMS--roof seams that run across the roof, & the seams at the edges of the roof & where the sides meet the roof & the rear wall meets the sides--any joints or unions of walls, ceiling, etc., but particularly around the windows near the bottom corners you'll usually find water if it's leaking.
IF YOU HAVE A PARTICULARLY BAD LEAK sometimes it'll be along the top of the window but it'll be pulling a stream inside from the bottom of the window, usually from a corner, which can get everything pretty well soaked underneath. So in rainy weather be sure you check behind your cushions, under your windows, behind your mattresses, on the floor under the seats, etc., for leaks, & catch & fix'm before too late & everything's soaked!
IF SOME AREA HAS BEEN FLOODED be sure to open it up & dry it out well, because damp rot is the worst enemy of most plywood trailer bodies & floors & can soon make your trailer fall apart! Don't let it get started in yours! Fix those leaks NOW! Keep your trailer dry! GBAKY mobile!
YOU WILL FIND THIS ARTICLE IN THIS MAGAZINE on time changes. Please do not misunderstand it to mean that you cannot or must not change your clocks & watches to conform to the local System time, for it you do not you may become hopelessly confused between your hours & those of the System & your appointments, shopping hours & all the rest! The article was written to simply tell you that I frankly resent these governmental artificial time changes, not that we do not have to conform to them. After all it is the law, & we're supposed to try to obey it.
HOWEVER, THO' YOU MAY HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR CLOCKS & WATCHES, YOU DO NOT NECESSARILY HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR FAMILY OR HOME SCHEDULES to conform to them. You may want to continue the same hours of eating or rising or retiring for your local Family for the sake of your children & your continued habit times in order not to upset your body clocks. However, you who are working at System jobs & have children going to System schools may have to do it anyway.
"TAKE THE SPOILING OF YOUR GOODS JOYFULLY" (Heb.10:34) & when the System persecutes you with these time changes, "Rejoice & be exceeding glad, for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you" (Mt.5:12). "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whilst thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, & the judge deliver thee to the officer, & thou shalt be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing!"--Jesus said in Matthew 5:25.
SO IF THEY ASK FOR YOUR COAT, GIVE THEM YOUR TIME VEST TOO, if you have to. (Mt.5:40.) You may have to change time whether you like it or not, to avoid confusion & missing appointments & shopping hours, etc. PG! GBY! Thank God for the day that's coming when "Time Shall Be No More!"--And nobody can change that! Hallelujah! GBAKYACTMYAB!--In Jesus' name! Amen!--WLY!--M&M.