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NEW REVISED TRFS!       23/10/81       DO 1075

Dear TRFer!
       1. WE HOPE YOU CAN UNDERSTAND THESE NEW REVISED TRFS FOR YOUR NEXT HOME REPORTS. We tried to make'm as condensed as possible in order to get all the Required & Voluntary Stats on only two sheets that can be easily filled in by you & copied by our CROs without hunting all over for'm!

New TRF we sent last time, & it really contains all that you & we need to know, & once you get used to the idea you'll like it, as most of it is only checkmarks with as few figures as possible.

       3. NOTICE ALSO WE'RE USING A NUMBER FOR EACH HOME to save space, so you'll need to get the Number of your Home from your CRO as soon as possible, who'll soon give you the Number for your Home to put in the place provided for it on your new TRF so you won't have to look it up everytime. The columns to the right of the TRF Home Number are the Month for which you are reporting, & next the actual date of your report. Then check "seal" if you want sealed mail & the "10$" box if you're enclosing the 10$.

       4. {\b \ul UNDER I`LANG" OF COURSE, YOU CHECK EITHER ENG. OR LOC., OR BOTH FOR A BI-LINGUAL}. Then under "Ministry & Support" this tells what yours are by checking the appropriate boxes corresponding to your main ministries and supporters. The two columns under "Give" mean we can give your phone &/or address to other Homes, according to how you check the TRF.

       5. COLUMNS UNDER "LITNESS" are pretty obvious for filling in the figure for the number of pieces & pages printed & distributed. Under "Mass Witness" you are to fill in figure for the approximate numbers of people you reached through each of the 4 types of public ministry or media. Under "Personal Witness" you fill in the number you reached through each method, and finally you total all numbers witnessed to through both mass and personal means in this last column under row one. Then on row two under "Shows" you fill in the number of TV &/or Radio Shows you've participated in during the Month, & also in the 3d column the number of times you were mentioned on the News. Under "Vital Stats" you fill in the numbers for each of these categories, including the number of people who received Jesus & the HG, & the numbers under "FFd" who were loved & saved, & the number of letters your FFers wrote to them & received from them.

       6. UNDER "BABIES", "JESUS B'S" means Jesus Babies, of course, & "Bro. /Sis" means number of babies born to a sister fathered by a brother in the Family, as well as the total number of babies born in your Home for that month. And in the following columns put the number of Bethrothals, Separations, those who Passed On (died) &/or miscarried (over 4 months pregnant.)

       7. FOLLOWING THIS IS WHAT WE USED TO CALL THE "PERSONNEL LIST" BUT IS NOW TO BE CALLED "MEMBERS", with spaces for your names & country of Passports, then small boxes to check or fill in as shown, & a space for where the New Arrivals are from.

       8. Last are spaces for your Tithe, Gifts & the Total Enclosed. Some of these spaces may not be quite big enough, so you might have to use the space below or write the figures vertically.

       9. IT'S REALLY GOT EVERYTHING ON IT WE NEED TO KNOW for our usual stats--at least all we care to know hereafter!--& of course, you can always use the back of it for any additional notes you may have or any extra info you may want to send on your TRF which might be exceptional.

       10. SPACES FOR VICTORIES, PROBLEMS & SO ON are on the back of the TRF & will be summarised or quoted in full, if worthy, & these summaries &/or quotes are sent as soon as possible to Maria & the FN.

       11. PLEASE TRY THIS NEW REVISED TRF FOR YOUR NEXT REPORT, & see how you like it.--& if you don't, let us know what you don't like about it.--Or tell us right now if you think it's urgently or seriously in need of an immediate change before next time. We have also made a New Revised Voluntary TRF, which will only be a one-time thing this 1st Month, or at least probably not more than once or twice a year. So cheer up!--Things could be worse--& will be someday! So TTL it's not yet! Be thankful we still have stats to keep!--Amen? Also,

       12. I'M SURE YOU'LL BE HAPPY TO SEE THAT WE'RE REVISING THESE NEW TRFS into much simpler & more condensed forms but still containing all the same Stats in exactly the same order, so it'll be very easy for you to run right down your Log list & transfer your stats to these TRFs.

       13. WE'RE REALLY TRYING TO MAKE YOUR TASK EASIER, SIMPLER & QUICKER!--Really! Incidentally, this was all my own idea, so don't blame it on anybody else if you don't like it, but I'll gladly take the credit if you do! Now Susan has sat here long enough on the floor taking notes while I'm sitting on the toilet, so I think we'd both better quit, and I'm sure you're glad we did!

       14. BUT I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTOOD what we're trying to do. But if you don't, please ask & we'll try to explain it to you. Just be sure to get your questions in before too long! PTL! GBY! Thanks for your patience & all your hard work to help make this a great Family for the Lord & souls for His Kingdom forever! GBAKYAMYAB!--IJN!--Amen!--U-no-Hoo!--Love,--ur Ol' Hooter!--Ahootin`n'ahollerin' for Jesus! GBY! Do your Required TRF States first & leave the Voluntary TRF until last, but now!--OK?--& from now on use these New Revised TRFs only! Tks! Saves lotsa work for our CROs too! GBY!--Love, D.

       P.S. Don't forget to fill in your Home No. & P.O. Name and Address & Phone No. at the bottom of the Chart--both Charts if you're also sending an RVT (Revised Voluntary TRF) So we'll be sure to know who stats they are in case they should get lost from each other!--Including the back of your new RRT (Revised Required TRF).--Thanks! GBY! WL & PFY! Yours,--D.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family