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LATEST NEWS FLASHES FOR MAG 48       14 JANUARY 1982       DFO 1086

       1. WORLD SERVICES IS LEAVING EUROPE! Simon & Silas of MWMI have already left for India to prepare a place there for the others.

       2. THE BRAZILIAN MCV IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE! By the time you receive this Magazine, Cephas & Sam will be in Brasil, D.V., to push out Brazilian-Portuguese Language Music Show in a country with a population of 120 million & a Family population of already about 600! D.V. Peter & Topaz & children will have arrived in time for the January 25th NAFM as well, PTL!--Are YOU comin'?

       3. YOU DUTCH/GERMAN & SCANDINAVIAN LIM HOMES HAVE ALREADY BEEN NOTIFIED TO STOP REPORTING IN EUROPE & have been given another address to which to send your TRFs.

       4. THIS WILL PROBABLY BE THE LAST FN MAGAZINE PRINTED IN EUROPE! There may also be a longer interval than usual between this Mag & the next one, as your Printing & Publishing Units get set up in safe Southern locations. So please pray, be patient & get caught up on all the Books, Tapes & Magazines you haven't yet been able to finish, while you want for your next one. Your receiving future publications may depend upon you & your prayers & your giving. So please don't fail! Pray desperately & give today! Our WS moves have required enormous expenditures which have been made possible because of your faithfulness, so please don't fail now. We need you desperately. Report your TRF on the first as usual, even if to a new address.

       5. WE ARE TRYING TO LOCATE A COPY OF A PUBLICATION done by Spanish Pubs in 1974 entitled "Quien Puede Capturar El Viento...", a photo witnessing story of Ed Altar & Paloma, mentioned in ML #318B:34. See its cover on the front of 318B. This was beautifully done & we would like to do more along these same lines, so if you have a copy this publication we would be extremely grateful if you would send it to the FN for publication in the magazine, D.V., as a good example of a kind of publication in the creation of which our photographers could shine!--& scriptors & actors too!

       6. NOT ALL LETTERS & ARTICLES THAT WE INCLUDE IN YOUR MAGAZINE ARE EXPECTED TO BE READ BY CHILDREN UNDER 12! So please discriminate between what is for adults only & would not be good to share with children & what you can share with children. We do not like to, dwell on the negative & the works of the enemy but sometimes we are compelled to share them with you adults for your warning, such as Dad's latest: "U.S. Cannibals!"

       7. WHEN YOU SEE DEPARTING FAMILY OFF AT THE AIRPORT be sure to always wait until you see the plane actually lift off before you leave the airport!--Otherwise they may for some reason not be able to board or the flight may be delayed or cancelled at the last minute & your would-be passengers stuck at the airport unable to reach you until you have driven miles & miles home, & then you'll have to drive all that distance back again to pick them up!--It's happened too often!--Also be sure arriving passengers phone you from the AIRPORT before going miles to pick'm up!--Many often do not arrive as planned, & hours & miles are wasted!

       8. FROM YOUR M&M MAIL SECRETARY: Dearest Family, God bless you & Greetings in Jesus' name! Dad & Maria want to thank you so very much for all the beautiful letters & photos which you have been sending to them. They really appreciate each one of you so much & read & pray over each letter they receive. However, because of recent changes & the shortness of time, it will not longer be possible to send a reply to all who write in. They will continue to read & pray over each letter, but only the most urgent questions or situations will be answered. Dad & Maria do wish to continue to hear from you, however, as receiving your loving letters from around the world truly helps them keep in touch with them keep in touch with the needs & desires of their flock. So please feel free to continue to write to them. They really love you & are praying for your during this time to change, & trust the Lord will continue to strengthen & inspire each one of you as you continue to serve Him & witness His Love to the world! GBAKY! P.S. All gifts will be acknowledged as usual. (--& read the Mag!--Ur Letter & answer may appear there! Ha!)

       9. ALSO, THEY HAVE RECENTLY RECEIVED MANY, MANY LETTERS WHICH HAVE BEEN SO LONG & SCRIBBLED ALMOST ILLEGIBLY, that they have to urgently ask you to please try to keep your letters short & to the point, & to type or print them clearly. Some have sent letters as long as 20 pages, or longer, which have just been impossible to read! Also, they want to urge you to lease refrain from sending tapes, unless you are specifically requested to send one. As Dad said in MWWFL No.10:

       10. "JUST A NOTE OR A LITTLE ONE-PAGER REGULARLY IS MORE QUICKLY & EASILY READ as well as written & keeps us more currently up-to-date on things than a big sudden flood of material all at once after you just happen to remember that you haven't written us for quite awhile. So, please, do try to cut them down a little if you can & if you want it read right away. Otherwise we're prone to put off the long ones till later, which may never come! I don't know that it's really necessary for us to know all these little details of all of your problems or to be burdened with them too much, since most of them can be handled by you & the Lord & are probably already solved before we get the letter. So please don't' let this discourage you from writing us whatever you need to write. We do enjoy them & appreciate them." (ML #312B:1-11. Read it all!)--Or if you want to share reports of your activities with us, why not write it out for all & send it in publishable form to the Magazine! Write to: Pilar Gutierrez, P.O. Box 685, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00919, U.S.A.

       11. FROM BERIAH, 31 DECEMBER 1981: Hallelujah! What a month & what a year! PTL! TTL & thank you for making it all possible! We sent our most ever tapes out this year: 56,307 (*)--that's about 49,730 in the 6 mailings we did & 756 requests for 6577 tapes, that's more than the 40,576 we did in the previous 6 years! Whew! GBY for your loving generosity in making it possible to feed our Family in this way! So, that makes a grand total of 96,883 tapes mailed out in the 7 years we have been making WW Tapes. Thank God for His Words!--Now we have something really impressive we can give to people to feed their souls. Whew! WLY! (* That's about 4,000 kilometres of tape!) (And by the middle of February he's planning to have mailed out 40,650 tapes in four worldwide mailings. Please pray desperately for his equipment as it is running 24 hours a day, non-stop, & occasionally breaks down, but with very desperate prayer revives.--Real Miracle Machinery!)

       12. NOTICE FROM GLP: GLP is now closing. Please do not send any more orders to the old GLP address in Hong Kong. In future, please send all orders for volumes to your reporting office & they will see that you get the volumes you need. GBY & thanks! Also due to popular demand, Volume 6 is now out of stock, so please do not request this volume anymore. GBAKYACTMYAB! WLY!

       13. ATTENTION FAMILY ARTISTS: By now you should all have received your copy of the "Important Notice to All Artists!" from Hart Inkletter. Please comply immediately with the mandatory changes we are having to make for the sake of the Work, as we now in a final great push to publish the TK Volumes before the coming Nuclear War. We are praying that the Lord will enable each one of you to burn free on your Art Ministry more than you ever have before, & as you many never be able to again on such a worldwide scale! Let's get those TKs illustrated & those Volumes out now, amen?

       14. AND DON'T WORRY THAT YOUR ART MINISTRY IS NECESSARILY ALL OVER ONCE THE WAR HAPPENS. "The gifts & calling of God are without repentance" & many of you will be able to continue your ministry on a local scale, like dear Fay Grace who has started illustrating comic strips for a major newspaper in India, with an invitation for young people to join the "Komix Klub." You can do it too! There is no end of outreach opportunities if you'll pray & ask the Lord!--But for right now please get those TKs illustrated & mailed! GBY! WLY!


       a) In the "Chord Diagrams" on page 113, left column, the 2nd chord is wrong. Here is a diagram of how it should correct read: [EDITED: "pic of Fmaj7"]

       b) The "Subject Index" was prepared by Windy & Jeremy.

       c) "Christmas Special" on page 93 was sent out to the Family this Christmas as "Christmas with MWM." TKs! WLY!

       16. LNF ADVISORY FOR 1 HEART DAIRY--By James Penn January 1982

       "In case you didn't know it, God is interested in details and statistics! He even says that the very hairs of your head are numbered, and not one sparrow fails to the ground but what your Heavenly Father knoweth it! Also, some day you will have to give on account for every idle word & for all the deeds done in the body, and every man shall be judged according to his works--His Word says so! And most of all, He keeps books on those who are saved and the unsaved and all their records! God has a whole dossier on each of you in Heaven!--Records and recorders are shown to be very important and necessary throughout His Word, and many times they were commanded to 'write all these things in a book', that they might be remembered for the record. (Mal.3:16-18.) So you see, statistics are extremely important and vitally essential..." (ML #129:1,2.)

       Dear Family, it is with great happiness that we can inform you that soon all adult members should be receiving their personal copy of the new full-of-fire inspirational 1 Heart Diary for 1982! Dad is such a faithful example of keeping records, statistics and logs, not only in areas concerning the Word, but also in many areas of his daily life, and we hope that this diary will inspire you to follow his example. As Dad explained in the LNFs of Mag 44, it was not possible to have the diary ready at the beginning of the year due to the large number of printing projects 'in the works', so we hope that you followed his advice and have been keeping a log in a separate notebook, which you can transfer to your diary when it arrives.

       Briefly we would like to explain some of the sections of the diary to you, to help you get the maximum use out of it.

       1982 Calendar--This would be a good place for you girls to circle the date of the beginning of your periods, as Dad has so often suggested.

       Daily Diary pages--lots of room to write in a daily, even hourly account of your exciting life for the Lord! Note that the days of the week are not marked, the reason being that this will make it easier to reprint the diary for 1983, as is planned. So either refer to the 1982 diary pages at the front, or better still, take time and write in the day of the week for each date for the whole year.

       Personal Memoranda page--For you to record any important details, keeping in mind the warning at the top of the page. You will notice that there is no place in the diary specifically designated for you to write your name address, passport no., bank account no., etc. Such [EDITED: "private"] information should under no circumstances fall into the wrong hands, and as Dad has warned us in ML #952-2:16,25, and as several Family members can testify from experience. [DELETED] So to avoid such information being easily understood by [EDITED: "others"], we would suggest that you tuck it away in some inconspicuous corner of your diary, where only you or those close to you know where to find it. Dad even half jokingly remarked that if you lose such an information-packed diary, you would be better off not to have your name in it, so they don't know whose it is, and can't return it!--HA!--AMEN!

       As well, be sure to keep your diary in a very safe place, [DELETED] and be [EDITED: "careful"] when referring to individuals, places, etc. A good habit is to develop some sort of simple code that only you or those close to you can understand, and use it when referring to people, places, addresses, etc. But do keep it simple, or you might forget it in a year or two! Just enough [EDITED: "so only you understand it"]. "It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given." Mt.13:11, also vs.10-14,34.--AMEN!

       Monthly Summary-Personal Stats charts--A month-at-a-glance chart to help you keep a daily account of important and just plain interesting information not already covered in the preceding Lit, Wit, FFing stat charts. 2 blank columns are left for you to fill in any categories of particular interest to you that have not already been covered. In the first 2 columns the means--you guessed it! SEX! And in the 'litres wine' category, this does not mean that you should be drinking more than 1 a day, but rather a fraction of 1. (Dad has said that .25 litres a day should be sufficient.)

       Summary of Year charts--These 4 pages are for you to record in a convenient and easy-to-refer-to manner the monthly and yearly totals of all the Lit, Wit, FF and Personal stats, with 1 1/2 pages left blank for you to record any other totals or info particular to your ministry (see blank charts). this should make it easy for you to record your year-end "count your blessings" progress and accomplishment report, for the encouragement of your and others. "Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will amaze you what the Lord has done!" (ML #957:3-5.)

       Alphabet Address pages. If you do not have a public ministry, you can always use these pages for recording memory verses, or anything else, that you might want to enter in alphabetical order.--But most need'm for names & addresses.

       Sample Charts: Blank Chart paper.--To allow everyone to get the best use out of these pages and adapt them to their own needs, these pages have been left blank, with only the lines drawn in. However, some sample charts were designed to offer some ideas of how to chart information in different areas.

       Sample Finance Chart--This can be used to either record the daily total income and expenses of each category, or to record each particular item, logging it in the corresponding column. Again, it is just a suggested chart, as there are many different ways to 'keep books'.

       Children's School and Training Chart.--Designed to help mothers keep an outline of their children's activities.

       Work Progress Chart--This is the chart that Dad uses to log the progress of each of the many 'projects' he works on, and would possibly be a useful guide to WS personnel, LIMs, LIT-PICS, etc.

       These 3 charts are just suggestions, so feel free to design your own if these do not fit your particular situation. That's why the charts are blank; to encourage you to keep accurate records in every way! You'll be glad that you did one day!

       And if you have any suggestions as to how the diary can be improved, for next year let us know, as it was designed with you in mind, and we want it to meet you needs! And if you design any other charts that you might think would be beneficial to the rest of the Family, send those in too, so we can share them! We love you all, and pray that this diary will be a great blessing to you in this New Year!

       P.S. We would like to recommend that you use a ballpoint pen when making entries. Felt tip pens often have a thick ink that might, over a period of time, seep through the paper, making the opposite side hard to read.--Amen!


       "And remember: HANG ONTO YOUR PASSPORT!--SLEEP ON IT, if necessary! It's almost your most valuable possession, as you can't go anywhere without it!' (ML #209:14).

       Dad wrote this admonition 9 years ago, and since then has often reminded us of now valuable passports are, and that we should take every precaution to ensure that they are not lost or stolen! Many countries make it very difficult to replace lost or stolen passports, and no doubt this trend will increase in the future.

       One cardinal rule in Dad's house is that no one carries their passport on them unless they absolutely have to. We try to keep them tucked away in our fleebags, where they can't get lost or stolen, and where they are readily accessible at a moment's notice. However, as strangers in a strange land, there are a number of occasions when various officials will be apt to ask you for your ID, and what they invariably want to see is your passport. To get around this problem, Dad hit on the idea of making a small photocopy "booklet" of the passport that contains the "vital" information of the bearer. These pages were photocopied on a high quality photocopy machine so that the photo, etc., reproduced well, and then stapled or taped together inside a photocopy of the passport cover to make a nice little booklet. The pages can even be plasticised with contact paper to ensure longer life. Dad has emphasised that it is not enough to have just the page with your name, birthday, etc., but also a copy of the page that has your valid visa stamp must be included. Such a booklet should not need more then 8 or so pages, and could save you from having to carry your passport to the P.O., bank, etc. It should also satisfy any legal officer as to who you are, and that you are in the country legally.

       Some Family members have even submitted a photocopy of their passports when applying for residency in foreign countries, with no questions asked.

       So why not try it? You may find that you do not need to carry your priceless passport around nearly as much as you think you did! And if anyone asks you why you have a photocopy, simply explain that you never carry your passport unless you absolutely have to; a perfectly sensible precaution that every 'tourist' should take. Of course, there are many countries where they will insist on being shown the 'real thing', but see what the situation is where you are, and whatever the case, guard your passport very carefully! "If lost or stolen, report it immediately to the nearest embassy of the country of which you are a citizen, and apply for a temporary one until they can get you a new one. Don't try to travel without it, or you may be jailed or even deported!" (ML #209:14.) (AMEN! GHU!--& GBAKY & Ur Passport!)


       Amongst the many publication projects 'in the works' is the compilation of a 2 volume {\ul \i Family Reference Book}, which will contain a multitude of facts, figures, classes and other useful information for Family members. It will be complied in an easy-to-use format covering every important subject, so that you won't have to lug around tomes of heavy encyclopaedias and other reference books to get the information that you need, when you need it.

       Volume I will basically be a DFO {\ul \i Family Reference Book}, containing classes, compilations, (many never before published) that will help you in every phase of the 7 Supporters, as well as other important areas, such as Family [EDITED: "safety"] rules, etc. Almost of all of this material will be complied by Family members who are specialists in their fields so it promises to be a gold mine of invaluable, tried and prove information!

       Volume 2, or the {\ul \i Faxfinder}, as Dad calls it, will be larger, wider-ranging, and covering many subjects normally found in almanacs, encyclopaedias, etc. However, it will all be condensed in an easy to refer to format, about the size of an ML volume.

       As these books are being specifically designed to meet the needs of you, the Family, we would like to 'pump people power' and hear from you what you would like to see included in either of these volumes: classes, or general information that you need and would use. SO PLEASE SEND IN ANY IDEAS, SUGGESTIONS, THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE ALONG THIS LINE TO JOSE BALCELLS, P.O. BOX 30339, 65TH INFANTRY STA., RIO PIEDRAS, PUERTO RICO 00929 USA.

       And those of you who feel that you might have something to contribute, such as a class or compilation of tips concerning a subject or area in which you are particularly knowledgeable, please write in, letting us know what your 'speciality' is, and if material on that topic is needed, we'll be sure to let you know. And finally, please pray for this project, that it can be completed and sent to you ASAP, as it promises to be a tremendous practical tool and help for each Family member!--'A Reference Book with a Difference!' (Amen! Coming soon, D.V.! PRAY! GBY!)

       19. LNF ON VIDEOS!

              GBY! WLY & PRAY THAT YOU'RE ENJOYING THE VIDEOS! In many places they've been the fuel & flame of the Fellowship Revolution & Dad considers them one of our most important weapons--even more effective in some ways than our books & literature--since no one can deny the joy & changed lives contained in them! PTL! And, outside of our personnel, Dad believes that these videotapes are the most important things we've got & they might be the only fellowship you have some day! (AMEN!)

       So Dad is extremely concerned that we keep good track & take good care of the videos that we have. They're more valuable than money! You're handling human lives when you handle these videos, & the [EDITED: "privacy"] of the Family rests in your hands. Because if some of our Family videos fell into the wrong hands, [DELETED] they could be a greater curse than blessing!

       Therefore we wanted to ask each Home, Fellowship, WS Unit or IVL that has video tapes or watches them!) to please fill out the enclosed video report form each month at the same time as your TRF & send it with your TRF to your CRO Office, who will then compile it & send it on to us! We realise that this is a little extra work but we must keep track of the videos & keep as accurate books on them as we do on our finances! And the report is set up the same way as a finance report--a list of the videos you received, of those which you sent on & your balance on hand. There are a few reminders for video care on the report as well as space for your comments, suggestions & reactions! (Good! GBY!--Pls send w/next TRF!)

       So get those monthly video reports in! And you WS Units or IVLs, who handle large numbers of videos, please halt your circulation of videos until you can get us a listing of what videos you have, where they are, etc. If you can't find a video number on the box, then just list the contents on the report for us & we'll be happy to send you a number! Thanks! Please get those video reports in now! Thanks! WLYAPFY! (& the sooner U do, the sooner we can organise the VCLs & send U more!--Amen? GBY! WLY! Do it NOW!--D.)

       20. URGENT!--SRI LANKA IS ALREADY OVERCROWDED! We do not need more Family members there. If you feel called to that area, please go instead to India or Pakistan, Bangladesh or Nepal. Do not go to Sri Lanka. If you go in spite of this notice, we many be forced to excommunicate you. Sorry! Love, Dad & Maria.

       21. TO SAVE TIME & EXPENSE & BE ABLE TO GET THE MAG TO YOU FASTER, we are going to be cutting down on hours & hours of photowork by using the good photos you send us in exactly the same size as you send them, only cropping off unnecessary borders--no reshooting down or up, etc. We're trying to trim everything for the big move & future work with fewer people. Therefore we would request that if possible you send good close-up Family or group-shot photos with your stories sent to the Mag. Large photos or enlargements will not be as readily used as smaller photos since the large ones take up so much space on the page & will have to be of excellent quality or special interest to be worth the space they will take in the Mag. But the smaller the photos are, the more of them we can use, so please send in your good small-size photos with your stories & letters. Thanks!

       22. SOLOMON & JERUSHA WRITE FROM MARTINIQUE THAT MEMBERS OF OUR FRENCH FAMILY WHO ARE PLANNING ON GOING TO MARTINIQUE, GUADELOUPE OR FRENCH GUYANA will not be able to receive any help from the government in allocations or Family support unless they have a System job there. They also say that rentals are difficult to find & very expensive. Of course, all things are possible with God if it is His will for you to be there. But you'd better be sure before you go. God bless you & give you wisdom.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family