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LATEST FLASHES FOR MAG 50       DFO1101A       2/82

       1. ANNOUNCING THE 3-YEAR ONE-HEART DIARIES! 2/2/82--By James Peter

       1. "I just thought that I'd show you how to make your diary into a 3 year diary, 1982, 83, 84: This is the way that they used to make them in the depression days when people couldn't afford to buy a big diary every year. In fact they had 5-year diaries! I never could fill up these big daily pages: --maybe you're more effluent and write on & on, in which case you can trust these guys to get another diary to us by Jan. 1, 1983! But I don't! I'm not taking any chances this time! I had to rip out this year's January portion so that I could stick in my own.

       "So here's how to make it a 3-year diary. I wanted to tell you before you got yours all marked up, running right across the page. All you have to do is draw 3 vertical lines on each daily page, exactly 3.3 cm apart.* I don't write a lot in my diary,--you know how brief I am, the soul of brevity! I save it all for my talks! In my diary I just put down what happens each hour & then I fill out my summaries. I put a little word or 2 by each hour; what I was doing that hour, so that I know where I was and what i was ding, otherwise the whole day's gone and I don't know what I've accomplished. Usually I do though. If I go one day without keeping my diary I forget everything that happened and after 2 days it's a hopeless case! So one-third of a page is plenty enough for me!--In these spaces I can write 2 whole lines! I write so small that no one can read my diary except Mama and me! So you'd better fix it up now like that, because who knows if we'll be able to publish another, diary next year. We probably won't be able to print any more after the war." (Head columns: '82, '83 & '84.) (You just draw these columns on each daily page, so U have a column for that day for each yr:)

       Dad also had another very good idea that he shared with us, and which he asked us to pass on to the rest of the Family, concerning modifications for the diary. It basically consists of cutting off the corners of each section of the diary in a slightly different manner, so that you can thumb quickly to any section of the diary without fumbling around. (A "Thumb Index" homemade!)

       On the first 2 pages, and then for all the daily pages, cut off the top right corner diagonally, just above the day and date. With this done you will be able to turn quickly to the monthly summaries. Then, taking the monthly and yearly summary pages, cut the same corners off in a similar manner, but making sure that the cut is not as deep, i.e. the piece that you actually cut off is smaller, so that you can easily see that it is a different section. This will bring you to the alphabet index section. Dad also labelled each section. For example, in the space that sticks up on the corner of the monthly summary, he wrote the month, and when each month is past, he cuts off that corner and labels the new month. Then for the corner of the A page, he labelled it `A, Year". Then, on the lower right corner of the alphabet pages, he cut these corners out too, and made a similar, slightly shallower cut for the first part of the blank charts. (He divides his charts into 2 sections, `work' and `pubs'!) So, in this manner you can easily divide your diary into 6 or 7 sections that you can get at easily, without any searching. Cut the pages a few at a time, with scissors or a sharp knife. It only takes about an hour and will save you a lot of time. (See accompanying foto or diagram.)

       Another way that he mentioned of doing this was by marking the different sections by a thumb index marker on the side of the diary, a different mark for each section. (This can be done w/a pen or tabs bo't at office store.)

       About his method of indexing your diary, Dad said, "It's a help to me anyway, and I'd say that it's an improvement on the 7-Star Diary. It's a little way, and I'd say that it's a an improvement on the 7-Star Diary. It's a little more work for our folks, but I think it's worth passing on to them. It would be a monumental job if you had to print them that way, with perforated rip-away corners." So we hope that this will be a help to you, and that those of you who can will convert your diary as Dad did. WLY! (Delightful Daily Diarying!--D.)


       The video ministry is continuing to boom and expand on all fronts, and Dad and Maria are tremendously enjoying meeting their precious Family all around the world in these visits via video. It's such a wonderful way for them to become better acquainted with your field and for you to personally share your victories and testimonies with them, our precious King and Queen! Videos are really shortening the cord, so please keep sending them in! god bless all of you involved for your hard work and sacrifice!

       {\ul Recently Maria did mention however, that as much as they enjoy the videos of the meetings, testimonies etc., they would like to see the video ministry expand even further, and become even more worthwhile by encouraging the video crews to make `video classes' of subjects that would be of a practical use the rest of the Family, especially the children}. There are many Family members who are real experts is various trades and fields and who could share their talents with the world via video by means of step-by-step instructional classes.

       Maria was especially thinking of subjects or topics that need to be illustrated with a sample, which need to be shown as well as explained. For example, it would be tremendous to have video classes featuring people who really know how, teaching children and adults how to swim, how to make and use puppets, how to do special effects for video shows, how to message, how to play guitar and other instruments, carpentry, ballet, ballroom dancing, etc., to name but a few possible topics. Maria also mentioned that a good {\ul time for you video crews and `artists' to do this was at GAF or NAF meetings} when you are all already together and the video crew can film you all there.

       So we hope that this will encourage all those of you with video equipment to look for opportunities to expand in this particular direction, to really make it pay in every way! And for those of you who can share your expertise in some area with the world via video, we hope that you will start planning and preparing your class today, and make arrangements with a video crew to film it soon! {\ul This is you chance to `put it on video', where it will go farther and do more good then you could ever imagine}!

       "Put it on video for those now and those to come! It's "Video Power"! We can change the world with our message through "Video Power"! Video it now! Tomorrow will be too late! Get those videos in today!" (Paper Power, #303A:102,103, paraphrased!)--James Peter. AMEN! PTL! GBY! GO VIDEO TODAY!


       "I wish that we could get the word around about these video testimonies, that very few of them ever say anything about their parents. Maybe it's because I'm an old man and a parent, but I'm curious about their background, what kind of parents they came from, their religion, their work, what is their attitude to the Family and so on.

       I would like to know at least 3 things about their parents: --their nationality, their religion and their work. They should at least mention these things in their life story. After all, it began with their parents, and honour to whom honour is due;--"Honour thy father and mother"--they should mention their parents, who they were and what they were. Don't you think so? Wouldn't you find that interesting? Because you don't really have the full picture, the full background unless you know who their parents were, and what they came from. Amen?"--Tks! GBY!


       We're sure that you'll be thrilled with the new radio dramas, coming soon, D.V.! MWMI is working on "Arbrahim" & MCV recently completed the 1/2 hour story of "Horace Alderman." After listening to Horace Alderman, here's what Dad had to say;" That's the way it was! This is very true to life. It may not be all Word but it's true! Horace even saved the wardens, converted the wardens, won the wardens in the pen. (Tongues) "PYL! TYJ! So are the words of love that can chance the hearts of men. TYJ!" Amen. That's what love can do, the words of love. TYJ! PTL! Everybody, every single man on death row was saved, everyone of them, & they let Horace be the only one to come out of his cell & shake hands with us when mother & I were there. (Weeps) God can do anything, PTL? Love can change things, thank the Lord. It was a beautiful experience for a little boy. I've never forgotten it. I thought this drama was very very good & really had impact. I mean it really moved me, and I think it might move some sinners too. I think that kind of thing would really be terrific at the Church of Love or campground. Get neighbours & friends to sit down & listen. Terrific! It shows you what you can do with just sound. We always found with radio drama that people can imagine a scene almost as well, maybe even better, than they can picture it, & it sure is a whole lot easier, & cheaper too! Everybody can have copies & take them around & use them. I bet they'd let you play that in prison. I bet it'd help you get into a prison to have a meeting, they'd give you an audience with the prisoners. I think that's the best drama we've produced so far. I would say for adults that's our first really adult drama. I think it's terrific! TYL! Hallelujah!"


       THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL HOMES IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE who receive English Language Mags only, that you should begin reporting to NACRO immediately with your next TRF! NACRO will be notifying you soon, DV, of your new reporting address. All other Homes who receive Spanish lit, either Bi-Lingual or Local Language Only, should still continue reporting to LACRO. Thank you! WLY!


       DUE TO THE SOON-COMING NUCLEAR WAR, the following European LIM & Lit Pic Reporting Offices have decided to close & move to safer grounds where they can continue to serve the Lord on the Mission Field: Scandinavian Lit Pic, Dutch, German Lit Pic, Greek Lit Pic, & French LIM. By now all Homes previously reporting to these Offices should have been notified of a new reporting address for their monthly TRFs. Thank you! We love you!


              SINCE WE ARE ENCOURAGING FAMILIES TO LEAVE THE NORTHERN RICH COUNTRIES, & since income is much higher in the North than in the South, we feel that the mothers in the South need funds more than mothers in the North, so we are going to discontinue Baby Bonuses to the richer countries in order to give more to the poor countries. We are therefore discontinuing Baby Bonuses to Europe, No. America, Australia & Japan. We are sorry, but due to the drop in WS income we are having to make this choice in order to be able to continue to help those on the poorer fields. Thank you!--GBY!--We still love you & yours!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family