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ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS!--No.4/GN19       DFO 1334       11/82

       1. QUESTION: A HOME IN PANAMA IS SHOWING SLIDES OF LETTERS ON TV. They multiply the amount of Letter pages by the people that watch them on TV, & send us the stats--a grand total of 408,000 pages distributed! Is this counted as distributed pages & therefore as lit shiners)?--LACRO.
       ANSWER: WHY NOT?--Well, I suppose we should make a distinction: Why not put those TV stats in your "Mass Media Wit" & the actual printed lit in your "Pers. Wit." stats?--OK? Thanks!

       2. QUESTION: WE WERE WONDERING WHAT YOU THOUGHT OF THE IDEA OF ATTEMPTING TO SET UP A SHORT-WAVE BROADCAST STATION, ALL LEGAL & LICENSED, TO REACH THIS PART OF THE WORLD (SEA)? I've been interested in radio communication since the old Dan Radio days & I think it might actually be possible. It could reach into all the closed countries around here with regular daily programs based on Bible & Family materials, & of course, MWM. If it were in a sufficiently neutral country it might even be a big help in giving the latest Word to the Family when international mails are restricted.--Lee & Ana, Thailand.

       3. QUESTION: WHAT DIRECTION SHOULD THE ARABIC LIT-PIC TAKE? Would it be worthwhile to continue translating & publishing as much as possible, or should we slow down on that? During the 3-1/2 years I've worked on translations we've produced quite an assortment of basic literature available for potentials, enough to feed them until they are able to learn some English to grasp the Letters, etc. We have a great burden to continue to reach the Arab World & may move to another city where there are many Arabs, but we just want to make sure we stay on the straight & narrow & not trip off from the main things we should be doing. "Without a vision the people perish" & we need something to shoot for. Also, I imagine a few LPs are in some ways in the same situation & your comments may be useful to them. Thanks for your love & continued support, which we'll continue to put to good use!--Jay, India.
       ANSWER: AMEN! KEEP IT UP!--They're the Future!--But do try to work & lit where there are some Arabs!--Amen?

       4. QUESTION: SHOULD YOU USE A BELT ON A 2-YR.-& 4-MONTH CHILD AS PUNISHMENT FOR PUSHING A 1-YR- &-3-MONTH OLD? Both are boys. Sorry to burden you, but I & my husband didn't agree. I'm only writing to find out the truth for the sake of all. Could you please mention it in the next Mag?--Thanks!--Moriah Mt., Chile.
       ANSWER: [DELETED] A BELT SEEMS A BIT HARSH FOR A 2-YEAR-OLD!--[DELETED]--Most of the time a loving lecture, scolding or warning was enough!

       5. QUESTION: CAN YOU WRITE A SHORT LETTER THAT THESE UNGODLY CHEMICALS & METHODS THAT SYSTEM DOCTORS OFFER FOR COMBATING CANCER ARE NOT THE ANSWER--and only lead to a more painful & sure death! I have a malignant cancer in my stomach & I only found out while in hospital after the delivery of my third child--very healthy, what a miracle! After several medical tests & personally seeking the Lord for the answers in the Letters we found your comment about Sheba Bear where you said, 'Why did you refuse the doctor's advice & treatment?' Well, our doctor advised us to start chemotherapy, which is a very heavy course of drugs. The doctor tells you there is some good chance of controlling the cancer--no cure--& it's usually several years after the treatment is finished before you know if there's a recurrence. So we decided to try this method & I had five treatments, each 3 weeks apart.
       HOWEVER I SOON RECONSIDERED THIS PATH OF HEALING & DECIDED TO TRY A MORE GODLY WAY. We met a man who had a strong faith in God & had had incurable cancer 7 years before, & through prayer & a very strict diet, mainly all raw foods & juices, he is now the picture of health & a great testimony.
       BUT THE DOCTORS ONLY OFFER RADIOTHERAPY, CHEMOTHERAPY, & OPERATION--none of which actually rid the body of cancer but only spread it more. We have recently met a brother who had Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph glands) & has started radiotherapy, & the doctors are also talking about operating & having chemotherapy. However, I believe his chances of living longer are much better on a natural diet. I have been on the natural diet for 8 weeks & have gained weight, started growing hair back & also had a lot of energy & no vomiting. My husband & I are making plans to go to the mission field, where we know that He will surely bless us & use us mightily. Praying for you both always & that the Lord strengthens you!--Leonnie & Tim, Australia.
       P.S.: We just found out that Hansen's disease is the new name for leprosy, not Hodgkin's disease, which is incurable cancer of the lymph glands.

       6. QUESTION: WHEN WE WERE WORKING ON ADDING A LITTLE MORE TO THE NEW DISCIPLE FORM, SOMEONE MENTIONED THE PART ABOUT FORSAKING ALL: It wasn't clear to him on the form if the new disciple that joined was supposed to forsake everything he owned &list everything in these blanks, or if he were only to list the things he forsook to the Family when he joined.
       SOME SAID IT ISN'T VERY CLEAR TO THOSE ON THE FIELD IF, WHEN A NEW PERSON JOINS, THEY ARE TO FORSAKE EVERYTHING TO THE HOME--like we did in the old days--or if they keep the things they need, like their radio, cassette player, whatever clothes they want & whatever else they want to hang onto, & then give the rest of their things to the Home & Shepherd for distribution. One person who'd been on the field a lot said many times when new people join they don't have the forsaking-all experience that all of us had, the real Acts 2:44-45. There are older people joining now who have much more than what we as younger people had. Perhaps the Homes don't really know what to do, & some tend to just take the things the new disciple gives them & let him keep the things he really wants to keep. Even though you mentioned something about "giving 100%" in "7 Cures" recently, we wanted to mention this to you since it seems to be a question in many of the Shepherd's minds when they take in a new live-in disciple.--Creations Home.
       ANSWER: GIVING ALL IS GREATLY BLESSED, but shouldn't they be allowed to keep what they personally need?--As well as share it with others as needed. Mt.9:29, Acts 2:44-45.)

       7. QUESTION: WE'VE NOTICED IN MANY VIDEOS & PHOTOS THAT SISTERS FREQUENTLY WEAR JEANS when at meetings, or witnessing, etc. In cold climates wearing pants is understandable, just as Maria, Faithy & MWM Greece wore ski-jumpsuits in winter campgrounds. But don't you prefer that our girls generally wear more feminine dresses, & skirts & blouses, or even tie-on saris when at home, especially in hot climates? (Amen! We do!)
       You gave quite a blast when seeing some of our boys on video wearing "NY Yankee" T-shirts, & have been disgusted to see some wearing grubby old jeans, or "work shirts," but we wondered if you may have a comment about so very many of our girls wearing jeans or pants? Sometimes slacks may look nice. Does it depend on their figures, or is it more a matter of sample & femininity?--M&M Staff girls.
       ANSWER: I'VE NEVER SEEN MARIA IN JEANS OR PANTS!--Only tights or panties!--And here in the Tropix none! However on some occasions they may be necessary for protection, like hiking & camping in cold climates you should get out of.--Ha! For such times & sports, I'd suggest shorts or "hot pants," short shorts.--They give me hot pants for them!--Ha! But in the Tropix, Maria & our girls usually wear nothing about the house or in the pool out of sight of neighbours, or thin filmy see-through saris or topless sarongs to Family Dinner & Home Fellowship.--It really inspires close fellowship!--Ha!

       8. QUESTION: IN SOME RECENT MLs--& I think on one of the old "World Series" tapes--Dad & Family pray that little good night prayer: "Now I lay me down to sleep..." So we began praying it with our little family here. But it struck me that to the young children it was a little bit funny-sounding; "If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take."--When all that we've ever taught them is, of course, that if you die, it's not really dying & death at all, but graduation because the Lord decides to take you. In other words, we don't have to pray all the time & ask Him to do something He's already promised to do.--Then I found this from ML #877:
       "Now I lay me down to sleep,
       I pray Thee, Lord, Thy child to keep.
       Thy Love guard me thru the night,
       And wake me with the morning light. Amen.

       "--We thought the old version is a little bit gruesome & gory, having to talk about dying every night..." So, I thought I'd mention this, not that I'm freaked out or anything, but if the old version is be-coming part of our daily "liturgy," I thought I should tell you at least how I feel & put a plug in for the new version, which seems to me to be much better!--Gee, I hope I don't seem or sound like a nit-pickin', gnat-strainin', camel-swallowin', seam-splittin', cork-crackin', bottle-burstin' old fogey!--Ha! & I hope I'm not!--Ha! PTL! ILY!--Old version--new version--your version's my version!--Apollos & Lois
       ANSWER: YOU FAILED TO MENTION WE USUALLY PRECEDE THIS WITH THE LORD'S PRAYER & "Let the words of my mouth & the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, & my redeemer" (Psa.19:14). "The Lord bless thee, & keep thee: The Lord make His face shine upon thee, & be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, & give thee peace" (Nu.6:24-26).--Plus the little traditional child's bedtime prayer, "Now I lay me..." Of course if they don't understand it, it's not very effective.--Like the little boy who asked his Mom afterward: "Mommy, what's "fishudie" mean?--Ha! However, I always prayed this at bedtime as a child & it was very sobering to me, the thought of the ever near possibility of death & facing Jesus face-to-face--especially after being naughty!--It sure made me confess, apologise & ask forgiveness & to help me be a better boy!--But you certainly don't have to pray it if you don't want to!

       9. QUESTION: Dear Dad, GBY! We have a question regarding making love after you have a baby. We know you should wait 40 days after the birth, but after that time period should we try to estimate when my menstrual periods would be & avoid fucking during those weeks? It's hard to tell as I'm nursing so I'm not having any periods at all. (--Ha!) What do you think? (--Pregnant again?--Ha!) Lots of love, Jael.
       ANSWER: NO, AS LONG AS YOUR 40 DAYS ARE UP & YOU'RE NOT MENSTRUATING, GO TO IT! GBY!--A chance for hubby to catch up!

       10. QUESTION: LITNESSING IN CLOSED CENTRAL AMERICAN COUNTRY.--The Shepherds of a newly-arrived Home in this country write to ask counsel about litnessing & continuing their ministry, which they say the country's leadership has forbidden them to do. The Shepherd paints & the other members of his team sell the paintings mainly to the rich, whom they say they've been reaching with great success. His team has been openly litnessing in this country, as they were in the previous country, & have been asked to stop by the local leadership, as they were in the previous country for the same reasons. They feel they have borne good fruit & the authorities haven't stopped them, so they want to continue. They ask for special permission from you to continue their particular ministry (art business). In order to sell the paintings they say they must make trips to different cities & countries with freedom to do so & not be restricted to a certain place or wait for clearance.
       THEIR TEAM MEMBERS ALSO WROTE IN TO SAY THAT THEY FEEL THEY ARE IN THE PERFECT WILL OF GOD, yet they "know that the local leaders have had a meeting & counseled against them & have written to excommunicate them, since they couldn't persuade us in word to stop litnessing openly (supposedly voted by the majority), & they wrote us of not submitting to their decisions." They had some very harsh words for the local leadership, calling them "a gang of defamers & possessed of some unholy spirits", "old bottles trained under Jethro", "compromisers", etc.! Although the Family has been deported from this country before for litnessing (Ed.--Twice!) & being part of You-Know-Who, they claim they only present themselves as missionaries & are well-dressed & warmly received by the people. They disagree with the excommunication notice which was supposedly sent & ask if litnessing is a reason for excommunication.--From letters from Pablo, Sara & team, Central America.

       11. QUESTION: A LETTER WE GOT FROM MWM SAYS THE FAMILY'S ABOUT TO MOVE FULL FORCE INTO MICROCASSETTES--When? And to what degree? does that include music tapes, or only Word tapes?--Vessel & Lamb; Texas, USA.
       ANSWER: WE HAVE PERSONALLY. Our Home has put all its 2 trunks of 700 big tapes on a handful of Micros that'd only fill a briefcase! HAL! PTL! But Station tapes, Club tapes & tapes to Family they could use or book on radio are still going out big!--As radio isn't that progressed yet! Ha! Tapes strictly for Family use only will soon go out Micro as soon as we can find a duper, D.V.! Pray!

       12. QUESTION: WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE TO PRINT A MONTHLY PIE GRAPH in each Mag to "share the know"? We grassroots feel a little far away from the operations sometimes. We do love you all & appreciate all your labours of love! GBY!--Elijah & Shiloh Khaiber; Canada.

       13. QUESTION: WE SEEM TO BE HAVING A HARD TIME FINDING THE BALANCE between "serving the Lord full-time" & making enough money to maintain a living standard that's a good testimony. We see a lot of the brethren around us going through the same thing.--Francis & Summer Sonrise; La., USA.
       ANSWER: --AND A LOT OF OTHER AMERICANS TOO! Ha! These are hard times, a major Great Depression, so millions are having a hard time!--Especially those not in full-time service in God's chosen field!--Why doncha' come over & help us?

       14. QUESTION: I WAS THINKING ABOUT QUESTION 23 IN GN#1, & I thought perhaps the brothers & sisters who have Home support could write their supporters & ask about seeking out others who would be willing & loving to be some of these long-time missionaries helpers & supporters. PJ for His Love & support as it's all His any ways. ILY all. GBYAKY all safe.--Elisha; Cal., USA.
       ANSWER: --SORRY, WHAT'S THE ???

       15. QUESTION: ABOUT TITHING, if we take out a loan, is the loaned money income even though we have to pay it back? We've been tithing all our income, cash, provisioning, gifts, etc., but we borrowed $200 that we already got the bill to pay back. We didn't tithe the loan, but of course, the money we use to pay back the loan will be tithed. Also, if we buy something (furniture, appliances, car, caravan, etc.) with money that has been tithed, then we sell it later, for the same or less than we paid, is that income that should be tithed?--Matthias & Esther; Texas, USA.

       16. QUESTION: I'M BURDENED ABOUT WHAT GOD'S HIGHEST WILL IS FOR ME. I have 4 children & a wife, Kezia, that has been backslidden into the Canadian system & now I've taken on the responsibility of a sister with children to at least get them off to the mission field. I've been doing what I believe is the best to follow the Lord but I don't feel fulfilled, although I'm trying to put that aside, as her children really need a daddy & love me a lot. I don't want to disappoint them as they've been through a lot. But my heart is constantly burdened about my original children & wife with this war coming. I'll probably not see them again in this life, if I go on to another country. I've fasted & prayed about it & the Lord seemed to tell me they would return but honestly it really tries my soul. I'm really desperate for some good strong counsel. Do you have any advice?--Amasiah Stargazer; Texas, USA.
       ANSWER: IT SEEMS YOU'RE STILL STARGAZING & not hitching up your wagon to that Star!--Obey God! Shove off!--& He'll solve all your problems! Sounds like you're looking back instead!

       17. QUESTION: THEY ARE A COUPLE WITH 3 CHILDREN & CAME TO INDIA 6 MONTHS AGO WITH Marina, Pandita (now Elisabeth) & Frank, from Geneva. They have a ministry with the children's singing & they are winning hundreds of souls in schools! They previously were the Geneva FF Home. They tried to close the FF Home before, but P&M always encouraged them to keep going as they bore much fruit. When the VSs were relieved of their jobs, & Paul came through, he said to "go ahead" & close it this time, as everyone was moving South & East. They had all funds, landing & Home Support together 1 month later & felt they could raise some more support on the field thru FFing, which till that point was their main ministry. (Later they found that some of their HS didn't work out & they weren't getting as much as they should.) They really wanted to do FFing in Bombay, but it hasn't worked out for some reason. They've felt quite discouraged since being there, tho' they're witnessing, litnessing & winning souls, & wonder if perhaps they should have stayed in Geneva longer, as that's where they always felt they were doing the Lord's highest for them, but now don't feel they're in the centre of the Lord's perfect will for their lives. When they left Geneva, the FFing was going the best ever since they started 4 years ago.
       She had a dream about going to India, but in the dream when they got there they realised they had forgotten to say goodbye to their fish & they took the plane back & made it back just before they knew they'd left. And there was also something about that they shouldn't have left before Christmas. The funny thing is that she just got word from her parents (who live in Geneva) that they would send return tickets to come & visit them as they would rather not come to India.--They always have been friendly & helpful. They didn't decide yet, as they want to counsel with local leadership, but what they really wonder is, "Dad, did we leave too early, & is that why we feel so 'out of God's perfect Will' or is it because of the change of field or maybe something else? We haven't gotten an answer yet, but we know the Lord is faithful & will tell us when He sees fit." They ask for prayer & apologise for such a lengthy letter.
       ANSWER: "LET EVERYONE ABIDE IN THE CALLING WHEREIN HE (OR SHE) IS CALLED."--(1Cor.7:20) God certainly called you to FFing in Geneva & blessed you there! Were you definitely "called" to India?--By the Lord?--Or was it my call? "Many are called but few are chosen!" (Mt.20:16) Are you really one of His chosen for India?--Or did He just let you go to see the need, so you'd work & love harder than ever to support those already there & still to come, who are really chosen for that type of work? "THEY THAT STAND BY THE STUFF SHALL RECEIVE EQUALLY WITH THOSE THAT GO FORTH TO BATTLE!" (1Sam.30:24) Both are important! You can't have one without the other! Some are called to stay & support!

       18. QUESTION: THE "WHY FALK" LETTER gave us convictions about India--but we'd really need some Godly counsel about it because we feel in a way the East is calling us but on the other hand we are here in another mission field that needs us. We have a new disciple, speak Spanish well & not enough funds to pioneer India. Still waiting then on the Lord to close & open doors to confirm His perfect will!--Giobbe & Stella; Peru.

       19. QUESTION: HOW WOULD YOU ACCOUNT FOR A TAPE GIVEN TO A SHEEP?--Wit, lit, etc.? If so, how much?--John & Tabea; Canada.
       ANSWER: WE'VE FOUND A 1-HOUR TAPE IS EQUAL TO ABOUT 10 PAGES!--Ha! But maybe we should have a special category for tapes: "Number tapes given or loaned"? You could write-in the stat.--Our Music Units could sure fill in that one! PTL! GBY! Keep'm rollin!

       20. QUESTION: ENCLOSED IS A SAMPLE OF XEROXED LIT which many brethren are distributing here. We were wondering if Dad would approve of it as it is of rather poor quality & thus not the best sample of our lit. Especially we were concerned because there are so many resources for getting nice lit done by printers here. They distribute the Xeroxed lit because it's free, but we wonder if the quality warrants this. Perhaps we're all wrong. We'd like to hear your comments on this.--Uriah & Sharai Shondo; Cal., USA.
       ANSWER: I STARTED WITH XEROXED LIT!--Couldn't afford any other!--And we litnessed nearly a million of'm in Family's early days!--The "Warning Tract"!--So why not? It depends on what you've faith for! Mt.9:29. "Nevertheless, the Gospel is preached!" (Phil.1:15-18)

       21. QUESTION: COLOMBIA IS SUCH A POTENTIAL & OPEN FIELD open to all ministries, why don't more come from the USA?--Juan & Nancy; Colombia.
       ANSWER: I DON'T KNOW!--Guess they don't break fast enough & scare out soon enough!

       22. QUESTION: WE WANTED TO ASK DAD WHAT HE THINKS ABOUT LITNESSING IN S. AFRICA. When he wrote at the end of James Penn's letter: "No litnessing or busking," did he mean we should abandon all litnessing here? Or will it be OK, whoever has the faith for it, to give out tracts, or even lit which is a lot similar to TKs, etc., but with no FOL on it? I know brethren here who litnessed before carefully & it was fruitful, but have now stopped.--Isaiah & Liv Light; S.Africa.
       ANSWER: NEVER STOP ANYTHING FRUITFUL THAT GOD'S BLESSING!--I only meant it's generally forbidden & illegal.--But if you've got the faith for it, go ahead!--Mt.9:29.--Just don't endanger someone else's security unless they agree to it, like other members of your Home.

       23. QUESTION: PLEASE DAD--HERPES IS GETTING TO BE QUITE A PROBLEM IN THE FAMILY. Concerning Escort, FFing, etc. would love to hear more from you on this if at all possible. We need you & love you so.--Cleso & Christie; USA.
       ANSWER: "WHO HEALETH ALL THY DISEASES" & "DELIVERETH HIM OUT OF THEM ALL!" (Psa.103:3; Psa.34:19) Read the last GN on "Health & Safety" all about Herpes & its healing in our Home!

       24. QUESTION: WHAT ABOUT COMMUNION FOR "UNSAVED CHILDREN," particularly under two years. In the Techi Book there's a pic of her "1st Communion," etc. but then the question comes up of ML #337b:40. "So whatever you do, know what you're doing when you do it! Don't drink the wine unless you know you're saved, don't eat the bread unless you believe in the Lord's healing, that He is able to heal the body as well as save the soul, or you may drink to yourself damnation or judging chastisement & eat to yourself death, believe it or not!" Could you please clarify this?--Jarah Bear; Venezuela.
       ANSWER: IF EVEN ONE PARENT IS SAVED, THE CHILD IS "CLEAN" OR SAVED under the age of personal accountability, usually about 2 years old when they can talk & communicate & you can explain Jesus to'm. I've never yet known a two-year-old to refuse to receive Jesus!--And under 2 they're saved vicariously by the parent's faith!--So they can partake by your faith! 1Cor.7:14.

       25. QUESTION: I'VE TALKED TO SEVERAL PEOPLE ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES who say Jesus did not carry a cross but just a piece of wood & they say there is no verse in the Bible that says he carried a cross. Please help me with this dilemma.--Job; Mexico.
       ANSWER: MY GOD, THEY MUST NOT HAVE READ THE BIBLE! The cross is mentioned 25 times in my N.T.!--Whatsa matter with yours? Don't you read it?

       26. QUESTION: WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT DAD THINKS ABOUT MEXICO & if there is a possibility of the Mexican brethren going to South America as it's closer than going East.--Belen; Mexico.
       ANSWER: OF COURSE!--AND THEY ALREADY SPEAK SPANISH, I presume, the language of most L.A.!--And possibly not English, the international language of the East! "Abide in your calling!" (1Cor.7:20) (See A/Q 17 above.) But there are many English-speaking Commonwealthers in the West who should go East where only they can stay some places! The East is not for all! Some have to stay in the West to take care of the millions of sheep there!--Please don't all leave & go East!--Only those better fitted with English, Commonwealth nationality, & really called to it!--Amen?

       27. QUESTION: I WAS WONDERING WHAT WAS THE APOSTLE PAUL'S THORN IN THE FLESH EXACTLY. I know he did not like women so much by the way he talks about them in some of the writings, & it came to me that perhaps he had problems with homosexuality. Could it be possible that that was his thorn in the flesh?--And that is what he was fighting against?--Louisa; Argentina.
       ANSWER: NEVER! HE ABHORS IT! (Rom.1:18-32)--Like God hates it! (1Cor.6:9-13; Deut.22:5; Gen.18,19:5-7; Deut.23:17; Col.3:5.) A "thorn in the flesh" is a physical affliction--not a sinful temptation! "A messenger of Satan" (2Cor.12:7)--Perhaps even an annoying demon!
       BUT WE DO KNOW FROM GAL.6:11 THAT HIS EYES WERE POOR, as he says: "Behold with what large characters I write unto thee." & "you would have given me your own eyes" (Gal.4:15) It was certainly no sin or bad example nor did it stop God's Work or hurt his influence like sodomy!

       28. QUESTION: I'm so inspired from reading Grandma's MM Letters & listening to the Eden series! Does it mean in Rev.8 that the Atomic War to destroy America will occur at the beginning of the great Tribulation?--Peter & Freedom; Puerto Rico.
       ANSWER: MORE LIKELY NOW EVEN BEFORE THE RISE OF THE AC!--More than 3-1/2 years before the Tribulation! Because it is out of such "great Confusion" that he rises to power, as he's the "author of it"! ("Warning Tract," ML #655)

       29. QUESTION: WE HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT TITHING. If someone for example provisions a hotel for 400 pesos (the normal cost), & someone else provisions a luxury hotel for 1000 pesos down to 400, do they need to tithe on the whole value of the hotel room? Or if I provision in a luxury restaurant a lunch for 100 pesos & the normal cost would be 700 pesos, what is the real value you have to tithe?--Juan & Nancy; Colombia.
       ANSWER: ONLY THE ACTUAL AMOUNT GIVEN, THE "INCREASE," THE DIFFERENCE between what it's worth & what you paid! (See Refs. on Tithing.)

       30. QUESTION: ABOUT ESing: GBY! WLYSM! I personally love ESing & have won many souls from it & fruit that remains to this day. Since '79 I've done it in 3 countries. Now we are trying to open our own agencies in Brazil but have run into a few controversies that need to be cleared up. (HAL! GBY!)
       In Mag 48 the article "Bought with a Price" explains the very fruitful way she does ES work--the same way I & most all the sisters were or are doing it. She explains how "many Homes need financial support" & how "the men should show their gratitude by something material." She explains exactly how she does it, how the agency fee is for escort only, but other services or sex is agreed on yourselves. Sometimes she cuts her time down if they are not willing to pay the price. (GBH!)
       What I used to do in the Far East was sweetly explain that I didn't receive any of the agency fee & I usually expect a tip for my time, & when asked how much I'd reply, "Most girls ask for money." If he was really a sheep or couldn't afford that much, I would take whatever he offered so as not to offend him but win his soul to the Lord. I always witnessed, explaining that I did volunteer work & helped to support several missionary families that I knew. I've never discussed my tip as for sex only, but rather tried to explain that it is customary & how much I need it for so & so. (Amen!)
       Others here have said that this is prostitution & wrong. (I'd like to know who!--Report'm!) Suddenly I find myself confused. I don't believe it's bad to ask for help financially, as these men have it & we need it! I ask everyone for help--in litnessing, prayer letters, my relatives--why not ask these businessmen who can & expect to give?? (Yes! What's the difference!)
       I was told that you must not have known about this ES article or it must have slipped by you somehow, so I decided to write in. ILY & want to do what's right!--M.S.; Brazil.
       ANSWER: I READ & AGREED WITH IT & PUT IT IN THE FN MAG MYSELF!--And it was written by my own daughter in the Lord! Indeed, why not? It's the most time-honoured ancient art, skill, practice & profession in the World & legal in most countries! ... We do it for love & souls as a sacrificial loving service & gift to the needy!--If they wanna give us a thank offering, why not?--Mad Dad! [EDITED: "HomeARC note (9/98): FFing was discontinued in 1987."]

       31. QUESTION: I want to ask you about a doctrinal point covered on "GOE #14" on Rev.7, regarding the 144,000 & the "Sealing of the Saints."--It implies here that these 144,000 are Jewish Christians--probably the "first fruits" of the Early Church--You also brings this out in GOE #22 which is a study on Rev. Chap.14, which also deals with the 144,000.
       Well, this has got me a little bit stumped, as in Rev.7, the Angels can't pour out the judgments of God "until the servants of God are sealed"--and then when the locust-monsters start sockin' it to the wicked--they're commanded to attack & torment "only the men which have not the seal of God in their forehead" (Rev.9:4)--So it looks like these 144,000 are alive on this Earth, & sealed by God as a protective measure against some of the Tribulation trials.
       I know Rev.14 says they were "first fruits" unto God, but Revs.7&9 sure looks like they're alive during the Tribulation.--So I just don't quite understand it & thought maybe I should ask.
       Also, in "Personal Answers," ML #64, the "New Nation Prophecy" in which the Lord really seemed to pour it on strong & open up some of these passages, in para. 17-21, the Lord & Dad seemed to bring out that "we're the 144,000"--as Aaron used to sing.--"This is all spiritual."--I know other MLs have indicated that we'll be "sealed" & protected by God during the coming Tribulation period.
       Please forgive me if this is a bother--& I'm not trying to strain at any doctrinal "gnats"--but I know this GOE Letter will probably raise such questions in a lot of people's minds (like the "Prince of the Covenant" did), so I figured if I ask now, maybe an explanation or clarification could even come out with the ML when it's released, if you think it would be helpful or necessary--(Sam's old Revelation classes also interpret the 144,000 as spiritual Israel--not flesh-&-blood Jews.)
       James 1:1 is a greeting to "the 12 Tribes which are scattered abroad" & is an epistle to Christians--Also, James 1:18 says that "we should be a kind of first fruits of His creatures."--And as the recent MLs have brought out so well, "They are not all Israel, which are of Israel" (Rom.9:6)--So I wonder if we Latter-Day spiritual Jews are they?--We sure "sing the song of Moses"--our Moses, TYJ!
       I know that one day soon we shall "know, even as also we are known"--& these things won't be seen through "a glass darkly" anymore.--So perhaps I should be patient & wait till then to find out, ha!--Well, I guess we'll know even before then, as they get sealed just before the Tribulation Trumpets.--So, "it won't be long now!"--TYL!--So, please don't let this be a worry or a bother--(& please do forgive me if it is!)--But if you've got anything more on this to share before those trumpets start a blowin', I'd be very glad to hear it.
       Just thought I'd ask, as I just finished condensing something I honestly didn't quite understand!--Love, Apollos
       ANSWER: FROM REV.7,9 & 14, IT CERTAINLY APPEARS THESE ARE SAVED OR SEALED JUST BEFORE (REV.7) &/OR DURING (REV.9:4) THE TRIBULATION! But Rev.7 names them Tribe by Tribe of "the children of Israel" (7:4), 12,000 of each Tribe, which sure sounds literal! If so, if these are flesh Jews as some contend, that certainly isn't many of the millions of Jews in the World today!--And it takes the Antichrist & Tribulation to finally drive'm to Jesus!--Ha! That certainly would be a "remnant" (Isa.1:9; 10:21,22; Jer.23:3; Rom.9:27; 11:5)--Not even one out of 100!
       BUT SINCE THE LORD HAS SO SPECIFICALLY APPLIED THESE SCRIPTURES TO US, it's either definitely spiritual Israel, children of Abraham by faith (Ho.1:10,11; Jn.11:52; Rom.9:6-8; Gal.3:26-29; 4:28; Eph.2:12-19.), or a special class of us Jewish Christians of Jewish heritage or background--(of which there're oodles of us in the Family! Ha!)--as the Scofieldites insist. If so, not many Jews are gonna get saved compared to the millions on Earth!--And those only under terrifying pressure! Ha!
       AS THIS LITERAL INTERPRETATION SEEMS TOO EXACT & INCREDIBLE, it seems to me to be as the Lord has already shown us, to be symbolic (see Letters 46, 48, 64, 86, 1309) of the most dedicated witnesses of the Tribulation, indicating us!
       --MAYBE THERE'LL BE 144,000 OF US YET! Ha! We're already over 20,000!--Only 124,000 yet to go!--Ha!--But they could join us real fast in the Tribulation!--When they finally see the truth & we were right! HAL! GBY!--Take your choice! I believe the whole New Testament stands on the side of the spiritual symbolic interpretation of these particular passages.--Don't you?

       32. QUESTION: Dear Dad, Since we now have so many video cameras in the world, we wondered if you had any ideas on the possibility of coordinating production to avoid duplication so that we don't have 10 versions of "Tommy" & 20 of "Don Quixote" & the old standards being done over, while other thrilling & potential subjects are left untouched. One possible solution we had was if we worked it similarly to the TK assignments whereby perhaps any of the video teams upon having suggestions or ideas for a particular show could write the World Video coordinator Joseph, stating their idea & request & awaiting their assignment of the same. There's so much material we could do, even putting all of School Daze on to video, so that busy parents could have their kids watch 10-, 15- or 20-minute shows full of thrilling educational material; while the parents continue their busy chores. Would this be the best way to coordinate it, or do you have any other suggestions? Thanks so much! XXXXXX--Keda.

       33. QUESTION: We were thinking that some of the most potential missionaries to reach China could possibly be our strongest Japanese brethren, since they can physically become one so easily, being the same race & it's much easier for them to learn Chinese than it is to learn English, what do you think?--Keda.

       34. QUESTION: IT SEEMS MOST TIMES WHEN YOU PRAY IN TONGUES, dear Dad, that almost immediately there's an interpretation. Although this is a common & well-known gift of the Spirit, I don't think I've ever seen it exercised in the Family, only in Pentecostal groups. Are we lacking something in our prayer that tongues & interpretation isn't exercised more?--As it seems most of us use tongues freely as praise & thanksgiving & praying in the Spirit, but it's almost never interpreted. What do you think?--Keda.
       ANSWER: THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TONGUES OF PRAISE (Ps.35:28; 51:14) WHICH DO NOT HAVE TO BE INTERPRETED, & MESSAGES IN TONGUES (Acts 19:6; 1Co.14:5), which should be interpreted by all means!--Or the folks miss a blessing & genuine guidance!--We've always had both in our personal Family & Home, our first Club & Colonies & throughout our Worldwide Family! What's happened? It was such messages that inspired my Mother, myself, my children & started the Family!--Where are the interpreters today?--You're missing something!--And may miss the mark! (See also 1Cor.12, 13 & 14!)

       35. QUESTION: WE WERE WONDERING WHAT YOU THOUGHT OF COMBINING CONDENSATIONS of the best of each of these Eastern Fields Seven Course material to make an All Asia Guide?--Something similar to the SA Mag. This could be such a help to those praying about which country to come to, & those already out this way who need to make the ever-present visa trips. What do you think?--Keda
       ANSWER: GREAT IDEA! GOT THE BURDEN?--DO IT!--Or get somebody to do it!

       36. QUESTION: DOES MARIA HAVE A SPECIAL SPIRIT HELPER or does Abrahim look after you both?--Keda

       37. QUESTION: IN READING BOOKS OF THE TESTIMONIES OF THE EARLY MISSIONARIES & the present-day Christians in China, they really strongly emphasised the power of prayer, but they so often talk of spending whole nights & 6,7,8 hours on their faces before the Lord in prayer. In the past you have written "Desperate Prayer" (No.384), which is a state the Lord faithfully brings us to regularly in our service to Him, but you've also said things similar to Para.5 of " Stop!... Look!... Listen!" (No.74):
       "I never spent much time reading the Bible or praying in the way some people thought I ought to do it. But you don't have to be down on your hands & knees praying frantically to be heard. Prayer is something you're doing all the time no matter what else you're doing..." Plus you have also said, "It's not how long you pray, it's how much you believe."--DM 261. When I read of these really long long prayer sessions it sounds lot like Mother Eve's spirit, we'd be really interested to hear your thoughts on this.--Keda (Amen!)
       ANSWER: "BUT I FEAR, LEST BY ANY MEANS, AS THE SERPENT BEGUILED EVE through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ" (2Cor.11:3) & prayer!--Like the churchy people!
       "AND WHEN THOU PRAYEST, THOU SHALT NOT BE AS THE HYPOCRITES ARE: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues & in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, & when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; & thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
       "BUT WHEN YE PRAY, USE NOT VAIN REPETITIONS, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him. After this manner therefore pray ye:
       "OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the Kingdom, & the power & the glory, for ever. Amen" (Mat.6:5-13).
       THE LORD'S OWN MODEL PRAYER WAS ONLY 66 WORDS LONG!--IT MUST BE ENOUGH!--And it covers everything! You've heard me pray longer & talk longer!--And I've already written many times as much as the Bible because you needed it!--But faith is all you need! (Mt.13:31; 17:20; Mk.4:31; Lu.13:19 & 17:6.) "But the greatest of these is LOVE!" (1Cor.13.)

       38. QUESTION: I ALWAYS FELT THE REASON WE DON'T EXERCISE SUCH OUTWARD POWER OF HEALING & MIRACLES as many of the Pentecostals do, is because when Jesus & the disciples did miracles it always brought the multitudes, all those after fish sandwiches, whereas our quest is for much deeper stronger leadership potential. (Amen!) I know undoubtedly we will have these powers in the future, but felt that if we learn "But If Not"-type prayer now, even though of course we do experience healings & such at times, we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is the Lord when we do get these gifts, so that He gets the glory entirely. Obviously many of these Pentecostals take the glory themselves, but I wanted to check as I would hate it to be because we are lacking faith. Is this part of our training for greater works in the future & His time of preparation or are we lacking faith?--Keda
       ANSWER: "TAKE HEED THAT YE DO NOT YOUR ALMS BEFORE MEN, TO BE SEEN OF THEM: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore, when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues & in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: That thine alms may be in secret: & thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly." (Mt.6:1-4)
       --AND READ THE ABNER LETTER, "HEAVENLY VISITOR," ML #72. I was shown we could have raised him from the dead, but it would have wrecked our security!--And he was our Security Officer & he himself wouldn't have wanted that! It was when Jesus had big crowds & raised Lazarus from the dead at the end of His ministry that His enemies decided they had to kill Him to stop Him! (Jn.11:53) He was getting too popular & too powerful!
       THE MODERN PUBLIC FAITH HEALERS LOVE POPULARITY & POWER & GLORY & GLOAT ON HUGE CROWDS & GIGANTIC HEALING MEETINGS, as well as lotsa! "To be seen of men" is their ideal & aim & with great fanfare & trumpets!--Even whole orchestras! Ha! You gotta be an entertainer today to get a crowd!--But they'll also be the first to get it in the neck under persecution!
       OUR MINISTRY HAS MOSTLY BEEN A HIDDEN MINISTRY TO AVOID UNDUE NOTICE, ATTENTION & DANGEROUS NOTORIETY, though we've had some, mostly by our enemies! But we've had many miracles in secret with testimonies in Families & FN. But much of our ministry is purposely an underground ministry to reach souls personally individually one-by-one, a ministry designed to continue without churches or big crowds, quietly & privately, under difficult conditions.--For survival! Long after the churches are gone, we'll still be here working away! We're glowing & growing in the dark!--But our day of glory will come!--Amen? PTL! GBY! KGFG!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family