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THE WAR YEAR!--A Turning Point!--1941!--A Very Hard Year!--A Significant Story for You Young Folks!--If you don't mind details. DO 1716

       (This Diary was begun at age 21, living alone with Mother in our new home in Cambridge Lawns, South Miami, Florida, while we pastored the Church of the Open Door in the old Congregational Church Building on N.E. 2nd Ave. & 23rd Ter., Miami. This was five years since my last Diary, 1935, when I was 16. (See Book of Remembrance Vol.1, pages 47 to 110.) In 1936 & 1937 I was mostly out of school with Mother on the evangelistic road, dedicated to the Lord's service & her ministry. In 1938 I graduated from High School with honours in Monterey, California, Mother & Dad broke up, & Mother & I returned to Miami Church where I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at age 19! Continued pastoring with Mother in Miami through 1939 & 1940, then here's 1941!--A very hard & crucial year of many lessons learned! GBY! Hope this inspires you to keep your Diary more faithfully than I did mine!)
Five-Year Diary of D.B.--A sinner, saved by grace! Praise God!--And striving to live only for His glory. Amen.

       Jan.1 Wed: New Year! New Life! Farewell to the Old--"old things are passed away, all things are become new"! "IT IS NO LONGER I THAT LIVE, BUT CHRIST." FAREWELL TO OLD LOVES! FROM HENCEFORTH I LIVE FOR CHRIST ALONE!--God helping me! Amen. Wednesday afternoon: Dotty (Deloris Sater, my 15-year-old fiancee!) & I drove down to So. Miami. Confessed to each other again--for the last time--our mutual conviction concerning our attraction for each other. We both felt the Lord has not approved of our intimacy, as I had confessed a number of times already to Deloris. But this was the first time she had ever actually broached the subject herself. (Then called "necking"--hugs, kisses, pets!) She seemed, at long last, reconciled to the same convictions & God's will in the matter. It was the beginning of the end. We came to the definite, mutual conclusion that God's blessing had never rested on our association being any other than a spiritual fellowship. We agreed that, unless God definitely indicated otherwise sometime in the future, we would live our lives as unto Him alone, remaining friends in Christ--spiritual comrades. She left for Toccoa Fri. night. The service Thurs. nite was a sweetly fitting "finis" & we were both happy in the Lord. (She was off to Toccoa Falls Bible Institute, Ga.) She kept my ring--the small "friendship" diamond Mother gave her months ago. I was disappointed in this, as I felt it might be misunderstood. And so closed an eventful, influential chapter in my life, unhappy & unfortunate in many respects, but rich in valuable lessons--& sweet with the memories of our times of fellowship in Him, however marred by wanderings. 12:01 A.M.--Standing with Deloris in Church as New Year came in. Had spent the evening with her watching Orange Bowl Parade from garage roof.

       Jan.2 Thurs: NIGHT: Service in tent at Hollywood. Deloris' last service. Sang "I Know a Name" for her. She testified very sweetly. I was greatly moved as I sang. Deloris' & my last service together.--In the tent in Hollywood, Fla.

       Jan.3 Fri: THE NIGHT DELORIS LEFT for Toccoa, returning to school. Gave her a plaque "What God Hath Promised", with gardenia. Also returned the ring Mother had given her as token of our friendship (it had been repaired at jewelers). She accepted it, & I was disappointed, as I felt we should have severed all ties but those spiritual.--And so--she is gone. From now on I live for the Lord alone.

       January was our last month in Miami--and our last few days in the Hollywood tent meeting there climaxed with the final disaster: Jack Munyon's tent, in which we were holding forth, blew down in a sudden gale one morning! After eight weeks of struggle through Thanksgiving holidays, Christmas, New Year's & the opposition of the local Pentecostal group as well as city opposition to the tent (which we had to put up twice, each time in a different location), the Lord finally had to "shove" us out. We had poured out our hearts & done some good, as well as Jack & the Ramseyers, our musicians, but we felt that somehow it had not been God's will or God was through with Hollywood, a very clannish, exclusive little town, utterly sophisticated beyond being reached with the Gospel. However, the Lord did give us some blessed experiences & rewards--but very few. Most of all He taught us a great lesson of trust & faith, & we finally managed to at least clear our debts--except those contracted on a loan for living expenses, which we are paying in installments. WHAT A TRIAL!! But we've learned better to obey & trust--& not head for Fla. when Winter comes! There are worse things than Winter, even if you have an invitation--& in this case, we weren't given the support we expected from those who invited us. But, God bless them, they did help (the Wrights & the Hodges). The Wrights did all they could, but Mrs. Hodge was partly interested in McArtor's group.

       Jan.17 Fri: Spent the rest of the time in Miami at Doc. Koger's Flagler St. home & office.

       Jan.19 Sun: Spent a lot of time looking at farms, etc. with the idea of using Miami for a headquarters.

       Jan.21 Tue: Junior Lehman & his wife Edna dropped in on us-- on their honeymoon!

       Jan.30 Thurs: THE DAY WE LEFT MIAMI! Mother spoke for Raymond Richey two or three nights at Lakeland.

       Jan.31 Fri: Enjoyed fellowship & singing with Ira Stanfill & his wife.


       Feb.2 Sun: Left Lakeland for Beaumont, Texas.

       Feb.3 Mon: Mother gave her testimony at Harry Hodge's church in Beaumont.

       Feb.4 Tue: Left for Waco, Texas.

       Feb.5 Wed: The night we began our meeting in Waco.

       Feb.8 Sat: Tennis with "Polly" & Ruth & Danny (Pauline Hunt & Ruth Nunn).


       Feb.14: VALENTINE'S DAY.






       Feb.20 Thurs: THIS DIARY ACTUALLY BEGAN THIS DAY--TWO DAYS AFTER MY 22ND BIRTHDAY--DOERING HOTEL, TEMPLE, TEXAS. EYE, EAR, Nose, & Throat EXAMINATION--didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. Doctors are a waste of a Christian's time & money. Thank the Lord it was free, anyhow. Left for Austin. BEGAN MEETING AT LUCAS' IN AUSTIN.

       Feb.21 Fri: On the whole, the meeting in Austin was blessed by the Lord. Mother & Dad stayed at Lucas', while I stayed in a very comfortable private room at Longs' suburban home (wealthy oil people). Really lived in luxury! But the real purpose of my stay was defeated from the beginning. Marguerite, who with her family had visited us in Miami in the Summer of '39, has gotten so tied to this fellow Tom that the case seems almost hopeless. She had told us of him while in Miami, how she had gotten rather tangled up with him, yet knew it was not for the best. I had promised her I would remember her case always in prayer, that she might completely break the association or find a satisfactory solution for it & she did refuse to see him for about a week after her return to Austin. But what was my dismay to find things in a more serious state than ever when we arrived in Austin! Feel very much condemned that I did not write her as I should have, as well as pray. God forgive us for such small neglects which may have such dire results! If--if only!--It might have helped her keep her courage to resist & stand in the Lord. But it was the time of my own wandering from the Lord in much the same sort of sin.--And so my heart was nearly broken when she studiously avoided me when I came to stay with them--& after all she had so confidently poured out her heart to me in Miami & besought my prayers!! Of course that was the reason, for she had gone back to Tom & was ashamed, having nothing to say, & being afraid of what I might say. If only I'd had any time to talk to her again & advise her in the Lord, perhaps I could have helped her--or He thru' me. But no. She was always busy, too busy to be disturbed--piano practice three hours a day, then gone much of the day either taking or giving lessons or organ practising--constantly--& this tragedy overshadowed my whole stay--her almost completely avoiding me. Only had one chance to talk to her alone in all the time I was there, & that not for a long enough time to approach the subject. She is a beautiful girl, talented musician, very sweet personality, many natural abilities & a hard worker. She came weeping to the altar one night, so the Lord is working or trying to work, in her heart. But oh, God! What a heartbreak that she has gotten in being so deep with that unworthy Tom!

       Mar.8 Sat: WORKED ON MAIL--adding personal note to Mother's letters to the young people. Helped decorate Church. Went to WEDDING with Longs'. Took them in our car--Mrs. Long's niece.--At night in country church 20 miles out.--To officer on leave.

       Mar.9 Sun: GREAT CLOSING, HOMECOMING DAY! Dashed to florists for flowers in truck. 10:00 A.M.--Service. NOON--Dinner for all at 7UP Bottling Auditorium. Mother & I ate at Hotel-- lousy dinner! 3:00 P.M.--Service--Communion. 6:45 p.m.-- Y.P.'s.--Contest-7:45--Service--Sang "Remember".

       Mar.10 Mon: SURPRISE PARTY for MRS. WALTROP. They played "Dart Baseball" all evening.--Thoroughly a waste of time! Nothing instructive, nothing spiritual--a real surprise to me for such a consecrated group. One woman fell & broke her coccyx. I sang "No One Ever Cared--" for Opal Pitman. Squeezed lemons.

       Mar.11 Tue: WORKED ON MAIL at LUCAS'.


       Mar.13 Thurs: WENT SIGHTSEEING WITH LONGS, Mr. & Mrs. To Mt. ? & Marshall Ford Dam. Then we all went to THE FARM--Truett, Marguerite & I in one car--others in ours. RODE HORSE--DROVE TRACTOR. MARGUERITE showed us her hopechest--marvellous!--Too good for Tom.

       Mar.14 Fri: Spent day getting car conditioned for trip. DINNER at BERGSTROMS'. SOCIAL at little country school house with A.K. Got slightly acquainted with Madelline Karling, Mrs. Bergstrom's niece who seems so crazy about me--plays piano, artistic. A.K. & I got baggage at Long's--Told Mr. & Mrs. "Bye"--Bed at 1:30

       Mar.15 Sat: LEFT AUSTIN in the afternoon, after taking leave of Bergstrom's & Lucases. ARRIVED SAN ANTONIO--Traveler's Hotel--nice. DINNER at OLD SPANISH RESTAURANT. MOVIE--"Hell's Angels"--Jean Harlow--rotten! Mother & I walked around town-- watched some dancing.--We're thankful to know God.

       Mar.16 Sun: LEFT SAN ANTONIO--VISITED VILLA ACUNA, MEXICO across from Del Rio, Texas--GOOD FOOD at Mrs. Crosby's. WALKED ACROSS BRIDGE. ARRIVED IN SANDERSON--ATTENDED CHURCH. Young fellow with one eye--preached only 20 min.! Ate lunch with him afterwards. Nice chap. Cottage Camp. Very nice.

       Mar.17 Mon: SANDERSON TO EL PASO, TEXAS--Snowed slightly en route. GOOD FOOD--Little hotel in Marathon. BEAUTIFUL VIEW ENTERING EL PASO--Barkleys--friends of Lucas'--received us. Put us up at nice Cottage of Del Camino Camp. MOTHER SPOKE at MISSION--Life Story--Dad sang "Down from His Glory"--I sang "Then Jesus Came"--Salvation & a Reclamation.

       Mar.18 Tue: VISITED JUAREZ, Mexico. Mother bought pottery. I bought ladies hankies. LEFT EL PASO--CROSSED NEW MEXICO-- STOPPED IN COTTAGE CAMP, BENSON, ARIZ.--at Dad's insistence. SAW MOVIE--"Comrade X"--Funny--good anti-Communism.

       Mar.19 Wed: CALIFORNIA!! BENSON, ARIZ. TO EL CENTRO, CALIF. Breakfast at Tuscon--Enquired for Day's Cafe. Stopped at Casa Grande, Ariz., to have car greased, etc. Had to submit to baggage inspection at Calif. State Entry Station, EL CENTRO-- At Cottage Camp.--Finished letter to Mrs. Keen. Wrote Marian --sent Mexican hankie. Felt ILL.

       Mar.20 Thurs: Felt ill all day--cold. AFTERNOON IN SAN DIEGO --SIGHTSEEING (After arriving from El Centro). IN SAN DIEGO: --CORONADO ISLAND--Hotel--Naval Base. BEAUTIFUL BALBOA PARK. --LUNCHEON IN THE HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY--BEAUTIFUL setting. Took snaps. ORGAN. EVENING--Toured leisurely thru' "Old Town", Ramona's wedding place, La Jolla--UP COAST--SAW HINDU TEMPLE--Ate So. Gate--Hotel L.A.

       Mar.21 Fri: OUR FIRST MORN. IN L.A. (Hotel Girard) Had car washed. MET HJAL AT CLIFTON'S CAFETERIA with Mother. MET ELINOR at 149 So. Westmoreland--also Wesley. DINNER OUT--with them. EVENING AT FATHER BRANDT'S with all--but Joseph (Pauline, Wayne, Doc, Bonnie) (Mother's half-sisters & brother.)

       Mar.22 Sat: ARRANGED MEETING WITH FLOYD B. Johnson in his L.A. Evangelistic Center. HAIRCUT at Desmond's--free facial. LOOKED FOR APT. with Hjal & Mother.

       Mar.23 Sun: TRIP TO MT. WILSON with Mother, Hjal, Elinor, & Wesley. Sunday School in morn. at Presbyterian Church with Hjal. That fellow sang the song I was going to sing. CHURCH (A.M.) at Father Brandt's (in his home)--Mother spoke "While London Burns". Wrote in diary till 2 A.M.--Catching up: But not on sleep.

       Mar.24 Mon: Took Mother's photo to be reprinted. Lunch at Copper Kettle Tea Room. Discussed subjects for first week of meeting at Johnson's. He was 3-1/2 hrs. on Air a week. $600 budget! Took my photo to engravers to have cut made for his paper. WROTE "NOTE" ONTO MOTHER'S LETTER TO STANLEY--6 pgs. DINNER AT CLIFTON'S--MOVIE at Newsreel Theater.

       Mar.25 Tue: Slept late--till almost noon--felt swell! Moved out of Hotel. Lunch at Clifton's. Then went with Dad to get his picture taken for cut (at the 10-cent store). Dinner at Hjals--Elinor's a wonderful cook! Tend'r Ham. JOSEPHINE HAWLEY of SAN RAMON called on phone. (Daughter of wealthy rancher in Northern California where we held a meeting.) In town just for a week. Went out to Huntington Park to see her. TOOK HER TO SEE HER BRO. ROGER in Bellflower--works for Voltee Aircraft. Got home 3 A.M. (Did some necking--nearly fucked!)

       Mar.26 Wed: LUNCHEON AT BRANDT'S with Father Brandt's little flock of "church" members. RODE OUT TO SAN FERNANDO VALLEY with Father Brandt to see his lot where he wants church built. VISITED JOHN WELLS' "Little Brown Church in the Valley"--Unique! DINNER AT BRANDTS'. VISITED MRS. BLUNT. RECEIVED DELORIS' LETTER RE: TOM.

       Mar.27 Thurs: WROTE--added to Mother's letter to McEachern girls, Norman Stedman, & wrote card to my Draft Board of my whereabouts. JOHN WELLS DROPPED IN. Walked to Hjal's for Dinner. Elinor's sister Virginia was there. ALL OF US (BUT Dad) WENT TO SEE "PASTOR HALL"--Deeply impressed.

       Mar.28 Fri: Awoke with a deep desire to strike out on my own--at least to "prove myself". Maybe get a job & help the folks financially. Took stock of my abilities--with not very encouraging results on the side of job experience & health, fair intelligence & singing voice, can speak if compelled to, knowledge of spiritual things, inclined to feel inferior because of poor physique, never had a job, was always different from other boys on account of aesthetic nature; weak; sensitive; tender heart. Long letter TO DOCTOR. CLIFTONS'. NEWSREEL. Phoned Josephine.

       Mar.29 Sat: Helped Mother find good beauty shop in Hollywood --"Jackson Weaver". SET UP SOUND SYSTEM at Church. Met Hjal & family at SANTA MONICA for dinner. Regretted it. The beaches here are terrible Hell-holes!--Nothing but honky tonks! Sat up till 1:00 working on music.

       Mar.30 Sun: BEGAN MEETING AT JOHNSON'S.--Attended Johnson's morning service. Denmon preached illustrated message till 1:00. Got Johnson's O.K. on Mother's pulpit dress. SANG "CHRIST OF THE CROSS" at afternoon service. Mother preached on "While London Burns"--Full house. Dinner at Adele Lang's Tea Room with Mother. Evening Service broadcast--8 to 9--so I couldn't sing on account of BMI ban. (Broadcast Music Inc. copyrights forced all radio shows to clear their music with them!) Mother's subject--"Why Doesn't God Stop the War?"-- Packed house. Wayne Jones came forward: Midnite lunch with Johnsons. I didn't eat!


       Apr 1 Tue: --THE DAY I TOOK A NAP--very unusual! And worked on list of (BMI) music specials all day. Learned "How Can I Be Lonely". Dinner with Hjal & Family at Kopper Kettle Tea Room near Father Brandt's. Tonight Mother spoke on "Can We Expect Peace Again?" or "Give God a Chance". The pianist Louise Hawes sat with me. God spoke to me again about preaching. Johnson talked to us after--told of his illustrated message at Angelus Temple.

       --DELORIS WRITES OF HER CALL TO THE MISSION FIELD--India--AND HER LOVE FOR "TOM"--boy at Toccoa. (They finally wed & went to Africa)
       --WE BEGIN OUR MEETING WITH FLOYD B. JOHNSON in the great Los Angeles Evangelistic Center, downtown L.A.
       --BEGINNING THE RE-MAKING OF A MAN--by the grace of God!

       Apr.2 Wed:--BIG DAY--Took in $9.84 at Bookstand today. Planned radio Nos. with Reilly tonight. BIG 2:30 Service: Mother--"How to Get Rid of Doubts". Dad & I sang "Leave it There". I sang "Heartaches". Put bookstand out for first time. BIG DINNER DATE at Hjal's. Hazel Stoudt drove me there. JACOBSON BOYS (Dick & Ralph) were there with girls (West & Bailey). BIG SERVICE--Broadcast 8:30-9:30. Mother--"How Hitler Fights Christ".

       Apr.3 Thurs:--THE DAY WE DROVE TO VAN NUYS to visit & pray for son of friend of Father Brandt's in hospital. LUNCH AT CLIFTON'S before we left. Father Brandt told some interesting stories en route.--One, that his father's grandfather had come over here on old sailing vessel, 1745, Dunkard--one of 3 Brandt Bros.--Settled in Pennsylvania. DINNER WITH JACOBSON BOYS--at invitation of Ralph. Cooked by Dick. HJAL sang at church--"TELL ME THE STORY OF JESUS". Mother's Subject: "Conscription". Mother & I telephoned request to Phil Kerr.

       Apr.4 Fri: --THE DAY AT THE GARAGE--supervising the preparation of the car for Hjal's vacation trip. They promised it for the afternoon, but the day wore on, & I had to send Hjal to sing at service in my stead--he sang the song that I was to have sung on the air. Johnny, the mechanic finally burst into tears about his dying mother, so at 10 p.m. we gave up & he took me home. Had long talk to him about his soul & listened to our program.

       Apr.4 Sat: ANOTHER DAY AT THE GARAGE--They promised us the car by 10:30. Hjal finally gave up & went in his own car. They didn't finish car until 3 P.M.! (Valve job, motor tune- up, wheels aligned). LATE TO DINNER DATE AT JOHNSON`S beautiful home in Glendale. He's just become a grandfather via son- in-law Bob Pierce. Mother & I went to town. Saw Newsreels of recent industrial strikes in defense industries. Pretty serious.

       Apr.6 Sun: Sang bass in the choir--was asked to help out--& nearly ruined my voice. My "bass days" are gone forever. Since "song leading" my range has risen--had to. FOUND MCDONNELL'S--good place to eat. Mother & I had dinner there. Mother spoke on "The Button Off Mutt's Vest" (Love). I sang "Remember". Tried to lead Y.P.'s at 5 P.M. Didn't do so well. Don't think I'm very apt at public speaking. Night: Sang "Tell Me a Story About Jesus" on radio. Spoke on "Los Angeles' Jitterbug Religion".

       Apr.7 Mon: Thank the Lord!--Answer to Prayer!: Last night the German fellow, Franklin, was much impressed. Prayed with him at altar. He then offered to give us financial assistance if we ever needed it. Told him how we'd been desiring to get Mother's "Streams" republished. Went to his hotel this morning, had talk, went to bank & he gave me $300 for book. (Had previously ordered $40 worth of "Hems"). Also gave me swell leather jacket. Lunch at Clifton's. Paid 1/2 garage balance. Stopped by Hjal's for groceries after they left. Dinner with Hazel Stoudt at McDonnell's. Nite: "Scarlet Woman" was Mother's subject.

       Apr.8 Tue: Lunch at Clifton's. MOTHER TRIES TO FIND A HAT at Bullock's. Becoming ones are too expensive--$19.95! We walked out. This was the day I bo't week-ago-Sat. papers that had Mother's picture. Took Mother home. Dinner alone at Clifton's, Olive St. My first time there since decorated--gorgeous neon flowers--all Hawaiian. Mother's subject "Scavenger Hunt".

       Apr.9 Wed: MAILED PACKAGES & LETTERS. (Breakfast at home) AFTERNOON SERVICE: Dad & I sang "God was There"--Mother's subject "Climbing Ladder of Faith". Meeting lots of old friends. Not feeling well today. Mother & I tried in vain to find place to eat near apt. Finally gave up, went home. Then found place before service. Sang "Praying for You" on air--at moment's notice. Mother: "Pilate's Washbasin"--Indifference message.

       Apr.10 Thurs: VISITED MR. FRANKLIN AGAIN. Cautioned him against doubting his Salvation, prayed with him. He gave me some more things: Had already given me beautiful leather jacket. Lunch alone at Clifton's "Pacific Seas". SPENT THE DAY WITH MOTHER IN TOWN. We helped Dad pick out his new suit--bo't 2. Mother delivered her powerful "Bake Me a Cake First" message! No specials--no time, Johnson not there. Nazis are taking Yugoslavia.

       Apr.11 Fri: VISITED FATHER BRANDT--discussed music for his lecture Sat. nite--slides on Passion Play. VISITED "DADDY" ADAMS with Johnson at hospital--great ol' saint. DINNER at Ontra Cafeteria--prices high, servings too large. SPECIAL GOOD FRI. COMMUNION SERVICE--broadcast 8:30-9:30. MIDNITE LUNCH WITH JOHNSONS at Biltmore Hotel Coffee Shop--his favorite spot. REC'D WORD YESTERDAY--They haven't yet classified my draft questionnaire. We'll be in it soon. (WWII.)

       Apr.12 Sat: Helped Father Brandt set up for tonight. Looked at apts. with him & Mother. Lunch at Clifton's Pacific Seas. Errands in town (bought pocket notebk). Newsreel with Mother. Bite to eat at Father Brandt's while waiting for them. FATHER BRANDT'S LECTURE & SLIDES ON Passion Play. Sang Clement's "Gethsemane". Sang "Nailed to the Cross" with Dad. Set up sound system for Mother in large auditorium for services tomorrow. Mr. Hallmark bro't me home.

       Apr.13 Sun: EASTER SUN. Attended Mr. Edwards Sunday School Class--too late to sing. Mother spoke at Morn. Service: "If Christ Be Not Risen." Dinner with Hazel Stoudt at Kopper Kettle. AFTERNOON SERVICE--"God's Greatest Victories Out of Seeming Defeat" --Mother. Took Mother home. Came back to Y.P.'s for Mr. Edward's testimony but had to go out to arrange mikes with Riley Kauffman. Lunch alone at Clifton's. PICTURE OF CHURCH CROWD & FLOWERS. EVE. SERVICE--"Great Alternative"--Mother. I was much burdened & wept for souls. Midnite lunch with Johnson.--He's much troubled about son-in- law, Bob Pierce. (Founder of World Vision Ministry--makes movies.)

       Apr.14 Mon: 'TENDED MAIL, BOOK ORDERS, ETC. Sent poem "Young Christian" to that Miami High girl. Wrote Batykefers brother- in-law, Apel, of our meeting here at Evangelistic Center. WE TOOK HJAL, ELINOR, & Wesley to DINNER at McDonnell's. EVE.SERVICE--"WHY GOD PERMITS SUFFERING"--Mother. Hjal sang, but Elinor & I missed it--took "Wes" to restroom. ICE CREAM with them at their apt. DISCUSSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY in Altadena.--Thinking of "going in" together on something.

       Apr.15 Tue: Drove Mother to "Weaver Jackson". Errands in town. CAR GREASED. Took Hjal with me to pick up Mother-- picked up Father Brandt en route (gave him his half of Sat. nite offering). DINNER: Chipped steaks AT HJAL'S. EVE. SERVICE--MOTHER'S TESTIMONY--PACKED LARGE AUDITORIUM. $21 of books sold. MIDNIGHT LUNCH with JOHNSON. He related "Levinsky's Wedding"--Jewish recitation--a panic! He's a scream--when he's in the mood. Got to bed about 2 A.M.

       Apr.16 Wed: READ THE ADS--looking for places to rent or buy. DINNER AT FATHER BRANDT'S--AFTERNOON SERVICE--"Nothing"-- Mother. Tried to play record for Louise Hawes, pianist. DINNER with Mother at "Joelson's" Jewish restaurant. Hjal dropped in at the apt. re: Songs. EVE. SERVICE--"Answer to Prayer". Sold $15 worth of books. Sat up for radio news: London's worst bombing! Tobey's speech opposing American convoys for British war matls. "Convoys mean shooting--& shooting means War!"--Pres. Roosevelt.

       Apr.17 Thurs: MOTHER & I WENT HOUSE-HUNTING MOST OF AFTERNOON. Found nice place on hillside & others. DINNER AT KOPPER KETTLE with Mother. NITE SERVICE--"CURE FOR DISCOURAGEMENT"-- Mother.

       Apr.18 Fri: ELINOR PHONED THAT HJAL WAS ILL. Went to see him--high fever. He's not been strong--evidently bad cold. TOOK ELINOR TO SEE HILLSIDE PLACE. Ate a bite at a Carpenter's Drive-In. WENT OUT TO SEE ALTADENA PLACE--2/3 is a little "ranch". Mrs. Heiss' property may swing deal.Drove back thru Chevy Chase. NITE SERVICE "GOD`S WILL FOR YOUR LIFE"--phoned Elinor to listen in. (Hjal told us next day he shut it off, "gave him headache"--more likely "soul-ache"-- poor fellow, he's so miserable. Still ill, too.) Mother & I ate at Sontag Drugs after service.

       Apr.19 Sat: Took Wesley to Mr. Heiss'. We didn't get away from apt. till almost 4 P.M. to look for houses. Dad went along. WENT TO OPID'S CAMP near Mt. Wilson. Dinner there. Thinking of taking cabin for few days rest. Took hiker BILL HOLSER back to town with us. Went downtown for a haircut at almost midnite!--Got one, too!--(After unsuccessfully trying to "trim my own.") Last day at Johnson's tomorrow.

       Apr.20 Sun: MOTHER SPOKE AT MORN. SERVICE: "What is Your Theme Song?"--excellent! JOHNSON INITIATED HIS FIRST KHJ PROGRAM.--We've been broadcasting Sun., Mon., Wed. & Fri. nights on KMTR. Hazel Stoudt took folks to dinner. I stayed at church. Had bad heart attack--first since we moved into apt. LED SINGING FIRST PART OF AFTERNOON SERVICE. Mother spoke on compromise--"Our National Cancer" (Communism). Man had epileptic fit on front seat. FIXED SALAD. NITE SERVICE-- Johnson spoke first, Mother last--on same subject--"Can America Hope to Escape?" Good altar call. Midnite lunch with Johnsons. I ate not!

       Apr.21 Mon: Gleaned ads from Sun. paper re: Houses for sale or rent. Mr. Franklin phoned. Visited Hjal--still in bed. Went out to Johnson's & he gave us our "love offering"-- $150.19--just what Mother prayed for! Amen. Thank the Lord! SHOWED DAD THE ALTADENA PLACE. LOOKED AT $100-down. HOUSES AT SUNKIST VILLAGE. DINNER WITH HJAL & ELINOR. Talked over the house situation with them. We all want a small ranch--if we can get it, Lord willing.

       Apr.22 Tue: SEARCHED ADS ALL MORN. & until nearly 4 P.M. WENT TO LOOK AT PLACES IN ALHAMBRA--Mother & I. Met Dad at Clifton's for dinner. Took in Newsreel. Stopped & called on Franklin on way home. Wants to take his vacation with us. Hjal phoned this noon--he's much better.







       Apr.29 Tue: MOVED OUT OF VERN APTS. AWAY TO THE DESERT! For a few days at Carrie Green's. Arrived in time for dinner. (By the way--Rec'd. a letter from Deloris today. About her having measles on Glee Club trip.)

       Apr.30 Wed: 1st Day AT CARRIE GREEN'S DESERT RANCH. In the hills on the edge of Mojave Desert. Have not slept much in the high altitudes. Considerable gas pains. So, I get up early--take hikes. Drove into San Bernadino.

       Apr.31 Thurs: 2nd DAY IN THE DESERT. Drove up to big PINES. Bought new hiking shoes & pants yesterday in San Bernadino. With that leather jacket Franklin gave me--hike outfit!

       May 2 Fri: DAD'S BIRTHDAY! (Bade Paul good-bye early in the morning). LEFT CARRIE'S. Stopped in San Bernadino. WE ALL (Mother, Dad, Hjal, Elinor, & I) ATE BIRTHDAY DINNER WITH DAD AT "Carolina Pines". STAYED AT MRS. HEISS' overnight--Mother, Dad, & I.

       May 3 Sat: BREAKFAST WITH MRS. HEISS. SPENT THE DAY SHOPPING FOR FURNITURE.--Mother, Elinor, & I. MOTHER & I DRIVE DOWN TO SANTA ANA--about 10 P.M. Bro. Hicks met us & put us up at Mrs. Lemons'.

       May 4 Sun: CRASH!--went the chandelier about 7 AM when I tried to rig up Mother's electric heater. MOTHER SPOKE AT BRO. HICK'S "GOSPEL CENTER".--"While London Burns"--BEST SHE'S EVER DONE! JAIL SERVICE. Dinner at Hicks'. He told how he got kicked out of Alliance. I SPOKE AT Y.P.'s. Led singing at eve. service. BIRTHDAY PARTY AT GAYLORD'S.

       May 5 Mon: BEAUTIFUL DRIVE THRU' SAN PEDRO HILLS. Jesus, the Mexican, shows us a cottage for rent on the Vanderlip estate. SAW CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "THE GREAT DICTATOR"--also Dianna Durbin in "Nice Girl". Mother & I took a tourist cottage-- outskirts of Hollywood.

       May 6 Tue: Hottest on record in L.A.! LUNCHEON AT "ASSISTANCE LEAGUE TEA ROOM"--high society! Debutantes wait on table! WENT to BEKIN'S about furniture. Unloaded at the Apt. (where we're going in with Hjal). Took Father Brandt to dinner at Clifton's--Mother, Dad, & I.

       May 7 Wed: Hottest May 7 on record in L.A.--A DAY AT THE AUCTION.--Buying furniture & furnishings for the Apt. we're taking with Hjal & Elinor. DINNER AT So. HOLLYWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Bob Munger had invited Mother to speak--She did--on "Fiddling". WROTE DRAFT BOARD--my address--again.

       May 8 Thurs: Still hot--ARRANGED FURNITURE all morning. Got out BOOK ORDERS in afternoon. Worked on my notebook & Mother's address book. Napped. DINNER AT "THE LIGHTED TREE".-- HJAL & El's ANNIVERSARY! Took a walk. WROTE MADALYN.

       May 9 Fri: DROVE MOTHER TO FATHER BRANDT'S--& around. THEN TO TOWN. Left car to be greased & washed. MET MOTHER AT NEWSREEL. DINNER AT CLIFTON'S. LEFT MOTHER--WENT TO SEE ROSALIE. She wasn't home. Came home--went right to bed--feeling not so good (physically).

       May 10 Sat: WORKED on address books. TRIP TO THE SAN PEDRO HILLS COTTAGE. Dorothy Heiss went along--taking her to Hermosa. Hjal & El were along. Dinner at home--Mother & I prepared it. Bought Mother's Day gifts--Mother & Elinor.

       May 11 Sun: MOTHER'S DAY! Sunday School at Bethel Temple. CHURCH AT Father Brandt's. Sang Mother's "Tell Jesus". She spoke. MOTHER'S DAY DINNER--16 of us at McDonnell's Wilshire: Mother, Mrs. Heiss, Grace, Pauline, Elinor, Bonnie & their respective husbands & children, including Joseph, Virginia Heiss, & me. VISITED LA BREA ASPHALT FOSSIL PITS. Ate Supper alone--Copper Kettle. WENT TO SEE ROSALIE. We talked--of ourselves, the times, & the Lord. Prayed. She's gone into Christian Science.

       May 12 Mon: DROVE THE MULHOLLAND DRIVE--Mother & I--along the crest of the Santa Monica Mts. Then down into San Fernando Valley to look at farms. CRAB DINNER.--Given by Elinor at home. Guests: Ralph J. & Marguerite Bailey.

       May 13 Tue: Mother & I went to look at houses. Gave up looking for buys, started looking for rentals. Ate at the Farmer's Market--saw some actors. Missed hearing Dan Gilbert & meeting Franklin at Johnson's.

       May 14 Wed: Discussed housing situation. Hjal doesn't want to move till we find a "buy". Mother feels we must have more room right away. MOMENTOUS DECISION: EVANGELISTIC WORK with Mother rather THAN SCHOOL. MR. THOMPSON, Asst. Pastor Country Church of Hollywood VISITED US with Mrs. Craig. Had read Mother's book & been thrilled. Quaint character from New Zealand.

       May 15 Thurs: WALKED TO FIND A PLACE--House or flat to rent near here--until 1:30 P.M. Drove Mother to beauty parlor for her hair wash. Errands in town. Came back to see couple houses. Did some phoning. Took Hjal to see one place. Drove around--picked up Wes. Went for Mother. She was very disappointed she hadn't gotten to fix dinner as she'd planned. We (she & I) drove thru' Hollywood after dinner. Dad has his book finished.

       May 16 Fri: MOTHER, FATHER BRANDT, & I spend day looking at property in SAN FERNANDO VALLEY. WE DISCOVER "WOODLAND HILLS" & the building. MOTHER GIVES LIFE STORY AT LONG BEACH--Howard Rustoi's. Packed house--600. Dad & I sing "God Was There." Thrilling service--as it always is. MIDNITE LUNCH at Ed "Strangler" Lewis' "Farm". Sat up & read paper till nearly 3 (got home at 1:00).

       May 17 Sat: Lunch with Hjal at Du-Par's--Farmer's Mkt. WE TOOK DAD TO SEE THE BLDG. in WOODLAND HILLS. He's sold on the idea of little country church & community center. Mother and I eat dinner at "Tick Tock", Hollywood. (Dad wasn't hungry yet.) Newsreel--extra good--Rudolph Hess scenes. Memory short. Been kind of drifting away from close fellowship with the Lord. Got back in prayer tonight. Amen!

       May 18 Sun: "I AM AN AMERICAN" DAY! Thank God I am in the U.S.--but don't know how soon U.S. will be in the war! Church at F.B.'s--read the Scripture. Dinner there. MOTHER GAVE TESTIMONY AT "LITTLE COUNTRY CHURCH OF HOLLYWOOD"--good crowd --wonderful service--inspiring spirit--best she's done yet! Praise the Lord!--For Him. Supper at Eaton's on Ventura--with Hjal, El, Wes, Ralph, Margaret, and us. Mother and I got to John Well's "Little Brown Church in the Valley." We sat up and discussed BLDG. in W.H. with Hjal.

       May 19 Mon: TOOK DAD TO BURBANK--LOCKHEED AIR PLANT. He wanted to apply for work--but "NO ALIENS!" (He found out recently his dad had only taken out 1st papers--So, as Dad came over at age of 3, he's an alien!--Not only that, Mother is, too! Just found that out.--Because she married Dad!) PICNIC DINNER--Hjal's friends--GRIFFITH PARK. SANG at GESSWEIN`S MTG.--Bob Munger's Church. Came home to learn: We go to Turlock in the morn!

       May 20 Tue: LEFT EARLY FOR TURLOCK.--300 Mi. Dinner with Knutsen's--(children all gone). LED SINGING, SANG "Remember", MOTHER SPOKE "While London Burns" at lovely Pentecostal Church--Rev. Alford. Mother stayed at Knutsen's--I at Olson's.

       May 21 Wed: WENT TO SEE KNUTSEN'S FARM.--War ruined his packing business. LEFT FOR OAKLAND--100 Mi. Very hot in San Joaquin Valley. Dropped in on Esther & Genie. BAY BRIDGE TO S.F.--YMCA Hotel. (No more auto ferries--alas! Just a memory, those ferry trips.) Bridge only 25 cents now. I went to bed (after sending wire to Rosalie just for fun). Mother went to Newsreels.

       May 22 Thurs: MOTHER slept while I rose early. Walk. Then I took nap while she went to breakfast. BACK TO OAKLAND. This time saw Ellen, too. Picked up Dad's books. DASH TO FRESNO! 200 Mi.--I sang, MOTHER GAVE TESTIMONY. Rev. Opie--Bethel Temple. Beautiful Foursquare Church. WENT ON TO TULARE. 3-1/2 hrs. sleep...

       May 23 Fri: THEN DASH TO L.A. (up at 4 AM). Made it--160 mi.--in 3 hrs. 10 min.! Mts. and all! Mother made her speaking appointment at Westmont--8:20 AM. Talked to Hjal. We took (Mother & I) Virginia Heiss out to eat while we had Bkfst. Mother & I looked at houses to rent closeby. Worked on advertising matter--sorting, etc. Dinner at home. (Napped before dinner.) Phoned Rosalie about church with me Sun. nite-- postponed to following Sun.

       May 24 Sat: Hjal & Elinor went to Lake Arrowhead. Pasted songs in my book all midday. HAIRCUT. Mother & Dad went to see house to rent near here. Didn't return till 7:30 PM. Dinner at home.

       May 25 Sun: Sunday School at C. & Missionary Alliance. Very small group for branch in such a large city. Church at Father Brandt's. Dad & I sang "God Was There." BIRTHDAY PICNIC FOR MOTHER on Olive Hill with all Father Brandt's church folks. Y.P.'s at Virginia Heiss' church--Calvary Chapel--fundamental splitoff of Hollywood First Presbyterian. Good group, but not much real fire. At church service, pastor S.H. Sutherland spoke: "I Am a Christian." Took Virginia home and visited awhile with Mrs. Heiss. Missed supper.

       May 26 Mon: Mother pretty sick with bad cold caught on trip. Sick yesterday. I began to feel "not so good" today. We all went to see house for rent near here. BANQUET by Mrs. Craig of Country Church of Hollywood in Mother's honor at Kipling Hotel. Celebrities present: Mrs. Charles Cowman, author "Streams in the Desert," Mrs. Wall, Pres. Nat'l Holiness Movement, Mrs. MacRoberts, composer of "Meeting in the Air", Mrs. Thompson, asst. pastor L.C. Church of Hollywood, musicians & others. Sang "Then Jesus Came" at Mrs. Craig's.

       May 27 Tue: Studied Bible--Genesis--most of midday. MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY. Only had 5 cents--bought her a card and wrote poem. BIRTHDAY DINNER AT CLIFTON'S. Clinton himself presented her with cake and bouquet. Took LOTUS GRAHAM along. She's awfully sweet, intelligent, beautiful--and training for Christian work at Westmont! Came home discouraged about my own life.

       May 28 Wed: Practised all midday. Found new song. AFTERNOON SERVICE AT JOHNSON'S. Mother preached excellent message on "Head Faith--Heart Faith". Wonderful after-service healing service--Johnson himself got blessing.--And I got straightened out with the Lord--mine's been mostly "head faith" lately--had gotten away from the old sweetness, love & humility of heart. Dinner at home--by Elinor. Mother & I went to get her songs from PHIL KERR at Angelus Temple.

       May 29 Thurs: Caught up on Diary. EVE. SERVICE AT JOHNSON'S. "--And So Ends Democracy"--Mother spoke on the end of this age which now seems rapidly approaching. Midnite lunch with Johnsons.

       May 30 Fri: Sick in bed with cold. Read my Bible.--Made chronological notes on generations of Adam.

       May 31 Sat: Drove Mother to Hollywood. Then went to town & bought books for Deloris & Marian--graduation gifts. Left Mother & Dad in Hollywood. Drove down to Southgate and left note for Rosalie about tomorrow. Night lunch of oatmeal--no supper.


       Jun.1 Sun: "THE LITTLE BROWN CHURCH IN THE VALLEY"--went with Mother (took Hazel along) to hear John Wells. Excellent message on "Is the Young Man Safe?"--parting message to his son who's been conscripted. Dinner at Clifton's. TOOK ROSALIE TO SUPPER AT CLIFTON'S, and attended Los Angeles Church of the Open Door. Baccalaureate--Dr. Roud. Talked to her about salvation on the way home.

       Jun.2 Mon: BANQUET WITH AIMEE SEMPLE MCPHERSON--at "Scully's". Mr. Apel, Chairman of her board and bro-in-law of Mr. Batykefer of Bentleyville, Pa., invited us (Mother, of course). We didn't know Aimee was to be there. Phil Kerr and other Temple officials and wives were there. Aimee is rather strange.--Like someone always acting--poor woman. (Invited us to hold meeting at Aimee's Angelus Temple, greatest in Los Angeles! But Mother refused: "Too many women preachers!"-- Pride!--As a result we were out of meetings & broke most of the Summer! Very discouraging!)

       Jun.7 Sat: Dinner at "SteakHouse" on Wilshire--with Mother. SPENT EVE. "ON PICKET LINE"--N. American Aircraft workers on biggest strike in U.S. Talked to them. They feel justified and determined. Gov't threatening to use Army.

       Jun.8 Sun: Breakfast at Wilshire Brown Derby. 3:00 P.M. Service at Davis' Christian & Missionary Alliance in Pasadena. Clara & Alden Bevins dedicate their child, Donald. Visited a while with Dunnings. Dinner in Riverside. Then--we "struck it lucky": famous Evangelist Chas. S. PRICE IN BIG TENT AT RIVERSIDE. Inspiring message!--Especially after my mounting feelings of discouragement & rebellion against being tied to Mother & getting nowhere. Victory! ARRIVED AT Idlewilde--couldn't waken anyone (at 1:30 A.M.) Went on TO PALM SPRINGS. Arrived at Hotel El Dorado about 3:00 AM.

       Jun.9 Mon: Slept till Noon. Breakfast (Lunch) at Harry's. SIGHTSEEING IN PALM SPRINGS. Dinner at Harry's--Movie. Came back to hotel and prepared graduation cards & books for Deloris & Marian.

       Jun.10 Tue: LEFT PALM SPRINGS. (Mailed Rosalie & Lotus souvenirs.) Drove fast to make Christian Ch. Banquet at noon in Pasadena--but it was yesterday! Mother began a week of services at Johnson's tonight--"Fifth Loaf"--real spirit & results. Visited (Mother & I) with John Wells after service.

       Jun.11 Wed: HELPED PRAY FOR SICK. Did the anointing at the afternoon service at Johnson's. Sang "I Am Happy in Him" with Dad. Dinner at "Adele Lang's" with Mother. Eve. Service.--Max Adams & Mrs. Layne were there.

       Jun.12 Thurs: GOT STUCK IN THE DITCH--$3.00--When I took Father Brandt to the Clinic & was parking. Finally had to get a wrecker and leave my watch as security. Father Brandt didn't know, & I'm so disgusted I haven't told anybody. Hope I get the 3 bucks to get my watch. Dinner home. Hjal sang "His Supreme Control" at evening service. Mother spoke on humility. Sat up talking with Mother, Hjal, Dad.

       Jun.13 Fri: WE MEET THE WORLD-FAMOUS SONGWRITERS--LEHMANS. BIG MUSICAL! LUNCH WITH CLINTONS. (Clifford Clinton of Clifton's Cafeterias.) Worked on book orders and letter to Lehmann of St. Louis. EVE. SERVICE--ORIGINAL GOSPEL COMPOSERS NITE. Dad's "Keep Me Sweet," Mother's "Solace," Wilbur's Choruses, Mrs. Tillis'--"Ye Shepherds of Israel" sung by Mr. Delbert, Mrs. H.G. Buffum's Poems, Mr. Relier of MGM studio, violinist--"Eli, Eli", & Mr. & Mrs. F.M. Lehman, "No Disappointment in Heaven" etc. Nite lunch at Clifton's with the E.J. Clinton's--Mr. Clifford Clinton's father & founder of Clifton's Cafeterias--all together. Drove Lehmans to Pasadena.

       Jun.14 Sat: Westmont College had its graduation exercises this morning, but I missed it--first time I've slept. Lunch at "Du-Par's" Farmhouse with Hjal, Elinor, Wes, Mother, John Wells & Arnie Edmund. GRIFFITH PLANETARIUM DEMONSTRATION with Mother & John.--On the Moon--inspiring!

       Jun.15 Sun: "Father's Day"--BIG DAY AT JOHNSON'S--3 services. Mother spoke at all three. (Bob Myers, "1st Mate Bob" of radio program "Haven of Rest", sat all thru' Mother's stirring morn. message--Father's Day--to speak on the KHJ half- hour following). (He had a drinking problem, poor fellow!)

       Jun.16 Mon: Deloris graduated somewhere along here--wrote letter of congratulations.

       Jun.18 Wed: LAST DAY AT JOHNSON'S. Big afternoon service & healing service and night service--& Radio Broadcast. Praise the Lord!

       Jun.19 Thurs: Mother and I went house-hunting again. We're certainly getting weary of it! Found a place up in the hills, $40 a month--but too far.

       Jun.20 Fri: Took Hjal & Elinor and Dad to see the house in the canyon--too far. Found a $37.50 house in town--Hjal & Elinor had decided to move into the Westmont dormitory. Dad went and rented the place anyhow. PUT UP SOUND SYSTEM (ours) FOR THE Westmont Academy Commencement. Phoned Lotus to go with us to San Diego tomorrow--her home town--but couldn't.

       Jun.21 Sat: LEFT L.A. for SAN DIEGO after attending to this and that, packing, etc. Picked up a couple of draftees at Camp Callan on the way in. There's certainly a need for a decent place for the fellows to "hang out" when off duty.

       Jun.22 Sun: IN SAN DIEGO--attended Sunday School & church at Rev. Roberts' "San Diego Tabernacle". I sang "Christ Died." Dinner with Mother Layne, Sister Robinson, and Max Adams in their trailer. Looked for room for Mother & me. Mother and I went out to La Jolla for supper and picked up a boy headed for Camp Callan (singer). He was enthusiastic about our plan--"Mother Layne's Home".

       Jun.23 Mon: Spend most of the week and next week looking for place to stay, either for Mother and me alone or house where Layne's could also park their trailer.

       Jun.24 Tue: Drove Mother Layne & Sister Robinson to hear W.H. Nagel--Says European Christians on fire for God--real revival on in spite of War & persecution. But, he said, U.S. Christians are dead! Talked on 23rd Psalm.

       Jun.29 Sun: MOTHER AND I FOUND A HOUSE where we could park trailer--1 Bedroom--$35 a month for 2 months, to be vacated next week. LOOKED FOR A ROOM FOR MOTHER & ME ALL AFTERNOON. MOTHER GAVE HER TESTIMONY AT ROBERT'S TABERNACLE.

       Jul.4 Fri: Mother and I were going to break up for the day, but prayed about it & went back to the Zoo & the Lord led me right to her. I realize now that her happiness is my only real joy and my service to Him. WE DROVE TO MT. PALOMAR OBSERVATORY WHERE THE NEW, WORLD'S LARGEST, 200-INCH TELESCOPE IS BEING MOUNTED. STUPENDOUS! Then took in a movie at Escondido. Picked up a Marine, Walter Peterson, & helped a boy (towed his car).

       Jul.5 Sat: Mother wrote letters most of midday. Mother & I DROVE DOWN TO TIJUANA, Mexico, just 15 mi. So. of here, ate supper at La Casita, took in a Movie "Demonios del Mar", old submarine picture, also Wallace Beery in "Wyoming". PICKED UP GEORGE HORST on the way back, a Marine and a Christian from small town in Missouri.

       Jul.6 Sun: Church at FAITH TABERNACLE on 6th across from Balboa Park.--Two messages in tongues with interpretation by the Pastor.--Seemed to be the real thing--inspired--very sweet. Went into Marine Base for George. GEORGE & I TOOK IN THE MUSEUM at Presidio Park & CORONADO ISLAND. HE LIKED THE HOTEL THERE. DINNER with George & Mother. Then Church--Mother speaking. George & I went forward.

       Jul.7 Mon: MOVED--from St. James Hotel to house. WROTE ARTICLES for papers. Dinner at home. Went down to Robert's TABERNACLE & found George there attending the "Family Night Fellowship." Took him home. Nice lad. Came home & read a little, talked to Spraker about World conditions.

       Jul.8 Tue: Slept late. Helped Mother with washing--we're broke. Down there for over 2 wks. without any income. Mrs. Layne barely paying a few of our living expenses. Will start a week's meeting at Robert's soon.--But won't mean much financially. Dinner at home. Mother's a little discouraged about maybe being out of God's will.--But we've learned lots.

       Jul.9 Wed: Sat up late last nite writing Rosalie--trying to warn her against Christian Science--14-page letter! Which I had started about 2 wks. ago. DROVE UP TO L.A.--on our last dollar's worth of gas. Guess Mrs. Layne doesn't realise we've no income but a few friends who send a dollar or two now and then--thank the Lord! Dinner at Clifton's--Newsreel. Found Dad had moved into the big house--$37 a mo. He sure likes it--wanted it bad! (441 N. Lake St., Los Angeles. Dad works at Westmont College as comptroller.)

       Jul.10 Thurs: First good night's sleep for some time. Water in San Diego seems to cause gas pains. Very quiet here, too. Plenty room in this big house--we each have our own bedroom. --If we can only furnish & pay rent! REPORTED TO MY DRAFT BOARD. Lunch at Laynes'. Then we all drove to S.F. Valley to show them John Well's "Little Brown Church in the Valley"-- Mrs. Layne's thinking of building in San Diego. Dinner with the family at Hjal & Elinor's. Visited Father Brandt. (Had brief heart-attack at Laynes'.)

       Jul.11 Fri: Father Brandt, Grace, Mother, & I went out to DuPar's for breakfast--Farmer's Mkt. Drove Mother to town, had car washed, did some phoning from Hjal's. Called LOTUS for date tonite.--Already booked up. She was in S.D. while we were but couldn't locate each other. Learned "His Supreme Control" while waiting at Hjal's. Got a HAIRCUT while waiting for Mother. DINNER AT BRANDTS'. Met Ray Thompson, Ralph HUDSON, PHONED ABOUT CATALINA--friend of Hjal's wanted someone to escort her over--but I finally turned down her offer of expenses--couldn't afford to stay over in L.A. just for that. Had chat with Hjal.

       Jul.12 Sat: LEFT L.A. FOR SAN DIEGO AGAIN--this time with Ray Thompson, F.B.'s boarder for passenger. Took inland route past Elsinore and PALOMAR OBSERVATORY.--It was closed, but finally one of the workmen, Clogston, showed Ray & me thru'. Saw more than lst time--walked all around telescope. Dinner at same place in Escondido. Home late. Put Ray up in the trailer.

       Jul.13 Sun: Three of us went to Lotus Graham's church, Scott Memorial Baptist, Rev. Culver, pastor--good man, straight preacher--spoke on life's investments. RAY, PAULA, C.J. Barnes, Beverly Day, and I went for drive to Camp Callan, etc., to show Ray. They were young folks from Lotus' Church. Came home alone for dinner which Mother had cooked. Went to church early--set up mike. Chow Mein with Rev. Roberts.

       Jul.14 Mon: RAY LEFT FOR L.A.--seems to be on Gov't pension for some reason--said he served 3-1/2 yrs. as Navy radio operator on flying patrol boat. Very bashful but gentlemanly. Seemed really to have had good time--said it was his best. Talked to him about prophecy at breakfast--prayed. Reported TO MY DRAFT BOARD here--about physical exam. Went to church and arranged P.A. system. Cleaned up trailer. BRO'T GEORGE HORST, Marine, to DINNER, church. LED SINGING, but too tired.

       Jul.15 Tue: Cleaned back lot & raked yard. Expecting Laynes in trailer, & washed sheets, but they didn't come. Napped briefly. GOT LETTER OF REFERENCE for HANSFORD for "farm timekeeper", some Boston fruit firm.--Probably in W. Indies. REPORTED TO LOCAL DRAFT BOARD.--Say they might arrange for physical exam with another Board. Practiced at Church. Dinner out. Mother spoke on prayer--very searching. Got burden for Young People. Ate bite with Mother--drank 2 glasses milk! Caught up on Diary.

       Jul.16 Wed: Got to bed too late to get up early--must change. Read some of Dale Carnegie's book, "How to Win Friends & Influence People"--diabolical! Gives no one credit for anything but selfish motives--says most great deeds motivated by "desire to be important." Evidently unbeliever in anything but the worst in Man. Dinner at home. Good service. Did some praying today! Max & Laynes arrived after service.

       Jul.17 Thurs: A DAY OF HOUSEHOLD DRUDGERY. Mrs. Layne, Max, Mrs. Layne's niece, & Miss Cutting are here. I did all the breakfast cleaning-up. Then lunch. Then shopping for groceries. Then cleaned (burned) off back lot for trailer. Dinner alone at Harvey's. Mother spoke on "Can America Hope to Escape?" They don't want to--they want war because it relieves monotony, gives them something to live for--& die for!

       Jul.18 Fri: Spent day at the garage with Mrs. Layne's car. The World is full of fear--men fear each other because they are selfish and do not love one another--therefore, do not trust one another. It's the pitiful penalty of sin, selfishness. When compelled to trust others, we must trust God--not them. Trust brings freedom from fear--peace. Thank God!

       Jul.19 Sat: Laynes left. Mrs. Layne has about decided to build. Talked to Carl Gilchrist tonight at Y.P. picnic. He's down from Camp Roberts--draftee. Says 7 suicides & 42 accidental deaths at Ft. Ord training camp. Some cannot stand the hardening process of being "trained to kill"--become discouraged & disgusted with the World. What a tragedy!--A country leaning upon the arm of the flesh, instead of God.

       Jul.20 Sun: Picked up a boy at Camp Callan today. Took him with us to dinner & Church. Fine chap. Lannis Windhorst-- country boy from So. Ill. He said there were 10 suicides at Camp Forrest, Tenn., before he left that part of the country & was drafted. Boys without hope in a hopeless, sinful, warring, killing, brutal World. If someone had only told them of Christ! Powerful service. Got real burden for the lost.

       Jul.21 Mon: Dinner at Hotel Grant, courtesy of Mrs. Baker. Spent the day at Mrs. Baker's, once millionaire, now seeking deep spiritual things. We worked on poems--decorating--she, Mother, & I. Service almost killed in spirit tonight by Roberts having one of his unspiritual daughters lead singing. Poor man. None of his children spiritual. Guess he's only trying to get or keep hold on them. Mother gave that sweet message on love and the Holy Spirit--but then they had social time, refreshments--usual Mon. nite--but no revival that way! Talked to Mr. Spraker tonight--about Antichrist soon.

       Jul.22 Tue: Spent much of the day helping Mother prepare dinner for tonight. Had John Wilson, George Horst (Marine), & Max (arrived late from L.A.) The Lord gave me unusual freedom in song service--Roberts gone to see his wife--their Anniversary. Had long talk with John--he has wonderful testimony!-- Up from depths of sin only 2 yrs. ago. Now only my age. God bless him! Good service though.

       Jul.23 Wed: Wrote article for the paper & took it down. We're staying thru' Sun.--at least. This 2nd week not much different from 1st--people aren't praying. PHYSICAL EXAM. AT LAST! They've been trying to catch up with me ever since I left Miami last Feb., but draft machinery slow--but sure. DOC LINDHOLM SAYS I'M O.K.--sending me to specialist about my heart. I'm 119 lbs.--everything normal. John was over tonight after church.

       Jul.24 Thurs: Made up a card for advertising. Mother's trying to decide whether or not to stay over another week--have had no advertising, little cooperation.

       Jul.25 Fri: Took ad down to paper. Rode out to Rolando County property with Mother and Max to look for location for Raymond's tent outside city limits. Ate at Swiss place--"burtwurst"! Sent out some mail, including Hjal's birth affidavit --he's got a job at Lockheed. Bro. Roberts was back at service tonight. Max & I sang "God Was There."

       Jul.26 Sat: SPECIALIST TO WHOM MY CASE HAD BEEN REFERRED BY LOCAL DRAFT BOARD, EXAMINED MY HEART--this morn. Didn't say anything, tho'. Mr. Robbins of the Local Bd. here has been very helpful in pushing me thru' before I leave here. My weight shortage of 9 lbs. will put me in Class B anyhow. WROTE DAD--what I think of this business of training for War. Practiced with Max. Took a walk--beautiful view! Dinner at home. I had to go alone to Prayer Meeting.

       Jul.27 Sun: LAST DAY AT ROBERT'S. Mother gave inspiring morn. message on sacrifice: "Conscription." Dinner at Cafe Del Rey Moro--House of Hospitality with Mother & Max. Spoke to Y.P. on consecration. Mother gave "Pilate"--didn't like it. GRAHAMS, LOTUS, Father & Mother were at service. Midnite malt at "Topsy" with Mrs. Baker.

       Jul.28 Mon: Laynes arrived this eve.--Mrs. Layne, Mrs. Robinson & Phil. Mother & I went to GRAHAMS for dinner. Mr. Graham hungry for real Gospel & fellowship. Very sweet visit & prayer.

       Jul.29 Tue: Packed up to LEAVE SAN DIEGO. Met Mother at Balboa Park. Walked thru' Museum of Natural History while she ate lunch. DROVE TO TIJUANA. Bought a few souvenirs. Ate din- ner again at La Casita. Left about 8 P.M. DROVE TO L.A. Cold developed en route. Arrived "home" 12:30 A.M. to find Elinor had taken her blankets. So we made out with coats, etc.

       Jul.30 Wed: This is a real nice place: Large, roomy, & sort of old-fashioned. We each have a bedroom to ourselves. 441 N. LAKE ST., near downtown. Went by & visited Father Brandt. Seems much weaker. He's now in his 80's, of course--but still preaches! Picked up Dad and we all went to May Co. to shop for household things. Dinner--Mother, Dad, & I--at Clifton's Brookdale. Newsreel at Hollywood. Bite at "Pop Adams." Took a stroll.

       Jul.31 Thurs: Mother was peeved with me because I seemed slow this morn.--only wanted to measure windows. Then I got peeved at her--like a lover's quarrel! All my fault, should have obeyed and kept my mouth shut. Made up & ate lunch at "Adele Lang's." Word from Doc.:--Deloris is back in Miami, from her missionary work in North Carolina Mts.

       MEMORANDUM OF JULY: SPEND JULY IN SAN DIEGO investigating conditions amongst, & what can be done to get Gospel to Service Men. VISITED PALOMAR 200-inch TELESCOPE TWICE. VISITED TIJUANA TWICE. TWO PHYSICAL EXAMS BY DRAFT BOARD. PHYSICIANS. TWO-WK'S MEETING AT ROBERT'S. BACK TO L.A. & New Home, 441 N. Lake St.


       Aug.2 Sat: BARGAIN DAY! Mother & I rushed downtown to Broadway Basement Sale on rugs & curtain panels. GOT DAD & WE ALL ATE AT MCDONNELL'S out in Wilshire.--Dad's earning $20 a week now at his job as cashier of Westmont College. It's made a new man out of him. LOOKED AT ICE-BOXES. SHOPPED AGAIN--till money ran out. Lost Dad. Mother & I spent eve. fixing drapes, etc.

       Aug.3 Sun: Was up till 3:00 AM decorating house. So we were late to Father Brandt's FOR CHURCH. Dinner at McDonnell's on So. Figueroa. BROUGHT FATHER BRANDT & GRACE OVER TO SEE THE HOUSE. Took them for a ride. When we finally got away it was too late for church. Hurt Mother's feelings by mentioning that she never gives me any time off, but we had prayer & "made up" again.

       Aug.4 Mon: Worked on the house. WENT TO SEE LOTUS at the College. We talked with her sister & beau till 10:30. Did too much talking myself--but it was all about the Lord.

       Aug.5 Tue: Cleaned bathroom--some job! Had Hjal & Elinor & Wes for dinner.

       Aug.6 Wed: Worked around the house. Worked on Address Book and mail of books. WENT to Hjal's for dinner--took Lotus, down at Manhattan Beach--nice country cottage. JOHN WELLS dropped in & took folks home. TOOK LOTUS Home--talked about the Lord.

       Aug.7 Thurs: AROSE AT 6 AM!--Read Bible. Worked on extensions (electric). Took one of my rare naps. Worked on address book. Had Hjal & Elinor for dinner again--Mother wanted to talk to Hjal. Visited La DONNA DALRYMPLE GLENNIE'S TENT REVIVAL.--God bless her!--And the "I AM" Temple--God forgive them!

       Aug.8 Fri: Worked some on my music today--mounting. McDonnell's for dinner--Mr. Griffin. TOOK Father Brandt & GRACE, & all of "US" to a Newsreel--Hollywood. First pictures from Russia of Russo-German conflict. Mother & I drove to Chinatown MOON FESTIVAL & visited L.A.'s new Railroad Station.

       Aug.9 Sat: HIKED UP TO PLANETARIUM for 3:30 lecture--not so good--on those far-fetched constellations. But it always awes one with God's power and wisdom--and yet they refuse to believe! Dinner at home. HAIRCUT. PREACHER'S PRAYER MEETING. AT JOHNSON'S. Opening of his big prayer conference.

       Aug.10 Sun: OPENING OF PRAYER CONFERENCE at JOHNSON'S.-- Sunday School at Grace Fundamentalist. Drove out to get Clyde Hallmark to bring his P.A. Dinner at Father Brandt's. TOOK LOTUS GRAHAM with us to afternoon service at Johnson's. Mother took Dr. Fagan's place due to his illness. Had trouble with P.A. system. WENT ALONE TO DAVE COWIE'S Presbyterian Church for eve. service & "sang" afterward. Felt very lonely.

       Aug.11 Mon: Worked around the house. DINNER at "Botwin's". DAD & I went to JOHNSON'S eve. service.--HEARD "SISTER SARAH" of "Josiah Hopkins" Country Church of Hollywood radio program (Mrs. Wm. B. Hogg). Very sweet little stories on answered prayer. HAD REAL BURDEN OF PRAYER.

       Aug.12 Tue: Breakfast at "The Palms" (I just had orange juice). Mother spoke at 10:30 AM session. Lunched on few dry sandwiches given us. MISS GRACE DOTSON gave stirring testimony. Dinner at McDonnell's No. 1 with Dad. DR. M. HOWARD FAGAN preached evangelistic message. Been praying earnestly that God would kill my pride and use me & fill me with His power.

       Aug.13 Wed: AFTERNOON HEALING MEETING at Johnson's. GOD HUMBLED ME all right!--Unexpectedly. Sang "Himself"--had to start 5 times on different note. Pianist started just an octave too high! Was very much humiliated--couldn't understand--but God showed me. DINNER with JOHN WELLS at "McDonnell's Ever Eat." DR. FAGAN TOOK STAND FOR HEALING. Sat up till 2 AM reading 1st 10 Chapters of Hebrews.

       Aug.14 Thurs: NEWS OF PRES. ROOSEVELT'S MEETING WITH CHURCHILL at sea. They plan to rule the World, protect trade & independence of nations, & disarm aggressors--if we win the war and peace comes. Who is the Antichrist? No. 666, by the way, was 666th No. drawn in last draft! Strange? Took Mother to Beauty Parlor. DOCTOR KOGER DIED TODAY! Went to church alone as Dad took Mother home, quite cut-up. Dr. Fagan spoke.

       Aug.15 Fri: Mother spoke at morn. session. Lunch at "El Patio." Got back in time to hear portion of I.G. MARTIN'S talk (author-composer of "The Eastern Gate")...Then Miss GRACE DOTSON gave another inspiring testimony. Home for a little, while Mother wrote SATERS. Dinner with John Wells & Dad & Mother at Clifton's. ALL-NITE OF PRAYER at Johnson's.

       Aug.16 Sat: Cleaned house. VERY HOT. Drove to Hjal's at Manhattan Beach.--Saw Elinor. Was going swimming but too late--too cool. Dinner in Westwood Village. Phoned Mrs. Layne.

       Aug.17 Sun: LAST GREAT DAY AT JOHNSON'S & close of Prayer Conference. Mother spoke in morn., Dr. Fagan in afternoon, Mother & Johnson on the air eve. I also attended Y.P.'s. Dinner at "Shabers" with FRANKLIN. John spoke on "Too Late to Pray"--but I really prayed! Really broke down--"God be merciful unto me--a sinner."

       Aug.18 Mon: DROVE OUT TO GLENDALE. Met Mrs. Johnson to get money. Drove to Pasadena to get Mother's hat and saw Mrs. Layne. Dinner with BRANDTS at Hollywood "Ontra". Newsreel together--of Churchill & President Roosevelt in Conference. SENT OUT BOOKS etc.

       Aug.19 Tue: Paid Browns & Bekins. Visited Brandts all afternoon. Napped. Drove Mother to town--she stood long time waiting for me while I took credit card application to Standard Station etc. Dinner--three of us--at Clifton's. PAULINE & WAYNE came over. Rec'd LETTER FROM MRS. SATER concerning Doctor's death.

       Aug.20 Wed: LEFT L.A. FOR SAN DIEGO. Took Father Brandt with us. We're to help in Raymond's Mtg. & help Mrs. Layne again. ATTENDED RICHEY'S MEETING. Stanfills & Earl & Fred etc.--all here. Good crowd & enthusiasm. Three of us staying at St. James.

       Aug.21 Thurs: Breakfast at Mrs. Layne's apt. across from park. Drove Father Brandt around to see his old friends--he was pastor here in 1888 & 1889! Dinner with entire group--all the Richies (exc. Eloise & Rae Marie--in L.A.), Stanfills, Max, Mrs. Layne, Mrs. Robinson & another "Layne" satellite, Mrs. Layne's nephews & wives, Father Brandt, etc. Eve. Service--sang in quartette with Max & Stanfills. MOTHER GAVE HER TESTIMONY--Raymond took offering for us. Praise God!

       Aug.22 Fri: TRIP TO TIJUANA & AGUA CALIENTE, MEXICO with Mrs. Robinson--very sweet woman--Mother & Father Brandt. Lunch of Mex. food. Have had only that & orange juice today--& feel better than when I eat too often. Had glass of soup before service tonite, but had heart-attack in pulpit--but God touched me & it stopped. RAE MARIE Richey was here tonight. PHIL KERR preached--down from L.A.

       Aug.23 Sat: LEFT SAN DIEGO FOR L.A. Picked up a Camp Callan cook--says morale amongst boys low on account of poor management & ignorant officers, trying to use old army tactics on the intelligent draftee. REC'D DRAFT NOTICE OF CLASSIFICATION --"1A"!--Much to my surprise because of underweight & heart. Dinner at Clifton's with Dad & Mother. Newsreel. Good prayer season. Started letter to DELORIS.

       Aug.24 Sun: Father Brandt's for Church & Dinner.--And SNAPSHOTS. PACKED all afternoon--for possible trip to Miami. Lunch at "Pop Adam's" with Father Brandt, Mother & Dad. GOUTHEY'S for Eve. Service. Unusual fellow! Snack at McDonnell's Drive-Inn. Read tonight in Rev. about Heavenly City-- 3,375,000,000 Cubic Miles!

       Aug.25 Mon: Mother upset because Dad didn't agree about refinancing car. We all ate breakfast together & conferred-- Dad agreed. TOLD FOLKS THO'T BOTH SHOULD BE OUT IN GOD'S WORK--Forget job & house, etc. Then the Lord humbled my pride by allowing me to get discouraged with them. LEFT FOR SAN DIEGO late. Arrived 15 min. early! Mother gave "Life of Faith" testimonies. Raymond gone for rest. Midnite Lunch with Mother at New China.

       Aug.26 Tue: Staying at Stanford this time instead of St. James. Breakfast at Mrs. Layne's. HAIRCUT. TO THE ZOO WITH RAE MARIE. Supper--Mrs. Layne's. PRACTISED IN SAN DIEGO CLUB Main Banquet Hall. INSPIRING SERVICE TONITE. Max & I sang. Raymond was back. Mother preached inspired message "No Discouragement!" Raymond took offering for us. WIRED LEHMAN'S WE'RE COMING.

       Aug.27 Wed: Early breakfast with RAYMOND, ELOISE, & RAE MARIE RICHEY. Swell folks! Then went out to Robert's Tabernacle & got P.A. system. LEFT SAN DIEGO about 3:30. Picked up IRVING KURLANDER, M.P., took him to dinner in Long Beach. & to L.A. (at Mother's request). WROTE DRAFT BOARD--re-stating physical handicaps. WROTE DELORIS 16-page letter--till 5:00 AM!

       Aug.28 Thurs: Breakfast with Dad & Mother at "Carpenter's" WROTE GEORGE HORST a card. Was tired all day, but seems only way to ever get letter written--last night. Errands in town. Three of us. DROVE DOWN TO MANHATTAN BEACH to tell Hjal & Elinor goodbye.

       Aug.29 Fri: Packed to leave for Miami. Dinner with Brandts. Picked Max Adams up at 8:00 P.M. and LEFT Los Angeles FOR MIAMI. Drove all night across desert.

       Aug.30 Sat: ARRIVED GRAND CANYON about noon. Lunched in cabin. WROTE CARDS to Deloris, Dad, Hjal, George Horst, Monty, & MET RICHEYS--saw Raymond on hotel porch. Didn't even know they were here! Saw them off on train at 8 P.M. WROTE CARDS to Rosalie, Lotus, Johnsons, Irving (M.P.), and...

       Aug.31 Sun: LEFT GRAND CANYON via "Desert View" & Cameron. PASSED PAINTED DESERT and PETRIFIED FOREST--all in Arizona. Made over 300 mi. Arrived in ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. for the nite. Ate at "Katson's" Drive-In--very good.


       Sept.1 Mon: LEFT ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. Made over 400 mi. to WICHITA FALLS, Tex.

       Sept.2 Tue: LEFT WICHITA FALLS, Tex. Made over 400 mi. to HOUSTON, Tex. Met JOE GEHRHART & were put up at the TEMPLE Dorm.--very nice. Thank the Lord!

       Sept.3 Wed: Visited with old TEMPLE friends: Dad, Richey, Rev. Houghton, & Leonard Richey. Had car greased & oil changed. LEFT HOUSTON about 1 PM. Passed thru' big ARMY MANOEUVRES in Louisiana. Spent night at little purely FRENCH VILLAGE-- Raceland, Louisiana near New Orleans--ABOUT 350 miles today.

       Sept.4 Thursday: Left Raceland, La. about 9:30 AM. Passed thru' New Orleans & thru' new TUNNEL UNDER MOBILE RIVER, Mobile, Ala. Spent night at TALLAHASSEE, FLA. Auto Court.

       Sept.5 Friday: Left Tallahassee about noon. No mail. Passed thru' & inspected CAMP BLANDING, FLA.--70 to 100 thousand men.--Hot hole! Terrible accommodations--nothing like Camp Callan. GOT MAIL at Jacksonville. Dotty & Mrs. Sater gone to Nyack. Drove on to FT. PIERCE. Stopped at Hotel Odom about 2:30 AM.

       Sept.6 Saturday: ARRIVED IN MIAMI at Sater's. Deloris & Laura gone. Had visit with Ginny. Found to my shocked amazement Deloris is practically engaged to this fellow Tom!

       Sept.7 Sunday: Spent day with Frank, Mother & coloured boy cleaning up 400 Miller Rd. Cambridge Lawns for rent or sale. Spoke at Y.P.'s & sang at church "Then Jesus Came". Sat up all nite--till 5 A.M.--writing LETTER TO DELORIS.

       Sept.8 Monday: REPORTED TO DRAFT BOARD.--I'm due to be INDUCTED INTO ARMY FRI. Got key to Box & Mail at P.O. Finished letter to Dotty. Took Ginny & kids to dinner & SOCIAL AT BEACH.--Reception for Mother. Saw Haases.

       Sept.9 Tuesday: MAILED LETTER TO DELORIS, finally. "BRUNCH" at Ginny's & visit with Mel. He's doing well with A&P.-- Manager of Produce Dept. WENT down to DRAFT BOARD HEARING--2 hrs. & no hearing. Got 30-day postponement--however. Took Ginny to dinner & Sater's & church. Told her my troubles. VISIT WITH HAASES. Monty doing swell in Air Corps. (Later killed in combat!)

       Sept.10 Wednesday: Found letter from Tom to Deloris in Dotty's room where we're staying--MUSHY! WROTE DELORIS a stiff letter of my feelings for her--a sort of "Do you or don't you?" & plead with her not to make a mistake; to quit Tom if she still loved me. LEFT MIAMI about 9:00 P.M. Taking GLADYS WILSON with us for her vacation. Drove to W. Palm Beach. Stayed at Camp with noisy pump.

       Sept.11 Thursday: Drove nearly 400 mi. to Brunswick, Ga. Struck heavy rainstorm after dark. Stayed at new annex to old-fashioned mansion, tourist home hotel.

       Sept.12 Friday: Drove over 400 mi. to Danville, Va. Had BLOWOUT AT 70!--left rear tire. Tourist home. Cold.

       Sept.13 Saturday: Drove over 400 mi. to WASHINGTON, PA. Drove over part of Shenandoah SKYLINE DRIVE for Gladys' benefit. HAD DIFFICULTY GETTING GAS last couple nights on account of "Defense" curfew 7PM-7AM to prevent reserve shortage. Had to slap my face to stay awake for the last couple hours. Arrived in Washington, Pa. 3AM.

       Sept.14 Sunday: ANNIVERSARY DAY AT LEHMAN'S. Mother spoke on the air first at 7:30, then at morning service, afternoon & midnight broadcasts. Lehman's had 8 HOURS ON THE AIR! Have 5 usually anyhow, tho' 14 hours a wk.! CAROLYN FOUST was there. Hadn't seen her for a year. Very sweet. Had midnite snack with her, Mother, & Gladys. Took her home. She's leaving for school.

       Sept.15 Monday: Slept late. It'll take a lot to catch up on the sleep we've lost in the last few weeks--no rest for two weeks straight.--That is, no real rest. Drove almost 5,000 mi. in two wks.! Dinner at Lehman's. Visited.

       Sept.16 Tuesday: WENT TO PITTSBURGH, PA. Showed Gladys the town--Heinz factory, Gulf Building, etc. My first night to lead singing since here. Voice cracked up. Not enough use lately.

       Sept.17 Wednesday: Didn't feel good. Slept--a couple naps. Worked on my songs. Bought new sweater. Voice held out fairly well tonight.

       Sept.18 Thursday: Exchanged sweater. Napped again.--Something almost unknown to me. Talked with Sappy & he's backed down on this ordination business. Thinks it's too late. WENT TO JONES' place this morn. He's quite a composer--heart-tug songs. Has something.

       Sept.19 Friday: CONSULTED GOV'T APPEAL AGENT concerning extension of my deferment. Advised me to be ordained & enter my plea of Mother's dependency on my help. Sat 2 hrs. trying to word note to Deloris in reply to her letter rec'd. Sun. Gave up. WROTE JOHNSON OF MIAMI concerning my being ordained because of draft. DINNER COOKED BY LEHMAN.

       Sept.20 Saturday: WROTE DELORIS NOTE. RETURNED HER GIFTS from Pittsburgh--pen, tie-chain, knife. DINNER AT BATYKEFERS'. JO ANN pretty as a picture! Cute as a doll. Very sweet, seems, just a kid, tho'. No talent I know of, but cooks. That's something in this modern age!

       Sept.21 Sunday: No 7:30 Radio this morning--10:30 for us. Helped with the singing today. Mother gave inspired message on humility & trust. Dinner at Lehman's.--All the gang. Afternoon service on the air also.--From 2 to 4. Jr. & Mother both--& Mrs. Lehman's touching bus ride. Supper at Lehman's. Service to ourselves tonight--with Mrs. Favro.

       Sept.22 Monday: PUT GLADYS ON THE BUS at 2:10 AM. bound for Miami. Hurricane threatening. Had prayer with Mother. Decided we've got to get movies of news, war, Christian films, etc. for an attraction--or musician. People have to be "baited" nowadays. Mother's got the message & pretty good crowds, but not enough for real revival. Worked on P.A. System. Good spirit tonight. Gave out mustard seeds.

       Sept.23 Tuesday: SINGING ON THE AIR right along, now. Not getting enough sleep, tho. WIRED JOHNSON RE: ORDINATION By Christian & Missionary Alliance Prayer Conference. Had to have P.A. System repaired again. Total, including yesterday-- $4.15.--Not bad for 3 yrs. service. It's 4 yrs. old, at that. Practiced.--Rarely get time. REAL REVIVAL SPIRIT TONITE at altar. Brother Sappy prayed. Took Miss Buchanan home.

       Sept.24 Wednesday: DROPPED JOHN WELLS A CARD. Breakfast at Hotel--most for the money. Had left front wheel of car inspected--couldn't find the trouble. Prepared for "LOST CHORD" feature tonight. DINNER AT JONESES'. Had liberty in song service but "Lost Chord" needed more "finesse". Mother spoke sweetly on "Getting Back to God."

       Sept.25 Thursday: Had talk yesterday eve. with ALICE ROBERTSON--sweet girl--17--sweet Christian--poor, very poor--but no musician. WAS ORDAINED TODAY BY Dr. Jay C. Kellogg, Pres. British-American Ministerial Federation. I'm now a full- fledged minister of same! (Not "British-Israel"). Good service & prayer tonight. WIRED MONTY congratulations. Gets his wings in the morn.

       Sept.26 Friday: Presented ordination certificate to Gov't Appeal Agent. Shopped with Mother for gifts for Ginny's kids to go in her birthday package. SENT VIRGINIA'S BIRTHDAY BOX. SENT APPEAL TO MIAMI DRAFT APPEAL BOARD with photostatic copy of ordination certificate. DINNER AT FOUSTS'--Carolyn's folks. Got James to hear Jones' music after church.

       Sept.27 Saturday: WORKED ON ADVERTISING FOLDER. WENT TO PITTSBURGH. GOT INFO ON MOVIE MACHINE--$392 (sound movies)!-- Plus 10% Defense tax after Oct. 1! Mother & I SAW "SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS" with Mother's old girl friend, Beulah Bondi, in leading part.

       Sept.28 Sunday: Breakfast alone at George Washington Hotel. Morn. Broadcast--10:30. Dinner at Lehman's. AFTERNOON Broadcast & big service. GOOD PRAYER SERVICE afterward. Mother preached with power! KATHERINE JOHNSON & YOSTS were there. Lunch at Lehmans! Eve. Service.--I was dead tired.

       Sept.29 Monday: Felt like I was catching cold. Took car to garage for tune-up. HAIR CUT. WROTE CAROLYN FOUST good long letter of spiritual encouragement. Sweet girl--has taken courageous stand for the Lord. Her eyes were healed. Father is head of Political Science Dept. of W&J College! BIRTHDAY LUNCH AT JONESES' for Mr. Jones.--Has daughter Helen Louise.

       Sept.30 Tuesday: Breakfast with Rev. Sappy at hotel. Errands in town. WORKED ON "Hitler Goes to a Prayer Meeting", booklet or message Mother's written out for Lehman. Had car fender repaired & painted. Been that way since in Austin last March. Two little old ladies from way up in Butler County here tonight. Quaint souls.

       Oct.1 Wednesday: WORKED on "Hitler" & bulletin. Been so exhausted last few nights, had to fight to stay awake in church.

       Oct.2 Thurs.: Worked on Bulletin till noon. Found printer-- Rev. Arblaster. WROTE Lichtenstetter re: Radiator. WAR MOVIES AT CHURCH TONIGHT. Want to buy machine. REC'D NOTE FROM DOTTY--says she's returning my gifts. REC'D NOTICE FROM DRAFT BOARD.--Say they're considering my case.

       Oct.3 Fri.: Napped on heavy breakfast--felt worse. Rev. Sappy went with us to lunch again--quaint old duck--swell guy in many ways--helpful--funny. WROTE PERCY--sent $3--last of $8- pledge (for Gospel work amongst Russians of Alaska!) Went to Canonsburg with Sappy to see about date for Mother. Dead tired again tonight. REC'D THINGS FROM DOTTY.

       Oct.4 Sat.: Went into Pittsburgh. SAW "SERGEANT YORK". Played by Gary Cooper-story of Alvin York--one of the greatest pictures ever made!--AN OUTRIGHT SERMON! Dinner at "Stouffer's". MISS MARGUERITE THOMPSON, survivor of "Zam Zam", ship sunk by German raider, spoke tonight. After-Service SOCIAL AT JR. & EDNA's, with Jim, Isabel & Edna's sister "Blossom".

       Oct.5 Sun.: No breakfast this morn.--Sun. morn. is "clean-up" day--washed hair etc. BIG DAY AT DOWNTOWN CHURCH! Morn. in auditorium--Favro spoke, too. Dinner at Lehmans'. Afternoon Service--5 speakers: Mrs. L.P., Jr., Mother, Favro, Miss Thompson. Lunch with Peats & Ruth Riemer's cake. Eve. Service --tired out. Lehman led. Drinks with Lehmans.

       Oct.6 Mon.: Walked all over town today--various errands. Had handbills distributed via Western Union boys. COLOURED CHOIR at church tonite--good! Finished up Ruth Reimer's cake with Mother, Jimmy, and Smiley with drinks at Herd's Drugstore.

       Oct.7 Tues.: Breakfast at Pioneer Grill with Lehman Jr. Tested out singing with mike this morn.--O.K. No lunch today. (No wonder I only weighed 119 pounds!) Spent all afternoon trying to put meter into Mother's poem "Lost Chord Found". WROTE CARDS TO MARIAN, Westall Gang, Mrs. Haas. "CLARKSVILLE MALE CHORUS" tonight.--ALICE'S birthday.

       Oct.8 Wed.: Worked most of the day on "Lost Chord". Finally took it down for multigraphing. Repeated "Lost Chord" tonight--made nice souvenirs. Mrs. Foust was there--don't know why they don't come. (Mr. & Carolyn!) PARTY AT LEHMAN JR.'s after church. Don't particularly care for that style of musical entertainment--sweet but Worldly. Good eats, tho'. Sorry they can't think of something more interesting.--Waste of God's time.

       Oct.9 Thurs.: Took nap today--been planning to for weeks. Felt better tonight. Mother was inspired tonight--spoke on "Fiddling". LOIS ARBLASTER, & her brother Robert's children came forward.

       Oct.10 Fri.: At last, Mother tested for bifocals. (She was 57!) Certainly needs them--suffers eye strain. Sorted slides at Joneses'. Set things up to show slides tonight. HURRICANE SLIDES seemed to be enjoyed by all. This makes 4th night straight Lois & her brother were there. GETTING QUITE COLD. Don't feel so well. It has been very warm past few days. BURDENED for SOULS this eve.

       Oct.11 Sat.: Errands kept me busy till after 1:30. Visited JONESES for sandwich.--Visted BUCHANANS--Emma Joy, William, George & Jeanette.--Stopped at Naser's--gave us basket of good canned fruit. LEHMAN'S FOR DINNER & short visit. Discussed healing & article on "controlled prostitutions" for soldiers. Horrible!--Doing away with morality like Prohibition. (Ha!) Came home & lined up next 2 weeks' itinerary.

       Oct.12 Sun.: LAST SUN. AT LEHMANS'. Ate Naser's canned prunes for breakfast. Morn. service as usual. DINNER AT LEHMAN'S. Supper at Lehman's. SPOKE TO Y.P. of W.Washington Methodist Church at invitation of JEAN SWINGLE. Lord blessed me. Late to church. Mother spoke on Heaven.

       Oct.13 Mon.: EMMA JOY BUCHANAN'S for dinner.--Courageous girl. (Had two retarded brothers to take care of!) MOTHER'S TESTIMONY TONITE--good crowd. While she was speaking MAN CAME FOR CAR. Misunderstanding about payments.--But God used it to get Brother Lehman to take us a good Love Offering.--"God works in a mysterious way"--sent a repossession agent to get us a love offering!

       Oct.14 Tue.: Went to Pittsburgh with repossession agent to straighten out matter of car--O.K. Also tried to get Hudson agent to make adjustment on radiator--no soap. May have to go to Detroit. Dinner at "GAMMON'S"--good food. MOTHER SPOKE AT REV. SAPPY'S--Clarksville: "Following the Trail of a Faith Adventurer!" (That was sure us!) Hour-&-a-half! James went along.

       Oct.15 Wed.: LEFT WASHINGTON FOR BENTLEYVILLE about 7:00 PM. Mother spoke at M.E. Church--"While Europe Burns". Inspired! Good attendance & response. STAYING OVERNITE AT BATYKEFER'S. Jo Ann is more beautiful than before. Awfully sweet too. But I've got to wait for a pianist & stenographer & consecrated girl. For the Lord's sake. (Finally got two of'm!--Eve & Maria!--And many more!--Thousands! TYL!--Worth waitin' for!)

       Oct.16 Thurs.: VISITED WITH MRS. BATYKEFER for breakfast. Came back to Washington to finish up business. Sent out some BOOK ORDERS. VISITED AT JONESES' this eve. Helen Louise wasn't home. Afraid of us, I guess. Afraid we might "preach".

       Oct.17 Fri.: Packed car most of day in Washington. LEFT WASHINGTON about 4 P.M. Picked up mats in Charleroi. Dropped by Peats in Dravosburg. Took room at Hotel Pittsburgher--Pittsburgh. Dinner at Union Grill. Newsreel. NEWS TODAY OF FIRST TORPEDOEING OF AN AMERICAN WARSHIP--"KEARNY". Only slightly damaged--no lives lost. ALSO IMPENDING TROUBLE WITH JAPAN-- ships called in.

       Oct.18 Sat.: Took car to garage for radiator repair. Shopped. Felt bad--cold, rainy. LEFT PITTSBURGH FOR BATYKEFER'S at Bentleyville for dinner--were way late--8 P.M. JO ANN & I drove to Washington & back. Sweet kid--beautiful--ravishingly, darkly beautiful!--& only 13! Needs the Lord or she'll go astray early. She's that affectionate type--oughtta get married. God protect her!

       Oct.19 Sun.: Mother spoke at CANONSBURG, PA. Very sweet service.--Inspired message on "Bake Me A Cake First". Sang "Christ Died." KEMPERS (Pastors & two gorgeous gals!) lovely family. Mr. Batykefer & Jo Ann went along. Helped Jo Ann with dishes, then we VISITED JEAN McDonald. Went to church (Christian, Charleroi) early with Jo Ann. Led singing. STIFF ATMOSPHERE--COLD AS ICE! No wonder poor Jo Ann doesn't know the Lord! MOTHER GAVE HER TESTIMONY.

       Oct.20 Mon.: LEFT BATYKEFER'S AGAIN!--Took Jo Ann to school first. Talked to her mother to try to persuade her to send Jo Ann to a Christian school.--For sake of Christian companions & teaching instead of ungodly public high school. God can protect her--only, wish she knew Him better. Stopped in Pittsburgh. Then onto JOHNS'--arrived late, about 7 PM. Mr. Glenn J. is gas pipeline man--a superintendent inspector.

       Oct.21 Tues.: AT JOHNS' & COOKS'. Dinner with Cooks & afternoon talking to them about the Lord. They sent for us for that reason & to be anointed. Mildred Cook bound with morphine. THE QUITO, ECUADOR RADIO INCIDENT.--Mother had just spoken of Clark (founder of the Gospel station HCJB) when I ran onto their shortwave program. I went back to Cooks' alone & we tuned in again at 9 PM.

       Oct.22 Wed.: Left Johns' & Cooks' late for Peats. Arrived late for dinner at Peats. Duquesne Christian & Missionary Alliance there, Walter Mauver, nice young fellow & his wife. MOTHER GAVE HER TESTIMONY AT DUQUESNE. Little, rough building, but full & good spirit.

       Oct.23 Thurs.: Awoke with dysentery.--Mother up during the nite. Bad water at Johns' & Cook's. PLENTY SICK--both of us. Drove to Batykefer's for Mother's vanity kit & by Jr.'s in Washington to deliver flowers. Set up P.A. system, sick as I was--felt better! Led singing & Mother gave "Answers to Prayer." Feel much better. God met me as I went ahead. Amen!

       Oct.24 Fri.: Feeling much better--still weak. MY FIRST FLIGHT! Mr. Peat flew me with him to Alliance, Ohio, Taylorcraft factory. I even flew it myself a little. Flew all the way back with Mac. Flew it myself! He took off & landed, of course. Thrill!--But nothing compared to knowing the Lord. Mother spoke LAST TIME AT DUQUESNE. (Dinner at Mauver's tonight, by the way).

       Oct.25 Sat.: Left Peats late afternoon. Sat & waited for Mother 1-1/2 hrs. while she shopped at Gimbel's. Took in a Newsreel. Dinner at "The Kitchen". Arrived in NEW BRIGHTON about midnite. My first experience FIRING FURNACE. Got it too hot. Got to bed about 4 AM. Nice place--whole Gruber home given over to us.

       Oct.26 Sun.: FIRST SUN. AT NEW BRIGHTON--Beaver Valley Gospel Tabernacle. Dinner at Mrs. Christner's, the pastor. Jolly woman. 3 nice daughters: Jean, Roberta, & Betty Jane. Set up P.A. Tired out. Didn't do so well with singing. Mother still weak with dysentery. First service tonight. Talked to Bob Christner at Christner's after service. Nice chap.

       Oct.27 Mon.: Slept soundly till 10:30! Unusual. Worked on getting out circulars--sending them to rural boxholders, 1 cent each. Dinner at Christner's. Tried too hard leading singing tonite. Got disgusted with myself. Should just let the Lord work. Cut Mother's corns & toenails till 2 AM.

       Oct.28 Tues.: Was irritated at Mother for waking me early, for which I was sorry afterward. Made up, asked God's forgiveness--everything O.K. Wonderful to know the Lord. Worked on getting sign ready. Took it & had it sewed. Getting awfully COLD. Can't take it, except for the Lord's help. Dinner at Christner's. Car stalled--15 min. late to church. Mother sick but preached best Message!--Just the Lord, see? Birthday "party" for Betty Christner at Christner's. REC'D MY 2ND INDUCTION PAPERS--for Nov.7.

       Oct.29 Wed.: Breakfast at Hotel Brodhead, Beaver Falls. Took one of my rare naps. Then tried to hunt up an organ for tonight--no soap. Couldn't even find a record--only Nelson Eddy. Gave "Lost Chord" anyway. Mother spoke on "Love". Amen! Sat up for a little lunch & wrote Walter Maurer, Peats. Hitler seems to be stalled some way from Moscow.

       Oct.30 Thurs.: Found a stereopticon via telephone.--Dr. Martin's. Mother & I had lunch at Hotel Brodhead, Beaver Falls. HAIRCUT. Mother really inspired tonight! Spoke on indifference as a sign of the times.

       Oct.31 Fri.: Wrote article--paid to have it put in the paper on account of Lehman's coming to town Sun. nite giving us competition. Drove to Aliquippa for illustration materials-- "Broken Prayerline" & "Storm Warnings." SHOWED HURRICANE SLIDES tonight. Then a bite in Beaver Falls with Crawfords. Mrs. Christner is a courageous soul--none of her family stand with her. FIRST U.S. DESTROYER SUNK--"Rubin James".


       Nov.1 Sat: Went down to see local Gov't Appeal Agent, Ledebur.--Young fellow, didn't know much. Phoned Wrenshall in Washington, Pa. Lunch at Hotel Brodhead. Left for Pittsburgh about 3:30. Stopped in Rochester to phone Local Board about induction, etc. Shopped in Pittsburgh. Ate dinner at Child's. Newsreel--little news, just foolishness mostly. Disgusted.

       Nov.2 Sun.: Church at Christian & Missionary Alliance. Mother not well--cold--stayed home. Dinner at Christner's. Fixed Poems with Betty & Roberta. Talked with Bob--a reasoner but a talker. Supper there too. Took Betty to her Y.P.'s. PACKED OUT TONIGHT FOR LIFE STORY. Went over to see Bunney's Elwood City Tabernacle, unfinished. Lunch at Christner's.

       Nov.3 Mon.: Spent the morning in conference with MRS. DUNN OF LOCAL DRAFT BOARD. Going to appeal directly to Gov't Appeal Agent in Miami for deferment on account of Mother's dependence on me. Lunch at "Zoe's". Afternoon writing letter to accompany appeal. Then shopping with Mother in Beaver Falls. Good crowd tonight. MARY MONETTI & her little sister SHIRLEY helped me with mustard-seed promise capsules before church. Then stayed for cup of Kevo afterward. Mary's beautiful!

       Nov.4 Tues.: Mrs. Monetti & Mary both very sweet Christians. Mary has been married--sadly. She's 24. Spent all day writing LETTER TO APPEAL AGENT in Miami concerning draft. Good service.--Mother spoke on getting out of God's will & out of touch with the Lord. That hit me because I've been too busy lately to do much worshipping. Had Christners & Crawfords over for lunch. Mary & Betty helped. Mary is awfully sweet-- hard worker, too.

       Nov.5 Wed.: Lunch ("Brunch") at "Zoe's". Shopped for materials for Fri. nite. Drove to Beaver Falls to have artist (Leary) paint rainbow. Dinner at CRAWFORDS'. Mother gave testimony of cancer & of rebuilding the Tabernacle. Took refreshments over to Monettis'. Mary working hard on "nuggets"--sweet spirit. Met her Brother ROCCO.

       Nov.6 Thurs.: Up early & down to see lawyer Steward at 9:30 to have Mother swear out AFFIDAVIT of her dependence on me. Breakfast at "Zoe's". Down to Pittsburgh on various business. Hoped to visit Dorothy Munyon who was badly burned, but too late! Dinner in Rochester--too late for Christner's. Good song service--even forgot to send for Mother! Good message on compromise. Snack at Crawfords'.

       Nov.7 Fri.: Morning "faith meeting." Came home & met PEATS just leaving. Had them for lunch. WROTE LETTER TO MIAMI DRAFT BD. notifying them I am appealing. Rushed to get things ready for "POT O'GOLD--RAINBOW" illustration tonight. SPAGHETTI DINNER AT MONETTIS' (Mary's). Good! Good service. Tried to show Monettis' the hurricane slides after service.

       Nov.8 Sat.: Finished letter to Draft Board. Breakfast at Hotel Brodhead. TOOK MARY WITH US TO PITTSBURGH. Mailed draft appeal & letter to Board. Ordered slides made. DINNER AT CABLES. Made some RECORDINGS. Mary's an awfully sweet girl-- what a tragedy she married that rotter!--Showed us his pictures last night.

       Nov.9 Sun.: Church at Alliance, Rev. Robert. Ellenburger, pastor. Asked me & I sang. Dinner at Christner's. Afternoon service--"Influence". Supper at Bob Christner's. Full house tonite--good song service. "Why Doesn't God Stop the War?" Took Mary to both services today. Took Christners & Crawfords out to lunch. Betty's a sweet kid.

       Nov.10 Mon.: THE DAY WE LEFT NEW BRIGHTON. Packed. Dinner at Christner's. Then down to church to put up sign as I'd promised to begin with--& packed up P.A. System, etc. Supper at Christner's. Told'em all good-bye again. Told Monnettis good- bye--hated to leave them--especially Mary. It's always good- bye. It's a lonesome life. Told Mrs. GRUBER 'bye. Went to Ellwood City by mistake looking for Lings--spent nite with them at Bridgewater.

       Nov.11 Tues.: Slept with Rev. Ling's son, Carl, last nite--& not so well. He's a Methodist Pastor. Wife has arthritis. Fixed my own breakfast & washed dishes--while Mother dealt with Mrs. Ling. Prayed for her & left. Bought spats in Pittsburgh (to keep ankles warm!) while Mother got gown at Gimbel's. Drove down to Canonsburg & dropped some heavy things. Dinner at Colony Grill there. Then to Arblaster with advertising. Then hunted for hotel room in Pittsburgh--no go. Finally got room in GREENSBURG. Got to bed at 5:30 AM.

       Nov.12 Wed.: For the last five morns. I've gotten to bed at 1,2,3,4 & 5 AM respectively. Never get fat that way. Watta life! Like it, tho', but not so good "for health". Too easy, not enough exercise & sleep. Very irregular. Bet I'd gain in the Army--regularity! But this is my job--looking after Mother & Lord's work. DROVE TO MORGANTOWN, W. Virginia. Saw movie "Ice Capades". Sure get hungry for a little companionship. Don't deserve it.

       Nov.13 Thurs.: Drove leisurely down thru' W.Va. Mts. My first vacation like this--ever. No definite goal--just taking it easy enjoying the scenery. Have sort of wanted to get Mother down to her birthplace--Ronceverte, W. Virginia. Tonight we're stopping in HOT SPINGS at the VALLEY INN--TCHUDY'S. It's really war! Our Navy battling German subs at sea. War with Japan imminent. Army preparing for overseas.

       Nov.14 Fri.: Bought some new luggage in Covington, Virginia. Took room at Hotel in Ronceverte. Went to White Sulphur Springs to see "Chocolate Soldier" because of Nelson Eddy's singing. Disgusting story.

       Nov.15 Sat.: Took PICTURES OF MOTHER'S BIRTHPLACE. House on top of "Walnut Hill" overlooking Ronceverte. Nice place. Large lawn & trees. Left for Canonsburg, Pa. Arrived late-- about midnite--in Waynesburg. Took tourist rooms.

       Nov.16 Sun.: ARRIVAL AT CANONSBURG. Walked to Presbyterian Church. Fine old minister--preached good Gospel--Waynesburg. Chicken dinner in town halfway to Washington, Pa. LARALEE KEMPER, one of the twins, helped me unload. Set up sound system. Supper with Kempers. Mother spoke on indifference & I was burdened anew for souls.

       Nov.17 Mon.: Went to Pittsburgh on various business errands, shopping, etc.--about slides & stereopticon, etc. Dinner at Kempers. Remarkably, refreshingly old-fashioned family-- Laralee & LOISLEE, the twins, are two very sweet, pure girls --different as night from day. Their Mother died when they were only 10 days old. She built the S. Canonsburg Church. Both talented, but Loislee works hardest.--Laralee's the beauty.

       Nov.18 Tues.: Morning Meeting.--10:30. Car bent a connecting rod! Strange mishap. Borrowed Rev. Kemper's car--he's away in Kansas holding meeting. Very much burdened tonight--wept-- discouraged with myself--had drifted a little out of touch with the Lord.

       Nov.19 Wed.: Moved from Mrs. Richard's to Mrs. Grove's. Much warmer & more conveniently arranged--two rooms. The twins helped. Good service tonight--call for volunteers. I'm getting back to the Lord--closer fellowship, I mean. CHRISTNERS CAME OVER FROM NEW BRIGHTON--also Crawfords. Felt "fluey" all day. High fever tonight.

       Nov.20 Thurs.: Feel better. Morning faith Meeting. 10:30. Vocalized a little this afternoon. Rarely have time. Laralee & Loislee sang duet tonight.

       Nov.21 Fri.: Got car from garage.--$22.73! Went to Washington for presents for twins' birthday which is Sun. but celebrating both that & Thanksgiving today. Relatives over. SPOKE TO Young People tonight. God gave me real inspiration. Lord spoke to me about preaching. TOLD THE LORD TONIGHT I WOULD PREACH. I've been resisting the call for a long time. Took Arblasters home. Visited with Kempers. Loislee told of eye trouble.

       Nov.27 Thurs.: THANKSGIVING WITH KEMPERS. We all went to Pittsburgh to see the Crysanthemum display at the arboretum. HAD TO WHISPER ALL DAY--MY VOICE GONE from cold & overstrain. "Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow" tonight. MOTHER VERY ILL--COLD or 'FLU'.




       Dec.1 Mon.: LEFT CANONSBURG. Business in Pittsburgh. DINNER AT KATHERINE JOHNSTON's with her family, & the "hilltop folks". Spent the night there. Katherine not well.

       Dec.2 Tues.: CALLED ON BROTHER MILBURN--very ill. LEFT KATHERINE'S. DINNER WITH JOHNSES & COOKS & their Pastor at the Johns home near Kittanning--beautiful farm country North of Pittsburgh.

       Dec.3 Wed.: FAREWELL TO JOHN'S. PICKED UP KATHERINE--taking her with us for her vacation because of health. SPENT REST OF DAY HAVING CAR REPAIRED in Pittsburgh. Mother had her "nose- punching" experience. ARRIVED AT PEAT'S ABOUT 10 PM.

       Dec.4 Thurs.: LEFT PEATS--MIAMI-BOUND! Turned East at Morgantown, W.Va. toward Washington, D.C. STOPPED overnight at lovely new "Colonial Tourist Home" at some town in Virginia.

       Dec.5 Fri.: ARRIVED IN WASHINGTON about noon--beautiful day! Lunched in House of Representatives Restaurant in Capitol Building. Good food & inexpensive. WITNESSED HOUSE IN SESSION--discussing 8-billion-dollar defense appropriation bill. (--1980's--It's now about $300 billion a year!) RODE FAMOUS SUBWAY TO SENATE Office Building. SAW SEN.PEPPER (Fla.)-- glimpse. SUPPER IN RICHMOND. ARRIVED IN WILLIAMSBURG, Va.

       Dec.6 Sat.: SIGHTSEEING IN RESTORED, HISTORIC OLD WILLIAMSBURG, Va. Visited oldest Episcopal Church in U.S. Had rare privilege of standing in the pulpit--sang "Lord's Prayer"--my voice returning. CROSSED BAY TO NORFOLK--Ferry. Spent night in poor hotel in little town in S.C. Took sailor there.

       Dec.7 Sun.: Good roads, monotonous scenery--flat, pines--to JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Greatest event of the day & perhaps of several decades of National history occurred early this morn., however, as we learned by radio this afternoon: JAPAN BOMBS PEARL HARBOR--2000 KILLED--NAVY PARTIALLY DESTROYED! War is here! Stayed at "White House Tourist Rest."

       Dec.8 Mon.: Left Jacksonville. ARRIVED IN MIAMI about 6 PM.

       Dec.9 Tues.: Went to my Draft Bd. & found I was due to be inducted right away.

       Dec.10 Wed.: Managed with help of lawyer Nichols to get postponement of induction till after trial.

       Dec.11 Thurs.: Stayed at Virginia's--too crowded. But rooms so expensive.

       Dec.12 Fri.: DAY OF THE TRIAL--Lost. Hadn't much chance to begin with. Judge did not show favorable attitude. (Probably old antichrist enemy!) Felt sorry for poor bus driver--not a bad fellow. His will be done. The lawyers did their best.

       Dec.13 Sat.: TOOK ROOM at SIMONE HOTEL--MIAMI BEACH.--To spend last few days before induction.

       Dec.14 Sun.: Sang at church Sun. nite.

       Dec.15 Mon.: Helped Mother a little, getting ready for Christmas.

       Dec.16 Tues.: Took sun baths on hotel roof. (Jacked off!)

       Dec.17 Wed.: Young folks of the church had farewell get- together on the Beach for me tonite.

       Dec.18 Thurs.: DAY OF MY DEPARTURE FOR CAMP (Alone via train!)--Trio from Florida Bible Institute "sang me off"-- swell! (Girls). Sad farewells. John Minder of Tampa was there--& George, Uncle Mark, Mother, & lots of Church folks-- Saters, Wilsons. ARRIVED at BLANDING about 9 PM.

       Dec.19 Fri.: DAY I WAS INDUCTED INTO THE ARMY. My first day in Camp. Physical exam--passed in spite of heart trouble, paroxysmal tachycardia. Very blue. That had been my last hope. Worried about Mother & what she would do without me.

       Dec.21 Sun.: Went to service, Chaplain Beach. Good Gospel sermon encouraged me. Prayed desperately Lord would do something! Just couldn't train to kill! Wept. Alone in our tent. Very desperate. REC'D assurance.

       Dec.22 Mon.: ANSWER TO PRAYER!--Found I'm classified as Conscientious Objector available only for limited Military service. Miracle! Didn't know my objection had been registered. Praise the Lord! Amen. I have a higher calling than to destroy life. Would rather die as a missionary. OUTFITTED TODAY. IN UNIFORM NOW. Spent two weeks at Blanding, writing letters & doing various fatigue duties: Sod-cutting & laying, K.P. in the officer's mess, & help with floor of a large tent. Wrote Mother bewailing my sin of complaint against her & the Lord in the past against my life with her. Felt the Lord was giving me my former wish of freedom & discipline "on my own" & was getting what I deserved while she suffered for it.--Helped fill Christmas sacks for the boys.

       Dec.25 Thurs.: CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS DAY IN THE ARMY. Brief Christmas service of singing carols. Wrote all day. Christmas cards, etc.

       Dec.26 Fri.: Felt entirely guilty for whole affair of my landing in the Army. Was very repentant before the Lord & know He forgave me that Sunday I prayed so earnestly. But the damage was done. Poor Mother is struggling along without me. Thank the Lord for Katherine Johnston who came with us from Pittsburgh! She's been such a help to Mother!

       Dec.29 Mon.: WENT INTO JACKSONVILLE TO MEET MOTHER. Left camp 1 PM. Waited at Hotel in Jacksonville till 8 PM before they arrived. Virginia & Katherine with Mother. Mel drove but had to hurry catch bus back. Drove them to Starke where they took room for the night. Opened my Christmas gifts.

       Dec.30 Tues.: Lord wonderfully worked in moving officers' hearts to give me another pass to go to Jacksonville. Drove folks back to Jacksonville & located place to room & board a week while Mother prayed what next to do.--Also to wait & see where I'd be sent. Took us back to Blanding.

       Dec.31 Wed.: LAST DAY OF OLD 1941--AND I'M IN THE ARMY! Strolled out under the stars & worshipped the Lord.

       JAN.--42--FT. BELVOIR Engineer Reserve Training Corps.--1st (secular) PAY of my LIFE!--(And how I paid!--Almost with my life!) (To be continued in "1942", D.V.)

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