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       (In the early morning:)
       1. I'VE BEEN DREAMING & DREAMING ABOUT SOUTH AFRICA, isn't that something?--And praying for those poor people there! My God! That must be a nightmare for the poor Christians, & the Black Christians too, you know?--Persecuted & killed by those Communist demons!
       2. IT'S A BATTLE BETWEEN GOD & THE DEVIL! Oh my God! The God-damned [DELETED] the anti-Christs, they stirred up the whole thing! It was all nice & peaceful & everything was OK until they came along. It all began with that God-damned [DELETED] Suzman, God damn her! She's the one that stirred up all the trouble, so she ought to take the credit for all the killings! God damn her! She's an agent of the Devil!
       3. OH, LORD JESUS, HELP THOSE CHRISTIANS, BLACK & WHITE! Lord Jesus, help them to withstand the attacks of the Enemy! It's the Satanic forces that are attacking them with all that God-damned [EDITED: "AC"] media propaganda!
       4. OH JESUS, HELP PRESIDENT REAGAN TO WITHSTAND THE PRESSURE, IN JESUS' NAME! Help Margaret Thatcher to withstand the pressure! Oh Jesus, in Jesus' name! Please save those poor South African Christians, in Jesus' name, Lord! We know they love You, Jesus, Black & White. Help them to withstand the attacks of the anti-Christs, including the God-damned [EDITED: "AC"] media, in Jesus' name! Amen, Honey? Praise the Lord!
       5. YOU & I KNOW, SWEET BABY, WE WERE THERE! We know it's those God-damned [EDITED: "ACs"][DELETED]! They're furious because they can't take over South Africa! If they can't take it, they'd rather destroy it! That's the way they are! If they can't have it, they want to kill it!--South Africa, Chile, everywhere! If they can't have it, then they want to kill it!
       6. THAT'S THE WAY THE ANTICHRIST IS, HE IS ALREADY OPERATING! He's already doing it. Don't you understand? They're already taking over the World & trying to get rid of all the strongmen so they can put their own Strong Man in power without opposition! Oh Jesus, help us, Lord, in Jesus' name!
       7. I GUESS SOUTH AFRICA NEEDS MY PRAYERS. I guess that's why I dream about them & pray about them. Lord bless them! Help poor Christian South Africa. Rebuke the Enemy! [DELETED] Rebuke the God-damned anti-Christs! Rebuke the God-damned Communist[EDITED: "s"]! Rebuke all the enemies of the Christians! Lord bless & keep the Christians, Black & White! Rebuke the Antichrist, in Jesus' name! Bless & keep their children, Lord. Bless & save Thy people, Lord! Have mercy, Lord! Even if they're not perfect, nevertheless have mercy on Thy children! Lord bless & keep South Africa, in Jesus' name.
       8. REBUKE THE WORLD! REBUKE THE ANTI-CHRIST WORLD! Rebuke the God-damned anti-Christ media!--In the name of Jesus! Bless & keep the people, Lord. Strengthen them. Help them to resist the pressure of the God-damned anti-Christ World, the [EDITED: "AC"] media, the God-damned anti-Christs! Lord, help them to stand up for their faith. Help the South African Christians, Black & White, Lord, to stand up for their faith!
       9. THANK YOU LORD FOR GIVING THEM THE VICTORY IN CROSSROADS, where the Christians won & destroyed & defeated the anti-Christs & burned up their Camp. Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord! Hallelujah! Help the Whites to stand up for Thee & Thy Truth, Lord, & to have a real reason, real motive, Lord, the Truth! Help them, Lord, in Jesus' name!
       10. BLESS & HELP THE BLACKS, THE BLACK CHRISTIANS, LORD, ESPECIALLY! They're having such a battle against these anti-Christ demons! My God! Help the poor Black Christians! --And the White Christians, Lord, in Jesus' name! Give them strength & wisdom to withstand the whole World, Lord, in Jesus' name. "Having done all, to stand!" (Eph.6:13) In the name of Jesus we claim the victory for them, Lord! Bless & keep them & help them to stand in spite of all the God-damned hellish anti-Christ[EDITED: "s"]! In the name of Jesus we ask for Thy glory!
       11. HELP THEM, LORD JESUS, HELP THEM! Give them strength! Give them protection, Lord! Give them wisdom, & help them to do things right, Your way, Lord, You know what's best. Help them to back & protect the Black Christians, Lord. Help them to help the forces of righteousness! Help them to resist the forces of evil, the God-damned [DELETED] anti-Christ forces of Communism! In the name of Jesus, Lord, bless & keep them! Help them, Lord! Strengthen them & help them to withstand the forces of the Devil! And having done all, to stand, Lord, in the name of Jesus! Bless & help them, Lord, in Jesus' name! Lord, You help them, in the name of Jesus! Thank You Lord! God damn the forces of the Devil! Help the Christians, Lord, in Jesus' name!
       12. AMEN! PRAISE THE LORD! IT'S DONE! It's all in the Lord's hands! If they live, they live! If they die, they die! Whatever they do, they do it for Jesus!--In Jesus' name, amen. Amen! Thank You Lord! Amen?
       13. I STAYED AWAKE A WHOLE HOUR THINKING & PRAYING FOR SOUTH AFRICA! Somebody has got to pray for them, huh? Lord bless them & keep them, in Jesus' name. God damn & rebuke those fiends, those devils, those demons, those Satanic forces of the anti-Christs [DELETED] that foment it! God damn them, Lord, resist them, in Jesus' name. God damn them, in Jesus' name! Those anti-Christ[EDITED: "s"] that foment all this trouble all over the whole World, children of the Devil!
       14. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? IF THERE IS EVEN ONE LITTLE TINY PROPHET LIKE ME PRAYING AGAINST THEM, I'M MORE POWERFUL THAN ALL OF THEIR FORCES PUT TOGETHER! One & God are a majority! We can push'm back in the name of Jesus! Push'm back!--In Jesus' name! The Lord just wants somebody to cry with a whole heart & He will answer! He's got more power than all of them put together! In the name of Jesus! Thank You Lord! Rebuke those Goddamned Satanic anti-Christ[EDITED: "s"] & all their forces, Lord! Rebuke them! Push'm back, Lord, in Jesus' name. Save those poor Black & White South African Christians, in the name of Jesus, help & strengthen, Lord! Bless & keep them, Lord, & save Thy children! Bless & keep Thy children, Lord, in Jesus' name!
       15. THEY'RE NOT PERFECT, THEY'VE MADE A LOT OF MISTAKES, BUT LORD, THEY'RE THY CHILDREN! Bless & keep the South African Christians, Black & White! In the name of Jesus rebuke those God-damned anti-Christ[EDITED: "s"]. In the name of Jesus, we ask Thee, Lord, for Thy glory! Have Thy way, Lord, Thy Will be done! But keep Thy children, save Thy Christians, Lord, Black & White! In the name of Jesus, rebuke those God-damned devils!--Those [DELETED] devils, in the name of Jesus! Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord! In Jesus' name, thank You Lord! Hallelujah!
       16. BLESS US, LORD, HELP US! HELP THEM, LORD! Protect them, keep them, Lord, help them to pray! Help them to know that they're fighting the very forces of Satan! Help them, Lord, protect them & keep them! Bless them, Lord, You promised! Keep Thy children, Lord! You promised You'd answer if we prayed, Lord! Give them victories, Lord, encourage them! Rebuke the forces of the Devil!--[EDITED: "R"]ebuke them in the name of Jesus! Bless them, Lord! Thank You Jesus! Hallelujah! In Jesus' name, Lord.
       17. EVEN, LORD, IF THERE IS ONLY ONE LITTLE TINY PROPHET PRAYING FOR THEM, YOU CAN ANSWER PRAYER & GIVE THEM THE VICTORY, IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Resist all of their enemies, Lord! Resist the whole World that is stirred up by the God-damned Satanic anti-Christs against them, Lord, rebuke all these sanctions & rebuke all these measures against them, Lord! Give them the courage, the faith to stand up, to stand alone for Thee & for the Truth!--In Jesus' name. Bless & keep them! Bless & keep South Africa, Lord. I ask Thee, in the name of Jesus, to bless & keep the South African Christians, Black & White, against these forces of the God-damned anti-Christ[EDITED: "s"] & the worldly forces of the Devil! In the name of Jesus, I ask You now to bless & keep them!
       18. WE PRAYED FOR THE TURKS OF CYPRUS, LORD, & YOU SPARED THEM, YOU GAVE THEM THE VICTORY! We pray now for the forces, Thy forces, Thy Christians, Black & White, of South Africa to have the victory over the God-damned anti-Christ[EDITED: "s"] of Communism in South Africa! Lord, give them the victory, in the name of Jesus! Help them to hold fast, to stand up & fight, in the name of Jesus, & we know You'll give them the victory, Lord, Thy children, those who love Thee, Lord.
       19. THEY'RE NOT PERFECT, BUT THEY LOVE YOU, JESUS, & THEY STAND FOR YOU & YOUR NAME! Rebuke the forces of the Enemy, the anti-Christ Communist forces of the Enemy[DELETED]! In the name of Jesus we ask it!--Right now! Give them the victory, Lord! Give them the wisdom what to do in rebuking & withstanding these God-damned sanctions! In the name of Jesus, we ask for Thy glory! Help South Africa, Lord! Help the South African Christians, Black & White! In the name of Jesus we ask for Thy glory, in Jesus' name, amen! Thank You Lord! Hallelujah! Praise You Jesus! Thank You Lord!
       20. THE LORD CAN DO IT! THE LORD CAN DO IT! EVEN ONE WITH GOD IS A MAJORITY! Help this Godly minority, Lord, to have the victory over the Godless majority, in the name of Jesus, we ask for Thy glory! Lord, Jesus, help, Lord! Help the poor South Africans, the Christians, Lord! My God, I don't know if I'm the only one praying for them, Lord, but You could at least answer my prayers, in Jesus' name! You promised, Lord, that "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!" (Jam.5:16) In the name of Jesus!
       21. (TONGUES:) AMEN, LORD, YOU CAN ANSWER THE PRAYER OF EVEN THY LITTLE FATHER, EVEN ONE LITTLE TINY PROPHET, Lord, & give him seven kisses for those poor, suffering, persecuted, slaughtered South African Christians, Black & White, Lord! Lord, help them! Help Thy people to pray for them, Lord!
       22. MY GOD! THOSE GOD-DAMNED AMERICAN CHRISTIANS ALWAYS SEEM TO BE ON THE WRONG SIDE, LORD! Help, Lord, wake'm up, Lord, that the God-damned anti-Christ[EDITED: "s"] of the Enemy are taking over the World! Help them to know what's happening!
       23. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, BLESS & KEEP SOUTH AFRICA! Lord, I prayed for the Turks of Cyprus & You saved them, Lord. I pray for the Christians of South Africa for You to save them, Lord, in Jesus' name! Let me see it, Lord! Let me see You rebuke the forces of the Devil, the God-damned anti-Christ forces of [DELETED] devils & Communists, Lord, in the name of Jesus! I want to see it, Lord!
       24. GIVE THEM STRENGTH, GIVE THEM WISDOM! HELP THEM TO DESTROY THE FORCES OF THE ENEMY, LORD, in spite of all the World opinion, Lord, & the misled, misguided, deluded, deceived, anti-Christ-deceived propaganda of the whole World, Lord! You save Thy people! You promised, Lord!--You've got to save Thy children, save Thy people of South Africa! In the name of Jesus we ask it right now, Lord! Now You promised!--You answer, Lord! Save Thy children! Save Thy Christians, Black & White, from the forces of the Devil & the God-damned [EDITED: "AC"] World media that has propagandised & has turned the whole World against them! In the name of Jesus, we ask You for Thy glory, Lord!
       25. AMEN, LORD! THANK YOU JESUS! YOU'RE GOING TO SAVE THE CHRISTIANS OF SOUTH AFRICA, BLACK & WHITE! Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord! Against the God-damned anti-Christ Red forces of [EDITED: "AC"] Communism, Black & White. Those God-damned Englishmen that have sided with those God-damned Communist Blacks!--Rebuke them, Lord, rebuke them, in Jesus' name! We know who they are, Lord, we saw them when we were there, those God-damned English fools that sided with the Communist Blacks! [DELETED]
       26. BLESS & KEEP THEM, IN JESUS' NAME, SAVE THY CHILDREN, LORD, BLACK & WHITE OF SOUTH AFRICA!--In Jesus' name. Please, save Thy children. Thank You Lord! Amen! Thank You Jesus! We know You will! We know You will somehow, Lord, in Jesus' name. Praise You Lord! Amen. Thank You Jesus! Amen. Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord!
       27. I GUESS THAT'S WHY THE LORD LET ME GET WAKED UP, TO PRAY FOR THE POOR BLACK & WHITE CHRISTIANS OF SOUTH AFRICA! Lord, give them the victory in spite of the whole World who want to stand against them! Help them to stand against the whole God-damned anti-Christ [DELETED] Red Communist World, in the name of Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord! Amen! Amen! Thank You Jesus!
       28. THAT'S WHY I WOKE UP, HONEY, SO I COULD PRAY FOR SOUTH AFRICA! Even the prayer of one, even just one, even just one righteous man availeth much! Well, I'm not very righteous, but at least I'm praying for the right things, so maybe that makes me righteous! If I pray for the right things, am I righteous? (Maria: Yes, Sir! "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!")
       29. LORD, YOU KNOW I'M NOT VERY RIGHTEOUS BUT I'M PRAYING FOR THE RIGHT THINGS, SO YOU HELP THIS EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER TO AVAIL MUCH FOR DEAR SOUTH AFRICA, Lord, where we went so You could show us that they're Christians, Lord, & they're trying to do their best to buck the forces of the God-damned anti-Christ [DELETED] Communists! In the name of Jesus we ask it, Lord! Thank You Lord! Hallelujah! You're going to do it, Lord!
       30. ALL RIGHT, LORD, I PRESENTED MY PETITION & YOU PROMISED TO ANSWER, IN THE NAME OF JESUS! I want to see it!--I want to see You give the victory to the South African Christians, Black & White!--In Jesus' name! Amen! Thank You Lord! Hallelujah! Praise You Lord! Thank You Jesus! Amen, Sweet Baby, I love you! You can turn your recorder off now so we can go to sleep, OK? I did my job, I prayed!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family