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PSALMS FOR KIDS!--Psalm 91!--Part 2--Verses 3 & 4!       DO 2391       9/86
--"Noisome Pestilence" & Science Class!

       1. (Techi: Amen, Lord Jesus, please give us a good Bible Study, Lord! Thank You for Grandpa coming to teach us Your Words, Lord, & help us to apply ourselves & learn lots, in Jesus' name, amen!)--Amen! David can close in prayer after we get done. We're supposed to try to keep these short, to half-an-hour, so we can get it all on one side of a tape, & so the children won't have to read too much but get a good lesson in half-an-hour. We should be able to cover a lot in half-an-hour. Usually we at least cover one or two verses!--Ha! That's a lot for Grandpa, I can find so much in every verse!
       2. All right, what Psalm are we on? (Techi: Psalm 91!) How many verses did we cover in the last lesson? (Children: Two!) That's right, one & two. I'll just read the Psalm to you so we can be sure we get it recorded, okay? I'll ask you questions about it & see how much you know & how much you don't know. Of course, if you knew it all you wouldn't have to be here, would you? So don't be surprised if there are a few things you don't know, because that's what you're here for, to learn the things that you don't know & find out what they are! So if you don't know some of these words, don't be embarrassed--that's what you're here to do, to learn! Right? If you knew it all you wouldn't have to be here! If you know all that you're supposed to learn in this life, you might as well go Home to Heaven, because you've learned all you need to learn here & then you have to learn some more There!
       3. Well anyhow, praise the Lord! Thank You Jesus! Do bless this, Thy Word, Lord, to our hearts, that we may be nourished & nurtured & fed, inspired & guided, Lord, according to Thy Will, in Jesus' name! Make it a blessing, Lord, to the children & all. Amen!

       4. Third Verse: "Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, & from the noisome pestilence." Now you know what "deliver" means, of course. What does it mean? (Children: Save.)--Save or free. Well, what's the snare of the fowler? (Children: The Devil, a trap!) The Devil is the fowler (one who hunts birds), that's right. (Techi: Oh, the System, I guess, is the snare.) You're giving the spiritual meanings, that's very good. But let's just take the simple little illustration he gives. Let's let David answer, he's a man & he hunts for things, butterflies & fish & whatnot. You have a number of snares around here, Son. (David: The nets.) The net that you catch fish & butterflies with etc., that's a snare. There are all kinds of snares. (Techi: It's a trap.)--Right, it's some kind of a trap, whether it's a fish net or a butterfly net or a rat trap or whatever, it's something to catch things with.
       5. These guys are so spiritual they give the spiritual meaning right off the bat instead of just telling me what the simple little illustration is! You're right, "the snare of the fowler" is talking about the Devil, & he's got lots of snares, all kinds of traps! (Techi: Like the System!)--Yes, the System is his biggest trap, it's full of traps! It's a regular trap nest!

       6. "And from the noisome pestilence." Who wants to define "pestilence" first of all, let's take that. A pestilence.--What do the first four letters mean? (Techi: Pest!) So it's something bad, right?--Something that pesters you, bothers you. (David: A disease?) It could be. But here's a more difficult word, an old-fashioned word, "noisome." (David: Annoy-some?) "A noisy noise annoys an oyster!" That's an old thing they used to say, what they call a tongue-twister! "A noisy noise annoys an oyster!" It's just to see if you can say something like that real fast that is difficult to say! It uses the various words that sound like "noise." (Techi: Like that one about "Betty bought a bit of butter.")--Yes, exactly. That's right. And this one was "A noisy noise annoys an oyster!"
       7. So the first part of that word is what? It's two syllables.--Noise! "Noisome pestilence." Usually when it says "some" on the end of a word it means it's full of that. So if it's full of noise, it sounds to me like a little bit more than a disease! Most diseases are very silent, they're not very noisy. (David: Like war?) That's a very noisy pestilence! What's another kind of pestilence?--A very noisy pestilence! (David: Storms!) Yes, storms, something we'll not have in the Millennium! What's noisy about storms? (Children: Lightning & thunder & rain!) The lightning, the thunder, the pouring down, roaring down rain! (David: And the wind!) The wind howls & blows! Very noisy! That's a noisy pestilence!
       8. Can you think of any other kind of noisy pestilence besides storms & wars? (Maria: Whooping cough!) Yes, that's a noisy pestilence, that's for sure! (Maria: Some diseases are really noisy, like TB, when you cough.) Thank God that we don't have those things, thank the Lord! The Lord has spared us from so many things! TYJ! Well, David did have whooping cough. I'll never forget when he & Davida had whooping cough, oh my!
       9. (Tape recorder gets knocked over.) Oh my goodness, Honey, don't ever set a tape recorder on its end, for goodness sake! I'm so sorry! I didn't even see it there, it was sort of in the dark. We must be more careful & prayerful about how we do things. When you set a tape recorder on its end, you're not trying to make an accident impossible, you're asking for an accident! We used to say, "That's just an accident looking for a place to happen!" So any kind of situation that's going to invite an accident, that's an accident looking for a time to happen! That was a kind of a noisy pestilence, wasn't it? It went clatter, clitter, clatter & fell off & probably nearly blew out the eardrums of the typist! Sorry folks, but the tape recorder was not situated securely & it fell down when I kicked it.
       10. (Maria: You know what I also found that noisome means?--Offensive, disgusting & injurious!)--Yes, but I was just trying to think of a simple definition for them. Also the meaning is not only noisy, but annoysome, that means it annoys you. It comes from the same root. Noise annoys you, right? They say "a noisy noise annoys an oyster," well, I didn't even know an oyster could hear, so I think that's kind of a funny little saying, but you get the idea! I'll tell you, a noisy noise really annoys me! A noisy noise annoys Grandpa!--Especially this noisy so-called music, which is not music at all, it's just noise!
       11. There's another one, hard rock! That's a noisome pestilence! That's a real pestilence that's swept the World! Most of the worldly System young people in the whole World are addicted to it! It's as bad as drugs! (Maria: It's a disgusting disease!) (David: And they're also almost deaf!) Yes, it'll make you deaf! It's a noisy pestilence that'll make you deaf!
       12. (Techi: What do you do when you have whooping cough?) You have a very sore throat & you cough & cough! It's like a very bad cold, & you cough so hard you kind of whoop like Grandpa does sometimes, you gasp for breath for the next cough. Thank God that you haven't had it, Sweetheart.
       13. Can you think of any other kind of a noisome pestilence, either noisy or which annoys you? (Maria: Any kind of disgusting or injurious disease.) (Fam: Cars!) Traffic, yes! All that traffic is a noisy noisome pestilence, all those cars & vehicles making all those noises. It's so smoky in the city! Isn't that terrible? The cars put out so much smoke & everything, it causes smog.
       14. Do you know why they call it smog?--It's smoke & fog combined! Actually the smoke causes the fog. Because around every little tiny speck of soot from the car exhaust, moisture is inclined to condense. A little tiny droplet of moisture condenses around that little piece of soot, & then you have smog, which is smoke, combined with fog. And look what a mess it is!
       15. People are lots healthier living in God's clean fresh air out in the country where they can be out of the filth & the dirt & the smog of the filthy cities & live nice clean healthful lives away from the Systemites & all their diseases & where the air is clean & beautiful & pure, & where there's so much vegetation that makes delicious oxygen for them to breathe!

       16. In the city there's so much smog & smoke & poisonous fumes & pollutants in the air & so little vegetation. What does "vegetation" mean? (David: Plants.)--Plants & trees & grass & all these things. And what gas do the plants & the trees & the grass & the bushes & the flowers give off? They produce it all day long & give it to us to breathe, we have to have it to live! (Techi: Oxygen.)--Oxygen! (Techi: And we give them carbon dioxide.) Yes, that's right. We give off carbon dioxide. And at night what do the plants do? (David: They give off carbon dioxide.)--Right! A certain amount of carbon dioxide is necessary, & that's what helps make you sleepy so you'll sleep good. And in the daytime you need oxygen to burn to be healthy & lively & energetic!
       17. So in the daytime they give off oxygen to help you be alert & lively & strong & well! At night they give off carbon dioxide to help you be sleepy so you'll rest. (Techi: I thought at night they give off oxygen because they say it's good for you to put plants in sick people's rooms.) Only in the daytime. And always at hospitals, if you've ever been in a hospital, thank God you haven't been, you'll find that the nurses take the flowers & the potted plants out of the hospital rooms & set them in the halls at nighttime. The sick people are already weak & sick & they're already tired & sleepy, so they don't need any more carbon dioxide to make them sleepy.
       18. Maybe we should get us a can of carbon dioxide to spray in Techi's face at night when it's time to go to bed so she won't be so energetic & she'll get sleepy! We need something to make Techi sleepy. We're not going to do it, Honey, don't worry! (David: Do they have cans of carbon dioxide?) Well, I don't know whether they've got bottled carbon dioxide or not, I don't think so!
       19. (David: Is that why truck drivers, when they have to stay up late, spray pure oxygen?) Yes, if they're driving a long time late, they do have bottled oxygen right in the cab of the truck, right where they can easily reach it. They've got this can hanging like a fire extinguisher on the wall of the truck. There's a little hose attached to it with a little thing they can put over their nose. They press a little button to release a little oxygen & they breathe deeply, like that, & right away it refreshes them so that they'll have more oxygen & feel fresh & it'll wake'm up! (Techi: Do they breathe out the bad air in the oxygen bottle?) No, no, they take it off when they exhale. Just about two or three whiffs & they're wide awake again! (David: For a few hours?) Well, maybe an hour or so, then they have to have a little more.
       20. But what they shouldn't do is they shouldn't drive so long, should they? But that's the System that forces them to drive like that. "You've gotta get there, hurry hurry hurry, gotta get these products there tonight so we can unload'm so they can be on the store shelves in the morning!" The System is like a slave driver! It is a slave driver! The god of money is a slave driver! What's the name of the god of money? (David: Mammon!)--Right. Well, in a sense there's actually no such god, but it's personified by money & the System. It means working for the System & the Devil. The Lord says you can't serve both God & Mammon, you'll either love one & hate the other, or hate one & love the other! (Mat.6:24)
       21. (David: Your body takes in the oxygen & it breathes out the carbon dioxide, but when you have pure oxygen, then why do you have to breathe out? Doesn't your body use it all?) Well, your body uses the oxygen. Your body is like a fire that's burning, & when a fire is burning it's using up what? (David: Oxygen.)--Oxygen & what else? When you go out & burn the trash, what do you burn? You burn paper & materials, right? You have to have some kind of fuel, you have to have some kind of material to burn, & you go out there & you burn it. But it would not burn at all if it did not unite with oxygen.
       22. The oxygen has to unite with that burning fuel & it has to feed it oxygen in order for it to burn. So when it burns, it is absorbing oxygen but giving off what? (David: Carbon monoxide?) Well, we haven't gotten to carbon monoxide yet. It's giving off carbon dioxide. But certain kinds of fuel give off carbon monoxide--especially what kinds of fuel? (David: Like oil & gasoline.)--Oil & gasoline & natural gas, all of those things that come out of the Pit, that black dirty demon oil coming out of the bowels of the Earth! When it burns or any one of its products burn--either crude oil just like it comes out of the Earth, or semi-refined oil, which is kerosene or diesel, or refined oil, very refined, which is gasoline, it all comes from oil, & gas, natural gas they call it, also is a product of the oil in the Earth, believe it or not--while it's burning, that type of fuel gives off carbon monoxide. Now let me explain the difference between carbon dioxide & carbon monoxide.

       23. Everything is made up of atoms! Atoms are little tiny particles so small you can't even see them with a microscope, so for a long time it was just a theory they couldn't even prove. But finally the scientists made electron microscopes that could see such small things through which they could detect the presence of these tiny little atoms, which are a part of everything that's made & which make up everything that God ever made.
       24. And there are three different little parts of the atom. Now you can imagine an atom as a little round ball. Actually, it's not exactly a ball, but it's like a little solar system. We have a solar system, what's our solar system? Solar means what? (Techi: Sun.) It has to do with the Sun. If it's solar heat it means Sun heat. So we have a solar system, & what is the heart of our solar system? (Children: The Sun!) And what revolves around our Sun? (David: The planets.)--The various planets, & moons that are around the planets.
       25. So the heart of all the energy is in the center of the atom, like our Sun is in the center of the solar system. The whole of God's Creation is based on this same principle made out of circles & spheres, globes, like balls. And in the middle of the atom is a little electrical energy like our Sun, only it's so small you can't see it. Every little atom is like a solar system, & in the middle its positive energy is called a what? Anybody know? Adults? No, you didn't study physics! Well, I'm not too sure if I can remember exactly, but as I recall, the little sun in the middle of its solar system is called a proton, a positive energy. Then revolving around the sun of the atom & travelling in circles in different directions are little electrical sparks of energy like planets called electrons!
       26. There's the proton in the middle, then there are electrons circling around, then there's something called neutrons. (Maria: The proton is the positive electrical charge at the center of the atom, & the neutron is in the center too, but without any charge.)--Yes, & the electrons are the little negative charges travelling around it. They're all little bits of energy. They're not even substance or material, but they're like little sparks of electricity circling around & going whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz, like that! Some of them go so fast! The neutrons don't move like that, but normally just remain in the center of the atom.
       27. Now imagine these little things so small you can't even see them with a microscope! The atom is composed of these positive & negative bits of energy. And yet everything God made, He made out of those things. Not really things, because they're just electrical energy. So when the Lord made the Earth out of nothing, the nothing we're talking about is electrical energy! This couch is mostly electrical energy, well, actually it's mostly space. (David: We have a book about atoms!) Well, you should read up on atoms & get us straightened out on them! (Maria: Well, the electrons are negatively charged particles existing outside the nucleus of the atom.)--Right! They circle the nucleus. But let's not spend too much time on this or we're going to get too far astray!
       28. Basically all you have to know is that it's like a little solar system with the proton, a positive bit of energy in the middle, like our Sun, & the electrons circling around it in different directions like the planets. So it's all electrical energy. And most of it is space between these little particles of energy. It's all so small you can't even see the atom, much less the electrons & neutrons, etc., except now they've got these electric microscopes which can sense these things. They can't actually see them, but they sense them & they give the scientists the appearance of seeing them.
       29. So they're little solar systems of energy, & everything God made, including you, is made out of these little atoms. And not only that, the atoms make up a larger little solar system called a molecule in which various atoms are whizzing around inside of the molecule, sort of another little solar system!--Just like our solar system is only one part of this great galaxy of stars in which we live, the Milky Way system, & it's all revolving around each other like the wheels of a clock!
       30. Did you ever see inside of a clock? I'll have to show you inside my clock sometime. I've got a clock you can look in that's got all kinds of wheels & cogwheels. Have you ever seen the inside of a watch? Nowadays you can't see inside of things so easy. When I was a little boy they had a special kind of clock which was just beautiful, wonderful, fascinating, because it was inside of a glass globe that stood over it & you could watch all the wheels turning & everything that operated the face & the hands of the clock. And for little kids to look inside & see what makes a clock tick, to see the insides, the works, it was really fascinating! (Techi: But how could you see inside?) Because it had a glass case that you could see through into all the wheels. Why don't you go up & get my Moon clock, who knows where it is? (Techi: I do!) Okay, but don't open it because that spring might fly out, like it has a few times, & hit you in the eye!

       31. So the whole Universe, that means all the stars & all the planets, are like the wheels of a great clock! And the Sun & its planets are just some of the wheels. You take a planet with its moons, the Earth only has one moon, other planets have as many as 11 moons, & I think they've found 22 or more moons lately with some planets! So there's one wheel. Here's a big planet with a lot of little moons circling around it, that's like a wheel. Right? But at the same time, all those little wheels of a planet with its moons are circling around what? (David: Are circling around the Sun!) So that our solar system itself is like wheels within wheels of a clock. (Techi returns with clock, which Dad refers to.)
       32. Well, you can see some of the works in this clock, but not much. Here's one cog wheel, there's another little cog wheel, there's one there, & there's a big one there. You can't see in this one so good as I thought you could. Here's one cog wheel here, here's even a little cog wheel here, here's a little cog wheel here, & there's a little cog wheel, & that's a big cog wheel for the Moon! And all these cog wheels are linked up to each other, so this one turns that one, & that one turns this one, & that one turns another one & they're wheels within wheels & wheels, like our Universe! The Moon must be growing, huh? I haven't seen it lately but I guess it is. We can't see it very well on the Eastern side of our house.
       33. I'm afraid this is going to be a longer lesson today, getting into astronomy! This is called astronomy, which means the study of the stars, & we're also studying planets. We're having a little study so we'll understand some of these things. I don't know how we got off into this, but anyway, it's something we need to know. I don't think you've had this explained to you before, except in your atom book.
       34. You understand the Sun & its planets, the solar system, don't you? And around each of these planets there are circling moons. We have one Moon, thank the Lord, & it's a very big moon, much bigger than most of those moons. So here's a planet & its little moon circling around it, that's one wheel. But we've got all these planets in the solar system with lots of moons circling them, a whole bunch of wheels circling the Sun. And then, not only that, this big wheel of the solar system, with all of its little wheels, planets & moons circling each other, this big wheel, the solar system, is circling around a gigantic galaxy*, the Milky Way system, they call it. *(Galaxy: Group of many thousands of stars & their planets, often in a spiral form.)
       35. Did you ever see the Milky Way? If you're out in the country on a real clear night you can look up & there's a big path of stars, just like a great big bridge of stars overhead through the skies! And they call it the Milky Way because it's a white path of stars through the sky. Somebody nicknamed it the Milky Way, I don't know who. (Note: Ancient Greeks called it a circle of milk about 500 B.C.)
       36. They also call our galaxy the Milky Way galaxy. A galaxy means a great number of stars with their planets & their moons. All these wheels within wheels revolving around each other, is one great big gigantic wheel called the Milky Way! (Techi: Is there only one Milky Way?) No, there are thousands of galaxies like the Milky Way, with lots of other stars & planets! We're going to find out something, aren't we? (David: Yes, but nobody knows because they never went that far.) No, they don't know. (Techi: There's only one Sun & there are many planets & many moons & many stars & that's all!) There are many stars, & every star is like a sun, only it's further away. And in our Milky Way system, the solar system is just a bunch of little wheels going around each other, like I've explained, but they are part of another great big wheel of the star system called the Milky Way. And we live here in our solar system about two-thirds of the way out from the center of the galaxy, as I recall.
       37. Here's this great big wheel of stars & planets & moons all running around each other. And the reason when you look up you see a thick belt of stars across the sky on a good clear night, if you go out at the right time, is if you're looking up...give me some kind of a wheel or a frisbee & I'll demonstrate it! Have you got a frisbee or some kind of wheel? Oh, we can use this round cushion! This cushion can represent the Milky Way galaxy in which we live, all these planets & stars & suns & moons & whatnot. Here's our solar system here & our planet Earth with its Moon.
       38. You look up & you see a big belt of stars overhead, & then you look other directions & you don't see so many stars, they're more scattered. You look out in the other direction & there's a scattering of stars all over because there are some stars all around, but you look up right through the thickness of this wheel of stars & planets called the Milky Way system & what would you see? Would the stars be thicker through the Milky Way or in the rest of the sky? (David: Thicker through the Milky Way.) That's right! So you look up through the wheel & from here on our little tiny planet Earth we're looking through the Milky Way out toward the edges, so when we look up it looks like there's a big bridge of stars going over our heads like this.
       39. (Techi: Nobody lives on the planets or stars, do they?) We don't know yet. (Techi: But who could if they're balls of fire!) The planets are not balls of fire. Some are very hot & some are very cold, but they are not balls of fire! Only the stars, the suns, are balls of fire. The planets vary from a nice comfortable temperature like our Earth designed for Man, to some planets close to the Sun like Venus & Mercury that are very hot! They're not exactly fiery, but they're hot enough to feel like fire. But they're not on fire, not burning. You couldn't live on them because they're too hot & too gassy. (David: And you could fall through Jupiter & either Uranus or Saturn because they're so gassy.) That's what science says, but they don't know all about it really.
       40. They pretend to know more than they really know! They have to pretend to know a lot so they can keep their job & get their salary. They've got to keep making all kinds of guesses to make their job worthwhile to supposedly tell the people what everything's all about when they don't even know themselves! And they milk the government of billions of Dollars for research & exploration & all kinds of stuff when they don't even know what they're talking about themselves. It's all guesswork & hodge-podge!
       41. But what I'm telling you is something that is pretty well established & they really found out! And you can go out & look up at the Milky Way yourself & see a great band of stars. I've gotten to where I'm like the Missourian who says, "Show me!" I won't believe anything I can't see, except the Lord & His Word & what He's told us about. Because the scientists have told so many tall tales & lies, like Evolution & the distance of stars & lots of other things, they've lied so much, theorised so much. A theory is sort of an educated lie, an educated guess. Well, maybe it's true, maybe it's not, but most of their theories aren't, especially Evolution & things like that.
       42. But I'm just explaining to you a little bit about how everything is made.--Not only the great Universe in which we live, which is vast, our Milky Way system alone. Now this I don't know, but scientists claim there are even other Milky Way systems, which are called galaxies. Our Milky Way system is a galaxy, which means a cluster of stars & their planets & moons. They say there are other galaxies also made up of more stars or suns, planets & moons, & all of these galaxies put together are called the Universe. Uni-verse. Now what does that mean, anybody have any idea? "Uni" means what? That's part of other words--united, union, things like that. So that means what? You take all these five fingers, each one is a finger & a thumb, right? But united all together they're my hand, or a fist! All these are separate fingers, but altogether they make a hand or a fist. So here are the stars, suns, moons, galaxies, planets, like this, & altogether they make up one Universe! Get it? All right, I think that's enough on that subject!

       43. We were explaining that not only the whole Universe is made up of all these wheels within wheels, stars, suns, planets, moons, etc., but you take the Earth, one planet, & all of its materials--all of its elements they call them--& these elements are made up of wheels too! I think now they have discovered over a hundred elements! What's an element? Have you any idea? (Techi: Things?) It's different kinds of material like iron, gold, silver, phosphate, molybdenum, oh, there are so many I couldn't name them all! But there are over 100 different kinds of elements. It's the different kinds of material, get it?
       44. So the whole Earth is made up of all kinds of chemicals or elements, all these particles of different things, as you said, material things or things you can feel or sense or see. And yet all of these things are made up of invisible electrical energy. I'll use our Universe. Our galaxy & our Sun & our Earth, every element & everything on it is made up of molecules, & these molecules are made up of little tiny atoms, & the atoms are made up of little tiny protons, electrons & neutrons. My oh my, we're in a whirl! We're in a great big whirlpool, a great gigantic merry-go-round of all these things going around that maybe you didn't know about before!
       45. Scientists have looked through microscopes & tested & everything else & they found that water is made up of two things. There's a chemical expression or insignia for water called H2O. What does that mean, David? (David: Hydrogen...) Two molecules of hydrogen & one molecule of oxygen. H2 means two of hydrogen. (Techi: Is hydrogen water?) Hydrogen is a gas, part of the air. (Techi: But how can air be water?) Wait & I'll tell you! You're always trying to get to the end before we're past the middle!
       46. When you put two parts of this gas hydrogen together with one part of oxygen, all of a sudden you get water! (Techi: But how can air be water?) It becomes water when you get it together. Air is composed of different kinds of gases, two-thirds nitrogen, one-third oxygen plus helium & a few other gases, & the Lord put them all together & made our nice, fine, delicious fresh air that we breathe!

       47. And why I got into that, explaining the whole Universe & planetary systems & solar systems & galaxies & Milky Way, is just to tell you what we mean by carbon monoxide! That means one atom of carbon & one atom of oxide, which means poisonous. It means it's literally poisonous. And that comes from burning oil & all of its derivatives. When you breathe, you exhale carbon dioxide, one atom of carbon & two of oxygen, & they add the "ide" because it's poisonous. Carbon is like the smoke you see out there when you burn the trash. Those are little tiny specks of carbon that are given off. (David: Like soot?) Yes, soot. That's the same idea, only it's a purer form of carbon when it's in a gas.
       48. Now the carbon dioxide normally won't kill you, you give it off naturally when you breathe, & so do the plants when they breathe it out at night. Look at what long breaths they take! They breathe in the carbon dioxide & breathe out oxygen all day long, & at night they breathe in oxygen & out carbon dioxide all night long! But plants are used to going slow & not getting in a hurry or worrying about anything, so they just do their duty like God made them to do all day long & all night long, isn't that wonderful?
       49. Carbon dioxide is all right & won't bother you very much if you don't breathe too much of it, or if you can get rid of it. Your body, as I started to say awhile ago, is made up of materials & chemicals that are constantly burning. Fuel, the food you eat, goes inside your body & literally burns. You may even feel a little bit warmer. (Techi: I guess plants are made for food, air & water.) Yes, they really are. They're made for food, & they give us air, & they also give us moisture. Very good!
       50. And carbon dioxide is not as dangerous as carbon monoxide. If you sit in a room with a gas fire burning, an open flame right in the room, & you don't have lots of air coming in the windows, pretty soon you'll get sleepy & fall over & go to sleep forever! Well, not forever, you'll wake up right away quick in the Other World!
       51. That reminds me of a man I knew in Miami, one of our students at the Florida Soul Clinic. He was an older man because he had a wife & five children, & he always wanted to be a missionary, so he quit his job & came to our school. His wife & children got very mad about it & angry because they said he was deserting them & the law of the System accused him of desertion & they were going to put him in jail for not supporting his family, etc., which of course was a problem. But when the Lord says you've got to forsake your husband, wife, houses & lands, children, etc., you've got to do it, because God comes first!
       52. Jesus said the System can care for its own! The System can care for the ungodly, Godless, wicked wives & children who won't follow their fathers, or vice-versa, wives who want to be missionaries & their husbands & children don't want to go, or a child who wants to be a missionary & their father & mother & brothers & sisters don't want to go. So then you've just got to go, because the Lord wants you to go!
       53. So they were going to arrest him & put him in jail, in fact I think they did once or twice. They kept causing him so much trouble, siccing the cops on him & everything, & he was trying to study in our little school to be a missionary. So guess what happened? He faithfully went home to visit them & he tried to give them a little support. One cold day in Florida they had on an open kerosene or gas heater in their living room, & they all had been sitting around the table eating dinner. He knocked at the door but there was no answer. And since he was the father of the home he had a key, & he went in & found them all dead, lying around the table!
       54. He had prayed desperately, "Lord, solve this problem, get rid of this problem of my relatives & my family causing me so much trouble & calling the police & getting me thrown in jail," beating him up & all kinds of things. He said, "Lord, You've just got to save me & deliver me if You want me to serve You!"--And he went home & found the whole family dead! The Lord really solved the problem, huh? They were all dead of carbon monoxide poisoning!
       55. So whenever you're working in the kitchen with the fire going cooking dinner, be sure there's always plenty of fresh air! You should have fresh air in any kind of a room or building where there's an open flame going, any kind of fire. A normal wood fire in the fireplace gives off carbon dioxide, & that's not as dangerous as carbon monoxide. But carbon dioxide will also make you sleepy, & if you don't have any windows open letting in oxygen, pretty soon it will be more carbon dioxide in the air than there is oxygen & you can get sleepy & you can actually suffocate, as they call it!
       56. But when it's a natural gas like carbon dioxide which comes from even your breath or from plants at night or from a wood fire burning, something like that, that's not as dangerous. But it will gradually make you sleepy, & if you don't get any oxygen you'll go to sleep for good! (Techi: Did they not have the key so they couldn't get out?) Oh no, they were perfectly free to go out, but they just didn't realise how sleepy they were getting!
       57. Carbon monoxide is much more dangerous & works much faster & puts you to sleep much quicker than just carbon dioxide from a wood fireplace. Gas fires or oil fires or bottled gas fires, any of those kind of fires, open flame fires from oil products, will give off carbon monoxide, that means one of carbon & one of the oxide, & that's much more deadly & will kill you quicker! (Ed. Note: Even 1% in the air is deadly!) And that's in all kinds of fumes & gases that come from any type of oil derivative, including car exhaust, because cars burn what? (David: Gas.) They burn gasoline. You've got to be specific about it. The British call it petrol. They burn gasoline or they burn what else? (David: Oil?) Well, it's all oil--diesel!
       58. (Techi: Did carbon monoxide or dioxide kill them?)--Carbon monoxide from that open gas fire. It's much more deadly. And you can't smell it, it has no odour, so you don't even know it's there. If you smell the fire, that's simply because you're smelling other things, fumes from the flame. But a nice clean gas fire in one of those nice gas grates that you can't smell at all is giving off loads of carbon monoxide. So if you don't have fresh air from the outside pretty soon you get sleepy! "Oh me, I'm so sleepy, I'm just going to lie down here & go to sleep..."--And you're gone, dead!
       59. (David: Do you feel yourself getting killed?) No, you just feel sleepy, tired. And each one of them was found sprawled around on the floor where they'd fallen off their chairs around the dining room table. (David: If somebody died first, couldn't the other one turn it off?) Well, Honey, that's hopefully what would happen. If somebody notices that everybody's getting sleepy & going to sleep, if they've got good sense they'll wake up to the fact that they're all getting poisoned by carbon monoxide from the flames! And the best thing to do is quick rush to the door & throw open all the doors to try to revive everybody!
       60. The same thing happens if you're in a car & there're fumes coming into the car instead of going out through the exhaust pipe & out into the air. Sometimes the exhaust pipe is broken or the muffler is broken & the fumes are coming up through the floor boards & the cracks & crevices in the bottom of the car. Hopefully you're not what's called asphyxiated. When you die of carbon dioxide poisoning, that's called suffocating. You're just suffocated for lack of oxygen. (Techi: But do you feel it that way?) Well, it takes longer & it's harder to do, to die of suffocation. (David: Like in a mine?) Maybe like swimming underwater & you can't get air, you've got to have air or oxygen constantly & if you can't get air it's pretty painful in a way.--Not exactly painful, but you really want the air bad & you can't get it! You can die in just 3 or 4 minutes without air.
       61. Honey, I didn't expect you to shut the door all the way, I'm feeling the lack of air right now! We need it open for a minute or we're going to be dying of carbon dioxide poisoning!--Ha! Carbon dioxide comes from what? (Techi: Suffocation.) It's called suffocation, lack of air & too much carbon dioxide, & that can happen in a closed room where there are people giving off carbon dioxide & breathing, or where there's an open wood fire. See, you were getting sleepy & you started yawning, so was I! I didn't realise Mama had shut the door all the way & we weren't getting enough air! And that's called suffocation! If you die of carbon monoxide poisoning, that's called asphyxiation. That's a big word you'll have to learn how to spell outside of class, okay?
       62. (Techi: I'd rather die of carbon monoxide.) You die much quicker that way, & some people have actually committed suicide that way, they've done it on purpose. They've closed up their room or apartment, turned on the gas & died of carbon monoxide poisoning.--Or they went in the garage, closed all the doors & windows, started their car, & pretty soon they just went to sleep from carbon monoxide poisoning, sad to say.
       63. (Techi: Can you still breathe in carbon monoxide?) Well, you can for a short time. Have you ever gone into a room where they've had the stove on too long or something? We used to have kerosene heaters, round things like this, & they were the worst because they were really stinky!--But at least you could smell it & know that it was bad. But the nice clean natural gas or butane gas, bottled gas, burns without almost hardly any odor at all, but it's still putting out carbon monoxide. So be sure you've always got lots of ventilation, lots of air, open windows & doors in the kitchen when you're cooking! If you breathe a little of it, it's not going to hurt you as long as you have plenty of fresh air. But always try to keep things pretty well ventilated so you'll have lots of oxygen, fresh air!
       64. I got to talking about this from trying to explain to you why the city is smokey! In the country it's nice & clean with fresh air, but not in the Devil's trap! One of his traps in the city is polluted air, carbon monoxide from all those vehicles! All those cars that are burning gasoline are putting out big clouds of carbon monoxide. And that's why when you get in a traffic jam you almost feel like you can't breathe, because they're putting out so much carbon monoxide, gas & all its pollutants.
       65. I didn't intend to get into a science study & all that explanation, but it's part of the noisome pestilence! All those fumes, smog & smoke are noisome pestilences! They're not very noisy, they're silent killers, but they're annoysome, they annoy you, even though they're not noisy. They stink, bother your nose!--"Nois"! You get a bunch of "nois" up your nose! There are some other gases that are very dangerous like some of these sprays you don't want to breathe either.

       PSALM 91, VERSE 4
       66. Well, I think that's about all we have time for! Maybe we'd better read this really encouraging verse right after that bad one, because it says here in the next verse, the 4th verse:
       67. "He shall cover thee with His feathers!" Who's "He"?--The Lord! (David: Like a hen.)--Exactly! "And under His wings thou shalt trust." Because most everybody used to be farmers, they understood this kind of language. They would immediately visualise a mother hen & all the little baby chicks under her wings protecting them.
       68. "His Truth shall be thy shield & buckler!" That's defensive weapons, right?--Offensive & defensive weapons. In other words, in spite of all the noisome pestilence & the snare of the fowler, Who's going to protect us under His wings? (David: Jesus!)--Right! He's going to protect us with His Truth! His Truth will be like our shield & buckler! (Maria: What's a buckler?) As I recall, a buckler is a very small shield that you wore on your wrist with which you could quick catch the point of a sword before it hit you. A shield is a big plate of armour & you hide most of your body behind it, but a buckler you wore on your wrist like a wrist watch. It was about as big as a dinner plate & you could move it a lot quicker than a shield & catch the point of a sword if it was coming at you like that!
       69. So you see, the Word of God is like a shield & a buckler, isn't that wonderful? And the Lord, He's like a mother hen & is going to cover you with His wings! He has to work overtime taking care of you in the city because it's so bad, such a snare of the fowler, such a death trap! But He takes care of us in lots of cities! PTL!

       70. So what did you learn from this lesson today? What did you learn the most about, David? What did you learn today you didn't know before? We had a physics lesson & all kinds of interesting things! (David: Well, I learned about atoms.)--Atoms & molecules. (David: And also I learned more about our galaxy, how you can see the Milky Way. I didn't know that you could see the Milky Way!) That's right, he learned a few interesting things about science, scientific things. What did you learn, Techi? (Techi: I learned what a buckler is & I learned what carbon monoxide is.)--About poisonous gases, about the noisome pestilences of the city. (Maria: We learned what "noisesome pestilences" are!) (Techi: And I learned about the wheels of the clock!)
       71. Everything's made of wheels, isn't that something?--And they're all made out of electricity. Oh, I forgot to say, they're mostly space, these little bits of energy are so small & far apart! Right now my kind of flesh is in tune with this kind of material so I can't run my arm through it. But science has already said that if Man could just figure out some way to get my hand out of tune with this kind of material, I could just wave my hand right through it, because there's so much space!--And that's what we're going to do some day. Some day we're going to be able to just go through there like that & not even hit an atom, just walk right through the walls! (Techi: Like in the "Heaven's Children" story they just shot that cannon ball & it went right through me?)--Yes, it wouldn't even phase you! All right, it's David's turn to pray.

       72. (David: Amen! TYJ! TYL! We thank You for this fun, inspiring class that we just had, Lord, & for giving us a nice day to have it! We pray, Lord, that we'll retain it all, & thank You for how we learned so much in just these few verses & how You have compacted so much into Your Word, Lord! Thank You how Grandpa can teach us these things that we didn't know before, Lord, & that we can use it for the whole Family. We pray that we will remember it all, Lord, & that You will please give us a good day & help us in whatever we do. Help it all to please You, in Jesus' name, amen!)
       73. Amen, as we pray together the prayer of Thy Kingdom & the Millennium, Lord, that You taught us to pray: (Prays the Lord's Prayer) Thank You Lord that every time we pray that, we're praying for Thy Kingdom on Earth, "Thy Kingdom come on Earth, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!" Because it's going to be first on Earth, Lord, in the Millennium, right here, & we're going to enjoy it, Lord! Thank You Jesus for giving us so much about it already, so we can learn what You have in store for us, the Wonderworld of the Future, in Jesus' name! Bless & keep us all safely now, give us a good day & make us a blessing! Thank You for how You have, Lord!--In Jesus' name, Amen! PTL!

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