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THE ALASKAN INDEPENDENCE DREAM!        DO 2520        4/89

       1. I had the most exciting dream! I was running through the woods of Alaska & I was calling to the Aleutian Indians to declare their independence from the United States! We were declaring their independence, total independence from the United States! I was calling to them to reclaim their country from the United States.

       2. The U.S. was furious, but they couldn't do anything about it. They were afraid to stop us, & the Indians were just jubilant that we were declaring independence for Alaska from the United States. Isn't that amazing?

       3. I was running through the woods at night calling to them to rise up & declare their independence. We had caught the American authorities by surprise, & they were in total confusion, they didn't know what to do. So we kept on declaring our independence, the independence of the Aleutians & Alaska from the U.S.

       4. I was running through the woods at night shouting, calling & yelling for everybody to declare their independence from the U.S. & it worked! They did it! The U.S. authorities didn't know what to do. They were afraid to touch us, for fear they'd be condemned by the rest of the World. I was shouting, just shouting, "Come! Come! Declare your independence!" Isn't that amazing?

       5. Why should I have a dream like that? It just shows it can be done. I was running through the woods at night yelling at the top of my voice, "Come! Come! Declare your independence!"--Like they had to do it right quick while they could, before the U.S. could stop us.

       6. I was calling at the top of my voice, "Aleutians! Aleutians! Declare your independence by night, before they can stop us!" It was like the rest of the World would sympathise with us if we'd do it right now quick, & catch the U.S. by surprise.

       7. Thank You Lord! It was so beautiful! So thrilling! I was just shouting & shouting to them running through the woods in the dark. "Aleutians! Aleutians! Declare your independence by night before they can stop us!" I mean, what difference is there between there & the Baltics or Siberia, Tadzhik, Armenia & Georgia? All have a right to declare their independence. It's just like now is the time to declare your independence. "Hurry! Run through the darkness & the forest by night!"

       8. They have to do it. They have to do it! If they want it they have to do it. If they want independence, they have to declare it. They have to run through the woods & declare it by night before they can stop them. That's what I got. That's what I was doing. I was declaring the independence of the Aleutian Indians of Alaska.--Its independence from the U.S.

       9. It totally caught the U.S. by surprise & they didn't know what to do. It was wonderful! It was beautiful in the dream! Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! In the dream it was thrilling, exciting, beautiful to declare our independence. It was like I was an Indian & I was shouting to them to come & take a stand, "Declare your independence by night!"

       10. That was beautiful! I was so happy to be a part of it! Isn't it wonderful! Beautiful!--To help Alaska & the Indians declare their independence from the U.S.! I would be their Father of Independence! Isn't that beautiful!

       11. It was a dream, but it worked! It worked! We declared our independence before the U.S. even knew what to do. They were bewildered & shocked & confused, & they didn't know what to do, & they were afraid to oppose it because they're sympathetic to revolutionary independence movements all over the World. They sympathise with the Georgians & the Balkans & the Armenians & all the independence movements.

       12. It was like, how could they refuse? How could they oppose it?--It's just what they're pretending to be fighting for everywhere.--The Afghans, the Balkans, the Armenians & the Georgians. They're supposed to be fighters for independence & champions of the cause of freedom.

       13. And here I was yelling at the top of my voice in the middle of the night running through the woods & telling the Aleutians to rise up & declare their independence. And the U.S. Government was in total confusion, they just didn't know what to do. They were afraid to oppose it, they were totally afraid that they'd be accused of being opposed to freedom. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!

       14. Well, it's the time to declare freedom! It's a time to declare independence while the U.S. is caught in a trap. I said, "Declare your independence tonight!" It was like it was a secret, we had to do it secretly & by surprise. And we did it. I did it. I believe I could do it! I really believe I could do it if I'd just obey & run through the woods by night in the Aleutians. "Declare your independence by night!"

       15. And that's what happened everywhere! They arose & they banded together & they were joining me in declaring their independence. It was just like the System was so confused, they didn't know what to do! They were just stymied.

       16. Lord, do it, in Jesus' name! Help the Indians to rise up & declare their independence, in Jesus' name.


       17. It's another good provocation now for the Alaskans, the Indians to declare their independence:--That oil spill! It's almost wrecking Alaska! But this oil spill has done the U.S. oil companies more good than harm! Oil prices have shot up!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family