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--A Prayer in the Night!

       1. (Maria: What's the Lord going to do to our enemies in Spain who are holding 22 of our children & won't let them go, won't even let their parents visit them!) Strike them, Lord! Deliver Thy children, in the Name of Jesus! Strike our enemies, Lord. In Jesus' name, deliver Thy children!

       2. Of course, Lord, You're going to strike them. You're going to turn it into a testimony for Thy glory, in the Name of Jesus! (Maria: Lord, they're saying we're the most dangerous sect in the whole World, so the publicity about us is reaching all over the World from Spain.) Of course we are! Of course we're the most dangerous in the World to the Devil, to Satan & his forces!

       3. Now, Lord, You've promised to deliver Thy children. Make it a testimony, Lord! Make it a testimony that will defy Satan & all of his forces! Bless the children, Lord. Bless Thy precious little children, in Jesus' name.--And give them courage & strength to defy the Enemy! Make Thy children a testimony against them, Lord, in Jesus' name! We know You will, Lord. You're going to turn a seeming defeat into great victory, Lord. In the Name of Jesus, You cannot fail, Lord! It's impossible for You to fail, in the Name of Jesus!

       4. Help the parents to know what to do, Lord, to get their children & flee this iniquitous nation that has defied us for so long. In Jesus' name, amen! And judge Spain according to her works, her evil works against us for so many years, Lord! We surely have given her all the mercy that she deserves for all these years, almost 20 years! We have given her mercy & love & forgiveness & reaped the harvest there, Lord. Now help them to move on to more fruitful fields, in Jesus' name.

       5. Hallelujah! Thank You for answering our prayers, Lord. We know You'll do it, Lord, they're Your children & You will deliver them & You will make them a testimony against our evil enemies. Hallelujah! Thank You Lord, in Jesus' name! Amen! Praise You Lord! Thank You Jesus! In Jesus' name!

       6. Do it soon, Lord, to encourage Thy children & their faith. It's a testing time to strengthen their faith & the faith of Thy children, Lord, even Thy little children. Strengthen them, in Jesus' name. Comfort them. And help them to know that You will deliver them. Thank You Jesus! Amen! In the Name of Jesus, amen!

       7. The Enemy cannot win! The Enemy will be defeated & it will be a great testimony to Thy children, & even to the World to show them that they cannot defeat You, Jesus! Thank You Lord! In Jesus' name, deliver Thy children, Lord, & make it a testimony. Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord!

       8. We know that You allow these things, Lord, to be a testimony before judges & magistrates & kings & princes--to rebuke them & to deliver Thy children & make it a testimony. In Jesus' name. (Mk.13:9.)

       9. Lord, rebuke them in the Name of Jesus! Rebuke the Enemy, in Jesus' name! We resist you, Satan, in the Name of Jesus! Deliver Thy children, Lord!--And make it a testimony. In Jesus' name! It will be, so it will be. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! It will be a great testimony of how You have delivered Thy Saints, Lord, in the Name of Jesus! We know You cannot fail, Lord. You never have, Lord. "All things work together for good." In the Name of the Lord.

       10. Lord, I have prayed for Thy children. And I have delivered Thy children in prayer, Thy special children, Lord. Now You finish it, Lord, in Jesus' name. I cannot do more than this. I am powerless but to pray. And that is everything because You will do it, in the Name of Jesus! Lord, we have more than reaped Spain. For almost 20 years we've given them Thy mercy & Thy Love & reaped that field. Now help this persecution to remind Thy children to flee. We know it's difficult. It's sometimes hard to pull up roots. But help them now to go to more fruitful fields, in Jesus' name.

       11. Rebuke their enemies who persecute them in Spain! Judge them! Punish them, Lord! Help Thy children to get out of there & go to places where they're more receptive & where they really need Thy children, Lord, in Jesus' name. Amen! Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord! Hallelujah!
       --In Jesus' name, amen!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family