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Re: some state laws (Texas)-Thank you

Posted by marina on May 15, 2002 at 13:32:51:

In Reply to: Re: some state laws (Texas)-Thank you posted by jr on May 15, 2002 at 13:12:54:

Well, what I am trying to say is that the COMBINATION of all the factors (what you mention as well) in situations of physical and sexual assaults (emotional and psychological) is really enough to create multiple traumas in many individuals.

Simple little words like 'abuse' just do not convey to readers or an audience the enormity of the consequences attached to the crimes committed. The traumas often cause multiple conditions: bulimia/anorexia, complex PTSD, (difficulties sleeping, staying awake, reliving trauma, intrusive thoughts, hyperalertness, hypervigilance, anxiety etc.) major and recurrent depressions, etc etc. That means therapeutic and psychiatric care and maintenance for long periods, at times for life. The people that are not able to get appropriate care often try self-medication through drugs and alcohol or other avenues. That causes more damage. And I am not even talking about the difficulties once the victims get into and spouses of victims of severe abuse need to deal/help with the issues as well.

Now, to be more than clear, people responsible for sexual assaults on children should be ACCOUNTABLE and should be brought to justice. It just does not make sense to sweep all this stuff under a rug. Until the Family leadership does what the Catholic dioceses in the US are having to do now, I will keep repeating this mantra.