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Posted by on June 19, 2002 at 05:09:00:

I have been reading the post on this site for a while now. One thing I have noticed is that very few people seem to take responsibility for their own actions. I realize what Berg did was very wrong and I do not agree with many of his doctrines. I was forced into the Family as I was a child of a member. Did any of you at the time this was happen to question why you were doing what you were doing? One of the posts I read referred to a situation where a member and his wife were forced into a situation where that harmed their child as a result the child was born handicapped. It is terrible that happened but more importantly being parents how could one let something like that happen. It goes back to the age-old adage "Well if someone told you to jump off a bridge..." I realize groupthink is a very powerful social mechanism as is being in a cult. Sociologists call this a total institution wherein one is totally immersed in doctrine and cut off from society. They also put this in the same class as the military. I was in both. When I knew something to be wrong most the times I avoided doing at a cost to myself. I was always aware of how my actions affected others. Berg was at fault but pulling up quotes from the seventies to prove that this dead man was f*ed serves little more purpose than to make one feel less responsible for their own actions.