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The Marrytime Dream - DO1114 - 3/30/81

Posted by historian on September 11, 2002 at 07:04:39

Yes, there is a disgusting picture on the front of young budding teenagers holding their shirts up. On their chests are written the word - Marrytime. Apparently, Berg has this dream about the kids at Music with Meaning on a music show and Dicon teaches a class to the little kids about how young people should get married early. If I remember correctly, Heidi, who is a main subject in this dream with her "budding breasts" being revealed, ended up getting pregnant quite young, 14 or something and being quite miserable.

Here's an excerpt:

"But that's a funny little dream I had, each one was baring their bosoms & showing us a different word, like it was a funny little school lesson he was teaching! PTL! (A great skit!)

(side note from historian - don't forget all the obligatory exclammation points as if every single freakin word he says is straight from God)

They were at least two or three years older than they are now. They were almost fullgrown teenagers, and quite ovviously sexually developed from the size of Heidi's bosoms that they were nice and big & round! They weren't too big but just well-rounded, beautiful! And she was just gorgeous, just like a flower in full bloom! (Historian - uh-huh, just ready to be picked by the pervert) And Dicon was so handsome, big and manly, & he was preaching away!

Oh, I almost forgot! One thing I thought was, "My, this guy's going to pontificate, it means he's going to preach!" And it was almost like he didn't pay any attention to me anymore, like I wasn't even there. And I thought to myself, "Well, PTL! The younger generation's taken over and I won't have to do any preaching anymore, or so much preaching anymore!"

You know, they talk about baring your chest & delivering your soul, like that was the burden of their bosoms! Each one was suggesting a different type of Marytime! Oh, I remember saying to Heidi, "Well, that's very good, heidi, it has a lot to do with Mary, it's like Mary, & you remind me of Mary!" I was really talking to her & trying to encourage her that she wasn't completely mistaken, but it was almost like that, for dedication like Mary's leads up to it.

Dear Mary, you know, was a child bride, & an unwed Mother at that! Just think, the Lord trusted a teenage girl with his only son, a young teenage girl at that! That ought to be an encouragement to our young teenagers as well as their parents, who are usually the bigest problems when it comes to teenage marriages!

Well, here's what the dictionary says about "To pontificate": It says it means "to perform the functions of a Pope or Bishop, to speak pompously & authoritatively with airs of infallibility." That's just the way he was talking! Like he was speaking the absolute unchallenged truth & no one could possibly deny it! He was really speaking with authority, God bless him, like he was a real prophet of God! I suppose they'd say that I pontificate becasue I speak with authority & conviction that I'm right, 'cuase Iknow I'm right!--Ha!--So!--

Have you reached your marrytime, young man?--young woman?--Will youlet them, parents? Have you the faith for God to have his will & let them marry?--"For it is better to marry than to burn!...If though marry, thou has not sinned!...The time is short!"--1Cor.7:9,28,29. PTL! GBY! May he give you the faith for "Marrytime."

(historian side note: Isn't it incredible how he always managed to tie in some scriptures that really had nothing to do with what he was advocating, just to make it look like it was so Godly. Oh, and Dicon, about the age of this dream Berg has ends up leaving the F. and totally thumbing his nose at the whole thing. Maybe that's the pontificating Dicon was doing and Berg should have listened)!!!! - there's my exclamation points.