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open letter to maria, current family members

Posted by goth88 on October 13, 2002 at 13:33:46

I don't believe cursing others, even vicariously, is Christian, or anything good. And when a person does that, well, what you send out comes right back to you, Maria. My hope for current family members is that you become liberated to: 1. Receive a better education for the purpose of honest survival and for reaching others in greater ways than being kept ignorant. 2. Realize that you will not be cursed or failing your faith, but possibly preserving it by leaving and getting on your own two feet with your honest relationships and interactions with others. 3. Not have to hide your real names, where you live, because there is no reason to in most countries of the world. 4. Be free to question and expect honest answers from those who are leading you. Not denials, or being ignored. If a person has nothing to be ashamed of, they have NOTHING to hide from their followers. NOTHING. 5. Follow your hearts and your God and not a divinating witch that controls via fear and lives a high life off of your worldwide proceeds. 6. Be able to pray and receive independent answers from God, not answers according to brain-radiation fallout from monotonous diatribes of a couple of despots who party and waste your hearts, souls and minds. Read IRFers beware and other letters to see what your founding father was really about. Read the letters from his own children and grandchildren. 7. Be free to evaluate your life, not just by works but by doctrines you live and teach to those following after, to your children, or your children to be.
I left feeling like I would die in a plane crash on the way back to my country of origin. (USA) I was told my children would be damned for bringing them back here. Already they had been receiving a substandard education and had very little formal schooling. They started 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades here. It was very hard. They, and I were very hurt, had no family to come to for support. Resources are now being gathered and some are posted for places to contact and seek transitional help that allows you to become independent, should you need additional assistance. Your families of origin are not all "enemies". Don't you miss your brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, that you have been separated so unnaturally from? What a HORRIFIC group to do that to you. What other Christian movement do you know with any legitimacy that does that? Wouldn't it be nice to truly and honestly live by your faith? Make your own decisions? Free from the distortions of known pedophiles, contrary to their denials and minimizations? My kids are successful today. They are productive and educated. Something the family would have denied them. They have honed talents and careers that they would have been robbed of. It is never too late to get OUT. Save your family. Rebuild your family. KNOW the roots of the group you are in. I hope the best for all of you.