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double standards

Posted by A friend on April 21, 2002 at 16:25:30:

Someone I know personally has been accused below of having a "history of stalking", and banned by the co-ordinator of this board. Having been made aware of the details, it appears that some here may be guilty of "having a history of lying". Misportrayals have been freely used simply to eradicate those not considered of like purpose. This kind of stooping to acts of low moral character cannot but hinder the high purposes to which you all seem to be dedicated.

In addition, someone named "Barney" has been castigated for having misportrayed himself to another, an "Ironside", and the offended party (Ironside) is readily supported on this board, against said "Barney". A similar incident was perpetrated upon the alleged "stalker" by one who is seemingly held in high esteem here, or her kin, yet the offended one in this case has never been met with redress. The event of misportrayal has only been used over the sequence of time to make light of the one upon whom the joke was played.

It is my sincere observation that there may be double standards at work here, to benefit certain ones and to deny others an equivalent benefit.

Having escaped (?) a cult in which certain "old-boy" practices were commonly used to benefit particular favored ones and exclude others, would it not be considered a practice one would readily wish to shed in the light of a new life?

Just wondering.