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It's up to Ricky to decide if this is his "job"

Posted by Donny on November 14, 2002 at 08:52:15

In Reply to: Re: their running scared of Davidito posted by Joshua on November 14, 2002 at 05:22:33:

I see what you're saying here but like you also pointed out, Ricky is highly intelligent and knows what to do. I don't think he needs any pressure from others of us telling him that this is his "job" or that "it's time for action". There is an enormous personal cost to going public against the Family as Merry Berg, Rick Dupuy and others found out. It means putting your personal life on hold.

Just yesterday you said you personally were giving up the battle against the cult and just trusting God to bring them to an end. So why the pressure on Ricky? Let's allow him the same breathing space.