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Posted by porceleindoll on November 17, 2002 at 04:02:27

In Reply to: Re: Balm of Gilead and Myrrh posted by Donny on November 16, 2002 at 13:43:55:

A simple solution for an elderly woman who doesn't want to excercise and has shortness of breath. That's not an easy question.

First off, I would advise the basics, drink 8 cups of pure water a day (pure as in not straight from the tap unless it is well water, either a simple carbon filter, or a more intricate filter that will clean out chlorine and balance the water pH, perhaps add minerals to the water...)

Secondly, rather than even cooking her food, encourage her to go as raw as possible, eating mostly fruits and vegetables, and simple proteins such as legumes, oats, and perhaps take a green supplement which would have spirulina in it (an excellent source of green protein).

Thirdly, I need to check a little more, but her body could probably benefit from a colon cleanse to clean out her intestines and colon. I read a story of a man who had quit smoking and 5 years later did a colon cleanse. The amazing thing was that his (poop) smelled like tabacco, the stuff was still in his digestive area. She may also benefit from a blood cleansing.

All of this really does depend on your Mom though and what she wants to do, is willing to do and how much time and effort she wants to put into it. If she can start with the water and fruits and veggies, she will already be doing better. Her energy levels will probably rise and she will start to feel like she has the energy to exercise. It works together, as she changes her diet to more quality foods, her energies increase, as she exercises, her strength increases.

Lastly, I will look more into the clogged arteries. Do you know what her cholesterol level is and her blood pressure? I just read something in my herbal studies about it, and also came across some information relating to essential oils.

Will write more later.