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Dreams again

Posted by on November 21, 2002 at 23:47:55

I liked the postings about dreams so much that I would like to ask another question: I often dream that I am again in a F-home or with my ex-husband who is cheating on me (much like it was) or I dream about being in and my present husband is cheating on me ( which is not so in reality and we left also because we felt our relationship as a married couple threatened) Sometimes I am supposed to marry someone else ( in my dream) or I am back on the Asian field where I joined and spent most of my time. Or like Karen in a big fellowship, but know that I am not 'In'. but never quite manage to stand up and tell them off- there are just too many and I feel overpowered. It's almost like it is a secret that I am out but I am still there. Sometimes I arrive at an almost empty house in the East ( in my dream) and have to start on OR from scratch and with difficult home members. These dreams are sometimes so real that I wake up in a cold sweat and glad that I am in Europe in reality. But it does linger with me for days sometimes. Maybe I miss the fellowships and my old friendships - we are relatively isolated here in Europe as far as ex-members are concerned-if it wasn't for this board, I would not really know where to turn. We left officially in 1999- meaning we stopped tithing as fM-er's but left the field in Jan 1998. Has anyone good experiences with therapie - was it worth the time and effort for anyone? I find it hard to find doctor's who relate.