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Thanks for your comments

Posted by Webmaster on November 24, 2002 at 09:23:39

In Reply to: Reposted from above, this is where I meant to put this comment. posted by MG on November 24, 2002 at 08:18:17:

It's interesting to note all the different ways we interpret what we read. I didn't quite get the same thing at all. I thought it was a related discussion.

Here are excerpts from Mercy's Story (link below if you wish to read it)

"We were immediately placed under surveillance as prime suspects in the case and my husband, being the overseer or leader of the country, was chosen as the representative for the group. He was taken down to police headquarters for questioning on quite a few occasions...

" husband would pose for the newspapermen and cameramen with a big smile on his face and show off his yoke which he wore around his neck... We all figured it was a great witnessing opportunity. However, we remained oblivious to the gravity of the situation

"Many years later my mother was to confide in me that during her visit... she overheard a conversation between my husband and Horeb... My mother had a strange feeling it had something to do with the murder...

"...we were under suspicion not only because of [the murdered reporter's] news article, but because of the nature of the crime and the circumstances surrounding the murder...

"David Berg was actively involved and sending us comments through his personal henchman at the time, Big Josh... All along we were encouraged to keep up the communication with this journalist and treat him like one of our brothers. He was very enamored with us and promised us a good article.

Theory? Conjecture? Hypothetical?

All this suggests another plausible scenario where Berg might have known about a murder and was trying to do damage control.

The original question, which despite being "...not just a hypothetical question" was hypothetical and conjecture, as nobody here as far as I can tell knows of an incident where Berg ordered the killing of someone. He may have ordered God to do it, he may have thrown fits and cursed, but not as far as I know said, "you go kill so-and-so, use this knife."

This subject was spawned by Thinker's post "[w]ould you have done it (killed yourself)?", and another poster "FF" followed it with a reverse question with the post "What about another perspective and a harder question" which "Bystander" developed into the originating post in this thread - "Would Family members kill if Berg told them to?"

Perhaps the OUI style article gave it a tabloid feel. To me it is all related and questions that we should ask. Could a brother have gotten carried away and killed someone? Even if he wasn't ordered to by his immediate shepherd or Berg, was anyone covering up for anyone? That's called being an accessory to a crime I believe. Could the Vietnam vet have gotten carried away, after hearing his shepherd mimicking Berg's prayers that "someone should go kill that trouble-making reporter?"

If you still think it's tabloid and everyone agrees, I'll be happy to remove this thread.