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About me putting up those quotes

Posted by Bystander on November 24, 2002 at 11:06:03

In Reply to: Very well explained. posted by MG on November 24, 2002 at 10:16:39:

At the moment I put them up I also realize that helping instigate coups & going into military leader's offices & saying 'Shoot!' wasn't part of the mentality of the regular Family. Ed Peibe did also say in his artilce that that was an isolated incident. I disagree with Ed'sconclusion that that meant it was totally unlike their regular nature & that it would nver happen elsewhere. I think Ed was being a little too generous there. Whether it was 'isolated' or not it happened & it happened directly because Berg himself wanted it tohapen & ordered it to happen.

And the thing about it not being known about by regular Family membersis also irelevant. There were lots of secrets by top leadership that never madeit down the pipe because they were too 'strong meat'. Didn't the wierdest stuff of all in the Family mostly happen in Berg's Home anyway? I'm not sayingit would happen now because Edpointed out in his article that Peter &Maria werent' intothe coup stuff as much as Berg was so it looks like that was Berg's bag. But the poit is it happened. I don't know about the Thailand murder thing and I'm not saying Maria or Peter would order anyone to murder, but I do know that the Famly his done really strange illegal stuff like James Penn talks about, passport fraud, etc. They are a criminal oranization even if they don't dothe big crimes. They are capableof really bad stuff andof covering up for themselves.