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I agree with Daniel too

Posted by Bystander on November 24, 2002 at 11:30:49

In Reply to: I agree with Daniel, I don't agree with and will not support ..... posted by MG on November 24, 2002 at 02:12:47:

That guy really has his head on his shoulders & knows the difernece between jutice & revenge well. It's good to see SGAs taking such a controled response to what looks like is going to be the Family's fight for their lives. In his first letter Daniel did say the Famly should start marshaling their forces becuse theywere going tobe in for the fight oftheir lives.

I don't know if he means the Family would cease to exist or what,but evennow when he says they may be satifsied with 'de-clawing the bear' he also admits this wholething could end up soemthing far different. I see if this ever went to a classaction court case that that in itslef would cause the Family to disband. The Family would not simply defrock a few 'preists' like th Catholich church is doing & keep on going. The Catholic church does not enshrine incest & pedofila as part of their basic beliefs. Maria is still defending it in Summit Jewels even now. No, i feel a case that wouldhit world headlines would cause the Family to stop finncially & shame them into disbanding.

MG, you're entitled to your opinion about not sendign htis out to mall managers & I think most of the time I agree with you spot-on. You bring balance & commonsense to any discusssion, but you knwo that the big Chrismas pushes the Famiy is forced to do every year are not for the benefit of the homes but for the benefit of M&P and WS,to print new weird lit & finnace new Front operations. Allthat is to gain new suupport, finances & converts tothe Family.

I guess I dont understand why, if your nextdoor neighbor walked up to you and said there's this Christian charity selling Spirit Books inteh city mall & their 19-year old daughter is joining htem, and she's getting five other girlfriends tojoin them too, why you'd stand back & think it was revenge to go to the mall manager and get the Family out of there. I can understnad not 'persectuign' the Family, but if the Family is using decetption to takepeople's money & to suck in new people who will waste 20-25-30 years of their life in the grooup, why is it 'wrong' to warn andstop the evil from happenig?