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Re: about RF

Posted by in the archive on December 05, 2002 at 08:50:48

In Reply to: Re: Wow! that was legal eagle stuff alright!! posted by Sam Ajemian on December 04, 2002 at 19:07:35:

Did Roberto Fernandez write an affidavit on behalf of the Family to explain what a bad person his 'best friend' Rick Dupuy was, in 1993?
Rick Dupuy was openly campaigning against the group in those years. RF's testimony in favor of the F in the British trial is posted online, btw. Go look it up.
Sam, I can send you a copy of the affidavit. It is a public document as it was made for the press at the time.

Did he testify for the F in England in 1995?
Is he the uncle Jim on the Kiddie Viddie series?
Does he really want all this to escalate?