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Re: Let's look at other solutions

Posted by ethicist on December 05, 2002 at 15:10:38

In Reply to: Let's look at other solutions posted by Hold on on December 05, 2002 at 14:54:57:

What harm has Solomon done? Well, I don't know a lot about his past, but every month he contributes money, 10% of his income, to an organisation that institutionalised the sexual abuse of children, and refuses to acknowledge it, compensate the victims, and prosecute the offenders. He helps keep Maria and Peter in business. He says by his actions and silence -- Hey M&P are just ok with me -- no worries here.

He refuses to speak up about the abuses or crimes of the past, or in any way criticise M&P, thereby calling the thousands of kids who were abused liars. He condones M&P's take on events.

Every day he knowingly and deliberately misleads people about his affiliations and beliefs.

The point is, if all these innocent people stopped paying their tithes and supporting M&P and the crap they publish, the Family as we know it would cease to exist.

We do not censure Sol for what he does, but rather for what he does not do. Come clean. He can do all the good and produce wonderful videos without supporting an abusive criminal organisation. Thousands, million of Christians do much more good works every day without belonging to such a harmful organisation. You do not need the Family to do good works.