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Re: more guilty of what?

Posted by Joseph on February 04, 2004 at 05:25:39

In Reply to: Re: more guilty of what? posted by I remember on February 03, 2004 at 20:40:37:

In January, we had someting like 40,000 messages stored on Crossfire alone. I moved anything older than a year (January 2003) off to a CD ROM that is sitting here by my left foot. The messages in question might be on that disk. But, before we moved to the new host we are with and got a gig of disk space, I used to kill off older posts all the time to stay within our disk limit. Sometimes If I thought a post was a significant, like the Davidito "Grant is a little fucker" post, I put it in our resource section. But, there has never been any intention to delete posts based on content, unless they violated our guidelines.

My point is that talk is cheap. Saying you would do something, and really doing it are two different things. Especially on these boards, where people are getting pissed off all the time and saying wild stuff that they later regret.

I relate it to being deceived by an all consuming cult, because she was hanging around with Grant and FCF at the time, and was apparently under their influence when she made those statements.

She is no longer involved, and feels differently now.

I'm surprised that I have to explain this to anyone who was ever in a cult.

How many times did people on this board warn me about how my CM'er friends could influence me?

I think that they succesfully influenced Anneke to believe that FCF was on the level. When you go there, it is pretty convincing. I'm not saying that I was ever convinced that FCF was other than a Corporation formed to support mostly Family members who claim to be involved in charitable work. But, I can see how people would be convinced. Particularly if they became very closely associated with the folks on the farm.