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Interesting Stats regarding Brazil

Posted by Joseph on May 02, 2004 at 09:23:38

A year or so ago, NDN started a board called "ArrozFeijao", which is presented in the Portuguese language.

The board has been slow but steady, turning 8,000-9,000 hits per month, it was usually our 4th most popular board.

At the end of April I was going over the stats, and noticed that suddenly that board has taken over the #1 spot in terms of most hits, about a 200% increase that came out of nowhere in March, and got bigger in April:

ArrozFeijao Hits:

November: 9,023
December: 8,514
January: 8,957
February: 8,821
March: 12,406
April: 17,443

We aren't seeing a lot more messages, just a lot more access.

The other thing I noticed that on our list of countries accessing NDN, Brazil is suddenly the #1 identified country accessing the website.

My guess is that this may be the first wave of people who left The Family in Brazil and other Latin American countries that are beginning to check out the ex-member boards.