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new GN - 195-227

Posted by CNN on May 18, 2004 at 09:12:34

Is God Unfair?
195. (Mama:) Now let's pull back from the details of Joe's situation. That's not what I want to dwell on. The message from this is that if you choose to regularly sin, to repeatedly disobey, to disregard the truth, and don't walk in the fear of the Lord, being afraid to not obey, then you will suffer the consequences of your sins and the resultant wrong decisions. You know the truth‚ and from this point on you will not get away with sinning as you have in the past. No one will.
196. Let's put this into perspective: God is about to put an end to the special calling of the Family as a whole if we don't change. That means He's willing to let go of all the training and promises that He has given the children of David‚ if we don't repent and change. So do you think He'd have a problem with judging individuals if they're not living up to the truth they know? No, as much as it hurts Him to chastise us, He won't have a problem with it, just as He didn't have a problem with allowing Megan to die and Joe to lose his mind temporarily. And just as God has done numerous times in the past, which you can read in both the Old and New Testaments, He will allow some of His judgments to be very public and shocking, as a warning to others. That's what this GN is--His warning!
197. We all have to let go of the idea that little things, little sins and disobediences, don't make God mad, that it has to be something "big" before He'll get angry and chasten us. That's not the case. If you were to study the Bible, it might shock you to see how God often caused armies to be defeated or whole generations to die as a result of someone's seemingly small sin. Those historical accounts are pretty shocking to look at now, especially since we're so unaccustomed to that side of God. But we need to see that side of God, and we need to be afraid to not obey Him. (See Gen.19:26; Num.20:7-12; Josh.7:1-12; 1Sam.13:9-14.)
198. You might think it's unfair for God to hold us to this high standard, that it's very un-New-Testament-like of Him to be so extreme and harsh and angry. A young person in WS who was reading an advance copy of this GN felt this way when she learned that God actually allowed Megan to die because of Megan and Gabe's sins. She was also surprised that He intended to use it as a warning to others, that He had allowed it to show what can happen to others if they blatantly disobey, especially with ongoing sin and disregard for the truth.
199. This SGA wrote me, saying: "I was reading this GN and was having quite a tough time with it. It just seemed so harsh and I had so many questions about the whole concept of it. It just didn't sit well with me at all. I stopped and, gratefully, asked the Lord about it. What the Lord gave me really helped to clear things up for me, as did reading the accompanying Bible case studies (posted in the "Bible Studies" sub-section of "Pubs" on the MO site), which helped me more than anything to see that in so many ways we've just been spoiled by the Lord's care, love, and goodness, and now we can almost hold Him to a certain level of perfect fairness in our eyes, rather than His. It's like forgetting who's really God because we're so demanding and idealistic. I felt the Devil was really fighting me getting behind this and accepting it and even agreeing with it, feeling that now 'it's going too far,' so I can only imagine that he'll do his best to attack other young people around the world as well." (End of comments from SGA.)

200. (Mama:) Here is the prophecy the Lord gave this SGA.

201. (Jesus:) This coming year will be a year of fight and fury. The Enemy rages, and his attacks will come to light more clearly and will be more visibly manifested throughout the Family. You must be on guard for this, and if you wish to experience the same degree of protection and supernatural care that you have enjoyed until this time, you must step up your alertness and guard your spiritual and physical lives more carefully, because you are now higher on the Enemy's hit list. It's not just hype that this GN is promoting. It's promoting a very real and serious warning of impending danger, and that danger will come whether you prepare or not. Those who prepare will be spared and protected; those who do not will be those who succumb to the Enemy's attacks.
202. The lines of warfare are being drawn, and as 2004 draws to a close, you will see many casualties of war. So watch and be warned, and know that I foretold this at the start of the year, so that you will not turn around and blame Me for it. I cannot protect and keep and guard you when you blatantly disobey, or even when you disobey out of ignorance--just because you are ignorant of My Word or warnings through your neglect of My Word or lack of taking it seriously. Heed this warning and study My Word as a result, so that you know how to protect yourself in the spirit, and how to avail yourself of My protection and supernatural care.
203. Throughout history, I've had to use examples to show My people the seriousness of the situation or to put "skin" on My warnings or promises. Human nature often tends to just not "get it‚" and when something is critical‚ then an example is often in order. When you teach your kids, you use examples; otherwise they don't understand, they don't get it. When you're trying to teach them to obey or to not disobey, you use a made-up story to show them what could happen to them if they disobey--what loss could come to them. But sometimes they still don't get it, and they have to experience it themselves for it to really sink in.
204. I have to do the same with you, and in this case, I have taken one of My Own back to Me for a variety of reasons--a main one being so that the rest of you can clearly see and understand what is going on in the realm of the spirit, and how you could find yourself in the same boat if you disobey and aren't committed to closely following Me.
205. There is nothing unloving about My taking Megan. Megan is happy and has received much reward. She's not sad. She understands and has learned her lesson and is now able to move on. She pleads for your spirits--the spirits of you Family young people who remain--so that you will be able to do the job you are called to do. She prays that you will see and understand where she went amiss, and she's thankful that I brought her Home so that you could more clearly see through her story the lessons that so many of you need to learn.
206. It's the way of the world to feel that "things have to be so fair," that "it's unjust or unloving or harsh that I took Megan." I gave Megan her life, and at any point it was within My power and right to take her back, just as I hold each of your lives within the palm of My hand. Your lives are but a vapor‚ but so often you feel they are "your" lives, that you "own" them, that you can make your own decisions and do whatever you please--and you can, but you would do well to realize that the consequences will follow you. And an added factor that I've been trying to explain to you over the past several years is that the ante has been upped and that you're now in wartime, so the consequences are much different than they were in peacetime, or even in training time.
207. I've warned you, you're accountable, so don't point the finger at Me when all of a sudden you take the hit. I've told you. I've begged you to change your style of operation. I've pled with you to get serious with Me and to take the needed spiritual precautions in your life, to use your training, to hone your skills with the new weapons, to protect your weak and vulnerable spots. But I can't force you. I can't do it for you. This is where we're at now. You have another opportune chance to change as you see where Megan and Joe's choices led them, and I'm highlighting their lives so that you can have this chance to again "get it." Won't you please? (End of message from Jesus.)

208. (Mama:) We are going into the era of obedience. That means we're supposed to be obedient, we're supposed to do what God says. To be what He wants us to be can only be accomplished by His power. We can't work it up. We can't get into a big works trip and give ourselves nervous breakdowns through trying so hard to obey every jot and tittle of the law.
209. The Lord looks at our hearts, our lifestyles, our relationship with Him and others‚ and if we're truly desiring to obey, if we're receiving His checks on a regular basis, if we're not being fools and thinking nothing will happen if we deliberately spit in His face through blatant repeated disobedience‚ if we are willing to forsake our sins, ask for prayer, stay in the Word and do what He expects of us to the best of our ability, then He is pleased with us, blesses us, and more than fulfills His end of the bargain‚ rewarding us abundantly in return.
210. It's not as if He begrudges us His blessings, or is standing there with a big stick‚ just waiting for us to slip over the line so He can show His power. It's rather that we've become spoiled and haven't been used to Him holding us accountable, and have gotten in the habit of being so disobedient that to us it can seem unfair when He finally follows through on one of the many warnings He's given.
211. Each of us must be fully dependent on the Lord if we want to have a spirit of obedience. We can't do it ourselves. We need the Lord, the keys, our spirit helpers, and everything He can give us to help us. You might feel pretty insecure right now, thinking you can't do it, that you don't have it in you. You might actually be worried now, wondering how you can possibly be more obedient‚ if you're doing everything you can but you're repeatedly tempted or your convictions weaken.
212. Don't worry! The Lord knows you intimately, He knows your weaknesses, and He's going to help you. In fact, He has a special gift for you. Here's a little background.

The Anointing of Obedience
213. At the end of the Summit, the Lord gave each one attending a new anointing of the spirit of obedience. Peter and I held a simple ceremony in which each attendee came up and was anointed with oil. As I was preparing this GN for you, the Lord showed me that now was His time to give this anointing of obedience to each person in the Family who wants it, and He is going to do it without any formality or ceremony. The only requirement is to really want it, to want to be obedient, and then to walk in your anointing. After the message from Jesus that explains this special gift, I'll share more about what it means to "walk in your anointing," what you can do to show you're serious and really mean business with the Lord.
214. Following are excerpts of the message the Lord gave about the anointing of obedience. As you read this, stop and picture the ceremony the Lord describes. It's a spiritual event, a ceremony between you and Him. You'll probably want to read this over again after you've prayed about it and made your commitment in the spirit that you want this anointing, and are determined to walk in it and fulfill your part of the bargain.

215. (Jesus:) Picture yourself now coming and kneeling before Me. I have passed on to you many Words of instruction. My will is clearer to you than it has been for a long time. You know what you need to do, but you're not sure if you can actually do it. It's a huge challenge and responsibility, and you know your weaknesses all too well.
216. But now I call you to come, kneel before Me, and receive the anointing of obedience.
217. Obedience sums up what I am asking of you. A lack of obedience to My Word is the crux of the many varied problems in the Family. Obedience is what will bring the solutions to those problems.
218. I anoint you with the oil of My Spirit. I am pouring out this anointing today in great measure to all who ask for it, to all who come up and commit themselves, as weak as they might feel, to the calling of obedience. This anointing will give you the wherewithal to fulfill your calling. It will give you determination when you wouldn't naturally have it. It will give you grace when the sacrifices are great. It will give you peace and faith to obey even when it doesn't look logical. It will give you strength when the going gets tough.
219. This anointing of obedience is yours, My darlings. Of course, you will have to use your anointing, walk in your anointing, claim your anointing, and then proceed to do what I call you to, regardless of how you feel. That is when you will see this anointing activated.
220. You need this anointing for what lies ahead of you in the coming months. You need it in order to follow Me into the era where I am calling you‚ My Endtime Family--the era of obedience. It is this obedience that will give you the great faith that you are now lacking--the faith to pull down the wonderful miracles I have promised, the faith to use the keys in the way they were really meant to be used, for those great and impossible situations where something supernatural is needed. It is this era of obedience that will bring the mighty manifestations of My power. In obedience to Me there is great faith, and great faith pulls down the things of the spirit.
221. In certain times and situations in recent years there was a high level of obedience, but it was generally maintained out of fear of man, or man pleasing, or some other outside pressure or force. But in cleansing and restructuring the Family, those who remain will find a new level of obedience out of love, out of fear of Me, out of a healthy respect for My Words, and a sense of urgency to get the job done. These motives will bring on a high level of obedience to Me and to My Words, which will in turn generate great faith among the children of David to believe and use those gifts I have put in your hands, and only then will the Family's destiny be fulfilled.
222. Obedience is the first step. That is the anointing I am giving you today, My loves, as you commit to Me. I am giving you the anointing of obedience. I will repeat: You must use this anointing, walk in it, and exercise it, in order to benefit from it. But you will notice a difference. You will notice that as you use this anointing, obedience even in very difficult situations will be easier for you. This will be a tangible anointing, one that you can feel and sense. And the more you use it, the stronger your anointing will become.
223. So come now, and receive your anointing of obedience.
224. Always remember that this obedience must come from your heart--your love for Me, your love for the lost and desire to get the job done, a sense of urgency, a fear of Me, and a respect for My Words. These things will give you not only the sense of a need to obey, but they will also give you the wisdom to know how to obey. Without pure motives, the wisdom is lacking. But with these motives, My wisdom is available to you in great measure, and will give you love and temperance and grace and wisdom in your implementation.
225. This obedience, coming from your heart, will make your life a testimony and appealing to those who truly love Me and want to follow Me, and convicting and motivating to those who haven't known how to apply My Word. You won't come across as self-righteous or legalistic. You'll come across as someone who is so in love with Me and My Words that you're willing to do anything for Me, and to do your best to obey. This is the example that's needed.
226. All of this is part of your anointing, as you commit to this calling of obedience out of love for Me. Come now, receive your anointing. And then, begin immediately to walk in that anointing. Sense it; learn to use it. The more you do, the stronger it will become, and the easier it will be for you to carry your commission even through the times that would normally be very difficult.
227. I love you, and as always, I give you what you need when I call you to something new. You will now have what you need to enter this new era. I anoint you with My love, My Spirit, My faith. I give you the anointing of obedience. (End of message from Jesus.)