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The Hypocrisy

Posted by Repost from Moving On on August 26, 2005 at 17:53:47

In Reply to: Exers Stories Change Over Time, Not Worthy Nor Credible posted by Exer Out/Freedom In on August 26, 2005 at 17:40:32:

The utterly hypocritical thing on the part of Chancellor is that people who "apostasized" to join a cult [but only those who remain in the cult] are the ones he somehow believes he can trust and bases on their "testimony" the conclusion of how bad it was in the world they left, hence he says -- emphasis added :

"I had a few “ah – ha” moments along my journey with the Family. One of those concerned the plight of the young people, particularly those who were born early in the movement’s history. Some of their lives were filled with hardship, abuse, and sadness. But as I came to know the disciples, I began to realize that many of the first generation of disciples were people who had been OTCASTS, ABUSED, DROPOUTS, DRUG USERS, and had lived LIVES OF GREAT SADNESS. And I began to ask myself, “what might the lives of their children been like had they not joined the Family?” I think that is the kind of question, the kind of analysis, that people like Stephen Kent and those in the secular anti-cult movement cannot allow themselves." (at

But I think Chancellor has something very interesting he should learn about the Catholic Church, who according to him puts its kids at greater danger of child abuse than The Family -- THOSE STORIES OF ABUSE IN THE CATHOLOC CHURCH ARE UNRELIABLE -- OR AS YOU SAY, EXAGGERATED, FABRICATED --TOO! Just ask Lonnie D. Kliever, PhD and Professor of Religious Studies at SMU in Dalls. He knows ALL about it(check out his site at the second link Jules posted above):

"I have noticed that X members (refered to as apostates) of a religion seem to create a lot of sensationalism in the media and are often listed as reliable sources when in fact they are not and are often paid to say certain things to stir up violence and hatred. For example I have noticed this with former members of the Church of Scientology, the Catholic Church, Judaism, Christianity and other groups refered to as cults where incredible importance is put on the former Scientologist, the disaffected monk, the Jewish person who has turned to another faith and on and on."