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Look who Scientologist consider religious experts

Posted by Perry on September 01, 2005 at 16:30:55

In Reply to: Another Scientology tactic posted by Perry on September 01, 2005 at 16:02:44:

CAN is now referred to as the Reformed Cult Awareness Network: "Once a hotbed of religious intolerance, CAN is now in the hands of good people and is fulfilling its original purpose of: Educating the Public to Religious Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities."

And look who's on the list of professional referrals, J. Gordon Melton.
Also, William Bainbridge, who's written a book on TF which I haven't read, and who wrote the foreword to Chancellor's book, which I have read. In that short foreword Bainbridge makes several statements that reveal his ignorance about the true nature of TF.

For example, he writes: "Whatever words we use [cult or new religious movement] it is possible to see TF as one of the more adventuresome of the culturally creative religious groups of the late 20th century. Seen in this way, the group is a potentially healthy religious reaction to an advanced state of secularism."

Perhaps his most outrageous and ignorant statement is this: "With many humanists and cultural liberals, they share a general conviction that love between human beings is good and that sexuality can be a beautiful pure channel for love. Missionaries that they are, they institutionalized nuclear family."

Say what? They institutionalized nuclear family? For a supposed scholar who's written a book on TF, he sure comes across as an ignorant fool. Or perhaps it's just that he never read in One Wife that God is in the business of breaking up selfish nuclear families. Or perhaps he's unaware that sexuality became an ugly, unholy channel for abuse in TF.