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Re: oh pluhezzee

Posted by Acheick on September 02, 2005 at 10:32:51

In Reply to: Re: oh pluhezzee posted by Fred on September 02, 2005 at 09:13:59:

well, a lot of people swallow hook, line and sinker on both ends of the spectrum. It pays to be a little bit more open minded and read all facts. It is a fact that scientists in all countries do not agree, but lots like to speculate. It's a lot like the theory of evolution. They have no facts, but they speculate so much that it starts sounding like facts.

You misunderstand me by calling me a Bush party line thinker - but that's your problem.

From what I'm understanding, it's the environmentalists who have cut the funding of the Army Corp of engineers who have been warning about this for a long time. Sometimes I think our teeth have been cut out by the PC crowd.

What really amazes me - and it's so apparent here, is the absolute mad rush to blame Bush first and the American government next, or both in the same breath. As if we are supposed to be perfect. But if there is a tsunamai in Asia, or earthquake in Turkey, then it's the poor Asians or whomever, let's help them and everyone rushes to their aid and complains if one country is not giving enough. But of course, not without the obligatory blaming Bush that he must have set off nuclear testing that caused the tsunami. I'm waiting for someone to figure out a way to blame Americans or Bush for volcano eruptions, that should be interesting.

Wow - what a difference I am seeing here. The rush and robotic zeal to blame Bush and the crazy Americans is to the point where I just roll my eyes now and sigh, what else can be said - it's so wearisome. Instead of blaming the government or whatever, there should be a concerted effort to get aid to the people that need it. Our radio station is doing a drive for cash to give to the Red Cross. We are giviing $50 - what are you doing? I'd like to know that.