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Help..What letter was this in?

Posted by Goth88 on September 14, 2005 at 18:01:51

There was a time in the family when Berg wrote a letter, sometime in the seventies, I think early to mid seventies, where he warned that we were ruined, or something to that effect regarding leaving the family even if we wanted to. This letter mentioned something about that it was too late to leave because of IRS for one, and not having filled out individual reports. That is kinda stupid considering the fact that many homes turned their money over to leadership and the big earners were largely top leaders, who never reported at that time. But being a young person at the time, it was one of many threats used to make people fearful of the outside world and of leaving the family.
Now they are incorporated, and even back around 73 I think they were. At least there was some sort of print on lit back then that said, I believe, "Children of God Inc." on it. I remember someone in the family saying the unspeakable, because he made a sarcastic remark about the family being so non-business like but now they were adding an "Inc." onto lit.